
  • 8 hours ago


00:00Here he comes finest Irishman in Yorkshire
00:04When can I go back to work doctor? You may keep the hand mr. Hardacre whether you're able to use it again is another matter
00:09I believe you're looking for help. Is this a joke? Please? We really need the work. What if we're waiting to solve it for ourselves?
00:18You've obviously quite a knack for business
00:22Which one of these asylums are you moving us into?
00:24Who on earth do you think you are?
00:26We're the Hardacres
00:28You can call me mom
01:09Had a lovely dream
01:12Trent that I lived in the most beautiful house I'd ever seen
01:17And I was married to a very fine gentleman
01:21No, I
01:23Hanson was this very
01:27Pretty kept wanting to do unspeakable things to me
01:43I've come to let the fire sir. Hey crack on love
02:01You get scared sleeping all in your own
02:04Best sleep of odds not having to listen to you too fast and it's snoring all night
02:08They're coming down for breakfast go away
02:10Come on, Harry
02:20I'm going as fast as I can. I'm not used to house this big
03:34Must be the previous owners
03:37Do you think the maid ever had a flash of his bareback side?
03:40That is sir. William Cavendish the fourth
03:44The hall belonged to his family for nearly 200 years and what happened to him tuberculosis
03:51Here lives in India and does no use for the estate
03:54So an agent was instructed to find new owners as quickly as possible. And here we are and
04:00Here you are
04:04If I may have a moment mrs. Hardacre
04:07We need to discuss how things are going to run. Well, thanks
04:11It is my job to follow your instruction ma'am
04:15What time would you like the fires lit the room said the bell rung for dinner
04:20Decisions must be made on linens China glassware the week's menu
04:24There's the stocking of the wine cellar larder and pantry and that's before we get on to the housekeeping
04:30Ledgers the shopping and the laundry
04:34Well, perhaps we can discuss that after breakfast as you wish ma'am
04:55This is our home
04:58It is
05:00And from now on we're people who matter
05:03And no one can ever treat us like dirt or make us feel like we're nothing ever again
05:10home sweet home
05:15Oh, yeah, I see you two have made yourselves comfortable
05:20Well, basically what I've got here
05:22So we have eggs boiled scrambled poached fried sausages bacon kidneys kippers fried herring
05:30I hope that's hard a turn
05:32Would you like me to find out sir? I'm only kidding your mom
05:36And call me Sam. Yes, sir
05:47Gentleman usually serves himself at breakfast
05:52He's no gentleman she'll see you leave him alone enough with your bickering
05:58As anyone say Matt
06:03I'll have some more tea and toast and another one of them kippers
06:20Mrs. Dryden would like to discuss the running of the house after breakfast. Does anyone want to come? Oh, sorry love
06:25I need to go to the fish auction check in on the shops. You're one of the richest men in the country
06:29I have dogs in by yourself. We don't have to be up at the cracker door don't fish anymore love
06:33No, no, we don't have to but I like going to the auction. No, I hang around the docks more like hey
06:38The shops can't manage themselves. I know and we can figure out that's gonna work
06:42But you're a gentleman now and gentlemen don't work in fish shops. I'm a working man
06:47Can't sit around the house all day doing nothing. Why not? That's exactly what I'm planning
06:51I'm not saying do nothing, but maybe there's something else more befitting like what herring is all I know
06:57Mr. Saunders is coming by this morning. Why don't you speak to him?
