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The Meyers Report 08_30_2024 Fast 15
00:00But basically, Ned, yeah, about five minutes.
00:13So I'm Ned Jones.
00:14Hold a second.
00:15Hold a second.
00:16Hold on.
00:17Good morning, everyone.
00:18Three, two, one.
00:19Good morning, everyone.
00:20Welcome to the Friday Meyers Report Fast 15.
00:22It is August 30th, 2024, and we are about to begin Labor Day.
00:29We're going to start off this morning with Ned Jones, who is the Deputy Director of the
00:36Election Integrity Network, an organization dedicated to clean elections, meaning that
00:42they only want people to vote who are eligible to voters.
00:45This means no dead people, no people who have moved out of state, no registrants that do
00:53not exist, and no noncitizens.
00:57As more fraudulent voting cases come to gain traction, this is a serious, serious issue.
01:06Ned, how does it look for a clean presidential election in 2024?
01:11Well, you know, thanks, Gary, and thanks for having me this morning.
01:15And that's a real hard question to answer because the schemes by the progressive activists
01:23are many.
01:24We know of some, but there are others that we don't.
01:27But I want to concentrate on one area that I think is critically important.
01:31And you posed the question in your email about the, quote, Chicago model, has it spread nationwide.
01:37It's a cancer that's metastasized.
01:39I think there's a lot of merit to that.
01:41You know, if you go back to Obama from Chicago, that's when it really started.
01:48If you look at his two elections, I believe there was a tremendous amount of, I'll say,
01:54cheating going on that was never even discussed in real terms.
02:00And so I'm going to bring it right up to the present.
02:02Here's what we have going on right now.
02:03It's called taking advantage of the voter roll.
02:06One second, Ned.
02:07Just as an anecdote, I was in a meeting with Rahm Emanuel, a precinct captain meeting when
02:13he was preparing to run for office during the primaries, and they proudly announced
02:19that they already had all the votes in hand to win.
02:24And nobody in that room, except for me, and even the guy that I was with, no one else
02:32saw anything wrong with this.
02:36And what it is, is taking advantage of the voter rolls that are a disaster in our country.
02:41There's millions of registrations that should be removed for a number of reasons.
02:47But for this cycle, they've put that process on steroids, and they're using the federal
02:51government, they're using left-wing nonprofits, they're using for-profit organizations to
02:58register their targeted voter.
03:01And who's their targeted voter today?
03:04It's called the new American majority—people of color, single women, and young voters.
03:10That's who they're after.
03:12That's who they're targeting with this massive voter registration operation.
03:16The federal government's involved with Biden's executive order that he put out in 2021, EO
03:2314019, that turned every government agency into a voter registration operation.
03:30Any person, and it doesn't say citizen, who comes in contact with these agencies has to
03:35be registered to vote and given information on voting by mail.
03:40The nonprofits, we all know that you have one in Chicago, the Center for Tech and Civic
03:45Life, and others like it, are deeply involved in our election process.
03:50They're all being funded by Soros, Midiar, Zuckerberg, Gates, the left-wing billionaires.
03:57The for-profit companies are coming to light now.
04:00We're seeing cases of canvases, they're called, who go out and recruit these demographically
04:07targeted voters.
04:09One that comes to mind is GBI Strategies in Michigan, who put forward thousands of false
04:16voter registrations in the last cycle.
04:19Just recently in Ohio, you're going to see a lot of legal action against an organization
04:24called Black Forks, which had a scheme to register these targeted voters.
04:29What we have is a massive voter registration operation that's led to the non-citizen voting
04:36problem that Cleta Mitchell, who founded the Election Integrity Network, brought to light
04:41earlier this year.
04:44Non-citizens are being registered to vote because the entire system is based on the
04:48honor system.
04:50All you have to do is check a box, say you're a citizen, sign your name, no proof required.
04:56This has been upheld by Supreme Court decisions where they say a person's attestation is enough.
