• last year
00:00And upon him is the trust, and with him is the reformation.
00:12In the name of Allah, in every beginning and every end.
00:20In the name of Allah, who does not leave anything in the earth or in the sky, and He is the All-Knowing, the All-Knowing.
00:34In the name of Allah, who gave everything its creation and then destroyed it.
00:43In the name of Allah, the Ancient, the First.
00:50The Eternal One, who does not change.
00:57The One who is able to take on every soul that it has touched, and on every wound that it has caused.
01:07Because of His power, He raised the sky with grace.
01:17And with His glory, He spread the earth on the forehead of the camel.
01:25And with His generosity and generosity, He distributed the provision according to the needs of His creation, and no one was deprived of it.
01:37And I pray and prostrate before my Master, and my Beloved, and the light of my heart, and the glory of my heart, and the gold of my heart, our Master Muhammad.
01:57Who is the one who, every time he walks, the light precedes him.
02:05And when he speaks, the hearts tremble.
02:11And when he bows or prostrates, he says, O my nation, forgive me.
02:18Our brothers in faith and Islam, from this good country,
02:27and among these beloved ones,
02:32and as a part of the noble family,
02:37honoring the late mother,
02:45I ask the truth to be in the company of our Master, the Messenger of Allah, in Paradise.
02:53He is the One who is able to do this.
02:57I ask the truth to be in the company of our Master, the Messenger of Allah, in Paradise.
03:04He is the One who is able to do this.
03:09I ask the truth to be in the company of our Master, the Messenger of Allah, in Paradise.
03:18He is the One who is able to do this.
03:23I ask the truth to be in the company of Dr. Mansour Ahmed Abdel Nabi,
03:30and in the company of Ahmed Ibn Ritwan,
03:34and in the company of Dr. Muhammad Ritwan,
03:37I ask the truth to be in the company of our Master, the Messenger of Allah, in Paradise.
03:45He is the One who is able to do this.
03:49Our brothers and sisters in faith and Islam,
03:53Tonight, we are honored and recognized
03:58by the presence of the Nouradiya Community of Qurraq,
04:03of the Jizya Association and the Arab Television.
04:07We are in this place,
04:10the flag that was raised under the dome of Qurraq's sky,
04:15first of all, by the person who has the highest level of literature,
04:20and who is known for the beauty of his voice,
04:24and who is known for his guidance,
04:27the shining star in the middle of the Islamic world,
04:32and the flag of the land,
04:35and he said,
04:37he shone in the dome of Qurraq's sky,
04:40for the beauty of his voice and the accuracy of his performance.
04:43The most important Shaykh is Muhammad Saad,
04:48and we also have a distinguished speaker,
04:52one of the sons of the Prophet,
04:55the Shaykh is Muhammad Ibrahim bin Murtada bin Af'ad.
04:59Our brothers and sisters in faith and Islam,
05:03the meeting is good,
05:06and the evening is good,
05:08and we all breathe the fragrant scent of existence,
05:13so that the spring of nature and the spring of existence
05:18can meet.
05:20It is our duty
05:22to perfume the senses and the senses
05:26with the scent of the clear verses of the true remembrance,
05:31so that the hearts and the souls may be warm.
05:34So, dear brothers,
05:37with the flag of the shining star,
05:40the shining star,
05:42the famous reciter,
05:44the esteemed reciter of the Shaykh,
05:47Hajjaj al-Mutlawi,
05:49the reciter of the Islamic and Arab TV,
05:53and the resident of Maharbas,
05:56the governor of Jizya,
05:58we would like to thank him,
06:00so that he may descend upon us,
06:03the Prince of Heaven,
06:05on this night.
06:31Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.
06:44Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.
07:00Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.
07:30Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.
08:00Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.
08:19And the life of this world is but a temporary abode.
08:47Every soul is but a temporary abode.
09:09And the Day of Resurrection is but a temporary abode.
09:32So whoever is removed from the Fire and is admitted into Paradise, he has certainly attained to success.
09:48And the life of this world is but a temporary abode.
10:02Allahu Akbar!
10:32And those who have recited the Qur'an before you,
10:54And those who have recited the Qur'an before you,
11:54And those who have recited the Qur'an before you,
12:16And be of those who have recited the Qur'an before you,
12:31And be of those who have recited the Qur'an before you,
13:01And be of those who have recited the Qur'an before you,
13:31And be of those who have recited the Qur'an before you,
13:46In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
14:16May Allah be pleased with you.
