Met Office Friday Evening Weather Forecast 07/06/2024

  • 2 days ago
07 June - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello again, it's almost the weekend but whilst there will be some dry bright weather around
00:05at times there will also be quite a few showers and a bit of a fresher feel to things as well
00:10because of an area of low pressure dragging in our air from the north and we do have some
00:15showers piling in as well.
00:17Also a couple of fronts and these bring the focus for a bit more cloud as we go through
00:21this evening and overnight across parts of central England into Wales and some more persistent
00:25perhaps outbreaks of rain here but even away from the fronts there will be quite a few
00:29showers around especially towards the north west of Scotland.
00:33Here the showers are going to be pretty frequent, they could be heavy at times overnight, even
00:37some rumbles of thunder and some sleet or snow over the highest peaks of the Scottish
00:43For many it is going to be quite a cloudy night but we are likely to see some clear
00:47skies developing perhaps in the south east of England also eastern parts of northern
00:51England and eastern Scotland and where we get those clear skies it is going to turn
00:57cool if not cold with temperatures perhaps dropping into low single figures for some
01:01of us.
01:02Quite widely where there is any clear breaks it is going to be well into single figures.
01:07Some places perhaps under the thicker cloud because of that front will just about hold
01:11up in double digits in the towns and cities.
01:13So nonetheless a bit of a fresh start for many of us on Saturday morning, a bit cloudy
01:18across central southern England and Wales because of that front and there will be some
01:22outbreaks of rain through the morning.
01:23But as the front clears away towards the south we will see the cloud and the rain clearing
01:28away as well and so for many particularly across England, Wales and Northern Ireland
01:33it is actually going to turn largely dry and sunny as we go into the afternoon.
01:38Slightly different story for much of Scotland though, yes there will be some sunny spells
01:41here but still plenty of showers feeding in from the north north west and some of these
01:46showers could still be heavy, thundery, perhaps some hail mixed in with them as well.
01:50Now where we get the decent sunshine it's not going to feel too bad.
01:54Temperatures around average for the time of year, high teens, low 20s, pretty warm enough.
01:58But further north temperatures are going to be a bit more suppressed, just about getting
02:03into double figures for some places and with some blustery winds the chance of those showers
02:07is going to feel pretty fresh, quite cool considering it is early summer.
02:11A few things that we do need to bear in mind at this time of year with some fine weather
02:16developing particularly as we go through tomorrow afternoon, pollen levels are going to be high
02:20or very high for many places and it is grass pollen at the moment which affects the majority
02:26of hay fever sufferers like myself so it is going to be causing a bit of a problem for
02:31some of us.
02:32Also UV levels, even though it's not feeling especially warm at the moment the sun has
02:37some real strength behind it at this time of year and there will be some high levels
02:41of UV.
02:42If you are going to be out for any prolonged period of time tomorrow make sure you are
02:46protected from the sun.
02:48We will see some more cloud as we go through the end of the day on Saturday across northern
02:52parts and the showers perhaps becoming a bit more persistent, more frequent outbreaks of
02:57showery rain developing overnight across parts of Scotland into Northern Ireland and perhaps
03:02Northern England too.
03:03Further south though for the rest of England and Wales it's going to be a dry and largely
03:08clear overnight and as a result it's probably going to turn a little bit colder on Saturday
03:13night than it will do on Friday night across southern parts of the UK.
03:18Parts of a grass frost in prone rural spots, a little bit less fresh, a little bit less
03:21cool where we get that cloud across more northern areas and where we have those outbreaks of
03:27So across the north it is going to be a damp start on Sunday morning, further outbreaks
03:32of rain could be a bit persistent at times, none of it looks especially heavy or gradually
03:37making its way southwards so parts of the Midlands, East Anglia, Wales turning increasingly
03:42cloudy as we go through the day and a bit of rain could arrive later on but the far
03:46south of England likely to cling on to the fine and sunny weather through much of the
03:52Showers following in behind from the north across parts of Scotland and again some of
03:56these could be on the heavier side and some blustery winds up here.
04:00Still a bit of a contrast in our temperatures still bringing our air in from the north so
04:03feeling pretty cool across northern parts.
04:06In the far south though very high teens, low twenties especially where we get the best
04:10of any sunshine towards the south coast.
04:13As we go into next week and we are going to be sandwiched between high pressure to
04:17the west of us and low pressure towards the north and northeast.
04:20That keeps that generally northerly flow and there will be some showery rain pushing through
04:24at times but all that means temperatures really aren't going to rise a huge amount.
04:29Remember as always you can make sure you are weather ready by heading to our website to
04:34get some advice from both ourselves and our partners.
04:37I'll see you again soon.
04:38Bye bye.
