Sahara: Secrets of the World's Largest Desert Revealed

  • 2 days ago
Uncover the mysteries of the Sahara, the largest hot desert on Earth! From its breathtaking dunes to ancient fossils buried beneath the sands, explore the fascinating history, wildlife, and cultures that have thrived in this seemingly barren landscape. Discover how the Sahara's shifting climate shaped civilizations and learn surprising facts about this incredible natural wonder.
00:01:30Don't feel good about this. It's a lousy plan. Okay, grab it
00:02:16Told you we're not big enough
00:02:30We did it yeah 46 times the charm, ah, can't you just enjoy it for once?
00:02:45So sweet of you
00:02:50There's two ways we can handle this situation the cool one or the uncool one
00:02:57Cool ways good right a jar. Don't come any closer or what?
00:03:02Don't answer that. It's a trick question, baby skin
00:03:12You guys are really sweet each other the big bad bed wetters
00:03:19If you want this watermelon, it'll be over my dead body. Okay
00:04:05Was here first
00:04:27I brought some for everyone. You're a wimpy bed wetters, but we still like you
00:04:33Hey guys
00:04:35Give our good friends here a jar and pit their share
00:04:56They're so little and cute. I'm not little
00:05:10Could have been worse. Oh, yeah, how they didn't beat us up this time. I can't stand this anymore
00:05:17I'm leaving. Oh, yeah, where are you gonna go?
00:05:27You're kidding, right? Oh
00:05:29He's not kidding. Oh boy. Should I remind you what happened to those who tried?
00:05:34Hmm, or maybe bring you their skulls
00:05:37green snakes us
00:05:39Okay, we don't belong over there. We don't belong over here either. Come on. We're losers. No, no losers make fun of us
00:05:48We don't have anyone but each other no, no, no, no, no, don't do that. Wait, what is that?
00:06:19Huh, you see you see you can't get in and you can't even get out
00:06:25Hey, you saw that right?
00:06:28You got that
00:06:31Did you see that girl?
00:06:33We can't not go in there. Oh
00:06:55I'm sorry to bother you sir, but she was heading towards the desert. Well, thank you chief chief. No big deal
00:07:02It's pretty green in the sand. I can spot it from miles away. Hey, don't you have an oasis to watch?
00:07:09Yes, sir. I'll leave you with your family and
00:07:12Sorry for the inconvenience
00:07:16How many times do I have to tell you it's dangerous over there
00:07:20Well, what do you expect to find anyway, and what are you gonna do if you come across a dusty, huh? Oh
00:07:30Do you know what those ugly snakes are like beggars thieves liars
00:07:34They don't even wash for Pete's sake no water. Hello
00:07:39I'm pretty sure they eat their own poop and marry their children or maybe it's the other way around
00:07:44Are you actually saying that are you even aware of how lucky you are to have been born here?
00:07:50You've got everything security a future what future sit around a stone all day playing dead like you
00:07:57Okay, that's enough young lady. We're having the Spencer's over for dinner. You know the ones with a big south-facing stone
00:08:04I can't even imagine what they paid for it
00:08:08Anyway, they're coming with their son John John a really nice chap
00:08:12What do you think you can sell me like it's the Middle Ages that's disgusting
00:08:16I can't stand this place anymore. I feel sick
00:08:19I'm suffocating here
00:08:23Mm-hmm. Oh
00:08:25My god, you're crying. What happened? Did you mess up your makeup?
00:08:30Hey, no touchy
00:08:36Teenagers so annoying, right?
00:08:40Okay. See you later guys. Oh, uh, you're going out again
00:08:45Yeah, the guys are waiting for me. And what are you gonna do? Hmm?
00:08:50the usual
00:08:52Nothing Gary, won't you at least take off a wig? I mean really?
00:09:00How did we end up with those kids
00:09:05Would you be a sweetheart and go get me a nice pillow
00:09:46Have you lost your mind? Well, the oasis belongs to the green snakes, right?
