Twisted Minds Full Episode Full Movie

  • 18 hours ago
Twisted Minds Full Episode Full Movie RR
00:00That was a long drive. What are we doing here?
00:03It's your birthday. Let me surprise you.
00:06Jesus. Dad, can you just cut the suspense and tell me who the hell lives here?
00:10I told you, it's an old friend.
00:13Is it someone famous?
00:18Come in. He's waiting for you in the dining room.
00:22Ooh, he's waiting for us. I feel so important!
00:31I'm sorry.
00:44I'll need your phones.
00:46My phone?
00:52Sorry, I'm not giving you my phone.
00:54Elena, get the man your phone.
00:56No. Look, I was told that I would get to see Miami while I'm in town, so I'd like to document it.
01:11I left my phone in the car. I'll be right back.
01:14Are you sure?
01:20I got her.
01:55Elena. Please, have a seat.
02:04Valentino. Valentino Echeverri.
02:08I'm sorry, I don't know anything about you. How do you...
02:11How do you know my dad?
02:15Well, my father Marco was shot two weeks ago.
02:19A bullet to the neck.
02:23He's on life support now. He ain't gonna make it.
02:30I'm... I'm so sorry.
02:35You should be.
02:38Your father's the one who shot him.
02:44What the hell are you talking about?
02:47What do you know about your father's line of work?
02:50He's a baker in Ohio.
02:52No. Your father owns a bakery. There's a difference.
02:57You really never knew your father's the head of the Russian mafia?
03:04Okay, yeah, and I'm the Queen of England.
03:08The bakery's just a clever front to clean dirty money.
03:12I bet your father traveled a lot on business growing up.
03:16Yeah, so what if he did?
03:18Now, why would a baker ever need to travel?
03:26You know what? I'm getting really uncomfortable. I think I should probably just...
03:31The Russians, the Italians, the Irish, we've all been Warren for as long as anyone can remember.
03:37My father is capo. Well, he was capo.
03:41That title goes to me now.
03:43Means I'm head of the Italian family.
03:48Dad's not coming.
03:50Father's the one who set this whole thing up.
03:52Set what up?
03:54There's only one thing that can end wars between families.
03:57You're scaring me.
03:58Do you know what that is?
04:03Marriage, Elena.
04:04A wedding brings a true alliance between families. It builds power, stability, wealth.
04:11Somebody help me!
04:13Don't you get it?
04:14Get what?
04:17Your father arranged this once you turned 21.
04:19Bullshit! He would never do that.
04:21Do you think I want this?
04:23I don't care what you want.
04:25My own father demanded this arrangement happen.
04:27I told him he was being paranoid, but now he's lying on his deathbed because of me.
04:31Now, I'm not going to be laying in a box next to him.
04:34So I'm forced to do this to protect my family.
04:37You understand?
04:39You could have called the cops.
04:43Cops know better than to come around this part of town.
04:47We're both prisoners here now.
04:49You're crazy.
04:51No, I'm adaptable.
04:53I suggest you learn to be the same.
04:55You're crazy.
04:56No, I'm adaptable.
04:59I suggest you learn to be the same.
05:01And quickly.
05:05Because we're getting married in a week.
05:19Have a look.
05:44Oh, no.
05:46Oh, no.
05:47Oh, no.
05:52No, please.
05:54Honey, help!
06:02Dad, please don't leave me here!
06:09Please do something.
06:10Please do something.
06:11Please do something.
06:25Now that you've seen the place, let's go over the rules.
06:30The office and the basement are completely off-limits.
06:37Did the ring fit?
06:39How would I know?
06:54Please let me go.
06:56I won't tell anybody.
06:57I swear to God, I won't tell anybody, okay?
07:01Don't worry.
07:02It'll fit.
07:03I know your ring size.
07:06I know your dress size, too.
07:11I need to talk to my dad.
07:13Do you?
07:35Dad, are you okay?
07:38Dad, what did they do to you?
07:39You have to call the police right now.
07:42The police aren't coming.
07:44You need to do what you're told.
07:47What are you saying to me?
07:49This is for the best.
07:57I want to come home.
08:01You are home.
