Ruzgarli Tepe - Episode 141 (English Subtitles)

  • 6 hours ago
Ruzgarli Tepe - Episode 141 (English Subtitles)
00:01:00I'm going to do a little bit of a walk-through of what I've been up to in the last couple of days.
00:01:07I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days.
00:01:12I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days.
00:01:17I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days.
00:01:23I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days.
00:01:28I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days.
00:01:32I'm going to show you a little bit of what I've been up to in the last couple of days.
00:02:14Sending it in a million push-push
00:02:55Zaynab you okay?
00:02:59I'm fine
00:03:04I'll call someone. No, I'm fine
00:03:11Come on, I'll get out of it
00:03:26What you did is nonsense or yours
00:03:30You broke the deal I made with Nevra just to get your feet
00:03:33Ha bu yüzden arabayı üstüme sürüp beni öldürmeye mi karar verdin ben kardeşim için yapmıştım o anlaşmayı hak ettim yani
00:03:41Son anda sağ kırmasan
00:03:46İntikam kalbini kör etti seni az daha bedelini canını ödeyecektin
00:03:52Bu yaptığının bedelini ödeyeceksin
00:04:04İndir diyorum sana
00:04:17İndir artık beni
00:04:19Yapamazsın hapsedemezsin beni buraya aç şu kapıyı
00:04:42Sana aç şu kapıyı dedim gideceğim
00:04:47Gideceğim bir kere olsun
00:04:59Buradan çıkmak mı istiyorsun?
00:05:05Önce akıllanacaksın
00:05:13Beni en hassas noktamdan vuruyorsun
00:05:16Ailemle tehdit ediyorsun beni
00:05:18Kardeşimi korumam lazım benim aç şu kapıyı
00:05:22Kardeşin iyi durumda borcunu ödedim
00:05:28Borcunu ödedin
00:05:30Sana söylemiştim
00:05:32Halil Fırat'ın karısının kimseye ihtiyacı yoktur
00:05:36Ama ben
00:05:38Aması falan yok kardeşinin artık başı belada değil
00:05:42Evet ben ödedim
00:05:48Sen beni ayağına getirmek için oyun oynadın benimle
00:05:50Üstelik bu saçma oyununa kardeşimi de alet ettin
00:05:54Aç şu kapıyı
00:06:00Önce bana güvenmeyi öğreneceksin
00:06:02Aklın başına gelince de
00:06:04Benim aklım başımda zaten
00:06:10Sen Halil Fırat'sın
00:06:12Ben de Zeynep Aslanlı'yım
00:06:14Ben buradan gideceğim
00:06:16Sen de göreceksin
00:06:48Kurbet ellere gelip
00:06:50Evladımı böyle mi görecektim
00:06:54O ne biçim söz ana
00:06:56Ananın arkasından işleri çevirecek
00:06:58Ananda duymayacak öyle mi
00:07:00Ana anlatacağım
00:07:02Ana anlatacağım
00:07:04Kele hangi gözle söze
00:07:06Kandırdı seni
00:07:08Ana ben seviyorum Selma'yı
00:07:16Hemde her şeyden çok seviyorum ana
00:07:28Bak ben sadece gerçeği söylüyorum
00:07:30Ben Selma'ya aşığım ana
00:07:32Ve onunla bir gelecek kuracağım
00:07:38Oğlan bu kızla tutulmuş
00:07:50Ana iyi misin
00:07:52Ben şikayet etmem Meltem
00:07:54O kışlıkları kendi elleriyle dizdiydi sana
00:07:56Ben şimdi o kıza ne diyeceğim
00:08:00Sütten temiz
00:08:12Kaç defa dedim sana ana
00:08:14Ben sevmiyorum Meltem'i
