• last week
00:00Hi, so glad you're here. It's me, Wyatt.
00:13Welcome to Storybook Village, where all our fairytale friends live.
00:22Looks like little boy Blue is at Storybook Beach. Let's go say hi.
00:30Come on!
00:38Go Red! Go Pink!
00:51Little boy Blue! What are you up to?
00:55Hi, Wyatt. I'm having a picnic.
00:57Wow! What a great idea!
01:01How did you get on that island?
01:04I used this raft to sail here. And I'll use the raft to get back, too.
01:12Actually, I think I'm ready to go home now. Here I go.
01:20The raft! It broke!
01:23Without the raft, I can't get back across the water.
01:27I'm stuck! Help! Over here! Help!
01:35Don't worry. I'll help you.
01:40But I don't know how.
01:43This is a super big problem.
01:46And a super big problem needs us, the Super Readers.
01:51We need to call the rest of the Super Readers.
01:54Call them with me.
01:56Say, calling all Super Readers!
01:59Calling all Super Readers!
02:02To the book club!
02:04To the book club!
02:06Come on! To the book club!
02:17Wyatt here!
02:23P is for pig!
02:28Red Riding Hood rolling in!
02:35Princess P at your service!
02:42And you, say your name.
02:44Great! We're all here!
02:47Together, we will solve my problem.
02:50Let's go!
03:07Okay, Wyatt, state your problem.
03:10Okay, Wyatt, state your problem.
03:14Little Boy Blue had a raft, but it broke apart.
03:18And now he's stuck and can't get back to Storybook Beach.
03:22It broke?
03:24Oh, no!
03:26How can I help him fix his raft?
03:29Good question, Wyatt.
03:31When we have a question, we look.
03:34In a book!
03:36What books are we looking?
03:40Peas and carrots. Carrots and peas.
03:45Book, come out, please, please, please!
03:53Let's read the title of this book.
03:56The Swiss Family Robinson.
03:59We know what to do.
04:01We need to jump into this book...
04:05...and find the answer to my question.
04:08First, we look for super letters.
04:14And then, put them in...
04:17...our super-duper computer!
04:21Super-duper computer, how many super letters do we need?
04:31Wow! In this story, we need eleven super letters!
04:35And then we'll get...
04:38...our super story answer!
04:45It's time to transform!
04:52Arms in!
04:54Put your arm in!
04:59Super readers?
05:01To the rescue!
05:06With alphabet power!
05:12Wonder Red!
05:14With word power!
05:20Princess Bresto!
05:23With spelling power!
05:25With power!
05:33Super Y!
05:35With the power to read!
05:41And Super U!
05:43With the power to help!
05:48Together we are...
05:50...the super readers!
05:53Y Flyers!
05:56We're ready to fly into this book!
06:03Super readers!
06:05To the rescue!
06:07It's time to fly!
06:10With the super readers!
06:13Cause we've got a problem to solve!
06:16Super readers!
06:18To the rescue!
06:20Super readers!
06:23Working together!
06:26With powers to read!
06:28Into books we fly!
06:31To find the super story answer!
06:35It's Super Y!
06:38Super readers!
06:40To the rescue!
06:46Oh! We're in the Swift Family Robinson book!
06:53Let's read!
06:58Y writer, highlight!
07:01Read with me.
07:03The Swift Family Robinson was sailing in a boat.
07:08Woo-hoo! We're sailing across the sea!
07:16A storm blew the boat onto an island.
07:19A storm blew the boat onto an island.
07:32The boat broke and the family was stuck.
07:37Oh no! Our boat!
07:41Our boat broke and now we're stuck on this island!
07:45Just like little boy Blue was stuck.
07:49And that, super readers, is why we are in this book.
07:54The Swift Family Robinson and our friend are both stuck.
07:59Oh my chinny-chin-chin! They are stuck! Stuck!
08:05Let's help them!
08:08To the Robinson!
08:15Hi, Swift Family Robinson! We're the super readers!
08:20Oh, thank goodness!
08:22We are stuck on this island!
