Top 10 2000s Rom-Coms That Still Got It

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These rom-coms still got it! Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the romantic comedies from the aughts that really hold up.


00:00Love is a battlefield.
00:02Wow, that's deep.
00:04Welcome to MsMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the romantic comedies
00:10from the aughts that really hold up.
00:12This is fun. You're fun.
00:18Number 10, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
00:21Andy Anderson.
00:23I'm Benjamin Berry.
00:26I meant your name.
00:29Thank you two times.
00:30Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson are quintessential romantic comedy leads,
00:35and we see them at the top of their game as the hilarious and adorable Ben and Andy.
00:40The plot of the film is iconic, as Ben tries to make Andy fall in love with him within
00:4510 days, all while Andy seeks to drive him away in the same time span.
00:50It's going to be a happy little family.
00:53Just the three of us.
00:55We are, aren't we?
00:58He's our boy, Ben.
01:00Neither one of them lets up, hijinks ensue, and real love prevails in the end.
01:05It's a fun, lighthearted, nostalgic film that we can flip on and watch any day of the week.
01:10Plus, the chemistry between the two leads never gets old.
01:16Smile. Come on, give me a smile.
01:19Okay, that's good. That's it. You're scaring me.
01:24Number nine, The Holiday.
01:26Some of the best rom-coms take place during the Christmas season.
01:30This one always gets our hearts tingling and eyes watering,
01:34both from laughter and sentimentality.
01:37And who doesn't love a good swap?
01:39We switch houses, cars, everything.
01:42I haven't done it before, but friends of mine have.
01:45Where are you?
01:48Please say somewhere far away.
01:50When Iris and Amanda switch places over the holiday season,
01:53they leave their old lives and broken hearts behind.
01:56While L.A. business lady Amanda is in England, she falls for Graham,
02:00and London dweller Iris meets the fun-loving Miles.
02:08Such a great score by Vangelis.
02:10It's got an all-star cast and charming characters that make us believe in love again.
02:15The Holiday remains a perfect seasonal film for hopeless romantic viewers everywhere.
02:20I can't figure out the mathematics of this. I just know I love you.
02:25Can't believe how many times I'm saying it.
02:28Number eight, She's the Man.
02:30If you thought a love triangle was complicated,
02:33She's the Man presents us with something more like a love pentagon.
02:37Excuse me, doofus. Making out with my girlfriend.
02:43Oh, you're Sebastian's sister?
02:45When Viola isn't able to play soccer at her own school,
02:48she disguises herself as her brother Sebastian and tries out for the team at his.
02:53Along the way, she falls for her roommate, who has no idea about her real identity,
02:58while warding off the advances of other girls.
03:01On top of that, she has to deal with her brother's girlfriend, debutante prep, and soccer training.
03:07The Shakespearean adaptation is filled with chaotic and seriously laugh-inducing situations.
03:13I'm Viola. Duke, nice to meet you.
03:16Okay, that was creepy. You really just sounded like a girl just then.
03:19I used to imitate my sister all the time. I got really good at it.
03:22Amanda Bynes' performance has us laughing alongside her with every rewatch.
03:27Also, who doesn't love a young Channing Tatum?
03:30I think the best chance for us to be great here today is to have you play.
03:36Number seven, Mamma Mia.
03:38My, my, how could we resist this film?
03:41Stacked with a seriously star-studded cast and some of the most fun musical numbers
03:46to ever grace our screens, it's hard to deny the lasting impact of Mamma Mia.
03:51Mamma Mia, here I go again.
03:54My, my, how can I resist ya?
03:57Before a gorgeous island backdrop, Sophie prepares for her wedding
04:01while trying to figure out who her father is.
04:04Meanwhile, Donna is coping with her daughter growing up
04:07confronting the three men she hasn't seen in 20 years.
04:11We still can't help but sing along to every tune in the Abba Duke Box musical.
04:16Lay all your love on me
04:21We indulge in every picturesque moment and root for this unconventional family.
04:26And let's be real, a film with Meryl Streep at the helm could never go out of style.
04:31You are the dancing queen
04:34Young and sweet, only 17
04:41Number six, Serendipity.
04:43It's just such a nice sound for what it means, a fortunate accident.
04:47Except I don't really believe in accidents, I think fate's behind everything.
04:51For all of the lovelorn audience members out there who deeply believe in fate and destiny,
04:56this is the film for you.
04:58The premise is simple, but intriguing.
05:00Will these two find their way back to each other if it's truly meant to be?
05:04If that $5 bill makes its way back into my hands, I'll be able to call you.
05:08And when you hear my voice on the other end, then you'll believe in fate, won't you?
05:12Jonathan and Sarah seem to let the universe decide when it's time for them to be together,
05:17and it leaves all of us on the edge of our seats.
