Eastenders 14th October 2024

  • 10 hours ago
Eastenders 14th October 2024


00:30I'll make you breakfast.
00:49You got something to say?
00:54Oh, what? You think I'm looking at you?
00:58Your love life ain't my number one problem today, junior.
01:02Oh, cheers, then.
01:13I go and put some coats on, will ya?
01:16You weren't saying that last night, were you?
01:18Yeah, what happened, it just didn't happen.
01:22Eggs are getting cold.
01:26Two bit of 48, eh? Six months ago.
01:28We just get carried away and we just...
01:30No, it's because we wanted it.
01:32I wanted it. Unless I'm reading the signals wrong, you can get fooled.
01:43Look, whatever that is, I can just...
01:45No, it's the tech guys from work.
01:47CCTV footage from Peggy's has been completely corrupted.
01:52That's Penny's last chance of getting off.
01:55What, so there's not going to be any new evidence?
02:01Anyway, let's not talk about work.
02:09You know we haven't applied for the final order?
02:16Well, I don't know, maybe...
02:19Maybe there's a reason.
02:21What we say, see? I don't deserve a second chance, but I promise you.
02:25Right, no more lies.
02:33Go on.
02:35She's going to need to go to her physio.
02:39You can practice as slow as you want.
03:26Missed any chance of today?
03:28Ah, engagement party tonight.
03:30It's a little bit late notice, but...
03:32Party, yeah?
03:34You do know the girls are going to be well old.
03:36Oi, less of the old, thanks.
03:39Um, not all of them.
03:41Just the pretty ones.
03:49Don't stop on my behalf.
03:51Well, it's not every day a girl gets engaged.
03:55And to my beautiful fiancée.
04:00Oi, I made you my special sour cream omelette, Sardis.
04:03Yeah, we know, why do you think we're in here?
04:05Yeah, it's bad enough I've got a dodgy kidney.
04:08No, let me actually catch up on this one.
04:10Right, yeah, Dionysus, school.
04:14Right, who's next on the list?
04:21My ex-wife, Nicola.
04:23I can't stand even being in the same room with her.
04:25But to see her shack up with someone else,
04:28that's a tough one.
04:34It's like he's a free woman.
04:37It's not my place to stop her.
04:42I can't believe you slept with him.
04:45Me and Jack are none of your business.
04:47You slept with Jack?
04:49Ain't you got unpacking to do?
04:50Look, can we just have a moment, please?
04:52Well, I'm a bit surprised that you remember how things work down there, you know.
04:55Do I look like I want to talk about this?
04:56Come on, Mike, Cass, Raymond, come on, shoot!
04:59So, the both of you had fun, yeah?
05:01Just remember, this conversation ain't finished.
05:02Adelaide, be all to yourself for a bit.
05:06You can't get close to him.
05:07I am not getting close to him.
05:09He just crawled out of his bed.
05:10It just happened.
05:11Well, then you should have just stopped it.
05:13Because I'll end up getting hurt, or you're worried that I'll spill.
05:18You've already said that you cannot deal with the guilt,
05:21that you won't be able to live with the lie.
05:23See, like I said.
05:25Well, thank you for your concern about my feelings.
05:28Mum, I am being serious.
05:32I get that you still like him.
05:34But if Jack finds out that you put his daughter in a wheelchair,
05:38well, it's not exactly pillow talk, is it?
05:44Thanks. Enjoy.
05:49Cindy, isn't it?
05:51Have you not got the message?
05:54Well, if you return my calls.
05:57It was fun. Now it's stopped.
06:00It's so hot when you're angry.
06:02Is parsley anywhere?
06:04Cindy, we're out of parsley.
06:05Oh, all right, Junior.
06:06No, sorry. I forgot to water it.
06:08Don't worry. I'll do it.
06:10Do anything for my beloved fiancée.
06:17No one shuts down their feelings. Not like them.
06:20Read my lips. It's over.
06:23No one will ever know.
06:31There's hours on it, Gina.
06:33On what?
06:34My bird recorder. I left it by the window.
06:36It's caught loads. It's going to take me ages to get through it all.
06:38Well, you just delete half of it, then.