05:02They don't need to prove they're a citizen to register to vote.
05:07These folks who are getting on the voter rolls, I don't call them voters, I call them ballot
05:11recipients where they're going to be getting a ballot from someone, maybe one of the nonprofit
05:19Someone's going to fill it out, and somebody's going to return it either through ballot harvesting,
05:23the mail, or whatever.
05:25This is what I consider the scheme.
05:28There's other things that go on.
05:30We've heard all the theories for four years, many of them not proven.
05:34But I think that this taking advantage of the voter rolls, creating these ballot recipients
05:40with the massive vote-by-mail that we have now all over the country—unfortunately,
05:45some are recommending it as a way to vote—is their scheme.
05:49What can we do about it?
05:50Well, we have to expose it.
05:52In the case of the non-citizens, we helped write the SAVE Act, which passed the House
05:57and Congress, requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote.
06:01However, it's languishing, we'll call it, in the Senate.
06:05But we're exposing the issue, we're getting people more involved.
06:09Several secretaries of state now are getting involved.
06:11Some governors are actually removing non-citizens.
06:14Our governor here in Virginia got our election office to do it, Texas just did it, and others
06:20will do the same.
06:22If someone lies and gets on the voter rolls, you almost can't find them.
06:27There's no way to find them because the Department of Homeland Security, who we think
06:32has a list of all of them, isn't releasing that to the states.
06:37And so what can we do about it?
06:38Well, we have to get involved.
06:40Up until 2020, we left the election up to—
06:43Are you hopeful that we can do that, we're going to have a reasonably fair election?
06:49Yeah, I don't like the word fair because I think there's too many unknowns.
06:54But I know what conservatives can do to mitigate what they're doing, and it's something we've
06:59not done in the past.
07:00What is that?
07:01Getting involved in the process.
07:03We have to become workers and watchers in the process.
07:07And there's a huge effort, led by the RNC and others, to recruit people to get involved
07:12in the process.
07:13And that's a good thing.
07:15In the 2021 election in Virginia, we had an army of observers and workers, and we think
07:19it really helped in a positive result for our election that we think was a fair election.
07:25And the other thing is turnout.
07:26You hear the term now, too big to rig.
07:30That's right.
07:31If our turnout is, and I call it now Reagan-esque, back in the day when he got that huge turnout
07:38from conservatives to win a couple of elections, that's what we need.
07:42When conservatives vote, we win.
07:44When they stay home, we lose.
07:46And so we have to drive turnout and involvement in the election process, and we can mitigate
07:52whatever they're doing.
07:54So from what I understand, to wrap it up, there are states that are now requiring proof
08:01of citizenship to register to vote.
08:04And you and I have been part of discussions where there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands
08:10of people who are now getting involved as poll watchers and as judges.
08:16On balance, in a word, are you optimistic that the election could be, in this particular
08:24case, too big to rig?
08:27The win could be too big to rig.
08:28I think there'll be massive turnout.
08:30I mean, all you have to do- I agree.
08:31If you watched TV last night, you're going to run out and vote.
08:35Because we can't have that.
08:39But I want to correct you on one thing, Gary, with all due respect.
08:42There is no state that requires proof of citizenship to register to vote.
08:49And the reason is- I thought Arizona had just passed some legislation.
08:52Arizona is unique in this way.
08:54If you can't prove you're a citizen, okay, you get on the federal voter list.
09:00You can vote in federal elections, president, Congress.
09:04If you want to vote in the state election, you have to prove you're a citizen.
09:09So think about it.
09:12Non-citizens can vote in the federal election in Arizona, but you have to prove you're a
09:17citizen to vote in the state elections.
09:21That's the only state where there's even a hint of a requirement.
09:24All the other states, because of the Supreme Court decisions that say attesting is enough,
09:31you don't have to prove you're a citizen.
09:34There is no other state that gets the proof.