00:08:16Ben Selma'ya aşığım ana
00:08:18Selma'ya aşığım
00:08:34Senin duanı almadan
00:08:36Evlenmek istemezdin bana
00:08:38Haklısın biliyorum
00:08:42Ama ben Selma'yı çok seviyorum
00:08:44Çok aşığım
00:08:50Selma'nın yanında
00:08:52Meltem konusunu açma
00:08:54Olur mu
00:08:56Hatırım için
00:09:02Alemi öpecek misin
00:09:08Anaların bir tanesi bir tanesi
00:09:10Canımsın benim
00:09:34Ben senin hakkından gelmesini bilirim
00:09:52Belki hapishanemi hazırlamış
00:09:56Ama sen görürsün
00:09:58Sen ne yaparsan yap ben senin tutsan olmayacağım
00:10:06Ben markete gidiyorum
00:10:08Yiyecek bir şeyler alacağım
00:10:10Boşuna zahmet etme
00:10:12Ölsem de yemeyeceğim
00:10:14Sen de boşuna buradan çıkmaya çalışma
00:10:16Sana izin yok
00:10:26Sen beni demirden kafeslere de kapatsan
00:10:28Ben bir şekilde o kilidi açar
00:11:00Böyle Yıldırım'ın hikayeli birden evlenmek
00:11:02Onun tasvip edeceği bir şey değil
00:11:06Ona kalsa
00:11:0840 gün 40 gece düğün yapalım ister
00:11:30Oğlunun evlenmesini bu kadar isteyen bir anne
00:11:32Beni gelinlikle görünce niye mutsuz oldu ki
00:11:38Eren'in annesine hikaye haber vermedi zaten
00:11:54Abla ne dedi
00:11:56İstemiyorum beni
00:11:58Güzeller güzeli sevgili
00:12:00Sakin ol
00:12:02Eren söyler misin kızdı mı
00:12:04Ne dedi
00:12:06Nikahtan haberi olmadığı için
00:12:08Şaşırmış sadece
00:12:10Ama çok normal
00:12:12Benim mutluluğumu görünce o da çok sevindi
00:12:14Eminsin değil mi
00:12:16Bak beni rahatlatmak için
00:12:18Yalan söyleme lütfen
00:12:20Sevgilim yalan söylemiyorum
00:12:24Annem şeker gibi kadındır
00:12:26Seni tanıyınca o da çok sevecek
00:12:28Hatta kendini kızı kadar sevecek
00:12:34Beni istemiyor diye çok korktum
00:12:38Hadi gel
00:12:40Elini öpmeye gidelim
00:12:58Çok yaşı da yok
00:13:12Evin altını üstüne getirdim
00:13:14Şu pencereleri açabileceğim tek bir alet yok
00:13:20Çıkman lazım Zeynep buradan
00:13:28Hasan amca
00:13:30Zeynep kızım
00:13:32Hasan amca bana bir yardım
00:13:36Halil evden çıkarken kapıyı kilitle unutmuş da
00:13:38Şu saksının altında yedek anahtar olacaktı
00:13:40Sana zahmet kapıyı açabilir misin
00:13:42Tamam kızım
00:13:48Başardım işte
00:13:50Çıkıyorum buradan
00:13:52Sana beni tutsak edemeyeceksin demiştim
00:14:22Halil bey benden özel yetişti kızım size iyi günler olsun
00:14:52Hoş geldiniz kıymet hanım
00:14:54Hoş gördük de
00:14:56Ana diyeceksin
00:14:58Ne o öyle el gibi
00:15:20Ne o öyle el gibi
00:15:26Geç şöyle otur
00:15:34Anayım ben ana
00:15:36Kıymetlim haber vermeyecek
00:15:38Gelin getirecek
00:15:40Bende susacağım
00:15:44Kendimle konuşacağım
00:15:50De bakalım
00:15:52Anan baban neredeler kimlerdensiniz
00:15:56Babamı kaybettik
00:15:58Başınız sağolsun
00:16:02Annem babaannem ikide kız kardeşim var
00:16:06Bacıların bekar mı
00:16:10Biri evli adı Zeynep
00:16:12Diğeri de Merve o daha öğrenci
00:16:38Benim dışımda kimseden yardım
00:16:40İstemek yok