07:01And maybe get more involved in the financial side of things
07:07Suppose a conversation can't hurt
07:11Listen this is a fresh start for all of us right Joe you can join your father you are you heard
07:23Then the earnings per share can be boosted by diverse asset allocation which brings us to bond market trading
07:29I'd be happy to show you both how the stock market works walk you through fixed and variable income securities
07:37corporate and government bonds and
07:44promise it's a lot more exciting than it sounds and
07:49The hardacre portfolio does a lot of good helping you companies get
08:00Giving people a start I like that
08:08So I get into this and away from the fish
08:12Stepping back from the day-to-day operation is a big move though. I can't hand the reins over to just anyone
08:23So how about it Callum
08:26How do you fancy being the manager of hardacre
08:30Me you already know the finances on the setup
08:33You're more than able for it and most importantly we trust you
08:39It would be nice to have more of a hands-on role
08:44And it's settled
08:47You bring Joanie in on the stocks and shares, I'll give you the lay of the land and the whole herring game
09:10If you require me ma'am
09:12You only have to ring the bell it isn't customary for the lady of the house to come below stairs. Oh
09:19Well, I was just passing
09:21Anyway, you want to go over the household ledges
09:32Running a house this size is no small matter if you are happy for me to continue as is that might be for the best
09:42I'm sure there's no harm in me casting my eye over a few things
09:59These are the food supplies for a month a week a week
10:05That's the provisional breakfast the sit-down breakfast
10:10Eleven's luncheon afternoon tea
10:14We don't need to be eaten seven times a day love no something much simpler
10:32Looks like a good haul there Fred must be a two-tonner. They speak to man who knows is Eric
10:39See you today. I thought you'd be busy
10:44Any chance to see you Lee now, you know that
10:47You'll be seeing a bit less than me after the day though. I'm taking a step back from the shops
10:51I won't be coming to the auction as much
10:55Life leisure isn't it? I'm not paying you a lot to chin like
10:58Sorry, mr. Short my father. I distract
11:02Can't keep away. Yeah
11:06Find your quarters. I'll be dropping you a day's pay. That's a bit harsh. It's not to do with you
11:17You don't have to go for him, you know
11:19Easy for you to say you don't have to work for him anymore. I
11:23Thought he might afford me a little more respect. I'm over see
11:27Who was I kidding?
11:29You know, I can always find your job in one of the shops
11:33I'm the only thing standing between shore and the rest of these you got work for underdog in the shop. I
11:40Appreciate the offer
11:43You're not your problem anymore
11:49Stop worrying about wood go and enjoy you know, I'll see you around
12:13Liza what do you think of these love?
12:18Life of a lady at your fingertips and you want to spend your time playing cards with this old woman life of a lady
12:24What does that even mean? I mean, it's beautiful dresses
12:28elegant balls
12:30They'll be dashing all right away from Liza
12:33Oh, yeah, what do I care about stupid dresses and boring dances with boring men?
12:39Do you know how I'd give my I teeth for all that at your age?
12:42Maybe it's that you've had it easier than I ever did. I know what it's like to be poor
12:49This poor and this poor
12:52You have no idea how hard it was when I were young. Yeah, you survived you've done. All right for yourself
13:03I believe that leaves you seven points down
13:22Are you fighting the stocks and shares are we all fun in the stocks and shares?
13:27Well, they're certainly different I
13:30Don't mind it. It's not as if we're doing any real graft is it buy a bit of this company celebrate that one
13:37It's basically money for nothing
13:45Hey, I say you haven't seen a Russian wolfhound passing through here about this big
13:51Highly strung can't say they will have no devil. It's my wife's dog. If I go home without the beast
13:56It'll be me sleeping in the kettle
14:00Well, you must be the new chap
14:03Marcus of York Lord George Fitzherbert her I live in the next estate of Malibu manor some heartache
14:09Pleasure to meet you. She's my eldest
14:15Why don't you come up to the house and see if anybody up there seen your hand
14:17I don't want to see you in trouble with the wife now, would we?
14:21No, we said it would not be terrific house terrific
14:30When did you last see him to come to do his business in the woods and a little bugger shot off after something
14:38Lord Fitzherbert, this is my daughter Liza. Ah, and my mother-in-law I go by my own shanty
14:45He's lost his dog. What kind is it a bozo? Oh, ah Russian wolfhound
14:50Sold to me on the understanding that it would make a very fine gundog
14:54But she panics at the sound of the shots
14:58women a
15:00She's a bitch. Yeah
15:02Are you shooting in the woods? Yes, right. Leave it with us. Come on. Oh very kind
15:21This is our new neighbor Lord George Fitzherbert, this is my wife Mary
15:27Charmed mrs. Harding. Oh
15:29And our youngest Harry. Oh
15:31Gosh, what happened to you? I was born this way doesn't hold him back though. Does it son? Oh a good for you
15:40Why mrs. Dryden how lovely to see you
15:45Lord Fitzherbert, may we offer you some refreshment. Well, I just say I've timed my visit perfectly for afternoon tea
15:54I'm afraid we don't take afternoon tea in this house anymore. Really?
15:59Gosh, all right in that case. I'll make do with a tot of Madeira
16:07So tell me young man, why are you reading of an afternoon and not at school?
