• yesterday
Mason Full Movie
00:00:00It's a question we've all asked ourselves, but most of us are never given the opportunity to find out.
00:00:07Ever since the day my father was diagnosed, I mulled over that question again and again.
00:00:15How far would I be willing to go to save him? I wanted nothing more than to help him, but I felt hopeless.
00:00:30Until I met... him.
00:00:34Mason Campbell. Wealthier than the Queen of England and twice as powerful.
00:00:42Every woman wanted him. Every man wanted to be him.
00:00:47I knew he sounded like the kind of person I should stay far, far away from.
00:00:51And yet, every step I took led me closer to him.
00:00:56And eventually, right into his arms.
00:01:01Little did I know, I would soon get the answer to my question.
00:01:11Would I sacrifice everything to save the person I loved most?
00:01:18If the board approves, I'll be taking over as head of Campbell International in two weeks.
00:01:24So I've been educating myself on the operation of our subcontractors.
00:01:29There's nothing more important than being thorough.
00:01:33Are you on one of our largest shipping and distribution centers, Mrs. Miles?
00:01:37Yes. I'm divorced. Well, technically separated.
00:01:41The company isn't registered under your name? I found that suspicious.
00:01:47As if you're trying to hide something.
00:01:50So I did a little digging, and turns out you are.
00:01:55I'm sorry?
00:01:56You're using our contract to ship illegal drugs for the Omens.
00:02:00The Omens?
00:02:02Don't play dumb.
00:02:04You're working for one of the most dangerous mafia families in the world.
00:02:08Please. Mr. Campbell, trust that I'm plenty thorough myself.
00:02:14And I would know if something like that were happening under my nose.
00:02:17Just like I know that if anyone would be incriminated with this alleged crime, it would be you.
00:02:27Do you understand what I'm saying?
00:02:30Are you threatening me?
00:02:32No. I'm promising you.
00:02:35If you go to the DEA, they'll see your fingerprints all over this operation, not mine.
00:02:40You have no idea who you're fucking with.
00:02:43That's not all. I'm quite busy.
00:02:47And fingers crossed, by the way, on the promotion.
00:03:02I thought I'd be meeting with HR.
00:03:04Don't worry. His barn is worse than his bike.
00:03:07You'll love him. Just be yourself.
00:03:09As long as yourself is agreeable.
00:03:11And doesn't talk too much.
00:03:13Definitely don't talk too much. You will not like that.
00:03:16Oh, he's ready for you.
00:03:26What are you waiting for? Take a seat.
00:03:29Hi, I'm-
00:03:31Lauren Hart. Yes, I know.
00:03:36Mason Campbell. Of course. It's nice to meet you.
00:03:40Here's my resume.
00:03:41Undergrad at NYU. Masters of Marketing at UChicago.
00:03:46Brief stint at a small commercial agency and then a noticeable period of absolutely nothing.
00:03:52I can explain that.
00:03:54Excuses aside, you don't have enough experience to join the marketing team at Campbell International.
00:03:59But one of your recruiters reached out to me.
00:04:02There's one position that you are qualified to fill.
00:04:07I need a personal assistant.
00:04:08I need a personal assistant.
00:04:14A personal assistant?
00:04:16I'm planning on a very pivotal transition.
00:04:19I need someone that I can trust.
00:04:23Can I trust you, Miss Hart?
00:04:25Of course. I would just have to think about it.
00:04:28Think about working for someone like me, Miss Hart.
00:04:31So I can make all your dreams come true.
00:04:40Yes. Yes, sir. I'll take it.
00:04:44Very good.
00:04:47See you on Monday.
00:04:55Honey, I'm home.
00:04:57There she is.
00:05:01Oh, kiddo.
00:05:03Do me a favor.
00:05:05Sit with me for a little?
00:05:07Guess what I found.
00:05:09A boyfriend?
00:05:11A kidney.
00:05:14Dad, I found a job.
00:05:16Oh, that's amazing.
00:05:19What is it?
00:05:20Mason Campbell's assistant.
00:05:23Isn't he literally famous for being an asshole?
00:05:28He runs one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.
00:05:31With his connections, who knows?
00:05:33The dialysis is failing.
00:05:34You need to accept-
00:05:36We still have time to find a donor.
00:05:39You really think you can get Mason Campbell to find me a kidney?
00:05:45I'm going to try.
00:05:48I have to try.
00:05:53Between you and me, I can't believe I got the job.
