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Conjuring The Genie 2021 Free Movies
00:00:30No, Daddy!
00:00:32I just wanted to play with the doll!
00:00:36No! Daddy, no!
00:01:19Did you have a nightmare?
00:01:21I saw a strange man.
00:01:25Can you sleep with me?
00:01:27What do we say about sleeping with Mom and Dad, hmm?
00:01:30Only in thunderstorms.
00:01:32That's right, because you're a big boy now.
00:01:37Hi, Mommy.
00:01:38Will you check under the bed for monsters?
00:01:41Mmm, yes.
00:01:46All right.
00:01:53I think there's somebody in my bed.
00:03:17Oh, hey.
00:03:18You aren't the owner by chance, are you?
00:03:20Oh, no, no, no.
00:03:21My name's Johannes.
00:03:22Or Johan.
00:03:23Friends call me Joe.
00:03:24I fix things around here.
00:03:25The whole neighborhood.
00:03:26Hello, Johan.
00:03:27Hi, Joe.
00:03:28Is the, uh, is the real estate agent still inside?
00:03:31Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:03:32Go right inside.
00:03:33Take a look around.
00:03:34This is a very special place.
00:03:35But don't forget, you buy the house, you buy me, too.
00:03:38Because I'll be around.
00:03:39I'm always here.
00:03:42See you around.
00:03:51All right.
00:03:52You know what?
00:03:53I love this old, old look.
00:03:59Uh, you must be Carrie, right?
00:04:01I hope it's okay.
00:04:02Johan outside told us to come on in.
00:04:04Oh, Johan.
00:04:05He's a fixture around here.
00:04:06You guys must be the Burroughs.
00:04:09And you're late.
00:04:10I was just about to lock up.
00:04:12Oh, yeah.
00:04:13Sorry about that.
00:04:14The plan was delayed.
00:04:15There's still some time.
00:04:16I can show you around the house if you'd like.
00:04:18Yes, we would love that.
00:04:19What do you think?
00:04:20Do you want to see the rest of the house, Johnny?
00:04:23All right.
00:04:24Let's do it.
00:04:25Come on up.
00:04:26Really, really sorry we're late.
00:04:27That's okay.
00:04:28Happens all the time.
00:04:29Oh, no, I feel terrible.
00:04:30It was, it was hectic.
00:04:31And if you'll follow me this way.
00:04:34Yeah, this is our main parlor room.
00:04:36This, uh, room, actually, this house was built in the late 1700s.
00:04:42And, uh, it contains all of its original, uh, wood flooring.
00:04:45You can see there's vaulted ceilings.
00:04:48Oh, that's beautiful.
00:04:49Yes, and if, uh...
00:04:50Fireplace in here.
00:04:51This organ, is it a functioning organ?
00:04:53Yes, it's, it's actually, it comes with the house.
00:04:55It's a 200-year-old organ.
00:04:57It's actually been featured in shows on Phantom of the Opera.
00:05:00You might actually remember that.
00:05:02We could learn to play the piano together.
00:05:04The phantom's lair.
00:05:06Do you guys, any of you guys play?
00:05:08Do you play at all?
00:05:10Colin's talking about taking lessons.
00:05:12For a long, long time.
00:05:15Well, now's your opportunity.
00:05:17What about your son?
00:05:18Does your son have any sports?
00:05:19It would be the perfect age for him to learn as well.
00:05:22Yeah, absolutely.
00:05:23Now, exactly, um, how old is he again?
00:05:26Eight years old.
00:05:27Oh, he's eight years old.
00:05:28Yeah, that was, that's a really, really good time to start getting your kids into the arts.
00:05:31Yeah, it'd be the perfect time.
00:05:33It's like a little sponge.
00:05:35It's a little sponge.
00:06:06Look at this room.
00:06:09Here you are.
00:06:11Where have you been?
00:06:18This would be perfect for my work.
00:06:20Actually, this room was used as a home office before.
00:06:24What did you say you do, Mr. Burroughs?
00:06:26Oh, I'm a, I'm a writer.
00:06:28But my beautiful wife here is a neurophysicist.
00:06:31She's practically a biologist.
00:06:33My wife here is a neurophysicist.
00:06:34She's practically a brain surgeon.
00:06:35No, no, he always gives me too much credit.
00:06:37I don't have an M.D., just a, just a Ph.D.
00:06:40No brain surgeries for me.
00:06:43Oh, wow.
00:06:46Wow, honey?
00:06:50Jen, this is a sign.
00:06:52This, it's clearly a sign.
00:06:55Wow, this is so cool.
00:06:56It's a sign.
00:06:57Johnny, buddy, look at this.
00:06:58This is old, old, old typewriter, huh?
00:07:01Check it out, look.
00:07:02So Stanley just got a new writing assignment,
00:07:04and that's sort of the reason we left the New York City Rat Race
00:07:07and opted for something a little bit more traditional.
00:07:10Oh, wow, this place is perfect for your family.
00:07:13Your son is gonna love it.
00:07:15I think we are all gonna love it.
00:07:17What's in here?
00:07:18That cabinet was left here by the original tenants.
00:07:22It's a very old antique with quite a history.
00:07:26It's creepy.
00:07:28Ho, ho, ho, ho.
00:07:30And creepy dolls, huh?
00:07:40Oh, boy.
00:07:41Also left by the last tenant.
00:07:44Well, you know what?
00:07:45You can go ahead and leave it here.
00:07:46I could always use a little inspiration for my work.
00:07:48Stanley writes horror.
00:07:53Well, guys, I, uh,
00:07:55I guess this is where I just say it.
00:07:57The law requires that I inform you
00:08:00if the house is psychologically impacted.
00:08:04I'm sorry, do you mean haunted?
00:08:06Well, the legal term is emotionally defect.
00:08:11So what happened here?
00:08:12A very long time ago, a young girl died here.
00:08:16The official story is that her father went insane
00:08:18and left her to starve to death inside of a toy box.
00:08:22Her name was Allison Sullivan.
00:08:25Inside a toy box?
00:08:26Her father was a single parent, an alcoholic.
00:08:30I guess he just got abusive and neglectful
00:08:33and just left her to starve to death.
00:08:36The authorities found her inside of the toy box
00:08:39having eaten her dolls to stay alive.
00:08:42I don't mean to frighten you.
00:08:46Well, it's getting late,
00:08:48and I really do have to lock up here.
00:08:51I am sorry about the spooky story,
00:08:53but the law requires that I inform you.
00:08:56I love it.
00:09:00We love it.
00:09:01We love it.
00:09:02We love it.
00:09:03It is hard to sell a place like this
00:09:05with that kind of a story.
00:09:07Second thoughts are common with such a history.
00:09:11No second thoughts here,
00:09:12and I know there's none for Jen.
00:09:13Most importantly, after that story,
00:09:15I imagine we're getting a pretty good deal.
00:09:19Right, right, absolutely.
00:09:25Mrs. Burris, where would you like this?
00:09:27Uh, that should go up in the master bedroom.
00:09:31Yes, I'm calling about...
