Bentley Contiental GT Speed review. with my mom!

  • 2 days ago
00:00Hello and welcome to Sicily. I'm Matt Watson and you are... Sally Watson. I brought my mum along to a car launch
00:08and the launch is for this. It is the new Bentley Continental GT Speed Convertible. So we're going
00:15to review it. In fact, I'm not going to review it. You're going to review it. No, you know you're
00:20going to review it. You're just coming here for some sunshine and some nice food, mother. You're
00:24here to work. Right. Can you guess how much this is worth? £150,000. This car here? Yes. £270,000
00:32with options. Oh my goodness. I'd have to live in it. So you're going to test drive it. Am I? Yeah,
00:39you're driving it. When was the last time you drove a left-hand drive car? Oh, about 30 years
00:46ago. And we're in Sicily where the driving is interesting. Yes. And this is a very fast car.
00:51Do you know how quick it is? No. It is the fastest four-seater convertible in the world. It will do
00:58207 miles an hour. Gosh, that's fast. How does it not take off? Don't go into the aerodynamics of
01:06the difference between cars and planes. Okay, so what we're going to do, you're going to test drive
01:10it. Right. So you're going to drive it first. You can get in it and drive it. This big car,
01:14£270,000. Right. When you got here, you signed a disclaimer. No pressure, mother. No pressure.
01:20Shall we do this? Well, we can have a go, can't we? Let's do it.
01:29Before we go for a drive, shall we just have a quick look around the outside of the car? Yeah.
01:33Obviously, this is the... Boot. The back. What do you think of the colour? I think it's very
01:38nice actually. Is that what it's called? Golden flames or something. No, when you close it's
01:43flame. Right. So huge exhaust pipes. Look at the size of that. Goodness. Yeah, it's massive. Well,
01:49most of it's a surround. Oh, and there's one each side. Yes, there is. Yeah. She's inspecting it
01:54now. Yes. How about the size of the wheels? Amazing. Those struck me immediately. They're
02:01huge. I've never seen wheels so big. 22-inch alloy wheels, which are sitting quite proud,
02:05so you better not curb them. This car's got some optional carbon extras. Look with this side skirt
02:11down here. And then we've got the speed logo because it's the speed. Yes, yes. And what does
02:16that mean? The 12. The 12. Yeah. The engine's got 12 cylinders. Gosh. Yeah. It's a big engine. Six
02:22litre. Carbon ceramic brakes. These are an upgrade. They're really good for consistent braking,
02:27which you need because this car weighs almost two and a half tonnes. Good gracious. Yeah,
02:31so you need consistent braking, but they're expensive. Yes. Guess how much? Well, I know,
02:35don't I? £11,000. That's correct, it's £11,000. And you're correct in that they reduce the weight
02:4230 kilos all round. Yeah. OK. At the front, what do you think of that? Does it look aggressive?
02:48Expensive? Oh, British. Yes, actually, it does look British, doesn't it? Yes, it does. I don't
02:53know why I'm putting this accent on. Anyway, this has got like some black specifications. It's got
02:58a slightly different grille than you'd normally have on the speed.
03:02It's made of the finest plastic.
03:07Anyway, do you like the look of it? No expense spared then.
03:10I think if it was made of metal and pedestrian protection, you hit someone,
03:13it could do a lot of damage. Oh, I see. Right. So would that shatter if you hit somebody? Let's
03:17not go there, mother, because we don't want to be hitting people. OK, right. Should we go inside
03:21and check it out inside? Yes, let's do that. Are you? Oh, you're right. You're taking the driver's
03:26seat. OK, so, oh, come on. Oh, old person noises getting into the Bentley. It's comfy in here,
03:40though. Oh, that's lovely. First things first. Yes. Convertible. Beautiful. Now we'll put the
03:45roof down, yeah? Yes, go on. Put your foot on the brake. Got to start the car. Can you reach?
03:50There you go. Right. Hit the start button. There we go. Pull this lever here.
03:57That's it. Keep your hand on it. Oh, there we go. Does it very quickly. Really nice,
04:03expensive feeling. Oh, goodness me. Really well insulated roof as well, though. Just a bit
04:09different from the MGB in the 1970s. Yeah, so this is an MGB. She used to have one. OK, yeah.
04:17Horrible vinyl roof, not like a multi-layered comfort roof. No, no, it wasn't vinyl. It was,
04:21the folding roof was made out of vinyl, right? I remember you needed some effort to move it.
04:26I'm just going to stop you. We're here to talk about Bentley, not an old MGB.
04:30Right. You can take your hand off that now. There we go. So, right. We're in the convertible.
