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Watch Piranha Women 2022 Free Movies
00:30Sit where you like, pal.
00:50What you drinking?
00:51Barca Rocks.
00:53Is the seat taken?
01:12I don't think so.
01:13We're gonna get you a drink, miss.
01:19Please, allow me.
01:21If it's okay with the lady, I'd like to buy her a drink.
01:24That's very kind of you.
01:28Which Chardonnays do you have?
01:33Just one, miss.
01:35I'm sure that'll be okay.
01:42Gary Rose.
01:43Well, Gary, I'm Shauna.
01:47Is this one of your hangouts?
01:50Actually, no.
01:51I've never been here before.
01:53Me either.
01:54I don't normally frequent bars by myself.
01:57I wouldn't be here except I had a little car trouble.
02:01Car trouble?
02:02That's too bad.
02:03What seems to be the problem?
02:05I'm not sure.
02:07It's making some sort of ticking noise and it won't start.
02:10Sounds like a dead battery.
02:13Yeah, that's what I figured.
02:15I have a friend coming to pick me up, but I have to wait until she gets off work.
02:20You're not a mechanic, by any chance.
02:23No, actually, I'm here for a meeting at the Sandsboro Hotel.
02:27I know that place.
02:28It's nice, but expensive.
02:30Yeah, and they don't have a lounge, so I decided to check out the local spots.
02:34Of course.
02:36You know, Antonio Bay has a very nice beach.
02:39Lots of cute restaurants and bars.
02:41Have you checked it out yet?
02:43No, but maybe tomorrow, after the meeting, if I'm lucky.
02:49You know, I was just about to shove off, but I can give you a ride home if you want.
02:55That way you don't have to wait for your friend.
02:57I don't know, Gary.
03:00I'm harmless.
03:04Commercial File Storage Solutions.
03:07Well, I'm not sure what that means.
03:10Very official.
03:14Well, okay.
03:17Yeah, just let me call my friend.
03:19Tell her she doesn't need to pick me up.
03:36All right.
03:40Let's go.
03:41It's not that far.
06:10Morning, babe.
06:16Why didn't you wake me? I could have made you breakfast.
06:20You seemed to be having trouble falling asleep last night, Lex.
06:24You didn't stop moving around until about 3 a.m.
06:27I didn't want to disturb you.
06:29I'm feeling weaker every day.
06:33Something has to change.
06:35Lex, you can't keep on like this.
06:37We both knew this would happen.
06:39And for what?
06:41These treatments, they're just prolonging things.
06:44They're not fixing anything.
06:46They're just killing me faster.
06:49I know.
06:51Maybe it's time we see a new doctor.
06:53Richard, the diagnosis is what it is.
06:56We both know that.
06:59It's just a matter of how much time do I really have left.
07:02Don't talk like that.
07:04Lexi, people have beaten this before.
07:07I won't.
07:09I can't.
07:15Unless what?
07:19Well, I was coming out of Dr. Brandon's yesterday
07:22and I ran into this girl named Allison.
07:25And she was pulling her records.
07:27She was leaving.
07:29She found a better doctor
07:31who was a completely new style of treatment.
07:34And she said it was helping her.
07:37She looked so...
07:41So happy.
07:43Who is this guy?
07:45Maybe we should check him out.
07:47I want to. I really do.
07:49It's just it's not an approved course of therapy.
07:51It's something else.
07:53Something experimental.
08:01I don't like the sound of that.
08:03It's a new thing the government approved.
08:05The right to trial law.
08:07It lets patients receive unconventional treatments.
08:10Yeah, I've heard about that, Lexi, but at what cost?
08:13You'd be like some kind of human guinea pig.
08:16I knew you'd say that.
08:19Lexi, it's just you...
08:21It's just what?
08:23Could it really hurt me to see him?
08:28Of course.
08:30You're right.
08:32Do you know how to find this guy?
08:34I have an appointment scheduled for later today.
08:42But I want to hear everything he has to say when I get home tonight.
08:48All right, sweetheart.
08:50I love you. I'm running late. I gotta go.
08:52Have a good day, baby.
08:53See you tonight?
08:58Good luck.
09:21What the hell do you think happened to that guy?
09:24We're gonna need an autopsy to figure this one out.
09:27When is the examiner gonna be here?
09:29They're at least 20 minutes out.
09:31The way I figure it, he went for a late-night swim and ran into a shark.
09:36A big one.