00:09:32Hi, baby.
00:09:33Mommy, can I go play outside?
00:09:34Yes, you may.
00:09:35Just stay nearby, please, okay?
00:09:37I'm calling about a new account.
00:09:38I'd like to set up a new account.
00:09:40I'm calling about a new account.
00:09:41I'd like to set up a new account.
00:09:43New resident.
00:09:45Johnny boy!
00:09:47Hey, buddy, I'm gonna go for a little jog real quick,
00:09:49and when I get back, you and I are going exploring.
00:09:52Sound good? All right.
00:09:53I'll be right back.
00:10:03Yes, yes, I have had a chance to look at it,
00:10:05and no, I actually don't think he'd be a good candidate.
00:10:08I would recommend elimination
00:10:09of the nerve supply to the pineal gland.
00:10:11I think that would be curative
00:10:12in this specific schizophrenic incident.
00:10:15So you really think he needs medication?
00:10:17No, no, no, Stanley's not losing his mind.
00:10:20I know he thinks he's seeing things,
00:10:22but I can assure you he isn't.
00:10:24Stanley is not schizophrenic.
00:10:26Stanley is just stressed out.
00:10:27Thanks for asking.
00:10:28We'll talk soon. Bye-bye.
00:10:30Mrs. Burris, I know you have a lot of stress,
00:10:32so I stewed some fresh mint.
00:10:34That is so nice. Thank you.
00:10:35You bet.
00:10:37I'm back.
00:10:39No, no, we're actually already in the house.
00:10:43Anyway, we need to get out of here now.
00:10:45Today was the meeting at the hospital.
00:11:08See that?
00:11:09Got our own little pond.
00:11:10Pretty cool, huh?
00:11:12Let's go sit down.
00:11:15What is that house?
00:11:16That house is what they call a spring house.
00:11:19So the water would come run down off the hill.
00:11:22That hill?
00:11:23Yep, just right down that little hill.
00:11:25You can see where, like, the stream would come down.
00:11:27It would run down into this bottom part of this house.
00:11:30It would also fill up this pond,
00:11:32and when the water was in there,
00:11:34it would keep all of their food,
00:11:36vegetables and meat and stuff, refrigerated.
00:11:38So it was pretty much the first refrigerator.
00:12:09How was everyone's first day?
00:12:12Yeah, we had a great day, didn't we, buddy?
00:12:14Hell of a thing being out here.
00:12:16God, we were in it.
00:12:18Fresh air, the trees, the animals.
00:12:21Killin' bad guys and takin' over the world, huh?
00:12:24Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew.
00:12:29See, I hate to say it,
00:12:30but I'm glad you're all here.
00:12:34See, I hate to be up here, but I feel different.
00:12:41Must be all the freedom in the open space.
00:12:44That's good.
00:13:04Oh, my God.
00:13:06That good?
00:13:07Mm-hmm, this is amazing.
00:13:09Are you gonna eat that?
00:13:11You sure?
00:13:12You sure?
00:13:13I can have it.
00:13:14Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.
00:13:33I'm coming.
00:13:34Love of my life.
00:13:35Hurry up.
00:13:37Come to bed.
00:13:39You know, I just needed to brush my teeth.
00:13:42And put on my sweatpants, you know?
00:13:44I-I know.
00:13:46I got something for ya.
00:13:48Oh, my goodness.
00:14:01Do you like it?
00:14:02Do I like it?
00:14:04Oh, my God.
00:14:05I don't think we can.
00:14:06I don't think we can afford it.
00:14:08Yeah, don't worry about it.
00:14:09Don't worry about it.
00:14:10Don't worry.
00:14:11I'm getting the advance in a few weeks.
00:14:12I love it.
00:14:14I love it, love it, love it.
00:14:16I love it.
00:14:18Can you put it on me?
00:14:20Of course I can.
00:14:24It looks beautiful.
00:14:28There we go.
00:14:30And thank you for today.
00:14:33What'd I do now?
00:14:35It was just amazing with Johnny.
00:14:37It really shows through.
00:14:39And he needs you.
00:14:41Yeah, well, he's not the only one with needs.
00:14:47Who else has needs?
00:14:52This guy.
00:14:57Come fly with me
00:15:02Four, five, six
00:15:05Let's hide and see
00:15:10Seven, eight
00:15:13Show me love
00:15:16Ten, eleven
00:15:20Now break your spine
00:15:25Ha ha ha ha!
00:15:27Ha ha ha!
00:15:31Ha ha ha!
00:15:33Ha ha ha!
00:15:35Ha ha ha!
00:15:38Hello, Johnny.
00:15:41I'm coming for you.
00:15:48Ha ha ha ha!
00:16:06Oh, Johnny!
00:16:08Give me a hand!
00:16:19You feeling a little better, honey?
00:16:22Good. How's your tummy?
00:16:24Yeah, does it feel better when I rub it?
00:16:26Okay, good.
00:16:27Let's try to remember a really fun time before we go to sleep.
00:16:31How about that vacation in Hawaii?
00:16:34Did you like that one?
00:16:36And the water was all sparkly and light blue and you stood up on the surfboard?
00:16:40I fell about four times or three.
00:16:43Oh, I don't remember four times. I remember maybe two.
00:16:46Tops. And then what did we do when we got on the beach?
00:16:49Um, Dad threw the Frisbee at your eye.
00:16:53He did. He did. He hit me smack dab in the eye and you were laughing your little face off.
00:16:59And I was not laughing.
00:17:12Well, certain species of crows top the avian IQ scales.
00:17:16Avian means birds. We learned that last week, right?
00:17:20So they can count, they have really good memories, and some of them even partake in activities that closely resemble sports.
00:17:27I know. Wow is right.
00:17:36Stan? Stanley, can you come down?
00:17:46Uh, yes, I'll be paying with credit card. Thank you.
00:17:49Oh, no, no. No, aquí. En la sala, por favor. Gracias.
00:17:54Uh, just one second. Oh, baby, I need the card.
00:17:57I need the card.
00:17:59Hand it over. Uh-huh.
00:18:02Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
00:18:07Yes. It is 8-9-0-0.
00:18:10Whoa, whoa, whoa, careful, careful, careful.
00:18:12These are my prized possessions.
00:18:15You a bourbon drinker?
00:18:17It's the only thing worth a damn.
00:18:21Yeah, this is the good shit.
00:18:23Baby, Stanley Victor.
00:18:25Sorry, Mother.
00:18:27Okay, thank you so much. 4 p.m. is great.
00:18:31Okay, I'm not sure how, but I think I just got the gas turned on today.
00:18:34Oh, you are amazing.
00:18:36Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
00:18:38You know, it would go out a whole lot faster if you wouldn't be out around here.
00:18:41Hey, I gotta get to work. ASAP.
00:18:43Gotta pay those bills, you know?
00:18:45Okay, well, we moved out here to spend time together as a family.
00:18:47Try not to forget that.
00:18:49Ah, yes, ma'am.
00:18:53And write. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
00:18:55Not in front of the workers.
