Once Upon a Prince 2024 - New Hallmark Romance

  • 2 days ago
00:00:00I'm just walking and talking, but no dropping to one knee.
00:00:22What's taking this boy so long?
00:00:24Hold on.
00:00:25Something's happening.
00:00:26Plans change, Susie.
00:00:27We're not the same kids who dreamed about getting married.
00:00:28It took me a long time to admit that.
00:00:29Mainly because I don't want to let you down.
00:00:30I feel like I put my life on hold for you.
00:00:31I was waiting for you.
00:00:32But you didn't have to.
00:00:33You could have started your business without me.
00:00:34Why didn't you?
00:00:35I guess this is goodbye then.
00:00:36I'm sorry.
00:00:37I'm sorry.
00:00:38I'm sorry.
00:00:39I'm sorry.
00:00:40I'm sorry.
00:00:41I'm sorry.
00:00:42I'm sorry.
00:00:43I'm sorry.
00:00:44I'm sorry.
00:00:45I'm sorry.
00:00:46I'm sorry.
00:00:47I'm sorry.
00:00:48I'm sorry.
00:00:49I'm sorry.
00:00:50I'm sorry.
00:00:51I'm sorry.
00:00:52I'm sorry.
00:00:53I'm sorry.
00:00:54I'm sorry.
00:00:56Oh, this doesn't look good at all.
00:01:01Oh boy!
00:01:02What's oh boy?
00:01:06Your sister and Adam.
00:01:10Tell Susie I will of course be her maid of honor, but I get to pick the dress color.
00:01:15No peach taffeta like Zoe Snow's wedding.
00:01:18The worst.
00:01:19Avery, honey, that's not going to be a problem.
00:01:26I'm so sorry.
00:01:30You can do better.
00:01:33Mom, are you giving Avery a play-by-play of my breakup?
00:01:36In my defense, I thought this was going to have a different outcome.
00:01:40Can you just tell Dad I'm going to skip work today?
00:01:43It's going to clear my head.
00:01:45It's okay, baby. You take all the time you need.
00:01:55I'm sorry.
00:02:50Do you need some help?
00:02:52I do if you have a tire, Jack.
00:02:54Why? Did you get a flat?
00:02:56Yeah, that's why I need a tire, Jack.
00:02:58Well, shouldn't you have?
00:03:00You don't have one. Look at that.
00:03:02Yeah, my sister borrowed it.
00:03:04She got a flat a few weeks ago and she was supposed to return it.
00:03:07But she didn't.
00:03:08Which I'm just now finding out about.
00:03:10Well, then this must be your lucky day.
00:03:12I don't know about that, but...
00:03:14Come on. Let's see if we can find you a tire, Jack.
00:03:33Do you need something else?
00:03:36Well, I rather thought they'd be instructions.
00:03:38Have you never changed a tire before?
00:03:41First time for everything.
00:03:43What's your name?
00:03:45Sorry. Nate Kenneth.
00:03:47At your service.
00:03:49Hi, Nate Kenneth. I'm Susannah Truitt.
00:03:52Susannah, nice to meet you.
00:03:54Shall we?
00:03:56Let's give this a go.
00:03:58Thank you so much.
00:03:59Of course. Do you mind holding this?
00:04:00Not at all.
00:04:05With an accent like that, it sounds like you're not from Georgia.
00:04:10Here I thought I'd blend it in.
00:04:12Have you ever heard of a country called Cambria?
00:04:17No, but I'm not that good at geography.
00:04:20It's all right. It's a challenge even for those that are.
00:04:23Mainly due to the fact that it's not much larger than your St. Simon's Island.
00:04:26May I?
00:04:27Please. Thank you.
00:04:28What brings you here?
00:04:30Visiting a family friend. Do you know Mrs. Waller?
00:04:33June Waller?
00:04:34Yeah, her name is on half the buildings in town.
00:04:37She's your friend?
00:04:39My father's, actually.
00:04:42I'm on holiday before I start a new job.
00:04:44Oh. What do you do?
00:04:46Public relations.
00:04:48What do you do?
00:04:50Landscape architecture.
00:04:52Ah! Impressive.
00:04:54I mean, I'm still trying to get things on my resume.
00:04:57There's not a lot of landscape architecture firms on the island, so...
00:05:01Why don't you start your own firm?
00:05:03You're the second person to say that to me in two hours.
00:05:06The first one was my boyfriend as he was breaking up with me.
00:05:11I'm sorry, that was... I don't know why I said that.
00:05:14Listen, sometimes it's easier to tell things to a complete stranger.
00:05:17Yeah, maybe.
00:05:19But I don't really have an answer for either one of you.
00:05:23Or myself.
00:05:25Adam and I were supposed to open up our business when he got back, but...
00:05:28Clearly that's not going to happen anymore.
00:05:32I've had my plans change unexpectedly, too.
00:05:35It can be quite difficult.
00:05:40Oh, thank you.
00:05:42Oh, wait, here.
00:05:46Is this a handkerchief?
00:05:48It is.
00:05:50I've never met anyone our age with a handkerchief before.
00:05:54Are you sure you're not, like, a time traveler from another era or something?
00:05:57Not that I'm aware of.
00:06:00Oh. Oh, I'm sorry.
00:06:03It's alright, that's what it's for.
00:06:05Um, I'll clean it. I'll clean it and get it back to you.
00:06:13That tree is incredible.
00:06:17Yeah, it's called, um, Lover's Oak.
00:06:20There's a legend that if a couple gets engaged underneath it, they'll stay married forever.
00:06:24I used to have all these fantasies about getting proposed to underneath there.
00:06:30Nothing fancy, just, you know, the entire thing covered in twinkle lights.
00:06:34It's a little fancy.
00:06:36Um, yeah, I guess I had it all planned out, but, uh...
00:06:41Things change.
00:06:43Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.
00:06:47John Lennon.
00:06:49That's right.
00:06:53You know, I do remember Cambria.
00:06:56You do?
00:06:57Yeah, that's where they recreated the Florentine Gardens, right?
00:07:00Yes, that's right.
00:07:02Hey, breathtaking, isn't it?
00:07:05I couldn't agree more.
00:07:08Well, thank you so much, Nate Kennan, for everything.
00:07:12And I promise to return your handkerchief cleaned.
00:07:15I look forward to it.
00:08:07Hello, John.
00:08:15You make my job difficult.
00:08:17It was one drive.
00:08:19Lasting two hours.
00:08:22I went to clear my head.
00:08:24But then I helped a damsel in distress.
00:08:28We sort of worked together, but got my hands dirty.
00:08:37I'm sorry.
