I Love a Mama's Boy Season 4 Episode 5

  • 3 hours ago
I Love a Mama's Boy S4 Episode 5 - Buff Bodies Need Little Briefs


00:01Are you Matt?
00:02Yeah, hi.
00:03Nice to meet you.
00:04Tonight we're in downtown Sacramento for speed dating.
00:11I have never been on a date with someone
00:13that has brought their mother.
00:14He's got the body of a golfer.
00:20Oh, wow.
00:21Watching them hug, it was like coming out all over again.
00:24It was like the weight's been lifted.
00:26You are like a son to me.
00:27I want you to know that.
00:29I'm happy he's here, but it is a little nerve wracking.
00:32I can tell you that.
00:34I think you should date.
00:35Get off of that.
00:36If I want to date, I will.
00:37Things just finally came to a head with Tina,
00:40and something has to change.
00:42Hey, Ed.
00:43How do you feel about a little date with my mom?
00:46I'd like that.
00:47I'd like that.
00:48I'd like to see your mom.
00:49All right.
00:50Date night tonight.
00:54He doesn't need to go anywhere tonight.
00:55He needs to get this feeling, and he stays home.
00:59Today, me and Nyla did plan on going to the winery.
01:02But before leaving, my tooth started, like, acting up.
01:06I asked her for candy, and she just gives it to me.
01:09She's a neighbor.
01:10You don't approve of your girlfriend, huh?
01:12No, I do not.
01:13And I could hear everything you were saying.
01:17Does she think that I care?
01:19I don't like the boots.
01:21I mean, I hate them.
01:23Guys, this is why I don't go on dates.
01:30You OK?
01:31No, I'm not going.
01:33Because I can't find boots.
01:35I can't find shoes that look good.
01:38My mom is going on a date with her ex-boyfriend.
01:41I'm not going.
01:42I'm not going.
01:42I'm not going.
01:43I'm not going.
01:44I'm not going.
01:45I'm not going.
01:46I'm not going.
01:46I'm not going.
01:47I'm not going.
01:48I'm not going.
01:49Her ex-boyfriend, Ed, and it's a great thing
01:52because she hasn't been on a date in about a decade.
01:56Do you want to wear my boots?
01:58I don't know.
01:59Let me see what they look like.
02:02You can wear whatever you want in mine.
02:05Oh my God.
02:06If Tina was out and dating, I would let her just
02:10have my whole wardrobe to just go out and date.
02:14I've got to go downstairs and see if I can find a pair.
02:16They look awful.
02:17Mom, they look fine.
02:18Getting out there and dating again,
02:20not only will benefit her,
02:21but will benefit our relationship as well.
02:26Come on, you're like really crushing our timing right now.
02:29What time is it?
02:30It's 5.15.
02:31All right, we got a half hour, Josh.
02:33It's five minutes to get there.
02:35Mom, just wear sneakers with it then.
02:37No, I wear sneakers, stupid.
02:41So this is kind of typical of my mom when she's,
02:44this is kind of the reason why she can't go on dates
02:46because she gets very, very insecure
02:48in situations like this.
02:49And when it gets closer to the event,
02:52she starts to like unravel.
02:54Like nerves of actually going out and meeting somebody,
02:57kind of something that's held her back for a long time.
03:00You like these better?
03:01They do, they're cute.
03:03You guys will say anything, they get a camera shot.
03:06The white ones look better than the blue ones.
03:08Yeah, it matches, it looks good.
03:10I'm serious, it looks good.
03:12These better?
03:14All right.
03:15Dude, that looks pretty.
03:16Whether this is an opening door to like getting back
03:18out there and, you know, talking about what could be,
03:20I want her to have someone special in her life.
03:22That would be good for her, it would.
03:24And you're going to have a fun night tonight.
03:26Okay, let's go.
03:27I'm going to get a sweater.
03:28I know you're mad right now, but it's like, you know,
03:30come on.
03:31Excuse me.
03:32How would all of your lives be different
03:34if Tina were dating someone?
03:36I mean, our life would be extremely different.
03:38It would improve drastically.
03:41She wouldn't rely on them so much for everything.
03:45Where is my red coat, guys?
03:46Come on, let's go.
03:47I need my jacket, Lee.
03:49Does the jacket matter, mom?
03:50I need a coat, Jay.
03:52If Tina was happy in her personal life,
03:54she wouldn't be as hard on me and Lisa.
03:58It would actually probably be a breath of fresh air.
04:00You got your bag right here.
04:03You got, you're ready to go.
04:05Bye, guys.
04:06Don't mess this up.
04:10All right.
04:12She's out.
04:13She's gone, she did it.
04:15It's a little cold out tonight, but I'm ready.
04:17Can't wait to see Ed.
04:19The rekindling has begun.
04:21Oh, God.
04:29You guys, we gotta get going.
04:31Chop, chop.
04:32Come on.
04:36Chris, I got your hot toddy here.
04:40Thank you so much.
04:42Things are going really well.
04:43Chris and my mom hashed things out.
04:46I feel like a weight has been completely
04:48lifted off my shoulders,
04:49so I feel like definitely the Christmas holiday spirit
04:52has definitely taken over.
