Jane Lynch Presents THR’s Business Manager Icon Award to John McILwee at The Hollywood Reporter’s Power Business Mangers Event

  • 3 hours ago
THR's 14th annual Power Business Managers event was held at Spago Beverly Hills and presented by City National Bank.


00:00I'm so happy to be here today. I met John McElwee, he's of course videoing this,
00:07at a party on a Friday and we talked a bit about possibly working together. I
00:14let Saturday go by but I called him first thing on Sunday morning and he
00:19said, hey buddy what took you so long? He's the one person I know that I can
00:23text at 6 a.m. and I know that he will be up and at him, probably has been to the
00:28gym, probably did some things over in Europe and I know that he will return my
00:33text immediately, sometimes even before I hit send. Now when I think about what
00:40John McElwee gets done in a day, it makes me want to take a good long nap. He's
00:46smart as hell, he is the most optimistic person I have ever met, he adores his
00:52clients, he sees everybody's TV shows, their movies, their commercials, he comes
00:56to every theater thing I do and he's always in the audience cheering me on
01:00and he deeply loves this business. He is a fan and he's also the biggest
01:06name-dropper I've ever met. But he goes above and beyond for his clients, he's
01:14also traveling the world with his wonderful husband Bill and they're
01:18they're restoring architectural treasures all over the country, going on
01:22adventure after adventure and because he is of such a go-go nature, he has
01:28energy to do it all, he has the energy to fully enjoy it all, he embraces it all, he
01:33carpe diems the shit out of life. But what I love most about John is when I
01:40present him with something that truly confounds me, which is a very easy thing
01:44to do, and he says to me, easy-peasy. It makes my heart melt and I thank the good
01:53Lord for this man. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you this year's Hollywood Reporter
01:58sexiest, did I say sexy? Business Manager Icon Award winner and
02:04all-around great guy, John McElwee.
02:27Hello everybody. Thank you for coming. Obviously this is a big deal for all of
02:33us. I needed something mindless to do this morning, so I want to start off by
02:39thanking City National, Agilink and Exactuals for being able to do direct
02:46deposits on SAG residuals and I sat down and recorded all of our SAG residuals
02:50this morning. So I felt very productive, kept my mind off my speech coming here
02:54today because I'm so excited. I have been doing this for 34 years and I want to
02:59just say that I absolutely love my job. I get up every day about 530. Jan and I
03:05are texting. She's got a couple of questions, so I answer her questions,
03:07whatever. I can do some things in the morning. I get to go to the gym. We have
03:12this amazing ability now with this technology to be able to like work from
03:17anywhere, enjoy yourselves, but also be incredibly productive. I went out last
03:22night with a couple of friends from London, a couple of actors, and the girl
03:28that I was with. Oh, John, you know, congratulations on this. This is so
03:32exciting. And she was on the big award circuit last year, so she was going to
03:36all the, you know, award ceremonies and things. She said, oh, so what's this
03:40Hollywood Reporter icon thing? So you, is it a big, is it a dinner? You're going to
03:44a dinner tomorrow? I was like, no, no, it's not a dinner. Oh, it's a luncheon. You guys
03:48going to a luncheon? This is so exciting. You're going to lunch somewhere? I said, no,
03:52actually, it's a breakfast. And she kind of looked at me and they were kind of
03:56just dumbfounded by this breakfast. I said, listen, I said, we all take it very
03:59seriously. It's 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. It's enough time that you can call City
04:05National. Their elite line is open at 6 a.m., but we can all get back and like do
04:10our international wire approvals. So we really love, actually, this event because
04:14we all kind of take it seriously. I wanted to write my speech down because
04:21there's nothing that people want to see more than a rambling business manager. So
04:27thank you so much to the Hollywood Reporter for this amazing honor. I've
04:31really taken this business manager event seriously for the last 14 years. I've
04:35always got my headshots in on time. I try and come up with interesting quotes for
04:40the articles. What you don't know about me is that I love award shows and I get
04:47to go with clients. My husband Bill's won a couple of Tony's. I get to go to the
04:50Tony Awards. I'm super excited about that. I'm a great plus one. I don't talk to
04:54anybody. I'm having a good time. I have a good suit. I have a good time. I kind of
05:02think of this event as the Oscars of business managers because there's so
05:06many other industries that get all of these awards and kind of accolades and
05:11we don't. So I take this very seriously. I think everybody in this room does an
05:14incredible job for all the work that we do for our clients and I know everybody
05:19that I've talked to especially today really genuinely enjoys this. So thank
05:24you so much for the Hollywood Reporter. A couple years ago my friend Harley Newman
05:29was honored with I think it was the first Icon Award and it was such an
05:33inspiration to me because of his drive and his success but also because he got
05:38a beautiful watch as a gift. So let's see where the day takes us. I want to jump
05:46right in with the thank yous. First and foremost my mother Ellen who's up here
05:50from San Diego. My mom and my family gave me the opportunity to grow and flourish
05:57in San Diego. I attended public schools. I was able to develop the skills that I
06:02think carried me through my life. So I love you mom. Thank you for all the
06:05sacrifices you made for me. Over here is one of my longtime clients Annabeth Gish.