00:08:50I never liked Adam.
00:08:51You did not.
00:08:52Yes, you did.
00:08:54Well, retroactively, I didn't.
00:08:57I figured you'd be all red-eyed and puffy, but you seem okay.
00:09:01I mean, trust me, it's not fun.
00:09:04I'm just trying to figure it out.
00:09:05We had all these plans.
00:09:06Like, we were going to get married when he finishes tour.
00:09:08We were going to open the business together.
00:09:10And now I have literally no idea what I'm doing with my life, so.
00:09:16Maybe you could have one?
00:09:22Meaning you've been waiting for this or that.
00:09:26Him to return, him to propose, blah, blah, blah.
00:09:29And meanwhile, you keep working for Mom and Dad despite having a degree.
00:09:35That just hangs there.
00:09:37Like a very expensive wall ornament.
00:09:40Well, Adam and I were going to open the business together.
00:09:44Now you start it on your own.
00:09:47If anyone can do it, it's my big sister.
00:09:55What is this?
00:09:56Oh, it's a reminder that even on a really lousy day, some good can happen.
00:10:06Have you been enjoying your stay so far?
00:10:09Your hospitality, Mrs. Waller, is as always impeccable.
00:10:13You remind me so much of your father when he was your age.
00:10:16I can only hope to be half the man he was.
00:10:18I have no doubt that you will be.
00:10:21When do you head home for the festivities?
00:10:25Well, I hope you're planning to get out and see some of our little island.
00:10:29See the sights, meet some people.
00:10:31You know, I've actually already met one of your locals, Susanna Truitt.
00:10:35Glow and Gibb Truitt's eldest?
00:10:37Possibly. She's a landscape architect.
00:10:39I came upon her stranded on the side of the road.
00:10:42And you helped her out, I hope.
00:10:44We sort of worked together.
00:10:46Capable woman.
00:10:48Did you say Susanna's a landscape architect now?
00:10:51I did.
00:10:53I was hoping to talk to you about that.
00:11:00Thank you. Have a great day.
00:11:03Where's Dad? He's like 20 minutes late for his shift.
00:11:06Did you text him?
00:11:08No. No answer.
00:11:10You know, can you just take my car and just pop by and make sure everything's okay?
00:11:13Why do I have to be the one to go?
00:11:15Okay, fine. I'll go and you can just stay and watch the store all by yourself.
00:11:20Thought so.
00:11:32Here, let me.
00:11:34Oh, you again.
00:11:36Me again.
00:11:39What brings you here?
00:11:45As it happens, Mrs. Waller needs a guiding hand when it comes to her garden.
00:11:48And thanks to our earlier encounter, I just so happen to know a landscape architect.
00:11:53So, Fate.
00:11:54Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:58No. I can't do Mrs. Waller's gardens. I'm an amateur.
00:12:03You said you were a landscape architect.
00:12:05An amateur landscape architect. I haven't done anything big and I certainly can't do anything to Mrs. Waller's expectations.
00:12:13Plus, I don't want to go and embarrass you.
00:12:15You wouldn't embarrass me. Oh, come on. At least take the meeting.
00:12:19What if I blow it?
00:12:20What if you don't?
00:12:24Excuse me. Sorry. This keeps...
00:12:30What is it?
00:12:31It's my father. I need to get to the hospital.
00:12:35Avery has my car.
00:12:36Well, I'll drive you. Come.
00:12:45Excuse me. I'm looking for Gib Truitt's room.
00:12:51Dad? Is everything okay?
00:12:53I'm fine, honey. There's nothing wrong with me.
00:12:55Stress-induced heart palpitations.
00:12:57I told you I didn't need to come in for this.
00:13:00You did the exact right thing.
00:13:03You, Gib Truitt, you need to rest. At least a week, maybe more.
00:13:06It's spring, Doc. It's our busiest time.
00:13:09Gib, were you under the impression this was optional?
00:13:13Because it's not.
00:13:16He's gonna rest.
00:13:18I promise.
00:13:19I'll see you next week.
00:13:22You have to listen to the doctor.
00:13:24Yeah, but the store...
00:13:25We'll figure something out, Dad. You're what's important, Dad.
00:13:30Doctor, shift to emerge. Doctor, shift to emerge.
00:13:35You know, I'm pleased as punch. I'm surrounded by strong women.
00:13:39But there's a little matter of heavy lifting involved.
00:13:43We can manage, and if we can't, we'll hire someone.
00:13:48I'm not comfortable with just anyone in the store.
00:13:52And we need someone now.
00:13:54Well, perhaps I can be of assistance.
00:14:01You stayed. Thank you.
00:14:04I wanted to make sure your father was all right.
00:14:06And I'm quite serious. I'm happy to help out through the week while he recuperates.
00:14:09You're on vacation.
00:14:11Well, the best part of which is being able to do as I please.
00:14:14And you want to spend a week working in a garden supply store?
00:14:17I would.
00:14:18What is it you do again?
00:14:20Public relations.
00:14:22But I spent quite a bit of time as a boy with my father in the garden.
00:14:26So I know my way around a wheelbarrow.
00:14:29Now, you tell me what you want lifted, carried, whatever else, and I'm your guy.
00:14:33I'll do my best.
00:14:34Nate is staying with Mrs. Waller.
00:14:36And if I were to help out, that might provide you with a bit of a break.
00:14:40Should you find yourself working on Mrs. Waller's gardens?
00:14:42You're doing Mrs. Waller's garden?
00:14:46I told you.
00:14:47And I heard.
00:14:48But don't you want to do landscape design?
00:14:50Yes, but she does.
00:14:51I do.
00:14:52Then you have to start sometime.
00:14:54He's got a point.
00:14:56Can you give us a moment?
00:14:57Yes, of course.
00:15:00Do you trust him?
00:15:01I don't really know him.
00:15:03Mrs. Waller trusts him.
00:15:05And he seems super eager to be helpful.
00:15:08We need helpful right now.
00:15:09We don't have a lot of options.
00:15:14Tomorrow morning?
00:15:157 a.m.?
00:15:35Excuse me.
00:15:38Have you seen this man?
00:15:54Am I crazy, or has our Monday shipment been put away already?
00:15:58Yeah, they did it.
00:15:59He's been going full steam ahead all morning.
00:16:01Your dad will be relieved.
00:16:09Oh, and as promised, one clean handkerchief.
00:16:17Good job today.
00:16:19I had a great time.
00:16:21You need to get out more.
00:16:25So, I spoke with Mrs. Waller,
00:16:28and she has time tomorrow afternoon to chat.
00:16:32Just a chat and a chance to look at the guns.
00:16:34No pressure.