04:53I love your red boots.
04:55Oh, thank you.
04:56Things are going so well with Chris and my mom
04:58that Chris and I are kind of opening back up.
05:01Last night, we got a little snuggle,
05:04a little cozy again, so it was nice.
05:06Question is, when's the last time
05:07everybody's been ice skating?
05:09Well, you guys ice skated all the time at Rolling Hills.
05:12We were like five years old.
05:14No, you weren't.
05:16Well, I'm excited.
05:17Alrighty, I think we're ready.
05:19All right, let's do it.
05:20So today's Christmas Eve.
05:22It's a little chilly outside.
05:23And we're getting ready to go ice skating,
05:25which I haven't done in a long time.
05:26It's gonna be a lot of fun.
05:27I'm excited.
05:28Turn on the heat.
05:31Let's go.
05:32I'm excited.
05:33We're gonna go ice skating.
05:34I can't wait to see you guys fall.
05:36How are you gonna do, Chris?
05:37I'm gonna fall.
05:38Chris is gonna fall.
05:38He's the most top-heavy of all of us.
05:41I'm gonna fall.
05:46First one that falls buys dinner, Chris.
05:49Get your wallet ready.
05:51Now, we'll get some walkers.
05:53Nobody's falling today.
05:54Oh, all right.
05:58What a nice son.
05:59Look at that.
06:01Austin never loses sight of me.
06:03Leave it to Austin to take care of his mom.
06:05He always wants to make sure I'm okay.
06:08Hold me.
06:09He has that natural instinct.
06:11Is my mom good?
06:12You know, he just has it, and I love it.
06:14And it makes me feel so safe.
06:18Oh, my gosh.
06:23Oh, yep, yep.
06:36Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug.
06:37Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug.
06:42Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug.
06:44Chug, chug, chug.
06:45What? Oh, s***.
06:47Careful. Keep it down.
06:48All right, all right.
06:49Loving it.
06:50Where's the brakes at?
06:51There's no stoppers?
06:53Whoa, oh, oh, woo!
06:56Chris is like, I'm done.
06:57Yeah, I'm not doing too good on the skating rink,
06:59so I'm gonna just sit it out,
07:00and I'm gonna hope for the best for them.
07:03You're crazy.
07:04You guys are good.
07:06Their closeness, I expect, you know,
07:08I just want to be, I guess, in a sense,
07:11included in their bond, right?
07:14Like, I don't want their bond to change.
07:15I just want them to make room for me,
07:19if that makes any kind of sense.
07:22Your nose is red.
07:24It's so red.
07:25I feel like Rudolph.
07:26I'm back! Come here!
07:28I'm an angel.
07:30Come over here.
07:31Come over here.
07:35Time has to happen in order for me
07:37to kind of get a real good idea
07:39of if we've made some changes.
07:41Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.
07:46I feel really good that Chris and I talked,
07:49but it doesn't mean I want Austin and Chris back together.
07:53That did not change, but I'm glad he's here,
07:57and he's part of the family this weekend,
07:59and we're gonna have a great time.
08:07Hold me on.
08:08That's the second call!
08:09You get one more call!
08:11That's the third.
08:13Nyla, she's talking about her and Shahid moving in together.
08:16You need to talk some sense into him about this.
08:20Sounds like a good idea to me.
08:22Why not?
08:23How is that a good idea?
08:24You need to get your titty out of his mouth.
08:28I have definitely listened to my mom
08:31probably more than I should.
08:33I don't know how I feel about that.
08:36You gotta grow some balls and tell her no.
08:39I have some.
08:57Well, look, you missed Nyla the other night.
09:00She's talking about her and Shahid moving in together.
09:08You need to talk some sense into him about this.
09:12He does not need to be moving in with her.
09:15Why not?
09:16She just wants it for his money.
09:18What money?
09:19You know he's saving up.
09:21For what?
09:22To move out.
09:23Yeah, he's gonna buy a house.
09:25Oh, God.
09:25Here we go with this again.
09:27He's not buying a house.
09:28He's not buying nothing.
09:30Jerome thinks that Shahid should be out
09:31living on his own already.
09:33He's kind of tired of the fact of me taking care of him.
09:36We come from a different generation
09:38where we were just out on our own.
09:40After school, we were just out of the house
09:42and I don't want Shahid to have to struggle.
09:44So it's my baby.
09:45He's not gonna live in the basement forever.
09:47He's not.
09:50Dia's son, Shahid, needs to move out of this house now.
09:53It sounds like a good idea to me.
09:56I'm moving out with Naila.
09:59Why not?
10:00How is that a good idea?
10:01How does that make any sense?
10:02You need to let him go and learn how to be a man.
10:06He is a man.
10:08That lives at home with his mama.
10:10He graduated college.
10:12Who do you expect him to study?
10:13Three years ago.
10:15Three years.
10:18I thought it would be over with
10:20after he graduated high school, but it got worse.
10:23It's just freaky weird.
10:25You are always being just rough on him.
10:28Because he needs to move out.
10:29Leave him alone.
10:30He needs to grow up.
10:32You need to get your titty out of his mouth.
