Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor Episode 09 Subtitle Indonesia

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Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor Episode 09 Subtitle Indonesia
Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor Episode 09 Subtitle Indonesia
Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor Episode 09 Subtitle Indonesia
Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor Episode 09 Subtitle Indonesia
Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor Episode 09 Subtitle Indonesia
Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor Episode 09 Subtitle Indonesia
Urban Ancient Immortal Doctor Episode 09 Subtitle Indonesia
00:00双双,我想起来了。刚才迷迷糊糊,好像听见你一直在阻挠这位夜神医治疗,是吗? Shuangshuang, I remember now. I heard you were trying to stop this Doctor of Night, wasn't it?
00:10啊,这……爷爷,我这不是看夜……医生太年轻了,怕出问题吗? Ah, this...Grandpa, I was just looking at the Doctor of Night...the Doctor is too young, I'm afraid he might have a problem.
00:18这样吧,要不我带师收徒,您就拜在我老师的门下。 How about this, how about I take a disciple and you pray at my teacher's door?
00:24好,好,只要能学回魂九针,都可以。麻烦你们帮个忙,设置香炉和牌位。我想今天就把事情办成。 Good, good, as long as I can learn the Soul-Returning Nine Needles, I can do it. Please help me set up the incense burner and the tablet. I think I can do it today.
00:35双双,去把你两位叔爷要的东西备好。 Shuangshuang, go and prepare what your two uncles want.
00:39啊,等等,两位叔爷? Ah, wait, two uncles?
00:43这叶老弟和曹老弟都是师兄弟了,咱们哥仨以后可是平辈论教,你得叫叶神医一声叔爷。 Brother Ye and Brother Cao are like brothers to me. We are like brothers. You have to call him Uncle Ye.
00:59道长,那个贺长青的事我给您办妥了,您看这个月要的份额是不是多给我点。 Priest, I've settled the matter with He Changqing for you. Do you think you can give me a little more this month?
01:08这个月你赚得也不少啊。 You've made quite a lot this month.
01:14贺家敢阻我的财路,那是他们的报应。小心办事,好处少不了你的。 If the He family dares to block my way, that will be their retribution. You'd better be careful. You'll have to pay for it.
01:24那是,那是,您配的那药销量刚刚嘛,还是怕死管用,病人都不怕花钱吧。 That's right, that's right. The medicine you're making is selling well, but it's still afraid of death. The patients are not afraid of spending money.
01:34哼,有不长眼的小孩子跑进小区了。还好我及时转移,没被他们抓到把柄。等东西养好了,赚的可不止这点了。 Hmph, a kid who doesn't have his eyes open is in the community now. Good thing I moved in in time, so I didn't get caught by them.
01:43等东西养好了,赚的可不止这点了。 When the medicine is ready, I'll make even more money.
01:49全凭道长吩咐。 As you wish, Priest.
01:51要抓紧时间,争取在我师兄师姐下山之前,就把麦青这边的事情搞定。 I need to hurry up and get things done on Mai Qing's side before my brothers and sisters leave.
02:00再有人想阻挠我们的好事,一定要让他们有来无回。 If anyone tries to stop us, we'll make sure they have no way out.
02:08恩师在上,弟子必一生守规,誓不相违。 Master, I swear I'll follow all the rules and never disobey you.
02:15以后,你就是我的师兄,师兄在上,受我一拜。 From now on, you're my senior, and I'll take care of you.
02:21不必这么客气。 Don't be so polite.
02:23曹老弟,现在叶老弟是你的师兄了,咱们老哥仨以后就平辈论交。 Brother Cao, now that Brother Ye is your senior, the three of us can have a fair competition.
02:30对了,老曹,你赶紧收几个重症病患,我还等着看回魂九针呢。 By the way, Cao, go get a few serious patients. I'm still waiting to see the Soul-Returning Nine Needles.
