• 2 days ago
00:00:00Hello friends, welcome to Humanology 2.116.1, yeah I mean I looked at some more during the
00:00:11digitization process and it's like kind of recurring theme, yeah initially like first
00:00:2010 numbers or so yeah there's definitely pattern but after that like a number emerged that
00:00:29deviate from the pattern which is kind of disappointing okay it's kind of like I remember
00:00:36the substance movie right yeah this lady Sue played by Magal Cali yeah the chicken drumstick
00:00:47out of nowhere right I remember that scene okay okay but we'll be honest with the data
00:01:00we cannot manipulate the data and lie about it many scientists do like in special general
00:01:05relativity in physics yeah try to fit to the scheme of this wrong theory by Albert Einstein
00:01:11special general relativity theory they manipulate their data okay that's what they've been doing
00:01:15for 100 years yeah they've been lying okay yeah one day you will be revolted okay but I understand
00:01:25yeah they want to keep their job yeah yeah I understand yeah the only humans okay yeah
00:01:35yeah let's say 500 and then I go to Instagram live okay yeah this yeah we'll continue tomorrow
00:01:46okay it's well actually I never thought this would be an easier problem I never thought
00:01:54this would be easy problem okay so I'm not surprised just disappointed because I thought
00:02:00I found a pattern then more examples as we made uh it deviate from that pattern
00:02:08which is disappointing okay because it means it's more difficult problem
00:02:14than I want it to be okay yeah that's fine okay yeah we'll just
00:02:20take a break from mathematics and get back to it later okay sure
00:02:35yeah whatever okay fine it's very good
00:02:40yeah then we'll go to Instagram live okay
00:02:46yeah scientific research is like this sometimes going good sometimes
00:02:52some obstacles look just like anything in life like in business as well
00:02:57or like right towards plug or painters plug whatever okay
00:03:04kind of roller coaster ride right ups and downs no problem it's normal okay yeah
00:03:08natural universal okay five minutes thank you yeah
00:10:11yeah welcome back to humanology so yeah uh in old testimony in bible right uh they
00:10:20have this mosaic 10 commandments like honor thy parents then you will live long
00:10:26okay yeah that makes sense because uh we say thanks to our parents or figures who could be
00:10:33younger than us yeah people who take good care of us love us right yeah yeah so we like say hello
00:10:42to them every now and then yeah honoring our parents thanking them okay sure yeah slow us down
00:10:49give us break from all this busy work schedule so yeah giving a break
00:10:56taking a rest to say our parental figures metaphysical parents right yeah it's good rest
00:11:02good break from busy routine so yeah taking a break from busy routine yeah that leads to longevity
00:11:13you get healthier right yeah so that make perfect sense okay yeah sometimes in humanology we interpret
00:11:19uh some ancient religious texts in more humanological modern
00:11:27fashion okay yeah there's something we do yeah sometimes okay yeah
00:11:34now let me get some beer
00:12:15okay yeah
00:12:21very cool
00:12:24let's do the same run now okay sure
00:12:37yeah mathematically we get back to it
00:12:42a disappointing result because we found some example that break away from the pattern
00:12:50yeah but it still can be part of bigger pattern okay so yeah i mean
00:13:04ups and downs in mathematics yeah i'm used to it right now okay yeah
00:13:33oh yeah
00:13:39okay render selfies
00:13:45goofy smile
00:13:51like oh
00:14:59oh my right arm right shoulder hurts okay
00:15:06hello friends yeah welcome to uh humanology episode
00:15:14two one one six point one uh instant revelation
00:15:18yeah good evening happy tuesday welcome yeah
00:15:29yeah yeah we did like mathematics past almost two hours uh in daily motion and uh
00:15:38making good progress yeah
00:15:42found some counter examples to the hypothesis which is quite surprising and disappointing okay but
00:15:50that's just how it is in uh mathematics or any science or anything else okay
00:15:56yeah some good time bad time right yeah
00:16:02no surprise there yeah
00:16:08we continue mathematics tomorrow okay yeah
00:16:17cheers yeah
00:16:34counter examples huh
00:16:46but uh we found some other patterns too okay so let me show you okay
00:16:53uh by the way i i think there's some internet connection issue we may have to restart okay so
00:16:58we will start it then okay sure okay how do i know uh nobody's joining us okay so
00:17:06yeah oh yeah welcome friends yeah now you know internet is working welcome yeah very proud yeah
00:17:18future leaders my proud yeah cheers yeah happy tuesday good evening yeah