00:05:57He didn't seem like he really liked me.
00:05:59Mason doesn't like anyone.
00:06:01He cares about one thing and one thing only.
00:06:05That's how he got to where he is.
00:06:06What value could I possibly bring him?
00:06:12I need you in here.
00:06:13Yes, sorry.
00:06:14I'm taking a risk on you.
00:06:16It's not like me to trust others with the details of my life.
00:06:20Well, people say I'm very reliable.
00:06:22I'm going to need you to stay late tonight.
00:06:24There's a lot to do.
00:06:26I can't tonight.
00:06:28Excuse me?
00:06:29I have to give my dad his meds.
00:06:31If you want this position, you'll stay here as long as I want, whenever I want.
00:06:39So what's it going to be?
00:06:56How are you doing?
00:06:59Good. Just reorganizing your calendar.
00:07:03I can't believe you went this long without an assistant.
00:07:06If you want something done right, you do it yourself.
00:07:10Sounds lonely.
00:07:15That's what this is for.
00:07:45So, how are you?
00:07:51I used to dream about this life.
00:07:55It's wild, isn't it?
00:07:57How disappointing it could all be.
00:08:00But you know, right?
00:08:02Wasting your life as an assistant to someone else's dream.
00:08:07I don't see it that way.
00:08:10I guess I must look different from above.
00:08:14But you have the better view, at least.
00:08:18We're looking down at the dirt, and you're looking up at the stars.
00:08:29Are you attracted to me?
00:08:31Excuse me?
00:08:32Answer me.
00:08:34Are you attracted to me?
00:08:39Not at all?
00:08:41No. Why are you asking me that?
00:08:44Just to confirm a suspicion.
00:08:49That you're willing to lie to me.
00:08:57Give me a chance to earn your trust.
00:09:03Your investment dinner tomorrow night.
00:09:06Let me help you.
00:09:10Okay, Miss Ott.
00:09:12Dinner's at 7pm.
00:09:14Be at my house at 6.45.
00:09:23Nothing. Do you have plans after this?
00:09:31Just for the job you want, I guess.
00:09:33Anyway, there's a maintenance guy coming in 20 minutes.
00:09:37There's a horrible smell coming out of the sink.
00:09:42You didn't think that...
00:09:44Oh, no. No, this is fine.
00:09:46No, no, this is fine, of course.
00:09:49Okay, well, sorry.
00:09:51Anyway, make yourself at home as much as you can, anyway, with that smell.
00:10:02Nice dress, by the way.
00:10:16Oh, God.
00:10:46I'm sorry.
00:11:08Told you I'd do my due diligence.
00:11:10This is more than just due diligence.
00:11:12If you weren't so nosy...
00:11:13You have photos of me. You have my personal records.
00:11:16You have my medical records. You have my address.
00:11:18There's only one thing that I couldn't figure out.
00:11:21Do you have a boyfriend, Miss Ott?
00:11:23Hey, what is going on? Tell me right now.
00:11:25Maybe a lover?
00:11:26You're a creep.
00:11:27Yes or no?
00:11:28No. Nobody. It's just me and my dad.
00:11:30So it's safe to assume that you're fully committed to your work.
00:11:32I can't be your assistant anymore.
00:11:36You're about to get a promotion.
00:11:41I want you to be my wife.
00:11:44There are some people on the board that have questions about me taking over.
00:11:48I have a certain image I need to uphold.
00:11:51And I need a wife.
00:11:53Why would I ever marry you?
00:11:58As much as you want.
00:12:00Marry me and I'll set you up for life.
00:12:02What, are you messing with me?
00:12:04I know this is a strange request.
00:12:06But I think it's one you should strongly consider.
00:12:09There is a line of people that would throw themselves at this job.
00:12:11Why me?
00:12:13If you marry me, I can give you anything under the sun.
00:12:18Except the answer to that question.
00:12:26I need to think about this. I'll just see you at the office.
00:12:30I still work for you, right?
00:12:32Well, I can't fire you for not wanting to marry me.
00:12:35Not nowadays.
00:12:39I'll see you tomorrow.
00:13:12You forgot not to knock.
00:13:14My father needs a new kidney.
00:13:16Sorry to hear that.
00:13:18I don't need your pity. I need you to pay for his treatment. I need you to find him a kidney donor.
00:13:24And if I do?
00:13:27I'm in.
00:13:30I'll marry you.
00:13:33How does this work?
00:13:36We'll get legally married in two weeks. I already made the appointment.
