• 17 hours ago
La querella solicitó la detención de la doctora Mónica Chiribín, abogada de una de los detenidos en el caso por la sustracción de Loan Danilo Peña de cinco años en 9 de Julio, Corrientes. Se le acusa de participar en una asociación ilícita y colaborar con los responsables de sustraer del menor.

Hablamos con Marcelo Hanson, abogado de los detenidos Daniel "Fierrito" Ramírez y Mónica Millapi.

La vinculan directamente con los 10 detenidos de la Fundación Dupuy, quienes supuestamente manipularon testigos.

Seguí en #AndinoYLasNoticias


00:00News with reference to Dr. Chiribín, what is it about?
00:03Yes, the truth is that I am reading a little the file, there is what the lawyer of the Audelina Peña presents,
00:10what the court presents, signed with the parents of the OAN, obviously it is a written presentation, I understand,
00:16by Dr. Méndez, who is the one who represented Dr. Gallego presenting this type of documentation or considerations,
00:25saying that Dr. Chiribín, who always speaks with all the media, and based on the sayings she had in this house,
00:32in A24, surely in this program too, they asked for the arrest of Dr. Mónica Chiribín,
00:38representative of the Audelina Peña, for actively participating in an organized and illicit association
00:45to provide assistance to those responsible for the withdrawal of the OAN.
00:50They link her directly with the 10 detainees of the Dupuy Foundation,
00:55who said they would be part of it, but they would not be part of it.
00:58Who were supposedly manipulated by witnesses.
01:00Who manipulated witnesses in that hotel on July 9.
01:03Nothing approved either for now, but with the preventive prison already dictated hours ago,
01:08with these 10 subjects, most of whom are from here, from the province of Buenos Aires.
01:12They link her directly to Dr. Chiribín, who, we know, she is very vehement,
01:18she has a line that she advanced, she will surely have Audelina Peña in her statement on the next 16th,
01:26we are now in the declaration of Audelina, and apparently these would have some sector nervous,
01:32I understand, of the power, because I find this presentation very strange,
01:36of a prison request directly to a letter from another letter from this house.
01:40No, it is impressive. Let's see, they are pulling with everything.
01:42In addition, when we talk about the Dupuy Foundation, or when a foundation is presented to help,
01:46you say, well, a favor to see if it can be one more tool, in this case, to find Logan.
01:55Now, when you come across the headline that they order to detain 10 accused of manipulating witnesses,
01:59and that they belong to this foundation, you say, where are we standing?
02:02Where were we standing?
02:03Of course.
02:04Well, this supposedly happened in mid-September.
02:05There were irregularities in what is the hiring of these alleged lawyers, advisers,
02:10there was a payment by the municipality of Nuevo de Julio to Elizabeth Cutaya,
02:15who is one of the lawyers who took the rest of this team to provide collaboration.
02:20That has to be investigated, on the one hand, obviously, the issue of how they are hired.
02:24Now, what they say is that these people, in some way, manipulated the minors who were there,
02:29that June 13, in the area of Naranjal, and that they would have been the only witnesses,
02:34at least the purest witnesses, of what happened with Lo Andalino Peña.
02:38The arrival of Dr. Juan Pablo Gallego, with whom we have spoken,
02:41maybe we can also talk for a while, has kicked the anthill.
02:45He said, we find ourselves in front of a monumental encumbrance that seeks to obstruct justice.
02:53This was said by Dr. Gallego, who now represents the parents of Ana María and José.
02:57The lawyer indicated that he obtained information from the case through the child's parents
03:03and discovered evidence that suggests that five people were present during the abduction of Lo Andalino.
03:10And he added, it is scandalous to see how they have retained key witnesses in an abandoned hotel.
03:17This is what we were referring to.
03:18Of course, yes, what they understand is that there was a character who was not part of the Dupuy Foundation,
03:24who is the famous American, who was not American, Nicolas Soria,
03:27who there knows the rest of the ten or nine detainees,
03:32that if they were part, apparently they had the annuity of Ramón Dupuy
03:36to represent him in some way with the foundation and collaborate with the search for Lo Andalino.
03:41But this American is the one who ...
03:43Nicolas Gabriel Soria.
03:45Nicolas Gabriel Soria, who is from here in Wilden, is not American.
03:48He said he was from the CIA, Interpol, an organization.
03:51Well, he's a pretty complicated guy.
03:55He did prevent a determination from the juvenile justice of the province
04:01to return the boys to their respective families.