09:39Now, if you go to the DMV to get a license, you have to prove you're a citizen, or you
09:42get what we call here in Virginia, a driver privilege card, and you are not eligible to
09:48vote with that card.
09:50In order to get a regular license, you have to prove you're a citizen.
09:53So that's how they control it.
09:57Based upon what you guys have heard, Don, Isaac, are you optimistic about if we can
10:04get a clean, get a substantially fair election?
10:08Yes or no?
10:09Yeah, I think we're going to get the job done, yes.
10:13I'm 50-50.
10:14I'm afraid that some of these battleground states where the Secretary of State's a Democrat,
10:20I'm suspicious.
10:22And Bob?
10:24I'm not encouraged.
10:25You know, I'm hopeful, but not encouraged that they can't just swing this thing enough
10:32in some of the battleground states.
10:35I am encouraged because I think that I see that there's a lot of stuff being done.
10:40I see that there's going to be a massive turnout.
10:43And I think that, and Bob, you and I'll get into this, big money is betting on a Trump
10:51Stories are popping up around all over the place, or various places, that the Pacific
10:56Islands are sinking below sea level because of climate change.
11:01A, Don, is this really happening?
11:07It's not.
11:11So what are they talking about?
11:13Well, we probably all remember when they said the Maldives, those islands were going to
11:19go underwater, which has obviously not been the case.
11:22They just built a really nice new airport in the Maldives.
11:26Same thing.
11:27It's misinformed people, politicians.
11:30The head of the UN, Gutierrez, is probably the biggest shrill out there in terms of climate
11:36change and coming up with stuff.
11:40The islands, if they are sinking, is due to subsidence, not because of rising sea levels.
11:47What is subsidence?
11:48Subsidence meaning sinking.
11:49That's going to be a geologic factor, not a one of rising waters.
11:57So they're starting to recycle the hype that they had with the Maldives, but they're just
12:03putting it onto the Pacific now.
12:06So it's nothing new under the sun with those folks.
12:10Is there a difference in sea levels between oceans and in different parts of the oceans?
12:16Depending on the prevailing wind patterns, especially in the Pacific, during El Nino's,
12:21there's more water on the western side of the Pacific than the eastern side of the Pacific.
12:26It's enough to make a difference.
12:28And the Pacific and the Atlantic are actually at slightly different elevations.
12:32So you live on an island, it's kind of like when you live on the coast, you know, you're
12:37going to be affected by the ocean and storms and all of those things.
12:41Are the oceans warming or cooling?
12:44And why?
12:45The oceans go through warming and cooling cycles all the time.
12:48There's been some press recently about the Atlantic all of a sudden having sudden cooling,
12:53which is nothing extraordinary.
12:57The Atlantic has been really warm, but it's cooling off.
13:01But the oceans are like the weather.
13:04They go through cycles of warming, cool periods and in different parts of the ocean.
13:09So a lot of it, but basically what we've been discussing for some time, there's no
13:17scientific basis in the climate, the climate fear.
13:21Well, yeah, well, there's a lot of climate fear that things that are like, you know,
13:26the islands sinking, that type of thing, they associate very easily with climate change
13:31because it grabs headlines.
13:33I mean, you can find headlines that say they're blaming earthquakes on climate change now.
13:38Climate change is magical.
13:40It can do everything.
13:42I mean, it can make people's hair more red.
13:45I'm not making that up.
13:47There was a study that came out that causes more red hair or less red hair.
13:50I quit.
13:51I'm trying to remember there.
13:53But it's the go to excuse for everything.
13:57Anything that's going bad in the world, well, it's got to be climate change.
14:00Isaac Issa, moving on to transportation.
14:03You were expecting a longshoreman strike on the East and Gulf Coast ports in the U.S.
14:09and a railroad strike in Canada.
14:11Two questions.
14:12Are they happening and are they related to climate change?
14:15Well, speaking of headlines, yeah, so the Canadian National went on strike for about
14:21a day and a half before the government intervened and they they ramped up operations back.
