Uncharted Golden Abyss | movie | 2011 | Official Trailer

  • 4 hours ago
he events of Golden Abyss take place before Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Adventurer Nathan Drake accompanies old friend J | dG1fWUhEZXp5YjZ2aGs
00:07Remember why I got into all this because I remember
00:11Well, why don't you tell me why I've wasted so many years working crap jobs for guys like Dante
00:16They dug up over 60 of the poor bastards
00:1916th century
00:20New Spain
00:22These guys died a long way from home
00:25This is Nathan Drake, oh, you're the expert on maps artifacts this
00:32This is why you're here
00:34Markings aren't Spanish. No one has any idea what it means
00:41I'm right. This is the temple of the serpents. I don't see that every day. You ain't seen nothing
00:54Don't dig up anything without me you got it. I got my eye on you, too
01:04So it's El General his army that's headed into the ring he's not a general anymore
01:09Tell that to his goddamn army
01:16So much gold the revolution will live
01:20What have you done the last ten years except work piss-head jobs for schlubs like me
01:41Piling on I can take it
