• yesterday
A trailer for Billy Saves the World
00:00Hey everybody, welcome back to another video. Excuse the darkness. It's going to be a dark one this week.
00:05Just happens to be the area that I'm showing you this week.
00:08If you've been watching my devlogs, you'll have seen that I've walked through more action-focused elements of my game
00:15and also the slower-paced puzzle aspects of my game.
00:19And now, this week, I wanted to show you—ooh, that was bad—
00:23how it all sort of comes together in the main quest here.
00:26So this is how kind of the game works and blends everything together.
00:30Because in my game, I want you to be able to play how you prefer.
00:34If you're someone who likes platforming, you can lean the game in that direction.
00:38If you're someone who likes puzzles, you can lean the game in that direction.
00:42And you can kind of go back and forth however you prefer.
00:45Or if you get stuck on a particular level, you can opt to solve a puzzle to progress.
00:50If you get stumped on a puzzle, you can opt to do platforming instead.
00:54And so, here we're taking a look—this is a part of the main quest in Chapter 2.
00:59And for the most part, the majority of the platforming, you can actually skip in this game.
01:07This literal part you're watching right now, you're going to have to—you'll have to do some jumping sometimes.
01:12Obviously, it is a platformer first.
01:15But I want to show you how, in general, you can kind of lean the gameplay in whatever direction that you prefer.
01:21So I'm just going to—I'm going to actually just kill myself here.
01:24I can't. I forgot I have unlimited health right now, so I can't.
01:27So I'm just going to go forwards here.
01:31And we're going to get past this part here.
01:33It's a little tricky if you're not a platforming pro.
01:38I'm going to slide, double jump, just clear those.
01:41Alright, so that's kind of the bit of platforming you'll have to do to reach this next part.
01:46So in the game, I'm not going to go over the story too much.
01:50I don't want to spoil anything, but you're trekking through this dark cave.
01:54I've also turned off some of the—I've turned off all of the cutscenes.
01:58I don't want to spoil anything, so I'm actually kind of just going into this level in a plain way.
02:02Everything's—all the cutscenes and story moments have been turned off, and I'll just have to explain them as I go forward.
02:07So when you reach this part in the actual game, you're going to be—it's sort of a linear part of the game
02:13where I'm kind of guiding you through this creepy cave, but even in the linear moments, I offer multiple paths.
02:18So I guess it's not linear. Forget I said that.
02:21So you're going through this cave, and you're going to come across this statue here.
02:27The first time you come here, you're not going to really know what it's about.
02:30You can examine it. You can go past here.
02:33There's a piece of paper on the ground. You can read that if you'd like as well.
02:36And again, you can keep going forwards.
02:39Most people are going to be intrigued by this because up until this point, it's been a little bit—well, I won't say anything.
02:46So again, there's more to do here.
02:49There's a tent here, and there's another piece of paper. You can read that.
02:53Not much of it is going to make sense to you at the time when you're coming in here the first time.
02:58And then you're going to reach the end here, and you're going to find out that—
03:02a little cutscene plays here, and you're going to learn that you need to find a way to cross this gap here.
03:07There's a gap, and you need to cross this gap.
03:10And there's a journal here, and you can read it, and it kind of sets up your environment,
03:15and it kind of starts to make sense of what this thing is here, what that statue is over there that we saw earlier.
03:21This is basically a light bridge that you need to activate.
03:24And the journal here that you can read tells you that there's actually two ways across the gap,
03:32but this guy, he realizes that there's a route above.
03:35So if you see up there, there's that glowbug up top there.
03:38There's a route above, but he mentions that you need to be a member of the rogues to get access to that top route.
03:44You need to be a rogue, a.k.a. you need to be able to wall jump to get up there.
03:50Since he's not a member of the rogues, he doesn't have the gear, he needed to solve this riddle in order to get across this gap.
03:58I know it sounds a bit weird right now. It all makes sense if you were to see the cutscene and read everything.
04:02So these are your two solutions. These are your two paths.
04:05You can either—and I try to cover up in the game, I try to cover up when these moments are presented to you,
04:12but sometimes, like in this instance, I make it obvious.
04:15I'm like, okay, you literally have two choices. One is action-focused and one is puzzley.
04:20Sometimes I like to make it obvious just to get people, you know, really hit it over the head.
04:24Like, hey, you have an option here to do things the way you want to do them here.
04:28So if you have the proper gear and you like action, you can try to find a way up top.
04:34If you don't have that or you don't like the action or you want to take a break from it and do things differently and mix things up,
04:41you can try to solve this riddle here. So let's take a look at that.
04:46The riddle. So you need to take the Whisperer's Stone.