09:37Would a shark leave that much of him?
09:40Maybe he made it back to shore before it finished him off.
09:43And he ran all the way back up here and... like that?
09:46I didn't say it was the answer. It's just the most obvious choice.
09:51I know.
09:53A boat propeller. A boat propeller would do that.
09:57Or a lawnmower.
09:59But one thing's for damn sure, we ain't gonna get much out of this guy.
10:04Don't be so sure of that.
10:16Good morning, Richard.
10:18Nice to see you in a little early today.
10:21That's how people get ahead around here. Punctuality and precision.
10:24Thank you, Mr. Wheelwright. Traffic was on my side this morning.
10:28Good. Now, about these reports you turned in yesterday.
10:32Frankly, they could be better.
10:35Better? But they're perfect. I'd double-check them myself.
10:39Richard, Richard, Richard. Yes, they are perfect. Technically.
10:45Absolutely. Without a doubt, those are the most technically accurate reports I have ever seen.
10:50But they're boring. They... there's no life to them.
10:54They're not supposed to be lively. They're summarizing the cost comparisons of fiberglass trash dumpsters.
11:00But can you really expect to sell a fiberglass dumpster with a lifeless summary like that?
11:06I think not.
11:07All right. I'll give it another shot.
11:09Don't bother. These will do well enough.
11:12But in the future, maybe take a page from Jeff's playbook and fuse a little energy in there now and again.
11:18Jeff? But he just copies all his information from the Internet.
11:23It's not the journey, Richard. It's the destination.
11:29And let's not be petty about this.
11:31But, Mr.
11:32If you put your mind to task, I'm sure you might get a promotion, too.
11:36Wait. Jeff? Got a promotion?
11:39Yeah. Just this morning.
11:41And don't look so surprised. I can't help it if he gets his work done quicker than you.
11:46Oh, I can't believe this.
11:47Believe it. And think about what I said.
11:50Energy, Richard. Energy. My man.
11:55Good morning, Richard.
11:57Good morning, boss.
11:59Oh, so you heard. Well, I'm not your boss. Yet.
12:03What, are you here to rub it in?
12:04Absolutely not. You and I are friends.
12:06I just came to see if you wanted to get a drink tonight to celebrate my promotion.
12:12I'm sorry. I can't.
12:14You're not sore, are you?
12:16No. I guess not.
12:20It's Lexi.
12:21Ah. No good news, then.
12:23No. No, not really.
12:27I don't know what to do. I feel so helpless.
12:31I'm sorry, bud. Maybe things will change. It's happened before.
12:36Yeah, maybe.
12:38She is seeing a new doctor. One of these guys trying a new experimental treatment.
12:43I don't like it, but she wants to check it out.
12:46Well, can you blame her?
12:50Look, if anything changes, you let me know. In the meantime, I gotta go fire a few people.
12:58Just kidding. Just kidding.
13:13Hello, Alexia. I'm Dr. Skidmore. Nice to meet you.
13:19It's nice to meet you.
13:21How are you feeling?
13:23Okay, I guess.
13:33This is progressing.
13:35As disheartening as this may appear, your situation is not that unusual.
13:41I've seen this before.
13:45Many times.
13:48There's a certain finality about it, which is almost always the case when you get to this stage.
13:56I know. I'm clutching at the end.
13:58Finality about it, which is almost always the case when you get to this stage.
14:03I know I'm clutching at straws, Dr. Sinclair, but I mean, I've run out of options. What choice do I really have?
14:11Choice? Not much of a choice, I'm afraid.
14:15I see and hear you're not married.
14:17No, but I want to be. I know that's unrealistic now.
14:24You may know this course of treatment you're on right now.
14:29It can only have one outcome.
14:31So there's nothing you can do? You can't help me?
14:35I didn't say that.
14:39Actually, you're the perfect candidate for my special course of treatment, Alexia.
14:43You've met Allison, right?
14:45Believe it or not, it wasn't even a month ago she was sitting right here where you are now.
14:51Same shape.
14:52Today, she's almost completely cured.
14:57Really? Cured? Are you serious?
15:04I know I can help you, Alexia.
15:07The question is, are you prepared to take the next step?
15:14It's a big one.
15:16Well, what do I have to do?
15:18Let me show you something.
15:19Let me show you something. Come with me.
15:26It's this way.
15:43I do realize it's very warm in here.