10:38You wanna keep it in there?
10:40Couple more years?
10:41You wanna keep breastfeeding him?
10:44You wanna give him more titty?
10:45Not breastfeeding.
10:49That's all you do?
10:50Not breastfeeding Shahid.
10:53I think Jerome just wants some Jerome Deer time.
10:56And you know, I think he's just trying
10:58to get everyone out the house.
10:59I mean, at least just warn him about women like Nyla.
11:03What you mean women like Nyla?
11:04What does she do?
11:05She's just dating him so he can take care of her.
11:09That's why he's not able to move out yet.
11:11Oh my God, you trying to use that.
11:13All he does is take care of her.
11:15What's the evidence?
11:16I'm in his bank account.
11:17You're not.
11:18Why are you in his bank account?
11:19What do you mean why?
11:20I have to manage his money.
11:23Because if I didn't, Nyla would.
11:24And she would just take, take, take.
11:27Well, he's gotta learn somehow.
11:28That's what you need to teach him.
11:29Learn how to manage his money.
11:30Take him out, teach him how not to let a woman
11:34take advantage of him.
11:36If Jerome can convince Shahid to get rid of Nyla,
11:40Shahid can save enough money and he can move out.
11:43Jerome will get what he wants and I can get rid of Nyla.
11:46It's a win-win.
11:47What's up, y'all?
11:48Hey, Dick D.
11:50What you guys talking about?
11:51Your brother.
11:52I was just telling Jerome
11:54that I want him to take Shahid to the gym.
11:58Y'all can play some basketball or something.
11:59You can go along too.
12:01That way you can tell him that he needs to break up
12:03with Nyla.
12:04You know she's trying to get him to move in.
12:07He move in with Nyla, she'll fool him around,
12:09she'll trap him, she'll probably get pregnant.
12:12And then, guess what?
12:13Then they'll have to come back here with a baby.
12:16You wanna take care of their baby?
12:17Because that's all that's gonna happen.
12:18If he moves in.
12:20Where'd you get that from?
12:21She'll trap him.
12:22How else?
12:23Does she have a job?
12:24Bottle girl.
12:26But that's a job.
12:30I just need you guys to just try to talk some sense
12:32into him.
12:33Bounce the ball, you know, take a shot.
12:36Hey, Shahid.
12:37These women out here, you know,
12:40not everybody's like your mom.
12:42I got lucky.
12:44Oh my God.
12:46I've been knowing from day one that Nyla is not good for him.
12:49I've been waving these red flags.
12:51He's not hearing me.
12:52Cause maybe, you know, I'm his mom.
12:54He thinks I'm just being overprotective.
12:56So I just need Jerome to come in here and back me up.
13:00I'm actually trying to play some basketball now.
13:04Yeah, we can play some basketball if we can do that.
13:09You gonna talk some sense into him?
13:11After I beat him up.
13:12You're not gonna put your hands on my baby.
13:16♪ I don't know, you never know, just where it goes. ♪
13:21♪ I'm about to show up. ♪
13:23I've decided to go meet up with Chanel at Cooper's again
13:27to chat and to see like where things are.
13:30And I don't know, just kind of go a little bit further
13:34than speed dating and just talk and see like, you know,
13:36is there really anything there?
13:38Is there not?
13:44I'm going into this like positively
13:46because this is like me getting back out there.
13:47This is me like trying and you know,
13:50I'm hopeful that I'm gonna find my person.
13:53I went speed dating last week
13:54and despite my mom's constant interruptions,
13:57I was able to match with one of the girls, Chanel.
14:01Did you guys come together?
14:06We have a close relationship.
14:10She handled mom well.
14:12So this is just that hurdle that you have to get over
14:17because if not, you know,
14:20I'm gonna be in the backyard forever just saying,
14:21oh, I want to like find love.
14:23I want to do all this,
14:24but then I never really put myself back out there.
14:37So initially Matt was not my type.
14:40Like I would never go for someone like him.
14:43He looks a little cookie cutter
14:46and then his mom showing up,
14:48but we did have good chemistry
14:50and so that's why I wanted to give him a second chance.
14:52And so when he asked me out on a second date,
14:54I was like, okay, I'll come.
14:56I'll see what it's like.
14:59Hi, how are you?
15:00How are you?
15:02Can I get like a hazy IPA?
15:03We got you.
15:04I have one for you at the back.
15:05There you go.
15:06Thank you, appreciate it.
15:09Yeah, of course.
15:12Hey, how are you?
15:14I didn't see you over there.
15:16How's it going?
15:19I did not tell my mom what I'm doing tonight
15:21because she could show up again.
15:23So I told her I had to go out on an errand.
15:26I mean, this is something I gotta just go out
15:28and do on my own.
15:29It's continuing a conversation that my mom interrupted.
15:33All right, did we talk about this at the speed dating?
15:36Is it tequila or what?
15:40So we're both tequila.
15:41Oh, you gotta do tequila.
15:42So there you go.
15:43Do you go out often then?
15:45I mean, I don't go out a lot, but.
15:47Bar, not club.
15:47Not really the bar.
15:49So it'd be more.
15:50Club or lounge?
15:53No club?