16:12Oh, well, we're actually looking for a new school for Harry. Well, the only place worth a damn in Yorkshire is
16:18Barlow's boarding school. What portets no men may him call them gentleman's
16:25Say again, it's the Barlow's motto
16:28Carry my name to the people
16:31But boarding school though, didn't you miss your family? Oh, not a jot
16:35No, in fact Barlow's three hours made me the man. I am today the roughhousing rowing and
16:42ruddy good chaps
16:44That sounds lively
16:46It sounds brilliant
16:51That hound is in heat
16:53Then he'll be after like a rat up a drainpipe
16:55There they are
16:56Please never get up there
16:59You've got a lot to learn about men Liza girl
17:02Hey grab that hound. Come here
17:08Turn around slowly
17:13This is private land
17:15You're trespassing
17:16Says who?
17:18Victor Ward
17:19Head groundskeeper on this estate and permitted to shoot poachers. Only if we're armed
17:26Which as you can see we are not
17:29Very familiar with the law
17:31I'm also very familiar with guns and what you're holding there is a 12-gauge double-barrel shotgun
17:37All right, what's of it?
17:39Well, I hope you're confident of your aim because in the time it'll take you to cop that second barrel my tinnier
17:44Will have ripped out your throat
17:47That's big talk for a small dog
17:49Size is overrated
17:53Being a generous chap that I am
17:56I'm gonna let you go
17:57I don't want to see you on this land again. All right
18:00Well, that might be difficult
18:03Seeing as how we live here
18:07My daughter owns this place
18:10So technically that means you work for me
18:15My apologies
18:18My lady didn't introduce herself
18:21Oh, I'm no lady. Mr. Ward
18:33So you made your fortune from fish, oh hi
18:36We traveled up and down yorkshire selling fried hair life in the open road. How I envy you
18:42Oh, well, you wouldn't envy sleeping in a cart with ma
18:45The old woman's snoring would put a navi to shame
18:49But you've left the fish behind you now then not quite that's right
18:53Well, we're not involved in the day-to-day operations and sam now runs our financial portfolio
18:58Well, i'm something of an entrepreneur myself as it happens. Oh, I what game are you wine?
19:04I'm planning england's first vineyard of my estate
19:07Why let the french have all the fun?
19:10Two graves go in yorkshire. I'm sure they will harry. Yeah given the right conditions
19:15We found your dog how wonderful just in time to tinny was showing her around. Oh
19:22Getting to know each other a bit like us
19:26But alas all good things must come to an end
19:29Well, you um, you must come for tea and dinner sometime. I'd be delighted to what about this saturday?
19:35Yes, of course. Yeah, um, you should bring your family. Oh, yes
19:40They'd be thrilled
19:50Toad in the hole
19:52As requested as crumb easily. Well, we certainly can't serve the fitzherbert's toad in the old man
19:57We got something against a good sausage. Then i'll be used to finer things
20:02The marquis of york george fitzherbert iii married lady emmeranton in 1868
20:09Oh my what?
20:11Lady em is related to the danish royal family
20:14Crikey royalty at our table. I hope she's not as nervy as a daft hound
20:19You see the gentry are like their dogs all that blue blood leaves them defective
20:23Give me a good mongrel any day if you're gonna be like that when they're here, you can stay in your room
20:27Maybe we should all stay in our room. We don't want to embarrass you in front of real life royalty
20:33Ah, they're winding you up look folk are folk no matter where they're from i'm sure we'll find some common ground
20:40You can help me plan the evening. That's not fair. Why doesn't he have to well because he's helping your father with stocks and shares
20:47What about him?
20:48I have to get ready for barlows. That's not decided yet. But dad we'll talk about it later
20:54What's that you're reading anyway?
20:55Found it in the library
20:57It's a compendium of the great and the good. Oh, yeah, what's it say about me then?
21:01I'm, not sure it mentions you see all the best women are written out of history. Oh, here we are ma
21:07Also known by her aliases the shadow and madam midnight is one of yorkshire's most notorious smugglers
21:14But she's thought to be descended from spring eel jack and a local banshee
21:20Hey, that's ought to impress lady. What's her face?
21:23No, there'll be no talk about she's all smuggling. We're all gonna be in our best behavior and we're all gonna make a good impression
21:31Who are these hard acres?
21:33What is their title? We didn't really get into all that according to lady beaumont. They're richer than the salt marshes
21:40And I heard the eldest son is very handsome
21:43Where does he inherit his money?