14:26Now, mind you, it did cause it did cause some backlog, but nothing, nothing that is
14:32majorly significant.
14:34Now the East Coast and Gulf, they're coming up for their contract renewal October 1st.
14:39So their contract expires the 30th of September and we're expecting the same exact thing.
14:44We're expecting government to intervene and mitigate the entire thing.
14:49Now, mind you, the last the last time our industry really had a significant strike was
14:55on the West Coast.
14:57And that was back in 2015.
14:59And when the rail yards do go on strike, Gary, it causes disruption throughout the entire
15:05supply chain.
15:06That's when we start seeing rates start to skyrocket and empty shelves in our grocery
15:12So basically, if we have some union contracts coming up that could cause significant disruptions
15:18on October 1st, there will be a political incentive to make sure that these things get
15:24settled at least for a month.
15:27There's no way it's going to happen.
15:28Not at night.
15:30We have a election.
15:31Great point.
15:32And we'll be in the midst of our peak season, the holiday season here in America.
15:36Isaac, you had a question for Bob.
15:39I have a question for you, Bob.
15:40With Milo Harris's unrealized tax tax gains on tax and unrealized gains.
15:47I'm sorry.
15:48How would that how would that impact my business as it increases in value?
15:54How would I have to pay for money I don't currently have as my business starts to grow?
15:59The proposal is you have to pay 25 percent on it.
16:02And none of the details are really clear, crystal clear.
16:06But basically, yes, you have to pay on the appreciated assets that they estimate your
16:11business has increased by.
16:15And you don't have money to pay for it.
16:17So it's an absolutely ridiculous move.
16:20It's something that's been tried in other countries.
16:23And when they try it and they start to see the folly in it, it's immediately repealed.
16:29So, you know, it's just another harebrained idea by someone who clearly has no basic understanding
16:37of economic principles.
16:38Well, remember, the chief economic advisers to both Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, neither
16:46one of them has any background in economics.
16:48Bob, what are the latest numbers about what we're seeing in the economy?
16:54Well, we just got some really good numbers this morning.
16:57And basically what they showed is that at the end of July, one of the key inflation
17:01measures for the economy is up at a two and a half percent annual rate.
17:06That's right in the vicinity of where the Fed would like it to be.
17:09That's true for both with or without oil and food.
17:13So some really good news on that.
17:15The other good news, kind of good news.
17:19Can we trust those numbers?
17:23All numbers are just rough estimates.
17:25But the other numbers that showed really a pretty significant slowdown in personal income
17:31growth and in real disposable income that went up by only one percent at an annual rate.
17:37Those are numbers that are very reassuring for the Fed that it's time to cut interest
17:43rates. And so they were doing that in the middle of next month.
17:47Bob, traders that I know say that if Harris gets into the White House, the markets will
17:53tank literally overnight.
17:55And if Trump wins, the markets will soar.
17:58Bob, the S&P 500 is close to its all time high.
18:02Does that mean that big money is anticipating a Trump win?
18:06Well, again, I hate to draw that conclusion because there are so many factors that affect
18:12the stock market.
18:14But I would say that with her economic policies, my own forecast would be for a great deal
18:20of economic disruption in the period ahead if she were to get elected.
18:25What do the bookies say?
18:27The bookies say it's pretty much an even match right now, that they're both pretty much tied
18:34at 48, 49 percent apiece with some undecideds in between.
18:41Bob, from an economist point of view, and we should all ask some questions on this,
18:47what did you think of Kamala Harris's first interview that was taped and shown last night?
18:54Well, when I watched it, it was at least apparent to me why she doesn't do interviews.
18:59There was a lot of misinformation, a lot of the lack of substance and even a lack of
19:07awareness of what different policies might do.
19:11And just a discussion of generalities.
19:14There's also a lack of understanding about what had happened in the past eight years,
19:19four under Biden-Harris and four under Trump.
