• avant-hier


00:00Musique de la Marseillaise
00:24Musique de la Marseillaise
00:37Hey! Turn off that radio!
00:41I wanna sleep!
00:43Musique de la Marseillaise
00:57Good evening, my little radio friends. This is the children's hour.
01:02Our story tonight is that wonderful fairy tale, The Frog and the Princess.
01:10Once upon a time, there lived a happy little princess named Twinkle Toes.
01:17Every day, she would skip merrily into the garden,
01:21tossing a golden ball, which was her favorite plaything.
01:40Oh, beautiful princess, why do you weep so bitterly? asked the frog.
01:46The princess answered, Alas, my golden ball has fallen into the pool.
01:51I will gladly get it for you, said the frog,
01:55if you will promise to take me to your golden castle and love me forever and ever.
02:01What have I got to lose? thought the princess.
02:04So, she promised.
02:07Whereupon, the little frog dove into the pool after the golden ball.
02:17But the princess, breaking her promise, grabbed the ball and away she went.
02:22Wait for me! Wait for me! cried the frog.
02:25But the beautiful princess paid no attention to his cries.
02:30But true love will find a way.
02:36Open the door, my princess dear. Open the door to thy true love here.
02:42Who's that knocking at the door? asked the king.
02:45Oh, it's just a silly little frog that I promise to love and cherish for the rest of my life, she replied.
02:52A promise is a promise, said the king. Let him in.
03:12I am tired now, said the frog. I think I'll go to bed. Good night.
03:19Good night, said the princess.
03:26Now to clarify the situation, let's take a look at the second floor.
03:32This is the princess's boudoir and this is the guest chamber.
03:41This is the guest chamber.
03:46This is the guest chamber.
03:51This is the guest chamber.
03:56This is the guest chamber.
04:01This is the guest chamber.
04:07This is the guest chamber.
04:16This is the guest chamber.
04:21Le lendemain matin, la princesse s'est réveillée et est allée à la porte de la chambre pour voir si le frogue était toujours là.
04:28Et, lo and behold, devant ses yeux, elle a vu le petit frogue se transformer en un beau jeune prince.
04:37Mon Dieu, n'est-il pas beau ?
05:21Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh !
05:51Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh !
06:02So the prince and the princess lived happily ever after.
06:16It'd be a shame to wake him up.