14:46May Allah be pleased with you.
15:16May Allah be pleased with you.
15:46May Allah be pleased with you.
16:16May Allah be pleased with you.
16:46May Allah be pleased with you.
17:16May Allah be pleased with you.
17:44May Allah be pleased with you.
18:11May Allah be pleased with you.
18:41May Allah be pleased with you.
18:56May Allah be pleased with you.
19:21May Allah be pleased with you.
19:51May Allah be pleased with you.
20:21May Allah be pleased with you.
20:51May Allah be pleased with you.
21:19What good is it for those who understand what you say,
21:31And wish to be believed in what they do,
21:45And wish to be believed in what they do not do?
21:55Then let them not despair of the triumph of the people,
22:08For they will have a painful punishment.
22:26And to Him belong the kings of the heavens and the earth.
22:47And Allah is over all things.
22:59May Allah be pleased with you.
23:29May Allah be pleased with you.
23:56May Allah be pleased with you.
24:01May Allah be pleased with you.
24:20May Allah be pleased with you.
24:40Those who fear Allah,
25:02Those who fear Allah,
25:32Those who fear Allah,
25:50And those who have no knowledge,
25:55And invent lies in the creation of the heavens and the earth,
26:08Those who have no knowledge,
26:23And invent lies in the creation of the heavens and the earth,
26:35Those who have no knowledge,
26:45And invent lies in the creation of the heavens and the earth,
27:00Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
27:19And to Him belong the kings of the heavens and the earth.
27:38And to Him belong the kings of the heavens and the earth.
27:57And to Him belong the kings of the heavens and the earth.
28:27May Allah be pleased with you.
28:57And to Him belong the kings of the heavens and the earth.
29:27And by the night and by the day, there is no sign except with Allah.
29:57And by the night and by the day, there is no sign except with Allah.
30:22And by the night and by the day, there is no sign except with Allah.
30:52May Allah be pleased with you.
31:07And to Him belong the kings of the heavens and the earth.
31:37And to Him belong the kings of the heavens and the earth.
32:07May Allah be pleased with you.
32:37And to Him belong the kings of the heavens and the earth.
33:04And by the night and by the day, there is no sign except with Allah.
33:34And by the night and by the day, there is no sign except with Allah.
34:04Surah Al-Fatihah
34:34Surah Al-Fatihah
35:04Surah Al-Fatihah
35:27Surah Al-Fatihah
35:29Surah Al-Fatihah
35:31Surah Al-Fatihah
35:33Surah Al-Fatihah
35:35Surah Al-Fatihah
35:37Surah Al-Fatihah
35:39Surah Al-Fatihah
35:41Surah Al-Fatihah
35:43Surah Al-Fatihah
35:45Surah Al-Fatihah
35:48Our Lord, forgive us our sins.
36:16And forgive us our transgressions and our transgressions as we have transgressed.
36:46Our Lord, forgive us our sins.
37:04And forgive us our transgressions and our transgressions as we have transgressed.
37:20Our Lord, forgive us our sins.
37:27And forgive us our transgressions and our transgressions as we have transgressed.
