• 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (31st March 1998)
00:29You, er, got anything for Barry Evans, mate?
00:31Yeah, mate.
00:32Finally! I've been waiting for this.
00:34You are the bearer of good news.
00:36It's moments like this that make it all worthwhile, don't they?
00:42You all right?
00:44You seen my checkbook? I need to see the wholesalers later on.
00:47Er, it's on the side, isn't it?
00:51No. You moved it.
00:53I know why we don't want you to do that.
00:55And it's not here.
00:57You know I'm out this evening, don't you?
00:59You what?
01:00I'm out this evening.
01:01They've asked me to work late, some sort of parents' meeting.
01:04I told you about it.
01:05No, you didn't.
01:06I did.
01:07I just don't remember, Mark.
01:09I think I would have remembered something like that.
01:11You must have forgot. It's easy done.
01:13What do you mean by that?
01:17Don't say nothing like that.
01:18Look, I didn't mean anything by it, OK?
01:20Mark, let's just keep it down.
01:22Let's not fight.
01:24I'm not stupid, you know.
01:26I'm not stupid, you know.
01:27I didn't say you were.
01:31Then why are you treating me like this?
01:33Look, all I meant was, since you never seem to pay attention to me these days,
01:37I'd be very surprised if you remembered anything I said.
01:41I pay attention, all right.
01:43Oh, yeah, you've been right on the ball this last fortnight.
01:45Yeah, well, at least I'm trying to deal with everything with Jessie gone.
01:48Not like you. Surrounding yourself with kids that aren't yours.
01:51That's my job.
01:56There it is.
02:05Mrs C.
02:06Oh, I know.
02:07We did agree, no smoking.
02:09You know what Claire's like.
02:10I just felt like one.
02:11It's getting me nerves.
02:13Is anything the matter?
02:15Why, it's nothing.
02:20But there is something.
02:22You'll think I'm ridiculous.
02:23I doubt it.
02:24Come on, it's never as bad as you think it is.
02:26I think I'm being followed.
02:29Last two days.
02:30Are you sure?
02:31Course I ain't sure.
02:32It's a sort of feeling.
02:34A feeling?
02:35Kind of sixth sense.
02:36For instance, yesterday afternoon,
02:38when I got off the bus from Willacourt,
02:40I could swear there was someone behind me.
02:42It's hardly unusual, is it?
02:43But when I looked round, there was no-one there.
02:48But I knew they was there, watching me from the shadows.
02:51I ain't got no proof.
02:52I ain't got no proof.
02:53If I had, I could do something about it.
02:55But I know I'm right.
02:57But why would someone want to follow you?
02:59Well, who knows?
03:00Watching me.
03:01Where I go.
03:02You know.
03:04You read about it in the papers, all this stalking.
03:07I mean, it's very popular, isn't it?
03:10Yeah, but I don't think it's very likely, do you?
03:13I ain't making this up, Nigel.
03:16Listen, you've just been left a lot of money
03:18and you're worried that someone might try and take it.
03:20It's natural.
03:21Yeah, of course.
03:22Besides, you read the papers, watch the news.
03:25It'll make anyone nervous.
03:26You're on edge, that's all.
03:28You think so?
03:29I'm sure of it.
03:31No-one's following you, Mrs C.
03:33And no-one's trying to rob you.
03:35Now, put that fag out.
03:36If Claire comes in, you'll be in trouble.
03:45Hello, love.
03:46I just wanted to say thank you for last night.
03:49It really helped.
03:50We're part of the service.
03:51I mean it.
03:52I know.
03:53I also wanted to tell you, I saw Ros last night.
03:55We found Valicue.
03:57The bloke?
03:58Yeah, him.
03:59I only linked her to Cindy on what she did.
04:02But with no weapon, he's our only chance.
04:04If Ros can get him to give Cindy up,
04:05then we're home and dry, she'll never get custody.
04:07And will he?
04:08Ros is a very hard woman to say no to.
04:10Well, let's hope so.
04:11Mum, it's going to be OK.
04:12I'm going to win.
04:13Just watch.
04:16Tell you something that I've been thinking.
04:19I've got a job and everything.
04:20Maybe I need to do something about it.
04:21Oh, yeah?
