مسلسل حكاية ليلة الحلقة 7 السابعة مترجمة القسم 1 HD

  • 6 hours ago
مسلسل حكاية ليلة الحلقة 7 السابعة مترجمة القسم 1 HD


00:00:00Dizi Keyfi başlıyor
00:00:30Dizi Keyfi başlıyor
00:01:00Çoktan her şey
00:01:05Sussun dünya sussun
00:01:10Sadece ikimiz kalalım
00:01:14Ak buradayım ben hep yanındayım
00:01:30Hanımım gelenin var
00:01:42Görmez dediydim ama
00:01:44Denizli'den bir kadın gelmiş
00:02:00Dizi Keyfi başlıyor
00:02:20Dizi Keyfi başlıyor
00:02:30Denizli'den gelmiş
00:02:33Öyle mi?
00:02:34Oğlunla alakalı bildiğim bir şey var o vakit
00:02:44Kürşat, kilimcinin anasıyım ben
00:02:57Sen hangi yüzle kapıma gelirsin ha?
00:03:04Benim dağ gibi oğlumu toprağa koyup
00:03:08Hanemize düşen ateşi görmeye mi geldin?
00:03:12Oğlumun günahı hiçbir şeyle ödenmez
00:03:17Sana karşı boynum eğik
00:03:21Duydum ki
00:03:24Oğlumun hesabı kesilmiş
00:03:26Onu vuracakmışsınız
00:03:35Oğlumun bebesi oldu
00:03:37Anası onu doğururken öldü
00:03:40Kızı hem öksüz hem yetim doğurma
00:03:51Kansa kan
00:03:55Oğlumun günahını ödemeye geldim
00:04:00Beni vur
00:04:1338 gün oldu
00:04:18Benim ocağım söndü
00:04:21Benim giyim yandı
00:04:44Öyle kolay mı sandın ha?
00:04:48Allah'tan dilerim ki
00:04:50Sen de oğlundaki yüzü görmeyesin
00:04:56Oğlunun ciğeri de evladından yansın
00:05:00Ahım sizi de
00:05:03O sabiyi de bulacak
00:05:06Bir gün kadına geleceksiniz
00:05:08Perpülşah bir çay
00:05:11Boynunuz eğik
00:05:13Benden aman dileyeceksiniz
00:05:15Helallik isteyeceksiniz
00:05:17Kanım üzerine yemin olsun ki
00:05:19O gün sizi affetmeyeceğim
00:05:25Rahman'a havale et
00:05:28Demek kapıma geldin ha?
00:05:32Torunum için geldim
00:05:38O kız
00:05:40Katilin kızı
00:05:48Sakin ol
00:05:49Ben açıklayacağım sana her şeyi
00:05:51Hangi haklı?
00:05:55Hangi haklı?
00:05:57Bu kızı evime sokarsın ha?
00:06:10Bana yalan söylediniz ha?
00:06:24Benimle oyun oynadınız
00:06:32Arabalara binin
00:06:36Bin bin
00:06:45Bunca zamandır katilin kızı benim hanemde
00:06:49Benim çatımın altında kaldı
00:06:51Benim içtiğim sudan içti
00:06:54Yediğim yemekten yedi
00:06:57Döşeğimizde yattı
00:07:03Ben öleyim
00:07:05Ben öleyim Bahir
00:07:09Sakin olur musun?
00:07:11Babaanne bakar mısın? Dinler misin beni?
00:07:15Baba dur
00:07:19Kaçıyor musun lan şerefsiz ha?
00:07:21Yapma baba
00:07:25Ben hiçbir şeyden kaçmam
00:07:27Lafını bil de konuş
00:07:29Haysiyetimi ayaklar altına aldınız
00:07:31Senin ömrün buraya kadarmış oğlum
00:07:33Kim bu kaldan kızım kim?
00:07:35Yetti galiba adam
00:07:43Dede ne oluyor?
00:07:51Yardım edin
00:07:57Ambulans Bahir
00:08:01Bana bak yüzüme bak
00:08:03Ne kadar adamın var Sara hepsini topla
00:08:05Kaç kişi gerek efendim?
00:08:09O Asaf'ın köşkünün önüne
00:08:11O Asaf'ın köşkünün önüne
00:08:13Ne kadar adamın varsa
00:08:15Hepsini ya
00:08:17Duydun mu beni?
00:08:19Peki efendim
00:08:23Ana sen bizimle gel sen de siz burada kalın
00:08:27Sen kalabilirsin gitmem gerekiyor
00:08:29Burada beni bekle tamam mı? Lütfen
00:08:31Görmüyor musun dedemin halini? Lütfen yapma böyle
00:08:33Anne birbirinden ayrılmak yok tamam mı?
00:08:35Geri geleceğim beni bekleyin
00:08:37Tamam canım
00:08:51Yetişkin erkek
00:08:53Taşı kaldı bilinç yok
00:08:55Dokuz on sekiz
00:08:57Baba iyi olacaksın
00:08:59İyi olacaksın merak etme biz buradayız baba
00:09:01Doktor babamı kurtar
00:09:03Doktor babamı kurtar
00:09:13Mutlu musun oğlum?
00:09:15Bu olanların hepsini sorumlusun sen sıkıntı yok şimdi
00:09:17Herman bugün de üzerime gelmedi canım burnuna zaten
00:09:19Ne gülü değil oğlum yalan mı söylüyorum?
00:09:21Gittiniz amruna yalvardınız
00:09:23Tek kurtarıcımız sensin diye
00:09:25Para parça etti bizi görüyor musun ana?