00:13:39Already made the appointment.
00:13:41So I just sign the marriage license, that's all?
00:13:44No. This marriage needs to appear totally real.
00:13:47You'll be moving in with me, of course.
00:13:50The wife of Mason Campbell won't be living in a one-bedroom apartment.
00:13:54You'll live with me.
00:13:55I'll need my own room.
00:13:58This marriage needs to appear totally real from the outside.
00:14:01At home, we'll just be...
00:14:05Business partners.
00:14:25Well, it's definitely big.
00:14:28You're gonna have your pick of the spare bedrooms?
00:14:32You're not worried a board member is gonna come and check to see if we're sleeping in the same bed?
00:14:37You know, if we're gonna make this work, you have to at least pretend that you like talking to me.
00:14:42I can handle that.
00:14:45Or we could get to know each other a little.
00:14:49Pretend less.
00:14:51I'm very good at pretending.
00:14:55Ready to go?
00:14:57No way.
00:15:00I'm not getting proposed to like that.
00:15:02Even if it is fake.
00:15:05Will you marry me?
00:15:06Not even down on one knee.
00:15:16Will you marry me?
00:15:21Beg me.
00:15:30Please, Lauren.
00:15:33Please, will you marry me?
00:15:39But only because you seem so desperate.
00:15:51So, should we eat? We could order dinner.
00:15:56No, I need to leave.
00:15:58Why? Do you have a meeting?
00:16:02It's 9pm.
00:16:05Late meeting.
00:16:33I love you.
00:17:19It's just for appearances. For the board, and then we'll find you a donor.
00:17:24I don't like this, Lauren. At all.
00:17:26Dad, he's a very powerful man.
00:17:28If anyone can make miracles happen, it's him.
00:17:31You know him well.
00:17:33Really well.
00:17:35And you trust him?
00:17:36Of course.
00:17:40Where is he from?
00:17:43I guess I forgot to ask.
00:18:04How'd he take it?
00:18:08He's worried about me, per usual.
00:18:13I'm marrying a man I don't know.
00:18:17Does anyone know anyone?
00:18:23I have an idea.
00:18:28Truth or dare?
00:18:30You dare.
00:18:32You're joking.
00:18:34Oh, I would never joke to the great Mason Campbell.
00:18:38Truth or dare?
00:18:42Truth or dare?
00:18:48I dare you to finish your drink.
00:19:02Truth or dare?
00:19:09When was your last relationship?
00:19:12A couple years ago.
00:19:14Once my dad got sick, my priorities kind of changed.
00:19:19Truth or dare?
00:19:22I dare you to take another drink.
00:19:26I dare you to take another drink.
00:19:49Truth or dare?
00:19:53Okay, what does Beth say about me behind my back?
00:20:01She thinks you're great.
00:20:03Serious, professional, guarded.
00:20:07No one really knows the real you.
00:20:14Truth or dare?
00:20:17Come on.
00:20:19I dare you to tell me the truth.
00:20:25I think that's against the rules.
00:20:26It's not against the rules, and I made up the rules, so batter up.
00:20:30Come on, just tell me something I don't know about you.
00:20:41I was married once.
00:20:44I was 21.
00:20:45Three months.
00:20:47Met on a cruise, fell in love.
00:20:51Everything changes back on land.
00:20:54You were on a cruise?
00:20:57It's not the Mason I know.
00:20:59Let me remind you, you don't know me.
00:21:02At all.
00:21:14I dare you to let me have a drink alone.
00:21:21I dare you.
00:21:51I dare you.
00:22:22I dare you.
00:22:23I dare you.
00:22:24I dare you.
00:22:25I dare you.
00:22:26I dare you.
00:22:27I dare you.
00:22:28I dare you.
00:22:29I dare you.
00:22:30I dare you.
00:22:31I dare you.
00:22:32I dare you.
00:22:33I dare you.
00:22:34I dare you.
00:22:35I dare you.
00:22:36I dare you.
00:22:37I dare you.
00:22:38I dare you.
00:22:39I dare you.
00:22:40I dare you.
00:22:41I dare you.
00:22:42I dare you.
00:22:43I dare you.
00:22:44I dare you.
00:22:45I dare you.
00:22:46I dare you.
00:22:47I dare you.
00:22:48I dare you.
00:22:49I dare you.
00:22:50I dare you.
00:22:51I dare you.
00:22:52I dare you.
00:22:53I dare you.
00:22:54I dare you.