08:03I love you.
08:16We are gathered today to celebrate the union
08:18of Valentino and Elena.
08:21Valentino, do you take Elena to be your lawfully wedded wife
08:24through sickness and health,
08:26for richer, for poorer,
08:27for better and for worse,
08:29as long as you both shall live?
08:31I do.
08:33And Elena, do you take Valentino to be your lawfully wedded husband
08:37through sickness and health,
08:38for richer, for poorer,
08:39for better and for worse,
08:41as long as you both shall live?
08:48I do.
08:52I now pronounce you husband and wife.
09:03I never knew a monster like you could find love.
09:07Who knew?
09:09But I can see why.
09:11You are beautiful.
09:17Where are my manners?
09:18I'm Gianna, your new sister-in-law.
09:21And this adorable mouth breather is my husband.
09:25I'm Stefano, the little brother.
09:27Oh, not little.
09:28But you get the idea.
09:29He's also big where it counts, so there's that.
09:32Oh, that's great, I guess.
09:36It is.
09:37It runs in the family, so you're all set.
09:40I gotta get more of this egg shit, baby.
09:44Welcome to the family.
09:46It's called caviar.
09:48It's called fucking caviar.
09:52Anyway, we live on the other side of the compound.
09:55You do?
09:56I do.
09:59Just play her part like the rest of us.
10:01It's for the best.
10:03Do as you're told, and we'll survive all this at once.
10:10Feel free to stop by any time you like,
10:12now that this is all done with.
10:17I will.
10:18Stay away from her, you hear me?
10:20She's trouble.
10:23I hear you.
10:51I can't, I...
10:54I've never had sex before.
11:04I'll wait, then.
11:07But you're my wife now, Elena.
11:09I won't wait forever.
11:19I love you.
11:31Hey, girl.
11:32How'd you sleep?
11:34I don't wanna know.
11:36Actually, I do wanna know.
11:38Can I ask you something?
11:40I'm an open book.
11:42Read on.
11:45You called Valentino a monster just to his face.
11:49That I did.
11:52But if Stefano is his brother,
11:56isn't he also in the same kind of family business thing then?
12:02There are levels to it, sweetie.
12:05Some elevators stop at the basement.
12:10His goes down straight to hell.
12:12If you feel the floor, it'd probably be hot.
12:18Were you and Stefano also...
12:21Also what?
12:25It was far more complicated than that.
12:29Complicated how?
12:33Their father was sent to kill my father.
12:37And since I was there, kill me too.
12:40Kill me too.
12:42But as you can see, Stefano has a softer side.
12:47True story.
12:52Hey, baby.
12:56Of course you do.
12:58My husband wants to go get something to eat.
13:03You wanna come?
13:06Am I allowed to do that?
13:07Probably not.
13:08But fuck it.
13:12Yeah, you know what?
13:13Okay, I'll go tell him.
13:39Oh my God!
13:42What the hell did you do?
13:44What did I tell you about the rules in this house?
13:50You are a fucking monster.
13:52This is your life now, sweetheart.
13:54Time to get used to it.
13:57Looks like somebody needs to be taught a lesson.
14:01No, this is the basement.
14:02You said not to go into the basement.
14:03I said not to go in the office either.
14:05Look where that got you.
14:06No, please.
14:30It's a baby!
14:31It's a baby!
14:32I'm with you.
14:55I don't want you hiding in the corner, Elena.
14:58That's not what this is about.
15:00Then what is this about?
15:05Following the rules.
15:07Why would you do this to me?
15:09Because disobedience can get you killed in this life.
15:13The Irish can't be happy about this marriage.
15:15They might come for me.
15:17Which means they'll come for you.
15:20You need to know your own strength.
15:22I want you stronger than that concrete wall, Elena.
15:26You don't know me.
15:28You're not going to be some little girl hiding in the corner anymore.
15:32Not when you stand by my side.
15:35Now prove it to me.
15:44There she is.
15:49Like my brother.
15:52He stands by my side, but people don't respect him.
15:58They're going to respect you.
16:01Maybe even fear you someday.
16:08It's her.
16:10Let's get you cleaned up.