15:54I don't go to the club.
15:54Do you ever come to like the Bay Area?
15:57I haven't been to the Bay Area in years.
15:59No, I don't.
16:00Do you remember I live out there, right?
16:03I do.
16:04And it sounds like there's a lot out there.
16:06All right.
16:07I think you would like some.
16:08Oh, well, I really don't know what you like.
16:11I like to go.
16:13I like to go.
16:13I'm a big movie buff, so I love going to the movies.
16:18I like my mother.
16:21So I, that's kind of my life.
16:27I was like, oh no, red flags.
16:29Red flags, red flags.
16:30I cannot, I cannot.
16:32He really needs to grow up.
16:34He needs to let his mom go.
16:38I work a lot, so I do a lot of different stuff.
16:40So I'm either working from home,
16:43doing my government job,
16:45or I'm starting up with like real estate.
16:47Where are you making time to like date?
16:52Time to date.
16:54I'm basically just getting back out there to even date.
16:56Like, you've met my mother.
16:59I did.
17:00She was very sweet, very nice.
17:03There's a butt here.
17:03But, but like.
17:07What the hell, right?
17:08Well, why would you bring her like on this type of outing?
17:10So to be honest with you, I didn't bring her,
17:12she brought me.
17:14Like she forced me to go.
17:16So I'm deep in this conversation with Chanel
17:18and I'm trying to like almost defend myself.
17:20I'm like, I just realistically met you.
17:22Why am I having to defend myself already?
17:23Like, what's the deal here?
17:25I mean, how do we, how do we navigate that?
17:27You have to see, I guess, how do you have to go.
17:29How do we make mom okay?
17:31How do we make you okay with letting your mom go?
17:35A little bit.
17:38Is that possible?
17:39She's just that way.
17:41Like she's very involved
17:42in like every single thing I do in my life.
17:45Like every little thing.
17:47I kept waiting the whole time for Matt's mom, Kelly,
17:51to just pop out of the bush.
17:52I don't know.
17:53Like, it got fast.
17:57But why?
17:58Why are you not cutting the cord?
18:01I feel, thank God.
18:04You're asking a hard question.
18:05I know.
18:06Right off the bat.
18:07I need to.
18:07Like you need to know this.
18:08You're like, okay.
18:09I can't compete with your mother.
18:11Very few women can.
18:14That's weird.
18:18You look beautiful.
18:19Josh calling me and setting up the date this afternoon.
18:24He should have left it at that.
18:25And let me take the ball from there.
18:28Mom was nervous.
18:29She was.
18:29And she looks as beautiful as ever.
18:34This is really gonna be different.
18:45You're nervous.
18:47I've got all my jewelry.
18:50Dude, you don't need jewelry.
18:51You need yourself.
18:53That is it.
18:55I know Ed's probably, Ed's probably really excited.
18:58So happy right now.
18:59Ed still loves you.
19:00You know that.
19:01I know.
19:03He tells me every time I see him.
19:04Ed is a ex-boyfriend of mine.
19:08We dated in the early 90s.
19:11And we were together about eight to 10 years.
19:16All right.
19:17Let's go.
19:18Let's do this.
19:19I'm ready.
19:20We broke up because at the bottom line is
19:24we couldn't get through the logistics
19:26of having two families and combining it.
19:30It was too difficult for us.
19:31So we decided to go our own way.
19:34Do you have a reservation?
19:35Ed is still waiting.
19:37Eddie's here waiting for us.
19:38I tell you, I love your boots.
19:40Oh, thank you.
19:41Thank you very much.
19:43Why do you have to drop her off?
19:45She's my mom.
19:46It's not your date.
19:47She definitely needs somebody to make sure
19:48everything's going smoothly.
19:50She hasn't been on a date in a long time.
19:52Yeah, I feel like he's the overprotective dad.
19:57Oh my God.
19:59Oh my God.
20:00Enjoy your dinner.
20:01Oh my God.
20:03Look at you.
20:05You look beautiful.
20:07Oh my God.
20:07Wow, look at that.
20:09You look very handsome.
20:10Good to see you.
20:11How's it going?
20:12Look at how beautiful she looks.
20:13Let me take your coat for you.
20:14Look at you.
20:17All right.
20:18These are for you.
20:19Oh my God, thank you so much.
20:21I appreciate that.
20:22The gentleman he's always been.
20:24You have always, yes.
20:25You have always been a gentleman.
20:28Oh man.
20:30Here we go.
20:31Here we go.
20:32Doesn't she look stunning tonight, Ed?
20:33She does look stunning.
20:34That's beautiful as always.
20:35Actually, I look very young.
20:36Oh, thanks.
20:38As beautiful as always.
20:40This is nice.
20:44Josh calling me and setting up the date this afternoon,
20:48that was nice.
20:50He should have left it at that.
20:52And let me take the ball from there.
20:54Never thought you'd be sitting here with me.
20:56I know.
20:57Let's be honest.
20:58Tina was a little nervous coming in.
20:59I was.
21:00Mom was nervous.
21:01She was.
21:02I don't get nervous.
21:02She hasn't been on a date in a long time.
21:03And she looks as beautiful as ever.