00:18:57Yeah, sorry. Yeah.
00:18:59Mr. Burroughs. Hi.
00:19:01You like bourbon.
00:19:03I do.
00:19:05The workers and I would like to present you with this special local bourbon.
00:19:10Sort of as a housewarming gift.
00:19:12Oh, that's lovely, Johan. Thank you.
00:19:14Oh, thank you, Johan.
00:19:16These local herbs enhance the flavor of the bourbon.
00:19:19I think you're really going to like it.
00:19:21I'm gonna need a check, too, to pay the workers.
00:19:25All right. Follow me.
00:19:303, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11...
00:19:56Oh, oh, oh.
00:19:58Ah, the green paint.
00:20:00Yeah, make sure that only goes in the living room.
00:20:02We switched it from the dining room.
00:20:08Oh, my God, look at you.
00:20:10Well, hello. What a long journey.
00:20:12Did you get younger and more beautiful?
00:20:14What happened? What happened?
00:20:16You always think that or he'll get you everywhere.
00:20:18Oy, do you feel good in my arms?
00:20:20See, you brought champagne.
00:20:22The truth is, I came to see you, not the husbandess.
00:20:24But I'll go see him as long as he's here.
00:20:26And you're coming back?
00:20:28Yeah, I'm just going to the grocery store. I'll be back soon.
00:20:30We're gonna wait.
00:20:32All right. See you soon.
00:20:42Stanley, it's Benny.
00:20:44Your favorite agent.
00:20:46Yeah, first door on the right.
00:20:48Did you forget about me?
00:20:50Oh, come on. Never.
00:20:52Come here. I've missed you.
00:20:54It's beautiful, beautiful.
00:20:56And look at your beautiful place.
00:20:58It's crazy.
00:21:00Thank you so much.
00:21:02This is a gorgeous, gorgeous place.
00:21:04Thank you so much.
00:21:06But you happy here? You feeling good?
00:21:08Oh, it is fantastic out here, Ben.
00:21:10I gotta say, I think it's gonna be great for the wifey.
00:21:12She's getting real sick of that New York life.
00:21:14I think it's gonna be good for you, for the writing.
00:21:16I think for the two of you, for the marriage, for everything.
00:21:18And Johnny, gonna be great for everybody.
00:21:20Absolutely. And, uh, you know, while I wish we'd come out here
00:21:22it's, uh, not a lot to look at right now.
00:21:24It's kind of like a first rip.
00:21:26Or a second rip. It's like a polish.
00:21:28It's like a polish. I get it.
00:21:30Always the witty one, huh?
00:21:32Come on. Let's step outside.
00:21:34The humorous agent from Hollywood.
00:21:36They call me the humorous agent from Hollywood.
00:21:40Oh, my God.
00:21:42I love this view.
00:21:44Beautiful, isn't it?
00:21:46Crazy. Look at this thing.
00:21:50No horns, no sirens.
00:21:52I'm not used to this.
00:21:56You hear nothing? How are you doing?
00:21:58How are you settling in?
00:22:00Well, you know, Jen, it's a hurricane.
00:22:02But, uh, I gotta tell you,
00:22:04I'm pretty excited about starting this new writing assignment.
00:22:06Speaking of which,
00:22:08how'd the meeting go?
00:22:10I got great news for you.
00:22:12They love you. It went great.
00:22:14I'm telling you, I think we're gonna make a great deal.
00:22:16Yes. Good, good, good.
00:22:18So what are they putting up?
00:22:20What do you mean, what are they putting up?
00:22:22Advance. What are they paying me, Ben?
00:22:24Stanley, you're talking about the old days.
00:22:26Nobody puts up advances anymore.
00:22:28This is a different time period.
00:22:30You actually have to write the screenplay.
00:22:32We have to show it to them.
00:22:34What are you talking about?
00:22:36You got me a six-figure advance on my last screenplay.
00:22:38Six years ago.
00:22:40Then find a studio that'll pay up front.
00:22:42I'm not gonna write this thing
00:22:44with the hopes that they're gonna buy it.
00:22:46It's not slasher movies anymore. Stanley!
00:22:48Ben, that was the director, not me.
00:22:50It wasn't supposed to be a slasher film.
00:22:52It was supposed to be a psychological thriller.
00:22:54You read the script. You know that.
00:22:56Yeah, yeah. I know it. You know it.
00:22:58But they don't know it. The executives don't know it.
00:23:00That's why we have to show them.
00:23:02I'm telling you, you just have to write a screenplay.
00:23:04I'll hand-deliver it myself.
00:23:06Ben, I moved into this new house
00:23:08based on a writing assignment you said I had.
00:23:10Now you're telling me there's no money?
00:23:12No, no, no. I'm not saying there's no money.
00:23:14You write the screenplay, I deliver it to them,
00:23:16and I get them to buy it.
00:23:18Okay, in the meantime,
00:23:20how am I supposed to pay for this house
00:23:22and all the crap that's going on?
00:23:26Stanley, I would lend you the money myself if I could,
00:23:28but honestly, things are a little tough.
00:23:30You think you're the only writer I'm having problems with?
00:23:32I've got a stable of writers like this.
00:23:34They're not giving advances anymore.
00:23:36But I'm telling you,
00:23:38I feel it in my kishkis.
00:23:40Write the screenplay. I'll make a deal.
00:23:42The two of us will have so much money...
00:23:44I'll buy a house right next to you.
00:23:46Let's make a toast. We need a drink.
00:23:48A toast to you,
00:23:50the family, and the future project.
00:23:54Okay, Ben.
00:23:56Sit down.
00:24:40Hey, Johnny.
00:24:42You can hear them too, right?
00:24:46Do they frighten you?
00:24:50They're my friends. I play with them.
00:24:52Can your mom and dad see them?
00:24:58Don't play with things only you can see.
00:25:00They can be very dangerous.
00:25:02But they protect me.
00:25:04From what?
00:25:08Who's Allie?
00:25:10Allie's the doll eater.
00:25:12Is that Allie?
00:25:14This is Karen. She's a friend.
00:25:16Allie's the bad one.
00:25:18She's behind you.
00:25:22Don't play with things, okay?
00:25:24They may be your friends now,
00:25:26but only until bad things start to happen.
00:25:30So stay away from it.
00:25:32I may not see things as much as you do,
00:25:34but I can sense them, and I can hear them.
00:25:38Take this.
00:25:40It's a reward of evil spirits.
00:25:42So whenever you're frightened, okay,
00:25:44then stare at what scares you
00:25:46and focus with all your heart
00:25:48at what's in front of you.
00:25:50On the count of 13, okay?
00:25:54Let's go ahead and try.
00:26:44Phone rings.
00:26:46Jennifer Burroughs.
00:26:48Jennifer Burroughs.
00:26:49Jen, it's Benny.
00:26:51Ben, I said try calling first.
00:26:54Well, I want to see my son.
00:26:56He's not your son.
00:26:57We've been over this.
00:26:58Stanley is the father.
00:27:00I don't believe that.
