Spirit Chronicles Episode 12 English Dubbed

  • 2 days ago


00:00Professor, is it true that you're getting married?
00:08If your question is whether I consented to it, the answer is yes.
00:11You consented to marrying Charles Arbor, really?
00:13Are you telling me you'll marry me instead?
00:14Do you plan to sweep me off my feet and run away with me, Ryo?
00:15Is that what you're saying, or is this all just a farce?
00:17I am a doll.
00:19I am a doll.
00:21Stop right there!
00:22Seize him!
00:23You little fool!
00:24Someone seize that boy!
00:25Fall back in a single line, or I'll kill you!
00:26I'll kill you!
00:27I'll kill you!
00:28I'll kill you!
00:29I'll kill you!
00:30I'll kill you!
00:31I'll kill you!
00:32I'll kill you!
00:33I'll kill you!
00:34I'll kill you!
00:35I'll kill you!
00:36I'll kill you!
00:37I'll kill you!
00:38I'll kill you!
00:39I'll kill you!
00:40I'll kill you!
00:41I'll kill you!
00:42I'll kill you!
00:43I'll kill you!
00:44I'll kill you!
00:45I'll kill you!
00:46I'll kill you!
00:47Fall back in a single file formation!
00:49Don't let him get close!
00:56Send the mages!
00:58Contain him now!
00:59Photon bullets!
01:13Go protect the bride and groom!
01:16Enchant physical ability!
01:22Don't give him away to escape!
01:25Don't worry, your pretty head, my dear girl.
01:28We just get a bit of a show before the ceremony.
01:30The soldiers present here are among the elite in our kingdom.
01:34These men were hand-selected for their level of skill and pedigree.
01:38I'm sorry.
01:43What impotent brigand could ever hope to be a match against their combined might?
02:33I was searching for words like rice
02:40I'm sure that's
02:43a small thing in my memory
02:49but I repeat that you're here every day
02:55You're a bouquet of flowers that color the city
03:00When I look back, I realize that I'm not alone
03:07Like a story that's woven with my fingers
03:12I'll become a new me, a new story
03:18I'll dye it with a vivid color that I've never seen before
03:26Even if we're far apart, I want to deliver this to you
03:40Count, please stay here. It's too dangerous.
03:43Who's this fool? Bringing disgrace upon my house!
03:47Duke Arbor, wait!
03:48No! Begone!
03:50Security for this event was supposed to be impeccable!
03:53We're doing everything we can.
03:55So please, sir, do not provoke the insurgent.
03:59Please, my lord.
04:03Professor Celia.
04:06I apologize for the disturbance.
04:08But while the others are distracted, I can explain the situation.
04:11All I ask is that you are patient enough to listen.
04:14Ryo, I don't understand. What's going on?
04:18I'm using telepathy to speak directly into your consciousness.
04:21If you calm your mind enough to focus on your words,
04:24your voice will be able to reach me.
04:27Unfightly cur! What are you hoping to gain here?
04:32I have a grievance with you!
04:34Keep your filthy mouth shut or I'll break your spine beneath my boot!
04:39Wait! Don't do that!
04:41Don't worry. I won't kill anyone.
04:43All of this is just part of the act.
04:48I don't understand.
04:50How is he so much stronger than me?
04:53We don't have much time.
04:55I won't keep waiting forever.
04:57Before you get married,
04:58I wanted to give you one last chance to tell me what you want.
05:01You did all of that just for this?
05:04I thought I was clear enough before.
05:06You were, but you never told me what you really wanted.
05:09Duke Arbor is behind this. I know he is.
05:12He's forcing you into this wedding, isn't he?
05:15What's the security team doing?
05:20If it was what you wanted,
05:22I'd put an end to this union in a second.
05:25This is too much.
05:26I know full well that I've done something I can't take back,
05:29but I don't care.
05:31You matter too much to me, Professor.
05:33I owe you so much.
05:36I can't stand by and watch this happen to someone so important.
05:40I would regret it for the rest of my life.
05:51You can never get back the things you lose.
05:54But if you saw a way to keep what you loved close,
05:56wouldn't you do it?
05:58If you stay,
05:59I worry that all these wonderful parts of you
06:01will be trampled on for the rest of your life.
06:04I could never live with that.
06:08will this marriage truly make you happy?
06:13I've never been able to put my feelings first.
06:17I would end up causing too much trouble for others if I did.
06:20I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me.
06:25I wish I could say for certain which path was the right one to take.
06:29But if this wedding was really what you wanted,
06:31then you wouldn't have that look on your face.
06:35I'll follow through on whatever you end up wanting to do.
06:38You can't just give up here, though.