00:16:40It's an opportunity, and I'm grateful and nervous,
00:16:43but grateful.
00:16:46Oh, you have, um, dirt.
00:16:50Right here.
00:17:06After you, Ms. Truitt.
00:17:30So, have you come to your senses?
00:17:35I'm a pallet of soil, more than I can count.
00:17:38Got scratched up by roadstorms, every muscle aches,
00:17:41like I'm developing a callus, see?
00:17:46It was an absurd idea from the outset.
00:17:48And if your mother found out, she'd have my head.
00:17:51No doubt.
00:17:53Right, I'm going to take a shower,
00:17:55but there's a 50-50 chance I might pass out on the bed before I do so.
00:17:58Please make sure I am up by 6am.
00:18:04Don't want to be late for my second day.
00:18:12Oh, this is decaf, isn't it?
00:18:14Last thing you need is caffeine.
00:18:17But that's where the fun is.
00:18:18Fun, like a trip to the hospital.
00:18:22Well, don't you look professional.
00:18:24You think? It doesn't look like I'm trying too hard.
00:18:26Oh, not at all. You look lovely.
00:18:30So, is Nate and Avery at the store?
00:18:33He's meeting me at Mrs. Waller's.
00:18:34Oh, speaking of Nate, I've invited him for supper on Friday.
00:18:38He's been working so hard,
00:18:40and it'll give your dad a chance to get to know him better.
00:18:44Or I could go to the store.
00:18:46No, you're not going to the store.
00:18:48Okay, I have to go. Wish me luck.
00:18:50Okay, thank you.
00:19:08Good morning.
00:19:09Good morning.
00:19:10Um, I'm here to see Nate and Mrs. Waller.
00:19:15You're Susanna Truitt.
00:19:20Susanna, hello.
00:19:22I see you met John, or Nate from the Navy.
00:19:25He doesn't really talk much.
00:19:26Mrs. Waller's just out back here.
00:19:28Did you find the place alright?
00:19:29Yeah, it's beautiful.
00:19:31Here we are.
00:19:35How nice to see you again, Susanna.
00:19:37You as well, thank you.
00:19:38Susanna was valedictorian at St. Simon's High the year I was commencement speaker.
00:19:42I didn't think you'd remember me.
00:19:44Of course, dear.
00:19:45It was my honor to share the stage with you.
00:19:50Yes, thank you.
00:19:51So, what do you think?
00:19:53I think it's not a seaside garden.
00:19:55Not the way it should be.
00:19:57What do you mean?
00:19:58Seaside gardens are supposed to be so romantic,
00:20:01and you're supposed to work in harmony with the nature that's around them.
00:20:04In what way?
00:20:06Well, there should be dune grass and lavender and sage,
00:20:09and this garden doesn't have any of that.
00:20:11It kind of feels constricted, you know?
00:20:14It feels like there should be some more space.
00:20:16I would start, and I would take up that white fencing right there.
00:20:19Here, I can actually show you.
00:20:21Oh, yes.
00:20:24You'll see these drawings, these sketches are a little more natural,
00:20:27and we could use the actual grade of the land as it goes down to the sea, too.
00:20:32They're so wonderful.
00:20:34Oh, thank you.
00:20:35I obviously did them before I saw your actual garden.
00:20:38But you can do this?
00:20:41Well then, don't let me stop you.
00:20:43I have a trip to Europe next week,
00:20:45but you will have any and all access to supplies.
00:20:49So, Suzanne has the job?
00:20:52Didn't I make that clear?
00:20:54Thank you, thank you.
00:20:55I promise I will make them perfect and beautiful for you.
00:20:58I have all the faith in the world.
00:21:04To fate.
00:21:06To fate.
00:21:18So, that's Miss Truitt.
00:21:21Explains so much.
00:21:24I don't know what you mean.
00:21:28You haven't thought this through, Nate.
00:21:31These are my last days of freedom before everything changes.
00:21:37You run the risk of heartbreak for the both of you.
00:21:49I like this one down there.
00:21:51This one?
00:21:54So, these two here?
00:21:55Yeah, I think let's do them both.
00:21:57Okay, perfect.
00:22:00Oh, that guy's really good because he smells so good.
00:22:02This one?
00:22:04It smells very nice.
00:22:05I know.
00:22:07These are pretty, right?
00:22:10No, it's alright. I'm just kidding.
00:22:13Just grab it.
00:22:14I am.
00:22:15Are you sure?
00:22:16Careful, they're fragile.
00:22:17You put them down there.
00:22:19You have to put them down there.
00:22:20Are you sure?
00:22:22The perennials.
00:22:25What do they look like?
00:22:26They're all different things, really.
00:22:28These are different?
00:22:29Oh, right.
00:22:31I can't wait to see what you're going to do with it.
00:22:44You're pretty good at this.
00:22:45I didn't go to college for nothing.
00:22:59So, you were in the Navy?
00:23:00I was.
00:23:01And so, are you retired?
00:23:02Or how does that work over there?
00:23:03Well, technically, I'm still part of the service.
00:23:05Once a Navy man, always a Navy man.
00:23:07So, Nate, have you had a chance to see much of Singapore?
00:23:08No, I haven't.
00:23:09Oh, I see.
00:23:10I see.
00:23:11I see.
00:23:12I see.
00:23:13I see.
00:23:14I see.
00:23:15I see.
00:23:16I see.
00:23:17I see.
00:23:18I see.
00:23:19I see.
00:23:20I see.
00:23:21I see.
00:23:22I see.
00:23:23I see.
00:23:24I see.
00:23:25I see.
00:23:26I see.
00:23:27So, have you had a chance to see much of St. Simons?
00:23:28Susanna's got him working too much.
00:23:29For which I'm grateful.
00:23:30Well, you have the weirdest idea of a vacation.
00:23:31I'll rest right away from my everyday life, and this most certainly has been that.
00:23:32But, to your point, Mrs. Truitt.
00:23:35I would very much like to see more of your island before I depart.
00:23:36Susanna could give you a bike tour.
00:23:37You still remember how to do that, don't you, Suze?
00:23:38Hey, babe.
00:23:39Susanna used to help give bike tours around St. Simons back when she was competing to
00:23:40be the peach of the island.
00:23:41I'm not a peach.
00:23:42I'm a peach.
00:23:43I'm a peach.
00:23:44I'm a peach.
00:23:45I'm a peach.
00:23:46I'm a peach.
00:23:47I went for the beach.
00:23:48We especially went for the beach.
00:23:49And I-
00:23:50It's not helping getting by now.
00:23:51It's just too hard for you to go to the beach, again, is it?