00:27:00I'm sorry.
00:27:01I just don't believe it.
00:27:03Because you were a mistake, Ben.
00:27:05And I'm sorry to have to say this,
00:27:07but Stanley and I have been picking
00:27:08up the pieces ever since.
00:27:11Why do you even say this?
00:27:12Why am I a mistake?
00:27:14He's not your biological son.
00:27:15Stanley is Johnny's father.
00:27:17Let it go, Ben.
00:27:19We've never done a DNA test.
00:27:22We've never done it.
00:27:23That's all I'm saying.
00:27:24We've never done it.
00:27:26Well, that's all really great to hear,
00:27:28but I don't have time to get into this right now,
00:27:30so I'll give you a call back when I do.
00:27:31But hold on.
00:27:32Take care of yourself.
00:27:33Hold on.
00:27:34Hold on.
00:27:58If you don't make it, come quickly,
00:27:59because it's Johnny.
00:28:01But before Al comes, you better get home.
00:28:04Don't you want to play with us?
00:28:11Don't let Allie get you.
00:28:15She will hurt you.
00:28:17And take your soul.
00:28:19And then she'll turn you into a doll.
00:28:22Like us.
00:28:24Who are you?
00:28:26Don't let Allie get you.
00:28:301, 2, 3, 4, 5.
00:28:36Don't let Allie get you.
00:28:406, 7, 8, 9, 10.
00:28:46And she'll take your soul.
00:28:48Like us.
00:28:5011, 12, 13.
00:28:55And then she'll turn you into a doll.
00:28:58Just like us.
00:29:04Hey, Johnny.
00:29:05What are you doing in here?
00:29:07I... I...
00:29:12You know, Johnny, you shouldn't be going into the cabinet.
00:29:16Things are in there.
00:29:18I wouldn't want you to lose anything.
00:29:20I didn't.
00:29:23You been going through my stuff?
00:29:46It's okay, Johnny.
00:29:49I did tell you not to touch anything without my permission.
00:29:58This is where I work.
00:30:02This is how I make money.
00:30:07If we mess anything up, we won't have any money to pay for food.
00:30:13This house...
00:30:18I just need you to understand that.
00:30:23Yes, sir.
00:30:28Okay, so you won't do it again.
00:30:30All right?
00:30:31Yes, sir.
00:31:22Hey, honey.
00:31:25What's going on?
00:31:27Hi, Mom.
00:31:28Dad said not to disturb him.
00:31:29He's working.
00:31:30Oh, well, that's probably because he's excited about his new writing assignment.
00:31:34You want to help me put away some groceries?
00:31:37Put some bagels in the pantry.
00:31:40Come on.
00:31:41Up and at them.
00:31:48Mom, when we're finished, can I go play with the other children?
00:31:54What other children, Johnny?
00:31:57What do you mean?
00:31:58Just the children of the house, Mom.
00:32:00They're mostly nice.
00:32:02Are you seeing these children, Johnny?
00:32:04No, ma'am.
00:32:05I'm just hearing them.
00:32:10I have an idea.
00:32:11Why don't we go take a walk around this house and see what's behind these voices?
00:32:15What do you say?
00:32:17You lead the way.
00:32:18All right.
00:32:20Show me what these voices are about.
00:32:22I think I've got an answer.
00:33:17It's all right.
00:33:21It's all right.
00:33:40I don't know.
00:34:10A pleasant family walks towards the house on the countryside.
00:34:22This house is special. Something about it draws the family near.
00:34:31A man paints the doorway just as they approach.
00:34:40Okay, so this is an old home, and with old homes you get unusual sounds. It's part of their charm.
00:34:46And here we are at the attic. I don't know where the light switch is. It's a little dark.
00:34:53But I've got a plan. One second.
00:34:57This should work.
00:35:02Uh-huh. See this? Okay.
00:35:06So this right here is a furnace. It's also an air conditioning unit.
00:35:11And the air conditioning unit pulls water out of the air in the form of condensation.
00:35:16And sometimes these things have a gurgling sound. Let's see if we can hear it.
00:35:22Uh-huh. Do you hear that?
00:35:24Kind of sounds like when mom's gurgling with mouthwash.
00:35:26It gets louder sometimes, like at night. And downstairs, that's going to sound like a human being.
00:35:32But it's just the water swirling around up in this can, okay?
00:35:37Let's see what else we could find.
00:35:39We need to find a light, that's for sure.
00:35:42Okay. Let's see what we have over here.
00:35:46Looks like another room.
00:35:48Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:35:50Johan, hi.
00:35:51I didn't mean to scare you. Hi.
00:35:52No, no, it's okay.
00:35:53I'm fixing some of these faulty wires. I'm almost done. Give me one second.
00:35:57Can you see?
00:36:01There we go.
00:36:02There we go. That's beautiful. So much better. Thank you.
00:36:05You're welcome.
00:36:06We're just taking a little tour of the house to figure out where all these sounds come from.
00:36:11You bet. Go right ahead.
00:36:14Oh, and if you need anything, I'll be around.
00:36:17Okay. Thank you.
00:36:21Okay, Johnny. You see this pipe?
00:36:23This house is over 150 years old. That's pretty old, right?
00:36:26That's older than you.
00:36:28Oh, alright. You're a funny guy today, huh?
00:36:31Well, 150 years ago, we didn't have air conditioning or indoor plumbing,
00:36:36so these pipes and the ducts are struggling to deal with the air pressure,
00:36:39and it makes sort of a whistle sound, or maybe sometimes a whispering sound.
00:36:45It really sounds like it. It really sounds like voices.
00:36:48I know, but they're not. It's just...
00:36:52That's all it is, I promise you.
00:36:56And look at here. There's all this wood.
00:36:57This house is made of wood, which is a material that absorbs and shrinks with moisture.
00:37:01And when it expands and shrinks, it makes these creaking and groaning sounds.
00:37:05So in the morning, when the sun comes up, all the water goes out of the wood, and the house shrinks.
00:37:11And then at nighttime...
00:37:13What do you got there?
00:37:14Look what I found.
00:37:16Let's check it out.
00:37:18At nighttime, when it cools down, that same wood brings in the moisture and it expands again.
00:37:30The bad girl's here.
00:37:32Allie, the doll eater.
00:37:34Well, that doesn't make any sense, because she's not real.
00:37:38Do you remember what I told you about ghosts and spirits and things like that?
00:37:44They're just figments of my imagination.
00:37:46That's right, and you have a pretty amazing imagination, which is part of why I love you.
00:37:51But it's all make-believe.
00:37:53Carrie just told us a scary story, but it's not real, okay?
00:37:57Promise you understand?
00:37:58Yes, ma'am.
00:38:01I think that's probably the gas, ma'am.
00:38:03Want to come with me to let them in?
00:38:05Come on.
00:38:11Don't play with my dolls!
00:38:16Don't play with my dolls!
00:38:24Don't hurt my friends!
00:38:37Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
00:38:47The truth is I'm here to see you, not the husband.
00:38:50You, not the husband.
00:38:51You, not the husband.