00:17:28uh you wanna join us uh well the thing is nowadays i'm 46 i'm old so uh
00:17:35i do not have enough energy to have live conversation anymore okay
00:17:43thank you for the invitation yeah
00:17:47yeah but you can communicate in the chat room right yeah
00:17:50yeah yeah i'm realistic about my aging okay so yeah yeah thank you for understanding thank you
00:17:58yeah cheers
00:18:04yeah so let me show that uh
00:18:08kind of triangular matrix of numbers there
00:18:11uh yeah create this common divisor based on coefficients you create the algorithm
00:18:19this number theory right just integers and uh
00:18:29there's a recognizable pattern there okay yeah so
00:18:35so yeah welcome thank you yeah we did some mathematics earlier in daily motion so
00:18:47it's interesting yeah so repeating recurring patterns right yeah
00:18:55like horizontal diagonal vertical patterns in those numbers that we calculated okay so
00:19:12sometimes yeah david is a brand new example that devia from that era
00:19:18uh yeah that's why i was kind of disappointed okay because it means this problem is more difficult
00:19:25than i thought it would be okay well i want it to be it's more difficult than i want it to be okay so
00:19:35okay that means
00:19:41solving this problem will take more time than i thought that's what it means okay so
00:19:50that happens cheers
00:20:07like anything in life right yeah maybe you're into business yeah maybe you have some business
00:20:13problem maybe it's a bigger problem than you initially thought right yeah that happens yeah
00:20:23proof same thing right yeah life
00:20:30welcome to human logic yeah we connect the dots between like everything in life
00:20:34like business or mathematics or whatever right yeah filmmaking too yeah
00:20:44let's take five minutes break okay and then maybe some filmmaking
00:20:47story yeah therapy for mental phobia in youtube okay yeah behind us and sure we can we can do that
00:20:54five minutes okay thank you welcome happy tuesday yeah
00:20:59welcome to humanology thank you yeah how nice yeah it's good to have friends right yeah they
00:21:08give us energy right yeah i i learned that lesson from other friends of mine who's younger than me
00:21:15actually younger people they're smart we love older people too very wise right yeah we love
00:21:22from everybody who's young and old younger and older okay yeah they're cool five minutes okay
00:21:28thank you nice cool yeah
00:24:32yeah welcome we are back welcome back and uh good evening yeah so
00:24:40yeah in filmmaking it's like this pre-production production and
00:24:44post-production like easy as one two three abc like my the jackson five song okay so
00:24:51like great tradition a triangle they love number three the stability like
00:24:56in ecology biology like a food triangle right yeah or in a pyramid in egypt okay yeah
00:25:05okay when you write academic essay like a beginning middle and end right yeah one two
00:25:12three okay cheers yeah okay
00:25:25so in filmmaking when i was in los angeles california like uh in 2006 and 2009 yeah i i
00:25:31went before that yeah medicine discussing i took some uh video production class as well
00:25:38she's kind of basically filmmaking more uh using video okay was it analog or digital
00:25:46uh i don't remember it could have been analog actually okay
00:25:54something like that maybe it was this i don't know it was this video okay cheers
00:26:03yeah so pre-production what is it uh yeah screenwriting
00:26:08or hiring actors or casting right and location scout yeah filming location
00:26:15and some yeah pre-planning stuff okay pre-production okay yeah to me yeah location
00:26:23scouting yeah i found this wonderful place in mojave desert red canyon rock state park
00:26:30in california right yeah yeah i drove everywhere i drove like northern california even all the way
00:26:37to utah zion park zion national park okay arizona like national park like grand canyon
00:26:47but it's just too far away from los angeles where i used to live there okay
00:26:51and uh yeah so yeah red rock
00:26:55canyon park state california state park that's like what two to three hours drive from los angeles
00:27:02yeah i can do that a great rock formation yeah location scouting okay
00:27:08and screenwriting yeah i'll go to cafe in the weekends uh back then i used to drink coffee okay
00:27:15like espresso and whatnot black coffee mostly yeah yeah i'll go to like cafe in los angeles
00:27:25north hollywood well same thing on the valley okay so yeah i'll go to like cafe in like studio city
00:27:33okay yeah and i downloaded this screenplay free screenplay writing software okay
00:27:42yeah so i wrote screenplay for the therapy for metal for movie
00:27:48uh how long did it take to write that script a couple of months okay yeah back in 2007 okay
00:28:01that's pretty production okay casting yeah just me yeah i was the only guy in the movie