00:23:53I was hoping you might show me around St. Simons, so it would improve your equipment
00:23:54a little bit.
00:23:56Susanna could give you a bike tour.
00:23:57You still remember how to do that, don't you, Suze?
00:23:58Hey, babe.
00:23:59Susanna used to help give bike tours around St. Simons back when she was competing to
00:24:00be the peach princess.
00:24:01I'm sorry.
00:24:02The peach princess?
00:24:04In high school, Susie won the local peach princess beauty contest.
00:24:05And she became kind of an ambassador for st. Simon's for a whole year. She was adorable
00:24:11I bet she was okay. Can we get back to talking about the Navy now, please? Yes, absolutely
00:24:18As soon as I help clear the table would that be all right?
00:24:23So should I be calling you the peach princess is that your official title I was 16
00:24:28You have to understand it was family tradition. I had to enter the contest actually I do understand
00:24:34Family tradition is a very important where I come from as well
00:24:36Then you get it. I do
00:24:39And in all sincerity a bike tour sounds wonderful. If you can spare the time, I think I can swing it wonderful
00:24:45I'll see you at work. Yeah
00:24:59It's out
00:25:07Are so not gonna believe this wait what who Nate really is
00:25:30Thank You Steven
00:25:41Don't know Samuel
00:26:05You're a prince. Oh
00:26:07You saw yeah, I saw I can explain is your explanation. I'm a prince and it slipped my mind
00:26:14Would you believe that? Yeah, actually I would you know cuz it happens all the time. It does. Yeah. No, right
00:26:20Stupid me. Um
00:26:22You allow me to explain
00:26:29I'm sorry for not telling you who I really was
00:26:33Anonymity is so rare for me. And so I think I held on to it a bit too long
00:26:38In many ways being here where no one recognizes me has been such a blessing
00:26:45Especially now why now
00:26:49This will be my last real holiday
00:26:53My father passed away a few months ago most unexpectedly
00:26:57So sorry about your father. Thank you
00:27:01He was a great man
00:27:03And an unbelievable king
00:27:05It'll be hard to follow in his footsteps. I think that you can do it
00:27:10What makes you so certain
00:27:13Well, I don't know much about what it takes to be a king, but I do know a lot about people
00:27:17and I've seen how hard-working and
00:27:20Generous and kind you are so I think the people of Cambria would be very lucky to have you
00:27:28That might be the best compliment I've ever been given
00:27:33If I might return the favor I
00:27:37Know your life hasn't been exactly as you thought
00:27:40it's an understatement, but
00:27:43It's sort of smart and resourceful person that will make the most of any circumstance you find yourself in
00:27:50Thank you
00:27:53So Prince, huh
00:27:56It's it like to just be watched all the time
00:28:00Grow accustomed to it. No for me. The hottest part is having decisions made for me sometimes even before I was born like what?
00:28:09Well, I'll go to University Naval Academy
00:28:12My area of study political science civil engineering law
00:28:17Will now marry
00:28:19You've arranged marriages
00:28:22But when I do marry I must marry a woman I'm camera must
00:28:31Anyone might
00:28:35Names are always being floated one more than others
00:29:00What are you up to now?
00:29:11He's a prince daddy like the real thing he's been hauling mulch for us
00:29:18Okay, Nate is coming I told him we were to play it cool, okay
00:29:23Hi, honey, I I mean it's it's all right hon is fine
00:29:29I wanted to apologize to you for not being forthright about my identity
00:29:34You've all been so giving and I really appreciate being treated just like a normal. No need to apologize. I'm
00:29:41You're too kind
00:29:43now I
00:29:45Wish that I could continue working here because it's been truly fun
00:29:53But now that my secret is out that is quite impossible
00:29:57Maybe you've already done so much
00:30:00And we can get someone else to cover all my dad's recovering
00:30:05I know this is a little late at this point, but
00:30:10Given I got this made up for you
00:30:23Thank you all of you
00:30:28I'm gonna miss this place. We're gonna miss you
00:30:38We never got that bike tour oh
00:30:41Are you leaving town right away?
00:30:44day after tomorrow
00:30:46So what are you doing right now?
00:30:53Let's do it
00:31:11Here we are
00:31:20Isn't that the tree where we first met exactly oh well come on let's stop it
00:31:45So beautiful
00:31:48Now the day we met that was a great day, but
00:31:53In all my life. I've never had a day like today. I
00:31:56I feel
00:32:01Is that a good thing the best, thank you
00:32:07Could you be something else other than a prince
00:32:12I'll be king soon. I know that I just mean
00:32:17When I first met you you seemed so eager to help you even volunteered at the store why?
00:32:24real reason
00:32:26The chance to lead a normal life
00:32:29Just for a few days. I mean the chance to make my own decisions
00:32:35Royalty has evolved into mostly ceremonial position ceremonies of theater
00:32:44For some time now I felt as if I was a prop in someone else's life
00:32:50That change when you become king
00:32:52Certainly hope so
00:32:55I'm sure it will
00:32:58So what's the first thing you're going to do is King
00:33:01Open the Florentine gardens to the public. They're so beautiful. They should be shared and especially once sir Edwards finished renovating the South Oval
00:33:09sir Edward
00:33:11Tilbury he's yeah, he's amazing. I studied his work in college. I thought he'd retired he had
00:33:17But my mother is very good at getting her way
00:33:23I wish you could see the gardens you'd love them
00:33:29Maybe someday I certainly hope so
00:33:37I should probably get going yeah, right
00:33:59Can't figure this out. It's alright. I got it
00:34:05You coming eventually
00:34:17Lady Jenny what a surprise
00:34:20Someone's been busy and
00:34:23Making a profit so I've seen so everyone has seen
00:34:28Here's the thing Morris remember how I pulled in a few favors with the Queen to get you to the royal press pool
00:34:35Yeah, then you also know how very much you owe me now
00:34:40Morris are there any other surprises you'd like to tell me about
00:34:46According to your mother
00:34:47Lady Jenny was just able to stop Morris Alderman from publishing this
00:34:55I'm sorry night, but the Queen was quite clear the flight leaves in three hours and your bags are already packed
00:35:05We must leave now
00:35:22Hey, it's Susanna, please leave a message and I'll get back to you ASAP
00:35:32Hey Susanna, it's Nate
00:35:35Bit of bad news. I have to return home immediately. I'm so sorry. I couldn't say goodbye in person
00:35:56Maybe John set the register wants to talk to you
00:36:04Hi Evie
00:36:05What's up?
00:36:07Are the rumors true?
