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In This Video we talk about how The Great Wall of China is build and what is the purpose of building such a long and humongous structure.



00:00I welcome you all.
00:05If we talk about the wonders built by human hands,
00:13then there are thousands of wonders in this world
00:16which man has made a great historical heritage with his craftsmanship and skill.
00:22In these wonders and buildings, there are many such monuments
00:27whose construction took hundreds of thousands of years.
00:34But friends, do you know that there is such a wonder in these wonders
00:39which is considered to be the largest structure in history
00:44and it took centuries to build this magnificent structure.
00:51So friends, the wonder we are going to talk about today is called the Great Wall of China.
00:57Friends, this wall, which passed through nine provinces of China,
01:02was built by six Chinese royal families with the help of about 800,000 people in 2000 years.
01:10Friends, if we talk about the construction history of this magnificent wonder,
01:16then China was divided into small states in the time of the first Messiah,
01:21and these states had built large walls to protect their borders.
01:28But from 221 BC to 206 BC, when the Chinese family got the opportunity to rule China,
01:36it gathered all these small states and laid the foundation for the United Kingdom of China.
01:43The emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang,
01:48began to build a large and magnificent wall by combining the borders of China's various regions during his reign.
01:56Initially, a large wall was built by combining the walls of the Qing, Yao and Yang dynasties,
02:03which was about 5,000 kilometers long.
02:07After this, during the reign of various emperors, the strength and length of this wall was increased,
02:14but most of the wall was built during the reign of the Ming emperors in the 14th to 17th centuries.
02:23Friends, according to an estimate, the emperors of the Ming dynasty built a wall of about 8,800 kilometers.
02:32In this way, the total duration of the construction of this wall is about 2,000 years.
02:38Friends, initially, the total length of this wall was estimated to be 5,500 kilometers,
02:44sometimes 6,200 kilometers.
02:47But since this wall is not a wall, but a collection of many walls that have been connected to each other,
02:55in 2012, an archaeological survey found that the total length of all parts of this wall is 13,171 miles,
03:06that is, 21,196 kilometers.
03:1021,196 kilometers.
03:17Friends, in the north of China, Mongolia is the country of the Mongol people.
03:22In ancient times, Mongol invaders often attacked China and its nearby areas.
03:29In 1234, the Chinese family was deprived of power by Genghis Khan and China founded the Mongol Empire.
03:38Genghis Khan's army penetrated the great wall of China and entered China from the northern border.
03:45This was the first incident in the 14th century when the nomads from the Gobi Desert established their control over the large human population.
03:57In 1368, the Ming family expelled the Mongol army from China and strengthened the northern border again.
04:06In 1420, the construction of this great wall began again in the era of the Ming family.
04:13In the same period, watchtowers were also built for the guards at some distance between the military forts, roads and the wall of China,
04:21so that the enemies could keep an eye on the watchtowers.
04:25According to historians, 25,000 watchtowers were built on this wall,
04:30whose intermediate distance is different in different places.
04:34The intermediate distance of these watchtowers is extremely small in some places,
04:38while in some places it is more than three miles.
04:42These watchtowers were three-storey, and to keep an eye on the surrounding areas on their roofs,
04:48fortifications were also built.
04:51Friends, these watchtowers were also used to send signals from one place to another.
04:58If the enemy attacked at any point, then the fire was lit and news about this attack was given to the other towers.
05:06According to a research, a signal could be sent up to 620 miles away from a tower in a day.
05:17Friends, according to an estimate, about 800,000 people worked in the construction of this wall,
05:23of which 300,000 were soldiers, while 500,000 were ordinary Chinese citizens.
05:28Sand, bricks, lime, wood and stone were used in the material of this magnificent wall.
05:35In addition to this, rice husks have also been used to attach these bricks to some places.
05:41According to another estimate, approximately 3.87 billion bricks have been used in its construction.
05:51Friends, here one more thing is also worth mentioning that a wheeled ladder was also invented in this ancient era of China,
06:00and it was first used in the construction of the Wall of China.
06:05Friends, in addition to this, the total weight of the Wall of China, according to an estimate, can be up to 5.8 million tons.
06:13This wall is 25 and somewhere 50 feet high at different locations, and if we talk about its width,
06:20then somewhere its width is 15 feet and at some locations it is 30 feet.
06:25In addition to this, more walls have been built to protect the walls near the important defensive passages from the invaders.
06:34After the Chinese dynasty, the Han, Ming and Song dynasties also contributed to the construction of the wall.
06:42According to an estimate, the total cost of this wall is approximately 95 billion dollars.
06:56Friends, Emperor Qin Shi Huang is known as a cruel emperor.