00:22:55I dare you.
00:22:56I dare you.
00:22:57I dare you.
00:22:58I dare you.
00:22:59I dare you.
00:23:00I dare you.
00:23:01I dare you.
00:23:02I dare you.
00:23:03I dare you.
00:23:04I dare you.
00:23:05I dare you.
00:23:06I dare you.
00:23:07I dare you.
00:23:08I dare you.
00:23:09I dare you.
00:23:10I dare you.
00:23:11I dare you.
00:23:12I dare you.
00:23:13I dare you.
00:23:14I dare you.
00:23:15I dare you.
00:23:16I dare you.
00:23:17I dare you.
00:23:18I dare you.
00:23:19I dare you.
00:23:20I dare you.
00:23:21I dare you.
00:23:22I dare you.
00:23:23I dare you.
00:23:24I dare you.
00:23:25I dare you.
00:23:26I dare you.
00:23:27I dare you.
00:23:28I dare you.
00:23:29I dare you.
00:23:30I dare you.
00:23:31I dare you.
00:23:32I dare you.
00:23:33I dare you.
00:23:34I dare you.
00:23:35I dare you.
00:23:36I dare you.
00:23:37I dare you.
00:23:38I dare you.
00:23:39I dare you.
00:23:40I dare you.
00:23:41I dare you.
00:23:42I dare you.
00:23:43I dare you.
00:23:44I dare you.
00:23:45I dare you.
00:23:46I dare you.
00:23:47I dare you.
00:23:49That rock!
00:23:51You guys move fast.
00:23:53Well, you know, love is a mystery.
00:23:56Okay, so how did he propose?
00:23:58Oh, it was amazing.
00:23:59He practically begged me.
00:24:01Okay, well let me see pictures.
00:24:03We didn't take any.
00:24:05What? That's awful.
00:24:08What are you doing here?
00:24:09Just visiting my fiancé at work, you know, spreading the good news.
00:24:13Mr. Campbell, I cannot believe you didn't hire a photographer when you popped the question.
00:24:17Yeah, of course.
00:24:19We should take pictures for when I show the board the good news.
00:24:24Beth, what are you doing tomorrow morning?
00:24:26I have my brother's baby shower.
00:24:28Perfect. Meet me at my house at 9 a.m.
00:24:30I don't have a camera.
00:24:33Buy one.
00:24:44Did you fix my collar?
00:24:58How do I look?
00:25:01You look the part.
00:25:03Like someone who'd marry Mason Campbell?
00:25:08You look the part.
00:25:10Like someone who'd marry Mason Campbell?
00:25:14You're going to have to pretend that you like me. You know that, right?
00:25:17That's the easy part.
00:25:20The hard part is probably going to have to kiss you.
00:25:24Okay, um, Mr. Campbell, why don't you stand up and get closer to Lauren?
00:25:35Okay, this is great. Yeah, this is great.
00:25:38Okay, um, Lauren, why don't you put your arm around Mr. Campbell's neck?
00:25:47Yeah, this is great. Okay, um, Lauren, why don't you put your arm around Mr. Campbell's neck?
00:25:55Okay, just around his neck.
00:26:00Okay, how about a kiss?
00:26:09Okay, um, I was thinking more on the lips.
00:26:18Okay, that was awesome.
00:26:23Um, how about a kiss that feels like a kiss?
00:27:10Okay, um, I am just going to leave.
00:27:15Um, thanks for coming.
00:27:19Oh, are you kidding? I just witnessed the unimaginable.
00:27:25What? Mason Campbell in love?
00:27:30I think we got some good photos.
00:27:43It almost seemed like you...
00:27:48...were the one.
00:27:51I don't know.
00:27:54I don't know.
00:28:08Who was it?
00:28:10My mother. She's been trying to reach me since my dad got sick.
00:28:14You didn't answer?
00:28:16It's a little too late. I... I just think I need to lie down for a little.
00:28:57Can't sleep?
00:29:01There's no food.
00:29:03You don't need food if you're never home.
00:29:06You have more money than God and the only thing in your kitchen is a box of cereal?
00:29:11Speaking of, do you want to see something cool?
00:29:27And there's straws, so you can drink the milk off them.
00:29:30It's cool, isn't it?
00:29:46Okay, can we move the milk?
00:29:49Do I get the spoons?
00:29:50Yeah, where?
00:29:51Uh, second one. I need the spoon.
00:30:12Sorry about earlier.