06:40I ain't deleting any of it.
06:42They're my birds.
06:45This is good.
06:48Well, come on. You've got to come.
06:51I'm not sure my liver could keep up with a lesbian engagement party.
06:54Well, I don't know.
06:57I'm not sure my liver could keep up with a lesbian engagement party.
07:03Are you sure you should be working on it?
07:05Well, we've got bills to pay, haven't we? So I'll be fine.
07:08OK. I'm not in a museum, Freddie.
07:12Is it your face?
07:14Looks like you've broke something.
07:16I've got my doctor's appointment.
07:18That's great.
07:20No. I told you, I'm not joining your little club.
07:23Bianca, listen.
07:24Once we know what we're dealing with,
07:26we know what specs to wear,
07:28and then the world becomes a little bit clearer. Trust me.
07:31It ain't happening. I don't care what you say or my dad.
07:34I'm cancelling it.
07:35No, you ain't.
07:37I'm coming with you.
07:42Getting back together.
07:44It is such a risk.
07:48He heard this morning that the CCTV
07:52is permanently corrupted.
07:54So there is no evidence against you.
08:02And what if one day you just let it slip?
08:05Well, you know, you've made it very clear
08:07that if I want to continue seeing my grandson,
08:10I'll have to keep your dirty little secret.
08:12That is not quite what I said.
08:14That is exactly what you said.
08:19I don't know. I just...
08:23Lying in the bed this morning, I just...
08:28I just thought, what, for a minute I could, you know...
08:34And I want you to be happy again.
08:39But you will tell.
08:41I know you.
08:43And you won't want to, but it will eat at you.
08:49And Jack will call it in.
08:53I can't go down.
08:55I can't.
08:57I can't lose Jordan.
09:01After everything he has been through.
09:05I can't let him grow up without a mum.
09:18If it's hurting...
09:19It's not hurting.
09:23Are you sorry? Didn't he stay drowned?
09:28Just focus on your exercises, yeah?
09:30Or you just made two cups of coffee in two different mugs.
09:36Is it all right if my other daughter comes in?
09:39Maybe that's enough for today.
09:41Just five more minutes.
09:42We don't want to put your recovery back.
09:44Come on, compared to a month ago.
09:46Do I have to have an audience?
09:48It's called sisterly support.
09:50I'm just worried about you, that's all.
09:51Just let me walk.
09:53OK, OK, time to stop.
09:55You're doing really well.
09:57I'll go patronise someone else.
09:59Maybe it's not a good idea.
10:01You're going to have chances I'm never going to get.
10:04Why don't you come back later?
10:05I don't need any of you here shaking your little pom-poms.
10:07Maybe you should go.
10:08You think you've got it tough?
10:10I've just found out that the CCTV's never going to prove I'm innocent.
10:13Yeah, all right, that's enough.
10:14I'm never going to clear my name.
10:15And I can't walk, but yeah, go on, make it all about you.
10:17Oh, more like you're doing.
10:32Is that the man you slept with last night?
10:33Oh, give it a rest, Kim.
10:34OK, it's just that, you know, most people who are getting divorced,
10:37they don't just jump back into bed with each other again.
10:39No-one is jumping anywhere.
10:41You've been over there every day.
10:43Because Amy was struggling.
10:45I guess the body wants what the body wants, isn't it?
10:48I told you, I was there when Amy was self-harming.
10:52Then why don't you move back over there then, yeah?
10:54You've never been happier than when you were with Jack and that family.
10:58It's true.
11:00I know that, but...
11:02Forget about the box, man.
11:05OK, so, sleeping with Stacey Slater, was it his best moment?
11:10And if I'm honest, when he did it, I wanted to cut off his ding-a-ling-a-ling.
11:14But clearly, he's trying.
11:16And I have made the decision to forgive him.
11:20Oh, that's very big of you.
11:22I know.
11:24But, you know, everybody makes mistakes, Dee.
11:26I mean, obviously not me.
11:27Look, me and Jack are getting divorced and last night, it shouldn't have happened.
11:31Oh, you are so stubborn.
11:33I ain't being stubborn!
11:35Oh, yeah? So what is it then?