21:05Yes, you do.
21:06You really do.
21:07And your outfit.
21:08You look handsome.
21:09Ed, you look handsome too.
21:13Were you nervous?
21:15Oh, good.
21:19This is really gonna be different.
21:23How was the drive in?
21:24And you're not too far from here, right?
21:25No, it wasn't bad.
21:27Oh, and here we are.
21:27Yeah, so.
21:28Geez, I know, it's been a while.
21:29It's gonna be fun.
21:30It is.
21:31It's gonna be a good time.
21:32You know, just have some fun.
21:33Thank you for setting us up.
21:34I'm glad I could set it up, you know?
21:35I'm really glad, you know?
21:37So, enjoy your night, Mom.
21:39I'll take good care of her.
21:40All right, absolutely.
21:40Bye, baby.
21:42Take care, Josh.
21:46You have no idea the stuff I put up with over the years.
21:49Him and his brothers.
21:51Here we are.
21:54Do you remember where our first date was?
21:59We met at the Dragon Villa in the lounge.
22:02I was singing at the bar.
22:03Yeah, yeah.
22:04I met Tina at a Chinese restaurant, believe it or not.
22:09We just happened to both be in the lounge
22:11having a drink way back in 1992.
22:15What I liked about Tina was she had a gifted gab.
22:20She loved to sing songs and, you know,
22:23I was just working my magic with her
22:25and I went up and talked to her and see what happened.
22:28And the rest is history.
22:30And so, how's your love life been?
22:32I haven't had one.
22:35What about you?
22:39I haven't been, well, I've been awful.
22:41Oh, well, that's the thing.
22:42I've been talking to somebody online,
22:43but that didn't work out, so.
22:45Josh and Jay let you do that?
22:50No, God forbid.
22:50They get involved in my life.
22:52You know how they are.
22:53No, I know how they are.
22:53Although they say it's the opposite.
22:55They'd say I'm involved in their life.
22:58Or at least the wives do, you know?
23:00But, yeah.
23:01Oh, do they?
23:02And you gotta be in the middle of it.
23:03Or you just walk away?
23:04I try not to, but, yeah,
23:06I find myself always getting in the middle.
23:10It's good to be tired.
23:11Yeah, it is.
23:11Me and Nell fight all the time now.
23:13It's like.
23:14Oh, get out.
23:16But, I love the whole situation.
23:18I even like fight with her sometimes.
23:22The conversation with Ed flowed very well.
23:25It was just so normal.
23:26It just kinda was just like, you know,
23:29back when we were dating.
23:31No, we were together six years.
23:33Longer than that.
23:34So, longer than that?
23:36Eight years?
23:37Eight years.
23:38Off and on the last two, Ed.
23:40And then, you did break my heart.
23:43You know that.
23:45You remember what you called?
23:46Don't even go there.
23:49Why, what do you mean?
23:50It needs to be said.
23:51At the end, what I called it?
23:52No, you said, you're a daddy's boy
23:55that'll never leave that house.
23:58No, Josh is a mama's boy
23:59that'll never leave my house.
24:00I don't like it.
24:02Oh my God, Eddie, that's true.
24:04You don't remember that?
24:05I do remember that.
24:06That argument, I remember it.
24:06I do remember it.
24:07Oh, do I ever.
24:09Oh my God.
24:10Keep eating.
24:12Change the subject.
24:13I had a realization.
24:14I literally said to Eddie,
24:16you either move out
24:17and stop being a little daddy's boy
24:20or it's over.
24:23And I was like, oh my God.
24:24That's Janelle's, you know what I mean?
24:27In my position, actually.
24:29So basically, I could actually feel your pain.
24:33It was funny.
24:34He reminded me of that.
24:35I'm glad you could finally, you know, see things.
24:38I did.
24:38From my point of view.
24:39You made me open my eyes.
24:41Oh my God.
24:42So yeah, not only are you getting back out there
24:43and dating, I think maybe this is the right direction
24:47of you realizing how I feel.
24:49I think so.
24:50It was an eye-opener, to say the least.
24:55It's good to see you.
24:55It is good to see you.
24:57So are you glad we did this?
24:58Yes, I am.
25:00We got the boys to thank for this.
25:03What do you want to do after this?
25:05I don't know.
25:05What do you want to do?
25:06We can go back to my house.
25:09All right.
25:10Sounds like a plan.
25:14Are you kidding me?
25:15We're going back to my house.
25:19To do what?
25:21Come on, dude.
25:23What do you think?
25:24I don't know.
25:25We're going to go see if we can relight the fire.
25:28It was fun.
25:30We can, yeah.
25:31Ed was the perfect, you know, door opener.
25:36To get the confidence to get back out there on the streets.
25:43I'm not a hooker.
25:44Metaphor for-
25:45I got the metaphor.
25:46The streets leads you to many directions in the world,
25:48so on them streets.
25:49Okay, moving right along.
25:53Goodbye, thank you.
25:53That was awesome.
25:55What are you going to hanker in for?
25:56I don't know what floats your boat anymore.
25:58I don't know either.
25:59I haven't been out one.
26:00Neither have I.
26:08All right.
26:09Are you coming, boys?