00:16:42Zorbalık bu
00:16:44Yanlışlarından ders çıkarmayı
00:16:48Ömür boyu burada kalırsın
00:16:50Ölürüm daha iyi
00:16:52Arabayı üstüne sürerek mi
00:17:10Yemek hazır olunca haber verirsin
00:17:18Buradan çıkmama asla izin vermeyecek
00:17:20Bütün ölümleri almışım
00:17:26Hazaretten kurtulmak mı istiyorsun Zeynep
00:17:32Ali beyinde diğer şeyi yapacaksın
00:17:56De bakalım
00:17:58Anan sana evine hanımlık etmeyi öğretti mi
00:18:02Bilmediklerimi de öğrenirim
00:18:06Ama salonda gelinlikle oturulmayacağını
00:18:14Eren'im çok para vermiştir bu gelinliğe
00:18:16Eli açıktır
00:18:18Ama sen kadın olarak
00:18:20Kocanın parasını çarçur etmeyeceksin
00:18:22Çıkarırım birazdan
00:18:24Koş çıkar
00:18:26Mındar olacak
00:18:28Arkası bacıklı
00:18:30Çıkarılması biraz zor oluyor o yüzden
00:18:32Kızım ben çözeceğim
00:18:34Yo yo gerek yok
00:18:36Ben hallederim şimdi
00:18:38Kızım çekinme
00:18:40Kalk kalk
00:18:42Artık anan sayılırım dedim ya sana
00:18:44Hem sizimizde yok
00:18:50Kördüğüm etmişler bunları ya
00:18:54Soyunda ökül hele gel yamacıma
00:18:56Hadi kızım hadi kızım hadi
00:19:08Ben annemin eşyalarını yukarı koydum
00:19:14Sen iyi misin?
00:19:18Doğru söyle
00:19:26Annemi üzdü
00:19:28Hayır hayır
00:19:30Gelinlik rahatsız etti
00:19:42Açlıktan ölücüyüm
00:19:46Üstümü değiştireyim
00:19:48Yemek hazırlamaya geleceğim
00:20:08Ders alacakmışım da akıllı olacakmışım da
00:20:12Sen beni yola getireceksin
00:20:22Sakin Zeynep sakin
00:20:26Böyle fevri hareketlerle çıkamazsın buradan
00:20:32Ne derse tutacaksın
00:20:34Sessiz kalacaksın
00:20:40Sessiz kalacaksın
00:20:42Sessiz kalacaksın
00:21:10Yemekte ne var?
00:21:14Oyununa gelme
00:21:22Kıymalı makarna
00:21:24Bir de salata yaptım
00:21:26Bu kadar mı?
00:21:32İnadını da intikamını da gömeceksin içine
00:21:34Az kaldı
00:21:52Yemeği de ben mi servis edeyim?
00:21:54Hı hı
00:21:56Tabi doğru
00:21:58Ben yaptım ben servis edeyim
00:22:00Benimki de son işimdi
00:22:34Afiyet olsun
00:22:36Bir tabak daha koy
00:22:42Birlikte yiyeceğiz
00:22:50Yemek saati sofraya birlikte oturulur değil mi?
00:22:52Tabi tabi
00:23:06Tabi tabi
00:23:36Bırak beni gideyim
00:23:50Daha önce de söyledim Zeynep
00:23:54Ölürüm de dönmem yanımdan
00:23:58Evlilikler beni çok merak etmiştir ama
00:24:00Annem babaannem
00:24:02Balayında olduğun için onlar çok mutlular şu an
00:24:06Balayındayız mı dedin onlara?
00:24:24Ben Nevre Hanım'a verdiğim parayı geri ödeyeceğim sana
00:24:30Kimseye borçlu kalmam ben çalışır yine öderim
00:24:36Ben sana soyadın kimliğinde Fırat yazdıkça
00:24:38Başkasının yanında çalışamazsın diyorum
00:24:40Sen inatla karşıma geçmişsin
00:24:42Ben başkasının yanında çalışırım diyorsun
00:24:48Zeynep bak
00:24:56Sen otur
00:25:06İşte şimdi kaçman tam zaman
00:25:22Halil Bey
00:25:24Zeynep Hanım'ın kıyafetlerini getirdim
00:25:28Evde herkes yiyor mu?
00:25:30Herkes yiyor
00:25:36Sıkıntı yok değil mi Merve diye?