00:30:16Just my mom makes me so angry.
00:30:20Just how she left us.
00:30:23I mean, my dad did great trying to get me to move on, but...
00:30:29I feel like deep down everybody just wants their mom.
00:30:34Now that he's dying, it's like she wants to come back.
00:30:38I mean, she ruined his life. I don't want her to ruin his death, too.
00:30:45Yeah, families are complicated.
00:30:54Hey, Mason.
00:30:57Yes, Lauren?
00:31:00Truth or dare?
00:31:08Come on.
00:31:11What were your parents like?
00:31:14They were... proper.
00:31:17What does that mean?
00:31:21They did everything properly.
00:31:23Went to the right school, studied the right thing.
00:31:27My dad took over the family business at the right time.
00:31:30Their marriage was mutually beneficial, so their parents agreed.
00:31:36There was no love there.
00:31:41I thought I'd do it differently, and here I am.
00:31:47Just like them.
00:31:50No, you're not.
00:31:53Yeah. Yeah. I've accepted that.
00:31:59But you're not.
00:32:01Your father showed you what love is.
00:32:03You'll still have a shot at finding it one day.
00:32:06Your father showed you what love is.
00:32:08You'll still have a shot at finding it one day.
00:32:14Do you want to meet him?
00:32:19My father.
00:32:24You sure? It would mean a lot to me.
00:32:27No, Lauren, I just can't.
00:32:29Why not?
00:32:31I'm not good with parents.
00:32:36This is a business arrangement. We don't want to complicate things.
00:32:46Yeah, I'd hate to make our arrangement weird.
00:32:53You didn't finish your mug.
00:32:56Goodnight, Mason.
00:33:23Yeah, I'll be right there.
00:33:33What's going on?
00:33:34Where are my keys? Where are my keys?
00:33:37They're right here.
00:33:39Give them to me.
00:33:40Not until you tell me what's going on.
00:33:43It's my dad. He's in a coma.
00:33:48We'll take my car.
00:33:49I heard you loud and clear last night. You just need my keys.
00:33:51I'm not going to let you drive in this state.
00:33:54You're going to drive?
00:33:56My driver's off. Let's go.
00:34:05Go on, then.
00:34:09Yeah, I'll just go in there, and I'll see my dad, and he'll be in a coma, and I will...
00:34:18I don't think I can... I can't.
00:34:21I can't see him like that. I can't handle that.
00:34:24You can.
00:34:25No, I can't. He was the strong one, and I can't handle this by myself.
00:34:30What are you doing?
00:34:32I'm coming in.
00:34:34You don't have to do that.
00:34:37Let's do this. Together.
00:34:41You don't have to do that.
00:34:43Let's do this. Together.
00:35:11Thanks for being here.
00:35:15Thanks for letting me.
00:35:20I don't want to lose him.
00:35:23We still have time to find Madonna. I won't stop looking.
00:35:30I'll go look for the nurse.
00:35:33It's going to be okay, Lauren.
00:35:40I'll go look for the nurse.
00:35:56He's in a coma. Change of plans.
00:36:08There's just so much jargon.
00:36:11I love jargon. What does it say?
00:36:14That I have power of attorney, and all of his assets need decisions, but I can't make sense of any of it.
00:36:21All of his assets need decisions, but I can't make sense of any of it.
00:36:25Well, the Campbell family has some of the greatest lawyers on retainer.
00:36:31I could help you with all of this.
00:36:33Really? It'd be amazing.
00:36:35It's just one thing. They only work for Campbell's.
00:36:40And their wedding is until next week.
00:36:43What are we waiting for? Let's get married today.
00:36:48Why not? All you need to be focusing on is taking care of your dad and yourself.
00:36:53Let's get this over with.
00:36:55What do you say? Ready to become Mrs. Campbell?
00:37:03I, Lauren Marie Hart, take Mason Campbell to be my lawfully wedded husband.
00:37:09In sickness and health, till death do us part.
00:37:11In sickness and health, till death do us part.
00:37:13I now pronounce you husband and wife.
00:37:15Just like that.
00:37:16Just like that.
00:37:17You mean I'll kiss the bride?
00:37:19That's mainly for show. Once the papers are signed and stamped, it's a done deal.
00:37:31So, what now?
00:37:35We celebrate.
00:37:37I thought you said this was just business.
00:37:40I always go out for a drink after closing a great deal.
00:37:44Get dressed.
00:37:49Here we are.
00:37:52Wow, someone famous must be here.