26:11Christmas Eve.
26:13This is it.
26:15It's time.
26:16Are you guys ready?
26:20Austin, Cameron, Chris.
26:25Oh my God.
26:26It's so you.
26:28Oh my God.
26:32I've got to take you by the tree.
26:35Every year my mom loves to give us underwear and socks
26:37that we can like take pictures
26:39and it's kind of a normal thing.
26:42Oh my gosh.
26:43I'm under the mistletoe.
26:46Can you give me like a hug and kiss?
26:48So we can say Merry Christmas.
26:49I love you.
26:50Merry Christmas.
26:51I love you.
26:52I love you.
26:53I love you.
26:54I love you.
26:54I love you.
26:56Mistletoe is important to mom.
26:58And of course I like to buy them
27:00these holiday underwear or socks.
27:03Something funny that we can take a little picture of
27:06and laugh about.
27:09But bodies need a little grace.
27:12Oh yeah.
27:14Chris, whatever you're comfortable with.
27:21Oh my God.
27:24Oh my God.
27:28Look at your booty.
27:30Lord have mercy.
27:31Oh my God.
27:32That family tradition is an interesting one.
27:34I don't know really what that is about.
27:41I don't know if Sharlene just likes to see
27:42young men in these underwear,
27:43but it was fun to like put it on
27:46and show up and show out.
27:47You look fantastic.
27:51Come on.
27:52God, you guys got killer bodies.
27:54You guys look adorable.
27:56Okay, yes.
27:57Can we get pictures now?
27:58I will take the picture.
27:59Go sexy.
28:01I don't know go sexy.
28:03What does go sexy mean?
28:05Got a spanix and spotted male models over here.
28:08It's okay though.
28:10Let's take Cameron off.
28:11That'll be fine.
28:12Oh yeah.
28:13Oh gosh.
28:14You're strong.
28:15Just everything I ever dreamed of.
28:18So I'm watching Chris really closely
28:20and I'm watching his reactions
28:22and his responses to how he is with my mom
28:24because that will kind of determine
28:25my relationship with him.
28:26If he responds very well,
28:28that's going to show the effort that he's putting in,
28:30which could be an opening to us starting again.
28:33But if not, it's not going to work out.
28:35I guess we'll have our own Christmas weekend.
28:38I did get you a card.
28:39There better be money in there.
28:40And then Cameron, this is yours.
28:43And then mom, that's for you.
28:45I hope it's not cash.
28:45And then mom, that's for you.
28:47I hope it's not clothes.
28:48No, it's not clothes.
28:49And then let Cameron go first
28:51because I actually have to get the second half.
28:53What does the shaking of the card mean?
28:56Because there's no money.
28:58Did you forget something?
28:58Did I forget what?
29:01Yeah, I was going to say, seriously?
29:04Like shaking the card of Austin's?
29:08Where's the money?
29:10You know you like my handwritten cards.
29:12I do.
29:13I like money too.
29:16Chris, it's the thought that counts.
29:19It's not about the money.
29:21I think one thing,
29:23if I think Chris could ever learn from me,
29:26get and bury the money.
29:28So it's not about the money.
29:29It's about that someone even thought of you.
29:35Can I read the card later?
29:36Yeah, you can read the card later.
29:37Am I supposed to do what Chris does?
29:39Yeah, you're supposed to look at it.
29:46He got me.
29:47When I shook the card,
29:48with my card open,
29:50he kind of knew what I meant.
29:52He got it.
29:54Loud and clear.
29:59Hey mama, look.
30:02I'm glad we at the gym playing basketball
30:03with your little boyfriend.
30:05I told Jerome at the beginning of the game,
30:06I told your little boyfriend,
30:07I said, if we win,
30:08he has to move out.
30:11Suck it.
30:16I can't believe these old heads
30:18really think they about to beat us.
30:19I'm being there stretching.
30:24Look at these bones.
30:25Look at them.
30:26This is senior citizen jealousy.
30:28Yeah, they not ready for us.
30:31Hey, O.S.
30:34Y'all brought y'all canes?
30:36My little brother, Sadiq,
30:37my mom's little boyfriend, Jerome,
30:39and my mom's best friend, Jermaine.
30:41We're going to play basketball.
30:41We're going to play basketball.
30:42We're going to play basketball.
30:43We're going to play basketball.
30:44We're going to play basketball.
30:45My mom's best friend, Steve,
30:46are all going to play basketball today.
30:48If we win, y'all, you got to move out.
30:50My end goal for today is,
30:51I'm going to make a bet with my mom's little boyfriend
30:53and say, if I win this basketball game,
30:55you're moving out.
30:57And we know you're not going nowhere quick.
30:59That's going to happen.
30:59He's not going to beat me here.
31:01Two bad ankles, bad knees.
31:03He has a lot of issues.
31:04I think he has arthritis too.
31:06Oh, what, you double dribbling?
31:07You double dribbling.
31:10Come on, we know you,
31:11we know you're not shooting.
31:13Oh, he's going to block it out.
31:17Oh, no.
31:21He's not going to score no points today.
31:23Mr. Steve, Mr. Steve, Mr. Steve, Mr. Steve, Mr. Steve.