00:38:58Come here.
00:38:59Stop running away from me.
00:39:00Come here.
00:39:01Come on.
00:39:02I'll chase you around the world.
00:39:06I'll chase you around the world.
00:39:37It's okay, baby.
00:39:40Just calm down.
00:39:43It's okay.
00:39:45We're safe.
00:39:47Ben, I don't know what we did.
00:39:50I don't know how to-
00:39:52Stanley doesn't know anything.
00:39:57I gotta keep it together.
00:39:59I gotta keep it together.
00:40:01Keep it together.
00:40:02Please, just know that I love you.
00:40:08Your life is not worth it.
00:40:18Everything's the best.
00:40:22I don't even know where we are.
00:40:26I thought we'd never meet again.
00:40:29Forget about me.
00:41:06Over here.
00:41:09Look in the box.
00:41:15Look in the box.
00:41:18Johnny, look in the box.
00:41:24Look in the box, Johnny.
00:41:29Look in the box, Johnny.
00:41:33Look in the box, Johnny.
00:41:59Hey, Johnny.
00:42:02Oh, it's this Allie stuff, huh?
00:42:06You know that this happened a really, really long time ago?
00:42:12And this Allie girl, she had a really, really bad father.
00:42:17Yes, Mom. Yes.
00:42:19Okay. Good.
00:42:23Hello, Johnny.
00:42:28Johnny, who are you talking to?
00:42:31It's just my friends.
00:42:35Baby, are you seeing things?
00:42:37I don't see them.
00:42:38Then why are you saying hello?
00:42:40I hear them, Mommy.
00:42:41What do you hear?
00:42:43The voices. They're talking to me.
00:42:46Okay, baby. I know you're probably so lonely out here, right?
00:42:50But you know what? When school starts, you're going to have so many new friends.
00:42:53And I want you to know something. You are not hearing voices. Okay?
00:42:57All right.
00:43:01It's okay, Mommy. They didn't do anything.
00:43:06I don't like Dad's dolls.
00:43:09Yeah, they're pretty creepy, huh?
00:43:11It's not that. They hurt.
00:43:14They hurt?
00:43:16My friends.
00:43:18They tell me Allie keeps them there and presents them in those dolls.
00:43:22All they do is want to play, but Allie...
00:43:24Allie, no more talk about this Allie girl, all right?
00:43:27Okay. This stuff that you hear, I know you hear a lot of things.
00:43:30You hear a lot of things that adults talk about.
00:43:32But it is not real. Okay?
00:43:35They're just dolls.
00:43:36Yes, ma'am.
00:43:37Inanimate objects.
00:43:39And here's the other funny thing.
00:43:40Sometimes when something terrible happens, if you talk about it too much, you start to believe it.
00:43:47Do you understand?
00:43:48Yes, ma'am.
00:43:55All right. Let's just relax a little bit and watch some TV.
00:44:05Look at that.
00:44:20Nug is a bug in a rug.
00:44:27I think we're all set.
00:44:29Okay. Good night, honey.
00:44:31Good night, honey.
00:44:35Before you leave, can you check under my bed for monsters?
00:44:39Yes, I can check under the bed for monsters.
00:44:43Do you think I'm going to find one?
00:44:45Here we go.
00:44:49Guess what?
00:44:53Absolutely nothing, you silly man.
00:44:56There's nothing under there. You need to go to sleep.
00:44:59I'll be right down the hall if you need anything, okay?
00:45:16Come play with me.
00:45:19Mom and Joe say we shouldn't play together.
00:45:22Why, Johnny?
00:45:24Come on, Johnny.
00:45:27I thought we were friends.
00:45:30One, two, three, four.
00:45:52Play with us!
00:45:58Five, six, seven, eight.
00:46:07Johnny boy.
00:46:12What'd we talk about?
00:46:22I'm glad that you didn't lie to me.
00:46:28I'm glad that you didn't lie to me.
00:46:33Okay, if you did, I'm not going to be mad.
00:46:37It's the truth.
00:46:43Tell me how this got in your room.
00:46:47Did your mom put it here?
00:46:51Then why is it in here?
00:46:59What's going on in here?
00:47:02Johnny and I are just having a little father-son talk.
00:47:06Okay, remember he's only eight years old.
00:47:10Jennifer, darling.
00:47:14I'm just trying to make you both understand that when I'm working, it takes a lot of concentration.
00:47:20Concentration that's easily broken.
00:47:24I don't decide when my mind wants to work.
00:47:27So when it does, it's important that I'm left alone.
00:47:45I love you.
00:47:46Love you too, Mom.
00:47:48Get some sleep.
00:48:04Hey guys, it's ten in the morning.
00:48:06What's going on?
00:48:07Mr. Burris said no more work.
00:48:09No, what do you mean no more work?
00:48:10We still need this house to be painted.
00:48:11He said you're on a very tight budget, so we're packing up.
00:48:14Our budget's fine.
00:48:15I'll talk to him.
00:48:16To be honest, Mrs. Burris, the workers themselves aren't too upset.
00:48:20Why aren't they upset?
00:48:22Something about the house.
00:48:24Ah, superstitions.
00:48:25You mean old wives tales.
00:48:27No, something about bad memories, a demon.
00:48:30I wouldn't give it too much credibility.
00:48:31I certainly don't, Johan, and I'd be surprised if a grown man like you actually believes in children's fairy tales.
00:48:36I don't.
00:48:38But people are funny.
00:48:40Respectfully, Johan, I'm a neurophysicist, and as you can imagine, these types of stories,
00:48:45and they are stories, they don't sit very well with me.
00:48:49I live here, and I can assure you there are no ghosts in this house.
00:48:54Mrs. Burris, you have a really nice family.
00:48:58So, if you ever need my help, please call.
00:49:03Hey, Joe.
00:49:04What you doing?
00:49:06I'm just picking up like you told us to, sir.
00:49:09Well, looks like you're all packed up.
00:49:11So, thank you.
00:49:15Bye, Joe.
00:49:18I'll see you soon, Johan.
00:49:31So you, uh, you think he fancies you?
00:49:34I don't know, Stanley, I'd like to think I'm still attractive.
00:49:38Was he being inappropriate?
00:49:40Of course he wasn't.
00:49:41And I love you.
00:49:43Stop this.
00:49:52What was all that about, Stanley?
00:49:54You know how I feel about guys getting too close to you.
00:49:58I wasn't doing anything.
00:49:59Oh, yeah, well, I've heard that before.
00:50:03I'm sorry.
00:50:04Okay, it's just, it's hard.
00:50:06I know.
00:50:08It's a long time ago.
00:50:13You talk to him recently?
00:50:22Stanley, you have nothing to worry about, okay?
00:50:25I told you I'd stay with you an entire lifetime to work this out, and I meant it.
00:50:29I know how long something like this can take to heal.
00:50:33If it takes another ten years, that's fine, because I love you.
00:50:37I love you so much, and only you.
00:50:43Can you just please try to remember it's not Johnny's fault?