00:28:07writer director actor okay yeah a producer music composer i did everything editor okay so
00:28:18now next year production phase yeah filming location mojave desert went there with my
00:28:25panasonic dvx a semi-professional camera that cost me like 2700 dollars i was in debt by then
00:28:34it was expensive for me working as a comfortable programmer full-time okay
00:28:43yeah yeah welcome good evening yeah
00:28:54yeah we're talking about like filmmaking okay yeah production phase yeah during the weekend
00:28:59i'll drive to mojave desert
00:29:05what's my job yeah i am a lawyer in alaska yeah that's what i do to pay the bills yeah
00:29:19in my spare time yeah uh streaming like this and also mathematics yeah so
00:29:26okay now i need to vocalize okay yeah welcome friends good evening let's take five minutes
00:29:33very okay thank you yeah future leaders my proud martial arts exercise education and
00:29:38current development okay thank you good rest good food okay
00:29:45uh how much do i drink at night maybe five drinks
00:29:51they're my guests because i'm at home okay and today i just go to bed okay so
00:29:57yeah okay yeah uh yeah i i will see you to five minutes
00:30:03typically i guess five minutes break thank you my proud future leaders okay yeah five minutes thank you
00:32:27welcome welcome yeah
00:32:31okay so production phase okay self-made movie in youtube uh yeah typically like saturday morning
00:32:40right because i worked as a full-time computer programmer monday to friday right so yeah friday
00:32:47night i just go to bed and then saturday morning i would drive to mojave desert from los angeles
00:32:54california north hollywood like efficiency studio apartment okay with a mattress on the floor i
00:33:03did not have bed just mattress that's good enough for me okay yeah cheers yeah just back in 2007
00:33:10when i was uh 29 something like that okay yeah cheers yeah
00:33:22so yeah saturday morning i drove my car chevy corsica uh red chevy corsica in the movie okay so
00:33:32uh to mojave desert like three hours kind of i think it was a north west east of los angeles
00:33:40some center okay so mojave desert yeah and get a motel room in mojave city and then uh
00:33:49uh bring water sandwich tripod and camera
00:34:01yeah parked my car and in my backpack yeah carrying all the essentials camera tripod
00:34:10remote control water sandwich cigarettes lighter and from the parking lot i would just walk
00:34:21hiking trail to the filming location
00:34:27she's like about uh 20 minutes of hiking walking okay yeah i did not bring any alcohol because i
00:34:34don't drink and drive okay back then i didn't drink like i do now no back then i can't
00:34:452007 i drank like once a week maybe okay yeah but i did smoke cigarettes
00:34:59and yeah sometimes sometimes yeah in the filming it's just me and camera remote control yeah
00:35:05yeah acting yeah memorizing the lines in the script screenplay script that i wrote sometimes
00:35:15improvisation okay going off the script yeah multiple takes same line right like uh
00:35:32yeah talking to the rock right volcanic rock okay talk with this rock stop talking okay
00:35:42so yeah main multi-take multiple takes okay same same same lines okay but uh
00:35:52uh turn different angles or different not different angles too much with
00:35:59camera on the mounted on the tripod but different kind of acting talk talk
00:36:08talk talk
00:36:14okay yeah different kind of acting one different stuff yeah different approach yeah
00:36:21keep on filmmaking right cheers
00:36:31and then sunday afternoon yeah driving back to from mojave desert to
00:36:40los angeles california north hollywood san fernando valley okay
00:36:44yeah and then uh go to sleep and then get ready to back to work as a full-time
00:36:50computer programmer next day monday okay and during the weekday nights editing yeah
00:37:02then weekday weekend comes yeah drive back to mojave desert
00:37:07to do the principal photography filming okay i did it for like about three months
00:37:20it was nice yeah i liked it
00:37:29cheers okay it's a production phase okay after we take five minutes break after that yeah we'll
00:37:34talk about post-production phase that's about like editing and uh distribution promotion okay
00:37:44yeah interesting stuff yeah cheers
00:37:57five minutes okay thank you yeah welcome to human logic yeah
00:38:02yeah we'll talk about filmmaking today nice yeah it's interesting
00:38:14yeah let's create some fresh alaskan afternoon in the room
00:38:18too much carbon dioxide build up yeah okay
00:41:02yeah so uh in this movie yeah death before metal football which is available for free on youtube
00:41:11yeah i thought that between like uh pre-production and production and
00:41:18post-production i thought production phase would be most difficult
