Tuesday morning forecast 04/01/22

  • 2 days ago
04 January - National weather forecast.
00:00Hello, Tuesday is a bright but chilly day for many of us. Brisk
00:04winds bringing in wintry showers across the north and the
00:07west in particular. Looking at the next few days, it stays
00:11around average if not below average in terms of
00:14temperature. So, feeling quite cold this week compared to the
00:17record-breaking mild weather we saw at the beginning of the new
00:20year. Through Monday evening, we'll see a band of rain, sleet
00:23and hill snow push its way southwards across the UK,
00:26reaching the Midlands by the early hours. Behind this clearer
00:29skies, colder air moving in with frequent heavy showers
00:33being blown in across Scotland on a strong northerly wind.
00:37Patchy frost developing and widespread ice across Scotland
00:41but mild across much of England and Wales where we remain damp
00:45and cloudy. Here, temperatures falling to around 225 Celsius
00:49falling down to freezing across the northern half of the UK
00:52under those clearer skies below freezing across the glens of
00:56Scotland in particular. So, a cold icy windy start to Tuesday
01:01morning across the north of Scotland in particular. Snow
01:05showers filtering their way southwards through the day
01:08across the country. Wintry across parts of Wales, southwest
01:11England as well but plenty of blue skies developing elsewhere.
01:15Early rain slowly pushing away from the southeast though
01:17staying quite cloudy here. The best of the sunshine across
01:20parts of the east Midlands, eastern England. Elsewhere
01:23generally seeing a scattering of showers and staying very
01:26windy. In fact, winds could reach 60 to 70 possibly locally
01:2980 miles an hour across the north of Scotland. This
01:32combined with heavy snowfall will lead to some drifting in
01:35places and blizzards too. 10 to 15 centimeters is possible
01:39over the higher ground. A cold feeling day. Temperatures
01:42really struggling. Feeling more like freezing for many of us.
01:45A big contrast compared to the beginning of the year. Through
01:50Tuesday evening, we'll continue to see wintry showers feeding
01:53into the north and the west. It stays windy across northeast
01:57Scotland too. So here, blizzards in places. Clearer skies
02:01elsewhere will allow temperatures to zip away quite
02:03quickly. Next few days, it stays changeable. We will see
02:07some rain, sleet, and snow at times. Some sunshine too and
02:09generally feeling cool. More information on this can be
02:12found on our social media channels.