00:50:46I know, look, I just, the stress is getting to me, and just bringing up old memories, all right?
00:50:52I know.
00:50:54And I know how much writing takes it out of you, too.
00:50:58I get it.
00:51:11We don't have the money.
00:51:15What do you mean we don't have the money? You mean the money's coming in late?
00:51:18No, Jen, we're not getting the advance. The studio screwed us over.
00:51:22They want me to write it first, and then maybe they'll buy it.
00:51:24No, no, you've got to talk to Ben. You've got to get Ben to hear this.
00:51:27Ben doesn't give a shit.
00:51:29If I don't finish this script, I don't know what the hell we're going to do.
00:51:34It's okay, I've got quite a bit of money saved up, actually, so I can just float us in the interim.
00:51:40Cut a couple corners, we'll be fine.
00:51:42No, I don't.
00:51:43Stop stressing out.
00:51:44I don't want you paying for everything.
00:51:46I don't mind.
00:51:48We're not going back. We're staying here together as a family.
00:51:52We're going to stick it out through thick and through thin.
00:51:57I appreciate that, Jen, but the only way is for me to finish this script.
00:52:28Look at the car he drives.
00:52:30Look at the car he drives.
00:52:33Stanley, it's Benny, your favorite agent.
00:52:42He gets a car?
00:52:43Shit house.
00:52:44And look at your beautiful place.
00:52:49Yes, Benny.
00:52:57It went great.
00:52:58I'm telling you, I think we're looking really good.
00:53:02I'm a beautiful thriller.
00:53:04A slasher?
00:53:06This is a very special place.
00:53:08I don't forget it.
00:53:09You buy the house, you buy me too.
00:53:11I'll be around.
00:53:12I'm always here.
00:53:13I'll be around.
00:53:14Well, the legal term is emotional.
00:53:18I want a thriller. I want a slasher.
00:53:20Stanley, you're talking about the horrors.
00:53:22Nobody puts up advances anymore.
00:53:24This is a different time period.
00:53:25We actually have to write the screenplay.
00:53:27We have to show it there.
00:53:28What's up, studio?
00:53:30What's up, studio?
00:53:32Jennifer's not lying to me.
00:53:34He is, but he's my son.
00:53:35He's my son.
00:53:36He's my son.
00:53:37Oi, do you feel good or what?
00:53:39Me too.
00:53:42The truth is I came to see you, not the horrors.
00:53:45Worst slasher, best slasher thriller I've ever seen.
00:53:48I'm the best.
00:53:56Want to get excited about something?
00:53:59How about that?
00:54:01What's in here?
00:54:05This is a sign.
00:54:06This is clearly a sign.
00:54:09How much money I deserve?
00:54:12Well, looks like we're all packed up, so...
00:54:15I don't know.
00:54:19No, no, no. Stanley's not losing his money.
00:54:22Stanley is not schizophrenic.
00:54:24He's just stressed out.
00:54:28What's he doing here anyway?
00:54:39You know how I feel about guys getting too close to me.
00:55:03No, okay, look at the stairs.
00:55:05There we go.
00:55:06All right, now why don't you run upstairs and go take a shower?
00:55:09I'll fix us some lunch, and when you finish, we'll learn about some Roman numerals.
00:55:13Oh, and Johnny, can you try to use your own bathroom, please?
00:55:16Because your dad doesn't like it when you leave your stuff all over ours.
00:55:19Okay, Mommy.
00:55:22Don't take too long.
00:55:27One, two, three
00:55:31Come play with me
00:55:37Four, five, six
00:55:40Let's hide and seek
00:55:43Seven, eight, nine
00:55:45Your soul is mine
00:55:49I don't want to play.
00:55:52Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:55:54Have you not taken a shower yet, young man?
00:55:56Mommy, they want to play with me.
00:55:59The children.
00:56:01Johnny, we've talked about this before. Come here.
00:56:03There are no children in the house except for you.
00:56:06I'm scared.
00:56:08This is not going to get you out of your shower, young man.
00:56:12Can you come with me, please?
00:56:20Just because you're so darn cute.
00:56:22Come on.
00:56:23We've got to hurry.
00:56:29Natalie, Natalie, Natalie
00:56:33What are you doing?
00:56:35Listen to them.
00:56:37They know.
00:56:42I know.
00:56:44I know.
00:56:47Listen to them.
00:56:51No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:57:16Come on.
00:57:48Concentration, concentration, concentration, concentration.
00:57:52You know I don't like to be bothered when I'm working.
00:58:16Those were my things. Where were they?
00:58:18Under your son's bed.
00:58:20Stanley, I know you need to focus on your work, but Johnny needs his father as well.
00:58:24I'm tired of you being so goddamn selfish and irresponsible with our child.
00:58:28Jennifer, I'm writing something very, very special.
00:58:32I don't have time to play with an eight-year-old.
00:58:38He's not just any eight-year-old.
00:58:40He's our son.
00:58:41Stanley, you're talking about our son.
00:58:43And he needs you.
00:58:45What I need is for you to let me work so I can finish this goddamn script
00:58:49to pay for this goddamn house that you got us into.
00:58:59You know, why don't you go get on the phone with your little scientist friends and play doctor
00:59:04so I can focus and make some real money to keep this family together.
00:59:08Don't you dare, Stanley.
00:59:10I put food on this table, I put this roof over our heads, and I gotta finish this script.
00:59:15And every time you come in here and throw your little tantrums, it distracts me.
00:59:26Okay, Stanley. Okay.
00:59:31You focus on your work.
00:59:33You finish that script.
00:59:35I know your family's waiting for you when you're done.
00:59:39And we love you.
00:59:47Put a page down.
01:00:02Hey, honey.
01:00:03You showered.
01:00:08Why is Dad so mad all the time?
01:00:12Um, he's under a lot, a lot of stress.
01:00:16And he's not handling it so well.
01:00:19But I know deep down he's doing what he can for the family.
01:00:23He's trying his best for us.
01:00:25So we just gotta bear with him, okay?
01:00:28Did you hear some of that fight?
01:00:31Oh, baby.
01:00:33It's gonna be okay.
01:00:35How about we go downstairs and I make you some hot cocoa?
01:00:39Yeah? Okay.
01:00:40Let's do that.
01:00:55I don't care how you got here.
01:00:57I don't care how I got here.
01:01:02Everything I do is my decision.
01:01:04Who creates my decision?
01:01:05I do.
01:01:06Because, because what happens, I do.
01:01:09I put it on the page.
01:01:11What I put on the page is what I do in real life.
01:01:14For my brain.
01:01:15For my brain.
01:01:16It'll be so cool.
01:01:19This house is just fantastic.
01:01:21Here's where it all comes out to us.
01:01:22Source, source.
01:01:23You can take it to the place.
01:01:24The more you're in it, the more I live.
01:01:27This house is where I don't feel.
01:01:30And Shiloh.
01:01:32You've been at it so long, it's already over.
01:01:34You're beautiful to me.
01:01:35Nobody can defraud.
01:01:37I'm the one who wants to do everything here.