31:34Nine, eight.
31:35No, it's not.
31:36It's nine, eight.
31:37You going to college, it mean nothing.
31:38You can't count.
31:40That's why he live at home with his mama.
31:42Help him out.
31:43Mama's boy.
31:46My mom and Jerome have been together
31:50going on like nine years now.
31:52And for the whole time that I've known Jerome,
31:55I've never thought he was good enough for my mom.
31:59I wish my mom was here.
32:00Oh my gosh.
32:02Hold up.
32:03Hey bro, come on bro.
32:04This is the game first.
32:05I'll call my mom right now.
32:07Why you calling mom?
32:08I want my mom to be present
32:10while I beat up on her little boyfriend in basketball.
32:12That's what I want.
32:13I want my mom to see it.
32:14Hey mama, look.
32:16We're at the gym playing basketball
32:17with your little boyfriend.
32:18Check it, you're sweating baby.
32:20Wipe yourself off, honey boy.
32:21You going to college?
32:22No, mom, mom.
32:23Sweat is hard work, mom.
32:24Stop, don't do that.
32:25I told Jerome at the beginning of the game,
32:27I told your little boyfriend,
32:28I said, if we win, he has to move out.
32:32I'm serious.
32:33He's not going anywhere.
32:34You're not going anywhere, sonny.
32:36Straight sucker.
32:38I called Jerome my mom's little boyfriend
32:40because he's little to me.
32:41He's beneath me.
32:43I don't respect him.
32:44And he hasn't done anything to be mom's big boyfriend.
32:48He's my mom's second, third pick, if anything.
32:52And I never want him to forget that I'm number one.
32:55I got to tie my shoe.
32:56You know how to tie your shoe?
32:58I thought your mom would do that for you.
33:00She do.
33:01I talk to D all the time about getting rid of him,
33:03but she loves her baby.
33:07She loves Shahid to death.
33:09I've never seen any kid
33:12that's stuck to his mother in my whole life.
33:14I'll score all the points, mom.
33:18Try not to be around him a lot.
33:20Cause he's, I just, it's just too cringy
33:24to see him together like that.
33:26Hang up the phone, man.
33:27Everybody's jealous.
33:28I had my mom to tell me good morning every morning.
33:30Helps me brush my teeth.
33:32Helps me floss.
33:32Makes my lunch.
33:34Tells me good night.
33:34Tucks me in.
33:36They all wish they had that.
33:37I've been knowing him since he was probably a little boy
33:40and he pretty much is still just as attached to her,
33:43you know, 15 years later.
33:46I'm gonna set you up at this game point.
33:48And I used to talk to her about it
33:49and she didn't see the problems.
33:51Get up, let's go.
33:52And she kept him under her wing.
33:54So as a result, here we are today
33:56with the same kissing all over,
33:58hugging on her, dressing alike.
34:01It's not normal.
34:02Just like Jerome says, it's not normal.
34:05Y'all know this is game point, right?
34:06The score is 10-9.
34:09You missed this.
34:10You gotta move out.
34:11You gotta move out the house.
34:12If I make it, what happens?
34:13You get to stay.
34:19Get on, get on.
34:20I got Steve, I got Steve.
34:23Let's go.
34:26Game over!
34:28Mom's little boyfriend gotta be like,
34:29you gotta stop communicating with my mom.
34:32Leave her alone.
34:33Shahid, he's not moving out.
34:34Did I win, Mom?
34:35Doesn't matter.
34:37I won and he's not being a man.
34:38He's being a little boy.
34:40Shahid, stop it.
34:41Jerome, he gonna be there forever?
34:43Yeah, he gonna be there forever.
34:44Damn simpleton.
34:45It ain't no helping him.
34:46You always gonna be depending on your mama.
34:49Yeah, so what's the plans with your girlfriend?
34:51I mean, y'all being-
34:53We plan on getting a place soon.
34:55What's the timeline like?
34:56I'm just curious.
34:57There's no timeline because my mom's
34:58not kicking me out nowhere.
35:00I know, but we're talking about your girlfriend.
35:01Your girlfriend happy with you living at home?
35:04She doesn't like me living at home.
35:06Honestly, if Shahid's gonna stay with Nyla,
35:09I do think that they do need to get out the house.
35:12Who wants to be at home with your girlfriend?
35:15I just know I wouldn't want that type of lifestyle.
35:17Is she ready to move in?
35:19Nyla's ready to do a lot of things
35:22and she's, most importantly, on my time.
35:26So she's ready when I'm ready.
35:32On your time?
35:33She's willing to be like your mama?
35:37I need her, I need to-
35:39Answer the damn question.
35:40I need Nyla to make me feel
35:41the way my mom makes me feel.
35:43My mom makes me feel secure.
35:44Does she know that?
35:45How your mom make you feel?
35:46My mom makes me feel secure.
35:47She makes me feel loved.
35:50I'm 24 years old.
35:51I want to get married and I want to have kids.
35:54And honestly, I don't want to do that at my mom's house,
35:56but I don't want to move out of my mom's house
35:58until I'm ready.
35:59And my mom always makes sure that I do things
36:02when they're supposed to happen.