00:36:09Yes, we had a prince working for us. No, he is no longer here. No not about him
00:36:14That you're redoing mrs. Waller's gardens
00:36:17Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's true. Actually
00:36:21Congratulations. Thank you. Are you available to do some work on my gardens when you're done? I
00:36:29Love to wonderful. Thank you. Of course. Thank you
00:36:56Thank you
00:37:02There will be a few hours between the coronation and the coronation ball
00:37:07Is there anything in particular you'd like to include in the itinerary after the morning's walk?
00:37:13my son dreaming about America
00:37:16One American in particular. Thank you, John. Hello mother. Hello, darling
00:37:26Good flight good enough
00:37:29What's this?
00:37:30This is your grandmother's engagement ring. It's time you started to think about your life
00:37:36After the coronation is quite a way off
00:37:39Not as far as you might think and maybe Ginny has proven herself quite useful of late not that again mother
00:37:46You must choose someone it cannot be the American
00:37:50Remind me again. Why?
00:37:51You know why?
00:37:54Tradition and to be fair the girl has absolutely no preparation for a role such as this if you do
00:38:02And is this where you remind me that Ginny does no need
00:38:06Most of all Nathanael you must always remember that you are to be the king of Cambria
00:38:12There are enough doubts about the role of the monarchy in the modern era as is we would be
00:38:19Beyond foolish to invite more trouble and we are not foolish
00:38:25Now I have a very boring meeting with Prime Minister, but you'll be pleased to know I
00:38:31Have invited Lady Ginny for tea
00:38:33I have invited Lady Ginny for tea
00:38:55Hello darling Ginny, what a surprise I
00:39:01Wasn't certain you make it back in time for your big day
00:39:04I've only got a couple of weeks a lot can happen in a few weeks and apparently did
00:39:10Ginny you're always best when you're direct, so please let me have it I
00:39:16Merely wanted to see how you were doing after your trip to America
00:39:20Rumors are swirling that our future king is perhaps distracted
00:39:25anything in particular or
00:39:29Well, I do have this rather large event on the horizon the coronation ball
00:39:36You do remember how to dance. Don't you I do but there's also the actual
00:39:42coronation oh that
00:39:44He'll get through that with ease
00:39:46But should you need help?
00:39:48You know perfectly well
00:39:49There's no one else who understands you quite like I do and who also knows how to navigate the nuances of royal politics
00:39:57I'm quite unique
00:39:59that you are
00:40:01Tea please
00:40:11Looks real nice, honey. Yeah, thank you. I just wanted to all be done. This is all I get back
00:40:17Oh, it's gonna be perfect
00:40:21Everything okay something on your mind
00:40:24Dr.. Miller gave your father the go-ahead to return to the store full-time. That's great
00:40:29Not if he goes back to working the same crazy amount
00:40:31I mean having Nate help us like it did just made it more obvious
00:40:36We need to hire a couple more people
00:40:39Especially now that your landscaping sticking off mom. It's just mrs.. Waller and Evie Jones. That's it. What's the start?
00:40:47Folks like that your mrs.. Waller's choice, and it's just gonna grow from there
00:40:52Hope so I know so you're made for bigger things Susie
00:40:58I've always felt that
00:41:01Thank you
00:41:05Some bills from the Prime Minister for you to sign mom. I'll email your secretary these security updates
00:41:11Nathaniel hasn't been the same since he returned. I recognize that look and so do the gossip pages
00:41:20Is to be crowned king of Camry within ten days as such he's required to marry a woman of Cambrian descent
00:41:26I want him to be happy not hurt not
00:41:30Harboring some delusion of young girl who could never fit in perhaps. He should see that
00:41:36What do you mean at the moment miss Truitt is an ideal the personification of all that he cannot have
00:41:44That's due in part to the romanticized circumstance in which they were together
00:41:49And your suggestion is change the circumstance
00:41:54Bring her to Cambria allow him to see you in a new role
00:41:58shatter the illusion
00:42:01That could work I
00:42:03Think we might have to take it one step further
00:42:05Show him without question that she could never be queen of Cambria. I think I have an idea how to do it
00:42:13And you're going to help me John of course mom anything you need
00:42:25Apprentice to sir Edward Tilbury
00:42:29And who is that he's the most famous landscape architect in the entire world and he wants you to apprentice for him
00:42:36I feel like Nate probably pulled some strings because I know he's working in the Florentine Gardens in Cambria
00:42:41What says here that it's only until Nate's coronation that's next week I
00:42:48Bet you get an invitation to go. I want to go. They calm down. I don't even know if I'm gonna go
00:42:53What are you talking about? Of course, you're going to go. Well, what about the store? I mean who's gonna cover?
00:42:59Well, I'm back
00:43:01And uncle Lonnie said he would help and I'll go with Susanna
00:43:05So she's not all alone
00:43:08in a foreign country
00:43:33I can't wait to see our castle
00:44:04This is not how I pictured it well, this is the employee quarters
00:44:08Hmm you think you could call Nate to get us an upgrade. I'm sure Nate knows we're here. He's just he's busy
00:44:15He'll call us when he can
00:44:18Besides I have to get to work
00:44:21Fine you go do that
00:44:23Well, I go shopping
00:44:44Sir Edward, hi, I'm Susanna true. Oh the American. Yes
00:44:52Yes, I am American
00:44:57But I just wanted to say I am so honored to be working with you this is just a dream
00:45:03Down the path around the corner and clean that area
00:45:05Okay, I just well get on with it
00:45:42What are you doing Oh
00:45:48Your Highness
00:45:50Majesty your majesty
00:45:53Mom may I present to you. Yes. I know who this is
00:45:57You're exactly as I imagined I
00:46:00Was thinking gooseberries in that area
00:46:07Don't understand why this wasn't on my schedule
00:46:10It was a last-minute addition
00:46:13Your mother wanted to promote the renovations as well as your coronation my coronation hardly needs promotion
00:46:23The clothes here are awesome you can easily find stuff to wear for the coronation
00:46:28We weren't invited to the coronation. We will be Nate's not gonna ignore us while we're here
00:46:34I'm here to work fine, but Susie they have ball gowns that are gorgeous
00:46:41We weren't invited to the coronation ball either. We will be how can you be so sure cuz it's me
00:46:50Speaking of our former hired help. Have you seen him yet? Because I have questions about this whole dorm situation
00:46:56Remember we're guests here. Okay, so we're in public. We have to refer to him as Princeman
00:47:01I'm expecting hold on one second
00:47:15John handle this
00:47:19Okay, thank you
00:47:24Was embarrassing John will make sure none of those photos are published
00:47:30What are you doing in Cambria, I'm here for the apprenticeship with sir Edward
00:47:35The what the landscape architecture apprenticeship, I thought you put me up for it. I don't even know what it is
00:47:43We didn't you don't know that Avery's here either. She is. Yeah. Well, that's great
00:47:48When did you both arrive two days ago, she's been out sightseeing and shopping
00:47:52Well, I do all the work and I'm working in the new garden. That's why I look like you look lovely
00:47:58Liar I met you all the prettiest gardener in the crew
00:48:09This is beautiful
00:48:19May have an idea
00:48:23The Queen yes, I met her this morning you met my mother. Mm-hmm
00:48:29She's got intimidation down to an art form, huh?