01:01:41Whether it's my script, or it's you.
01:01:44The whole place is mine.
01:01:47It's up to you.
01:01:48I'll show you.
01:01:58It's over.
01:01:59It's over.
01:02:10Wake up!
01:02:14Go away...
01:02:18Go away....
01:02:22Go away
01:02:30Come with me. I'm gonna make you mine.
01:02:35I'm gonna kill you.
01:02:38Go away. You're not real.
01:02:41No. Go away.
01:02:44Go away. You're not real.
01:02:49I'm gonna make you mine.
01:02:54Kill her.
01:02:57I'm gonna make you mine.
01:03:07Oh, God, Sammy.
01:03:09What? Who's here?
01:03:11Sammy, stop this.
01:03:14Johnny? Johnny, baby, what's wrong?
01:03:17What's wrong, baby? You having a nightmare?
01:03:22Baby? What are you looking at?
01:03:26What are you looking at? Do you have another nightmare?
01:03:29There's nothing there.
01:03:31Don't be like this. I'm sorry.
01:03:34Stanley, come here. Johnny's had another nightmare.
01:03:37The boy needs toughening up.
01:03:39He's a child, Stanley. What the hell has gone into you?
01:03:42Well, he always will be one if you keep treating him like this.
01:03:45Go away.
01:03:48It's okay, baby. It's okay. Hey, look at me.
01:03:52Look at me. Give me those eyes.
01:03:56Okay, let's lie down. I'm right here. I'm not leaving you, okay?
01:04:05Stanley, I am starting to worry about you.
01:04:09You, uh, you need to sleep.
01:04:13I think that's what's going on.
01:04:15You're working too hard. You'll feel better in the morning.
01:04:22Things have never been better.
01:04:26For once, I've written something so powerful and so beautiful,
01:04:32it'll last for eternity.
01:04:35Um, okay, honey, I'm excited about your writing,
01:04:38but you're starting to act not right.
01:04:44Sleep deprivation alone can cause hallucinations, okay?
01:04:47And you've been drinking so much on top of it.
01:04:49I just really need you to rest.
01:04:52Honey, honey, honey, my script is perfect.
01:04:55This world, okay, it's perfect.
01:05:00We can all be together forever.
01:05:03She's come.
01:05:07She's come to take us with all the rest.
01:05:10Okay, baby.
01:05:11The best part is,
01:05:14we'll never have to worry ever again.
01:05:19Okay, baby.
01:05:22Please just go get some rest.
01:05:41Come on.
01:06:11Come on.
01:06:41I love you.
01:06:44I love you too.
01:08:08Stanley, Stanley, Stanley!
01:08:10Stanley, where is Johnny?
01:08:13He's gone.
01:08:14What do you mean, he's gone?
01:08:16Johnny, he's not in here?
01:08:19Where is Johnny?
01:08:22He's here, in the house.
01:08:25Right there.
01:08:27Stanley, I need you to snap out of this right now.
01:08:30We are talking about our son.
01:08:31He's not my son.
01:08:34Johnny is your son.
01:08:35He's not my son.
01:08:39Johnny, where's Johnny?
01:08:44Where's Johnny?
01:09:49I guess I need to report a missing child.
01:09:51No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:09:53No, please, no, please.
01:09:54Stanley, I do not like this behavior.
01:09:57I told you, the house is taken, just like I wrote.
01:10:01This is the alcohol talking,
01:10:03or whatever you're taking.
01:10:04This isn't you, Stanley.
01:10:06This is very real.
01:10:07You can see it happening.
01:10:09Did you do something to our son?
01:10:14Did you do something to Johnny?
01:10:16I know what happened to him,
01:10:17but even the children in this house couldn't save him.
01:10:21Allie's gone.
01:10:22Allie is dead, Stanley.
01:10:24No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:10:25Allie, Allie is very, very much alive.
01:10:29Brought back to life with these hands.
01:10:31You did not do that.
01:10:33You did not bring Allie back to life.
01:10:36Johnny is very much alive, too.
01:10:38He's part of this house now,
01:10:40just like the rest of us.
01:10:42Come here.
01:10:43Look at me.
01:10:44I need you to tell me why you're doing this.
01:10:51You see, I realize
01:10:55that I have the power to keep us together for eternity.
01:10:59Tell me where Johnny is.
01:11:02Quit worrying about that brat!
01:11:07Do you realize what I've done to keep this family together?
01:11:12Johnny, Johnny is in a better place now.
01:11:16I, you, my love, are next.
01:11:22Stanley, tell me where my son is.
01:11:26So the truth comes out, huh?
01:11:30Your son.
01:11:32My son.
01:11:34My son.
01:11:36Your son.
01:11:39Your son.
01:11:40Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
01:12:10I got you now!
01:12:28I still have no idea where Johnny is and what happened to him.
01:12:34Do me a favor.
01:12:37Put this on for me, please.
01:12:48Jennifer, since I was last here, the energies in this house have gone stronger.
01:12:53But once there was something amiss, clearly there's a big problem now.
01:12:57None of this makes any sense to me.
01:13:01I know you've been through a lot, but you have to try and understand me now.
01:13:05There are many spirits in here, and I strongly believe, though, that the bad spirit I felt is a demon.
01:13:13A demon?
01:13:15I know it sounds silly, but I do know about these things.
01:13:19Spirits are entities that at one point were alive and had a physical body.
01:13:24Some can be good, some can be bad.
01:13:27Demons, on the other hand, never had a physical body.
01:13:30They come here straight from hell.
01:13:31They come here straight from hell.
01:13:34You're saying that a demon took my son.
01:13:38I don't believe that.
01:13:40I think that Stanley is delusional, and I think that Johnny is somewhere in this house, and that we need to find him.
01:13:47I know this may sound very strange to you, but some of us grew up being taught these kind of things.
01:13:53Religion and practices gave us the means to talk to the dead.
01:13:57Trust me, I learned a lot watching my grandmother work.
01:14:01You can try and communicate with them, if you like.
01:14:09Let's try.
01:14:27This is it.
01:14:29This is the source.
01:14:31You mean where Allie died?
01:14:33That's her.
01:14:35She's the demonic spirit I sensed, and she has your son.
01:14:40Where is he?
01:14:42Impossible to tell. Too many energies in this house.
01:14:47Okay, so what do we do?
01:14:49We have to communicate with the spirits, but whatever we do, we cannot engage the demon.
01:14:55They're devious and insidious master manipulators.
01:14:58I don't know how we do this.
01:15:02Think of something that only you and your son know.
01:15:07We played a game. We made up a spelling game only him and I know about.
01:15:16Would that work?
01:15:18Sure. Let's give it a try.
01:15:19Okay, just help me clear a little bit of space.
01:15:23I just have to draw a diagram.
01:15:28And then...
01:15:34It's an R.
01:15:36An R.
01:15:40A U.
01:15:42R U. R U?
01:15:45An N.
01:15:47R U N.
01:15:50Oh my God, it's telling us to run.
01:15:52Oh my God.