00:25:38Merve Hanım değil
00:25:40Kardeşimi kurtardın ama
00:25:42Ayağına geleyim diye
00:25:44Benden gizledin
00:25:52Zeynep'in arabasında ufak bir hasar var
00:25:54Onunla ilgilen
00:25:56Zeynep Hanım
00:25:58İyi mi?
00:26:00Gayet iyi
00:26:04Sen onunla ilgilen
00:26:14Bunlar aramızda kalsın dememe gerek yok herhalde
00:26:32Doydun mu?
00:26:34Çok şükür
00:26:44Yemeklerimizi yedik
00:26:48Kahvelerimizi de içtik
00:26:54Bu sene çok sıcaktı
00:26:56Domatesleri kurutacağım diye
00:27:02Eline sağlık anneciğim
00:27:04Yormasaydın kendini
00:27:06Bundan sonra yormayacağım
00:27:08Gelin yapacak
00:27:16Gelin kız
00:27:18Bir kağıt kalem getir de
00:27:20Balıcan kebabı tarifi vereceğim
00:27:22Yoldan geldiniz
00:27:30Odanı hazırlayayım
00:27:32Uyu istersen
00:27:34Kıymet anne
00:27:38Aşkımı hallettim
00:27:40Sen yemek yaparken
00:27:52Atırıp bebek koyacaklar kapıma
00:28:06Saat de çok geç olmuş anne
00:28:10O zaman
00:28:12İyi geceler sana
00:28:14İyi geceler oğlum
00:28:16İyi geceler
00:28:18İyi geceler
00:28:22İyi geceler
00:29:16Bana bırak
00:29:18Ben hallederim
00:29:22Bana bırak dedim
00:30:40Ben hallederdim ama sağ olun rida
00:30:44I'm trying to run away from you, I'm hitting you, I hit my wrist in the accident, I'm a little
00:31:04nervous, I couldn't open my heart because of him, let's put ice on your wrist, it will reduce your pain,
00:31:22I mean, I'm saying that you shouldn't have an excuse for breakfast in the morning, there's no need for ice,
00:31:32I'll make you breakfast in the evening, even if your wrist breaks.
00:31:38Zeynep, I said your wrist shouldn't hurt, don't be stubborn, let's put this ice.
00:31:45I said there's no need.
00:31:47Zeynep, walk.
00:31:57Sit down.
00:32:02Sit down.
00:32:08Look at me.
00:32:31Sit down.
00:33:11Let's continue a little more.
00:33:16Look, I'm telling you, it will swell, the pain will increase even more.
00:33:21I drink painkillers, it will pass.
00:33:25The medicine is over there.
00:33:27I know better than you what's in this house.
00:33:31I know better than you what's in this house.
00:33:49I'm sorry.
00:34:01I'm sorry.
00:34:08Selma and Eren look good together.
00:34:11They deserve to be happy for a lifetime.
00:34:14I hope so.
00:34:22Come on, let's have a coffee.
00:34:24It's too late.
00:34:26But won't we criticize the wedding?
00:34:29Let's sit together.
00:34:31Don't insist.
00:34:33Let Ms. Tülay rest a little.
00:34:35Let her digest being a mother-in-law.
00:34:37Anyway, it was a wedding surprise.
00:34:40Actually, I married my eldest daughter.
00:34:42I have the right to lean back and drink a lot of coffee, right?
00:34:57Can I have two more coffees, please?
00:34:59Of course.
00:35:09Congratulations, Ms. Tülay.
00:35:14It was a very chic and beautiful wedding.
00:35:17We did what suits us.
00:35:24Now it's your turn.
00:35:27I still have school.
00:35:29I have plans abroad.
00:35:31Oh, Ms. Tülay.
00:35:33I guess your little daughter will have a wedding abroad without your knowledge.
00:35:38Ms. Songül.
00:35:40Believe me, wedding, engagement, none of this matters.
00:35:44Oh, come on.
00:35:46People want to see their child's virtue.
00:35:48Every day we spend with our children.
00:35:51Every minute is very precious.
00:35:53I can't see the wedding.
00:35:54I look at my grandson and hang up the phone.
00:35:57Everything is in place and in time, Ms. Tülay.
00:36:00My child's smile is worth the world, Ms. Songül.
00:36:04But, of course, those who have children know this better.
00:36:24He said he wouldn't have a child again, doctor.