36:03You know, don't move too quick
36:05because then you'll make mistakes.
36:07My mom is always there.
36:10Me and my mom like to coordinate in unison.
36:12Why would you want to coordinate with your mom?
36:13We move as one.
36:15We used to be one.
36:20We used to be one inside one body.
36:23You're weird.
36:24Don't forget it.
36:25You're very weird.
36:27This is disgusting.
36:29He's a weird kid.
36:31And he's never leaving home.
36:37Good luck, Jerome.
36:43I know it's a red flag.
36:44You're not going to have a relationship
36:46if you keep your mom this close.
36:49No, and that's why I am-
36:50No, you have to move away.
37:01How do we make you okay
37:04with letting your mom go a little bit?
37:09Is that possible?
37:13So I'm here on the second date with Chanel
37:14and I'm getting the third degree about my mom.
37:20So how many ex-girlfriends do you have?
37:22I mean.
37:25So I'm a little older, I think, than Matt is.
37:28So I think my outlook and what I'm looking for in life
37:32is a little more projected
37:34than maybe what he is looking for right now.
37:37But I feel like nowadays,
37:40I feel like you need to ask people questions
37:43to get the real answers.
37:45Are you a serial dater?
37:49Okay, wait.
37:50Wait, what's a serial dater?
37:51Like someone that dates a lot of people quickly.
37:56Try it out.
37:57You get a little bit and then you're like,
37:59no, I'm not getting that.
38:00No, because I'm not here to just get a little bit.
38:02Like, that's not what it's all about.
38:06You sure?
38:08No, yes, I'm sure.
38:09I'm not just here to get a little.
38:10Okay, you want a lot.
38:12If you want to get a little,
38:13just go get a little
38:14and then you don't have to go, got it.
38:16I don't know.
38:17So you get a little.
38:18I don't get a-
38:19You haven't been getting a little.
38:24You know, to be honest with you,
38:26my mom's always had like this thing with girls I date
38:31where she either finds something wrong
38:34or she doesn't like them.
38:35And I have definitely listened to my mom
38:38probably more than I should.
38:41I don't know how I feel about that.
38:48So to be honest, Matt, like you're a really nice guy,
38:53but there's so many red flags going on
38:56that I just don't think that I can deal with it.
39:01You shouldn't let your mom push you into situations
39:05like speed dating and meeting other women
39:08if that's not really what you want to do.
39:10You met her, right?
39:12I did meet her, but-
39:13She's a little pushy.
39:14You gotta grow some balls and tell her no.
39:18I've met some.
39:19I'm sure you do, but you have to,
39:22you gotta tell her no.
39:24Just tell her no.
39:26What's she gonna say?
39:28You're right.
39:29I think my mom and I have always been a package deal,
39:32but I think Chanel's comments and advice
39:34has let me see that maybe
39:37there needs to be some repackaging.
39:41If you really want to be in a real relationship,
39:43you have to be able to separate
39:45your relationship with your mom
39:47and then your relationship with your partner,
39:49and your mom should respect that.
39:51I don't think that your mom respects that.
39:55I know it's a red flag.
39:57You're not gonna have a relationship
39:59if you keep your mom this close, ever.
40:01No, and that's why I-
40:02No, you have to move away.
40:05Move away.
40:09He's got his balls
40:13tugged by his mother,
40:14and until he's ready to let his mom get off of his junk,
40:20he's never gonna be in a real relationship,
40:22and I personally just can't.
40:25You really are giving such good advice.
40:28So are you gonna take it?
40:40I mean, it kinda sucks.
40:41I thought there was something there.
40:43Maybe there was some kind of chemistry or something
40:46that could've went from that,
40:47but getting her opinion
40:50without it being that of from a girlfriend,
40:52but just getting another woman's opinion
40:55is really important, I think,
40:57and I don't know if that was exactly
40:59what my ego needed tonight,
41:02but I don't want this to keep happening.
41:08Let's hug it out.
41:09All right.
41:10Hug it out?
41:10All right.
41:17So what do you think about the holidays?
41:19I thought Chris's ones went great,
41:21except with Chris.
41:23The relationship the way it is now with Chris
41:27is not going to work.
41:29I got something to tell you.
41:33We will be really as close as you feel comfortable.
41:37All right.
41:39People say that it's not good practice
41:42to go into business with family or friends,
41:44but that doesn't apply with Matt and I,
41:46because Matt knows who's the boss.
41:54We just got to Florida.
41:55We just got to the house.
41:56It's a lot smaller than I thought.
41:59That's your problem.
42:00It's not ours.
42:01Josh knew that buying this house,
42:03that there was no room for you,
42:04and he was all for it.
42:06I don't think he said,
42:07oh, there's no room for my mother.
42:08He'll put words in my mouth.
42:10Can I interest you in a wine tasting today?
42:12We did want to get our charcuterie board.
42:14Okay, that's going to be $65.29.
42:19Oh, that got declined.
42:21Hey, mama.
42:22I need you to unlock my card for me.
42:23I just tried to swipe it, and it declined.
42:25Okay, we'll deny.
42:26Let's get back to the station, okay?