11:38Cos no-one's getting any younger.
11:40No, thank you for that.
11:41And there is clearly a reason why you ain't clicking that button.
11:44Oh, I'm due at the salon.
11:46Oh, Denise!
11:51And Jack, sitting in the tree.
11:59Would you turn it off?
12:01Sorry, mate, it's my dad.
12:03Hey, do you want another one?
12:04We're working, Gina.
12:05Oh, I'm working.
12:06It's an office, you know.
12:08You keep sending me wedding updates.
12:11You know, considering the way that their last marriage ended,
12:13you would have thought they'd just want a quiet...
12:14Peter, can you...
12:15Mate, sorry.
12:17Look, I guess with my mum you can understand the excitement more
12:20cos, well, she's only been married twice.
12:22One of them was to your dad and she was being someone else.
12:26But my dad, I think this is his, like, seventh wedding.
12:29No, this is his eighth wedding, mate.
12:31One didn't quite make it to the altar,
12:33twice he married the same woman and he's doing that now again.
12:37But, I mean, seven weddings.
12:38You would have thought another tea would have...
12:39Look, Peter, will you please?
12:44Hey, will you just tell me what you've done?
12:47I'm not telling you.
12:48What? Why?
12:49Hey, erm, I've laid on a surprise tonight for the engagement party.
12:55And we picked up our rings.
12:57Did you like them?
12:58I remember you guys made a truce.
13:07I hope it goes really well.
13:10Yeah, of course you do.
13:14What was that about a truce?
13:17See you two tonight?
13:20Me? Miss the party?
13:30You know, I admire our engagement.
13:32It's much more formal.
13:34Both our families.
13:36I gave Sookie a ring.
13:40Her grandad fed me sweets.
13:42Let's not dwell on that yet.
13:46Those were happy years, but the early ones.
13:49You know, our first baby, Kirit, was a blessing.
13:53And then Jagveer, Ashneet, you.
13:57There's something about a little child.
14:00I don't think we've ever been closer.
14:02Yeah, well, this time it's going to be different for her.
14:06I miss those years with your dad.
14:08Because of my stubbornness.
14:10I miss them with you.
14:12With Avani.
14:16With all those chances, the two of us.
14:21I just wish a tiny grandchild
14:26would bring her so much joy.
14:31To bring us closer.
14:33She's got Eve now.
14:37I need you to do something for me.
14:42So what have you got, girl travels, boy?
14:45Do you know, when I was your age,
14:47you didn't have your dad trying to read your phone,
14:49because it hadn't even been invented, so just...
14:51No. You are right, Barn, you are right.
14:53We did have to send messages to girls via carrier pigeon
14:56and carve-out stone tablets for dinosaurs to deliver.
15:00I'm just saying, boy.
15:02Honestly, try and help her.
15:05That's boys for you. Put up the shutters.
15:08Well, me divorce finally came through this morning
15:10and little one's got the right hump about him.
15:13I'm only dawned on him that me and his mother, well,
15:16we won't be sharing that bowl of cornflakes in the morning again.
15:19Mate, you can't just leave it.
15:23Ian, right, look, I've got a last-minute engagement party
15:25to set this up for, so...
15:26Yeah, I've got a wedding to plan.
15:28Yeah, well, that's going to be years away, if ever.
15:31Is this all for the bar?
15:32Yeah, it was such late notice,
15:33they've delivered it to the billing address,
15:35but you don't have to, it's all right, I'll get it.
15:37Don't you worry, it won't take a minute.
15:39Sharon, would you grab one of them stands for me, please?
15:42No, honestly, Sharon, you don't have to...
15:44No, it's fine.
15:45Finally, I get to see you work up a sweat.
15:51Look, if you tell me it's depression like the last one, do you think?
15:54There's so much depression in the world.
15:57Look, if you tell me it's depression like the last one, do you think?
16:00This doesn't sound like depression.
16:02There you go.
16:04Well, it's just like my brain just bounces around a lot,
16:08it's like my thoughts are on a trampoline.
16:12Yeah, but then I get fixated on something
16:14and I can't stop thinking about it.
16:16And this can be anything, something trivial?