05:20Although we know a happy ending is inevitable in a flick like this,
05:24we still always love watching the magic unfold as they're brought back into each other's lives.
05:34Number five, 500 Days of Summer.
05:37They warn us right from the beginning that this is not a love story,
05:41yet we fall into the trap every time.
05:44This is a story of boy meets girl.
05:47But you should know up front, this is not a love story.
05:52Tom and Summer's story may be unconventional, and it's certainly told in an unconventional way.
05:58A hopeless romantic, Tom meets and falls for the practical, charming Summer.
06:02By the end, the two of them find their way apart.
06:08An eternal suffering.
06:09So much suffering.
06:10The kind of suffering that never ends.
06:14The audience gets to experience their story through non-linear scenes,
06:17jumping back and forth from their best and worst times.
06:21We see their perspectives on life and love change before our eyes.
06:25This is exactly what I'm talking about, what does that even mean?
06:29Do you know?
06:30Do you?
06:33This film might not have the traditional happy ending,
06:35but it has lessons we love relearning with every rewatch.
06:39Number four, 13 Going on 30.
06:42When we're 13, we can't wait to be an adult.
06:46And when we've hit 30, all we want to do is go back and be a teen again.
06:51So this new classic film will always be relatable.
06:56What in the world?
06:58Who are you?
07:00Who are you?
07:02When Jenna Rink wakes up to find she's 30 years old,
07:06working at her dream job and living glamorously in New York,
07:09everything seems perfect.
07:11But it's only when she looks at her life through the lens of a 13-year-old
07:15that she realises she's forgotten about the important things.
07:19I'm not a nice person.
07:21And the thing is, I'm not 13 anymore.
07:25We love watching her dynamic with Matti as teens and adults.
07:29And when they finally end up together with a full-size dollhouse,
07:33does it get any more feel-good than that?
07:38You're awesome, Mr. Foreman.
07:40Thank you, Mrs. Foreman.
07:41Number three, My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
07:44How am I supposed to know what's going on?
07:47It's all Greek to me.
07:50You really can't go wrong with a romantic comedy that involves a wedding,
07:54especially one as chaotic, hilarious, and heartfelt as this one.
07:59Tula falls in love with Ian.
08:01And when they decide to get married,
08:03Tula's large and opinionated family are along for the ride.
08:15My Big Fat Greek Wedding has stood the test of time
08:18due to the chemistry between the deeply in-love romantic leads.
08:22The sequels are almost as endearing as the original,
08:25but the first go-round remains the cream of the crop.
08:28Culture clashes and overbearing family members will probably always be relevant,
08:33so this movie is surely not going to be forgotten anytime soon.
08:37I love you.
08:41Why do you love me?
08:44Because I came alive when I met you.
08:46Number two, The Proposal.
08:48A movie that combines the power of Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds
08:52with a splash of Betty White is basically guaranteed to be laugh-out-loud funny.
08:57But The Proposal also gets us in the feels
09:00with an unconventional romance that we can't help but root for.
09:03Now, ask me nicely.
09:05Ask me nicely what?
09:07Ask me nicely to marry you, Margaret.
09:12What does that mean?
09:14Margaret and Andrew have an at-odds professional relationship
09:17that forms into a fake marriage which eventually grows into true love.
09:21The on-screen chemistry between Bullock and Reynolds stands out,
09:25as well as some great physical comedy.
09:27The film is full of memorable characters and iconic moments.
09:31We'll never stop falling in love with the both of them as they fall for each other.
09:36So, Margaret,
09:39marry me.
09:44Because I'd like to date you.
09:46Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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10:02Number one, Bridget Jones's Diary.
10:04The themes in this Helen Fielding novel-turned-movie are universal.
10:09Apparently, she lives just around the corner from you.
10:12Mother, I do not need a blind date.
10:14We can almost guarantee everyone can relate to at least some aspect
10:18of Bridget's hilariously tragic and hopeful life.
10:22Watching Bridget navigate her romantic life alongside a cast
10:25that includes Colin Firth and Hugh Grant is always a good pick-me-up.
10:29Bridget is forever the poster child for trying to find love without losing yourself.
10:34Apart from the smoking and the drinking and the vulgar mother
10:38and the verbal diarrhea.
10:40I love you very much, just as you are.
10:43In our moments of doubt, we've got Bridget Jones to make it all okay.
10:47It's a movie we can throw on any day of the week
10:50and it always holds up and makes us smile.
10:53You're staying here.
10:55So it would seem.
11:01What 2000s rom-com do you still have playing on repeat?
11:04Let us know in the comments.
11:06I just kind of hope that if he kisses me, my foot pops.
11:12Do you agree with our picks?
11:14Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo
11:16and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