37:49Surah Al-Fatihah
37:59Surah Al-Fatihah
38:29Surah Al-Fatihah
38:31Surah Al-Fatihah
38:33Surah Al-Fatihah
38:35Surah Al-Fatihah
38:37Surah Al-Fatihah
38:39Surah Al-Fatihah
38:41Surah Al-Fatihah
38:43Surah Al-Fatihah
38:45Surah Al-Fatihah
38:47Surah Al-Fatihah
38:49Surah Al-Fatihah
38:51Surah Al-Fatihah
39:22Surah Al-Fatihah
39:24Surah Al-Fatihah
39:26Surah Al-Fatihah
39:28Surah Al-Fatihah
39:30Surah Al-Fatihah
39:32Surah Al-Fatihah
39:34Surah Al-Fatihah
39:36Surah Al-Fatihah
39:38Surah Al-Fatihah
39:40Surah Al-Fatihah
39:42Surah Al-Fatihah
39:44Surah Al-Fatihah
39:46Surah Al-Fatihah
39:48Surah Al-Fatihah
39:50Surah Al-Fatihah
39:52Surah Al-Fatihah
39:54Surah Al-Fatihah
39:56Surah Al-Fatihah
39:58Surah Al-Fatihah
40:00Surah Al-Fatihah
40:02Surah Al-Fatihah
40:04Surah Al-Fatihah
40:06Surah Al-Fatihah
40:08Surah Al-Fatihah
40:10Surah Al-Fatihah
40:12Surah Al-Fatihah
40:14Surah Al-Fatihah
40:16Surah Al-Fatihah
40:18The new generation
40:22It gives him health
40:24So use it
40:26Surah Al-Fatihah
40:28Al Fatihah
40:30Al Fatihah
40:34Al Fatihah
40:42Surah Al-Fatihah
40:44Surah Al-Fatihah
40:46Allahumma zikra ala kulli dhikra yawm al-raqiyah
40:56Allahumma zikra ala kulli dhikra yawm al-raqiyah
41:10innaka la tukhlifu l-mian
41:32Rabbana wa al-kina ma'ara
41:41wa ma'ara wa rasulika wa la
41:48zikra yawm al-qiyamah
41:55innaka la tukhlifu l-mian
42:07Allahumma zikra ala shafritin Nabi
42:19Sadat Allahul Azim
42:27Rabbana wa al-kina ma'ara
42:39wa ma'ara wa rasulika wa la
42:45zikra yawm al-qiyamah
42:53Allahumma zikra ala shafritin Nabi
43:03Sadat Allahul Azim
43:13innaka la tukhlifu l-mian
43:21wa ma'ara wa rasulika wa la
43:31zikra yawm al-qiyamah
43:51Allahumma zikra ala shafritin Nabi
44:01Sadat Allahul Azim
44:11Allahumma zikra ala shafritin Nabi
44:21Sadat Allahul Azim
44:31Allahumma zikra ala shafritin Nabi
44:41Sadat Allahul Azim
44:51Fallatina hajahu uqridu min diyalihim
45:09wa huwa fi sabilihi wa ma'atahu wa muqiluhu
45:25wa qaratahu wa ququluhu lahum jannahum sayyidatihim
45:39wa nabudqinan lahum jannahum
45:55wa nabudqinan lahum jannahum
46:05wa nabudqinan lahum jannahum
46:35Fassalat alamum marhukum enniyatuhu
47:01fi yuhamal amidin minkum min zakatin lahum
47:21marhukum min zakatin lahum
47:35Fallatina hajahu uqridu min diyalihim
47:45wa huwa fi sabilihi wa ma'atahu wa muqiluhu
47:55lahum kathbiran ahum sayyidatihim
48:13lahum kathbiran ahum sayyidatihim
48:23lahum kathbiran ahum sayyidatihim
48:43wa nabudqinan lahum jannahum
48:55wa nabudqinan lahum jannahum
49:19wa nabudqinan lahum jannahum
49:45la yahum wa innaka taqallu allatheena kafaru fil biladi
49:57la yahum wa innaka taqallu allatheena kafaru fil baladi
50:17Allahumma jaza'u man jadis al-akhir
50:29al-akhir allatheena kafaru allatheena kafaru allatheena kafaru allatheena
50:59Allahumma jaza'u man jadis al-akhir
51:09al-akhir allatheena kafaru allatheena kafaru allatheena
51:19la yahum wa innaka taqallu allatheena kafaru allatheena kafaru allatheena
51:39la yahum wa innaka taqallu allatheena kafaru allatheena
51:59la yahum wa innaka taqallu allatheena kafaru allatheena
52:19Allahumma salli ala hadhrat an-Nabi
52:32wa la ilaha illallah
52:51Ya ayyuhal-mateena asbiru wa sabiru wa raabitu
53:09wa taqullu allaha la'allakum tuflihu
53:15asbiru ala al-fala tabida bi-rida
53:21tarassalta bi-ssabri bi-ka yadeed
53:26wa kun raabi bi-qadari ilaha
53:32inna al-ilaha yajif al-sabir
53:38Bi-khawatimi surati Ali Ibrahim
53:42Tala alayna al-Alam al-Qur'ani
53:50Al-Iza'i al-Nabi al-Shaheer
53:54Fadila l-Qari al-Shaykh al-Jaji al-Ibnawi
54:00Al-Qari al-Ittihad al-Fizaati wa al-Turkizun al-Arabi
54:05wa al-Muqib bi-Qahir al-Nusr bi-Muhafazat al-Jizan
54:09Al-Khaliq al-Kareem bi-tasqar thuluth al-arwah