16:21My sister's in prison.
16:22He wasn't saying...
16:23For something that she didn't do, do you think that's trivial?
16:25No, it's not, but throwing a brick through a car window...
16:30Not that she did, just...
16:33Just something like that.
16:34Not that, not her, just something like that.
16:37That ain't normal, is it?
16:39It's not normal.
16:41Maybe you'd like to wait outside.
16:44I just want to know what's going on with my brain.
16:46I said to my dad that I would do this, give it one last shot.
16:48It's ADHD.
16:50It's ADHD, isn't it?
16:52I've got it.
16:53She comes out with stuff all the time and I'm like,
16:55yep, that's me, no-brainer.
16:57How do you let the doctor do his doctory?
17:00It certainly sounds very similar to ADHD.
17:03See? See? He said it's similar.
17:05He didn't say it is.
17:06Well, unfortunately, you're looking at a couple of months
17:09before you can get an appointment, maybe years.
17:12Are you actually winding me up?
17:16Well, what about if I go private?
17:17Yeah, it's probably going to cost you a couple of thousand pounds.
17:20Have you seen what's in my purse?
17:22What about the fella that did you?
17:24That was a mate of Theo's.
17:26Oh, well, good, get his number.
17:28Stacey wouldn't like it.
17:30I don't care what Stacey thinks.
17:32Theo stalked her.
17:36I don't think I can go on like this for months.
17:38Well, listen, for the time being, you'll get her on the list
17:41and I'll help you deal with it.
17:47How can you let your dad talk to you like that?
17:52Right, get her a chair.
17:53No, no, no, I'll buy a new.
17:54Peter's just getting my painkillers.
17:56You shouldn't be working.
17:57Well, who's going to pay the rent then, Penny?
17:59I'll be in a Vic.
18:05Does that Amy have a right go at me? Can you believe her?
18:07Peter, I need water.
18:11The police are never going to recover that CCTV
18:13and everyone still thinks I'm guilty.
18:14They don't, they do. I'm just saying.
18:16If you are looking for a shoulder to cry on,
18:17why don't you go ask someone that isn't in pain?
18:31So, how did it go?
18:32Someone talking about me at breakfast?
18:35She saw your coffee cup.
18:39Well, apart from the fact that I'll probably not get on my feet again.
18:42Come on, everyone has tough days, mate.
18:44She had a fight with Penny, didn't you?
18:46Just take me inside.
18:49Want to come and have a cup of tea?
18:51Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, she would, she would.
18:53Yeah, but I've got to go and get dinner on for the kids, so...
18:55Dinner? I can do the dinner. It's fine.
18:57I'll just take myself in then, yeah?
18:59All right.
19:00Yeah, sorry.
19:01Got some of your favourite biscuits in here.
19:10You like the guy, the guy likes you, yeah?
19:14Just get in there and put the kettle on.
19:17I need a bit of sugar.
19:33Look at that cream.
19:34Oh, mumps, they said, Freddie, mumps.
19:40You need to take a deep breath.
19:43No amount of deep breaths is going to magic me an appointment, is it?
19:46Or make any of this go away.
19:48You're still Bianca, yeah?
19:50You just get to see through clearer lenses now.
19:52It's a good thing.
19:55Well, I suppose if I've got to wait weeks.
19:57I mean, I'm not going anywhere, am I, until Sonia's free.
20:01You ain't going to this party then.
20:04To my ex-wife's engagement.
20:06Free drink's a free drink.
20:09Oh, you don't fancy being my plus one?
20:11I don't want them thinking I'm some sad single.
20:15Only if I can buy you a drink first.
20:17Well, a free drink deserves a free drink, right?
20:21Shall we?
20:28What'd she say?
20:29I didn't even think she was going to answer.
20:32Hibiba says she'd rather poke her eyes out with a rusty pair of tweezers
20:36than let mum see Jax's kid.
20:40Oh, well, that is dying grandfather.
20:44Yeah, but I've got it all set up now.
20:46I know, but they just called out of the blue.
20:48You seriously booked Heavy Metal Band?
20:50Yeah, you're not seen to his air guitar.
20:52Yeah, but they've now cancelled.