15:45But trust me, it's absolutely imperative to recreate that tropical environment for their survival.
15:57Beautiful, aren't they?
15:59Yes. And so many of them.
16:03What are they?
16:05Pycocentris, also known as carob.
16:08You might know them better as piranha.
16:17They may have an unwarranted reputation for violence, but they are essential to my work.
16:23I don't think I understand.
16:25I didn't expect that you would.
16:28For years now, researchers have been studying the commonalities between human and shark DNA.
16:34So far, they've identified 154 genes that we have in common.
16:38I think I read about that.
16:39Right. Researchers have been studying the shark's ability to repair its own DNA.
16:45They were hoping to create medicines that can interrupt the formations of cancer cells in humans.
16:53So far, it has not been very fruitful, but here, I found a way to accelerate the process using this freshwater fish.
17:05So, you're using these fish to treat your patients?
17:09Not the whole fish.
17:11Just a tiny strand of their DNA, using a DNA binding agent, mitomycin.
17:17It's all a little complicated, but it works.
17:25What do you say? We can start right now if you want to.
17:29I don't know. This is all really over my head.
17:32The clock is ticking, Alexa. Time is not your friend.
17:36It's just one small injection. One tiny little injection.
17:43Just a shot?
17:44Yes. Like a flu shot. Think about it.
17:48Everything you wanted in your life. The husband you want.
17:52The whole life you wanted is right here before you.
17:56The whole life you wanted is right here before you.
18:00All you have to do is reach out and grab it.
18:06And for a penny and for a pound, right?
18:10Yes. Yes.
18:14So, now let's talk about those special rules, and we can start you off on your first shot.
18:20Yes, sir. Well, as soon as I have something, I will definitely share it with you.
18:25Who is that?
18:27Chief Kelly.
18:29Moral bait, Chief Kelly?
18:31He has two more victims with the same M.O.
18:35Two healthy young males. Same kind of wounds.
18:38Did he tell you what killed him?
18:40No. That's what he wants us to tell him.
18:44Did you need something?
18:45Oh, I got that post-mortem report you were looking for.
18:48Great. Hoping to have something to keep me awake tonight.
18:51You read this?
18:53No, not yet.
18:55As expected, the victim's lungs are filled with water.
19:00But it's chlorinated water.
19:02Chlorinated water? Like from a swimming pool?
19:04Or a spa.
19:06Fingerprints ID the victim as one Gary Handley, out-of-towner from Scranton.
19:10Took a room at the Stansper Hotel on Antonio Bay.
19:16He booked a conference room for a meeting in the morning, but he never showed up.
19:24The night clerk says they saw Mr. Handley exit the building early yesterday evening, but he never came back.
19:30At least not via the main lobby.
19:33I just don't get it.
19:36Via the main lobby.
19:38I just don't get it.
19:40That's why they're called mysteries.
19:43What the hell is this?
19:45Sharp, tiny, little teeth.
20:11I was just calling to see how things are going for you today.
20:16Are you okay?
20:18Yes, I'm alright.
20:20Did you see the new doctor?
20:22Yeah, I saw him.
20:27Are you sure you're alright?
20:29Yeah, I'm fine. I was just laying down.
20:32Okay. I'm sorry.
20:33Okay. I'm sorry. Well, um, we can talk later.
20:37Richard, the doctor gave me a prescription to help me sleep.
20:41He says I need to get stronger in order to be treated.
20:45I totally agree.
20:49I'm supposed to take it at 6 p.m. and I shouldn't be disturbed.
20:53Whatever you need, babe.
20:57Would you mind getting dinner on your own tonight?
21:00Give me the evening to myself.
21:03Sure, Lexi. I can do that.
21:06Jeff wants to celebrate his new promotion anyway. I'll just go have dinner with him.
21:10You're a doll.
21:12I'll see you in the morning.
21:14Try not to wake me when you come in.
21:17Okay, baby.
21:19Get some rest.
21:27Hey, Richard.
21:28Here's the pocket guide for refuse bin transporters. Mr. Wheelwright said you wanted to borrow it.
21:34You sure you can spare it?
21:36Of course. I get all my information off the internet.
21:39Yeah, I know.
21:41Thanks. I won't need it for long.
21:44Hey, take your time. I never use it.
21:46Oh, Jeff.
21:48About that drink tonight.
21:50Change your mind?
21:52Lexi changed it for me.
21:54Ooh. Everything okay?
21:56I guess so.