21:46I'm, not entirely sure
21:48But they have a very diverse portfolio portfolio
21:52So they're new money
21:54New money old money. I mean the point is they've clearly got pots to the stuff and uh,
21:58They're rather like the sound of my wine business
22:01You don't have a wine business. I could if I got the sort of cash injection that some hardacre could provide
22:08Please tell me you're not planning to go back into the neighbors. It would be an investment
22:12How else am I supposed to pay for the upkeep of this place? Let alone adela's dowry?
22:19I've already accepted the invitation. Um, uh
22:22How will it look if I say we can't go fine?
22:24We will go to dinner
22:27And see what these hard acres are all about
22:42How was last night's dinner ma'am
22:45Simple enough. It was very nice. Thank you
22:48But we will require something more special for saturday evening lord and lady. Fitzherbert will be joining us
22:55And what's she like lady emma
23:00Where does one begin?
23:02Her ladyship has beauty
23:07a wonderful sense of style
23:09Her charitable works and society contacts are second to none
23:15I believe that she is a personal friend to her majesty the queen
23:24And her daughter is the most eligible debutante in the county
23:30Well, we best pull out all the stops then
23:40Will the service be a la francaise or a la russe
23:49And were you thinking the wallace silver or the gorham glass, oh, I like this one
24:05Look mrs. Dryden when it comes to all this I have no idea where to start
24:09You know that I know that
24:12So maybe you could just help me out here love
24:16Wouldn't like to get above my station ma'am was very clear yesterday
24:24Thank you, mrs. Dryden that will be all
24:31How do you just get rid of her because she doesn't think I can do this so i'm gonna prove her wrong instead
24:50Trying to get down to this bain-marie pastry
24:52French must have very cold paws. That's all I can say
24:55I doubt this lot would know the difference between french pastry and a yorkshire pudding
25:01Lord and lady fitterbert will be dining here at the hall on saturday
25:06Mrs. Hardacre is taking charge, but you said she hasn't got a clue
25:11She wants to do things her way
25:14You have to cook what she asks for
25:16no more
25:18no less
25:20Thank you, mrs. Henderson
25:31So I hear beasley
25:36What sort of thing does a gentleman do with his day
25:39Well, he begins by taking the papers in the morning
25:44Yeah, i've done that
25:45Then he would probably deal with
25:47his correspondence
25:49Have I had any letters?
25:51No, sir
25:53There's matters of estate management. All right. What's that then the running of the grounds and land?
26:01Uh, mr. Ward the groundskeeper has that in hand
26:07Well, what did old cavendish do with his day he spent the afternoons at his club
26:12Discussing matters of the day with other gentlemen
26:18Would you like me to apply for membership on your behalf i'm not sure his table, please is my table, please
26:25As you wish sir
26:28There you are I need to decide what to serve the fitzherbert's for dinner and liza's been neither youth nor ornament
26:34What would you say to a royal roast?
26:37It's a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey
26:40That doesn't sound natural to me
26:42How do they even get in there? Maybe a saddle and mutton a bit surfer. Yeah, that's a good idea
26:47Oh and make sure you're here tomorrow morning. We've got tailors and dressmakers coming. What for?
26:53This dinner's our way into society. So
26:56You need to look a bit more like that
27:23Ma'am we have a selection of ready-made that we can adjust to fit here today and for the maid to measure
27:33Aye, it's it's quite the thing love
27:35Now we're after the works lass everything from the under crack is outwards
27:39What the money you've got we should be farting through silk for the rest of our days
27:44Shall we?
28:44Very handsome
29:00What do you think
29:05Well, I do
29:10Well basely do we look the part
29:16Every inch sir
29:19There's a gentleman here to see you
29:28Fred oh, is that really you? Oh, it's just like a daft costume, isn't it?
29:38What's happened uh sure sacked me
29:43Because I let a sick man go on
29:46bloody man
29:47I hate to ask I I wouldn't
29:50if I weren't desperate but
29:53The other day he said you could maybe help me out with a job in one of your shops. Of course. Absolutely
29:58Come on, have a seat. Sit down
30:03Thank you
30:08What is it
30:11The docks it's all i've known and them that weren't there
30:16Doesn't feel right me off and sorted while the rest of them are stuck there with shaw
30:21Just be some other poor sod's turn now
30:25I think it's time someone had a proper chat with her. Mr. Shaw
30:32I know you want to help love, but you threw shaw in a pile of fish guts
30:36I'm, not saying it's gonna be easy, but it's worth a go
30:40This is too good to only wear in the bedroom
30:43Yeah, don't worry about that it's just a daft costume after all
30:47I felt funny dressed like that in front of her head. That's all
30:51Is that what's going on?