19:23So I was very disturbed by the interview.
19:28Unfortunately, we did not have a good interviewer who could at least present some follow up
19:34questions that could give us a little more enlightenment.
19:36But the interviewer let her get away with a lot of things that were just not true.
19:41I mean, like her position on fracking.
19:44Now she's not going to ban fracking when in 2019 she was dead set against it.
19:53Anyway, from what I saw, I did not see any substance.
19:59It seemed that she was out and out lying.
20:03And it wasn't even smoke and mirrors.
20:07It was like wind.
20:10I want to see the other 42 minutes.
20:15It was only about 20 minutes that they showed.
20:18I was timing it.
20:20And in that 20 minutes, there was one very disturbing thing to me, which I will just
20:25bring up because I think it gives some insight into how she would make decisions in a very
20:30critical state.
20:31And we have no idea about that except from the sort of things she said.
20:36She was asked if she had any regrets for not telling, in effect, the nation that her boss
20:42was deteriorating to the extent that it was perhaps damaging to the country.
20:47And if she had any regrets over not doing that, and she said, no, absolutely no regrets
20:52at all, because he's such a wonderful, caring, considerate, just wonderful person.
20:59Well, what that told me is that when push came to shove, her decision is going to be
21:04on how wonderful the person is, not what's good for the country.
21:08And that, to me, is a very serious shortcoming.
21:11I mean, obviously, it didn't occur to her that if he was mentally deteriorating, that
21:17it could get us all killed, even if he is a nice guy, which a lot of us could argue.
21:24Well, it's clear that they're running out of emotion.
21:27It's clear.
21:30So it's all about emotion and not fact.
21:33OK, with that, I want to thank everyone.
21:36Have a good weekend.
21:38Be safe.
21:39And, well, basically, we'll see you next week.
21:42And God bless America.
21:49Good morning, everyone.
21:50It is Friday, August 30, 2024.
21:54We're going to do a follow-up on our Fast 15.
21:58The subject this morning is going to be Kamala Harris and her first interview in, I guess,
22:04it's 40 days.
22:05It wasn't a live interview.
22:07It was by tape.
22:08And we're going to look at what she said and what the implications are for decision-making
22:15and the economy.
22:16We have with us this morning our chief economist, Bob Janetzky.
22:21And we have Ned Jones, who is one of the nation's leading experts on elections and voter activity.
22:28And we have Don Day, our chief climatologist, who follows the weather and everything that
22:36it gets blamed on.
22:38OK, Bob, give us a rundown on what you saw last night and the implications for Kamala
22:45Well, the first thing I saw is why she does not want to do interviews or why her people
22:50do not want her to do interviews.
22:52I think that there were a number of disturbing things, at least disturbing to me, that came
22:57out of that interview.
23:00One of the things is it showed a complete lack of depth in terms of understanding policies
23:07or understanding substance about the economy, business, how things operate.
23:13The first question that she was asked was, what would you do on day one?
23:17And her answer is, I would make sure the middle class had more opportunities and could prosper
23:25and do really, really well.
23:27And the problem there is the question is, how do you prosper?
23:31How do you create opportunities?
23:32What are the policies that you implement to bring this about?
23:36You don't just say it and it kind of happens.
23:39Or how about how do you do it in one day?
23:42Well, she also seemed to lack any sort of knowledge of what happened.
23:49They asked her, well, the middle class, you know, they're not doing very well today.
23:53And her immediate answer was, middle class hasn't done well for the past 10 years.
23:57Well, that's just outright wrong.
24:00The middle class did great under President Trump.
24:03The huge increases in living standards for the four years that he was in president.
24:09And the question is, well, did it have anything to do with his policies?
24:12And did you know what his policies were?
24:15And why did the middle class do so well with his policies?
24:19And then we have the opposite during the Biden-Harris period,
24:22when the middle class living standards went way down.
24:25And the question was, that should have been asked is,
24:29how is this related to the policies that you put into effect?