00:48:33Yes, she does a skill honed from childhood. My father always used to say that he was king, but she ruled
00:48:41You know what? I actually kind of admire that
00:48:45Wait, where are you saying are the employee quarters? Oh, no, that will not do follow me, please
00:48:56Welcome to the guest wing where you should have been all along
00:49:01Now Avery you're in here and Susanna you're just next door
00:49:09Told you they would take care of us bit of an improvement
00:49:12Hmm little bit Nate we can still call you Nate, right? Of course. Well in private but in public we should
00:49:21Stick to the rules
00:49:25Duty calls
00:49:27Can you join me for lunch tomorrow?
00:49:29Yeah, I'd love to I just I don't really know if we get a lunch break or when I certainly hope you do
00:49:35Let's lunch together
00:49:38Although to avoid any more impromptu photo ops, shall we say the pagoda noon? Okay, perfect. Yeah, I'd love to great
00:50:03Good morning, Nathaniel. Good morning mother
00:50:10Don't you seem chipper this morning I am I ran into a couple of friends yesterday Oh
00:50:17Susanna and Avery true it
00:50:23Seems you've already met Susanna
00:50:26Yes, when I was examining the progress in the garden, hmm, what are you up to I
00:50:32Don't know what you mean. You know exactly what I mean
00:50:35Isn't she a friend of yours
00:50:37Isn't this an opportunity for her think of the story?
00:50:40She'll be able to tell her clients when she gets back to America. It'll be a feather in her cap. It sounds so
00:50:47Benevolent. Thank you very much. If it was anything but benevolent would I have allowed her sister to come along?
00:50:53Hmm, I'm not sure but you did place them both in the employee quarters
00:51:00Susanna is an employee. I'm sure that's the reason
00:51:04Regardless. I've now moved them both to the guest wing
00:51:08Without consulting me. I don't need to consult you mother and
00:51:12Be prepared
00:51:14I'm inviting them both to the coronation the family coronation. Yes, you can't why not?
00:51:21She's American. They both are so is mrs. Waller
00:51:25I have invited a few very select friends and family to your coronation exactly
00:51:32my coronation
00:51:35Nathaniel I worry that you'll get swept up and do something foolish
00:51:39Like leave I love my country mother
00:51:43This is my home
00:51:45I'm not going anywhere
00:51:47Promise me you will not abdicate I would never
00:51:52Because your cousin Colin is next in line and we both know you'd have the throne room turned into a disco by week's end
00:52:16Is the famous lady Ginny know that you're having lunch with me hello, why should she I read somewhere that you guys
00:52:22Were practically engaged hmm read where it was online gossip website. Oh, yes, they loved speculate about us
00:52:31So is it true?
00:52:34Ginny and I have been friends since we were children and you dated briefly in university
00:52:41Why'd you guys break up?
00:52:43Because neither of us was ready to settle down
00:52:47Someday you might be ready to settle down. I certainly hope so no
00:52:54No, I mean lady Ginny checks all the boxes
00:52:58Now I know you've been reading those gossip sites what she's a Cambrian aristocrat is not essentially a prerequisite
00:53:04more of a tradition
00:53:06Isn't the same thing to my mother yes?
00:53:12I am gonna be late for work. Um, I'll help you clean up. No, don't bother. I've got this I've kept you too long
00:53:17Anyway, don't you be late for sir Edward?
00:53:21I'll see you later. Bye
00:53:23It isn't working. What isn't bringing the American here?
00:53:28First I hear that Nathaniel has moved the two it's into the guest suites and now I hear they're sneaking off together to have lunches
00:53:35Lunches sounds harmless. It isn't harmless. It's dangerous. Your plan has failed
00:53:42Well, perhaps it's because
00:53:44Nathaniel has already seen Susanna in a garden environment and it's one in which she excels
00:53:49Even sir Edward said he was impressed with how hard she works. He said that
00:53:53Sir Edward is rarely impressed which doesn't help the problem. Ah
00:53:58Wonderful. You're both here
00:53:59I just wanted to let you know that I've invited both Susanna and a route of the coronation ball
00:54:04John, please make note of that. So there are no curious security issues
00:54:10It's getting exciting
00:54:23Nate I can't go to a ball
00:54:26Why not because I feel out of place. I've never been to a royal ball before it's probably gonna be deadly dull
00:54:33Okay, you're not selling it unless you were there
00:54:39Do you know how to dance
00:54:42Does line dancing count? I don't know what that is, but I'm suddenly desperate to see it. No, fine
00:54:50What's it
00:55:04Not showing you my line dancing in here or waltz. It's easy. No. Yes, we can't we are
00:55:12Here what could be better?
00:55:14It's easy. You'll pick it right up
00:55:18Follow these steps now
00:55:21Right foot back
00:55:24Left off to the side
00:55:26Very good party can be as evil
00:55:29Now left foot forward right to the side and left to right
00:55:35Very good again
00:55:37one two
00:55:40One two
00:55:44They teach you this in print school they do it's on the test
00:55:50All right, very good
00:55:53Now we partner
00:56:02Same as before I'll meet
00:57:04Sorry, I'm late. Oh, don't be silly. I only just got here myself. Did you start without me? Ah
00:57:10What no, I might have had just one sandwich
00:57:17What's that
00:57:19My oath, what's that for?
00:57:21my coronation oath see the archbishop reads this here and here and I
00:57:26Respond like wedding vows a bit. Yes
00:57:31Have you practiced only just but I'm supposed to
00:57:36Let's practice. All right
00:57:45Are you Nathaniel Kenneth Richard Leopold Bartholomew? Seriously? Yes. My father's was longer
00:57:53Are you willing and able to take the oath to be the king of Cambria?
00:57:57I am willing and able to take this oath and swear by all that I have that I will be a good and faithful
00:58:03Servant and you promise to uphold and defend the laws charters and constitution of the kingdom of Cambria. I do so promise
00:58:11And do you promise to protect the freedom and rights of all Cambrian citizens? I do
00:58:16With all my heart from this day forward and all the days of my life
00:58:20So help me God. I now pronounce you king and country
00:58:25Nicely done Nathaniel. I think you and Cambria will make a lovely couple Ginny. What brings you here?