16:59What are you doing out here?
17:02I need your help.
17:04What is wrong with you?
17:07Didn't you learn you need to do as you're told?
17:09You know that this isn't right.
17:14I can see it in your eyes every time that you look at me.
17:19I need to talk to my dad.
17:22Please, I've never asked you for anything before and I'm begging you right now.
17:38Two minutes or I'll kill you myself.
18:15What is it?
18:19What are you doing? How did you get this phone?
18:22Why would you do this to me?
18:25I need you to listen to me.
18:27I want you to hang the phone up and don't look back.
18:29Tell me!
18:36When your mother died, I promised to keep you safe.
18:42And this is the only way, Elena.
18:47Don't you love me?
18:50Of course I do.
18:53You always knew this was going to happen.
18:56Didn't you?
18:58This was always the plan.
19:01You're stronger than you know, Elena.
19:04Now prove it.
19:08So you want to disobey me and be in charge, huh?
19:11One of the things my family has done for generations is offer protection to the good citizens of this community.
19:18Some of these high-paying people even hire us for revenge.
19:21No, please, Sally, look at us.
19:22I'll be good. I'll be good. I don't want to see this.
19:25These three fucks robbed an expensive house of a rich man.
19:29And now they're trying to take it from me.
19:31I don't want to see this.
19:33I don't want to see this.
19:35I don't want to see this.
19:37I don't want to see this.
19:38Robbed an expensive house of some incredible jewelry.
19:42In the middle of the day, no less.
19:45Only problem is, when they drove off, they were so fucking high,
19:49they never even knew they ran over the owner's five-year-old son.
19:52Dead. Instantly.
19:54So I thought, you know, now that you're a part of this family,
19:58and since you want to be in charge so badly,
20:02now would be a big opportunity to do that.
20:06What are you doing?
20:09What are you doing?
20:11It's not what I'm doing, it's what you're doing, dear.
20:13Kill one of them.
20:15Kill one of them, or I'll kill all three of them.
20:17Beginners are always a good shot.
20:19Please, stop.
20:20Don't beg. Come on, that's not a good look on you.
20:22Don't make me do this.
20:24You want me to kill all of them? Okay.
20:26I think this one even has a few kids.
20:27Oh, no. I'm so sorry.
20:33Sorry, boys. My wife's not very good at this.
20:36She wants to be in charge so badly, but clearly doesn't know how.
20:41Must be all the stress.
20:44I, on the other hand, know exactly how to take care of the stress.
21:06I mean...
21:10Just look at me when we did it.
21:13How does somebody do that without even looking?
21:16You know, I wanted to go to nursing school before all of this,
21:18and I wanted to help save people, not...
21:20Just calm down.
21:21How the hell are you so calm right now?
21:23Just calm the fuck down.
21:31Their father was a great man.
21:34Their father was a ruthless son of a bitch.
21:39You know, he made Valentino watch him drown a person in front of him
21:43when he was eight years old.
21:46Did he tell you that?
21:48Eight years old?
21:52This is the life they were handed, Elena.
21:57When they were kids,
21:59to stop the beatings, they had to step up and give the beatings.
22:09You ask why I'm so calm?
22:13I don't have a choice.
22:15You're not the only one who's trapped here.
22:21What do you mean?
22:23I just...
22:26I just found out I'm pregnant.
22:42This steak's incredible.
22:44Almost as good as my Ma's.
22:50Where is your mother?
22:53In heaven,
22:55cooking linguine.
22:57You never talk about her.
22:59I haven't even seen one picture of her around the house.
23:02Why is that?
23:05How's your food?
23:09It's fine.
23:13What was she like?
23:16She was an angel.
23:20I see some of her in your eyes when you smile.
23:26You hide this
23:28courage behind them.
23:36What happened to her?
23:39All I can say is
23:46is selfish.
23:48Why would you say that?
23:50Because he decided he wanted my mother
23:54even more than I did.
24:10I want you to get dressed up.
24:16Dressed up?
24:18I'm taking you into the city.
24:20You've been inside for too long.
24:21You deserve to have some fun.
24:22I don't really have anything to get dressed up in.