00:09:27Herman benim canımdan can gidiyor
00:09:29Kapat çeneni
00:09:31Benim gitmiyorum ana
00:09:33Afet hanım
00:09:35Apar topar gittiniz bizi orada öyle bıraktınız ya
00:09:37Asaf beyin halini görmüyor musun Camira?
00:09:39Görüyorum görmesine de bizim iş yarım kaldı
00:09:41Bana bak bana sus
00:09:43Sen alay mı geçiyorsun bizde be?
00:09:45Hala yarım kaldı işi ne utanmaz adamsın sen ya
00:09:47Sen sus sen karışma
00:09:49Karışırım bu benim şahsi meselem
00:09:51Beni hilenin nikah masasına oturttun sen
00:09:53Ya siz kimsiniz benim hayatımın üzerine at koşturacaksınız ya
00:09:55Kimsiniz siz?
00:09:57Haroğlu aşiretiyiz bunu böyle bilen
00:09:59Ya ne aşireti be adam
00:10:01Bizde Yılmaz aşiretiyiz oldu mu?
00:10:05Oğlum bana bak
00:10:07Sen bana bak
00:10:09Karşında Yılmaz aşiretinin tek torunu değil
00:10:11Türk devletinin komiseri duruyor
00:10:13O benim yakama yapışan elini para parça ederim senin duydun mu beni?
00:10:15Kendine gel
00:10:17Sakin ol Mahir
00:10:19Mahir dur
00:10:21Ya dedem orada senin yüzünden canıyla cebelleşiyor be
00:10:23O adama eğer bir şey olursa sen benim gerçek yüzümü o zaman göreceksin
00:10:25Ulan sen
00:10:27Ne yapacaksın lan
00:10:31Vur hadi
00:10:35Gözümü kırparsam şerefsizim vur hadi
00:10:37Mahir ne yapıyorsun oğlum
00:10:45Bu iş böyle bitmedi
00:11:01Sen de manyak çıktın ha
00:11:09Böyle bir oyun oynamamalıydım
00:11:13Mahir'i buna zorlamasaydık böyle şeyler olmayacaktı
00:11:15Belki de baba
00:11:17Allah Allah ya ne yapacaktım kızım
00:11:19Başka çarem mi vardı?
00:11:21Gidelim dedim kaçalım dedim olmadı
00:11:23Tek kurtuluşumuz buydu
00:11:27Ne haldeyiz baba Asaf iyi mi?
00:11:29Yaşayacak ömrü varsa yaşayacak
00:11:33Peki biz ne yapacağız?
00:11:37Asaf'ın iyileşmesini bekleyeceğim
00:11:45Kimse bir şey demiyor ya
00:11:47Kapı duvar
00:11:49Ya siz ne bilgi veriyorsunuz ne bir şey alo
00:11:51Size diyorum size
00:11:53Bağırma kendine gelir misin hastanedeyiz ya sakin ol
00:11:55Bak oğlum sana bir daha söylüyorum babama bir şey olursa kendine kaçacak delikanlı
00:11:57Bana bak
00:11:59Siz şu anda suçlayacak birini arıyorsunuz
00:12:01Gidin kendin suçlayın tamam mı?
00:12:03Aileyiz diyorsunuz bana arkamdan iş çeviriyorsunuz ya
00:12:05Tuzak kurdunuz bana resmen
00:12:07Ya katakulliyle
00:12:09Nikah masasında oturtmak mı kaldı hangi devirde yaşıyoruz
00:12:15Biz seni tuzağa düşürdük
00:12:21Babanın katilinin kızını
00:12:23Evimize soktun
00:12:29Abimin katilinin kızı
00:12:31Canfeza mı?
00:12:33Sana diyorum sana alo
00:12:35Evet Canfeza
00:12:37Canfeza Kürşat Kirmiş'in kızı tamam mı?
00:12:39Öğrendin rahatladın mı?
00:12:41Ne diyorsun oğlum sen bunu bile bile kızı bizim evin içine mi soktun?
00:12:43Gözümüzün içine baka baka
00:12:45Aynı sofraya oturttun bizi
00:12:47Siz beni zorla getirdiniz buraya
00:12:49Ben kendim gelmedim
00:12:51Hastanemi hastaneden kaçıran siz değil misiniz?
00:12:53O kız gidecek
00:12:55Gitsin gitsin babaanne
00:12:57Ama bende onunla birlikte giderim
00:12:59Kabul ediyor musun?
00:13:01Sende hiç mi vicdan kalmadı torunum?
00:13:09Onlar senin babanı
00:13:11Babanı çaldı
00:13:13Ananın aklını çaldı
00:13:15Seni yetim kutular
00:13:21Komiser olduğunda
00:13:23Hani gözlerin bizi aramıştı ha
00:13:27Öyle diyordun
00:13:31O günlerde baban neredeydi?
00:13:33Neredeydi söyle
00:13:37Benim yiğidim
00:13:39Kara toprağın altındaydı
00:13:45O kız ve ailesi yüzünden
00:13:49Sen bir de o kızla evleneceksin
00:13:53Onunla aynı yatağa yatacaksın
00:13:57Onu baş tacı edeceksin
00:14:05Babanı hatırlamadan
00:14:31Afet kadının ahı geldi buldu bizi
00:14:33Bu evde bizim yerimiz yoktur kuzum
00:14:35Anlamıyor musun sen?
00:14:37Kalk gidelim diyorum Canfezan
00:14:39Niye ayak diretiyorsun?
00:14:41Nene böyle gidemem
00:14:43Mahir kızar bana
00:14:45Bu evde şu Allah'ın suyu bile haram bize kuzum
00:14:47Niye anlamıyorsun sen?