00:09:51I'm not planning on dying with you. You know, you don't have to come with me and you're not gonna make me
00:09:56No one is ever gonna make me
00:10:00All right, come on wait for me let's go die together
00:10:04Just a little reminder for later. This is when it all started to go down in flames right this second
00:10:14Hide what hi
00:10:21You are not in a secure zone sir, are you lost? No, no. Well, well, yes, actually, I don't know
00:10:28It's extremely dangerous around here, sir. You're at the border. I'm afraid you can't stay here
00:10:34Dusty's they're not kidding. You know
00:10:38You put yourself in peril you're putting me in peril
00:10:43You wouldn't want to put me in peril now, would you?
00:10:46No, no, not at all. Absolutely. All right, so you're gonna go slither a little more over that way, please
00:10:56Thank you officer
00:11:02Come on
00:12:24Hate you there
00:12:32Please don't say anything
00:12:34Yeah, you're a dusty really. I mean, yeah, of course I am but I've never seen you
00:12:41I mean, of course, I haven't obviously because I live here
00:12:45I've never been over there where were you live?
00:12:49Are you new here? How did you know? I don't I
00:12:57Gotta get out of here. They're gonna kill me out which way I don't even know. Oh, I mean sure. I know but I
00:13:07Watch out
00:13:21Next time watch where you're going you big lump the jar the jar
00:14:01Step aside, sir. Don't worry. Everything's under control
00:14:07I'm Eva. Hi a jar. Okay a jar
00:14:45A jar
00:15:51What were you doing in the Oasis
00:15:55You're a dusty
00:15:56That's why you can't swim. Did you want to steal something or tell someone you're not gonna kill me, right? Hey stop calm down
00:16:04I'm not gonna hurt you. I
00:16:06I just I just wanted to come and live here the Oasis. It's like the worst place ever
00:16:12It's ridiculously small. You just keep seeing the same boring people who are only worried about protecting their things
00:16:18It's it's like being in jail
00:16:21Look, I'm not going back there. I'd like to go further. You don't find out what's beyond these rocks. I
00:16:30Can't believe I'm actually talking to a dusty I thought you'd be more impressive or something
00:16:42Is it true you eat your own poop what no way I mean
00:16:47Unless we're so
00:16:49Who's the girl?
00:16:51Eva nice to meet you
00:17:04No treats in them chief chief they probably drown. Okay, go back to the station. I'll take a last look around
00:17:16Lost us
00:17:20Are you coming? Hmm you you want me to come with you?
00:17:28Are you afraid of freedom
00:18:25Believe you know why you're here cuz you're jerk
00:18:29We'll do that talking you're here because you shouldn't be here
00:18:37Shouldn't you be here cuz we're dusties exactly
00:18:43Now you seem like you're a nice kid, but we have a problem. You got in illegally
00:18:49It was a mistake. We won't do it again ever right a jar
00:18:54We can't let you go. We let one go then everyone else thinks they got a shot you understand this don't you?
00:19:02If anything happens to her, I swear
00:19:06kill them
00:19:11We don't really like your kind around here, let me go
00:19:17You were saying
00:19:25Could you turn it down a notch my head is literally ringing over here
00:19:31Thanks, you should go easy on the pollen sir now
00:19:35Please go sit over there, and I'll talk to your dad in a minute
00:19:39Hey, I didn't take any pollen sir. No way. I mean you know me come on
00:19:45Go back to the tank. Please sir. You don't want to see what's gonna happen here. Yeah, well don't go blabbing about pollen around my dad
00:19:52Okay, I think it's better if we kept it
00:20:01What's he saying
00:20:05Let's order pizza
00:20:07Let us go or I'll kill him. Oh
00:20:10Yeah, that makes more sense don't try anything
00:20:15Sergeant don't move there. Yeah. Yeah, you see listen to him
00:20:18Hey, you're not really my style, bro
00:20:25Pit get on his back
00:20:30Now if you follow us he's dead meat you got that huh you do what you're told or he's dead go
00:20:44What do we do chief chief catch them and bring that freak back alive
00:20:52The worm with the rug
00:20:55Huh keep flying
00:21:00Keep going
00:21:03Hey throw something at him, what do you want me to throw?