08:25Stuck! Trapped!
08:27Whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy, son.
08:30We just need to fix our boat and then we'll be able to sail home.
08:34But family, our boat is broken.
08:38And now it's starting to rain.
08:41We need to take cover.
08:42But where?
08:45Okay, it's time to be resourceful.
08:49Be what?
08:51Resourceful. We need to use what's here on this island to protect ourselves from the rain.
08:56But I don't see anything that we can use.
08:59What about those coconuts?
09:03We can use the coconuts to build a house.
09:07Now that's being resourceful.
09:09But how will we get the coconuts down?
09:15Alpha Pig to the rescue!
09:22With my amazing alphabet tools, I can get the coconuts down from the trees.
09:30Let's say the letters of the alphabet and catch the coconuts in my alphabet net.
09:38Let's go catch some coconuts!
09:43A. Whoa!
09:46B. Whew!
09:49C. Whoa!
09:51D. Whew!
09:55Next is the letter E.
09:57But where's the E?
10:06There's the E!
10:08I'm coming, E!
10:11Whew! Got it!
10:15Let's keep going!
10:32Next is the letter L.
10:35But where's the L?
10:43There's the L!
10:46There's the L!
10:53We have more coconuts to catch!
10:57M. Whoa!
11:00N. Whoa, that was close!
11:13Where's the S?
11:18There's the S!
11:21I've got it!
11:23Got the S!
11:27T. Whew!
11:48Lickety letters!
11:50We got all of the coconuts down from the tree!
11:55Let's give ourselves a big thumbs up!
12:02Great! Now we can build our coconut house to keep us dry!
12:09Put that up there.
12:11Well done!
12:14Everyone, inside the coconut house!
12:20Be sure to look out for super letters!
12:34You see super letters?
12:37Which letters did you find?
12:47F, R, and U!
12:50We need to put them in our super duper...
13:03Eight more super letters and then we'll get our super story answer!
13:10Right on, readers!
13:13It stopped raining.
13:15Now we can fix our boat and get off this island.
13:21I'm so hungry.
13:26I guess we're all hungry.
13:29We need food to stay strong.
13:32Okay, we need to be resourceful.
13:36I'm sure we can find something to eat on the island.
13:39Well, what about...
13:42Bananas! We can eat those bananas!
13:48They're too high up! I can't reach!
13:53How can we get the bananas down from the tree?
14:00Wonderette to the rescue!
14:04With my Wonder Words basket,
14:07I can find a way to get the bananas down from the tree.
14:14What letter is this?
14:20S? And what sound does S make?
14:25What sound does S make?
14:35And this says, ing!
14:40What word is this?
14:49Sing is an ing word!
14:51I love ing words!
14:53It's time to rhyme!
15:06Do you think if we sing to the bananas,
15:09it will get them down from the tree?
15:12Let's try!
15:15Bananas, come to me, and fill my empty tummy!
15:25The word sing didn't help us reach the bananas.
15:29Let's try another ing word.
15:33Okay, here's the letter S again.
15:36We know it makes the sound, sss.
15:40We know it makes the sound, sss.
15:44But what letter is this?
15:54What sound does W make?
16:05So what sound do S and W make together?
16:13Sw? And this says, ing!
16:17Sw? Ing!
16:20What word is this?
16:30Let's see what happens when we change sing to swing.
16:36Brother, you can swing up to the bananas
16:40and get them down from the tree!
16:44Wonder-rific! You are terrific!
16:48We used our ing words and built a swing!
16:53Okay, everyone, here I go!
17:03Okay, everyone, here I go!
17:06One, two, three, swing!
17:16Bananas for everyone!
17:21Let's eat!
17:23Mmm, yummy!
17:25Mmm, delicious!
17:28Now we must try to fix our boat!
17:34Whoa! Whoopsie-daisy!
17:44You see more super letters?
17:47Which ones did you find?
17:52E, L, S, C!
17:57Oh, yeah! E, L, S, C!
18:02We need to put them in our super-duper...
18:15Four more super letters and then we'll get our super story answer!
