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In this video, we explore the incredible power of dua and how to make sure your prayers are heard and answered by Allah (SWT). Dua is one of the most profound acts of worship, but many people feel uncertain about why their duas might not be answered. In this video, we’ll cover:

• The importance of dua and its spiritual significance. 00:31
• Powerful etiquettes and sunnah practices to follow when making dua. 01:01
• The best times to make dua for maximum impact. 02:01
• Common mistakes in dua and how to avoid them. 02:44
• Why your dua might be delayed and how to stay patient. 03:31
• Key duas from the Quran and Hadith that you can recite daily for protection, guidance, and success. 03:59 , 04:23

Learn how to enhance your connection with Allah through dua and discover the secret to getting your prayers answered in the most beneficial way.

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00:00How to get your prayers answered. Have you ever wondered why sometimes it feels like your duas
00:06are not being answered? Dua is one of the most powerful forms of worship, yet many of us don't
00:12realize how we can make our duas more effective. In this video, I'm going to share with you key
00:19tips on how to get your prayers answered, the etiquettes of making dua and some powerful duas
00:25from the Quran and Hadith that can change your life. Let's dive in. First, importance of dua.
00:33Dua is not just a request to Allah, it's an act of worship. Allah loves when we turn to
00:40him with our needs, no matter how big or small. In Surah Gafir, Allah says,
00:45call upon me, I will respond to you. Imagine that. The creator of the heavens and the earth
00:53wants you to ask him directly. When we make dua, we acknowledge that we are in need of Allah's mercy
01:00and guidance. Second, etiquettes of making dua. Now to make your dua even more effective, there are
01:09certain etiquettes you can follow. First, start by praising Allah. Before you ask for anything,
01:17begin by glorifying Allah. You could say, Subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah, or any other words of praise.
01:24Second, send a salawat on the prophet. It's recommended to send blessings upon the prophet
01:31Muhammad, peace be upon him, before and after making your dua. For example, Allahumma salli
01:39ala Muhammadin wa ala Ali Muhammad. Third, be sincere. Your heart should be fully present.
01:46Make your dua with sincerity, feeling a deep need for Allah's help. Fourth, face the Qibla. If you can,
01:52face the direction of the Kaaba while making your dua. Fifth, raise your hands. It's a sunnah to
01:57raise your hands when asking Allah for something, as the prophet would do. Third, best times to make
02:04dua. Certain times are more blessed for making dua, and these are when your prayers are more
02:10likely to be answered. For example, first, the last third of the night, especially during Tahajjud.
02:19Second, between the Adhan and Ikamah, before the prayer. Third, on Fridays, particularly in the last
02:27hour before Maghrib. Fourth, while fasting, and especially when breaking your fast. Fifth, during sujood,
02:36when you are closest to Allah in your prayers, make use of these times and see how your connection
02:41with Allah deepens. Fourth, common mistakes in dua. Sometimes our duas might not be answered because of
02:50common mistakes. Here are a few to avoid. First, being impatient. We often expect our duas to be
02:57answered immediately, but remember, Allah responds in his own perfect timing. He knows what's best
03:03for us. Second, asking for harmful things. If you're asking for something harmful or sinful, your dua
03:11won't be answered. Third, lack of focus. Don't rush through your dua without focus. Your heart needs to
03:19be fully engaged. Fifth, why your dua might be delayed. You may ask, why isn't my dua being
03:28answered right away? The Prophet said, the supplication of a servant will continue to be
03:33granted unless he prays for something sinful or cuts off family ties or he becomes impatient and
03:40says, I made dua but it was not answered. Sometimes Allah delays answering our dua because he knows
03:48what is best for us or because he has something better in store. Never lose hope. Allah always
03:55responds but in the way that is best for us. Sixth, the power of consistency in dua. Another important tip
04:04is consistency. Even if your dua hasn't been answered yet, keep making it. Allah loves those who
04:10consistently turn to him. The Prophet said, the one who doesn't ask Allah, Allah becomes angry with him.
04:18So never stop asking. Even in delay, there is wisdom. Seventh, powerful duas from the Quran
04:27and Hadith. Here are a few powerful duas from the Quran and Hadith that you can add to your daily
04:33prayers. First, Rabbana, Atina fid dunya hasanatan wa fil akhirati hasanatan wa qina adhaban nar.
04:44Our Lord, give us in this world that which is good and in the hereafter that which is good and
04:50protect us from the punishment of the fire. Second, ya hayyu ya kayyum bi ramatika astaghif.
04:58Oh ever-living, oh sustainer of all that exists, by your mercy I seek help. Third,
05:06Allahumma inni asalluka alafiya. Oh Allah, I ask you for well-being.
05:11Incorporate these into your daily routine and see how they bring Baraka into your life. Dua is a
05:17beautiful gift from Allah and by following these tips, you can increase the chances of your prayers
05:23being answered. Stay patient, stay sincere and keep turning to Allah in all circumstances.
05:30If you found this video helpful, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe
05:35for more inspiring Islamic content. May Allah bless you all and answer your prayers.
05:41Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