00:41:24that's what i thought and i was wrong but in this project it turned out that the
00:41:33post-production was the most difficult part editing
00:41:42why i'll tell you yeah cheers
00:41:52so i wrote a screenplay and did the acting
00:42:00and now post-production phase editing okay so i digitized the mini dv footage that's digital okay
00:42:10and upload it to my desktop computer the tower right back in days okay and then i looked at
00:42:20the footage raw footage before start starting to edit you know video editing software okay yeah
00:42:29sony vega fantastic okay so i was just playing back playing and then i was like
00:42:43the lines of the screenplay that i wrote myself
00:42:50it was too flat it was not interesting it's too predictable too simplistic i was like oh my
00:42:58goodness what do i do with all this raw footage it's just not interesting enough
00:43:04i was very unsatisfied
00:43:12so what do i do
00:43:17then i i believe in god god gave me these ideas okay how about some experimental editing
00:43:24like multi-processing just like electrical engineering term okay yeah and because as
00:43:31a computer science major before los angeles korea yeah i was a medicine constant measuring
00:43:36computer science and we just took some classes in electrical engineering okay so yeah multiplexing
00:43:41and multi-take recycling yeah one thing multiple takes okay yeah same same line acting but different
00:43:52kind of acting right yeah but mostly same angle though okay yeah so let's recycle that and
00:44:00sometimes i play it backward like laughing scene yeah laptop playing backward it sounds very
00:44:09weird and strange and even jarring even someone scared it too
00:44:17but interesting yeah so like backward playing and all these different editing technique
00:44:25experimental possibly uh first time in the world history of cinema okay yeah so
00:44:34after that i was very satisfied okay the final product okay cheers and the rest is history okay
00:44:43cheers thank you yeah
00:44:48yeah also let's find this bag right we'll talk some more about difficulty in post-production
00:44:54like editing process okay yeah five minutes okay i need some more cards thank you yeah
00:45:01welcome to humanology future leaders my proud
00:45:05mm-hmm yeah
00:48:14okay so some post-production difficulty sure yeah so uh i was using softwares from like five
00:48:26different companies maybe seven okay like for animation part e-frontier okay yeah animation
00:48:37editing software okay and also uh for music composition editing yeah media editor yeah
00:48:46standard cubase from germany and uh video editing yeah the sony vega
00:48:55there's like kind of like it's american company okay but sony is japanese right yeah so and uh
00:49:02ulead title editor okay i don't know what country that's from okay but they're all different
00:49:08companies okay yeah corg wave station yeah corg that's like german company okay so yeah all
00:49:14different uh companies made up from different countries their computer software okay and
00:49:25so yeah you look i'm majoring computer science okay so i understand the behind the scenes story
00:49:31okay yeah they use computer software they use different computer programming languages okay
00:49:36but welcome friends yeah welcome good evening yeah cheers
00:49:44yeah we'll talk about like filmmaking okay post-production editing process okay
00:49:51so all these different softwares from different companies many times from different countries
00:49:59most likely they use different computer programming languages maybe c c++ java who knows
00:50:06but after they go to compiler maybe interpreter depending on the language okay
00:50:12okay they become binary code executables exe okay but still
00:50:21sometimes they don't interface very well all different company softwares from different
00:50:27companies and different countries yeah they don't interface very well sometimes
00:50:32okay so there was very difficult process editing process post-production okay uh sometimes i
00:50:44remember okay so the final editing was done in fulcrum texas when i was a u.s army okay
00:50:50because i took like one year break from all this filmmaking okay
00:50:54yeah in my u.s army barracks in fulcrum texas plane base west fulcrum okay
00:51:01uh i sometimes i cried in the bathroom alone because yeah these different softwares from
00:51:10different companies many times from different countries i didn't interface very well sometimes
00:51:22yeah it was very stressful very stressful okay so i made some compromises
00:51:37it was not like the way i want it to be but actually later on i realized actually this is
00:51:42better than original plan okay like kind of a smaller screen like on frame right
00:51:50actually something different yeah actually it's kind of actually better