00:37:54Yeah, someone.
00:37:59Go get used to it.
00:38:06I think that was the best meal I've ever had.
00:38:14Wait, I don't dress myself in these shoes.
00:38:16No, I'm good.
00:38:18Wow, you're a lightweight, huh?
00:38:20A lightweight?
00:38:21Okay, what do you want? Like this better?
00:38:23No, I don't.
00:38:26What are you doing?
00:38:28We're newlyweds.
00:38:29Carry you over the threshold?
00:38:31Don't hit my head.
00:38:32Relax, don't make me want to.
00:38:44Good one, didn't I?
00:38:51It's getting late.
00:38:58So, I should probably just go to my room then?
00:39:07I don't know.
00:39:09I'll go to my room.
00:39:14You could come to mine.
00:39:29She's okay?
00:40:43I'm going to go.
00:41:10Hey you!
00:41:11I saw the pictures of your big night out with Mr. Campbell. They're everywhere.
00:41:15Yeah, the internet is dying to know about Mr. Mason Campbell's mystery woman.
00:41:19Oh my god. I can't think about that right now.
00:41:23What's the matter?
00:41:25I just... Mason isn't picking up his cell, so I was wondering if you could transfer me to his office?
00:41:30Yeah, but he's not here.
00:41:32Oh. Weird.
00:41:34Yeah, it really is. I mean, I've never seen Mason miss a day of work.
00:41:48Something wrong?
00:41:50You left early this morning.
00:41:52Yeah, I had a crazy day at the office.
00:41:58You were at the office all day?
00:42:02What were you doing?
00:42:06I was just...
00:42:09You were at the office all day?
00:42:17Can I pour myself one?
00:42:19Only if you want to drink alone.
00:42:25Don't follow me.
00:42:27I'm going to have to call you right back.
00:42:31What was that about?
00:42:33Oh, just work stuff.
00:42:35Does it ever get more specific than just work stuff?
00:42:40Are you going into the office again?
00:42:42No, not today. I have that trip.
00:42:44What trip?
00:42:46I don't know.
00:42:48I don't know.
00:42:51Are you going into the office again?
00:42:53No, not today. I have that trip.
00:42:55What trip?
00:42:57The one to Istanbul. I told you.
00:42:59I think I would have remembered if you told me you were going on a trip to Istanbul.
00:43:05How long are you going to be gone?
00:43:07I don't know. A couple of days? A week?
00:43:12I could come with you.
00:43:14Would you like a fake honeymoon? I've never been to Turkey.
00:43:16No. Not this time.
00:43:18This is just work.
00:43:47Can you come over?
00:43:52I still can't believe all of this happened to you.
00:43:54And then now you live here?
00:43:57Well, nothing's perfect.
00:44:00What do you mean?
00:44:02Have you ever dated someone and felt like they were hiding something?
00:44:05Yeah. Of course.
00:44:07One time I was dating this guy, and he was following me because he thought that I was cheating.
00:44:12Were you?
00:44:14That's not the point. The point is, you don't have to worry about Mason.
00:44:18I mean, I've known him for years.
00:44:20You know, sure, he's mysterious, but he isn't a bad guy.
00:44:24No. No.
00:44:26I guess I'm just not used to all this.
00:44:29I feel like I was airlifted out of my old life and just put on this alien planet.
00:44:36This planet of love and limitless money.
00:44:50Does it get something?
00:45:37Someone's in the house.
00:45:39Where are you?
00:45:41In the kitchen.
00:45:43See who it is?
00:45:54I think they left.
00:45:58I'm coming home.
00:46:11Are you okay?
00:46:12I'm fine.
00:46:14Who were they and what did they want?
00:46:16It's the merger. I don't think everybody's happy with me taking over.
00:46:20We're in danger?
00:46:23Not anymore.
00:46:25I won't leave you.
00:46:30I shouldn't have left you here.
00:46:33I promised I wouldn't leave you here again.
00:46:35Don't make promises that you can't keep.
00:46:37You're my wife.
00:46:39I'll take care of you.
00:46:46I love you.
00:47:04What is it?
00:47:06Last time we had sex you just said you left and we barely spoke.
00:47:09I know.
00:47:11I'm sorry.
00:47:14Can you just tell me what's going on?
00:47:20You can trust me, I promise.
00:47:24I just don't know how to...
00:47:28Be accountable for someone else's feelings?
00:47:32Be in love, Lauren.