04:05There is a question there.
04:06Then there is the other question of those who went to, in some way,
04:09collaborate with the boys who were in the orange that day.
04:14It is a bit strange too, but what we understand,
04:17at least since we have been covering the case,
04:19they went to do it in some way to advertise themselves or look for some kind of media support.
04:24Well, but that's how they ended up, right?
04:26They ended up complicated.
04:27Yes, the cause that involves the one who pretended to be the American, Nicolas Soria,
04:31and other accused, originates after a key incident in which Soria tries to block ...
04:36Do you remember the entrance of the security personnel to the hotel where the daughters of Laudelina were staying?
04:41Of course, they were staying in that hotel from July 9 because, what did they say?
04:45That they could be manipulated by the power, let's say police or other sectors,
04:50which are the ones that are also being investigated today
04:52for having allegedly hindered the first hours of Logan's search,
04:56even planting a boot, making a call that Logan had appeared when he had not appeared.
05:03Because of this, they understand that they were going to be better protected from the boys in a hotel
05:08prior to what the Gesell cameras are going to do.
05:10Sorry, that had financing from the local superintendent.
05:13Of course, there is also another investigation that has to be opened, right?
05:16Because the local superintendent said that he did not have enough tools in the municipal schedule
05:21or hired as a psychological cabinet to assist the boys in a situation of such magnitude,
05:28a fact that gained national notoriety and there it exploded.
05:32Obviously you have disappearances of boys in all provinces every day
05:36and you do not have the state, both municipal, provincial or even national, behind a case.
05:41Evidently that's what made a lot of people get interested and actors appear out of nowhere.
05:45This is what is being investigated, what is the role of these people who have preventive prison.
05:50Now what catches our attention is this request for prison to a lawyer who represents one of the defendants.
05:57Who makes that claim?
05:58La Querella. The signature is taken by José Peña and Logan's mother, María Noguera.
06:04She signs the prison request that La Querella makes.
06:08We understand the lawyer Méndez.
06:09I would also like to know if Dr. Gallego supports this prison request for Dr. Mónica Chiribín,
06:15who represents Audelina, now that Audelina declares.
06:19Can this be a sign or some kind of intimidation so that Audelina does not speak?
06:25Let's see, today everything can be.
06:27The judge is pointing out those who complicated the work of justice, of the authorities,
06:35who interfered in such delicate matters as protecting children.
06:40But let's ask Dr. Marcelo Hanson, lawyer of Daniel Fierrito Ramírez and María del Carmen Millapi,
06:45who is observing these last movements.
06:48Dr. Hanson, how are you doing? Good morning, thank you for attending.
06:51Good morning, Guillermo. Yes, I was also listening to you very carefully.
06:55What reflection does all this deserve?
06:57When we said, a anthill kicked.
07:00How do you see this movement of justice?
07:05But the anthill was kicked a while ago by the defense of minors,
07:10the defense of minors, Dr. Marini,
07:13when she started this cause that ends now with the 10 processed.
07:17So for you this is fine?
07:19The merit is for the defense of minors.
07:21Because getting involved with a stranger's ear is very easy.
07:24And this was started by Dr. Marini.
07:27And there the investigation of this group of people began.
07:31Let's say things as they are.
07:33Who would like to take laurels for you?
07:35Today, who would like to take laurels?
07:37I don't know if it's right, at least,
07:40according to the professional task they say they have,
07:44it shouldn't be like that.
07:46Let's see, doctor, I ask you.
07:48It's clear, Guillermo, because if not, I'm going to go out and raise the flag.
07:52And the triumph, I don't know if it's to celebrate,
07:56but this started thanks to the fact that there is an advisor of minors,
08:00who is very active in the cause,
08:02and who protected the minors together with our writings,
08:06and from the beginning we were saying to leave those creatures alone.
08:10Okay, what happens is that from the chronology of the facts,
08:14I think you are referring to Dr. Gallego,
08:16the arrival of Dr. Gallego...
08:18No, I'm referring to what you were saying, Guillermo.
08:20No, no, I know.
08:22It seems to me that your comment is incomplete,
08:24because if we make a chronology of the facts,
08:27this started on July 5th or 6th.
08:30Okay, but what I'm saying is that it gives the feeling,
08:33from a point of view of this objective, that's why we call it,
08:35that the arrival of Dr. Gallego accelerates the times.
08:38That's why we wanted to ask you...