21:58She went to see that new doctor and he gave her a prescription for sleeping, so...
22:03She asked me to fend for myself tonight.
22:06Perfect. We'll grab a bite, head over to the Bayside Bar. I'm buying.
22:10You don't have to do that.
22:12Hey, I can afford it.
22:14I just got a big raise.
22:16Lucky you.
22:18Okay. Sounds like a plan.
22:20Don't look so down, pal.
22:22Maybe this new doctor is the answer to all your prayers.
22:25You never know.
22:30You never know.
22:39Is this the coolest bar on the Coast Highway or what?
22:44Jeff, it's a dive.
22:46A certified card-carrying dive, man.
22:49I know. It's great, isn't it?
22:55I'm just glad we had dinner before we got here.
22:58Don't be so picky.
23:00Besides, every weeknight at the Bayside is free taco night.
23:03Oh, good.
23:05What do you have, gents?
23:07Scotch and soda.
23:09Same here.
23:11How original. I love it.
23:13I'll tell you something right now, though.
23:15The night you want to come here is Saturday night.
23:18Why's that?
23:20It's a total babe marathon.
23:22All the young girls who've been out at the beach all day, they wander in half-loaded.
23:25One cocktail away from party time.
23:30But tonight's not too bad for a weeknight.
23:33Must be the free tacos.
23:36Hey, boys.
23:38Well, hello.
23:40Hi, I'm Allison.
23:44That's right. Don't I look like an Allison to you?
23:47Of course. Sorry, I was thinking of something else.
23:51Something fun, I hope.
23:53It's a nice name. I'm sorry if I seem rude.
23:56Don't worry about it.
23:58Do you guys mind if I grab your hot stuff?
24:01Hot stuff?
24:03For the tacos.
24:05Unless, of course, you have an order on the way.
24:08Oh, no. We didn't.
24:11Help yourself.
24:13Thanks. I like it spicy.
24:16If you guys do decide to place an order, I'll bring it right back.
24:20Just whistle.
24:23Did you pick up on that?
24:24Did you pick up on that?
24:26Yeah. Yeah, I did.
24:29Is that girl a hooker?
24:31Don't be silly. She's probably an x-ray technician or something.
24:35But I'd better find out.
24:37Jeff, what about me?
24:39She's got a friend.
24:41Come on, Jeff. You know I can't do that.
24:43Just keep my seat warm for me, will ya?
25:25Be a doll and make yourself at home while I go get comfortable.
25:29Sure. No problem.
25:31Is the heat turned up in here?
25:33I do like to keep it warm.
25:35I'm more of a clothing optional kind of girl.
25:39Plus, the ocean breeze gets a little chilly at night.
25:42Do you mind?
25:44Hey, it's your house.
25:46I'll be right back.
25:52I'll be right back.
26:12Jeffrey, what happened to you?
26:15Hey, sorry I ran out on you.
26:17It was an offer I couldn't refuse.
26:20I'll bet.
26:22I just wanted to tell you not to wait for me.
26:24I'm already on my way home.
26:26Well, sorry about all this. Didn't mean to leave you hanging.
26:29Let me guess. You're tied up for the evening.
26:33Not yet, but the night's still young.
26:37Have fun, Jeff.
26:41Look, I gotta go.
26:43Nature calls.
26:53I didn't mean to keep you waiting,
26:55but I need a hot shower at the end of a long day.
26:59You should have tried the spa.
27:01It's hot enough to cook in.
27:04That's funny.
27:07It's also how I like to start my nights, too.
27:10Do you want to see something that you've never seen before?
27:15Sure. You have my...
27:16full, undivided attention.
27:22You wouldn't want to miss this.
27:23You wouldn't want to miss this.
28:26You're up early.
28:28I know. I got plenty of sleep last night.
28:33Good. Good.
28:35I know how much you needed it.
28:39What are you doing?
28:41Making you breakfast.
28:43Scrambled eggs.
28:50I didn't expect that.
28:51Well, you deserve it.
28:53Sorry about last night, but you know, doctor's orders.
28:57It's okay. I didn't mind.
29:00How are you feeling today?
29:02You look better.
29:06I mean, I feel pretty damn good.
29:08Better than I have in months.
29:11I think it's the new treatment I started yesterday.
29:14No radiation, really. Nothing at all.
29:17You started it already?
29:18I thought we were going to talk about this.
29:20I really didn't see any reason to wait.
