• last week


00:00From Sony Pictures Studios, it's America's Game!
00:08Wheel of Fortune!
00:16It's Wheel's 40th season and we're going XL.
00:21That's a guarantee of $40,000 worth.
00:24You have the chance to win a fabulous vacation.
00:27Double the chance to win a million dollars.
00:29It's a big XL deal.
00:31Ladies and gentlemen, here are the stars of America's Game.
00:35That's Zig-Zach and Vanna White.
00:38There they come.
00:40Hi, Jim.
00:41Hi, Jim, buddy.
00:43It's a special XL week here.
00:45Yes, it is.
00:46Appreciate that.
00:47Have a good show.
00:48See you later.
00:49Hi, gang.
00:50How you doing?
00:51Let's start with a toss-up.
00:52Everybody ready?
00:54Event is the category.
00:55$1,000 at stake.
00:57And here we go.
01:10And it's Ryan.
01:11Monster Truck Rally.
01:13That is it.
01:17Ryan Ziga just won $1,000.
01:21Thank you, sir.
01:22Now, there's something in your card.
01:23I assume this is when you were much younger.
01:25Go ahead.
01:26My mom told me that when I was about four or five years old,
01:28I used to kiss the TV screen every time Vanna came on.
01:32So, thank you for being my first attempt at a kiss through a television screen.
01:37Thank you, Vanna.
01:38Sorry, wife.
01:39No, I mean, well, you were young.
01:41I'm like, you know, every time I see an IHOP commercial, I lick the screen to this day.
01:46Anyway, it's nice to have you, Ryan.
01:48Thank you, sir.
01:49Appreciate it.
01:50Hello, Marsha.
01:51Hi, Pat.
01:52Marsha Kemp's in Sherman Oaks, California.
01:53Now, you are on the game show, obviously, and apparently you're behind the rest of the family.
01:58My family has all been on a game show except for me.
02:01My brother's been on one twice.
02:04Well, maybe you can just put him to shame here tonight.
02:06I hope so.
02:07Thank you, Pat.
02:08I hope so, too.
02:09Good to have you with us.
02:11Hi, Monique.
02:12Hi, Pat.
02:13Monique Nazario, right?
02:15Is from San Diego, and now you were in sports medicine for a while.
02:16And now?
02:17And now I switched careers, and I'm doing real estate.
02:19And I love it.
02:20Nice to have you all with us.
02:22So, listen, we're going to do another toss-up here, okay?
02:23You ready for that?
02:24This one is worth $2,000, and the category is showbiz.
02:29Here we go.
02:42And it's Ryan.
02:43Smile for the camera.
02:45Yeah, that's it.
02:48So he gets both toss-ups.
02:50He has $3,000.
02:51He'll be starting in just a moment.
02:52Boy, if you look on the wheel, that's good stuff.
02:54We have that XL space.
02:55We'll talk more about that later if someone lands on it.
02:57You see that million-dollar wedge?
02:58Not just a little sliver.
02:59The entire wedge is out there.
03:01If someone makes it to the bonus round with that,
03:03they have two chances of winning a million dollars.
03:05There'll be two envelopes out there.
03:07So we hope the confetti will get some good use here this week.
03:10Proper name is the category for this round.
03:12There it is.
03:13And, Ryan, you won the right to start.
03:15Go ahead.
03:22Speaking of the XL, now, when you land on that,
03:26whatever round we're in,
03:27the highest amount on the wheel for that round,
03:29that's what consonants are worth.
03:30In this case, $2,500.
03:32What consonant do you want?
03:34Four Ts.
03:38That is $10,000 right out of the chute,
03:41and you have that XL under your name now.
03:43And, by the way, if you go to the bonus round with that XL,
03:46you get an additional $40,000 added to whatever you win out there.
03:49Okay, what do you want to do?
03:50I'd like to buy a vowel.
03:53Three Es.
03:59And I'd like to buy another vowel.
04:02There are two As, yep.
04:07And one more vowel.
04:09I, please.
04:10And we can do that, too.
04:11Three Is.
04:17Five Fifty.
04:19There are six Rs in that puzzle.
04:23We're not fooling around here.
04:30I'd like to buy an O.
04:31Only two of those.
04:33There you go.
04:36And I'll buy the U, please.
04:38Might as well.
04:39You bought everything else,
04:40and the last of the vowels,
04:41we know it's up there somewhere,
04:42and there it is.
04:53Two Ns.
04:54Pick up that gift tag, please.
04:55That's a $1,000 Peter Thomas Roth
04:57gift certificate for skin care products.
04:59You got that over 13 grand.
05:01Spin or solve?
05:10Five Ss.
05:16I would like to solve.
05:17All right, let's go.
05:18Singer, songwriter, superstar,
05:21Taylor Swift.
05:23What a first round.
05:26So Ryan gets both toss-ups,
05:28a ton of money out here,
05:30and he has $21,550,
05:34which means it's gonna be
05:35a big night for everybody.
05:37That's what we hoped for
05:38with Greg.
05:40Who's best?
05:45That is kind of
05:46our special Excel week.
05:47One of the nice things
05:48is look at this.