30:53You feel funny about all this you're looking for any excuse to run back to the docks. I'm not running back anywhere, Mary
30:58I'm doing the stocks and shares aren't I?
31:01Oh, and I spoke to Beasley about what occupies a gentleman and well
31:05It's mainly reading newspapers and talking nonsense with other gentlemen by the sounds of it. Sam
31:10You've got to give it a proper chance love
31:12I am
31:14But fred's a good friend and I just want to help him. I care about fred, too
31:18I just think we should be looking forward not back. The docks is our old life. I want you here with me in our new one
31:25I am here with you
31:28I just takes a bit of getting used to
31:32But i'm here Mary i'm all in
31:37And just promise me you're not gonna do anything daft down the docks tomorrow. I promise
31:42I'll be measuring reason itself
31:45You're a damn fool man. What would you know about it? A monkey in a suit is still a monkey
31:54I know you don't have a clue
31:58You parade around you treat the workers like dirt you sack fred for nothing
32:06Sell the business to me
32:09Why enough when I do that because if you don't I'll ruin you
32:16You see I might be a monkey
32:18But i'm a monkey with money
32:20And i'll happily spend it buying every single fish that's landed in this harbor until you go under
32:26Hell i'll buy every fish that's landed in the whole coast if that's what it takes
32:30And I won't stop till you're done
32:33I don't believe you
32:41And go there
32:53Oh, did you get freddie's job back in a manner of speaking, uh, yes
32:58Uh, the thing is good you can tell me all about it later, but right now you need to go and get changed
33:08It's beautiful wife, isn't it pick the flowers in the woods myself
33:16Now go
33:25Will there be anything else um, no, thank you beastly
33:58It's going to be great
34:04Lord and lady fitzherbert
34:09Welcome to hardacre hall
34:11You didn't tell me he was irish
34:13Lady fitzherbert. Oh, there's no need to curtsy mrs. Hardacre. Oh, please call me mary
34:21These are our children joe lyza and harry
34:24And this is my daughter lady adela
34:28Thrilled to be here, aren't we darling?
34:33We're all very curious about our mysterious young neighbors. Oh, there's nothing mysterious about us lot. It'd be lovely to get to know one another
34:41Your accent
34:42I can't quite place it. It's yorkshire love
34:45You live in it
34:46My mother if you'd like to follow me through to the dining room this way, please
34:53And I must say it's lovely to be dining at the hall again, oh you knew the cavendish family well
34:59Oh, yes, lady cavendish was a magnificent hostess
35:03An evening at fawnton hall was always quite the occasion hardacre hall
35:08of course
35:10When a place has had a name for over 200 years change takes a bit of getting used to
35:14And we're still getting used to it ourselves
35:17It's a bit different to where we come from
35:19And where would that be? Oh, we used to live in the village worked on the docks
35:25Working how modern the first course
35:33You seem to have forgotten the soup course and the fish course for that matter
35:37There are no soup and fish courses this evening milady
35:43Extraordinary nice soup no fish
35:46And I thought you people were dock workers
35:49We were
35:50But the docks are far behind us now
35:58Don't you like mutton it was delightful
36:02Is lady adela an only child no, we also have a son
36:06Crispin he's currently exploring the lakes of west africa
36:11You must miss him. Oh awfully
36:13And soon adela will be gone, too
36:16What we have high hopes that adela will make a fine match with the heir to the charlton estate
36:21It's lord barthurst a fine fellow. He hasn't actually proposed yet. Oh, don't be so cautious
36:27Negotiations are advancing. And how did you meet him? I barely have
36:32Adela was presented last year. Oh, I bet that was wonderful
36:38Have you been presented yet miss hardacre prancing about for a lot of silly boys just isn't really my style
36:56And this is bread and butter pudding, it's my favorite it looks wonderful
37:05Have you lost mrs. Dryden this is quite a change from the usual menu
37:14Was excellent for grouse hunting this time of year
37:17Why don't you come out with me tomorrow? Oh, i'd love to george, but well, you could all come we make a day of it
37:22Oh, yes. Yes, that would be fun. I'm a dab hand with a shotgun. I really can't i'm afraid
37:27Why not? I have some business to attend to so i'm just gonna manage the shops
37:32It's not the shops then what?