18:22Way to go, super readers!
18:25Okay, let's fix our boat!
18:32Oh, no! Our boat!
18:35Our boat sank!
18:37And we need a boat to get off the island!
18:40It says so in our story!
18:42The Robinsons need a boat!
18:46We are in a really big pickle!
18:50What are we going to do?
18:55Super wide to the rescue!
18:58With the power to read, I can change this story and save the day!
19:05Let's change the word need in this sentence.
19:13Why, Ryder?
19:17Super readers, what can the Robinsons do to get a boat to sail home?
19:23Chew, stomp, or build?
19:30Let's try build.
19:33Which is the word build?
19:35It ends with a D.
19:42There's the word build!
19:49Let's read.
19:51The Robinsons build a boat!
19:57Hey, we can use some of these things on the island to build a new boat!
20:10Hmm, we need something big and sturdy for the floor of the boat.
20:17We can help!
20:20Super readers, what's big and sturdy?
20:24This soft seaweed or this giant log?
20:35Yes, this log will work quite well!
20:39Now we need a big flat sail.
20:44Super readers, what can they use for a sail that's big and flat?
20:50These coconuts or this big leaf?
20:59Oh, the leaf! That's perfect, because it's big and flat!
21:08Hooray! We built a boat!
21:11We were resourceful by using what was here!
21:14Now we can finally get off this island and go home!
21:18Family hug!
21:22Did the word build help the Robinsons get a boat?
21:29Yes! Super job, super readers!
21:32We changed the story, and now the Robinsons have a boat to sail home!
21:38Hey, let's go get those bananas for our long trip home!
21:53You see super letters? Which ones?
22:09Let's put them in our super duper...
22:20We found all of our super letters!
22:23Now we can get our super story answer!
22:29All aboard!
22:33Home! Here we come!
22:40Thanks for your help, super readers!
22:49Back to the book club!
22:53We found the super story answer with silver wire!
23:14Super duper computer!
23:17Give us our super story answer!
23:46The super story answer is...
23:49The super story answer is...
24:00But, why?
24:03Because the Swiss family Robinson used what was on the island to get the things they needed.
24:10The house, the bananas, and a boat.
24:14And that was resourceful.
24:17So my question is...
24:20How can I help Little Boy Blue fix his raft?
24:24And the answer is...
24:32I need to help him be resourceful and use what's around him to fix his raft.
24:37Let's go!
24:44Little Boy Blue!
24:46Wyatt, I'm still stuck!
24:49Don't worry! I'm going to be resourceful and find something that you can use to fix that raft.
24:58There! You can use that seaweed!
25:02I can?
25:04But it's seaweed!
25:06Yeah, but it can also be used as a rope.
25:10Now use the seaweed to tie the pieces of the raft together.
25:17Hey, it's working!
25:20Cool! My raft is back together!
25:24Time to sail back to shore!
25:29There you go!
25:31Thanks! I thought I was going to be stuck there forever.
25:37Hip Hip Hooray! The Super Readers saved the day!
25:46Hip Hip Hooray! The Super Readers saved the day!
25:54We changed the story! We solved the problem!
25:58We worked together so Hip Hip Hooray!
26:03Hip Hip Hooray! The Super Readers saved the day!
26:11Hip Hip Hooray! The Super Readers saved the day!
26:34We found out each letter, write them all in a row
26:40We spell the word and then...
26:46Spelling is magic so here we go
26:50Write with me, you got it!
26:56We found out each letter, write them all in a row
27:00We spell the word and then...
27:06Spectacular spelling, let's take a bow
27:10With your magic spelling wand, presto!
27:13You know how!
27:16We found out each letter, write them all in a row
27:20We spell the word and then...
27:24We found out each letter, write them all in a row
27:28We spell the word and then...
27:32We spell the word and then...
27:58We found out each letter, write them all in a row
28:02We spell the word and then...
28:06We found out each letter, write them all in a row
28:10We spell the word and then...
28:14We found out each letter, write them all in a row
28:18We spell the word and then...
28:22We found out each letter, write them all in a row