00:21:09Hey my wig are you crazy?
00:21:14It's the symbol of my individuality you might believe in personal freedom
00:21:45Whoa, you sure show them
00:21:49It just drop me off over there by the palm tree. No way. You gotta save Eva
00:21:54I beg your pardon Eva like my sister, but we're her only hope you don't even know her
00:22:02If you guys are like talking about my sister, let it go
00:22:13But you're we never do anything right she'd probably have a better chance without us
00:22:17I hate doing this, but do you have any idea who my father is? No
00:22:23Really you don't know what if I tell you he's the richest most powerful snake in the oasis
00:22:29What if I told you I don't care Wow
00:22:32I'm hesitating between you're either super brave or totally dumb
00:23:12No pain no gain and then then snap and bend and snap and suck it in big girl
00:23:20Hey the new girls up. Hmm
00:23:23We're so happy to meet you. I'm Lily Belle. I'm Lulu Belle. We're twin sisters. We're both Gemini's
00:23:33Hmm you've got potential girl, but I feel like you're a bit on the chubby side
00:23:38Better get into some Pilates for a while. I'm sorry
00:23:41What you think that just anybody can get into miss Rita's ballet company. Oh
00:23:47So it's miss Rita's ballet company
00:23:51Precisely who made dancers out of you who taught you everything
00:23:56Him him is the he who must not be named. Yeah, you can't say Omar or
00:24:02What did I just say?
00:24:12The company has one prima ballerina me keep that in mind and everything will be just fine
00:24:20No, everything will not be just fine. It's a mistake. I shouldn't be here. I was just slithering by and I I can't even dance
00:24:36Everything is going to be fine
00:24:38George is here
00:24:40Who George the George me?
00:24:45Is this your first tour don't answer it's obvious so fresh
00:24:50so pure
00:24:53She's adorable I see great things
00:24:57for us
00:24:58Do you?
00:25:00Feel it that chemistry between us. Oh
00:25:04What is happening to us?
00:25:08Love it
00:25:10Huh Oh chill out. I was just kidding girls really
00:25:18Worry you're not that fat check this out when you get hungry you do this and poop you're not hungry anymore
00:25:38You guys see this it's high
00:25:43Flat it's beautiful
00:25:48This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience
00:25:51Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of
00:25:54Wow funny skin. It's a dusty skin. Oh, yeah, it looks more like you have
00:26:30Great what's with him? He's asleep. Oops. No
00:26:36Oh, sorry
00:27:07Yeah, okay, definitely not super brave
00:27:12super crazy
00:27:14You almost got us killed. I said I was sorry. How are we ever gonna find Eva now, dude?
00:27:20Let it go already. The girl's off-limits anyway. Oh, yeah, then why'd she kiss me?
00:27:24I don't know. You're the exotic tourist the kind you forget right away
00:27:28Okay, I'm kind of bored right now. You don't need a hostage anymore. And my sister's obviously safe with you, too
00:27:35I'm gonna leave now. Okay. Yeah, okay. Bye. We have places we need to go
00:27:48Come on
00:27:54Dusty dead ahead lunch break
00:28:11Geniuses Batman Robin
00:28:16Okay, so who's Batman and who does Robin I'm Gary
00:28:25So you guys are like buddies
00:28:28That's weird snake in a scarpion
00:28:31I mean I say that but nothing ever really shocks me. My friend Peter once dated a frog. So does he ever shut up?
00:28:39They blow things up out there just for the fun of it
00:28:47You should save some saliva, you know desert and all
00:28:51Okay. Do I need to remind you to that if you would drop me off like I told you to shut up
00:29:01Ever hear of non-aggressive verbal communication
00:29:07Guess not. Okay. I'll shut up
00:29:16Are you sure this is the right way I
00:29:19Can't really imagine a whole camel cake going through here exactly
00:29:23They have to go around it, but we can go through it and beat them to the other side
00:29:27I know we can do like tworex and follow that bright star. What about that cluster over there?