00:36:27You did this to yourself.
00:36:29Now stop, Songül.
00:36:41My nephews are like my children.
00:36:44I want them to be happy.
00:36:46I often take Halil in front of me and tell Zeynep not to be upset.
00:36:49But, of course, the young people of the time are not like us, Ms. Tülay.
00:36:53They are impatient.
00:36:55In the slightest discussion, they destroy their homes.
00:36:58God forbid, aunt.
00:37:00They love each other very much.
00:37:02I think they get along very well.
00:37:13What is it?
00:37:15I don't know.
00:37:17Enjoy your meal.
00:37:38You will sleep like a baby when you drink this coffee.
00:37:47You will realize that I'm not here when you wake up.
00:37:51What will you do then?
00:38:38Did you want something?
00:38:40What are you doing?
00:38:42I made coffee.
00:38:44I thought it would be good after dinner.
00:38:46But would you like tea?
00:38:50Coffee is good.
00:39:30Thank you very much for the coffee, Gülhan.
00:39:33You are welcome, Ms. Tülay.
00:39:35God bless you, Ms. Songül.
00:39:37You too.
00:39:41Let me give you a ride.
00:39:44Good night.
00:39:46Good night.
00:39:50Cemil, where are you coming from at this hour?
00:39:53I took clothes to the summer house for Ms. Zeynep.
00:39:56Where did the summer house come from?
00:39:58Mr. Halil and Ms. Zeynep will be there for a while.
00:40:01Sorry, why didn't we know?
00:40:03I know, aunt.
00:40:05Halil sent me a message.
00:40:07Think of it as an escape.
00:40:08They won't let us know every step, Ms. Songül.
00:40:12Of course, I'm glad.
00:40:14Let them evaluate when they have the opportunity.
00:40:20Our niece Zeynep is a very lucky girl.
00:40:23She is smart enough to evaluate Halil's opportunities.
00:40:28Zeynep was born into these opportunities, Ms. Songül.
00:40:32Thank God, my daughter's eyes are full.
00:40:38Good night.
00:40:40You too.
00:41:05How is your hand?
00:41:09The pain is gone, I'm better.
00:41:21I forgot, I'll get it.
00:41:38Go and serve.
00:41:41It's done.
00:41:44But you'll see.
00:41:48You're going to be whistling when you drink this coffee.
00:41:52I'm going to get out of this door.
00:42:08Good night.
00:42:38Good night.
00:42:56What's wrong?
00:42:57I'm sorry.
00:43:04Your mother was going to get my wedding dress.
00:43:07I couldn't believe it.
00:43:10It's a funny story we're going to tell our children.
00:43:14Is it bad?
00:43:16I never thought of it that way.
00:43:18We tell them the wars we fought for our love.
00:43:20When they get stuck, one says to the other, get your head up, my brother.
00:43:26We are the children of Selma and Eren, two warriors in love.
00:43:31It doesn't suit us.
00:43:40My heart is giving me strength.
00:43:43If it weren't for you, my heart wouldn't beat.
00:43:45You can look at every situation, every negativity in such a beautiful way.
00:43:49Life is a whole Selma with the good and the bad.
00:43:58I admire such a strong situation.
00:44:15I admire everything about you.
00:44:30And finally, I'm alone with this beauty that I admire.
00:44:39We are alone.
00:44:58Mom, are you okay?
00:45:00Mom, look at me.
00:45:02Mom, look at me.
00:45:04Is your head aching?
00:45:06Mom, is your head aching?
00:45:08I have high blood pressure.
00:45:10It will make me blind.
00:45:13No, no.
00:45:16Take a glass of water.
00:45:18No, no, I don't want it.
00:45:21Eren, are you going to leave me?
00:45:29Mom, what kind of a mother are you?
00:45:32Eren, should we call a doctor?
00:45:38Mom, come on, I'll take you to the hospital.
00:45:40No, no, I don't want it.
00:45:41I don't want it.
00:45:43I drank my milk.
00:45:45It will come soon.
00:45:47Come on, baby.
00:45:49I'm used to it.
00:45:51Okay, mom.
00:45:53Okay, calm down, mom.