29:24Are you mad?
29:26No. It's just...
29:28Richard, you don't seem very happy that I'm feeling better.
29:34Of course I'm happy, Alexia. I want what's best for you.
29:38So what? No side effects?
29:41Unless you consider feeling great a side effect.
29:48Good. I just wish we had a chance to discuss it first.
29:51You never know about these things.
29:54Do you want to talk about it?
29:58I'm sorry, but there are some really strict rules about this program,
30:03and not talking about it to outsiders is one of them.
30:09Are you serious?
30:11Not talking about it?
30:13What is it?
30:15What is it? Some kind of cult?
30:17Don't be silly. You just wouldn't understand. That's all.
30:22Try me.
30:28Lex, is the heat on in here?
30:30Yeah. I was super cold last night, so I turned it up before I went to bed.
30:35Well, it's warm enough in here to make the breakfast. I'm going to turn it down a little.
30:38Richard, don't!
30:40I'm still freezing, if you don't mind.
30:45Alright. I'm going to take a shower.
30:51Okay. But make it quick. Breakfast will be ready in a few.
31:14Richard? Wheelwright.
31:16Yes, Mr. Wheelwright.
31:18Look, I'm in Jeff's office and he's not here. Do you know where he is?
31:21No, sir. I haven't seen him since last night.
31:23Yeah, we went out to celebrate his new promotion. Had a couple drinks, you know.
31:27He's not hung over somewhere, is he?
31:29I really don't know. Did you try to sell?
31:32Of course. No answer.
31:34Well, that's too bad. I'm sure he'll be in soon.
31:37Too bad is right. It was just like you said.
31:43Everything in his last report was plagiarized right off the internet.
31:48Listen, if you see him, tell him I'm giving his promotion to you.
31:52I will.
31:54Does it come with his raise?
31:57Be damn straight.
32:10Wait. You want me to come where? Why?
32:13Okay. I'll be right down.
32:21Just when I needed it.
32:31This is Richard James.
32:34Have a seat, Mr. James.
32:35I'm sure there must be some kind of mistake here.
32:39You have a friend named Jeff?
32:41Jeff. Yeah. Jeff. He works in the office with me.
32:45Why? What's wrong? Is he missing or something?
32:48He's dead.
32:52My God.
32:57Well, that's where you come in.
32:59I don't know.
33:03Well, that's where you come in.
33:05When's the last time you saw him?
33:08Last night.
33:10He got a promotion at work yesterday. We went out to celebrate.
33:13You call this a celebration?
33:20What are you trying to say?
33:22That I did bad?
33:24That I killed him?
33:26He got the promotion that you wanted.
33:28The one that you felt like you deserved.
33:30Well, yeah. How did you know that?
33:32Did you two argue?
33:34No. Of course not.
33:36We spoke to your boss this morning.
33:38And when your buddy didn't show up to work today,
33:41he gave that promotion to you.
33:45So what? Is that supposed to prove something?
33:49What happened when you two friends went out last night?
33:51We had dinner and then a drink at the Bayside Bar.
33:54Jeff met this girl, Allison.
33:56She was eating tacos.
34:00It was a taco night at the Bayside.
34:02She borrowed our hot sauce.
34:04Jeff met this girl and they took off.
34:06I went home and slept on the couch.
34:08You slept on the couch?
34:10My girlfriend's been sick. I didn't want to wake her.
34:12So she didn't see you until the morning?
34:14Well, there goes your alibi.
34:18You people are crazy.
34:20I don't need an alibi. I didn't do anything.
34:23I want a lawyer.
34:25You don't need one.
34:27I mean, not yet.
34:29Give me a call if you decide to confess.
34:37You think he did it?
34:41But if he did,
34:43he's the most vicious serial killer I've ever heard of.
34:47Worth keeping an eye on him?
34:58Richard, where have you been?
35:00It's almost 1.30.
35:02I've been at the police station.
35:04Police station?
35:06Is that what that call was about this morning?
35:08Yeah, and thanks for throwing me under the bus.
35:10But I...
35:12How was I supposed to know you were wanted by the police?
35:15I have to go home now.
35:17Are you in some kind of trouble?
35:19Not yet, but I need to go check on Lexi.
35:21I need to make sure we have our story straight.
35:23Richard, you keep walking off the job like that,
35:26I'm going to have to hand that promotion back to Jeffrey.
35:28Good luck with that, because he's dead.