00:29:32See the one that looks like a weird shaped goat. I
00:29:37See two weird goats down here. I mean seriously, you guys don't even know how to get out of a maze
00:29:44Everyone knows how to do that. All you have to do is keep going in the same direction
00:30:04Okay, so goat wait, I wasn't the right left
00:30:27Hey lefty, you all right in there? Hey
00:30:33Gary where are you? Say something?
00:30:43Gary Gary, where are you?
00:30:54Fantastic, how are you ever gonna get me out of here now? Why didn't you warn us? Hey, you're the rescuers here. I believe
00:31:04Okay, so now what
00:31:11Well, we only have one choice
00:31:27Okay, enough babbling it's time time time for what
00:31:41I can't tell you to break a leg, right?
00:31:50Come here now watch and learn. Okay. Um, just a sec
00:32:03Lords of the desert for millennia
00:32:07sons of the Sun
00:32:09beautiful for some
00:32:12terrifying for others
00:32:20There lies a power that masters their souls
00:32:24Carved in the vertebra of a saber python by a voodoo master from Benin
00:32:31thousands of years ago
00:32:35The roots of capacity
00:35:34Your voice is just so beautiful yours. Oh my goodness. That was terrible dance is not just undulating around
00:35:42Everyone lights out and you watch it
00:35:52What just happened there it was it was stronger than me that
00:35:59Music I couldn't fight it and you even loved it. Didn't you?
00:36:06You're done girl just like the rest of us
00:36:21Don't know about you, but I'd love a little break like a pollen break. Do you guys have some?
00:36:34Come on, I'm sure it's fun land where you're from
00:36:38You know, I'm right
00:36:41awkward contact no touching
00:37:17Welcome strangers. May the light be with you. How may we enlighten you?
00:37:23Well, we're trying to reach the West End. Yeah, the West End. We're freaking lost
00:37:29Would you happen to have seen a camel Kate around here the camel Kate path very simple
00:37:35All you need to do is follow the pole star
00:37:40These guys are following a goat. Can you believe that?
00:37:44Thanks, mr. Left left. Oh, well, at least I wasn't following a goat
00:38:09Start with this long string of stars. This is our galaxy the Milky Way
00:38:17there you can spot the W of Cassiopeia and
00:38:21Right there on the side is the upside down house of Cepheus
00:38:26The constellation is bad. Hey, you know where we can score some bowling around here
00:38:34Okay, never mind watch the drooling buddy it's kind of gross here we come to Ursa Minor
00:38:43See this star at the end brighter than the others. That's the pole star
00:38:49Also known as the North Star. This is great
00:38:54Yes, super amazing
00:38:57Surely you'll join us for our humble dinner. Well, we're kind of in a rush, but sure it's very nice of you
00:39:07Let's start with the welcoming song
00:39:31Know these primitive peoples they took us in they're gonna feel hurt. Hey, we're gonna feel hurt. We're the dinner peanut brain
00:39:53Get out
00:40:03You know my daddy's right
00:40:13Hey use your claws
00:40:22Now's the time
00:41:17We made it we're on the other side
00:41:27You see we just have to follow their tracks, let's go. Oh
00:41:32Please I guess it's super sad about my sister
00:41:35But honestly, she's probably been eaten by one of your hungry desert buddies by now
00:41:42Listen a jar. I don't like agreeing with him, but he's got a point. Thank you bad, man
00:41:50Robin I
00:41:52Just wish I could do one thing right for a change
00:41:55Are you insane a dusty in love with my sister? I mean besides look at your skin
00:42:01You haven't even shed yet
00:42:03You have a better chance of dying in and in this place than anything ever happening between the two of you two
00:42:10Hello, wake up
00:42:13Come on
00:42:16Well, I guess you're gonna need someone to write your will
00:42:19No way, are you kidding me?