04:36We have some upgrades here on the inside because it's the speed, such as Alcantara on the steering
04:41wheel. Do you feel that? The grippy stuff? Yes. Like in a racing car. That's good, isn't it?
04:46And Alcantara on the seats. Yes. So you don't slither about. So you don't slither about. And
04:50speed on the headrest. Oh, yes. So you know what you're driving. Yeah. And also there,
04:54so you know what you're driving. Oh, yes. Because that's really important. But as a whole,
04:57what do you think of this interior? Oh, it's beautifully designed. Just the right amount of
05:03everything. And very, very, very chic and British. Very British. So I'm going to freak you out now.
05:11Press that button where it says screen. Press it. That there? Yeah, go on, press it.
05:20That's neat, isn't it? It's cool, isn't it? Oh, yes. Anyway, shall we get driving?
05:23Yes, sure. Let's do this. Let's do this. You all right? I think so. There we go.
05:31No pressure, Mum, OK? You'll be fine. Right, shall we go? Yes, yes. Oh, I'll just put my
05:36sunglasses on. OK. OK. Bear with us, people. Can't make its mind up the weather. Right.
05:45Anything else you want? Hat. No. No. Well, I'll see how we go first. OK. You can have a hat on
05:52if you want. Anyway, should we go? Yes. Put on the brake, press the beat, pull it towards you
05:57and go that way. Just off the brake. It's an automatic. Two hundred and seventy thousand
06:06pounds in my hands. Now, before we go any further, you might be thinking, do you know what? I quite
06:15fancy a Bentley Continental GT. I just can't afford a new one. Well, the good news is you
06:19can actually get used versions of the previous generation model from as little as fifteen
06:23thousand pounds. Though if you're thinking about buying one of those or any used car,
06:26for that matter, before you hand over your cash, you need to do a vehicle history check
06:30to make sure the car that you're thinking about buying hasn't been stolen. It doesn't have
06:34outstanding finance on it and it hasn't been written off. And to do that, I recommend you use
06:38my friends at Car Vertical. So follow the link in the description or my pinned comment to go to
06:42their site. I actually went on Car Vertical and I've got a report back on a previous generation
06:48Bentley Continental GT. I can see that it's not been stolen. It doesn't have outstanding
06:52finance and the mileage checks out. It has had some damage. In fact, it was written off
06:57a category D write off, which means that it was uneconomical to repair. However, it has been
07:03repaired. But the good thing about Car Vertical is that sometimes you can see damage photos of
07:08whatever damage was done before it was repaired. And I can have a look exactly what was done to
07:13this Bentley Continental GT so I can make an informed choice about the car, whether I want it
07:18or not. Now, if you want to go to Car Vertical, follow the link in the description or the pinned
07:23comment and use the discount code WATSON10 for 10% off. Anyway, on with the video.
07:30How does it feel? Beautiful. It's like it's just flying. How fast am I going? 38 kilometers an
07:36hour. This is a 90. So you can go a bit quicker if you want. Do you know why this car is so comfy?
07:40It's because Bentley fit it with air suspension. So the thing about the speed, it's not just about
07:45the added performance for the engine. It's got about 30 horsepower more than the standard car.
07:48What they've done is a lot of work to the chassis to make it sportier to drive,
07:52which you're not experiencing just yet. You're experiencing the comfort. Yes. So they haven't
07:57changed the comfort levels. We're going to go right here and you'll feel it now. We're going
08:00to change the road surface and there's a bit of a bump. Just feel how it goes over this bump.
08:04You don't feel it. So they managed to keep the comfort of the standard car,
08:07but they've just upped the sportiness. And they've done that by changing the four wheel
08:11drive system. So you've got four wheel drive, but it can send only 30% of the power to the front.
08:17So it's mainly rear drive the whole time for that sports car feel. Also, it's got special anti-roll
08:23system. So it stops the car leaning in the bends. So it stays flat like a racing car, even though
08:28it's a big, luxurious four seater. It doesn't roll at all, does it? It's really sucking the road.
08:35And something that you're not going to experience just yet on the road, I hope,
08:38is they've tweaked the stability control system to make it more playful so you can
08:42slide it around a bit. Finally, it's got a limited slip differential on the rear axle.
08:46Do you know what that is? Of course I don't. So what that does is it makes sure that...
08:51I'm just going to go through this pothole. Didn't feel it. Didn't feel it. That's it. Look at you
08:56being a proper car tester now. Look at that. Yeah, absolutely marvellous for driving on
09:01rough roads. Go on. Accelerate now. Floor it. Floor it. Go on.