04:22Well, why don't we go out later, eh?
04:23My treat.
04:24We'll go to the cinema and maybe grab a takeaway on the way home.
04:25What do you think?
04:26You know I can't.
04:27What do you mean?
04:28It's only one night.
04:29I know, but I've got to work.
04:30I've got costumes and that to finish
04:31for the play and the fashion show.
04:32I was looking forward to doing something later.
04:34Oh, I'm really sorry, honest.
04:35Look, it'll be all over soon.
04:36Then we can go out any old night.
04:37I don't believe this.
04:38Oh, don't be like that.
04:39I wanted to go out tonight.
04:40Well, how about a drink?
04:41We can do that, as long as we're not home too late.
04:43I suppose.
04:44What date in the vick it is, then, eh?
04:45Is that the best we can do?
04:46Don't come hotter.
04:51There you go.
04:52Thanks very much.
04:55Can I have a cup of tea and some toast, please?
04:57Everything all right?
04:58Shouldn't it be?
04:59Well, just asking.
05:00Your dad told me about Father McInerney.
05:04Oh, he did, didn't he?
05:05Well, he said it would have been his birthday this week.
05:07Yeah, it would.
05:08It's just that I thought you...
05:10Well, I know it could be a difficult time.
05:12I'm just concerned, that's all.
05:13Well, don't be.
05:14I'm fine.
05:15Well, I've told you before,
05:16you don't need to talk to someone.
05:17I told you, I'm fine.
05:19Well, you know I am.
05:22I'll see you.
05:28All right?
05:29Great, thanks.
05:30Well, what do you think?
05:32About what?
05:34Very nice.
05:35Pure new wool.
05:36Oh, yeah?
05:37Well, you have to push the belt hat down, yeah?
05:40It's not often a bloke gets a second chance at happiness.
05:42You tell me.
05:43Oh, come on, Si, don't be like that.
05:45First winning on the horses, then Irene,
05:47that's kismet, that is fate, you don't argue with that.
05:49Everything's looking up, you'll see.
05:51And what about Mum?
05:52What about her?
05:54Well, don't she get to see some of these winnings?
05:56Or is kismet only good for some people?
05:58And she would get my winnings because, listen,
06:01she left us when I was down.
06:03She just...
06:04Well, fine.
06:05Her choice.
06:06She didn't leave us, Dad.
06:07You drove her out.
06:08I mean, what was she meant to do, stick around forever,
06:10keep on pretending she'd been walking into doors?
06:12Don't get smart with me.
06:13You have no idea what was going on.
06:15I could hear her, couldn't I?
06:17I could see.
06:18You don't get it, do you?
06:19That woman walked out.
06:21Now there's some gravy again.
06:23Well, she's not going to get her looking.
06:25I've got money in my hands and it's mine.
06:27Is that understood?
06:30Well, when did I ever lie to you?
06:34Yeah, well, yeah, whatever's different.
06:38So what are you saying to me?
06:39You're saying you won't help me?
06:41Oh, yeah, sure, yeah, you can't.
06:43Yeah, me too.
06:46Head loss.
06:47Yeah, words full of them.
06:48Never mind, Dad, this should cheer you up.
06:53Three grand.
06:54Check from the building society came through this morning.
06:56Barry, you know I can't take this.
06:58Of course you can.
06:59We've been through this before.
07:00Yeah, and we agreed you'd take it, so there it is.
07:02You're going to need it.
07:03Don't worry about me.
07:04But yesterday...
07:05Yesterday was a mere blip.
07:07Yeah, well, I don't know about that.
07:08A mere wrinkle in the carpet.
07:10All right, so one or two people out there
07:11can't see my untapped potential, it's true.
07:13So what their loss?
07:15After what Pat said, I'm going to try even harder.
07:16I'm not going to take this lying down.
07:18You are OK.
07:19Don't I look OK?
07:22Well, if you're sure, Dad, the money's yours, take it.
07:25What's right is right.
07:27OK, thanks.
07:29I know it's not going to help much, but, you know...
07:32Yeah, I know.
07:35Onwards and upwards.
07:37Every cloud has a silver lining.
07:39Another day, another dollar.
07:45I didn't know it was a big secret.
07:47No, but it was private.