00:14:49Kalk gidelim diyorum Canfezan
00:14:51Yorma benim yüreğimi yavrum
00:14:53Nene tabiki burada kalmayacağız
00:14:55Ama benim önce Mahirle konuşmam lazım
00:14:57Böyle bir anda çekip gidemem
00:14:59Giderken bir an önce
00:15:01Bir anda çekip gidemem
00:15:03Giderken beni bekle dedi
00:15:05Önce bir gelsin ya da bir arasın
00:15:07Önce konuşayım olur mu?
00:15:11Hem sen de gördün Süreyya hanım da salmıyor beni
00:15:15Gülüm bak biz buraya geldiğimizde Mahir evleniyordu
00:15:17Biliyorsun değil mi?
00:15:19Ya biz seni almaya geldiydik sen de çıkıp bizimle gelecektin zaten
00:15:21Ya kadın bizi aradı aradı
00:15:23Çağırdı dedi ki torunum evleniyor
00:15:25Gelin kızınızı alın dedi
00:15:27Mahir sadece nişanlanacaklarını zannediyordu
00:15:29Oyun kurdular ama
00:15:31Nasıl laf öyle şey mi olur ya?
00:15:35Eğer Mahir yalandan o kıza nişanlanmasaydı
00:15:37Mahir vuracaklardı
00:15:39O zaman kazanmak için nişanlanalım dedi
00:15:41O sırada kızı kaçıracaktı ama işte oyun etmişler
00:15:43Nikah kurmuşlar nişan yerine
00:15:45Mahir gelecek
00:15:47Önce onunla konuşacağım
00:15:55Valla migrenim tutacak ha
00:15:59Kim arıyor?
00:16:03Alo Ferman
00:16:05Baba nasıl?
00:16:07Daha durumu belli değil bekliyoruz işte
00:16:09Daha durumu belli değil bekliyorlar
00:16:11Bana bak sana bir son dakika haberi vereceğim
00:16:13Ne diyorsun ne son dakika falan
00:16:15O kartal yuvasını verip de
00:16:17Başımıza çıkarttıkları Mahir var ya
00:16:19Bize öyle bir kazık atmış ki Sevde
00:16:21Ne kazığı?
00:16:23Eve getirdiği kız var ya
00:16:25Canfeza mı?
00:16:27Canfeza Canfeza
00:16:29Yılan gibi girmiş evin içine
00:16:31Sevde kilimcilerin kızıymış
00:16:33Ne dedin ne dedin?
00:16:35Ya sağır mısın beni duymuyor musun kızım?
00:16:37Kürşat kilimcinin kızıymış diyorum
00:16:39Kilimcilerin kızı mı?
00:16:45Sevde dur
00:16:53Sevde sakın saçma sapan bir şey yapma
00:16:57Ne konuşuyorlar bunlar bu kadar acaba ya
00:16:59Ne bileyim
00:17:01Süreyya hanım bunları oturttu buraya
00:17:03Geliyorum dedi gitti ne gelen var ne giden
00:17:05Anam onda akıl mı var?
00:17:07Söylediği an unutmuştur
00:17:09Doğru diyorsun abla da
00:17:11Bunlarda bir olay var
00:17:13Ben size diyeyim
00:17:15Hemen de röntgeni çekiyorsun he zehir gibisin
00:17:17Kız Büyük hanımın kadını görünce
00:17:19Beti benzi attı
00:17:21Büyük hanımın kadını görünce
00:17:23Beti benzi attı
00:17:25Büyük hanımın kadını görünce Beti benzi attı
00:17:27Bir şeyler konuştular aralarında da ben duymadım
00:17:29Ondan diyorum size bir şey var
00:17:31Dur Sevde
00:17:35Kalkma diyorum
00:17:37Sevde dur
00:17:39Nerede onlar he
00:17:47Şimdi size gününüzü göstereceğim
00:17:53Ne oluyor kızlar
00:17:59Akrep seni
00:18:01Akrep seni
00:18:03Koynumuza akrep sokmuşuz da haberimiz yok
00:18:09Ne yapıyorsun
00:18:11Seni yolarım ben
00:18:13Seni yolarım
00:18:15Seni yolarım ben
00:18:17Seni yolarım ben
00:18:21Bırak Sevde
00:18:23Ne yapıyorsun
00:18:27Siz hiç mi utanmanız yok
00:18:29Siz utanmadan
00:18:31Nasıl bu eve geldiniz
00:18:35Kadın lafını bil
00:18:37Lafını bil diyene bak
00:18:39Sen bile bile
00:18:41Torununu soktun değil mi buraya
00:18:43Yaşından başından da utanmadın
00:18:45Cahilsin diyeceğim ama
00:18:47Burada değil şeref yoksunlar
00:18:53Defolup gideceksiniz buradan
00:18:55Ne gitmesi
00:18:57Allah Allah
00:18:59Susturun şunu
00:19:01Sen bir çekil şuradan
00:19:05Nasıl bir ailesiniz
00:19:07Nasıl bir ailesiniz
00:19:09Dur Sevde
00:19:11Ne duracağım
00:19:13Sana demesi hoş
00:19:15Yıllar önce
00:19:17Canını bunlar yüzünden
00:19:19Toprağı sen vermedin
00:19:21Yanan can senin olmayınca
00:19:23Alttan alttan konuş
00:19:25Senin kocan ferman yalnız
00:19:27Unuttun herhalde Sevde
00:19:31Defolup gideceksiniz bu evden
00:19:33Kilimcilere bu evde yer yok
00:19:37Konuşacağım sadece bırak
00:19:43Hepiniz bu evden gideceksiniz
00:19:45Sen git katil babanın yanına git
00:19:47Duydun mu
00:19:51Ayıp oluyor mu öyle katil matil
00:19:53Bir dakika içinde
00:19:55Bu evden gitmezseniz
00:19:57Elimden bir kaza çıkacak
00:19:59Bu evde Kürşat
00:20:01Kilimcinin kızına yer yok
00:20:25Gidelim kızım
00:20:31Canfeza gitme
00:20:37Terbiyesizler sizi
00:20:39Size terbiyesizler sizi
00:20:41I can't, Leyla.