06:41If I said that I wanted to stop the wedding,
06:43what are you planning on doing?
06:46Sweep you up in my arms and run away from this place.
06:49That would deflect any suspicion away from your father being involved.
06:54This is crazy, Ryo.
06:59They'd just end up catching us later.
07:02I'll worry about that.
07:03I promise you,
07:05I will take you away from this.
07:07Though I guess that's not something someone with a knife to your throat would usually say.
07:17I'd like that.
07:19I'd like that a lot.
07:24Then let's get out of here.
07:25That's enough!
07:26I've decided to settle our debt.
07:29I will abduct your lovely bride in front of the entire kingdom!
07:36Hold on tight.
07:43My Lord Charles!
07:46Bring him back!
07:48I'm sorry to do this to you, Father.
07:50I promise I'll see you again someday.
07:55What are you doing?
07:56Hurry up and catch him!
07:57All troops, after him!
08:00Do not break formation!
08:02Then you over there!
08:03Seize him immediately!
08:05Get him!
08:07You fools!
08:15What is happening?
08:16Are you all incompetent?
08:17This was his intent from the beginning.
08:19It was obvious to me from his jump.
08:21I thought you would have noticed.
08:24Photon Bullet!
08:32I thought he might have been using a magical item.
08:34Light Spirit Arms?
08:37Something about that feels familiar.
08:47Seems like he's gotten a lot stronger since the last time I saw him.
08:51Maybe it'll be fun for me to play a little.
09:07What do you think you're doing?
09:09Stop firing!
09:10What if one of you were to hit Celia?
09:14After him!
09:15Catch him!
09:17Listen up, men.
09:19Our aerial knights have already begun their pursuit of the suspect.
09:23All forces should fan out and surround the capital in a staggered formation at once.
09:28Sir! Yes, sir!
09:30I'll go and take the lead with them.
09:31So Vanessa, I'll leave the rest to you.
09:34Coordinate between all the captains.
09:36Make sure you keep things moving.
09:38Sir, I won't disappoint you.
09:40Be safe.
09:43All you've done is let the kidnapper escape.
09:45Who gave you the right to take over?
09:48That's hardly important.
09:50Do you know anything about the thief?
09:55I think he said he had a grievance with me.
09:57Sounds like we might have some trouble narrowing it down, then.
10:00Instead of snarking at me, you should be doing everything to arrest him!
10:04Catch him and bring him back!
10:05I fully intend to.
10:07Pardon me.
10:10Damn him!
10:11Damn bastard Scoundrel!
10:15Well, I can't help but find this situation deeply amusing.
10:18I suppose I shouldn't wander far from the others.
10:21What would the protections afforded to me here as an ambassador?
10:24Oh well.
10:25I suppose I'll find another way to explore my interest in that man.
10:29And the spirit he was with.
10:38Hold on, Reel!
10:39I feel like we're going too fast!
10:41Are we going too fast?
10:43We'll be fine.
10:44Just make sure you hang on tight.
10:46I'd rather not deal with those Griffons if I can help it.
10:49So I'm gonna go a little faster.
10:51Here we go.
10:57You've grown into quite an impressive man, Reel.
11:00Come on, don't embarrass me.
11:02Are you feeling more comfortable at this speed yet?
11:06So if you can go any faster, bring it on!
11:09Did you just hear that noise too?
11:11Then don't say I didn't warn you!
11:18Even if I maintain this speed, it'll still take some time to shake them off.
11:21So we should head towards the ground.
11:23I'll be passing the baton so we can meet up again later.
11:28I don't understand.
11:29Passing what baton?
11:31Why are we meeting up later?
11:33All part of a plan.
11:34I haven't done this all alone.
11:35Someone's been helping me out.
11:37Remember the girl who spoke to you telepathically?
11:54Just like we planned, okay?
11:58Wait, where are you going?
12:00I'm gonna go act as a decoy to buy you some time.
12:03I have to keep you safe.
12:05They're still gaining on us.
12:06I need you to use this chance to escape.
12:08I promise I'll meet up with you later.
12:11Do you think you can brief her on the situation, Aishia?
12:14I'll explain on the way.
12:16I'd really appreciate it.
12:17Take care of her for me.
12:19Hold on, Reel!
12:21Please be careful!
12:24We should go. They're coming.
12:32There he is!
12:33It doesn't look like he has Lady Celia with him anymore.
12:37The alley he came out of is a dead end.
12:39Inform the teams on the ground!
12:41Send up a flare!
12:44Shooting off a flare!
12:46They're calling for reinforcements, just like we thought they would.
12:50Time to make a big show so I can drag them away.