07:48You had no right to tell Kathy about Father McHenry.
07:51She was asking after you, that's all. She was worried.
07:53There's nothing to worry about.
07:54Are you mad?
07:55You've been impossible for over a week,
07:57and Kathy noticed it. It ain't that hard.
07:59I don't know what it is, but it's a nightmare to be around.
08:01I've got a few things on my mind, that's all.
08:03Alex, have you got a minute? I just wanted to ask you something.
08:05Not now, OK?
08:06I've got to go and get your receipt. I said not now!
08:08Can't you find someone of your own mates to talk to?
08:09Why do you always have to come to me?
08:11I'm sorry, I just thought...
08:13Never mind.
08:17Yeah, I'm telling you, it must have cost a fortune.
08:19Where did he look?
08:20Oh, like he'd slept in it.
08:21Well, he always did have a gift.
08:23I can't believe he's spending all this money.
08:25He owes Mum for years.
08:26I can't believe he's actually getting married.
08:28Well, he's only marrying Irene,
08:29because she's the first woman who said yes.
08:30And she's only marrying him for the money, which should be Mum's.
08:33Yeah, well, there's nothing we can do about it, is there?
08:35I suppose not.
08:36She walked out on us, too, you know.
08:38Oh, like she had a choice.
08:40I know. I know.
08:43So, you'll be moving in on Monday? That's brilliant.
08:45Yeah, spoke to the landlord and everything's cool.
08:47What's it like?
08:48The flat, it's OK.
08:50Speaking of where I am now, that's for sure.
08:51Plus, it's nice and close.
08:53So there's no excuses to be late for rehearsals anymore?
08:55Actually, that's no excuse for either of you to be late.
08:57What do you mean?
08:58Well, you and Lola.
09:00I assume you'll be spending more time together,
09:01and who knows, you might even move in.
09:04What's it to do with you?
09:05No, I was just saying that now you've got more room,
09:07maybe in the future there'll be the old shared breakfast.
09:10It's those old nesting instincts. You can't ignore them, mate.
09:13You're right that me and Lola are getting on OK.
09:16But for your information, I'm not about to ask her to move in.
09:18Oh, OK, fine. Sorry, I spoke.
09:20Didn't realise it was so touchy.
09:21It's not touchy. It's private.
09:24So if I do ask her, I'll do it without checking with you first.
09:27It'll be my request, her decision, and none of your damn business, OK?
09:33So, you made up your mind yet?
09:34Make it sound like I'm choosing a car.
09:36So you haven't, then?
09:38I don't know, maybe you were right.
09:40The idea of going out there, starting something new and exciting.
09:43I've been here a long time, you know.
09:45But on the other hand...
09:46I've been here a long time.
09:49Have you told Phil yet?
09:51Well, maybe you should. You never know. It might help.
09:53Well, what should I?
09:54Come on, Kev, you've got to talk to him.
09:56Well, talking to Phil isn't going to help.
09:57What would be the point?
09:59Well, it might make you feel a little less guilty for a start.
10:01Maybe. I don't know.
10:04He's changed, Grant. You must have seen that.
10:06God, it's been tough on him too, you know.
10:07No, it's more than that.
10:09I can't get through to him any more.
10:10It's like he's shut down, closed off.
10:13I talked to Peggy before I talked to Phil.
10:15No offence.
10:17Maybe if you told him what you were thinking about doing,
10:19it might wake him up.
10:21It's too late for that.
10:23A while back, maybe.
10:26But it's over, Grant.
10:27You know it is.
10:30Don't worry about it. It's probably just your imagination.
10:32What do you mean, my imagination? What's wrong with you?
10:34You think I'm going to do lally in my old age?
10:36A couple of pounds of spuds, please, ma'am.
10:39No one would call you mad-fooling. Lit highly strung at times.
10:41Mum reckoned she was followed from Dot's new place the other night.
10:44Really? Didn't actually see anyone, though, did you?
10:46No, it was more a sort of a...
10:50You see, Nigel understands.
10:52There must be some logical explanation.
10:54There is. Someone was watching the flat.
10:56No, some other explanation.
10:58I'd better go. I've got Ethel round for tea.
11:00She does love something at Dunk. See you.