00:21:11This is the last time I'll see you here, you bastard.
00:21:31What have you done? Mahir is going to be so mad at us.
00:21:34What have you done?
00:21:36Are you a woman, huh? Don't you understand?
00:21:39This girl's father is a murderer.
00:21:42Your husband's murderer.
00:21:45God damn it.
00:22:04We were going to go when you said let's go.
00:22:14I'm sorry, it's my fault.
00:22:16I was going to beat this witch woman up.
00:22:19And she's shaving her hair.
00:22:21Look at you.
00:22:23Let's get out of here.
00:22:25Let's find a car first.
00:22:34Let's go.
00:23:04Yes, sir.
00:23:06Yes, sir.
00:23:08Who are you looking for?
00:23:10Come to the wedding.
00:23:15Your husband is here.
00:23:18Is this how you welcome him?
00:23:34How are we going to bring Mahir to this house now?
00:23:59What should we have done?
00:24:00What should we have done?
00:24:02Should we not have fired him?
00:24:04Should we have let him sleep here?
00:24:06I don't understand.
00:24:08Why did they come to this house?
00:24:10Is this how it works?
00:24:20What are you looking for, Sureyya?
00:24:22My phone.
00:24:24I'm going to call Mahir and tell him everything.
00:24:27I'm going to lose my mind.
00:24:28This woman is stupid.
00:24:31I heard this, you're really rude.
00:24:33You're really rude.
00:24:35Something's going on downstairs.
00:24:37Something's going on downstairs. What's going on downstairs?
00:24:39What's going on downstairs?
00:24:47Ladies, good evening.
00:24:50That's it, that's it.
00:24:58Sit down.
00:25:00I told you to sit down.
00:25:17It's like a casino.
00:25:21But what can we do?
00:25:24There's no man in your house.
00:25:28There's no man in your house.
00:25:32That's why you're with Mahir, isn't it?
00:25:37I'm sorry, sir.
00:25:39Who are you?
00:25:44Selim Allame.
00:25:46They call me Selim from Adana.
00:25:49I'm Can Feza's fiance.
00:25:52You know, the girl that Mahir stole from me.
00:25:55Do you remember?
00:25:56But Can Feza is not here.
00:25:59He's gone.
00:26:01Is that so?
00:26:13They're going to search the mansion.
00:26:16We'll see in a minute if he's here or not.
00:26:19He's gone.
00:26:22We missed the wedding, too.
00:26:25It's canceled.
00:26:27There's no wedding.
00:26:29It's canceled. Come on.
00:26:31I think we should go slowly.
00:26:33You can't believe a word of this scoundrel.
00:26:36What does my wife have to do with my mother?
00:26:40Your wife was going to give me Can Feza tonight.
00:26:48She promised me.
00:26:49She made a promise.
00:26:51But what did she do?
00:26:53She didn't keep her promise.
00:26:55That's why I'm here.
00:26:57To get what's mine.
00:27:02Mr. Selim.
00:27:04The girl is not here. Mahir is not here, either.
00:27:07We said we'd replace her.
00:27:12Tell that Ahmet.
00:27:15Tell him what's going on here tonight.
00:27:19No one can play games with Selim.
00:27:22No one will pay for what they did.
00:27:43I apologize to all of you for what I made you experience tonight.
00:27:45I wish you all the best.
00:27:47I wish you all the best.
00:27:49I wish you all the best.
00:27:51I wish you all the best.
00:27:53I wish you all the best.
00:27:55I wish you all the best.
00:28:04Good evening.
00:28:11What do you mean, son?
00:28:13I'm going to drown myself.
00:28:15What are you doing at the door?
00:28:17Are we paying so much to scare them?
00:28:19Hang up!
00:28:21Hang up or I'll call the security.
00:28:23I'm going to go crazy.
00:28:25What's going on?
00:28:27Mahir is blind.
00:28:29His fiancée raided his house.
00:28:31My mom is dead.
00:28:33She's still saying she's dead.
00:28:35She's really dead.
00:28:37They kicked her out of the house.
00:28:39How did they kick her out?
00:28:41Did something happen to her?
00:28:42Everyone is fine.
00:28:44She couldn't find the girl she was looking for, so she left.
00:28:46She said hi to you.
00:28:48What's going on?
00:28:50She said it's not over yet.
00:28:52You didn't tell her you were going to give her the girl.
00:28:54What's going on?
00:28:59I wasn't going to give her the girl.
00:29:02That's why I called her parents.
00:29:07I can't believe you.
00:29:09Did you really do it?
00:29:11What kind of a woman are you?
00:29:15You're at every table, you're fighting on every front.
00:29:18Are you a marriage queen?
00:29:20You're right.
00:29:23Where did you find Selim?
00:29:25We didn't find him.
00:29:27He found us.
00:29:29He entered our house.
00:29:35How can you blame me?
00:29:37He brought the girl to our house.
00:29:38That's why he got in our way.
00:29:41I just tried to protect my family, my house, my park.
00:29:48Doctor, is my father okay?
00:29:51Mr. Asaf has a high blood pressure in his brain.
00:29:55His condition is serious, unfortunately.
00:29:57We're doing everything we can to lower the blood pressure.
00:30:00We started the medicine for the blood in the brain.
00:30:03We'll make him sleep and watch.
00:30:05If the blood progresses, we'll operate.
00:30:09Mom, sit down.
00:30:11God bless you.
00:30:13He'll be fine, calm down.