20:53I think you'd be my best Mariah.
20:56Right, OK.
20:57When I said music to make the ears bleed, I wasn't talking about the high notes.
21:01Look, well, I'm no Black Sabbath tribute act, if that's any bother.
21:04Right, this is like one of Rocky's stories.
21:06Er, that's a better story.
21:07Yeah, well, that's one word for it.
21:09Well, no, no story here. They just owe me a favour.
21:12Mariah's got a sad face.
21:13Yeah, Colin.
21:16OK, I need a drink.
21:19If this goes wrong...
21:23Well, don't anyone ever say thank you around here?
21:32Can you believe it?
21:33Her, looking for sympathy.
21:35I'm not worried about her. I'm worried about you.
21:38Amy's in a wheelchair.
21:40I can't do nothing without painkillers.
21:42But still, it's all about poor little Penny.
21:52You can't just leave.
21:53No-one wants me here.
21:55I do.
21:57No-one that matters.
21:59No-one that matters.
22:02I'm not spending the rest of my life being hated.
22:04People clearly think I'm guilty, so...
22:07I thought me and you could just pick things up.
22:09Well, if you've got a passport...
22:11You're in trouble with the police. You can't just leave the country.
22:14I have people in France who can help me.
22:16Oh, and I thought there was some big reason you legged it last time.
22:19I'm being serious, Harry.
22:21Yeah, I'm not sticking around being judged.
22:23Not from something I haven't even done.
22:25I just bought you a drink.
22:27I'm moving back to Paris.
22:38So how long did we last engage? One, maybe two days?
22:43Whatever he said.
22:44Now, most people, right, would be on time for their beloved when they were coming to meet them for a drink.
22:49Come on.
22:50I've got you some Prosecco, yeah?
22:52You okay there?
22:53Yeah, I was just...
22:55I just need to get here.
22:56Junior's been filling me in on this woman he's been seeing.
22:59Has he?
23:00Yeah, apparently, right, she's had a partner the whole time.
23:04Yeah, well, I'm sure she's got her side of the story.
23:06Yeah, and now, she's gone and dumped him like he's done something wrong.
23:10Well, maybe I'll talk to her about it another time.
23:11Yeah, no, do.
23:12Prosecco, two glasses.
23:15You're not joining us, Junior?
23:16There's your whiskey.
23:17Oh, double cup.
23:19I'm not just going to sit there and lick my wounds, am I?
23:22I don't fancy yours much.
23:28Look, they nearly got you walking again.
23:30Does it look like I'm walking? I'm making absolutely no progress.
23:34Look, Denise, we should say...
23:35You're getting stronger and stronger. I know it's frustrating, darling, but...
23:37So you slept with him for one night and you think you're my mum again?
23:40We're just worried, that's all.
23:42Weren't worried when you slept with Stacey, were you?
23:45Sleeping with Stacey was the biggest mistake in my life.
23:47Sorry, I can't hear the violins.
23:49OK, when I left, I told you, I will always be here for you.
23:54You're here because you want him back. I'm not stupid.
23:57Amy, just because today didn't go too well for you...
24:00I'm here because I love you, and like your dad, I'm just worried about you.
24:06Look, I don't want you spiralling down again.
24:10I don't want to see you where you were before.
24:13I hurt myself.
24:15Babe, I don't know how to get through to you.
24:17I just want you to be better. That's all I want, to be there for you.
24:22I mean, who cares? My life's over, isn't it?
24:27Oh, so you're moving in again?
24:29Can you just give me five minutes, please?
24:31I've got a visit up.
24:37Now's not a good time.
24:40Didn't you get the message?
24:41Didn't you get the message?
24:43I just came to say goodbye.
24:53Who were they meant to be?
24:55What was that I thought dropped out?
24:58Damien's real hair, is it?
24:59It's not even going to be their real voice-over, is it?
25:01You should have gone with Mariah.
25:03Right, anyone else got an opinion on the entertainment?
25:07You better be free tomorrow.
25:09What, she said yes?
25:11I think they'll still be in bed with hangovers.
25:12Well, we figured I'd have all three of your grandchildren in one place.