02:36不可这么说,我入学第一天就被老师教导,宁愿嫁上要生辰,但愿人间无病人,行医哪有盼着人重症呢。 Hey, don't say that. On my first day of school, I was taught by my teacher that I'd rather get married and give birth to a child, but I'd rather have no patients in the mortal world. How could a doctor wish to have a serious illness?
02:46双双,看见没,这叶神医境界就是高,还不赶快叫你叶叔爷。 Shuangshuang, did you see that? Doctor Ye is at a very high level. Hurry up and call your Uncle Ye.
02:54爷爷,我不叫,他还没有我大呢。 Grandpa, I won't call him. He's not as old as me.
02:57双双,没你叶叔爷,你爷爷现在还躺着呢。 Shuangshuang, without your Uncle Ye, your grandpa is still lying in bed.
03:03叔爷好。 Uncle, how are you?
03:06不会让你白叫,这个你拿去。只要照着方子吃药,很快身体就没问题了。 I won't let you call me for nothing. Take this. As long as you take the medicine according to the prescription, you'll be fine soon.
03:13还不谢过叔爷。 Say thank you to Uncle.
03:16谢谢,叔爷。 Thank you, Uncle.
03:17叔爷。 Uncle.
03:22喂。 Hello.
03:23小凡,你在哪儿呢?不是说好请你吃饭吗?小凡,你在哪儿呢?不是说好请你吃饭吗? I heard that there's a new restaurant in Shili Street.
03:26我听说十里街新开了一家最江南大酒楼。我订好了一号包房,晚上六点见啊。 I heard that there's a new restaurant in Shili Street. I booked a room for one, and I'll see you at six o'clock at night.
03:32我还有事,要先走了。 I have something to do. I have to go.
03:36那好,改天有时间,咱哥仨好好喝一杯。 Alright, let's have a drink some other time.
03:40双双,开车送你叔爷回去。 Shuangshuang, drive your Uncle back.
03:44知道了。 Got it.
03:51你不吃药算了,但你爷爷这事我觉得有蹊跷。 If you don't want to take the medicine, but I think there's something wrong with your grandfather.
03:55你有空查一下他最近去了哪里,和谁有接触。 If you have time to check where he's been going and who he's been in contact with.
03:59要想保住你爷爷,你可得多留点心。 If you want to keep your grandfather safe, you have to be more careful.
04:02你听说过几天前的那次集体食物中毒的事情吗? Have you heard about the food poisoning a few days ago?
04:07你少在这里耸人听闻。 Stop sending people to hear rumors.
04:14叶大夫,我忽然想起来,我的车送去检修了。 Dr. Ye, I just remembered that my car was sent for repair.
04:17开保姆的车,你不介意吧? You don't mind driving a nanny's car, do you?
04:50Is it Miss Qin?
04:52No, that woman is driving a broken car, she doesn't look like a rich person.
04:57That's good, you keep an eye on it, I'll have Iron Head bring someone over right away.
05:02You offended the Prime Minister, and you still want to run?
05:20What are you doing?
05:27What are you doing?
05:49Are you filming?
05:50Give me a hand, my acting skills are good.
05:52What are you looking at? You're going to hit someone!
05:54Let's go!
06:00I didn't expect you to be such a nice person.
06:02If you need help, just call me Uncle.
06:04Shut up! Stop talking nonsense!
06:05Go stand in the back!
06:07How dare you hit my car!
06:08All of you, kneel down!
06:09Put your hands on your head!
06:10Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!
06:15Come on!
06:15I want to see how rude you are!
06:20Remember to hurry up.
06:21I'm waiting over there.
06:22We'll be there soon.
06:23Shut up!
06:26break his legs.
06:28Then we'll take this girl back and treat her well.
06:44The string! The string is broken!
06:48This is a new case.
06:50You guys, come with me!
06:52Let's see how many of them he can deal with!
06:55If you want to die, come at me!
07:19Come on!