00:30:18Calm down.
00:30:21Yes, uncle.
00:30:23Bahir, how's your grandfather?
00:30:25He's in serious condition.
00:30:27May God help you, son.
00:30:29Uncle, they put him in the morgue.
00:30:31Selim is still after him.
00:30:33I know.
00:30:36Thank God, they didn't get hurt.
00:30:39They got in the taxi and came to me.
00:30:41Wait a minute, did they come to my house?
00:30:43Yes, I called to tell you not to worry.
00:30:46I put the police on the street.
00:30:49They're safe here.
00:30:51Don't worry.
00:30:53I'm coming with you, hang up.
00:30:55Don't come.
00:30:57What are you going to do?
00:30:59God, hang up.
00:31:01Maybe we should take you to the hospital.
00:31:04We'll take him too.
00:31:14When you left like that, I thought of Mr. Kürşat.
00:31:19Maybe you can take Mr. Kürşat too.
00:31:24Come on, don't be sad.
00:31:27Eat something.
00:31:29Aunt Maviş is right.
00:31:32Come on, eat something.
00:31:34I'm not hungry.
00:31:39You ruined yourself.
00:31:42Come on, don't be sad.
00:31:45Look, everything will be fine.
00:31:48Nothing will be fine, Sare.
00:31:51What if it doesn't?
00:31:53Didn't you say that every night has a morning?
00:31:56No night lasts forever.
00:31:57Of course the sun will rise.
00:31:59I thought we'd be fine no matter what.
00:32:02But today, Ms. Afet shouted at my face that she was the daughter of a murderer.
00:32:06I mean, our past with Mahir is so bad that our future won't be either.
00:32:10Shut up.
00:32:12Listen, I know.
00:32:14Whatever I do, whatever I do, whatever I do,
00:32:16it's like my father's sin is wrapped around my throat.
00:32:19I'll always be the daughter of a murderer for them.
00:32:24Leave that house too.
00:32:26Leave that house too.
00:32:28I guess I can't even pass in front of it.
00:32:33May I come in, Ms. Esra?
00:32:35Yes, sir.
00:32:39Mahir is here.
00:32:41He wants to see you in the garden.
00:32:55Come in.
00:33:21Is Mr. Afet here?
00:33:35I'm sorry for everything they made you go through at home.
00:33:38Don't wish for it, son.
00:33:41Your family is right.
00:33:44They're burning inside.
00:33:47You know that.
00:33:55I'm sorry.
00:33:59Canfeza said not to come again.
00:34:04It's not gonna work, son.
00:34:07He gave up.
00:34:09You give up, too.
00:34:17Don't do this, mom.
00:34:21Do you think it's easy for me to get here?
00:34:25After all that's happened, is it easy for me to get here?
00:34:33Do you think I'm not in the middle of a war?
00:34:37After I found out who he was, I've never been nervous.
00:34:43Despite my mother, despite my father, despite my grandmother.
00:34:51Despite my grandfather in the coffin.
00:34:56I loved him so much.
00:34:59I love Canfeza very much.
00:35:02I swear to you.
00:35:04We don't have a sin in him or me.
00:35:07What did we do?
00:35:10We just loved.
00:35:12Now you're not disobedience.
00:35:15Not stubborn.
00:35:17Not love.
00:35:19Look, I'm here again.
00:35:21I'm at this door again.
00:35:25I'm at this door again.
00:35:35Now he's telling me to give up all this.
00:35:38He says he won't come.
00:35:40I'm asking you.
00:35:42It's our fault, it's our sin.
00:35:56We have no fault in you, son.
00:35:59You're a brave man with a big heart.
00:36:03Thank you for everything you've done for us.
00:36:06But forget us.
00:36:09Forget Canfeza.
00:36:12Go your way, son.
00:36:15I will always pray for you.
00:36:18You heard your son, Kin.
00:36:22He took my father from me.
00:36:25He will stay with me until the end of my life, Özgün.
00:36:29But I'm not going to give this to Canfeza.
00:36:33I won't do it.
00:36:36The love of Şehrazade in me
00:36:39Kürşat Kirimci can't even destroy itself.
00:36:54I know you're here.
00:36:57Get out.
00:36:59Come on.
00:37:02I'm not going anywhere until you tell me to go, okay?
00:37:06I don't know where he's staying.
00:37:08Do you hear me?
00:37:10I'm not going anywhere.
00:37:12I'll be here until morning, okay?
00:37:14I'll be here until I look at my face and say I don't love you.
00:37:21What happened?
00:37:24Let him come and go.
00:37:27No way.
00:37:29I'm here.
00:37:33I'm not going anywhere.
00:37:36I'll wait here.
00:37:53I'm here.
00:38:14Please go.
00:38:16I can't go.
00:38:18I told you.
00:38:21You and I can't be together.
00:38:23How can't it be?
00:38:25I'll figure out what we've been through tonight, don't worry.
00:38:28You can't.
00:38:30Because what happened tonight didn't happen today.
00:38:34Are you giving up?
00:38:41We've been fighting for nothing.
00:38:44It was a mistake from the beginning.
00:38:48It was a mistake.
00:38:51It wasn't a mistake.
00:38:53It was fate.
00:38:55You made me believe that.
00:38:57You told me.
00:38:59Didn't you?
00:39:02I don't want it anymore.
00:39:05I can't go on.
00:39:36Mahir, thank you for everything.
00:39:40But don't come again.
00:40:17Before Kürşat ran away.
00:40:19He told me that there was someone else who gave me your father's death warrant.
00:40:26Mom, I didn't want to do this.
00:40:29They threatened me.
00:40:33He swore.
00:40:44Whatever your son does, he'll do it.
00:40:49He said it was a big sin.