37:34I don't see why we can't accept lord. Fitzherbert's very generous invitation
37:39Huh, uh, I was gonna wait until later to tell you all but uh
37:48I bought shaw's fish merchants this afternoon
37:55He did what if you'd heard show you'd have done the same thing
38:06A heartache and son
38:09Which son?
38:10It's not likely to be me. Is it i'm not going back to the docks joe
38:14Can you give lady adela a tour of the house, please? I'd like that
38:18They need a chaperone, of course. Liza harry
38:22How about we gents retire for a brandy to uh toast your brand new venture?
38:27What about us I never say no to a brandy ladies and gentlemen together go on lady m treat yourself
38:41So this is the study I think she could have worked that out for herself
38:48The study
38:51How exciting
38:53Yeah, it's not that great or should we go back then seeing as it's so disappointing
38:59So we can be bored to death
39:01Well, have you got a better idea?
39:08Why don't we have a bit of fun
39:11Will you be involved in the day-to-day running of these fish merchants
39:16It's early days, but the previous owner neglected the place for years
39:20I have a lot of ideas about how to improve things
39:22Joe better to run the business than those who've actually done the graft. Hey
39:27I couldn't agree with you more
39:29It's exactly as the cavendish is headed. Uh, yes, we're getting a feel for the place before we make changes
39:36Well, what have you done with your own furniture
39:43Does anybody play not the piano if you're feeling lucky
39:58Come on liza
39:59Wait, what about me?
40:01Harry it's grown-ups only not little boys. You're not going to let him get away with that, are you?
40:08Go on harry
40:10I dare you to drink the whole thing
40:14Stop harry harry harry
40:17What did you say that for
40:26He's not going to be sick is he
40:29How are you feeling georgie boy
40:32Quietly confident then. Why don't we make it interesting?
40:35It's a rather nice pocket watch you've got there. You can't possibly be suggesting a wager. Of course. She isn't I most certainly am
40:43You horrible boy what on earth?
40:47What the hell is going on
40:49He drank a load of brandy and was sick on my dress. I'm, so sorry drinking was your stupid idea
40:56It was just a bit of fun. It was my idea. It wasn't lady adela's. I said you were too young you liar. That is enough
41:05Now all of you get to bed now you're coming with me to the docks tomorrow boy when you like it or not
41:23I'll uh check in a hurry. Try not to buy any other businesses on your way out. Will you love?
41:31I hope you're pleased with yourself
41:34What good riddance have you asked me
41:37I mean, he's all right that poor sod, but she's a nasty piece of work
41:40I did not like the way she spoke to you. I got everything wrong everything
41:51How are you supposed to know all this stupid ins and outs fish and soup, eh
41:59It's that driving one that needs telling it's her job to know all that now
42:03I'm, very happy to go and have a little chat with her if you want
42:09I'll do it
42:11Don't hold back
42:13I won't
42:16That's my girl
42:21I'll bet lady. Fitzherbert's face was a picture
42:24It isn't funny young lady
42:27We're going to destroy the standard of this house. You played your part. She needed guidance
42:34That heartache a woman needs to see there is a right way to do things I don't see what you've got against them
42:41You seem nice enough to me nice
42:44The children are animals
42:46The mother's a criminal
42:48He's a simpleton and as for lady mark
42:51She can put on as many fancy dresses as she likes. It doesn't change the fact that underneath at all. She's a common fish wife
43:21It was one bad dinner love it'll be better next time how's harry
43:29I told him he could go to barlow's. I think it's what he needs
43:34Another decision made without consulting me. I can tell him no. That's what he wants
43:40To have this bloody dress
43:47Come here
43:53I'm sorry. Mary. I should have told you about my jaws
43:56Must be a new start
43:59It won't be like before it'll be ours
44:04And it'll be good for me it'll be good for joe
44:10You are happy here, aren't you as long as i'm with you i'm happy
44:27Are you happy here, of course, it's everything I ever wanted
44:47I have it you shall host a gala afternoon tea here at heartacre hall that lady m is taking you for every penny
44:54Someday, that'll read joe hardacre and stuff. I won't let you down. I thought I was in charge of the money
44:59Fred gonna handle the money for now
45:01Fred's not in charge while there I am
45:04And if I can run this place for fewer men than I will a beloved saunton hall in sugar and cake
45:09Change your mind the duchess has arrived. I'll let anyone make. I'll break you mrs. Hardacre