08:40No, the only statement to which Dr. Gallego attended
08:43was that of Dupuy, and it was the last one,
08:45a day before the process was decreed.
08:47What happened, doctor?
08:49And anyone who understands that a day is not enough
08:55and to think how one should think as a lawyer,
08:59the judge had already decided what he was going to do.
09:01So, in his resolution, the words of Dupuy,
09:05he quotes them very little,
09:07and only to corroborate that Dupuy had nothing to do with it.
09:11Now, doctor...
09:13And the temperament of the jury is different from that of the judge.
09:16No, no, no, it's clear.
09:18What happens is that when one listens to the different lawyers
09:20who represent detainees,
09:23one reads the resolution and realizes what I'm saying.
09:26I never speak before reading the resolution.
09:29I say, Dr. Hanson,
09:31the last time we spoke with you,
09:34you left several titles, among them,
09:36you spoke of the family circle,
09:38which is key in the investigation,
09:41something that you continue to maintain.
09:44And Guillermo, we know very little about what happened.
09:48The investigators know very little about what happened
09:51in the family in an internal way,
09:53because it is not understood how they planned,
09:56strange, to detain a minor
09:59who did not even know that he was going to that place.
10:03And I don't see in the group,
10:06and no evidence,
10:08to say that this was organized,
10:11because they were already used to organizing it,
10:13and they detained boys out of nowhere,
10:15as if it were something so easy
10:17as stealing a pair of chickens.
10:19But, sorry, sorry, sorry.
10:21Today he is spicy and sharp,
10:24eager to speak.
10:26I'm not going to say angry, but ...
10:28It is a matter of understanding with vehemence,
10:30and not to continue inventing things that do not exist.
10:32Okay, but understand us, doctor.
10:34We have listened to all parts.
10:36That's why we called you,
10:37who always kindly attends us.
10:39But now he just told us
10:41that there are many things that were not known
10:43in the family circle, internally.
10:45Also giving us an understanding
10:47that maybe it was a usual practice,
10:50this of detaining minors,
10:52but that the Logan case ...
10:54No, no, no.
10:55What I meant to say, Guillermo,
10:57that's why I want you to listen to me well,
10:59is that it is incredible to think
11:02that in the absence of news
11:06that Logan was going to leave,
11:08they had prepared in such a short time
11:10a detention like this.
11:12If it is that it was an organized group,
11:14as it is intended to be.
11:15I understand, I understand.
11:16It is impossible to think that.
11:18How could they organize these people
11:21without offending anyone,
11:23to do it in such a short time
11:24and the way they did it.
11:26Now I begin to understand a little more, doctor.
11:28What you are trying to say is
11:30how they were going to organize the detention of a minor
11:32who did not even know he was going to be present.
11:34Is what I say okay?
11:37Okay, sorry, Germán.
11:38No, I wanted to ask.
11:40I do not understand,
11:42I do not understand the role that the court is having
11:44lately with all these actions.
11:46First, the request for a political trial
11:48to the governor.
11:49Now they ask for the detention of a lawyer.
11:52What are we facing?
11:54Are they representing Logan's family
11:58or in some way they are acting in connivence
12:01with someone who does not want the truth to be found?
12:06Look, Germán.
12:09I think the truth should be asked
12:12to the plaintiffs,
12:14to two or three,
12:16because I estimate that there is a third.
12:18He is the one who writes
12:19and neither of them wants to take that position.
12:21In what they present in the file,
12:23at least that is the feeling they give.
12:25And it is not true that because they sign,
12:27the lords, the parents of Logan,
12:30they are responsible.
12:32It is the lawyer who wrote the written
12:35and in this case there are two lawyers
12:37responsible before the file,
12:39because you can not have more than two lawyers
12:41in the file.
12:42But I believe that if each of them denies
12:46that he did it,
12:47there is a third one who is writing for them
12:48and presents them.
12:50Here we also have a reality
12:52that is a dispersion.
12:55Commonly in a case we have
12:57the prosecutor's offices that act
12:59as courts in opportunities.
13:02Here we have Dr. Hanson,
13:05who represents one of the defendants,
13:07Dr. Chiribín.
13:08But we have a dispersion of theories,
13:11of accusations.
13:13It is a tremor that people,
13:17who did not follow the case from day one,
13:19do not understand
13:20and do not understand what is happening
13:21now in the last few weeks.
13:23To clarify a little,
13:25what do we have as clear in the panorama
13:29in the search for those responsible?