05:49Two million dollar wedges
05:50out there on the wheel.
05:51Hope some can land on it
05:52and take it to the bonus round.
05:54And by the way, if they do,
05:55two chances to win
05:56a million dollars.
05:57All right, we're gonna do
05:58a Wheel of Fortune crossword here,
05:59and the clue is
06:00the big blank.
06:01Marcia, go ahead.
06:03That is $550.
06:06Hey, a good start for you.
06:07Two R's.
06:09I'd like to buy a vowel.
06:11An E.
06:12There are three E's.
06:20Oh, boy.
06:23No, afraid not.
06:24No T.
06:29There is a P.
06:30Actually, two of them.
06:33I'd like to buy a vowel.
06:34An I.
06:35There you go.
06:36One I.
06:42It's gonna be close.
06:43Ah, gotcha.
06:44I'm sorry.
06:45Ryan, your turn.
06:51No, afraid not.
06:52No T.
06:59I believe there is a D.
07:11One S, worth $3,500.
07:14I'd like to buy a vowel.
07:16An A.
07:17There you go.
07:18Two A's.
07:19Picked the right ones.
07:20All the vowels are gone now.
07:29Yes, one Y.
07:30We're getting there.
07:39Yeah, one N.
07:50Almost there.
07:57Well, here's an important question.
07:59What letter would you like?
08:02I don't know.
08:03Marsha, it's your turn.
08:04You have $850.
08:10Well, how interesting.
08:11What letter would you like?
08:13There is a G.
08:15So, here's the question.
08:17That's $1,000 for that.
08:19And you already have $850.
08:21You can risk all that and take a look back there.
08:23There could be $10,000 back there.
08:25Could be a bankrupt.
08:26It's a 50-50 shot.
08:27I'm gonna go for it.
08:28All right.
08:29Let's see.
08:30There were two of them on the wheel.
08:31She's picking up that one,
08:32and hoping it's the one with the money,
08:33and it is not.
08:35I'm so sorry.
08:36Monique, it's your turn.
08:38I'd like to solve.
08:39Go ahead.
08:40Dipper, easy, screen, bang.
08:44Got them all.
08:46All big.
08:48Well, you had $950.
08:50We'll make it $1,000.
08:51That's our minimum per round.
08:52So, you're on the board, I'm happy to say.
08:54And we have a break, and a word or two,
08:56and watch these messages.
08:57We'll be back.
08:59Coming up next is our vacay giveaway,
09:02and you have the chance to win a fabulous vacation
09:05plus $5,000 cash.
09:07Stay tuned for the prize puzzle round
09:09and enter the solution at wheeloffortune.com.
09:14Welcome back.
09:15It's prize puzzle time.
09:16But, you know, this is XL Week here on Wheel of Fortune,
09:18and it's a special prize puzzle,
09:20meaning not only do you get a great prize,
09:21you get an extra $5,000 cash,
09:23and someone at home can get the same.
09:25Phrase is the category for this round.
09:27And, Monique, we start with you.
09:29All right, let's go.
09:39Yeah, there are two of them.
09:49Two S's.
09:50Another $1,300 for you.
09:52I'd like to buy a vowel.
09:55Yeah, you got it.
09:56Three I's.
09:58Doing just fine.
09:59You have $2,250.
10:06All right.
10:07Let's start with a letter.
10:10There are two H's.
10:13Now, if you do this express thing,
10:15you keep calling consonants,
10:16you get $1,000 for each one.
10:17You can buy vowels along the way.
10:19If you miss any letter, it's a bankrupt.
10:20Are you gonna do this, Monique?
10:24Wow, you just surprised the heck out of her.
10:26All right, conductor, go to the next station.
10:28All right.
10:34I don't know.
10:37It happened anyway.
10:39Okay, Ryan, it's your turn.
10:43Two million dollar wages still out there.
10:48No, there's no M.
10:49Come on, Marsha.
10:56Oh, that old thing.
10:57All right.
10:58Let's start by calling a letter.
11:00Yeah, there are three G's.
11:02Now, are you gonna do the express deal?
11:05All right.
11:06You can buy a vowel.
11:07You can ask for a consonant.
11:08What do you want to start with?
11:10One N.
11:17You're buying a vowel,
11:18and there are two of them, yes.
11:22What's next?
11:26You have $4,750.
11:28Everything else is a vowel.
11:29Can you do it now?
11:31This is going to be huge.
11:35Yes, it is.
11:39And you are going to Barbados.
11:46And Marsha on this island,
11:47kicking back,
11:48shifts into high gear.
11:51Experience Caribbean island bliss
11:52at the Club Barbados Resort and Spa.
11:55Offering an idyllic waterfront
11:56with sweeping views of the turquoise sea.
11:59Welcome to the Club.
12:01And here's an extra large upgrade,
12:03$5,000 cash.
12:05This XL prize package,
12:12Well, that puts you right in the thick of things
12:13with $17,930.
12:16And, Jim, someone at home has a chance
12:19to win that trip and the cash, too, right?
12:21You know it.
12:22Here's tonight's XL prize puzzle.