24:28I already picked up some stuff for you and laid it out on the bed.
24:31You bought me clothes?
24:33You'd be surprised at what I could do for you.
24:44What do you think?
24:47It's incredible.
24:52I'm glad you like it.
24:56Now stop wasting time.
24:57There's a dress upstairs waiting for you.
25:03I don't think they're coming, babe.
25:04Drink more and have faith.
25:11What'd I tell you?
25:13You made it!
25:17Did you have to bring him with you?
25:19The mouth on this one.
25:20Stefano, why don't you stop chewing so much
25:22and start squeezing her neck?
25:23Yeah, I tried.
25:25She keeps living.
25:28Babe, you know if they got those triangle sandwiches?
25:32No, baby. No.
25:34Yeah, but I should ask.
25:40Um, I need to go to the bathroom.
25:42What, are you asking his permission?
25:50If you weren't married to my brother...
25:54But I am.
26:16Valentino was here.
26:18I told you the rat was real.
26:20We wait for him to get in the car
26:21and we take him out in the parking lot.
26:23Not in here.
26:25Coilin, we need to kill this motherfucker dead right now.
26:29Oh, God.
26:30Coilin, it looks like we have company.
26:32I'm sorry.
26:33I just wanted to use...
26:35I'm gonna go.
26:36I didn't hear anything.
26:37Some things shouldn't be heard.
26:40I'm sorry.
26:42I'm sorry.
26:43I didn't hear anything.
26:44Some things shouldn't be heard.
26:49What the fuck did you do?
26:52Boss, we gotta go.
27:01Are you okay?
27:02Are you hit?
27:04I don't think so.
27:05Okay, come on. We gotta go. Let's go.
27:24Elena, I'm gonna take you to the shoe off, all right?
27:27Now, hey, focus. Look at me.
27:29You're in shock, okay?
27:44I'm sorry.
28:05What happened in there, Elena?
28:09There was a voice. No, it didn't...
28:13There were two voices.
28:15What did you hear?
28:20They knew you would be there.
28:25They said they were gonna kill you.
28:30What'd you see?
28:32Nothing. I couldn't see anything.
28:35And then the lights went off.
28:44The name.
28:46What? What about it?
28:49It was weird. It...
28:51Weird how? What was the name?
28:56It was something...
29:00Colin? Coilin?
29:14Coilin's coming after me.
29:17It's the Irish.
29:20We got enemies everywhere. Snakes behind every blade of grass.
29:25My brother and I were taught to trust no one.
29:28Not even each other.
29:30That's no way to live.
29:32My father was a complicated man.
29:37I remember playing out here as a kid.
29:39I overheard him arguing with the gardener.
29:45About what?
29:48I couldn't hear everything.
29:51I know at some point she mentioned something about money.
29:56What happened?
30:00My father held her head underwater with one hand.
30:03Until she stopped thrashing.
30:05I swore I would never be like him until I was.
30:09I could never hurt you like that.
30:11You believe me, right?
30:13I do.
30:22I'm with you now.
30:33Very nice.
30:35I know.
30:36Let's try to hit the center next time.
30:38The center?
30:41I don't know.
30:43I don't know.
30:45I don't know.
30:47I don't know.
30:49I don't know.
30:51I don't know.
30:53Come on, that's impossible.
30:56Is it?
31:24I'm ready.
31:26Are you sure?
31:55What's the matter?
31:56Are you okay?
31:59It's nothing.
32:01You can tell me.
32:05Every time I look at that spot where it happened,
32:10I'm reminded of how temporary everything is.
32:18I'm sorry.
32:20I'm sorry.
32:23You know what?
32:24You are taking me out.
32:25I want to see the city.
32:28Come on.
32:29Come on.
32:31Let's go.
32:34First, I want some gelato.
32:37Didn't the Italians invent that?
32:39Of course we did.
32:41What about the ballet?
32:43We invented that too.
32:46I mean,
32:47someday I'd like to go.
32:50I'll take you then.
32:51Can't promise I'll enjoy it, but...
32:57I come in peace.
32:59Right here on the road, brother.
33:02Now that's ballsy.
33:05But ballsy.