13:31Because the truth is that
13:33the one who takes the case now does not understand anything.
13:36And look, Germán,
13:37I hear La Querella say on television
13:40that five people witnessed the abduction.
13:43That is not in the cause.
13:45And if you know it,
13:46that you present it urgently.
13:48There are a lot of things that are on television
13:51and that are not in the case.
13:53It is the same thing that La Querella has said.
13:55So let her say how those five people are made up.
13:59Because in no way in the cause
14:01there is evidence that indicates that it was like that.
14:04And what is being done for television?
14:06Is a theory being made?
14:07A line?
14:08It is that the boy disappeared
14:09when he returned to his grandmother's house.
14:11Yes, but are they making theories for TV?
14:14And there was no,
14:15on the way back,
14:16there was no cut grass
14:18like in a farmhouse.
14:20There is no cut grass in that area.
14:22The only cut grass there is is for the cows.
14:25Let's see, doctor,
14:27to review some issues,
14:28I think they are important,
14:29which contradict the literary advisers on the other side.
14:34For you, a GSL camera
14:37with the boys who accompanied Aloa
14:38would not make sense.
14:39And in that case, why?
14:42It doesn't make sense to me,
14:43it doesn't make sense to the minor advisor,
14:46it doesn't make sense to the other 16 defenders
14:49who are in the cause.
14:50And it doesn't make practical sense
14:52because of the experience it indicates
14:54and also because of the comprehensive protection law
14:56for children, girls and adolescents.
14:58This is, they will be re-victimized for the third time
15:01if it is allowed.
15:02If it is allowed.
15:04Because the boys have already experienced
15:06the traumatic event
15:07that Lohan disappeared
15:09at the time they were there.
15:11And obviously,
15:12a lot of things related to that
15:13must have happened in their heads.
15:15Of course.
15:16And with everything that has been said.
15:17What happened on August 10th?
15:18In the second place,
15:1910 people have now been prosecuted,
15:22some of whom tried to influence it
15:25as it is
15:26moderately demonstrated in the self-processing
15:30that is being elaborated by the judges
15:32regarding that.
15:33So, subjecting him to a third GSL camera
15:36I think would be tortuous for those creatures.
15:39And we have always said,
15:41as it is,
15:43that with Monti
15:44we have never spoken
15:46with the daughter
15:48and the nephews of our defendants.
15:51We have never spoken.
15:52Not even
15:54where you were.
15:57You have full conviction,
16:00and certification
16:01that Cutaya,
16:02that Cañete,
16:04that Rosy Colombo,
16:06that are these
16:07that appeared now
16:08that have preventive prison,
16:09influenced the testimony of the minors?
16:12Of course, Germán.
16:13It is very clear
16:14and it is evidenced.
16:16I experienced it
16:17that day
16:18of the supposed reconstruction.
16:20It was July 9th
16:22and through Paula Bernini,
16:24a journalist from ETN
16:26who worked at that time there,
16:28I was informed
16:30that they were doing the reconstruction.
16:32They tell me,
16:33well, you are not going to the reconstruction?
16:35I say, what reconstruction
16:36if we have no notification?
16:38But still,
16:39for the doubt,
16:40for the cell phone,
16:42that we get
16:43some notification,
16:44I go there in the area
16:46and there was this private reconstruction,
16:48of course,
16:49where there was one of the minors,
16:51at least he was there.
16:53And that can not be the hunger,
16:55the desire to make a media show
16:57by these lawyers
16:59as to show,
17:00I do not know,
17:01we are reconstructing something
17:03without the spirit of influencing
17:05or changing the investigative line
17:07or hindering the investigation itself?
17:10if that was their defense, Germán,
17:12of those who did this,
17:14they will have to prove it,
17:16that they had no intention.
17:19when they defend themselves,
17:21that is,
17:22in their statement,
17:23in the evidence and others,
17:25they will have to prove it,
17:27but to the clear ones,
17:29they could not do what they did.
17:31That is,
17:32any lawyer
17:34can not do that
17:36without the judge authorizing
17:38or having knowledge at least.
17:41I say to finish there,
17:43because Juan Pablo Gallego
17:45goes along the line of
17:47capture with the objective
17:49of child exploitation.
17:51Do we have something of that,
17:53something that can refer
17:55the line of Dr. Gallego to his criteria?
17:57There is not even a trace
17:59of what he calls pedophilia,
18:01which is what I heard him say.