00:40:53I'm sorry.
00:40:56Don't tire yourself with such things.
00:40:59Esra Hanım.
00:41:03We shouldn't have lied.
00:41:18They threatened me.
00:41:25Oh, pour it, pour it.
00:41:26Pour the water.
00:41:27Oh it's burning.
00:41:28You're really making me angry.
00:41:30You don't understand anything.
00:41:31Pull yourself together.
00:41:33Look, Ferman warned us a thousand times.
00:41:35Pull yourself together.
00:41:37Stay with us until the men return home.
00:41:40Look, Ferman.
00:41:42A thousand men were knocking on the door.
00:41:44Selim can't come if he wants to.
00:41:45Selim, the man's problem is to get the girl.
00:41:48Canfeza is not here. He saw it.
00:41:51Why should he come back again?
00:41:54Oh, patience.
00:41:56Oh, brother, please don't insist.
00:41:59I have a runny nose, I have a high blood pressure.
00:42:01Try to understand a little.
00:42:04But the man was very polite.
00:42:07Wasn't he very polite?
00:42:09No, Eltin.
00:42:11Since when did you start to like gangsters, huh?
00:42:15What kind of a polite man was Gülizar Anne?
00:42:18I mean, he didn't hurt us.
00:42:22He was talking so politely.
00:42:26He wasn't ignorant.
00:42:28Oh, that's right, girl.
00:42:30He was polite, wasn't he?
00:42:32And he was tall and handsome, wasn't he?
00:42:36He was a good man, Mr. Selim.
00:42:38Oh, come on.
00:42:40He's lost his mind.
00:42:42You look like Süreyya.
00:42:44He wasn't ignorant.
00:42:46He was an educated man.
00:42:48He knew foreign languages, didn't he?
00:42:51He was polite.
00:42:55Oh, wait a minute.
00:43:01Oh, where's my phone?
00:43:04Oh, I left it in the room.
00:43:06Is it in the pool?
00:43:08Why don't you take a look?
00:43:10Your brother-in-law will be very curious if he calls.
00:43:12Okay, I'll take a look.
00:43:18Brother, come on, sit down.
00:43:20Come closer.
00:43:22Look, what am I going to tell you now?
00:43:25I just thought of something.
00:43:28I'm going to tell you, but I'm not going to tell anyone.
00:43:31It's going to stay between the three of us.
00:43:33Tell me now.
00:43:35Now this...
00:43:37This polite man...
00:43:39Mr. Selim?
00:43:42I think...
00:43:43He could be our salvation.
00:43:51Yes, Sıla?
00:43:53I didn't know anything.
00:43:56I swear.
00:43:58I saw the bride when I went to the room to get ready.
00:44:01But I couldn't tell you anymore.
00:44:03So you came to play?
00:44:05Come on.
00:44:07I swear.
00:44:09I told you.
00:44:11I don't want to marry you.
00:44:13My only wish is to get out of here.
00:44:15Why should I make such a plan?
00:44:17Am I a maniac?
00:44:18Talk without crying.
00:44:23Grandpa Asaf...
00:44:25My grandpa won't do anything until he gets better.
00:44:27He won't wait for him to get better.
00:44:29We still have time.
00:44:33Do you want me to kidnap you again?
00:44:35That's what it seems to me.
00:44:37Would you do it?
00:44:39Really, Sıla?
00:44:40This is important for both of us.
00:44:42You'll get out of here.
00:44:43Me too.
00:44:45I'm not good, Sıla.
00:44:47I can't think normally, okay?
00:44:49I have other things on my mind.
00:44:51We'll talk.
00:44:52We'll talk tomorrow, okay?
00:45:08You were worried about me, weren't you?
00:45:10I told you I was fine.
00:45:12I told you not to come.
00:45:24I'm not okay, Halide.
00:45:28I hope nothing happened to your grandpa.
00:45:33Nothing happened.
00:45:38What happened to my black lamb?
00:45:44I feel very lonely, mom.
00:45:49It's like I'm left alone in the whole world.
00:45:52I'm not alone.
00:45:54What do you mean you're not alone?
00:45:56What does that mean?
00:45:58I'm here.
00:45:59I'm with you.
00:46:01I'm here.
00:46:02What do you mean you're not alone?
00:46:13I'm so sorry, Halide.
00:46:17What did you do?
00:46:23If I told you what I did,
00:46:25you'd forgive me, wouldn't you?
00:46:28Of course I would.
00:46:30You're my son. I'm your mother.
00:46:32Whatever you do,
00:46:34I'll forgive you.
00:46:36What about your father?
00:46:38Would he forgive you?
00:46:40We'll ask your father when he comes.
00:46:42But I mean, he'd forgive you.
00:46:44You know he's a man of his word.
00:46:49I'll go.
00:47:00I'll go.
00:47:25I'm here.
00:47:30I'm here.
00:47:38My son Serpil.
00:47:42But you're dead, son.
00:47:45I'm not dead, dad.
00:47:48I'm here to make up with you.
00:48:06Forgive me, son.
00:48:08Forgive me.
00:48:10I've never offended you, dad.
00:48:14I've missed you so much, son.
00:48:17I've missed you so much.
00:48:25I'll give you something.
00:48:30Give it to Mahir.
00:48:37Will you give this to Mahir?
00:48:41What about Mahir?
00:48:43Mahir will know, dad.
00:48:46He'll put this ring on Şehrazade.
00:48:49Who is he?
00:48:53The ring is mine.
00:48:56Now Mahir.
00:49:10My son.
00:49:13Where are you, son?
00:49:16Don't go, son.
00:49:18Don't go. I've missed you so much.
00:49:21I've missed you so much, son.
00:49:23I've missed you so much, son.