11:03You see, Nigel didn't think it was my imagination.
11:06Give it a rest, will you, Mum?
11:08I'm sorry. It's all right. I'll see you later.
11:18All right? Yeah, I suppose.
11:21What's the matter?
11:22It's Ricky. He only wants to take me out tonight.
11:24He's all for going somewhere really nice,
11:25grabbing something to eat and home for an early night.
11:27Oh, that's terrible. I'll kick him out if I were you.
11:29No, you don't understand, Sia. I've got so much work to do.
11:32I've no idea if I get these costumes and dresses made.
11:34I can't afford to go out, not tonight.
11:36So what are you gonna do?
11:38I said I'd pop in the Vic later.
11:39Is he all right with that? Yeah, I think so.
11:41The trouble is, he just don't understand pressure.
11:43I mean, all he's got to do is bang a few nails in a bit of wood and bingo.
11:46A piece of scenery. But me?
11:48I'm creating. Do you know what I mean?
11:51Where can I get you?
11:53Can I have a cup of tea, please? Sure. Anything else?
11:56Actually, yeah. Have you got a minute?
11:58Well, not really. I'm on me own here.
12:00It's just... Never mind.
12:04No, it's OK. I'll take my tea. I'll go.
12:06Look, we can talk here if you want. It's pretty quiet.
12:09No, I can't.
12:10Well, we can sit over in the corner.
12:13No, it doesn't hurt. I'm not here.
12:15I'll see you later.
12:18Look, I'm sorry, mate. Do you mind?
12:19I just need to close up for a bit. All right?
12:31Look, we can go to my place, all right? It's quiet now.
12:38George, just a minute. What do you want?
12:40As you may know, I've recently just come onto the job market.
12:42You mean Roy's let you go?
12:43Mutual consent, George. I can't work for the old man the rest of my life.
12:46If you say so.
12:47There comes a time when someone has to step out of the shadows
12:49of the preceding generation. Am I right or am I right?
12:51Tell me there's a point to all this, please.
12:53Well, I was thinking that as I've got many years of experience with the business
12:55and the manual business in particular,
12:57maybe we could come to some mutually satisfactory arrangement.
13:00You mean you want a job?
13:02Well, it could work out really well for both of us.
13:04What do you think?
13:05You know what I think?
13:07I think you'd have asked a lot of people for a job before you finally asked me.
13:10I think in your list of preferences, I'm right at the bottom,
13:12which means you've been turned down by everyone else.
13:14That doesn't look good on the job application. I'll tell you that for free.
13:17I would have come to you first, George, but, you know, you and Dad.
13:19Even if I was first in your list, it wouldn't make any difference.
13:22I wouldn't hire you now because I think you're incompetent
13:24and you're careless and you're more interested in blowing the money
13:26than you are in earning it. Sorry.
13:30When I first came to the square,
13:31I saw a group of people who seemed like anyone else.
13:34Nothing special. They went to work. They worried about money.
13:37They had big hopes. They told lies to themselves to each other.
13:41Fell in love.
13:43Everyday stuff.
13:50But right at the centre, at the heart of things,
13:53I could see something was missing.
13:55I could see they had a God-shaped hole in their lives
13:57and I wanted to do something about it.
14:01And now?
14:03Now, I'm not so sure.
14:06Maybe it's this business with the hostel.
14:09Maybe some of what Dad's been saying is getting through.
14:12Maybe it's...
14:15Maybe it's a lot of things.
14:19Wait for the reason, I feel like a fraud.
14:23I don't understand.
14:25Are you saying you don't believe any more?
14:27It's not that.
14:29My faith is as strong as ever.
14:31This isn't...
14:35I've made a difference around here, but it isn't spiritual.
14:38The hole's still there.
14:43What I've done has got nothing to do with faith or belief.
14:47Don't get me wrong, I'm not playing down what I've achieved,
14:49but the hostel, the shelter, they're all practical, concrete.
14:53Anybody could have done it.
14:55So what's the point?
14:57What am I doing here?
15:03What are you doing here? I've come to see my kids.
15:05I don't care what you say, Ian. You can't deny me access.
15:07You can't just turn up unannounced.
15:09Look, I've heard all your arguments. You can just stick them, all right?