25:17Ty's coming down?
25:19Jack's his kid.
25:20You're getting out of my inheritance.
25:24How did you, um...
25:25She doesn't exactly know he'll be spending time with you, but...
25:27I just thought, if not now,
25:30will he ever get to see us together?
25:35I'm not stopping.
25:38Happy engagement.
25:46You still here?
25:47What are you hoping for, a leaving party?
25:49I've been trying, OK? Really trying.
25:51Listen, I don't get what you're saying.
25:53Nothing you say makes any sense.
25:54I know that we've all been through a lot today.
25:57I just wanted to give Amy some support.
25:59Come on.
26:00What do you mean by goodbye?
26:01I just, I can't win.
26:02All of you just think I'm guilty.
26:04No, no-one's decided that you're guilty.
26:06And I know that Amy said some things she didn't mean.
26:08Oh, I meant all of them.
26:09This is why I have to leave,
26:10because everyone thinks that everything is my fault.
26:12Well, it is. You're the one that put her there.
26:15I didn't do anything, OK?
26:16How many times do I have to say this?
26:17He's got a point, hasn't he?
26:18I mean, someone caused that crush.
26:20What do you mean, your sister? It's not helping you.
26:22She probably done this whole thing to make me as miserable as her.
26:25You don't know that Penny did anything.
26:27Darling, you're not the only one who's angry.
26:29Oh, go on, join the pile-on.
26:30Are you happy now? Everyone fighting?
26:32OK, we all need to work together and just get through this.
26:35You know what? You don't have to defend her.
26:36No, but you might get to put the boot in everyone else's.
26:38No-one is putting the boot in...
26:39She's scared that her future's going to end up like yours.
26:41Yeah, and why do you think I'm in a wheelchair?
26:43Here we go, it ain't about you.
26:44Shame being in this chair is fine.
26:46I'm not saying it isn't. I was talking about Amy.
26:48Even accusations aside...
26:49No, I didn't mean...
26:50You think just because I can't walk, my life is over, don't you?
26:53Don't bother, don't even try to listen. She doesn't listen, do you?
26:55Yeah, don't worry, you don't need to see me again,
26:57cos I'm going back to Paris.
26:58She's just running away.
26:59No, you can't do that.
27:00No, no, no, she's not welcome.
27:01No, but it wasn't her!
27:05That caused the crush.
27:09That put you in the hospital.
27:16It was Chelsea.
27:38It was Chelsea.
27:39It was Chelsea.
27:40It was Chelsea.
27:41It was Chelsea.
27:42It was Chelsea.
27:43It was Chelsea.
27:44It was Chelsea.
27:45It was Chelsea.
27:46It was Chelsea.
27:47It was Chelsea.
27:48It was Chelsea.
27:49It was Chelsea.
27:50It was Chelsea.
27:51It was Chelsea.
27:52It was Chelsea.
27:53It was Chelsea.
27:54It was Chelsea.
27:55It was Chelsea.
27:56It was Chelsea.
27:57It was Chelsea.
27:58It was Chelsea.
27:59It was Chelsea.
28:00It was Chelsea.
28:01It was Chelsea.
28:02It was Chelsea.
28:03It was Chelsea.
28:04It was Chelsea.
28:05It was Chelsea.
28:06It was Chelsea.
28:07It was Chelsea.
28:08It was Chelsea.
28:09It was Chelsea.
28:10It was Chelsea.
28:11It was Chelsea.
28:12It was Chelsea.
28:13It was Chelsea.
28:14It was Chelsea.
28:15It was Chelsea.
28:16It was Chelsea.
28:17It was Chelsea.
28:18It was Chelsea.
28:19It was Chelsea.
28:20It was Chelsea.
28:21It was Chelsea.
28:22It was Chelsea.
28:23It was Chelsea.
28:24It was Chelsea.
28:25It was Chelsea.
28:26It was Chelsea.
28:27It was Chelsea.
28:28It was Chelsea.
28:29It was Chelsea.
28:30It was Chelsea.
28:31It was Chelsea.
28:32It was Chelsea.
28:33It was Chelsea.
28:34It was Chelsea.
28:35It was Chelsea.