00:58:31The Queen sent me now. Don't be rude introduced me to your friend. Of course
00:58:36Ginny this is Susanna truett Susanna. This is Lady Genevieve Byron
00:58:42Do I
00:58:43Curtsy, please don't I'm too young to feel like my parents. Yeah, why did my mother send you?
00:58:48Apparently her majesty was trying to get a hold of you about some coronation logistics
00:58:53Something or another and to talk to the archbishop, but you don't seem to be answering your phone
00:59:02Well, I'll just go I'll clean up
00:59:04I'll help
00:59:06Thank you both your oath, right? Can't forget that
00:59:16It's lovely to meet you at last Susanna at last
00:59:20Well, you've certainly been the talk of the town since the photos surfaced. I
00:59:27Don't think you know you'd be getting yourself into
00:59:32I'm sorry
00:59:33With Nathaniel. Oh, we're just friends. Yes
00:59:37But as one who has genuinely been his friend for many years
00:59:40I think it should be pointed out that standing beside royalty is much more than watching polo matches and wearing the proper hat
00:59:47their expectations
00:59:50Why are you telling me this
00:59:53because I care deeply about the Cambrian monarchy and if it is to survive the 21st century then
00:59:59Nathaniel needs someone beside him who understands how to control what people see and what they do not you
01:00:08It's nothing personal Susanna, this is merely the way things are tradition, that's right tradition
01:00:16I'll take this back to the house. Bring the glasses. Will you?
01:00:33Look who I found
01:00:35Mrs. Waller, I came for the coronation and much to my delight found. I wasn't the only st
01:00:41Simon's resident here
01:00:43I've been catching her up on everything. You've been doing and not doing your sister tells me you haven't gotten your gowns for the ball yet
01:00:50Well, I will we're not sure if we're going we're going
01:00:54You've been invited. Haven't you?
01:00:57Yeah by the prince himself
01:00:59well, then as
01:01:01Ladies of st. Simon's Georgia. It's our duty to make sure we properly represent. We are going shopping my treat
01:01:20It's just so beautiful here
01:01:22The first time I came to Canberra is a little girl
01:01:25I thought this is the place that all the fairy tales are talking about
01:01:28It's exactly what it feels like and you have the best view of anyone working in the gardens
01:01:33You have seen the Florentine Gardens. I've been working so much. I haven't really had a chance
01:01:38You have to change that
01:01:55What are you doing here
01:01:58Smaller somebody's garden. So I was just this is a private garden. I'm sorry. I didn't know that
01:02:04It's really beautiful. Yes, it is
01:02:08It's Italian, isn't it?
01:02:11That's right
01:02:13The design is exquisite. It's sir. Edward do it
01:02:17no, my
01:02:20late husband Leo
01:02:22Designed this garden for me
01:02:25For you. Yes
01:02:27It was a wedding present
01:02:30he redesigned the castle gardens to match the garden where he proposed to me in Florence a
01:02:37Proposal that I was free to accept because I was from a Cambrian family
01:02:43A tradition in Cambria an important one one that should be respected
01:02:52You well, thank you for letting me share in your garden, it's beautiful
01:03:30Only wish your father were here to see this he would be so proud. Thank you
01:03:39Good luck
01:04:07Are you Nathaniel Kenneth Richard
01:04:10Leopold Bartholomew
01:04:12Willing and able to take the oath to be the king of Cambria
01:04:16I am willing and able and swear by all that I have that I will be a good and faithful
01:04:21Servant and do you promise to protect the freedoms and rights of all?
01:04:27Cambrian citizens and residents I do
01:04:30With all my heart from this day forward and in all the days of my life
01:04:35So help me God
01:04:51Oh God save the king
01:05:05Could be your turn next to me
01:05:09The king needs a queen can't forgive anyone more suited to the position than you
01:05:37Why are you packing?
01:05:38I'm not going
01:05:42But we have dresses. I'll return mine to miss Waller
01:05:46What is going on, I just
01:05:49What am I thinking?
01:05:50This whole thing with Nate. It's never gonna
01:05:55I'm gonna let you in on a little secret
01:05:58You've never once looked at anyone the way you look at Nate
01:06:02Not even close
01:06:05That makes it worse because
01:06:07Because he's not Nate
01:06:09He's not the guy who helped me love soil and help me mrs
01:06:12He's not the guy who helped me love soil and help me mrs. Waller's garden and who I rode bikes with around st. Simon's he's
01:06:18Nathaniel king of cambria now and you're my big sister who worked all through high school and still got straight A's
01:06:26Then worked two jobs in college and got on. I don't even know how many honor rolls every single year
01:06:32Okay, you're strong and smart and caring and if King Nathaniel suddenly forgets all of that just because he recited some vows
01:06:40Or whatever then he's not the Nate that we know
01:06:47How many times in your life do you think we'll get an invitation to a royal ball
01:06:52Come on, Susie. We have to go
01:07:10If you're looking for Lady Jenny, she's right over there
01:07:27The renovations to the garden will be well received
01:07:31Do you think your father would have approved he would love them
01:07:37In fact
01:07:39They're so beautiful. I want to share them with the public
01:07:43Really really
01:07:46We've kept them to ourselves for too long. It's time. We open them up
01:07:50It's time we open up. Oh, I see
01:07:54man of the people
01:07:57Change will do us good. You're the king
01:08:28Believe this is the first time we've danced together since we dated a long time ago. Some things remain the same
01:08:36Everyone is staring
01:08:39Everyone always says you're not your eyes are everywhere else, but on me
01:08:45I'm sure she'll show up soon
01:08:48Who you know
01:09:24Susanna I
01:09:27Heard some music
01:09:29But I would check it out. See what's going on. Oh
01:09:32Just a little party. I'm through
01:09:34any special occasion
01:09:37When I can think of at this very moment
01:09:41Will you dance with me
01:10:00Look into my eyes
01:10:02Remember I practice it's pretend. It's you and I in here
01:10:42Good evening, mrs. Waller
01:10:45I've been meaning to thank you for your recommendations on dress shops in town. They were quite fruitful as you can see
01:10:54Just doing my job which is tech Nathaniel
01:11:24You look beautiful
01:11:26Mrs. Waller helped me pick out this dress
01:11:29It's not the dress
01:11:31It's you
01:11:33But I must admit I was a bit nervous there that you weren't coming I almost didn't
01:11:40Because you're a king Nate
01:11:43Nathaniel Nate
01:11:45To you I will always be Nate
01:11:47To the rest of the world you're King Nathaniel Kenneth Richard the Leopold Bartholomew. It's exhausting. It's always been exhausting
01:11:56With you by my side, I finally feel like I can tackle this new chapter of my life and mainstay
01:12:02thrive even
01:12:05You don't need me to thrive you're born to be King you're gonna be amazing at this. Oh
01:12:12Wow what you just hit me they just truly hit me
01:12:20I'm a king
01:12:23We should have a toast to celebrate like you did for me when I was hired for mrs. Butler's gardens excellent idea
01:12:29Although I'm not sure we have any sweet tea here in Cambria
01:12:33Some champagne then it's a sacrifice
01:12:38You really are beautiful
01:12:42I'll be right back
01:12:53Two glasses of champagne, it's one of those for me
01:12:59No, I understand I didn't until I saw the two of you together dancing and laughing and you looking at her how I always hoped
01:13:07You'd look at me
01:13:09But you never did and you never will
01:13:16Would you be cross with me if I said I think you do not get along. Yes right now I will
01:13:23I think you're right
01:13:39How Susanna there you are I was looking for you I
01:13:45Have a little confession. I
01:13:48Was the one who arranged your apprenticeship?