15:11I'm not interested.
15:13Go on. What?
15:15It's OK. You don't mind?
15:17Kids will be pleased to see you.
15:19What are you up to?
15:22I'm just thinking, do you want to see your kids or not?
15:28Don't get me wrong.
15:30There are still things I think I can achieve.
15:32Things that Ray taught me that I can put into practice.
15:35Of course there are.
15:37Look, a year ago, Sarah was in real trouble.
15:39If it wasn't for you, I don't know what would have happened to her.
15:42There was no-one she could talk to, certainly not her dad.
15:45And you saved her. Don't you see that?
15:47I wouldn't put it like that.
15:49Well, I would.
15:52Whatever I did with Sarah, I can still do.
15:54I don't have to be in a church to do it.
15:56I could do just the same if I was a social worker.
15:58I'm sorry, but that's nonsense.
16:00Is it? I help with the homeless, I work in the community.
16:03I don't have to be in a church to do it.
16:05Come on, look, if you weren't,
16:07Sarah would never have gone to you in the first place.
16:09She needed your time, your understanding.
16:12If you'd have been a social worker,
16:14you would have seen to it that Sarah had a roof over her head,
16:16and you'd have made sure she was fed and warm,
16:18and then you would have moved on.
16:20You should have had to.
16:23But you made time. You listened.
16:25Well, I can do that anyway.
16:27What do I need the collar for?
16:29Because you're good.
16:31You talk about a hole in people's lives.
16:33Well, you saw what Sarah needed and you made her complete again.
16:37No-one else can do that.
16:39No-one else has, I don't know, the authority.
16:42Is that what this is?
16:44Some kind of passport that allows me to visit?
16:47To advise on those places that are off-limits to everyone else?
16:50If you like.
16:52It's not enough. It's plenty.
16:54Not for me.
16:56The price is too high.
16:58Because if I can't get beyond this...
17:01I'm not with you.
17:03I don't think I can be happy
17:05when I'm still wearing a dog collar.
17:09It gets in the way.
17:11It's all people see.
17:13It's all you see. Alex.
17:15It's true, though, isn't it?
17:17We've been over this.
17:19I am. That's the problem, isn't it?
17:21Not who I am.
17:23I put this dog collar on, I'm bound by a set of rules.
17:27I suppose, in a way, it's the same for both of us.
17:32So what if I didn't?
17:34Come on, Alex, don't do this.
17:36I don't mean it.
17:38If I stopped, would you feel differently?
17:40I want to be with you, don't you see?
17:43You shouldn't make me...
17:45Stop it, Alex.
17:47I'm sorry.
17:49Deal with this right now, please.
17:51I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come here.
17:54I'll see you.
18:01Oh, Simon.
18:03I'm sorry about earlier on. You know me, always had a big mouth.
18:06Right. Let's just forget it, shall we?
18:08Yeah, sure. So what are you having?
18:10Oh, I'm all right, thanks. Oh, come on, it's not every day I buy you a drink.
18:13No, I'm fine, really.
18:16Killing you with kindness again, is he?
18:18I think I preferred it when he was on the scrounge.
18:20At least you're still where you used to be.
18:22Get a pint, please, Tiff.
18:24Tiff was just saying that it's your mum you feel sorry for.
18:26Well, she did, did she?
18:28I'd feel the same if I was you.
18:30I mean, I know I should be pleased that my mum would be OK now, but...
18:32Well, something's not right, is it?
18:35Yeah, well, mine went through hell.
18:37Looking back, I don't know how she lasted as long as she did.
18:39I think it decluttered me and Tiff much more if it hadn't been for her.
18:41She kind of drew his fire, ain't that right?
18:43So she got tired of being used for his punch bag, yeah.
18:45I remember Dad would lose it sometimes.
18:47Always at other people, hardly ever at me and Sarah.
18:49I mean, it was about this time last year that Robbie and Sarah, you know,
18:51in his own way, Dad thought he was doing the right thing.
18:53Raising us on his own wasn't easy.
18:55I think he was wrong, but he wasn't bad.
18:57Yeah, well, Dad was a mean drunk.
18:59And it was Mum that saw the worst of it.
19:01I wonder what she'd make of him now.