35:31Did you say dead?
35:35And the police think you did it?
35:38They didn't say as much, but I know what they were thinking.
35:41Now I have to go check out Lexi,
35:43make sure we're on the same page.
35:47Okay, take all the time you need, just be calm.
35:49There's no need to get angry.
35:51Geez, thanks Wheelwright.
35:53And don't worry,
35:55I haven't killed anyone in at least 24 hours.
36:08You home?
36:19Richard, I am truly sorry things have been kind of rough for us lately,
36:23but I feel like we've done everything we can do together
36:26and now it's time to go our separate ways.
36:28What the hell?
36:30I've decided to move into a group home
36:32with the other girls in the program
36:34as the doctor feels it is for my own good.
36:36I know you wouldn't approve
36:38and would try to talk me out of it,
36:40so I've taken the steps to remove myself from the house.
36:43Please know that I love you
36:45and maybe you will find happiness with someone else soon.
36:48Please don't look for me.
36:52What the hell is happening?
36:54Jeff's dead, I'm the number one suspect,
36:56and now this shit?
36:58I don't know.
37:58These things are completely normal.
38:00But I sincerely appreciate your concern, Mr. James,
38:03as I'm sure Alexia does too.
38:05But I assure you, you have nothing to worry about.
38:07She's in great hands, actually.
38:09With all due respect,
38:11I'd like to hear that from her myself.
38:13I'm afraid that would not be possible.
38:15I can't release the private information for any of my patients,
38:19and I'm sure you're aware of that.
38:20Alexia has made what she believes is the best choice
38:24for the sake of her own well-being.
38:26I don't understand why you can't accept that and be happy for her.
38:30It's just so...
38:34One day she comes to see you,
38:36the next day, she's gone.
38:38Don't you understand?
38:40It's for her own good.
38:42I wholeheartedly agree with her choice
38:45to join that group home with you.
38:46I wholeheartedly agree with her choice
38:49to join that group home.
38:51It's filled with people like her,
38:53people who are experiencing the same exact situation.
38:57It's a very nurturing place.
38:59What could be better?
39:01I just want to talk to her.
39:03I understand, I understand.
39:05I don't blame you.
39:07If she changes her mind, I'm sure she's going to contact you.
39:09In the meantime, be happy for her.
39:11She's healing.
39:13I am happy.
39:14Dr. Sinclair, you're wanted in Aqua Therapy.
39:17It's Dad.
39:19The story of my life.
39:21Thank you for coming.
39:23I'll talk to you later.
39:44I'm afraid it's time for you to leave now, Mr. James.
39:54I'm afraid it's time for you to leave now, Mr. James.
40:04What is this?
40:06It's an aquarium.
40:09What kind of aquarium?
40:11Tropical fish.
40:12What if any of these get loose?
40:14They can be killed.
40:16Very quickly.
40:18Killed? How?
40:20By introducing ethyl glycol into the water system.
40:22Ethylene glycol?
40:24Yes. Radiator coolant.
40:26Like in your car.
40:28Why is it so hot in here?
40:30They're tropical fish.
40:32They need a warm environment to survive,
40:34otherwise they will die.
40:36Now, if you don't mind,
40:38I'm very busy.
40:40We can catch up later.
40:42If you don't mind.
40:46You haven't heard the last of this.
41:04You know,
41:06I think he really means that.
41:13Hey, pal.
41:15Sit wherever you like.
41:27Scotch and soda, right?
41:29Yeah. Yeah, that's right.
41:31Do you remember me?
41:33I'm good with faces.
41:35Do you...
41:37Do you remember me?
41:41Do you...
41:43remember my friend here?
41:45Am I supposed to?
41:47Think hard. He was here with me last night.
41:49I lied, okay?
41:51I'm really not that good with faces.
41:53He left with his girl, Allison.
41:55She was eating tacos.
41:57She asked to borrow our hot sauce.
42:00You're kidding, right?
42:02Hey, can I get a drink down here?
42:08I didn't expect to see you back again so soon.
42:11You're becoming a regular.
42:13Hey, I remember you.
42:16You were here last night with that girl, right?
42:20Yeah, you're pretty short.
42:22And you were with that other guy...
42:27Jeff, yeah.
42:29Not my type.
42:31He seemed like a nice guy, though.
42:34You all by yourself tonight?
42:36So far.
42:38Good-looking guy like you?