00:45:55She's going to fall now, calm down.
00:45:57Look, I'm here, I'm with you.
00:45:59I'm not going anywhere, okay?
00:46:01My love, you go to bed.
00:46:03I'll take care of her.
00:46:05Okay, but I won't sleep.
00:46:07If something happens to my voice, okay?
00:46:09Okay, my love, okay.
00:46:13Eren, if you die, will you take me to my grave?
00:46:18Mom, mom, look at me.
00:46:21Mom, why are you saying such things?
00:46:23What does that mean?
00:46:29Mom, tell me the truth.
00:46:32Are you married?
00:46:34No, no.
00:46:39I ate some food because it would be a shame for you.
00:46:42It was very salty.
00:46:45Oh, mom, oh.
00:46:48Mom, why would it be a shame?
00:46:51Look, you already have blood pressure, mom.
00:46:53Why did you eat?
00:46:55I wish you hadn't eaten.
00:46:57Come on, I couldn't feed my son.
00:47:04My dear mom, okay, look, I'm with you.
00:47:07Okay, mom, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere.
00:47:11Calm down.
00:47:13Calm down.
00:47:25The coffee was very good.
00:47:32You didn't even take a sip.
00:47:34It doesn't taste cold.
00:47:37Then you'll say it wasn't good because it was cold, you'll blame me.
00:48:08I love you.
00:48:20Did you burn this coffee?
00:48:24Can't I make a coffee?
00:48:29And do you like my coffee?
00:48:35I love it, but
00:48:42smells a little bitter.
00:48:44Didn't you make the coffee I just brought?
00:48:46No, it's very fresh, I drank it.
00:49:02Are you ready to sleep, Ali Ifrat?
00:49:27What are you looking at?
00:49:33I have a lot of memories in this house, it came to my mind.
00:49:38I mean,
00:49:43in every corner, my mom, my siblings, my grandmother.
00:50:01my sister Selma loves this place more than any of us.
00:50:04My sister Selma loves this place more than any of us.
00:50:20This house...
00:50:30This house...
00:50:34This house...
00:50:48Well, Zeynep.
00:50:51If there's a game in the middle,
00:50:56Ali Ifrat wins that game.
00:50:58Mrs. Zeynep.
00:51:01I mean,
00:51:03you cried while going hunting.
00:51:14coffee is good.
00:51:32Coffee is good.
00:52:02Coffee is good.
00:52:04Coffee is good.
00:52:32Coffee is good.
00:52:34Coffee is good.
00:52:36Coffee is good.
00:52:38Coffee is good.
00:53:02Coffee is good.
00:53:15I can't even stand the death coming from you.
00:53:28You were almost killing me.
00:53:32First me,
00:53:35then yourself.
00:53:55That's you.
00:53:56That's you.
00:54:02This is the Zeynep you're trying to run away from.
00:54:09I will prevent you
00:54:12from running away
00:54:17from your feelings, from your heart.
00:54:22I will do my best for this, Zeynep.
00:54:27I promise you.
00:54:32For you.
00:54:37I will do this for us.
00:54:56I will do this for us.
00:55:26I will do this for us.
00:55:56I will do this for us.
00:56:26I will do this for us.
00:56:52How did I come to this?
00:56:56How did I come to this?
00:57:02I put medicine in his coffee and I fell asleep.
00:57:12Of course.
00:57:14He changed the coffee when he sent me to the kitchen for water.
00:57:19He understood.
00:57:21I came to his game again.
00:57:23How did I fall for this?
00:57:26How did I fall for this?
00:57:28How did I fall for this?
00:57:56How did I fall for this?
00:58:16You can do it, Zeynep.
00:58:19You can take the key from the jacket and run away from here.
00:58:22Come on.
00:58:26Come on.
00:59:14Good morning.
00:59:17You too.
00:59:26You look sleepy.
00:59:30I haven't slept like this for a long time.
00:59:33I'm glad for you.
00:59:34The coffee was very good.
00:59:39It's obvious that you didn't sleep much at night.
00:59:42I told you.
00:59:44I never liked your coffee.
00:59:48Aren't you tired of playing with me?
00:59:50Not me.
00:59:52You played.
00:59:54But not you.