00:42:35I don't know if you're aware of this, but it's all just sand around here. Welcome to the desert
00:42:54Knew what I didn't want to know and I saw
00:43:00Where I didn't want to go. So I took the path left
00:43:06Traveled on and I let my stories be whispered when I'm gone
00:43:20When I'm gone
00:43:34Well in this life you must find something to live for cuz when the darkness comes a-calling
00:43:41You go back to where you were before
00:43:44Because this life is as fragile as a dream and nothing's ever really
00:43:51as it seems
00:43:55As it seems
00:44:00As it seems
00:44:05As it seems
00:44:15Lost my innocence when and I let him die
00:44:19But the way that he looked at me made me feel alive
00:44:27Nothing at all, but the release that comes when you're in
00:44:36In me
00:45:11Just a couple of grains
00:45:25I'm not gonna make it till my father. Well, we all die someday
00:46:03Just enjoying the view
00:46:05He's not really gonna he is oh that was gorgeous that was
00:46:17You wanna see more of that are you into this somehow?
00:46:27Say cheese
00:48:08Don't be such a drama queen he's
00:48:14He'll just put everyone to sleep with that little stingy thing he does so well this is all your fault
00:48:21True that since the beginning you've been nothing but a giant pain in the tail. It's true
00:48:26I wasn't very help and now my best my only friend is getting crushed
00:48:31Yeah, probably
00:48:35Can you stop that agreeing thing you've got going on it's really annoying
00:48:40Okay, sorry
00:48:43What I was that my fault who wanted to play knight in shining armor with my
00:48:50I'm gonna kill you. You're just saying that
00:48:55Hey, watch it. Okay. I'm pretty well trained in kung-fu. So, you know, I get me mad
00:49:05Dragon tail
00:49:09So have you learned your lesson you've had enough we've got to find that camelcade that's our only clue so far
00:49:17We get Eva, but we don't go home without pit
00:49:34Flower George flower. Yes, just like that either good move
00:49:49Took me 20 years to get it, right
00:49:5320 years
00:49:54You've been locked up in here for 20 years. Yes, my dear
00:49:59Dance is a demanding art form. What about you me? It's my 11th year of success
00:50:09This can't be no these kids they think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter
00:50:24Understand, you know, please I need to be alone right now
00:50:29Try to overlook my very good looks my irresistible charm
00:50:33I'm not just a swift-tailed string of muscles
00:50:37I'm a snake like you with a heart like yours. Can you hear it?
00:50:44Boom-boom it knows what you feel the uprooting the solitude the confinement
00:50:52That's the price we pay for the life. We chose. I didn't choose this even better. It chose you
00:51:00Destiny brought us together
00:51:02It's fate
00:51:11No one is going to come rescue you sweetie and all around us
00:51:14It's pretty much just sand and death, but if you still want to escape I know a way
00:51:20You really want me out of here, don't you?
00:51:23Sooner or later Omar is going to make us dance against each other. I just rather skip that part
00:51:32All you have to do is drop onto the sand without a sound
00:51:36It's daytime. He has no reason to be playing his flute
00:51:40No one's going to see you
00:51:42You just go and you're free
00:51:46You did this
00:51:48There was a time when I too thought the sand was shinier on the other side of the rock, but it's all just sand
00:51:55Thank you for go
00:52:04What do you think you're doing? It ain't strolling time miss. Well, actually there's been a mistake
00:52:11See, I shouldn't be here
00:52:32Escape, Omar! She's getting away!
00:53:17What is this? Snakes who will end up as belts or designer shoes. Oh my god, that's horrible!
00:53:27I have a better idea
00:53:32I should have let you finish me off now that I think about it. Plus you'd feel really bad right now
00:53:42So you actually have two modes, huh?
00:53:44crazy angry wrestler or silent
00:53:48antisocial so
00:54:09What is that
00:54:16Hi, would you by any chance know where we could find water or shade around here?
00:54:30Asked him if he ran into a camelcade. Why don't you ask him? I don't talk to stuff. I don't know
00:54:40Pardon me, sir. You wouldn't have come across a camelcade by any chance
00:54:50You mean a camelcade heading towards Souk-Soukville with men one of whom traveled with two hampers from which a green snake was dangling attempting to escape
00:54:56Uh, yes. Yes, that's it
00:54:59Nah, it doesn't ring a bell. What? How's that possible? Well, which way is Souk-Souk whatever its name is?