01:15:54It wants us to be afraid.
01:15:56He's telling me to run.
01:15:58It cannot consume us until we're given to absolute fear.
01:16:02Okay. Okay.
01:16:05What does Johnny have to do with any of this?
01:16:07Why do they want my son?
01:16:09Sometimes we're just victims of the actions of others.
01:16:11Sins of our fathers, perhaps.
01:16:12I just want my son back.
01:16:15Please, please, please let him go.
01:16:24So this is what you do when I'm away, huh?
01:16:28This piece of shit.
01:16:30No, Stanley, you're just not understanding things right now.
01:16:34All I ever wanted was for us to be a family.
01:16:37And yet you've gone and done it again.
01:16:40And yet you've gone and done it again.
01:16:42What are you talking about?
01:16:44I guess.
01:16:46Once a cheater, always a cheater, huh?
01:16:50Stanley, it is not like that.
01:16:53It is not like that right now.
01:16:55But you know what?
01:16:58I guess we're here to work things out, huh?
01:17:29Oh, Jennifer.
01:17:31Jennifer, Jennifer.
01:17:33Don't you understand, huh?
01:17:34No, Stanley.
01:17:36You wanted to be with Johnny.
01:17:38Now you can be with him.
01:17:40Please, let go of me.
01:17:42Stanley, let go of me.
01:17:44She's here in the house.
01:17:46You know that, don't you?
01:17:48You can't take my fear if I have one.
01:17:50She promised me an eternal life.
01:17:54For all of us.
01:17:58You will not do this to us.
01:18:01Stanley, bring her to me.
01:18:04Stanley, bring her to me.
01:18:07You can't take my fear if I have none.
01:18:10You can't take my fear.
01:18:42It's okay.
01:18:44It's okay.
01:18:46It's okay.
01:18:48It's okay.
01:18:50It's okay.
01:18:54What are you doing?
01:19:02Let go.
01:19:10Stanley, let me go with Johnny.
01:19:21Tell me where Johnny is.
01:19:23Tell me where Johnny is.
01:19:26All the other dogs.
01:19:36Oh, my God, baby.
01:19:38Oh, my God, Johnny.
01:19:40Oh, my God.
01:19:42It's okay, baby.
01:19:43It's okay. Come here.
01:19:44Come here. Sit up.
01:19:45Give me your legs.
01:19:46Give me your legs.
01:19:47Stand up.
01:19:48Good boy.
01:19:49Good job.
01:19:50Give me these hands.
01:19:51Run from her, Mommy.
01:19:53Okay, baby.
01:19:55Everything's fine.
01:19:57Run from her.
01:19:58Don't be scared.
01:19:59That's how she gets you when you're scared.
01:20:00What's wrong?
01:20:01I want you to be afraid.
01:20:02So we can be together.
01:20:03We got to get out of here, baby, okay?
01:20:05She's already here, Mama,
01:20:06waiting for us to be together.
01:20:11She's already in here,
01:20:12waiting for us to be together.
01:20:14God damn it, Johnny.
01:20:15Stay behind me.
01:20:16Come on, come.
01:20:18God damn it.
01:20:20Are you going to leave me here
01:20:21with our son?
01:20:24I thought we were family.
01:20:26We're all staying here forever.
01:20:27Stop it.
01:20:31Get out of here while we can.
01:20:46Let's go.
01:20:47Let's go.
01:20:48All right.
01:20:49Go ahead and open the passenger door.
01:20:53Maybe today.
01:20:54Maybe today.
01:21:19We're lucky we escaped.
01:21:21He's possessed.
01:21:22There's no telling what he would have done to us
01:21:24in this demented state.
01:21:25I'm just glad I got there when I did
01:21:26to save you both.
01:21:27And thank God I'm always there
01:21:28to pick up the pieces.
01:21:29People just don't understand
01:21:31how important it is
01:21:32to be there when it matters.
01:21:36Sorry about the chemicals, Jennifer.
01:21:38But you, as a physicist,
01:21:39can appreciate
01:21:40what they do to the brain
01:21:41and the central nervous system.
01:21:43Out of stress,
01:21:44I'll help you with this
01:21:45special local bourbon.
01:21:46Could you put this on for me, please?
01:21:51Add in your run-of-the-mill muscle relaxer
01:21:54you know.
01:21:59Yeah, I agree with you.
01:22:01Stanley should spend more time with John.
01:22:04Be more of a father figure.
01:22:08Doesn't even matter
01:22:09whether or not he's the biological father or not.
01:22:19All right, come on, let's go.
01:22:21Come on.
01:22:22That's right.
01:22:23Come on, Johnny.
01:22:24Good boy.
01:22:25That's it.
01:22:26Come, come, come, come, come.
01:22:28Yeah, you got it.
01:22:29All right, let's go.
01:22:35Come, come, come.
01:22:38We're all gonna live happily ever after
01:22:41together in this house
01:22:42for all eternity.
01:22:45No, no, no, no.
01:22:47No, we won't.
01:22:49Johnny, Johnny, come on.
01:22:51Baby, we have to run.
01:22:52Johnny, come with me, baby.
01:22:54Baby, come with me.
01:22:55Mommy, I want to stay here.
01:23:00I'm coming back with the police.
01:23:03They're never gonna believe you, Jennifer.
01:23:05Mom, I need you to stay here forever
01:23:08with all my friends.
01:23:10They're not your friends.
01:23:12Oh, well, let's go see your dad.
01:23:14They're not real, Johnny.
01:23:18I'm coming back.
01:23:45Go to your father.
01:23:57Hello, Daddy.
01:24:32Ma'am, where are they?
01:24:35They're upstairs in this study.
01:25:10Come with us, Mommy.
01:25:15Don't leave us.
01:25:23Come with us.
01:25:30Come with us.
01:25:48Hey, there.
01:25:50Are you the owner?
01:25:51No. My name's Johannes.
01:25:53Or Johan. Friends call me Joe.
01:25:55Go on right in and take a look around.
01:25:57This is a special place.
01:25:59Don't forget.
01:26:00You buy the house, you buy me, too.
01:26:02Because I'll be here.
01:26:03Always here.
01:26:08One, two, three.
01:26:11Come play with me.
01:26:16Four, five, six.
01:26:19Let's hide and seek.
01:26:24Seven, eight, nine.
01:26:27Your soul is mine.
01:26:32Ten, eleven, twelve.
01:26:35I'll break your spine.
01:26:57I'll break your spine.
01:27:27I'll break your spine.
01:27:57I'll break your spine.
01:28:27I'll break your spine.
01:28:32I'll break your spine.
01:28:37I'll break your spine.
01:28:42I'll break your spine.
01:28:47I'll break your spine.
01:28:52I'll break your spine.
01:28:57I'll break your spine.
01:29:02I'll break your spine.
01:29:07I'll break your spine.
01:29:12I'll break your spine.
01:29:17I'll break your spine.
01:29:22I'll break your spine.
01:29:27I'll break your spine.
01:29:32I'll break your spine.
01:29:37I'll break your spine.
