This World Is Not Real (2024) Episode 2

  • yesterday


00:30当记忆像碎片一样消失 I will be attracted by you
00:34我依旧会被你吸引 When my memory disappears like a fragment
00:37在无处落脚的人海里 In the endless sea of people
00:41你的降临是岛屿是陆地 Your landing is the land of the island
00:45谁知道你的位置 却装作不在意 Who knows where you are, but pretends not to care
00:50满身想念却只字不提 I miss you so much, but I can't help it
01:30恭喜路远成功 谢谢 成不成功我不知道 Thank you. I don't know if I made it.
01:35不过我觉得有人认可我就很开心了 But I'm happy that someone recognizes me.
01:39是刚才走的那位吗 Is it the one who just left?
01:41嗯 Yes
01:45走吧 带你去吃你最喜欢吃的荣小馆 庆祝一下 Let's go. I'll take you to your favorite restaurant, Rong Xiaoguan. Let's celebrate.
01:49好啊 走 Okay. Let's go.
01:52跳了 哎呀大姐你行不行啊 这个要跳的呀 Oh my god, you can't just jump like that.
02:02还不是你戴的线会有问题啊 You mean your line?
02:05姐 你快来替他一局吧 Sister, come and play with him.
02:08我可带不动你 你自己玩吧 你才急 I can't get to move you. You can play alone.
02:12what I'm doing.
02:14You know, I'm talking in class.
02:16I know how to do it.
02:18And I'm sure you just can't do it.
02:21You're a waste.
02:21You're a waste.
02:23You're a waste.
02:28You're a waste.
02:29You're a waste.
02:30You're a waste.
02:32You're a waste.
02:33What do you think of the result?
02:34Is my boss super attractive?
02:37Wait a minute.
02:42Tomorrow is the boss's day.
02:43He gave it to you in person?
02:45He told me to go to the interview tomorrow.
02:47So are we going to be colleagues?
02:50Not necessarily.
02:52That's weird.
02:53Wait a minute.
02:55Mr. Lin.
02:55I heard that Xian You Group plans to invest 200 million yuan
02:58to develop a completely subversive superwoman game.
03:01Is it convenient for you to introduce the situation of this game?
03:04This will be a game that is completely subversive.
03:07The game's realism is completely close to the real world.
03:10And it will have its own creative history.
03:13After it is listed, players are welcome to explore it.
03:15Now I can only tell you
03:18this game is called
03:19The Forest of Love.
03:22The Forest of Love?
03:25What kind of game is this?
03:28Betrayed Brother Fang?
03:29Don't listen to what adults say.
03:33It can't be that coincidental, right?
03:34It's a coincidence, right?
03:37I don't know either.
03:39This game is too confidential.
03:41I only know that the company has such a project.
03:43The boss has never participated in that game.
03:46Even the Flying Squirrel or Purple Copper Award
03:47was won by Mr. Kun instead of Mr. Lin.
03:49But it doesn't matter.
03:50We're going to be colleagues soon.
03:51We should open a champagne to celebrate.
03:54It's not necessarily.
03:55Besides, where did the champagne come from?
03:56I'll go buy it.
03:58As long as there's wine in my heart,
03:59I'll drink champagne no matter what I drink.
04:00Drink this.
04:01I'm thirsty.
04:04What about mine?
04:05Kid, drink this.
04:07I don't drink alcohol.
04:25Oh, no.
04:27The interview.
04:28Oh, no.
04:35How can someone have an interview here?
04:37It's so strange.
04:52Mr. Lin.
04:55You're here.
04:55Mr. Lin.
04:58This is the commemorative doll of your new game,
04:59Heartbeat Memories.
05:01Yes, it's a gift.
05:03Heartbeat Memories.
05:05Thank you, Mr. Lin.
05:07Have you been here before?
05:11No, it's my first time.
05:13I like to come here to find inspiration.
05:15No wonder.
05:16Your first UGC game
05:19is called Lighthouse.
05:21It seems that you've done your homework.
05:23If you were asked to improve Lighthouse,
05:25what would you do?
05:28Lighthouse is a game
05:29that combines creative tools and game experience perfectly.
05:32Many university students in the architecture field
05:34use it to complete their graduation works.
05:36Tell me your shortcomings.
05:37My shortcomings...
05:41My shortcomings are that the design of the engine is too complicated.
05:45The entrance threshold is also relatively high.
05:47I think the case of UGC's success
05:50is that my home is in the company of Sputnik.
05:52Its creative tools are very intuitive.
05:56Let's talk about your Daydream.
05:58Daydream's idea
05:59is to make the player's brain
06:00display real personal memories.
06:01After using the most advanced brain-brain interface technology
06:04to convert memories into data,
06:06connect the physical engine of Nizhen
06:07and turn personalized memories
06:09into a down-and-out personal adventure story.
06:12It seems that there is no game mode
06:14that can define it.
06:15Yes, it doesn't need to be defined.
06:17Exploration, traveling, chasing,
06:19are all the primitive impulses of humans.
06:21It's human-like.
06:23I can support your development of this project.
06:27There is a condition.
06:28Go ahead.
06:29Change your name.
06:34I'm sorry, Mr. Lin.
06:36I still want to stick to my original name.
06:43Even if you forget everything,
06:46you are still you.
06:48What did you say?
06:50What did you say?
06:55Be careful.
06:58My balloon.
07:34And make a link to all work early
07:43That's it. Yeah, it's a tea
07:50Just a little more
08:06You know, I'm just a man, so I don't know what you think I'll get you
08:12No, so you don't go for both of us. I don't think so
08:25What's on my face
08:34You look like an old friend of mine
08:37So old-fashioned
08:40He must be very good to be friends with you
08:46He is very good. Where is he now
09:19I don't want to see you again!
09:49I think we're both busy looking at the road
09:52I thought the room where we met at the top would be so boring
09:56But as soon as you disappear like a fragment
10:00I will still be attracted to you
10:03In the endless sea of people
10:07Your presence is like an island
10:11Who knows where you are
10:14But pretend not to care
10:16I think of you all the time, but I can't stop
10:19Eat heat and cry, engrave memories
10:23When the moonlight beside it is no longer red