24:33Now, she claimed that when we came into office,
24:36the economy was miserable and miserable shape.
24:39Well, no, the economy was booming.
24:43We had four to 5% real growth in the six months before they came in.
24:48That was virtually no inflation.
24:51We had no inflation.
24:54And we had the unemployment rate at 6%.
24:57However, it was down from almost 15% at the worst part of the COVID period.
25:03So we had had a huge recovery.
25:05The economy was just shrugging ahead.
25:08That is not the worst economy in the world.
25:11And an interviewer who had any sort of knowledge could have then asked her about that.
25:18First of all, are you aware of what was happening at the time?
25:22So the lack of policies, the lack of any substance regarding what sort of policies are good,
25:28what sort of policies are bad, was something that was very disturbing to me.
25:32It also appeared to me that there was a problem with her foreign policy issues
25:39when they talked about Gaza.
25:41Now, foreign policy is very complicated.
25:46And there are things that you can do and things that you can't do
25:50with respect to helping the world.
25:53One of the things that Biden-Harris did early on was mess up the departure from Afghanistan,
26:00which basically caused a tremendous amount of disrespect
26:05for the United States around the world.
26:07It might have been one of the factors contributing to the wars that we have.
26:12But there are also...
26:12It absolutely was, because it gave out billions of dollars of weapons
26:18to the bad guys that never would have gotten them.
26:21Yeah, it's even worse than that, because the Biden-Harris policies
26:24right before the invasion of the Ukraine
26:27were things that basically encouraged Putin to go on and invade the Ukraine.
26:33Things like crossing a red line that Putin had put out.
26:38He said, you know, if Ukraine joins NATO, that will be a red line
26:43and Russia will have to respond dramatically.
26:46And then also doing things like pulling ships out of the Red Sea,
26:51assuring Russia that the U.S. would not be involved in a conflict.
26:55I remember Biden saying that we'd accept a little bit of an incursion.
27:02At any rate, there are a whole list of things that encourage Russia to go into the Ukraine.
27:06And basically, now we've had over two years of wars and thousands of deaths.
27:12The same policy changes occurred with respect to Gaza.
27:17In terms of the Middle East, under Trump, he had basically
27:23refused aid to Iran.
27:26He had cut off aid to the Palestinians.
27:29And these are very harsh moves.
27:31But under his guidance, under those particular policies,
27:35which are detailed and designed to put pressure on some people,
27:39we had Middle East peace.
27:41We had the Abraham Accords where the other Arab nations
27:44signed a peace treaty with Israel.
27:47And all of a sudden, we had the prospects that we could have peace in the Middle East.
27:52What did Biden and Harris do when they came in?
27:54They changed all of those policies.
27:56They immediately started to give aid to Iran.
27:59There was an act which Trump had gotten passed called the Taylor Act,
28:05which basically said we cannot give any aid to Palestinians
28:09so long as they have a policy of rewarding terrorist families for committing terrorist acts.
28:16That was the Taylor Act.
28:18And so the U.S. was not giving any aid to Palestine.
28:21Biden and Harris reversed that particular policy,
28:25and they restarted giving aid, not only to the Palestinians, but to Iran.
28:30And what happened with the money that was given?
28:32That was used to build the tunnels, to build up munitions for the attack on Israel.
28:39So these are deep policy changes.
28:41And it's very disturbing.
28:43She seems to know nothing about these policies.
28:45What is her solution to the Middle East?
28:47You know what she wants?
28:49She wants a deal.
28:51Again, this is like saying, I want optimism.
28:55I want people to have opportunity.
28:57I want a deal.
28:59What are the details of the deal?
29:01What sort of deal?
29:02She repeated again and again, we need a deal.
29:06And again, the lack of any policy.
29:10And there's just one more thing,
29:13which I think was probably the most disturbing thing to me at all.