07:02This emperor, in addition to the construction of this wall and the Chinese Union,
07:06is also famous for establishing a new copper coin,
07:09customizing silk,
07:11bringing the scales and scales to a certain level,
07:14making weapons of iron and agricultural equipment,
07:17building a large canal and many large roads.
07:22In addition to this, Emperor Qin Shi Huang issued a decree in 213 BC,
07:28according to which, in addition to agriculture and medicine,
07:31all books related to science were burned.
07:36The authors of these books and great scholars were also burned alive in the era of this emperor.
07:45Millions of people were forced to serve in the construction of the Wall of China.
07:51According to historians, Emperor Qin forced every third citizen of his country to build this wall.
08:00According to an estimate, about 400,000 people lost their lives during its construction.
08:08Therefore, this wall is also called the longest graveyard in the world.
08:16Friends, there are many assumptions about the Wall of China.
08:21The most famous of which is that this wall can also be seen from the moon.
08:26This assumption was presented in an article published in the National Geographic magazine in 1929,
08:33in which it was said that this wall, built by human hands, can be seen from the moon.
08:39But in this regard, NASA astronomers said that the mark of this area can be made,
08:45but the Wall of China cannot be clearly seen with the help of the human eye from such a height.
08:51They also said that there is no doubt that this is the only wonder of the world,
08:59which can be seen from such a height.
09:04In addition, another famous assumption is related to its construction.
09:09It is said that the foundations of this wall were built with human bones,
09:13but the truth of this assumption has not been proven yet.
09:17Although human bones have been found in some places,
09:20but according to researchers, these bones belong to those laborers who contributed to its construction.
09:26In addition, many folk tales are also famous,
09:29including the story of a girl named Meng,
09:32who set out to find her husband during the construction of the Wall of China.
09:36When she reached the wall, facing the harshness of the weather and the pain of travel,
09:42she found out that her husband had died.
09:45It is said that Meng cried so much after hearing this news that a part of the wall was covered with her tears.
09:52This story is found in many Chinese books and folk songs have also been written on it,
09:57but it is obvious that this is not possible.
10:02Friends, this wall starts from Hubei province in the east of China and goes to Jiayuguan,
10:07a place in Gansu province in the west.
10:11This fort-like wall passes through mountains, plains, greenery and the Gobi Desert.
10:18Friends, there is also a magnificent cave on the site of Jiayuguan.
10:22This part of the wall, known as Jiayuguan Cave, was built by the Meng family between 1772 and 1549.
10:31The story of a Chinese expert engineer related to this cave is also very famous.
10:36The Chinese engineer calculated with reference to the construction of the cave that
10:4199,999 bricks would be required to build Jiayuguan Cave.
10:47The engineer did not believe him and said that if even one brick is wrong in his calculation,
10:54then all the workers would have to spend three years in prison.
10:59After the construction was completed, but one brick was left.
11:04When the engineer asked about the remaining brick, he said with great confidence that
11:10this brick has been kept here by some god and if it is touched, the wall will fall down.
11:19Therefore, no one touched this brick and see that this brick is still there.
11:30This monument was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987.
11:37And then 20 years later, this great wall was included in the world's seven wonders in 2007.
11:46Prior to this, this wall was damaged a lot during the Cultural Revolution between 1966 and 1976.
11:55And the Chinese who lived near the wall demolished its bricks and stones and built their homes.
12:02But China soon repaired it and restored it again.
12:08In 1938, a war between China and Japan was also fought on this wall, which is called the Second Sino-Japanese War.
12:17This war also caused a lot of damage to the wall.
12:21Friends, although in ancient times the purpose of this wall was to save China from Mongol attacks,
12:27but in the last decades of the 20th century, this wall has become one of the most famous tourist attractions.
12:35The Wall of China was opened to tourists from all over the world for the first time in 1970.
12:43And even today, hundreds of thousands of tourists visit China every year to see it.
12:49According to one estimate, more than 110 million tourists come to see this wall every year.
12:57In areas adjacent to Beijing, its length is almost 600 kilometers.
13:04Therefore, today the most famous tourist point of the wall is Beijing.
13:09Friends, apart from this, it is also interesting that the heads of various countries around the world have visited this wall.
13:18Every year, a marathon is held here, in which 2,500 people participate.
13:24China earns about $15.5 billion a year from the tourism of the Wall of China.
13:34Friends, this wall, which is thousands of miles long, has been crossed by many people on foot.
13:40First of all, this record was made by an American explorer William Jail in 1908, who crossed it in five months.
13:48After that, in 1985 and 1986, a few Chinese explorers crossed it.
13:54In addition to them, in 1987, a British tourist, and many others, have crossed the entire Wall of China many times.
14:04Friends, how did you like our video about the world's largest man-made object?
14:11Do let us know in the comments.