12:24Enter it at wheeloffortune.com
12:26for your chance to win a vacation to Barbados,
12:28plus $5,000 cash,
12:30in our XL vacay giveaway.
12:33Closed captioning sponsored by...
12:35You're just in time for our triple toss-up.
12:37Category is thing.
12:38Here's the first of our three $2,000 puzzles.
12:42Let's go.
12:50Tyrannosaurus rex.
12:54You know, if we were around millions of years ago,
12:56that would be a living thing.
12:59Here's number two.
13:11Let's see what our expert has to do with number three here.
13:20Woolly mammoth.
13:24Good job.
13:27$10,000 he's won.
13:29Congratulations for that.
13:32And that means he has $31,550 to this point.
13:38So, category for this next round is what are you doing?
13:41Obviously, Ryan, you won the right to start it off,
13:44and it looks like you're going to start it with a final spin.
13:48Let's go.
13:54And that means every council will be worth the $1,500.
13:57What are you doing in the category?
13:59Ryan, we start with you.
14:00A letter, please.
14:03Two Ns.
14:07Three seconds.
14:13No, just call a letter.
14:14You don't have to spin.
14:16She just likes exercise.
14:17One G.
14:19Time starts now.
14:28No, no D. Ryan.
14:33Yes, two Ts.
14:48Uh-huh, one S.
14:53Three seconds.
15:01One R.
15:11Uh-huh, one C.
15:17What are you doing?
15:18Not sure.
15:20Shaking your head no is what you're doing.
15:30Two of them.
15:37Climbing Mount Everest.
15:39You got it, yeah.
15:40She kept going.
15:46Want to come down and say hello and congratulate you?
15:49What did you get there?
15:51It turned out okay for you.
15:54Thank you very much.
15:55Thank you very much for being here.
15:57Well, second place.
15:58Not too shabby.
15:59Not bad.
16:01Thank you, Marsha, very much.
16:02Thank you, Pat.
16:04The winner.
16:05Yes, sir.
16:06The champion.
16:07Hey, congratulations to you.
16:09What a night.
16:12And he's heading over to the bonus round with that XL space in mind, and that means that
16:17you're going to get $40,000 in addition to whatever else you win should you solve the
16:23Not bad.
16:24There's a little if there.
16:25So, time to pick a category.
16:26We got thing, person, fun and games.
16:28Fun and games.
16:29All right.
16:30We're going to go see if he can win an extra $40,000 and someone at home can do the same.
16:34Stay with us.
16:37Who knew back when you were a little kid kissing the screen when Vanna came on that you'd
16:40be standing here holding an XL wedge in your hand.
16:44Which means if you end up solving the puzzle here, you'll get whatever is in the envelope,
16:49plus an additional $40,000, which is our minimum amount this season, being our 40th, of course.
16:54And someone at home has a chance to win that $40,000 as well.
16:57So, I'll take that from you because you have things to do, mainly spinning the wheel.
17:01All right.
17:10And where are we going here?
17:16All right, Ryan.
17:17This way, please.
17:18That first blue mark is yours.
17:20I'll take this one.
17:22And you chose fun and games.
17:25We always start with those letters.
17:27Even on our 40th.
17:34All right.
17:35Three more consonants.
17:36One more vowel.
17:44He's toying with us, Ryan.
17:45Don't say anything, folks.
17:46He has to do it on his own.
17:47The tension is really mounting here.
17:50I wonder if he'll get it.
17:51I don't know.
17:52It's possible.
17:53Anything can happen.
17:54It's wheel of fun and games.
17:55Ten seconds.
17:56It's luck.
17:58A royal flush.
18:01Of course.
18:03Come here.
18:04Don't go.
18:05You give me a card.
18:06No, let's go.
18:07There you go.
18:09Now, this Ford Extra Luxurious Drive, your all-new BMW X3.
18:15With a twin-power turbo engine and superior handling, it's power personified.
18:20From Nick Alexander Imports, $51,540.
18:28Get in your new car.
18:30And thanks to that XL, he had already won $40,000.
18:34We knew that.
18:35And now you throw the car out there as well.
18:37He had everything up.
18:39He has $123,090.
18:43And someone at home won $40,000, too, I believe.
18:46Isn't that the truth, Bim?
18:48It is the truth, Pat.
18:49Hey, Wheel Watchers, did you win an extra large $40,000?
18:53If this is your SPIN ID number, SG4515287, congratulations.
18:59You have 24 hours to log on to wheeloffortune.com for your chance to claim $40,000
19:05in our XL 40K giveaway.
19:08So, you like the new puzzle board?
19:10Yes, I'm getting used to it because now I really don't even have to touch it.
19:14I just have to kind of point to the letter and a laser catches my hand and it lights up.
19:19What are you, Wonder Woman?
19:20And could you think my job could get easier?
19:22Where does a laser come out?
19:24We actually wanted to build one where you had to tickle the letters to make them come out.
19:28I voted against that.
19:30Anyway, it's very nice.
19:31I'm glad you enjoy it and watch for the lasers.
19:33We'll see you next time.
19:34Come on.
19:35XL 40K.
19:37Hey, Wheel Watchers.
19:38To get the latest show scoop, follow me, at Maggie Sajak.