29:17And it was when she asked the question about if she had any regrets over her decision
29:25not to tell the country that the president had deteriorated significantly
29:30and basically lying about his condition,
29:33that he was so vibrant and so alert and such a wonderful person.
29:37She said she had absolutely no regrets about that.
29:42And the reason why is because Biden was such a wonderful person.
29:47He was so committed.
29:49He had given so much to the country.
29:51But basically what she did in a key decision was she decided
29:56not to let the nation know about a serious, serious problem
30:01and rather to place her friendship, her feelings for the president
30:06above her duty to the rest of the country.
30:10And we don't know much about this person,
30:12but you have to take little glimpses of hints as to how she might react
30:17in a very serious situation.
30:20And the response that I saw in that interview was simply not encouraging.
30:25One of the things that was clear that she missed,
30:27because as we had discussed earlier,
30:30is that her chief economic advisor, as with Biden's chief economic advisor,
30:37neither one of them has any background in economics or business.
30:42And what they missed was one of the most critical things
30:45that came out of the Trump administration was the energy policy.
30:48And the energy policy gave us the economic and geopolitical clout
30:53to put teeth into making people behave,
30:56which was everything you had discussed, including being able to bring about,
31:00to prevent the Russians from going into Ukraine,
31:04to prevent the war in the Middle East,
31:07and to prevent all sorts of things,
31:09because we had the leverage and the clout.
31:11And the first thing they did was when they came into office
31:14was to scuttle the energy policy,
31:17which is the key, as we have discussed many times.
31:21Yeah, the bottom line is, Gary,
31:24she has no substantive knowledge of key issues in economics,
31:29in finance, in business.
31:31That is not her background.
31:33She's nothing there,
31:34which is why they don't want her to give interviews
31:37and why she has a very difficult time
31:41coming forth with any substantive answers about very serious questions.
31:48Don or Ned, do either one of you have a view on what happened last night?
31:55Go ahead, Don.
31:58My views are about the same as everybody else's.
32:00I mean, disturbing,
32:02but there was nothing that I heard last night surprised me.
32:06There was nothing that shocked me.
32:08It was about what I expected,
32:09very shallow and scary policy ideas.
32:16Okay, I'm concerned about the country that we're even having this conversation,
32:23about the worst candidate,
32:25unqualified, unskilled candidate
32:28that has ever run for president in our country.
32:31In 2019, her own voters threw her out.
32:34Less than 1% in the polls before the primaries even started.
32:41And then she had to quit before the primaries started.
32:44Biden picked her because his only qualification for a vice president was a black woman.
32:49That's the only reason that he picked her.
32:52And I think it's amazing that we're even having this conversation
32:55because 42 days ago,
32:59the press was calling her totally unqualified,
33:02an empty suit,
33:04and Biden should find a new running mate.
33:06And now 41 days later,
33:09the press is building her up to be this amazing candidate for president
33:14and getting 50% of the vote,
33:17which I don't believe the polls at all.
33:19And so I think it's a scam.
33:23To be honest with you,
33:23I think Obama is looking for his fourth term.
33:28I think that his shadow government was behind the Biden administration.
33:31I think that he's pushing Harris for the same reason.
33:35And you can call me a conspiracy theorist,
33:38but there's no other reason that they would put her forward.
33:42And they have to keep the polls closed to make it look like she's a serious candidate.
33:46And I'm sorry, I watched that interview, and it wasn't an interview.
33:50It was an infomercial on CNN
33:53building the same case for her that we've heard for 40 days.
33:57And I'm just amazed that we're having this conversation.
34:01Bob, final thought?
34:05I think I've said everything I have to say.
34:09I do not disagree.
34:12I think that she is the classic empty suit.
34:16And what I will say is I have a faith in the American people
34:23that we are not as dumb as some of the politicos would think we are.
34:30I think that our people are a lot brighter than that.
34:33With that, I would say have a good weekend.
34:36Have a good Labor Day.
34:37Be safe and God bless America.