雪美拉华蒂社区山体滑坡 居民:市议会曾称山坡“稳定”

  • yesterday
新闻报报看 | 在雪州美拉华蒂有一个住宅区的山坡地发生严重山体滑坡,场面非常吓人。有在当地住了超过20年的居民形容,他曾经向安邦再也市议会通报过,社区的山坡地有泥浆倾泻问题,市议会后来也回复叫居民不用担心,因为山坡地是稳定没有危险,没想到今天就发生这可怕的场面。(主播:庄文杰、傅雪玲)


00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the ReDian website.
00:04This morning, the busiest time of the day was when it rained heavily for several hours in the city of Kuala Lumpur.
00:10Many important roads and areas were flooded by yellow mud and river water.
00:14Not only did it obstruct traffic and cause heavy traffic jams, but it also caused the work team to be late.
00:18The flood also flooded the elementary school.
00:20There was even a severe landslide in the community.
00:24You can clearly see from this bird's-eye view from the Internet.
00:28After being attacked by heavy rain of the red alert level,
00:32the Kuala Lumpur Independent Square area was like floating on a lonely island in the yellow mud and river water.
00:37No vehicle dared to cross the water.
00:40And the long-distance traffic jams were all squeezed to the same road,
00:43which caused a major disaster in the city center of Kuala Lumpur.
00:46There were also many people on the road.
00:48After the road to the Capitol was flooded by yellow mud,
00:52vehicles could only return to the water.
00:55The YB who was in a hurry to go to the meeting was also stuck in the car cage.
00:59The Congress had to delay the meeting by half an hour.
01:02In addition, after the flood in some areas,
01:05the flood has flooded the road and you can't see where the road is at all.
01:10Even if you stop by the roadside and it rains,
01:12the poor motorcycle riders still carry their cars in the water.
01:16It's really hard to advance and retreat.
01:18The worst thing is that there are vehicles on the road that can't afford to flash and rise quickly.
01:22The car is directly soaked in the water and instantly becomes a so-called water car.
01:27The situation is really terrible.
01:29In addition to the roadside,
01:31this morning, some people fell on the street and some people were late for work.
01:35In the Anbang area, there was a kindergarten.
01:38The children were also suddenly submerged in the water in the classroom and cried.
01:42Because at that time, the water was submerged to the waist of the adults.
01:45Imagine, if the children are standing in the water,
01:48it's almost the end.
01:50So the teacher can only hurry to get the children on the table to stand and wait for help.
02:10In addition, the water in this elementary school has also flooded the children's calves.
02:14However, under the instruction of the teacher,
02:16the children still line up neatly and carefully leave the school.
02:19Fortunately, no children were injured.
02:22Today, this sudden heavy rain is quite bad.
02:26In the snowy area of ​​Mela,
02:28a hill in the residential area also had a serious mountain slide.
02:32A large amount of water rushed from the mountain to the roadside of the residential area.
02:36The scene was very scary.
02:38According to local residents,
02:39in just a few seconds,
02:41the 30-meter-high hill collapsed twice.
02:45The huge sound scared them.
02:47And the force of the mud was so strong
02:49that the security guard in the vicinity of the incident ran away directly.
02:53He was stuck in front of the resident's house.
02:56The fence was broken.
02:58Fortunately, the mountain slide did not cause any casualties.
03:02But this scene has left the residents in shadow.
03:05According to the footage of our sister station,
03:08the scene of the disaster,
03:10after the mountain slide,
03:11a waterfall appeared on the hillside.
03:13And the amount of water is not small.
03:16You can see clearly from the road section above.
03:18The water that forms the waterfall
03:20seems to be the local drainage ditch.
03:22The water left after being washed away.
03:24And the large area of ​​mud,
03:26in addition to the flush of rainwater,
03:28really makes people feel that the soil of the incident site
03:31does not seem to be so stable.
03:33Therefore, the Anbang再野警方
03:35also urgently evacuated 20 local residents
03:37to ensure their safety.
03:39According to reports,
03:40more than 20 residents have lived in the area.
03:43In fact, the mountains in the community
03:45collapse at any time.
03:46The shadow has been disturbing them for many years.
03:49Especially every time it rains heavily,
03:50you will see mud splashes
03:52and make them worried that they can't sleep.
03:54And this is not the first time a landslide has occurred in the area.
03:57Some residents said
03:58this is likely to be the fifth landslide
04:01in the history of Anbang再野警方.
04:03So some residents also complained to the media.
04:05In fact, a few weeks ago,
04:06the government sent people to inspect.
04:08And it is said that it has been approved to build a block wall.
04:12But after that,
04:13there was no movement.
04:15In addition, there was a resident who revealed
04:17that he had informed the Anbang再野市议会
04:20that there was a problem with the erosion of the hillside in their community.
04:24The city council also replied at the time
04:26to tell the residents not to worry.
04:28The hillside is stable,
04:29there will be no danger.
04:30But I didn't expect
04:31such a terrible scene to happen today.
04:33And for this incident that attracted attention,
04:36Minister of Engineering Alessandra also posted an article explaining
04:39that the local landslides
04:40were caused by the clogged drainage system in the community
04:43and the uneven water flow.
04:45She also said
04:46that in fact, yesterday afternoon,
04:47the East Coast Engineering Division
04:49had already issued a warning to the Eman
04:51and Ulu Lengyue Public Engineering Bureaus
04:53to take preventive measures in advance
04:56to avoid casualties.
05:00For more UN videos visit www.un.org