33:08This is a lovely groin that I've heard so much about.
33:11You are sweeter than nectar.
33:13Start talking or start running.
33:15What do you want, Coylan?
33:18What do you think?
33:20I want our families united.
33:23It's never too late.
33:25What do you want about?
33:26My sister Charity
33:27was supposed to be married into the Acherby family
33:30and make my alliance whole.
33:32Not the Russians.
33:35Not you, love.
33:37And your father contacted the Irish first.
33:40When he was desperate
33:41and on the brink of extinction,
33:43then he wrote Grady.
33:45He changed his mind
33:46and went with the Italians instead.
33:48I'm here to change it back
33:50and protect my own family's interests.
33:53I can see
33:54that you're clearly a stunning creature.
33:57But what's right is right.
33:59Look at me when you speak.
34:04Give up this lovely lady
34:06and take my sister's hand in marriage
34:08as we were promised.
34:10You might survive an attack from the Russians,
34:12but you sure as shit
34:14can't afford to take on the Irish.
34:16You have one second
34:17to take your last step.
34:20If that's how you want it, brother.
34:23All right.
34:33Come on.
34:36Someone told Coilin where we were.
34:38What do you mean?
34:40You think it's a coincidence
34:41that he showed up right where we were
34:42to make that proposal?
34:44Someone in this organization
34:45thinks I'm stupid
34:46and is telling him my moves.
34:51You're not talking to anyone,
34:52are you, Elena?
34:56Who would I be talking to?
34:57I don't even know these people.
35:01You didn't say no.
35:05I wouldn't do that.
35:11I gotta find the rat
35:13and I gotta take out Coilin.
35:14How are you gonna find out who it is?
35:16I don't know.
35:18Tell me what I can do to help.
35:34I can do this.
35:36I can do this.
35:38Shit, man.
35:39What was I thinking?
35:40She's not ready for this.
35:41Hey, it'll be fine.
35:42I'll follow your lead, boss,
35:43but are you sure this is the best way?
35:46I don't know, man.
35:47I'm running out of options here.
35:49Look, he said he didn't want
35:50any trouble in public places, right?
35:53Yeah, but that prick says a lot of things.
35:56As long as there are witnesses,
35:57I really don't think
35:58he's gonna do anything stupid.
36:00Look who's in charge now.
36:03looks like he wanted to sleep with me
36:04a lot more than kill me,
36:05so let's just bet on that.
36:06Well, it better not come to that.
36:08Make him comfortable,
36:09get him talking,
36:10if he yaps long enough,
36:11he's gonna brag
36:12and say more than he should.
36:13His ego's too big not to.
36:17What are you two looking at?
36:19Someone's hit me up.
36:30Don't you look lovely?
36:32And all by yourself, too.
36:36Sometimes a girl just needs
36:37a little alone time.
36:38I can see that.
36:41Look, I don't want any trouble, okay?
36:43I just wanted to get out,
36:45maybe piss him off a little bit.
36:49This is neutral territory, love.
36:52I'd be happy to piss him off.
36:57You are exquisite.
37:01To be clear,
37:03I said piss him off,
37:05not sleep with you.
37:08That's the Italian in you.
37:10Russian, actually.
37:11Right, right, right.
37:12Of course.
37:18how does a guy like you
37:19spend his days, hmm?
37:21You really want to know?
37:23Just a little.
37:25I'll tell you,
37:27but you have to do something
37:28for me first.
37:30What's that?
37:33I'm gonna need you
37:34to take off the wire
37:35before I take off the wire.
37:42Don't worry.
37:43I got this.
37:47Set one foot in here, Valentino,
37:49and I'll shoot her
37:50in her fucking head.
38:02Now we can really
38:03talk and connect.
38:05It's my time.
38:07Well, you've wasted
38:08enough time, love.
38:11Some little man
38:12who's trying his best
38:13to grow up
38:14and be as big of a prick
38:15as his dad was.
38:18He'll not come in here
38:19and risk a bloodbath.
38:21I'll share a little secret
38:22with you.
38:24Did he ever tell you
38:25some story
38:26about his gardener?
