Thursday morning forecast 16/06/22

  • 2 days ago
16 June - National weather forecast presented by Clare Nasir.
00:00Hello there, welcome to your weather update from the Met Office.
00:03The heat will continue to intensify over the next few days, reaching a peak on Friday across England and Wales.
00:10Temperatures typically around 30 to 34 degrees Celsius, so quite an oppressive heat coming our way.
00:16For the time being though, pleasant through evening time on Wednesday across much of England and Wales,
00:21although this weak weather frontier will continue to deliver some rain across western Scotland
00:26and perhaps even a little bit of wet weather across southern Scotland and northern England through evening time, but it will dry up.
00:32Overnight then we'll see temperatures dipping down to around 10 to 14 Celsius,
00:36lowest values perhaps down towards the West Country, 8 or 9 in the countryside.
00:41But that does lead into a pleasant start to the day across central, eastern and southern parts of Scotland,
00:47even for Orkney and Caithness through the morning, some sunshine here.
00:51Damp across western Scotland down towards Argyll, some dry skies but more clouds across northern Ireland
00:57and hazy sunshine across northern counties of England, Wales as well as the West Country.
01:02Stronger sunshine further east and that's where the highest temperatures will be through the day.
01:06So through the morning into the afternoon on Thursday, we watch as this rain continues just to move up towards the far north of Scotland.
01:14The cloud continues to thicken across northern Ireland, although in shelter across places such as Belfast and Newry
01:20you could see some brighter and drier weather from time to time.
01:23Hazy sunshine for eastern and southern Scotland, perhaps one or two showers here and elsewhere across England and Wales.
01:29Yes, it's going to be a fine day with bright or sunny skies.
01:33It's worth noting pollen levels will be very high across England and Wales through tomorrow
01:38and high across Scotland as well as northern Ireland.
01:42And here are your temperatures, 21, 22 across eastern Scotland, 21, 22 also for northern Ireland,
01:47but across England and Wales, we'll see 26, 27 down towards the southeast, a 29 warmer still on Friday.
01:56So that's the picture on Thursday. Through Thursday night, this set of weather fronts will deliver more cloud
02:02and also some outbreaks of rain to the northern half of the UK.
02:06Further south, you can see more in the way of cloud into Friday morning,
02:10but certainly some holes in the cloud developing across central and southern parts of England and Wales.
02:15As the rain retreats to more central and northern areas of the country.
02:18So here is your city's list as we head through to Friday.
02:21Here's your top temperature in the southeast of 34 degrees Celsius,
02:25slightly fresher air coming in towards the northwest with a batch of showers.
02:30And these showers will slowly move their way across the country through Friday and into the weekend.
02:36It will be a slow process.
02:38We hang on to the heat and the high humidity air towards more southern and southeastern areas through Saturday.
02:43So another hot day here, the risk of some thundery outbreaks as well associated with this cold front.
02:48And eventually, as we head through Sunday and into Monday, most places will be in that fresher air.
02:54And with that, always the chance of some showers. Bye bye.