00:49:25Don't go.
00:49:28Don't go, son. Stay a little longer.
00:49:30My son.
00:49:32My son.
00:49:36Let's open our eyes.
00:49:46Good morning. Welcome.
00:49:48Are you okay?
00:49:50We woke you up.
00:49:52We'll take you to the ER. I'll call your doctor.
00:49:56Let Mahir come.
00:50:07He's finally here.
00:50:09Little prince.
00:50:11How is he, grandpa?
00:50:17Mr. Asaf opened his eyes.
00:50:19Thank God.
00:50:21We woke him up. He'll go to the ER.
00:50:23Can we see him?
00:50:25That's why I came.
00:50:27The doctor said we could see him for five minutes.
00:50:29Very good. Mom, come in.
00:50:31Say hi to us.
00:50:33Are you Mahir?
00:50:37I'm Mahir.
00:50:39Let me take you inside. He wanted to see you.
00:51:17You scared us.
00:51:21Thank God you didn't die today.
00:51:25Of course.
00:51:27Of course.
00:51:35After 30 years,
00:51:39your father came into my dream for the first time.
00:51:43Did you see my father?
00:51:45Of course.
00:51:47He was old enough to be a martyr.
00:51:53We were both in a mosque.
00:51:57We were shining.
00:51:59We were so beautiful.
00:52:03We hugged each other.
00:52:07I smelled like a son.
00:52:11He said to me,
00:52:13I came to make peace with you.
00:52:21You're crying.
00:52:23What a beautiful news.
00:52:27Tell me.
00:52:29We won't just do
00:52:31what your father did.
00:52:35I won't let anyone do it.
00:52:37What do you mean?
00:52:39You won't marry Sıla.
00:52:43We'll postpone the wedding.
00:52:45I'll find a way.
00:52:49Can you really do that?
00:52:53You know,
00:52:57when I came to the hospital with Sıla,
00:52:59I told you.
00:53:01What did you say?
00:53:03You have
00:53:05a grandfather.
00:53:09You're not alone.
00:53:11You're not alone.
00:53:51There's no March.
00:53:53I waited in vain.
00:53:55Yes, there is a little March.
00:53:57We're happy.
00:54:05It's a peaceful place.
00:54:09It's morning now.
00:54:11And it's night.
00:54:13It's a quiet place.
00:54:15No one sells tea or flowers.
00:54:17It's a nice place.
00:54:21Who did you buy flowers for?
00:54:23No one.
00:54:25I'm just saying what I saw.
00:54:27But you must have bought flowers for someone.
00:54:31Would you like to come to the palace?
00:54:33What palace?
00:54:35Are you wondering if I have a girlfriend?
00:54:37I don't care.
00:54:39I don't care.
00:54:49You said you didn't care.
00:54:51I don't care.
00:55:01What's your favorite flower?
00:55:03Tomatoes and roses.
00:55:05Me too.
00:55:07Of course not.
00:55:09It's a joke.
00:55:11You surprise me every time.
00:55:13Who's a joke?
00:55:15I read a story when I was a kid.
00:55:17It's a joke with a water fairy.
00:55:19Tell me.
00:55:21I like stories like that.
00:55:23There was a healing water fairy in Greece.
00:55:25I don't remember his name.
00:55:27What was his name?
00:55:31I don't remember his name.
00:55:33I'll call him Superis.
00:55:37He fell in love with Apollo.
00:55:39I think I'm Apollo.
00:55:41Mahir, listen to me.
00:55:43Aphrodite fell in love with Apollo.
00:55:45Love triangle.
00:55:49Aphrodite was jealous of Superis.
00:55:51One day, Superis went to the forest
00:55:53to find the joke flower.
00:55:55She left the safe area.
00:55:57Apollo, who heard this,
00:55:59turned Superis into a joke flower
00:56:01so that he wouldn't hurt Superis.
00:56:03It's a girl flower.
00:56:05It's legendary.
00:56:07Is that why you like jokes?
00:56:11Do you know why Superis
00:56:13was looking for the joke flower?
00:56:15Because the joke flower
00:56:17relieves pregnant women's pain.
00:56:19My mother died when I was born.
00:56:21When I read this story when I was a kid,
00:56:23I wished Superis were real.
00:56:25I wished he brought the joke flower
00:56:27to my mother to save her.
00:56:31The kid is right.
00:56:33I've been loving the joke flowers
00:56:35since then.
00:56:37They look beautiful, too.
00:56:45Were you here?
00:56:47I was looking for you.
00:56:49Mom, did you make coffee?
00:56:51Why did you bother?
00:56:53I wanted to have a cup of coffee in return.
00:56:57Enjoy it.
00:57:03Are you okay, baby?
00:57:05I'll be fine.
00:57:07Be fine, my beautiful girl.
00:57:15I know you're heartbroken,
00:57:17but I'll lose my mind
00:57:19the more I think about it.
00:57:21You're worried about Brother Savaş,
00:57:23aren't you?
00:57:25I am, aren't I?
00:57:27He left the hospital that day
00:57:29to go after you.
00:57:31He's gone.
00:57:33I haven't seen him or heard his voice.
00:57:35For God's sake,
00:57:37is there anything you know, baby?
00:57:41he's in a room.
00:57:43Don't let him in. Run!
00:57:45Brother Savaş?
00:57:51Brother Savaş, can you hear me?
00:57:53I don't know.
00:57:55My father is in a big trouble.
00:57:57Brother Savaş is inside.
00:57:59Maybe that's why he's hiding.
00:58:01I think so.
00:58:03Maybe he won't show up until this trouble is over.
00:58:05Don't say that.
00:58:07You're so sweet.
00:58:11My baby.
00:58:15Come on, drink it.
00:58:17Come on.