38:30Rumor has it
38:32that the gardener,
38:33his father drowned
38:34all those years ago
38:35in their backyard.
38:37It was little Valentino's mother.
38:42Me thinks it's a ruthless
38:43fucking family.
38:45You don't know that.
38:47Didn't you want to go
38:48to nursing school?
38:50How would you know that?
38:58What are you doing?
38:59My son's not gonna be
39:00a part of this life.
39:02We're getting out
39:03of this family.
39:05The only way I can do that
39:06is if Valentino's dead.
39:08Go back to your little town, love.
39:10Do some good for people.
39:12And get out of that prison
39:14you've been locked into
39:15for endless months.
39:16He doesn't respect you.
39:18If he did, he'd never let you
39:19walk into this place.
39:21He might even kill you.
39:23Help us get rid of him.
39:25And on the souls
39:26of my ancestors,
39:28I will let you go.
39:30You'll be free as a birdie.
39:34Gianna, think about this
39:36for a second.
39:38Stefano will kill you
39:40if he finds out.
39:42You're in danger.
39:43Your baby is in danger.
39:45Then unless you want to
39:46kill my baby, Elena,
39:49you'll keep your mouth shut.
39:59How could he know
40:00about the wire?
40:01Who the fuck talked?
40:04I don't know.
40:05What aren't you telling me, huh?
40:06I swear to God, woman,
40:07if you've said anything...
40:08She's clean, boss.
40:10I would know.
40:11I follow her every move.
40:13Yeah, I bet you do.
40:14Staring at her
40:15like a little starving puppy
40:16all day, huh?
40:17You think I don't see that shit?
40:18What are you hoping?
40:19She throws you a pity fuck
40:20when I'm not around?
40:21What? No.
40:23Maybe you're the rat.
40:25How could you say that to me?
40:27Your father,
40:28God rest his soul,
40:29took me in off the streets
40:30when I had fucking nothing.
40:33All he wanted
40:34was one thing in return.
40:36And I gave that to him
40:37and this family
40:38every day of my life
40:39since that moment.
40:40So don't you dare
40:41accuse me of something
40:42I would never do to you.
40:44Yeah, well, you're lucky
40:45I didn't break your arm back
40:46when you gave her that phone.
40:48Tell me!
40:50You're hurting me.
40:51I'm gonna hurt you more
40:52if you don't tell me the truth.
40:57What the fuck
40:58did you just say to me?
41:07I apologize, boss.
41:10Find the rat.
41:18This guy.
41:20What's the matter?
41:22I can't find my goddamn brother.
41:24Ever since we were kids,
41:25always missing when I need him most.
41:29Voicemail again.
41:30I'm gonna break his neck
41:31when I see him.
41:32He's gonna get himself killed.
41:34It's Gianna.
41:36What is?
41:41I think Gianna's trying
41:42to leave the family.
41:45You better be very sure
41:46about the next words
41:47that come out of your mouth,
41:50How do you know that?
41:52She told me.
41:53It's her.
41:54And you didn't say anything?
41:55I didn't know what to do!
41:57I did not want you
41:58or Stefano to hurt her.
41:59She's pregnant.
42:01Did you ever cross
42:02your tiny little mind
42:03that you might get
42:04the rest of us killed?
42:05I was scared!
42:06I thought I could trust you.
42:08You can trust me.
42:09The Irish might have
42:10my brother because of you.
42:12No, she wouldn't do that.
42:13She loves him.
42:14God, you are so naive!
42:16I almost feel bad for you.
42:24This is at the front gate.
42:32God damn it!
42:48My whole life,
42:49my father told me
42:50to look after my little brother
42:51because he was too stupid
42:52to look after himself.
42:54Everything's gonna be fine.
42:56He's gonna be fine.
42:57You better pray he is!
43:01Coraline has him.
43:05In a warehouse on the north side.
43:07So what are we doing
43:08standing here?
43:09They said they want you
43:10to come alone.
43:11To talk.
43:12No weapons.
43:13No muscle.
43:14Talk about what?
43:17About her.
43:19He wants her dead
43:20so we can join families
43:21with the Irish.
43:23So what's the play, boss?
43:24I can still shout at you,
43:25but not that close.