00:47:36I'm in love with you and I don't know how to do it.
00:47:44I'm sorry.
00:47:50I love you.
00:47:53I'm sorry.
00:48:05I love you too.
00:48:14I love you.
00:48:29Can I take this?
00:48:44I love you.
00:48:57I have news.
00:48:59What is it?
00:49:01It's about your dad.
00:49:03We might have a lead on a potential donor.
00:49:06When will we know for sure?
00:49:08Soon, I hope.
00:49:10My God, thank you.
00:49:19The Johannesburg board meeting is coming up in five days.
00:49:22I've been thinking.
00:49:24I want you to come with me.
00:49:26I don't know.
00:49:28What if something happens with my dad while we're gone?
00:49:30Then we'll have the jet fly you back as quick as it can.
00:49:34I'm not leaving you here again.
00:49:36Until this is settled.
00:49:39I'm going to need you to take my credit card.
00:49:41Buy yourself a new wardrobe for the Johannesburg trip.
00:49:43I can't do that.
00:49:45That's non-negotiable.
00:49:47You're Mrs. Gamble now.
00:49:49You need to have a wardrobe to fit.
00:49:59Hey, I'm back.
00:50:11Good afternoon, Lauren.
00:50:20Harassing me on the phone wasn't enough.
00:50:22You had to show up to my house, too.
00:50:24Are you going to tell her or should I?
00:50:26Tell me what?
00:50:31Lauren, there's something I should talk to you about.
00:50:34What's going on?
00:50:37Your mother and I do business together.
00:50:40You're joking.
00:50:42I wish I was.
00:50:44Did you know I was her daughter when you hired me?
00:50:46Tell her, Mason.
00:50:49That you hired her because she's my daughter.
00:50:57Did you really believe a billionaire would just randomly marry you?
00:51:03Of all people?
00:51:05He was trying to steal my own company from me.
00:51:07Your mother runs one of our subcontracted shipping companies.
00:51:09She's been selling and shipping illegal drugs to the mob.
00:51:13She kept the company registered under your father's name for if she ever got caught.
00:51:17I can't believe he would stoop so low as to get you involved.
00:51:21She was blackmailing me.
00:51:23He manipulated you.
00:51:25If your father died, my business would be passed down to you.
00:51:27And if he became your husband, it would belong to him, too.
00:51:31Then your father fell into a coma and suddenly Mason didn't even need him to die.
00:51:34You got power of attorney.
00:51:36The company was yours.
00:51:38Still is.
00:51:40So he married you on the spot.
00:51:42So what?
00:51:44Part of your plan was just letting my father die?
00:51:50Lauren, please listen to me.
00:51:52When this all started, I had one goal.
00:51:54And that's to dissolve your mother's company from the inside.
00:51:56But it all changed.
00:51:58And it's different now.
00:52:00I really am doing everything I can.
00:52:02To save your dad's life.
00:52:04You don't believe him, do you?
00:52:06He's been using you this whole time.
00:52:08What makes you think he's suddenly going to be honest?
00:52:10You lied to me.
00:52:12I didn't lie to you.
00:52:14You asked me why I wanted to marry you and I said I couldn't answer.
00:52:16No, that was before.
00:52:18That was when this was just a business agreement.
00:52:20But I opened up to you.
00:52:22I let you in.
00:52:24I loved you.
00:52:26Lauren, wait.
00:52:32I can't believe it.
00:52:34You really love her.
00:52:40I can't believe you don't.
00:52:42Get out of my house.
00:52:50I'm sorry, Dad.
00:52:54I don't know what to do.
00:52:58I didn't want any of this.
00:53:01I just wanted you.
00:53:10Lauren, wait.
00:53:12At least talk to me.
00:53:14I don't have anything to say to you.
00:53:16Look, I know you need space to think, but
00:53:18I really didn't anticipate
00:53:20for any of this to become real.
00:53:22And it did.
00:53:24What, your feelings for me?
00:53:28I love you.
00:53:30If only something could start this honest and become real.
00:53:32I wouldn't lie about loving you.
00:53:34You lied about everything else.
00:53:36I did that to protect the things that I care about.
00:53:38Just like you.
00:53:40That's why I'm here, Lauren.
00:53:42I have good news.
00:53:44We found a donor for your dad.
00:53:46The transplant's happening soon.
00:53:50October 5th.
00:53:52I wish I could be here for you, but
00:53:54it's the day of the board meeting.
00:53:56That's amazing.