01:13:50Why I
01:13:53Wanted to show my son how wrong you are both for him and for Cambria well respectfully your majesty
01:13:59I never claimed to be right for him love is wonderful
01:14:03But it fades and in its place remains responsibility and duty neither of which is easy
01:14:09And that is why our family has always married people from Cambria. They know what to expect both the good and the bad
01:14:17Like Lady Jenny
01:14:19Nathaniel may not be in love with her
01:14:21But he respects her and likes her and knows that she is ready to take over the position and the commitments
01:14:29And I'm not
01:14:31How could you be?
01:14:32You're not from here. I
01:14:35Like you Susanna
01:14:38But I simply must put my country and my son's future first
01:14:44No matter what
01:14:46Good night, Susanna
01:15:31Thank you before see you next you too, thank you so much. Have a good day
01:15:38Evie Jones seems happy. I know I'm gonna start on her place next week. Oh, I'm so proud
01:15:44And I have two other leads that came in well, that's wonderful, I guess word spread really fast about me working on mrs. Waller's house
01:15:52Maybe you should tell Nate
01:15:54Have you spoken to him?
01:15:57No, and I don't I don't expect to but it's okay. I think
01:16:01Even though things may not have worked out the way they'd hoped. I believe things are gonna work out the way that they're supposed to
01:16:18Majesty's lunch with the Prime Minister went very well. I feel confident. I'll have an excellent working relationship
01:16:25Excellent. Thank you, John
01:16:28If there are no further questions, it's been a week since the coronation. Do you think he's begun to get over her?
01:16:36No, nor do I in fact if anything I think it's rather worse than before she arrived
01:16:43One of the many qualities that I've always admired about you is your uncanny ability to accurately assess a person or a situation
01:16:52And to give sound sage advice
01:16:56Thank you mom
01:16:58So I found it rather confusing
01:17:00That when it came to making suggestions as to what to do about
01:17:04Nathaniel's feelings for Susanna
01:17:06You came up with a plan that was so spectacular
01:17:09You came up with a plan that was so spectacularly wrong
01:17:12Did I?
01:17:14Didn't you?
01:17:16Mom, my job has been and always will be to protect this family
01:17:22Protection comes in many forms
01:17:24I feel very confident that my suggestion to bring Miss Truitt to Cambria
01:17:28Was entirely about doing what is best for this family
01:17:32And the King
01:17:40What are you doing?
01:17:48I remember when father and I used to come here when I was a boy
01:17:53Get our hands dirty
01:17:55It's important you know
01:17:57Stay connected to the earth
01:18:01Not feel above anyone or anything
01:18:06I remember when the two of you used to come back from the garden
01:18:09Covered in dirt and happy as could be
01:18:12I don't think father would have liked her
01:18:17They could have talked about the garden together
01:18:23I just don't understand why she left
01:18:26Why didn't she say goodbye?
01:18:28Perhaps she thought she was doing the right thing for you
01:18:31The right thing?
01:18:33She seems like a sensible girl
01:18:36I'm sure her heart is in the right place
01:18:39And what place is that?
01:18:41A realistic place
01:18:43She understands that marriage to you is impossible
01:18:46Because of tradition?
01:18:49So because no member of the royal family has ever married someone not born in Cambria
01:18:52I'm not free to do so now?
01:18:53Nathaniel, listen
01:18:54No mother, when I took the oath to be King
01:18:56I swore that I would protect the rights and freedoms of all Cambrian citizens
01:18:59Of course
01:19:00I am a Cambrian citizen
01:19:02I have rights and I have freedoms
01:19:05You are an example
01:19:07And what sort of example would I be?
01:19:09Were I to abandon the woman that I love?
01:19:16I've never heard you say those words before
01:19:20That you love someone
01:19:23Because I've never said them before
01:19:27Words have impact and meaning
01:19:30And I do not use them lightly
01:19:33Just like your father?
01:19:38He said to me he only ever told one woman ever that he loved her
01:19:42And that when my time came I better mean it
01:19:47I do, mother
01:20:05What are you doing for the rest of the night?
01:20:07I'm just going to go home and work on this design for Evie Jones' garden
01:20:10Can you give me a ride home?
01:20:12What happened to your car?
01:20:13I got another flat
01:20:16I know, I know
01:20:17Come on, let's get out of here
01:20:19I'll drive
01:20:23Why are we stopping?
01:20:27What's this?
01:20:28Go on
01:20:30Go on
01:21:04What's all this?
01:21:08Susanna, I don't know if you have any interest in becoming part of the royal family
01:21:14It'll be a bit of a challenge, I assure you
01:21:17But if you do
01:21:19And if you love me even a fraction as much as I love you
01:21:23Then I know we can rewrite tradition
01:21:31I offer to you
01:21:33My future
01:21:35My heart and my kingdom
01:21:39Will you marry me and be my queen?
01:21:43Susanna, give the boy an answer
01:21:47Are you guys crashing my engagement?
01:21:49Focus, Susanna
01:21:52I thought you wanted...
01:21:54More than anything, I want what any mother wants
01:21:57For her child to be happy
01:21:59And you, make him happy
01:22:10Nathaniel, Kenneth, Richard, Leopold, Bartholomew
01:22:13I will absolutely be your queen
01:22:30One more thing, my peach princess
01:22:33We need somebody to renovate the north oval of the gardens
01:22:36Any suggestions?
01:22:59Saturday, pack your bags