43:27They'll see you coming.
43:28It's too risky.
43:29I can't do it.
43:30It's my brother.
43:32Set it up.
43:33I'll be there.
43:34You keep your ear
43:35to the ground.
43:36Get on the phone.
43:37Get any information
43:38that comes in.
43:40keep your ass warm
43:41on that couch and wait here.
43:43What are you doing here?
43:44Are you fucking crazy?
43:45I came here to help you, okay?
43:46You cannot kill Giannis, baby.
43:48Please, Alan.
43:49Where's Gustavo?
43:50He was on the phone
43:51and I just took his keys.
43:52They're gonna fuck everything up
44:12Get back in the car
44:14and stay down.
44:15I swear to God,
44:16if you get out of this car...
44:17You're gonna what?
44:18You're gonna shoot me?
44:35I'm unarmed
44:36just like you asked, okay?
44:38Don't hurt my brother.
44:42You said you wanted to talk.
44:44I'm here to do that.
44:52This has gone too far, Coilin.
44:54We don't want any more blood spilled, do we?
45:04Be quiet.
45:05Where is he?
45:06How would I know?
45:07He left my ass here.
45:08Hey, stop wasting time.
45:11And I got you.
45:15What, are you insane or just fucking stupid?
45:17A little bit of both.
45:19So what's your plan, huh?
45:21Kill me and my brother
45:22and then run off with the baby?
45:29She'll just kill you.
45:36What, are you high, man?
45:37What are you doing?
45:39I feel pretty good, actually.
45:45I don't understand.
45:46What are you...
45:49I understand.
45:53I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life
45:55sitting in the background.
45:58Everyone loves to put me down.
46:00You, my dad, everyone.
46:05Well, I'm gonna be careful now.
46:09Finally in charge.
46:42What did you do, Elena?
46:43Where are you?
46:47I'm at the warehouse.
46:50Val just went in to talk to Coilin.
46:52Coilin is dead.
46:57No, that...
46:59No, that doesn't make any sense.
47:01Val just went in there.
47:03Gustavo, he's by himself.
47:04That doesn't...
47:05What do you mean, he's dead?
47:07Listen to me carefully.
47:09They just found his body
47:10and his finger was cut off.
47:12That's not Coilin inside there.
47:14It's a setup.
47:15You need to get the hell
47:16out of there right now.
47:18I'm on my way.
47:52You're fucking useless.
48:01I'm your fucking brother, Steph.
48:03Your brother.
48:08No, you're my enemy.
48:11You always have been.
48:17What about Elena?
48:21I'm gonna kill her too.
48:24I told you, we're not killing Elena.
48:26Shut up.
48:27Just shut up, okay?
48:29I'm trying to control my...
48:31You know what?
48:32Give me that gun.
49:28Who's the useless one now?
49:49Please tell me you're okay.
49:50I'm okay.
49:55Baby, I need you.
49:56I need you to talk to me.
50:05You're animals.
50:07You're fucking animals.
50:11You have two options.
50:14You're gonna run...
50:17or you're gonna die.
50:34Hey, uh-uh.
50:35Go lay back down.
50:36A week is not enough time to heal broken ribs.
50:38My body's a temple.
50:40I'm gonna be fine.
50:43A temple?
50:44Really? I can see that.
50:46Come here.
50:50Look, I know I put you through a lot.
50:54I don't know what you're talking about.
50:57And I'm sorry for that.
51:00So I got you something.
51:08A key?
51:09I bought you a car.
51:13Now you ain't gotta steal Gustavo's anymore.
51:18It's really sweet.
51:19There's one more thing, too.
51:25You got me...
51:27two cars?
51:31That's a master key to the house.
51:33To everything.
51:35To your absolute freedom.
52:04Ready for one more?
52:05Oh, hell no.
52:06I am good right here.
52:09Yes, you are.
52:15Where do you think she is?
52:20Probably somewhere.
52:22You'll never find her.
52:23Raising her baby.
52:25Kid will grow up one day, you know.
52:27Like I'm looking for us.
52:30I doubt that.
52:32But if they do,
52:35we'll be ready.
52:47I love you.