00:59:56I won.
01:00:00I told you.
01:00:02From now on, you won't play games behind my back.
01:00:26I won.
01:00:47Did my mother get worse?
01:00:53I fell asleep.
01:00:54I fell asleep.
01:01:30His mother is like a wolf.
01:01:35I spent the first night alone in our room... the bottom of my mother's knee.
01:01:52Come on, get out.
01:01:54Get out.
01:02:03If one falls, they all fall.
01:02:05Come on, Zeynep.
01:02:06You'll hit it backwards, like your father taught you.
01:02:18The sound will come now.
01:02:25Come on.
01:02:41It's Zeynep.
01:02:54That's it.
01:03:40Come on, Zeynep.
01:03:52Open the door, I'm here.
01:03:59Mrs. Zümrüt.
01:04:02They're not at home. Don't shout in the morning.
01:04:04Where are they?
01:04:06I don't know.
01:04:08I don't know either.
01:04:12I haven't seen him since Selma's wedding.
01:04:15I'm so curious.
01:04:17You're curious, aren't you?
01:04:18You're right.
01:04:19People are curious.
01:04:20No, they suddenly disappeared after the wedding.
01:04:23Oh my God.
01:04:25Maybe they didn't want to be disturbed.
01:04:27That's why they didn't say where they were.
01:04:31If so, they said don't disturb us on the way.
01:04:33Of course.
01:04:35At least they should have let you know.
01:04:37Did they?
01:04:38No, they didn't.
01:04:40I'm curious too.
01:04:42No, I mean, did something happen to Zeynep?
01:04:48If you want, call and ask where they are.
01:04:51Okay, okay.
01:04:52You call and give me the phone.
01:05:08Yes, aunt.
01:05:11I'm sorry to bother you, but Mrs. Zümrüt is here.
01:05:14She's very curious about your grandson.
01:05:16Where are you?
01:05:21My son Halil.
01:05:22Where is my grandson?
01:05:24He left without telling me.
01:05:26That's good.
01:05:27Don't worry.
01:05:29As soon as he wakes up, I'll tell him to call you.
01:05:33I missed him so much.
01:05:34Bring him to me, son.
01:05:36I mean, his smell is in my nose.
01:05:42Don't worry.
01:05:44I'll call you.
01:05:54You're hitting me with my most sensitive point.
01:05:56You're hitting me with my family.
01:06:05He can't come back to the mansion.
01:06:09I'll pay you back the money I gave Mrs. Nevra.
01:06:13I won't be indebted to anyone.
01:06:15I won't be indebted to anyone.
01:06:16I'll work and pay.
01:06:43Don't ever give up.
01:06:50I told you I wouldn't give up.
01:06:53What did you do?
01:06:54You blamed my family.
01:06:56You tried to find my brother.
01:06:58I told you you couldn't do it.
01:07:12I told you you couldn't do it.
01:07:37I'll kill you.
01:07:38Do you hear me?
01:07:42Your parents called.
01:07:44They missed you.
01:07:46We're going back to the mansion.
01:07:53I told you they'd be worried about me.
01:07:57Let's go then.
01:08:26You have to sign this before you go.
01:08:29What's this?
01:08:32You said you wouldn't be indebted to anyone.
01:08:35You said you'd pay all your debts.
01:08:38This is your chance.
01:08:42If you want to pay your debts, you have to sign this.
01:08:46So you don't trust me, but my signature?
01:08:52There's no one to be afraid of your debts.
01:08:55It doesn't suit me to run away.
01:09:02This is different.
01:09:03You forced me to do it.
01:09:10Come here.
01:09:12Come here.
01:09:31Happy now?
01:09:32Happy now?
01:09:41This paper will put out the fire of revenge.
01:09:44And we'll be family.
01:10:33You're moving, huh?
01:11:13You paid the money.
01:11:16You saved my brother.
01:11:20You lied to me.
01:11:23You're the worst liar I've ever seen in my life.
01:11:35You're the worst liar I've ever seen in my life.
01:11:38You're the worst liar I've ever seen in my life.
01:11:41You're the worst liar I've ever seen in my life.
01:11:44You're the worst liar I've ever seen in my life.