00:51:55than i originally envisioned it's something different okay yeah kind of technical
00:52:04not defect but uh what's that term kind of side effect i forgot technical glitch maybe
00:52:12but later on i realized actually it's better than originally planned okay so okay you go along with
00:52:19it okay but i do remember in fulcrum texas i did cry in the bathroom because these different
00:52:28softwares uh sometimes they do not work very well together okay so it was very stressful
00:52:36but later on yeah some technical glitch effect that i thought
00:52:44actually worked better in afterthought looking back now okay this kind of look more experimental
00:52:52something very different unexpected okay good yeah cheers
00:53:04so that blessing from god disguised as a curse okay kind of like that okay
00:53:25no time check i'm kind of getting to work okay
00:53:37yeah it's been less than one hour okay
00:53:39okay okay so yeah post-production yeah editing okay after that after finalizing a movie
00:53:50next phase in post-production distribution and promotion like advertisement and stuff okay
00:53:56yeah we'll talk about that after five minutes okay thank you yeah welcome to humanity okay
00:54:01thank you yeah welcome to humanity okay yeah today yeah about filmmaking okay yeah
00:54:07very cool yeah finally thank you
00:56:12okay welcome yeah okay distribution phase yeah promotion advertisement
00:56:22yeah post-production phase in filmmaking right yeah sure uh i applied i submitted the finished
00:56:29product 2011 when i was in u.s army okay in the internet okay so also mailing of the dvd
00:56:38okay 50 different film festivals all around the world okay uh yeah like uh some big one yeah
00:56:48sundance film festival did not accept my movie yeah south by southwest in austin texas did not
00:56:56either okay i was in u.s army barracks focal texas austin texas we've been there many times
00:57:03it's like what one hour south of forward texas okay okay cheers yeah
00:57:12also some middle level like new york film festival los angeles film festival san francisco
00:57:18film festival okay they didn't accept it either okay and also some local smaller scale film
00:57:26festivals okay like uh american christian film festival asian american film festivals
00:57:34back then i was christian and asian yeah i'm still asian now yeah but they both rejected my movie
00:57:41and yeah self-influenced metal phobia movie kind of christian theme because back then i was christian
00:57:49now i'm a humanologist okay yeah but asian film festival in america yeah rejected my movie and
00:57:59christian film festival in america rejected my movie too yeah i understand it's too avant-garde
00:58:06to experiment i guess welcome friends yeah future leaders mighty proud cheers yeah
00:58:17yeah yeah and uh but uh there are five film festival around the world who accepted this
00:58:26movie okay exactly yeah yeah one in ireland england australia and uh
00:58:34pasadena california america and uh ventura county california america okay yeah five of them
00:58:44i'm very grateful
00:58:50yeah like 10 percent acceptance right okay yeah later on i learned that yeah it's quite difficult
00:58:57independent filmmakers yeah i learned that from my fellow independent filmmakers okay
00:59:04yeah 10 acceptance right like five out of 50 this is very difficult okay okay good to know cheers
00:59:27so there's post-production like distribution phase right yeah advertisement promotion okay
00:59:36and then uh later on i went to law school after u.s army okay yeah
00:59:45of course we during the u.s army yeah went to ireland film festival who accepted this movie
00:59:52so yeah great time there okay great people in our own okay yeah fantastic
01:00:01after that yeah we got back to ford texas and then uh uh after that i went to u.s
01:00:09after u.s army korea yeah annabelle michigan law school with job will and then uh
01:00:23until 2013 i was like 35 years old okay
01:00:35okay i showed this movie to my classmates in elementary law school
01:00:44on my uh 35th birthday kind of okay saturday on the weekend okay so
01:00:53how many law school students
01:00:57less than 100 maybe 50
01:01:09after that uh i decided to upload this movie full length
01:01:14about 70 minutes one hour and 10 minutes okay to youtube okay yeah
01:01:22for free okay
01:01:26yeah there are people made a few movie uh thanks to you
01:01:30friends yeah about 2 000 views so far okay
01:01:39i'm very grateful thankful thank you
01:01:44a very humble movie made by one person
01:01:58of course when i was a u.s army yeah in the u.s army barracks
01:02:01yeah i showed my army colleagues of that movie too
01:02:08some mixed review
01:02:11some people liked it some people didn't okay that's cool cheers
01:02:28okay that's a fine with me okay i'm so vocalized okay