00:58:19How is your grandfather?
00:58:21He opened his eyes in the morning.
00:58:23He must be doing well.
00:58:25May God heal him.
00:58:41Something very strange happened.
00:58:43What is it?
00:58:47you and my father
00:58:49were on duty at night.
00:58:51You were on duty.
00:58:53I was so restless
00:58:55when my father died.
00:58:57I would wait for him to come.
00:58:59Then he would come.
00:59:03He would wear his pajamas.
00:59:05He would sleep.
00:59:07He would snore.
00:59:11When I heard him snoring,
00:59:13I would run to his side.
00:59:15I would go to my mother.
00:59:17I would rub her.
00:59:19I would lay my head
00:59:21on my father's chest.
00:59:27My father's heart was beating.
00:59:31I would listen to him.
00:59:37It was such a strong feeling.
00:59:39It was so strange.
00:59:41I would fall asleep.
00:59:47But it was an indescribable feeling.
00:59:51As if nothing would happen to me
00:59:53if the world collapsed.
00:59:59I heard that heartbeat again.
01:00:01My grandfather was there.
01:00:03I would lay my head
01:00:05on his chest.
01:00:09For 20 years,
01:00:11I forgot that I was an orphan.
01:00:17He told me
01:00:19I wouldn't live my father's destiny.
01:00:21He was the only one
01:00:23by my side.
01:00:29I don't know
01:00:31who Feza was.
01:00:33I don't know
01:00:35what happened to him.
01:00:37He still doesn't know
01:00:39who Feza was.
01:00:41He will hear soon.
01:00:43If he hears,
01:00:45he will hear from me.
01:00:49Thank God.
01:00:51You are fine, Asaf.
01:00:53God blessed you to us.
01:00:55I can't live
01:00:57with this loss, Afet.
01:00:59What are you talking about, Asaf?
01:01:01What are you talking about, Asaf?
01:01:05We made a mistake, Afet.
01:01:09We put Hide and Hurda
01:01:11at the wedding table.
01:01:13What should we have done, Asaf?
01:01:15We had to.
01:01:17Should we have left them?
01:01:19Should we have married that girl?
01:01:21Maybe we should have this time.
01:01:25What are you talking about, Asaf?
01:01:27We are pushing Mahir like Mehmet.
01:01:29We reunited years later.
01:01:33We have a son.
01:01:35Should we have Mahir too?
01:01:41went to the other side.
01:01:43You left your mind
01:01:47There is something I know, Afet.
01:01:49There is nothing you know, Asaf.
01:01:51Forget about bringing Mahir
01:01:53and that girl together.
01:01:55Get this out of your mind.
01:01:57Mehmet doesn't love her.
01:01:59He will give up.
01:02:01He won't.
01:02:03I saw it with my own eyes.
01:02:05Mahir won't leave that girl.
01:02:07He doesn't want Sıla.
01:02:09We are pushing him.
01:02:11Mehmet thinks only of Sıla.
01:02:13Even if Sıla doesn't exist,
01:02:15I won't let Mahir
01:02:17and Canfeza
01:02:21What are you talking about, woman?
01:02:23What did that little girl do to you?
01:02:25You are sick.
01:02:27I told you not to
01:02:29hurt your heart.
01:02:31But you forced me.
01:02:35That girl
01:02:37is the daughter
01:02:39of Gürşat Kilimci.
01:02:47She is the daughter
01:02:49of our baby's killer.
01:02:55I am sorry
01:02:57about last night.
01:02:59After you left,
01:03:01Canfeza cried
01:03:03in her room all night.
01:03:05She doesn't want
01:03:07me to give up
01:03:09when I am trying so hard.
01:03:11What can you do, son?
01:03:13They are right.
01:03:15They are humiliated.
01:03:17They are humiliated.
01:03:21Ms. Ezra and Canfeza
01:03:23are very nice people.
01:03:29Their misfortune in this life
01:03:31is Gürşat.
01:03:37Do you know where she is?
01:03:39It's like a steam.
01:03:41There is neither a flight
01:03:43nor a land ticket.
01:03:49When you go abroad
01:03:51with her,
01:03:53think about it.
01:03:55He is a strange man.
01:03:59He left his mother,
01:04:01daughter and destiny here.
01:04:03He just left.
01:04:05He is so immoral.
01:04:07Do you know what his mother said?
01:04:11Someone else gave him the death warrant.
01:04:13They threatened me.
01:04:17He is trying to reason with himself.
01:04:19That's what I thought.
01:04:21But I can't.
01:04:25My father's murder
01:04:27doesn't have
01:04:29a second reason.
01:04:35About Boris.
01:04:37We were talking about him.
01:04:39Who is Boris?
01:04:41Do you know?
01:04:43I have never seen his name
01:04:45in the files.
01:04:47I don't know.
01:04:49You don't know?
01:04:51Doesn't Selim
01:04:53manage Gürşat?
01:04:55You don't know.
01:04:57He didn't enter the radar.
01:04:59He didn't?
01:05:01It's like a dream.
01:05:07he is a non-existent person.
01:05:11Gürşat has his own scenario.
01:05:13He is trying to
01:05:15get away from this.
01:05:17I think he said that
01:05:19to confuse you.
01:05:21But we'll go back
01:05:23and look at all the statements
01:05:27I'll give a statement on Tuesday.
01:05:29I'll tell Boris there.
01:05:31Uncle, I'll go to Selim.
01:05:33You have no proof
01:05:35about Boris.
01:05:39There is a recording of the war.
01:05:41It's not a recording.
01:05:43What do you know?
01:05:45It's not allowed to listen.
01:05:49You'll be a witness there.
01:05:51It will be legal.
01:05:53You know Orhan works with them.
