00:00Did they not see how many nations We destroyed before them, whose feet We had set up in the land in such a way that your feet also were not set up in such a way?
00:09And We poured rain upon them from the sky, and made rivers, which were flowing beneath their houses.
00:16Then We destroyed them because of their sins, and after them We created other nations.
00:22And O Prophet, if We had sent down to you a letter written in paper, and they had taken it with their own hands,
00:29then the disbelievers would have said, This is clearly magic.
00:33And they would have said, Why was not an angel sent down to these prophets, who would have confirmed them?
00:39And if We had sent down an angel, then the work would have been decided.
00:43Then they would not have been given a place.
00:45Moreover, if We had sent an angel, We would have sent him in the form of a man.
00:50And they would have been put in the same department as they are now.
00:54And before you, too, there was mockery with the prophets.
00:57Then those who mocked them, they were punished with mockery.