42:40I figured you as a steady girlfriend type.
42:43Yeah, yeah, I was.
42:46But, um...
42:48But that's all over now.
42:50Too bad.
42:53And here you are...
42:55Out on the town...
42:57All alone.
42:59I'm not alone.
43:00I have you.
43:03You're funny.
43:05I like that in a guy.
43:07There's always a certain level of...
43:12What happened to Jeff?
43:14I'm not sure what you mean.
43:17He's dead.
43:19That's terrible.
43:21All I know is he left with my friend.
43:25I guess that's why he didn't call her back.
43:28I just figured he was some sort of jerk.
43:32I forgot I hit the head.
43:34I'll be right back.
43:47You've reached the office of Detective Shane Antonio Maypolice.
43:51If this is an emergency, please dial 9-1-1.
43:54Otherwise, leave a message.
43:57Detective Shane, this is Richard James.
43:59I just connected with one of the girls Jeff and I saw last night.
44:02I'm sure she has something to do with Jeff's killing.
44:04If you get this message, head down to the Bayside Bar.
44:07I'm going to try to keep her here as long as I can.
44:09Hurry, or you're going to screw this up.
44:22Well, here's to the most beautiful girl in the room.
44:25Very sweet of you.
44:32How'd you know my name?
44:35You'd be surprised at all the things I know.
44:39Probably not.
44:48Yeah, probably not.
44:57Where am I?
45:59Where am I?
46:01This is my pad. You like it?
46:04You kidnapped me.
46:06Now that's gratitude.
46:08You get drunk, make a fool of yourself.
46:11I let you sleep it off here and that's how you thank me?
46:14I didn't drink too much. I was drugged.
46:17Call it what you want.
46:19Drunk, drugged. It's all the same to me.
46:23Look at yourself. You're a sight.
46:25I could say the same thing about you.
46:29You're a funny guy, Richard.
46:31What did you do to Jeff?
46:33Jeff met with foul play, as they say in the TV cop shows.
46:36You would have too if it hadn't been for Alexia.
46:39Oh my God.
46:42You were the Allison that steered Alexia to that weird doctor.
46:47I should have known.
46:49I saved your sweetie's life. You could be a little more grateful.
46:52Where is she?
46:53She doesn't want to see you anymore.
46:56She doesn't want to see anyone.
46:58I thought she made that clear to you.
47:00You people have done something with her.
47:02Tell me where she is or I swear to God...
47:06If it weren't for Alexia, you'd be dead already.
47:08So cut it with the empty threats.
47:10Richard, for Alexia's sake, I'm giving you one more chance to leave town.
47:13I suggest you take it.
47:15Now leave and don't come back.
47:24Dude, you just can't go in there.
47:26I just need a minute of his time.
47:28You're public servants, aren't you?
47:30Yeah, but he's not going to like it.
47:32He doesn't have to.
47:34I need to talk to you.
47:36I tried to stop him.
47:38It's okay. I got your message.
47:40I went to the bar.
47:42They told me you were dragged out and a dead drunk.
47:44I wasn't drunk. I was drugged.
47:48Still have your watch?
47:51Your wallet?
47:53Your keys?
47:55Your money?
47:57You want to file a complaint?
47:59No, I want you to help me find my girlfriend.
48:01Lexi, she's being held somewhere against her will.
48:03That's a pretty bold claim.
48:05Well, it's true.
48:07She's been missing for two days now.
48:09They warned me to stop looking for her or they're going to kill me.
48:11Let's go back to the beginning.
48:13Who's going to kill you?
48:15Those girls.
48:17Okay, they murdered Jeff and who knows how many others.
48:19The girls at the bar killed Jeff?
48:21The girls who ate the tacos and borrowed your hot sauce?
48:23They ripped your friend apart.
48:27I know it sounds crazy.
48:30But they've been injected with fish DNA as part of some weird medical experiment.
48:34They have to stay warm.
48:36And they need to kill.
48:38Fish DNA?
48:40They're goddamn piranha women.
48:42Why don't you come back when you sober up?
48:46Use your stingray cell site simulator.
48:48I know you have one.
48:56Here's Lexi's phone number.
48:58Track her phone.
49:00Oh, I'll track it.
49:03Piranha women.
49:42Sorry, pal.
49:44No soap.
49:46You couldn't track her phone?
49:47We tracked it.
49:49But it's a group home for recovering patients.
49:51Is your girlfriend staying there?