00:54:01But this doesn't change anything.
00:54:03You can't break my heart
00:54:05and then just trade it in for a new one.
00:54:09If you could please just pack up my stuff.
00:54:11I'll be by to get it tomorrow.
00:54:23I'm not coming inside.
00:54:25So if you'll just bring my things out, then I'll go.
00:54:27I didn't pack them.
00:54:31I know my word means nothing to you, but
00:54:33just give me another chance.
00:54:35Mason, you don't respect me.
00:54:37And I don't think you ever will, so just
00:54:39call me when my things are ready.
00:54:41Lauren, wait.
00:54:45I have something for you.
00:54:51I annulled our marriage.
00:54:54You're free.
00:55:00Why'd you do that?
00:55:02Because we got married under false pretenses.
00:55:06Because I'm an arrogant asshole
00:55:08who took advantage of the one person
00:55:10that actually cares about him.
00:55:12Because my whole life
00:55:14I've gotten everything that I ever wanted.
00:55:16But all these deals,
00:55:18these contracts, these promotions,
00:55:20they're meaningless.
00:55:22You're the only real thing that I've ever known.
00:55:27I don't trust you.
00:55:29I know.
00:55:31After we got married, I gathered
00:55:33all the existing files that incriminate your mother.
00:55:37the files that she falsified to blame me.
00:55:41It's all in there.
00:55:43I put my fate in your hands now.
00:55:45You're the sole owner of the company
00:55:47and you decide who takes the fall.
00:55:50And I'll support you no matter what.
00:56:00What are you doing here?
00:56:06Oh, you really should get some sleep, darling.
00:56:08You look exhausted.
00:56:11How'd you get in?
00:56:13Still had a key.
00:56:15Isn't that funny?
00:56:17I'm sorry.
00:56:19Isn't that funny?
00:56:21Sweetie, you're overthinking things.
00:56:23You've always done that.
00:56:25Even as a child.
00:56:27I shouldn't be here.
00:56:29I don't want to see you.
00:56:31Family has to stick together.
00:56:33That man is dangerous.
00:56:35He doesn't love you.
00:56:37He's just in it to save himself.
00:56:39He loved me.
00:56:41No, he used you.
00:56:43He's just like all other men.
00:56:45He wouldn't do a selfless thing for you
00:56:48I know I haven't been a perfect mother
00:56:50but I'm ready to change.
00:56:54Once your father's awake
00:56:56we can be a family again.
00:57:00But that's only if you turn Mason in.
00:57:10This is the number of the lead investigator
00:57:12of the DEA.
00:57:14Call him.
00:57:16Call him.
00:57:34Yes, I'm happy to cooperate
00:57:36however you need.
00:57:38I'll send over all the information
00:57:40I have shortly.
00:57:42Thank you for your time.
00:57:46You're welcome.
00:58:16You're welcome.
00:58:36What are you doing here?
00:58:38I need something, Will.
00:58:42I thought you were going to turn me in.
00:58:45It was all her.
00:58:47She needed to pay for her mistakes
00:58:49and now she will.
00:58:51What about the board meeting, the promotion?
00:58:53I don't care about that, Lauren.
00:58:55They could give the job to someone else.
00:58:59I want to be with you
00:59:01through the hard things,
00:59:03the easy things, everything in between.
00:59:07I love you, Lauren.
00:59:11I want you.
00:59:13Mason, I...
00:59:15Look, you don't have to answer right now.
00:59:17Especially with your dad being in surgery.
00:59:21All we have to do is
00:59:23wait out here
00:59:31I love you, Mason.
00:59:43Do you think he'll be okay?
00:59:47He'll be great.
00:59:49All we have to do is pause the time.
00:59:53I have an idea.
00:59:55Truth or dare.
01:00:05I'll make
01:00:07rule change right now.
01:00:09Hey, kiddo.
01:00:12How are you feeling?
01:00:14Oh, better than ever.
01:00:16But let me tell you something.
01:00:18This guy is a keeper.
01:00:20You're a lucky girl.
01:00:22I'm a lucky man.
01:00:24A lucky man who's about to be late for work.
01:00:26Don't you want to make a good impression
01:00:28as CEO of Campbell International?
01:00:32Thanks for being here
01:00:34and helping with my dad.
01:00:36It means the world to me.
01:00:42What are you doing?
01:00:48Will you marry me?
01:00:52I don't know.
01:00:54Come on.
01:00:56What do you want me to do?
01:01:02Beg me.