01:02:31thank you future results my proud yeah you'll be amazing future leaders like in business
01:02:37arts movies literature science business academia no matter what you're interested in okay
01:02:48okay my problem okay yeah martial arts education
01:02:51continuing education yeah education yeah it could be inside of school or outside of school
01:02:57okay most of my education so far outside of school just like wikipedia youtube and other web pages
01:03:07okay awesome books
01:03:11five minutes thank you welcome to your school yeah it's magical place
01:03:17magical yeah okay time to check out good
01:03:27okay it's more than one hour okay five minutes okay thank you oh yeah very cool
01:05:45okay welcome everybody yeah welcome friends yeah good evening
01:05:52okay yeah my proud yeah studying right fantastic my proud yeah yeah yeah focusing education
01:06:06college development right yeah studying working fantastic absolutely yeah my proud
01:06:15yes so we talk about filmmaking preparation production post-production yeah one two three
01:06:22abc very good okay yeah and uh uh i i uh yeah welcome good evening yeah i mean i not
01:06:35win like academy award from hollywood yeah so uh oh but that's fine maybe one day okay i don't know
01:06:47that but uh i was satisfied watching this movie that i made all by myself
01:06:59and i was satisfied with the final product
01:07:06okay some people liked it some people didn't yeah i'm just grateful thankful that they watched this
01:07:15movie okay me yeah i've watched many times okay and i was satisfied with the final product okay so
01:07:26to me yeah that's all that matters
01:07:32yeah our wonderful colleagues friends who appreciated this movie
01:07:42i'm very grateful it means a lot to me absolutely okay
01:07:47and some people who did not like this movie well thank you for watching this movie
01:07:52although you didn't like it yeah i understand welcome friends yeah my proud future leaders
01:08:01yeah my jars education quality okay thank you
01:08:03so uh this therapy for metrophobia movie i guess it cost me about ten thousand dollars
01:08:18in total about very low budget stringent budget right but uh after it was finalized and produced
01:08:31and published in youtube right i watched that movie many times okay and i i was fully satisfied
01:08:40with this product
01:08:41with this product yeah
01:08:55yeah i did not win academy award i did not make any money off of this movie uh it doesn't matter
01:09:01okay so because i was satisfied with this final product after all that editing
01:09:12and location scout acting
01:09:19i was 100% satisfied with this movie okay so yeah so i'm happy okay yeah
01:09:34i'm grateful to god goddess divinity to have granted me this opportunity to make this movie
01:09:43feature length like one hour and 10 minutes okay feature length movie over myself making it
01:09:53and after all those years
01:09:55being satisfied with the final product
01:10:01yeah i'm very grateful okay and i'm so very grateful to our friends and colleagues like you
01:10:09uh who expressed appreciation of this movie that i made all by myself alone thank you yeah
01:10:21thank you yeah welcome friends yeah my proud yeah future leaders cheers
01:10:35and i welcome
01:10:42oh yeah yeah i'm good thank you yeah future leaders my proud
01:10:46yeah martial arts exercise education and career development okay thank you cheers
01:11:01how nice yeah
01:11:07yeah so i think it's a good time to make transition to facebook live okay uh i'm
01:11:12planning to play some uh youtube videos like air force basic training okay because yesterday
01:11:21couple days ago yeah we checked out the basic combat training in all different u.s military
01:11:26branches okay maybe more into but i think we checked out more in basic training okay uh now
01:11:35yeah in the facebook live yeah we'll check out some air force basic training combat training
01:11:41okay well i'll see you there or i'll see you tomorrow okay thank you i'm kind of drunk okay
01:11:47okay see you tomorrow thank you my proud future leaders yeah you're amazing i'm your normal fan
01:11:54you are very much appreciated all people i appreciate you
01:12:01okay future results my proud okay you're amazing yeah
01:13:16okay yes
01:13:29good yeah okay so uh let's make transition to facebook live okay yeah we'll check out
01:13:36some air force
01:13:39best training okay yeah it's about exercise all right yeah sure let me check them out people okay
01:13:47to emphasize the importance of exercise okay sure now time
01:14:06okay okay yeah it's been more than one hour good good good yeah may i see you in facebook live or
01:14:16maybe i see you tomorrow okay so yeah exercise martial arts and education and career development
01:14:22study education and career development okay yeah martial arts exercise okay diet okay thank you