00:55:12I'm sorry, you were mentioning a certain city, I believe
00:55:18Souk-Soukville a little city from the 15th century protected by 18-foot fortifications with a network of streets that have been classified as unesco's
00:55:25Yes. Yes. Where is it? Nah, never heard of it
00:55:34Come back
00:55:41Well, at least we're slithering in the right direction
00:55:45Oh, yeah, so where's Souk-Soukville? Oh, you're such a the glass is half empty kind of guy so
00:55:52Scorpion you've hung out with that doofus for too long. Don't you ever talk about pit like that? There you go again
00:56:09Wait, yeah, right. I'm not falling for that. I swear there
00:56:27See right direction
00:56:32We gotta get going oh, come on five more minutes
00:56:37Look at all these blisters
00:56:40I can't possibly make another move
00:56:43Okay, we'll spend the night here. We need to regain our strength. Really?
00:57:22The desert is ruthless
00:57:26Even to its own children
00:57:30Eat or be eaten
00:57:35Sometimes it's a place for many other times
00:57:40Only one can survive
00:58:20Before the money rises watch out for
00:58:30And now hysteria
00:58:57And soon the
00:59:07And now hysteria
00:59:54Ah a real bed
01:00:02Come on
01:00:06You're gonna have the opportunity of seeing an australopithecus skull and they named her lucy it's just a pile of bones
01:00:14thousands of years old bones
01:00:16Okay, so old bones when I think about all my girlfriends at the dusting concert
01:00:22Just how did I end up here? Maybe we should take a break, honey. It looks really fine right here
01:00:32Something moved the shoe it moved it could be a mongoose or a turtle everyone get behind me
01:00:46See you overreacted again, honey, you keep making a fool of yourself
01:00:55Good evening, sir. Would you mind if we rested in your humble home for the night?
01:01:09I can't feel my tail
01:01:11This is the end
01:01:13I don't blame you
01:01:14Well, maybe I do
01:01:17Bury yourself in the sand. That'll make you feel warm
01:01:26What are you thinking about pit and eva
01:01:32We may never see him again
01:01:34Well, you can thank life for that
01:01:37I'm, sorry. What well
01:01:39At least you've had that
01:01:42a friend
01:01:43About my sister. I still think you're better off without her but wait, you don't have a friend
01:01:48What of course I have friends tons
01:01:52I mean, do you know who my father is?
01:01:55You know
01:02:02You never told me how did you and pit meet his family was killed by the twar eggs, oh
01:02:10Barbecue keychain. We never knew he got away. God knows how and he ended up in the suburbs with us
01:02:18Two losers among losers we hit it off right away. Yeah, kind of like us. I mean except i'm not a loser, of course
01:02:30You think
01:02:33I mean
01:02:34Do you think I stand a chance with her? I know we were only together a few minutes, but I thought I felt something there
01:02:50And and and then I ran into gary i'm using just my claws I freed him from the atrocious mucus
01:02:57while the jar was just
01:03:00What you are so brave really well, I
01:03:14Why don't you come with us sweetie, oh, that's really nice of you but uh a jar
01:03:20You're a scorpion. You belong with scorpions. I'll leave him alone you guys
01:03:26Can't you see he's gotta go find his friend?
01:03:29It was so dripping with love. What? Yeah. No way. Shut up. You little dung beetle
01:03:37Okay, let's get going so we can read tsuk tsuk bill before the storm
01:03:41You'll get to see the 12 regs and their show with the dancing snakes. You don't want to miss that. Believe me
01:04:00Where did he fall this time?
01:04:03Gary where on earth are you?