04:50It's an item you get from the journal that we already looked at, and you need to place it on this statue.
04:56Now, I can't actually do it because, like I said, I've turned off all of the mechanics for this part.
05:03But you would place the stone on the—the Whisperer's Stone on the statue and you would whisper in the answer to the riddle.
05:09And you can get clues by reading this paper here. So this—this will kind of seem life and death, peace and war.
05:17It kind of seems random to you. You might not know what it's about.
05:20But once you start thinking about what you read in the journal and once you start reading both of these clues,
05:27you might start to find out, oh, I think I might know the answer.
05:30And so if you think you know the answer, you can say the answer into this Whisperer's Stone.
05:35And once you speak the correct answer, the light bridge will activate.
05:40And then you can get across.
05:42Now, if you're more of an action-focused guy, if you're like, I do not care about riddles.
05:46I don't want to care—I don't want to slow things down. I want to keep playing the game.
05:49You can—you can do an action-focused thing.
05:53So if you use your meditation skill here, you will reveal this platform that's invisible.
05:59You can shimmy up this area here and reach the upper route.
06:05So for people who prefer action gameplay over puzzle solving, you can do just that.
06:11Here's a little hidden—well, not a hidden, but a little treasure chest here.
06:17There's a gold coin. I usually try to—try to reward exploration in this game.
06:24So if you explore, here's a hidden gold coin.
06:27There's a tiny bit of a puzzle on how to even reach that gold coin as well.
06:31It's a little—you've got to think a bit on how to reach that.
06:34I'm going to kill this glowbug so it doesn't kill me.
06:37Now, again, to reach the other side here, I'm going to use my meditation skill ability here.
06:43That allows me, again, to see hidden platforms.
06:46It also allows me to destroy things in my path, like giant boulders.
06:51There's an enemy here. Oh, no. All right. Not good. Not good.
06:56I just fell down. Now I'm poisoned.
07:00Thankfully, you can see me. I'll be turning green now.
07:05All right, sorry. I got poisoned in this game, so I just reloaded the game here.
07:10Because it's just a bit of annoying to be poisoned while I'm explaining everything to you.
07:15So anyway, so continuing on my path here, the upper route meant for more action-focused players.
07:22You're going to have to dodge these guys while on invisible platforms.
07:27You can, of course, hold down the meditation ability so it lasts longer and help you across the gap here.
07:35It's not too crazy, but again, it beats trying to use your brain and think of something if you hate that kind of gameplay.
07:44So I'm trying to let people do what they want to do.
07:47You can use this glow bug to bounce off his head and get up here.
07:52And fun fact, you can't see it because it's silhouetted, but there's a hidden chest right there.
08:00So if you're watching these devlogs, you're getting little helpful tips.
08:05So here we go. We're going down here. And there we go. I'm now across.
08:12Now, I've already lit the bridge here in this playthrough, but that is the way across the gap.
08:20If you want to use an action-oriented thing, or again, you can activate this light bridge to get across
08:29by using your head and coming up with some sort of adventure game-like puzzle.
08:34So that's how things work in the game, and they're all seamlessly blended in throughout.
08:39Every side quest, every optional level, they all have stuff like this.
08:44So I really wanted to give people the ability to kind of lean the gameplay the way they want to.
08:49And so you always have a choice to play the kind of game that you're looking for.
08:52But if you kind of want to try something else, you can experiment and on the fly try one way or another
08:59and kind of just come up with a completely different experience from maybe someone else playing the game.
09:04And sometimes the alternate routes are quite drastically different.
09:07Sometimes they're not. Sometimes it's a little bit more simple.
09:09But yeah, hope you liked this look at my game.
09:14Please go wishlist it. Billy saves the world on Steam.
09:18See you next time.
09:23Thanks for watching the video. My name is Cooper Bebo.
09:25I'm an actor, writer, producer of film, television, and video games.
09:28This video was brought to you by my Premium Plus members on my Patreon.
09:32Go there now. You can sign up for free, get access to my premium blog,
09:35and I also do a monthly podcast right here where I talk about all my projects,
09:40catch everybody up, and just talk about whatever I feel like.
09:43Go to my Discord. It's free.
09:45I post a bunch of stuff on my projects as well, including Billy Saves the World,
09:49a bunch of behind-the-scenes videos, and all this kind of stuff.
09:52There's also a special section for paying members as well where you can talk about whatever you feel like,
09:57books, movies, music. It's just mostly myself right now talking to myself.
10:01But please check it out.
10:03And while you're at it, go to Steam, head to Billy Saves the World page,
10:08and give it a wishlist. I'd appreciate it.
10:11Thanks for watching again. Goodbye.