09:10That's why it's called Speed. And that's not even in the sportiest setting. That's blown
09:14the cobwebs away. The gearbox is smooth, isn't it? Picks up very quickly, doesn't it? I didn't
09:18feel it changing gear at all. And it's got eight speeds. It just kind of took a breath.
09:24Right. What I'm going to do is turn you into sport mode. Right. Should I try it now?
09:29Yeah. Get into the middle a bit more. Floor it. Just actually floor it properly. All the way to
09:32the... I'm on the floor. There's a car coming now. He's like about 400 metres away. I know, but...
09:38So in sports mode, what it's done is made the throttle a bit more responsive. The gearbox
09:42will be a bit quicker to change. The suspension's firmer. Whereas this... Go on. Floor it now. Floor
09:47it. All the way. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Back off. Hit the brakes steadily. Brakes.
09:54No, I got worried there. No, you're in safe hands. I've done this before.
10:01Do you know what? What we're going to do is we're going to find a place to pull over and we'll
10:04switch over and I'll have a little drive. Okay. Tell you what, mother. What? Your driving position
10:09is pretty funny. I feel like I'm almost like looking over the top. Well, you are. You're
10:12too much taller than me. At the top of the windscreen. Yeah, go down a bit then. I'm
10:15going to have to, blimey. So you know how you went quickly. Yes. I'm going to do it as well.
10:20But you don't like it when other people go quickly. No, I don't. So...
10:30Your face. I'm sorry, I can't change my face. I'm trying to be calm. I like this engine. It's nuts.
10:38It's quite an old engine, but it's so powerful. And it just feels as though it's stuck to the
10:43road. It doesn't lollop about. No, no. It doesn't feel like a lumbering big car, does it? But
10:50to really feel how good it is, I think you need to have a go in it in a slightly more
10:56controlled environment. What, like a track? Something like that. Yeah. Right. We've now
11:01jumped out of the convertible and into a coupe and we've come to a disused airbase.
11:06And we've got a sort of skid pan here. So my mum is going to try driving the coupe
11:12and do a donut in it. So we've got Mike from Bentley to take care of us and talk her through
11:16it. We've just turned the stability control off and we're going to see how she does. Let's give
11:22it a go. Let's do it. OK, Sally. So what I want you to do is in a minute, I want you to move off
11:26and put some right hand steering in. And then when I say, I want you to absolutely mash the
11:31throttle into the carpet and keep it there. You trust me? I trust you. It's me I'm worried about.
11:36You'll be just fine. So let's set off. So? A little bit of throttle. Steer right. Steer right,
11:42more, more, more. More, more, more. Full throttle. Keep it down.
11:51I mean, that'll do. That was it. That was beautiful. I reckon we should do another one. I think we
11:56should do another one as well. See if we can get a drift on. Go on then. What does a drift do? I'll
12:00tell you. So let's go back to where we started before. Steer right. Right. Yeah. Turn right.
12:03Turn right. Turn right. Turn right. Full gas now. Go. And steer left. Steer left.
12:09You need to keep your foot on the throttle. Oh, that's it. Sorry. That would have been beautiful.
12:14Oh, blast. Do you want to try again? So we have one final go. Just one, but I am in quite a nervous
12:20state. Okay, right hand down. Steer right. Full gas. Go. Left, left, right. Okay, now left, left,
12:27left, left. Oh, I've got to keep my foot on. Wait, wait, wait. Now full throttle. Go. Full
12:34throttle. Left, left, left, left, left. Full throttle. Oh, I can't. I'm dumb. I can't do it.
12:42I can't do it. I can't. I think we've got a good three quarter donut out of your man.
12:48It's doing the same thing of doing the steering the other way and keeping the throttle on,
12:51isn't it? That's it. I can't do it. You know what, Mike? Just one more go. Last go then.
12:56Full gas. Go. Keep your foot in. Foot in. Turn left. Turn left. Turn left.
13:00That's it. Keep foot on. Oh, you did it again. That was like a five second delay.
13:08No, but I've got my foot on all the time. Okay, there we go. Well done, Mum. How do you feel?
13:14Very well done. One last question. What do you think about the Bentley Continental GT Speed?
13:24What have you thought of it driving it today? Do you know what? I thought it would feel
13:27overwhelmingly big and it's spacious, but it's so good on the road. It's just a dream. I want one.
13:40I hope you all enjoyed the video. If you did, give it a like. Make sure you subscribe to this
13:43channel. And if you want to watch more videos, click on those windows there. And of course,
13:46if you're thinking about buying a used car, get its history checked. Go to Carvertical by following
13:50the link in the description or my pinned comment and use the discount code WATSON10. Thanks for