12:53Blitz shot!
13:06He's a fast little devil, isn't he?
13:08I didn't tell you to cease fire!
13:10Blitz shot!
13:16Blitz shot!
13:21Over there!
13:22Get him!
13:25Gotta catch me first!
13:46There really are a lot of them.
13:58Don't give this guy a chance to breathe!
14:00More men are coming!
14:01Wear him down as much as we can!
14:05Trying not to kill anyone isn't making this any easier!
14:11I just told Professor Celia she couldn't give up!
14:13I can't let anything stop me!
14:15That's quite enough!
14:16I'm placing you under formal arrest.
14:18Lord Alfred!
14:19You're here!
14:22Isn't he the one they used to call the King's Sword back in school?
14:29You will only act the injured.
14:31The rest of you stand down.
14:43The King's Sword
14:54He's strong.
14:55The King's Sword
15:10That sword of his is imbued with some powerful magic.
15:25The King's Sword
15:34He's got Lord Alfred on the defensive?
15:48Why are you not attacking me at all?
15:51I will not be underestimated.
15:53It was a mistake to hold back.
16:21Lord Alfred!
16:22We can't seem to find the insurgents anywhere, sir.
16:25I'm sorry.
16:26It would be nothing for you to find if he took the full force of that hit.
16:31But I didn't feel it connect.
16:33And there's evidence he fled into the back streets.
16:36Search the surrounding area just to be sure.
16:39Celia is your first priority.
16:50The King's Sword
17:15I'm worried about Ryo.
17:17Do you think he's going to be okay, Aishia?
17:20He's perfectly fine and he'll be here soon.
17:30Are you sure?
17:31He's really okay?
17:33Hope I didn't keep you waiting.
17:43Ryo! I'm so relieved!
17:47Sorry for all the chaos, but we're okay now.
17:49It was by the skin of our teeth, but we made it.
17:52I know. I'm glad.
17:55You didn't get hurt, did you, Ryo?
17:58And Aishia?
18:01Not at all.
18:02I'm here to aid you should you ever need it again.
18:05Well, how about we get going?
18:11Is this okay?
18:13Did you want to go back?
18:15You could probably make it in time.
18:17What? Oh, no, it isn't that.
18:21I was just... well, I was thinking about how none of this feels real to me.
18:26For a moment, it felt as though my future was so bleak I could hardly bear the weight of imagining it.
18:33But you... you came from out of nowhere to save me.
18:37Thank you. So much. I'm so glad you kidnapped me.
18:41I'm just happy to be of help.
18:43We'll have to dedicate some time to figuring out what we should do next.
18:48Sure, in a bit.
18:51Professor Celia, there's something I set out to do that I must finish.
18:57Don't worry. I'll always make sure we have plenty to eat and drink on the road.
19:01I'm more than able to provide for us.
19:04I see.
19:06Well, if it's no trouble, I'd love to accept your offer.
19:10I'll do my best to keep up, to deserve your generosity.
19:14Don't be ridiculous. I'm always here for you.
19:18You are, are you? Then we should make sure we talk later.
19:21It's been so long since we've gotten to talk.
19:23Oh, sure.
19:25It's coming.
20:04Are you okay?
20:06Haruto, we have to hurry. They need our help.
20:11Let me take care of Celia.
20:13Just go!
20:36I want to be a place that belongs to you.
20:40Don't forget, we'll always be together.
20:47I'm sure the strength of someone's wings
20:51will always protect their own heart.
20:55I want to get closer to your clumsy strength.
21:02I want to get closer to your clumsy strength.
21:08I want to get closer to your clumsy strength.
21:11I want to get closer to your clumsy strength.
21:16I want to get closer to your clumsy strength.
21:20I want to get closer to your clumsy strength.
21:33I want to get closer to your clumsy strength.
21:36I want to get closer to your clumsy strength.
21:49Do you know where we might be, Masato?
21:51Why do you think I would?
21:53Okay, well, maybe we should focus on trying to answer that question first.
21:59No service?
22:06That was close!
22:07It hurt me!
22:08Okay, okay!
22:09Please don't do anything to hurt my friends!
22:13Stop it!
22:25Stop it! Please stop it!
22:27Was that Japanese?
22:28Is anyone there?
22:29Let us out of here!
22:43Is it just the two of you?
22:45There is someone here who can speak Japanese!
22:48Over here!
23:03That way, you and I can always be together!
23:05If you marry me, I swear I'll protect you!
23:07Even after I die!
23:10If you want...
23:12It's you.
23:14I was so scared I was going to die.
23:16Thank you for saving us.
23:19My name is Miharu Ayase.
23:32Thank you for watching!