18:03And there is also no evidence
18:05that he has contributed
18:07of these five people he speaks.
18:11And that goes for ...
18:13So I ask him the same question,
18:15that is,
18:16when he said that Vera
18:18has to go to testify
18:20and contribute to the cause
18:22what they say on television,
18:25the jury has to do the same.
18:27How do you rate the role
18:29And well, for me it came to a cause
18:31that he does not know yet in depth.
18:33It's that simple.
18:35Because there are things that,
18:37if it is as he says,
18:39I would not affirm it
18:41as he is affirming it.
18:43But he has no third intentions,
18:45let's say,
18:46more than anything,
18:47of ignorance.
18:48No, he plays a role,
18:49like any lawyer.
18:50That's why I think
18:51this child fight of lawyers
18:53does not make any sense.
18:55And the only thing he does
18:57is the work of anyone,
18:59of the lawyers.
19:00That is,
19:01we do not enter a cause
19:02to hinder.
19:03That is,
19:04we exercise the role
19:05according to what
19:06we estimate
19:07what to do.
19:09unless there is
19:10a strong proof
19:11that shows
19:12that someone
19:13came in to hinder.
19:14And well,
19:15that he presents it
19:16and that he speaks to us on television,
19:17that he presents the cause.
19:19that is,
19:20your advice would be,
19:22lower the levels of bellicism
19:23between lawyers
19:24and take care
19:25a little more
19:26of the fundamental goal
19:27which is to find Lohan
19:28because we have been going
19:29for four months
19:30and we still do not have...
19:31He has already lost
19:32that goal.
19:34The same as always,
19:36you will remember
19:37and right now Germán
19:38who knows the cause
19:39quite well,
19:40since June 18-19
19:41we have contributed
19:42and we have given
19:43a lot of clues
19:44that ended up
19:45later with the detention
19:46of other people
19:47and with evidence
19:48that served
19:49to see
19:50that this
19:51was otherwise.
19:52And I mean
19:53that this
19:54was not
19:55the way
19:56and I mean specifically
19:57the experiments
19:58that were done
19:59on the vehicles
20:00that later ended
20:01with the detention
20:02of two more people.
20:04if we fulfill
20:05that role
20:06from the beginning,
20:07today we continue
20:08in the same tonic
20:09and to our attendees
20:10we can not go
20:11to ask them
20:12if they have
20:13something else
20:14to tell us
20:15because we have
20:16the threat
20:17in an absurd writing
20:18like the one
20:19they presented
20:20asking us
20:21to miss
20:22the professional secret
20:23and in any case
20:24they do not know
20:25where they kidnapped
20:26where Oloa is kidnapped.
20:27I mean,
20:28they are all questions
20:29that I did not think
20:30in my life
20:31to answer
20:32but that
20:34I have to answer
20:35in the file
20:36in the most
20:37subtle way
20:39not to hurt
20:40any susceptibility
20:41but you can not
20:42make that kind
20:43of presentations
20:44and then on top
20:45of that
20:46do not take that charge.
20:47You have been very clear
20:48Dr. Marcelo Hanson
20:49and thank you
20:50for always attending us.
20:51Please follow me
20:52and have a good day.
20:54See you later.
20:55Good day.
20:57Dr. Hanson
20:58with statements
20:59of the case
21:01where the truth
21:02is not yet ...
21:03It is already,
21:04but the axis
21:05has already been lost
21:08We all forget
21:09that we are talking
21:10because we end up
21:11talking about
21:12the lawyer,
21:13the fight,
21:14the influence,
21:15the governor
21:16that the truth
21:17is a shame
21:18is a shame
21:19and it tires me too
21:20it tires me,
21:21it tires me
21:22because it is
21:24Yes, yes, yes
21:25and unfortunately
21:26let's see,
21:27we are not going
21:28to lower our arms
21:29but it makes you
21:30lose hope
21:31in terms of
21:32if they are really
21:33pointing to the
21:34fundamental objective
21:35which is to know
21:36the truth
21:37regarding the lawyer.
21:38He spoke of
21:39puerile things,
21:40of children's fights.
21:41Yes, yes,
21:43but everyone
21:44does not leave
21:46and unfortunately
21:47the one who comes
21:48with some good intention
21:49ends up involved
21:50later in this
21:51in this
21:52in this
21:53in this
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23:07in this
23:08in this
23:09in this
23:10in this
23:11in this
23:12in this
23:13in this
23:14in this
23:15in this
23:16in this
23:17in this