19:05I'm sure this bloke looks at me.
19:07He says to me, he says,
19:09I thought you were going to do the body work in blue.
19:11What did you do?
19:13I said to him, I said, why don't you take that heap of junk out of here
19:15and make someone else's life a misery?
19:17You didn't.
19:19Well, that's pretty stupid, wasn't it? Were you tired of earning a living or something?
19:21No, cos I didn't say that.
19:23I was just seeing if you were paying attention.
19:25Oh, nice, Ricky. What is this, some sort of a test?
19:28I'm really glad we've come out now, you know that?
19:30Well, unless you're blind, you'll know I've got one or two things on my mind just now.
19:32Are you joking? No-one's that blind.
19:34You can't even move at home without bumping into dresses
19:36or shoes or pieces of thread that look like that.
19:38Or shoes or pieces of thread that are stuck to everything.
19:40It's like living in a warehouse.
19:42Oh, and you've never worked late.
19:44Or left stinking overalls all over the place and trowels of oil all over the carpet.
19:46That's different. No, it ain't.
19:48I have to put up with the mess and the smell all the time.
19:50I'd like to look in my bathroom cabinet sometimes
19:52and see normal things like moisturiser and toothpaste
19:54instead of tuppence of Swarfega.
19:56What do you want me to do, wear gloves? That's my work.
19:58Yeah, well, the dresses are my work.
20:00Do you have any idea what sort of pressure I'm under?
20:02I've got to come up with 34 costumes, never mind the dresses for the fashion show,
20:04and I'm behind, and all I can think about is the curtain going up
20:07and no-one having nothing to wear, and it's all my fault.
20:09Look, we're talking about this later, shall we?
20:11Doing these designs, you know, showing people what I'm made of.
20:13You know, it's the biggest thing I've ever done.
20:15So don't tell me that you don't like a few dresses being left out
20:17and the fact that I ain't got time to listen to your stories
20:19because I don't want to hear it, all right?
20:23I don't know what you two are looking at. You're just as bad.
20:25What do we do? You don't have to do anything.
20:31Oh, so it's just me and you, then?
20:33You are on your way to where, exactly?
20:37You said you were just passing, so where were you going?
20:39You don't need to check up on me, Mum.
20:41Don't I?
20:43Everything's fine.
20:45Look at me and tell me that again.
20:52What's wrong? It can't be money.
20:54No, the store's doing fine.
20:56And you? You're all right. I mean...
20:58Yes, Mum, I'm perfectly fine. Everything's working still.
21:00And Ruth?
21:02I knew there was something wrong.
21:04Yesterday, all that business with the alarm clock.
21:08Well, after what you've all been through,
21:10I'm not surprised you've got troubles.
21:12It's just at the moment we can't seem to do anything right.
21:15Ever since Jessie left, all we do is wind each other up.
21:18We don't even have to do anything.
21:20We irritate like other people breathe.
21:22But you just have to try.
21:24I mean, do you not think me and your dad didn't have our moments?
21:27I mean, it's just...
21:29Do you not think me and your dad didn't have our moments?
21:33Look, do you want me to speak to Ruth?
21:40Thanks, but I'd rather you didn't.
21:42You know, get in the middle.
21:45If you say so.
21:53I just wanted to say about earlier, I'm sorry.
21:56I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. It was wrong.
21:59There's a lot going on at the moment.
22:01I just didn't have the time like then, that's all.
22:03Do you see?
22:05Yeah, I see.
22:07So are we OK?
22:09I suppose so.
22:11You know...
22:13I always thought I knew you, but lately...
22:15you're a stranger.
22:17I don't know you at all.
22:23You know, I make all these plans, right, to take her out,
22:25because I've noticed her arches working, you know,
22:27cos I pay attention.
22:29And she says, no, I can't, so we end up in here.
22:31That's not honest.
22:33And I make one tiny comment about how messy the flat is,
22:35and she goes ballistic.
22:37You know, don't get me wrong, I'm all for her doing well and that.
22:39Well, it goes without saying.
22:41But there are limits, isn't there? Yeah, quite.
22:43You know, I may be reasonable, but there are limits.
22:45Yeah, and she reached them. Reached them?
22:47Crossed them and out the other side.