06:13Annabeth and I have worked together between 25 and 30, might be 30 years. So it was
06:19right when she started acting at seven which was great. So we've had a good
06:24time together. The incredible Jane Lynch. We've had a good time together and if
06:30you've watched Only Murders in the Building then you know what good
06:34business manager doesn't need a stunt double in his back pocket. My husband
06:41Bill Domaschke who unfortunately couldn't be here today. He's in London.
06:45For all the support and all of the missed holidays that we've experienced
06:50over year-end. Bill is president of Warner Brothers Animation also producing
06:54two Broadway shows. So when he suggested he should fly home for the event I did
07:00as any good business manager would do and say honey just stay there keep
07:03working. On to my amazing team without who I would not be standing here we have
07:10Alex Grissom who took a leap of faith with me back in 2019 when we started our
07:16current firm. December 2019 almost killed us. We had a new City National Bank
07:22platform. We converted to Agilink. It was year-end. We had all of our
07:30clients addresses and updates to do and we somehow managed to get through that
07:34month and what was critical about that was by doing it 2019 it made 2024 or 2020
07:41perfect. So it couldn't happen in a better time in advance of the pandemic.
07:46Jason Kazan dare I say the best tax man in Hollywood. Okay Jason has such a dry
07:53sense of humor and it's so friendly we actually look forward to tax season.
07:58Matt Salmon over here who was a senior payroll specialist at Paychex and I
08:05will tell you having an in-house payroll whiz is gold. Kathy Domaschke who works
08:10out of Chicago she's a paralegal she's in charge of all of our compliance and
08:14insurance and I can safely say that between she and myself we know more than
08:18anybody at any of the guild's eligibility departments. I really
08:24embraced having an office atmosphere where everybody can enjoy themselves and
08:27have a fantastic work-life balance. I'll give you a perfect example so Matt just
08:31had a baby and I said Matt why don't you take a couple of months off really be
08:37home with your family your girlfriend enjoy the baby. So about 10 days later
08:41Matt shows up at the office I said Matt what are you doing here he said I came
08:45because I needed some rest. So we have a good time working together. One of the
08:55things I've always respected about the Hollywood Reporter is that they take
08:58this issue very seriously. I believe that they really consider what's good for our
09:01industry and carefully think through this process. I would especially like to
09:05acknowledge THR this year for recognizing someone like myself and my
09:08firm. Although we were a small boutique agency firms like ours represent a large
09:13portion of the entertainment industry. Whether it's a large firm or small firm
09:17all of us come to work every day and try to make the world a better place for our
09:20clients. I believe culture starts at the top. I've always strived to treat my
09:25clients my co-workers with the ultimate respect. I don't have any employees I
09:28only have co-workers because I believe that we're all in this together and we
09:32all have a vested interest in being successful. The last couple of years been
09:37a lot to process, pandemic, the strike, the general contraction of the industry. On
09:42top of that shrinking resources across the board. In my life, in my work, I've
09:47always strived to create win-win situations. A successful negotiation
09:51doesn't mean somebody else has to lose. All of our jobs have gotten so much
09:56harder. Compliance at the bank level, restrictive insurance markets, medical
10:00coverage, qualifications. Technology is amazing when it works and catastrophic
10:04when it doesn't. We often discuss it's a blessing and a curse being good at our
10:09jobs because sometimes a client might not see that there are nine steps that
10:14we have done and dealt with some difficult situations to get it to that
10:17tenth step. So not really is all the work that was required is a little bit
10:22of our kind of like unsung hero situation because we really appreciate
10:26being able to do all this. So when it gets to a client they think that it's
10:29been done correctly the whole time. In May of 2020 I read an article in the
10:35Wall Street Journal by Esther Perel that really struck with stuck with me. She's a
10:40New York-based therapist and described the unbelievable fear and anxiety of
10:44living in lockdown, having her life and all of her future plans upended. It took
10:49some time but she was able to reframe this unknown fear into optimism. Instead
10:54of fearing the future why not be excited about the undiscovered opportunities?
10:58What amazing things are out there that we don't know yet? Yes there's fear and
11:02anxiety in the world and you can't ignore it but instead I choose to
11:06acknowledge and embrace it and all the unknown discoveries that await. Be
11:10excited about what you don't know. Be excited about what could be better. We
11:15have a saying around the office which is it's been done that way because it's
11:19always been done that way. So why can't if there's a different opportunity do
11:23something that makes something better? Anyway thank you again to everybody in
11:27this room. I think we're the unsung heroes of the entertainment industry.
11:30Keeping clients on the right path in this wild world of culture and politics
11:35as it relates to finance freedom of expression can be a struggle but a
11:38necessary one. Also when are we finally going to get our own IMDB category? So in
11:47closing I would just like to thank everybody here. This means a tremendous
11:52amount to me. I take what we do so seriously and I have it's a pleasure to
11:59work with all my clients, my co-workers and congratulations to all of you. Thank