49:53Because we can't just go bust into a place like that.
49:55Those people have rights.
49:57Just forget it.
49:59I knew you wouldn't believe me.
50:01Stay away from that place.
50:03There's sick people there.
50:05Now what are we going to do?
50:07Give him an hour.
50:09Then we track his phone.
50:40I'm so glad you decided not to take our advice and leave town.
50:44I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.
50:46Back off, fish face.
50:48I'm going to find Lexi and bring her home.
50:50A neat trick.
50:52If you can do it.
50:54Who's going to stop me, sweetheart?
50:58We tried to spare you.
51:00For Lexi's sake.
51:02You're just not as smart as we thought you were.
51:06We'll see about that.
51:08And you take one more step toward me,
51:10I'm going to rearrange your flippers.
51:15You know I was just kidding about that.
51:45What the fuck?
52:16What if any of these get loose?
52:18They can be killed.
52:20Very quickly.
52:26By introducing ethyl glycol into the water system.
52:28Ethylene glycol?
52:32Radiated coolant.
52:34Like in your car.
52:48Holy shit.
52:50It's a goddamn piranha hot tub party.
53:16Let's cool things off a little.
53:21Let's cool things off a lot.
53:45That'll do it.
54:23What's going on here?
54:25It's that girl, Allison.
54:27She tried to kill me.
54:33You want to try and help her?
54:37I'm good.
54:40I've got to find Lexi.
54:56Are you okay?
54:58Okay, come on.
54:59Let's get you out of here.
55:01Come on.
55:02Let's get you out of here.
55:08Come on.
55:13What are you doing?
55:33Oh my god!
55:38What the fuck?
55:53Is there anything else you want to tell me?
55:59Let's get out of here.
56:03Let's go.
56:10So you see,
56:12you're exactly the type of case I've been looking for.
56:15And I assure you, in a few short weeks,
56:17you're going to see changes in yourself you never dreamed possible.
56:23I dare say,
56:26you might not even recognize yourself.
56:32I'm sorry.
56:33I'm sorry.
56:34I'm sorry.
56:35I'm sorry.
56:36I'm sorry.
56:37I'm sorry.
56:38I'm sorry.
56:39I'm sorry.
56:40I'm sorry.
56:41I'm sorry.
56:42I'm sorry.
56:43I'm sorry.
56:44I'm sorry.
56:45I'm sorry.
56:46I'm sorry.
56:47I'm sorry.
56:48I'm sorry.
56:49I'm sorry.
56:50I'm sorry.
56:51I'm sorry.
56:52I'm sorry.
56:53I'm sorry.
56:54I'm sorry.
56:55I'm sorry.
56:56I'm sorry.
56:57I'm sorry.
56:58I'm sorry.
56:59I'm sorry.
57:00I'm sorry.
57:01I'm sorry.
57:02I'm sorry.
57:03I'm sorry.
57:04I'm sorry.
57:05I'm sorry.
57:06I'm sorry.
57:07I'm sorry.
57:08I'm sorry.
57:09I'm sorry.
57:10I'm sorry.
57:11I'm sorry.
57:12I'm sorry.
57:13I'm sorry.
57:14I'm sorry.
57:15I'm sorry.
57:16I'm sorry.
57:17I'm sorry.
57:18I'm sorry.
57:19I'm sorry.
57:20I'm sorry.
57:21I'm sorry.
57:22I'm sorry.
57:23I'm sorry.
57:24I'm sorry.
57:25I'm sorry.
57:26I'm sorry.
57:27I'm sorry.
57:28I'm sorry.
57:29I'm sorry.
57:30I'm sorry.
57:31I'm sorry.
57:32I'm sorry.
57:33I'm sorry.
57:34I'm sorry.
57:35I'm sorry.
57:36I'm sorry.
57:37I'm sorry.
57:38I'm sorry.
57:39I'm sorry.
57:40I'm sorry.
57:41I'm sorry.
57:42I'm sorry.
57:43I'm sorry.
57:44I'm sorry.
57:45I'm sorry.
57:46I'm sorry.
57:47I'm sorry.
57:48I'm sorry.
57:49I'm sorry.
57:50I'm sorry.
57:51I'm sorry.
57:52I'm sorry.
57:53I'm sorry.
57:54I'm sorry.
57:55I'm sorry.
57:56I'm sorry.
57:57I'm sorry.
57:58I'm sorry.