01:04:06If you got yourself into another hole i'm gonna
01:04:14Check it out. It's a figuara
01:04:18Kind of like an underground river
01:04:20Fascinating don't you get it? These things bring water to villages cities
01:04:27Like tsuk tsuk bill for instance
01:04:30We get in take a ride and there we are
01:04:34Uh, no, we'd better stick with the surface. Oh, it's gonna take days
01:04:39We're not even sure that that fogot thing goes to tsuk tsuk bill
01:04:43Well, it goes somewhere
01:04:51Listen I can't swim. Okay. I live in the desert. We don't do a lot of surfing over here
01:05:01Well looks like we'll die in the storm anyway besides I wait what
01:05:17Ready I can't believe the last thing i'll ever see is your face. I'll take that as a yes
01:05:48Oh boy
01:06:18When I was young I used to wait on my master and give him his play
01:06:23And pass the bottle when he got dry and brush away the blue
01:07:35Come inside
01:08:04Okay, we've got to find the man who kidnapped eva
01:08:09Uh omar, I don't know his name
01:08:12dull skinny scary face
01:08:15His shop is that way
01:08:19That's him
01:08:21Let's use the rooftops it's safer
01:08:57What are you doing nothing
01:09:08Look eva
01:09:11Let me speak
01:09:12I understand why you and I will never be a thing. It's no problem
01:09:18We are all looking for different things in life
01:09:38You'll see you'll get used to it it's not that bad a life
01:09:43it's just
01:09:44It's not what I imagined. My life would be like
01:09:48It never is
01:10:03Oh boy
01:10:06Hey, where are you going?
01:10:09You know what? You're right. I mean, it's not like we crossed the whole desert and almost died like 26 times in horrifying ways
01:10:16to get here
01:10:19So are you coming or not
01:10:22Have you seen this guy? You don't stand a chance with a guy like that. So out of your league, bro
01:10:29Are you done? Well, that depends. Are you just gonna stand there and whine or are you gonna save my sister?
01:10:40Did you put up with me all of those miles for nothing
01:10:54A jar, uh, no, it's george. Oh, it's my brother. Your brother's name is a jar
01:11:07He's her boyfriend that's so romantic she's dating her brother
01:11:27Can't hold on anymore
01:11:35Who's there
01:11:58What have you done
01:12:03You came let's go
01:12:08Trying to escape my cuties do you really think you can get away from me?
01:12:16You stupid worm you think your venom can hurt me
01:12:22Gary as long as omar has his flute. He controls us your venom runs in my veins
01:12:31You're mine
01:12:38Come back
01:14:33That belongs to me
01:14:43You're going to pay for this you're all going to pay
01:15:30Oh, no
01:15:37Are you all right?
01:15:43Please no breathe
01:15:53I knew it
01:15:56Oh, sorry still hurts
01:16:00Your skin pretty that's gonna be high maintenance
01:16:07You you crossed the desert for me, I would have crossed a thousand
01:16:40So who's the man pant? Oh, buddy, I missed you so much
01:16:52Is this new long story?
01:16:54You remember eva
01:16:57I don't believe i've met your friend over there. Yeah, um
01:17:02Um ajar
01:17:03This is emily
01:17:06This is oh pit told me so much about you
01:17:08I mean the glow worms the snake killer birds the attack of the mongooses the ride on the back of the oryx the man-eating lions
01:17:15I know about everything
01:17:18And knowing pit like I do i'm sure he was really modest about it
01:17:25Here we go
01:17:28Welcome my friends to our discovery tour of the sahara
01:17:39By the way
01:18:00You know, I just love dance ballet tutus all that kind of stuff
01:18:07That is so weird because I just love handsome super rich ass
01:18:14We were so meant for each other
01:18:42I know you're wondering if ajar and evil will go back to the oasis love each other forever and help everyone live happily ever
01:18:47after as equals, huh?
01:18:54No idea
01:19:27I'm trying to find the sweetest soul. They say i'm too shy to play this role. I'm feeling all right
01:19:33I know where i'm from. You can lean on me soon. I'll take you home. We're gonna work this out
01:19:38It's gonna be all right
01:19:53I'm on my way
01:20:28Let them say
01:21:17I'm on my way
01:22:10Let them say