22:49I mean, she had a pop-up used to. What was all that about?
22:51You know, she's, like, somewhere else.
22:53She's, like, living in a twilight zone.
22:55I mean, I've heard from herself, kind of.
22:57I can't talk to her. I've got to talk to her.
22:59Then something needs to be done, doesn't it?
23:01Something that she can't ignore.
23:04Hey, hey, come on, I'll get these.
23:06Oh, cheers.
23:08So? Oh, much better, Dad, yeah, much better.
23:10Ah, that's good.
23:12Like I said, Dad, everything's going to be just fine.
23:14So who did you go and see?
23:18About work, who did you see? All sorts of people.
23:20Oh, well, maybe I could put in a word.
23:22Oh, thanks, but there was no-one you'd have known.
23:24You'd be surprised. Try me.
23:26No, no, really, Dad, I went to see people out in Ealing.
23:28You know, miles away, totally different manner.
23:30Yeah, well, it's just a thought.
23:32Fingers crossed, yeah? Yeah.
23:34Hey, the question now is when.
23:36Tomorrow. It's April Fool's Day.
23:38Oh, perfect. All right.
23:40Don't you think we should...? Oh, come on, Ricky.
23:42All we want to do is teach Bianca a little lesson.
23:44I mean, this way it's painless and it'll be a bit of a laugh.
23:46And it's April Fool's.
23:48Yeah, and it's harmless. I mean, what can go wrong?
23:50Nothing is the answer, and you'll be all in the clear.
23:53Life can return to normal.
23:55And you can kiss goodbye to those clothes once and for all.
24:00Right, then. Tomorrow it is.
24:36Who's there?
24:39I know you're there!
24:42Come out!
24:59Ah, look. It's the telly tubby.
25:02Leave her alone.
25:04Beg your pardon?
25:06You've been following her, haven't you? Spying on her?
25:08Sort of, I have. She's my mother.
25:10And she's my friend. She doesn't want to see you.
25:12Get lost.
25:14I said leave her alone.
25:16I won't have you ruining her life again.
25:18Oh, tough guy, eh? Not really.
25:20You're pathetic.
25:23Put one foot in that house, I'll call the police.
25:27You're still on the run, remember?
25:29You wouldn't dare.
25:31Try me.
25:33Grass me up, would you?
25:35For her, yeah. Your mum means the world to me.
25:39Your decision, Nick.
25:41Disappear now, leave her alone, and I'll forget I ever saw you here.
25:43Go in at that house.
25:45And you'll be in a cell for breakfast.
25:49I swear it, Nick.
25:52I'll be back. Don't worry.
25:54And when I am,
25:56look out for me, my friend.
25:59Just look out.
26:05I got round the cafe early, but it was closed.
26:07Yeah, there's somewhere outside to be, just for a couple of hours.
26:09Everything all right?
26:11Yeah, just some stuff I had to deal with, that's all.
26:13Anything I can do to help?
26:15No, Ian, this is definitely something I just thought out on my own.
26:18Well, if you're sure.
26:20I called in because I wanted to talk to you about something.
26:22About an idea, and...
26:24But as you weren't there, I went ahead and did it anyway.
26:26Oh, right. What?
26:28It's because of stuff you said yesterday.
26:30About how things have been with you and Phil,
26:32and about the offer to headmajor.
26:34I told you, love, there's a lot to keep me here.
26:36Yeah, maybe, but it's a great opportunity, Mum,
26:38and they don't come around that often.
26:40Sometimes you have to jump at it.
26:42Yeah, well, I've never been very good at that, have I?
26:44And sometimes you need a friendly push.
26:46Which is why I got you these.
26:48What's this? Open it.
26:52Cape Town, one way. Flying Good Friday. Happy Easter, Mum.
26:54I can't accept this.
26:57Listen to me.
26:59I know you're worried about me and the kids and what might happen.
27:01And don't think I'm not grateful for that,
27:03but you also have to live your life for yourself now and again.
27:05And what about you?
27:07I'll cope.
27:09In a couple of days, the court will have made its decision
27:11and it'll all be over.
27:13And even if Cindy wins, Mum, I'll be OK.
27:15Now, take those tickets.
27:17You've earned it.
27:19I'll cope.