• 2 days ago
CBS Radio Mystery Theater (a.k.a. Radio Mystery Theater and Mystery Theater) is a radio drama series created by Himan Brown that was broadcast on CBS Radio Network affiliates from 1974 to 1982, and later in the early 2000s was repeated by the NPR satellite feed.


00:00Come in. Welcome. I am E.G. Marshall. Welcome to the sound of suspense, to the fear you
00:25can hear. For the next 52 minutes, I will be your trainer. I say trainer because we
00:31are concerned with a horse, a remarkable, powerful stallion, who not only runs, but
00:37who thinks. And what does he think about? In our spine-tingling tale, he will think
00:43most about revenge. Go, Spartacus, go. You'll find him. You'll catch him. And when you do,
00:54he's yours. All yours. Emily, Emily, here I am. See him, Spartacus. See him. I'm here, Emily.
01:01Get him. Go, get him. Go, Spartacus.
01:15Our mystery drama, Death Rides a Stallion, was written especially for the Radio Mystery
01:20Theater by Sam Dan and stars Mason Adams. It is sponsored in part by Anheuser-Busch,
01:26Incorporated, Brewers of Budweiser, and by the Kellogg Company,
01:30makers of Kellogg's Special K cereal. I'll be back shortly with Act One.
01:46He's a big five-year-old chestnut stallion. He's in the prime of his glorious life.
01:53He has fire in his eyes and steel springs in his legs. The powerful muscles ripple beneath
01:59his shiny, velvety coat. And he also has a mind of his own. He's a rebel who acknowledges no master.
02:07That's why he's called Spartacus. But if he has no master, he does have a mistress,
02:15a slender, freckle-faced girl named Emily. And he will respond to her slightest touch,
02:21her softest whisper.
02:25Whoa, Spartacus. Right here. Steady, boy. Steady. Good boy. Listen, Spartacus. Here he comes now.
02:39Here I am, Frank. Oh, good morning, Uncle Harry. Oh, morning, Emily. Do I detect a faint tone of
02:49disappointment? Disappointment? Oh, why, Uncle Harry, you're my favorite human being. Oh, I have
02:55the impression that you were expecting someone else. Who, me? I wasn't expecting anybody.
03:02Look, I don't say that lollygagging here is in a class with Spartacus, but we challenge you to race.
03:08Uh, well... How about here to Parsons Creek? Uh, now? Unless you just want to stand around all day.
03:15The truth is, Uncle Harry, I am waiting for somebody. Oh, that's the secret of your early
03:24morning rides. And who is your partner in these assignations? Frank. Oh, well,
03:35there's no accounting for taste, I suppose. I think I'll commune with nature on my own.
03:40Emily, if everybody listened to you the way the horses do, you could rule the world.
03:53Uncle Harry, do you know what I think? No, ma'am, you're too deep for me. I think this morning
03:59Frank's going to ask me. Ask you what? Ask me what? Ask me to marry him, of course.
04:06Oh, why would Frank do that? Why would he? Oh, I suppose I'm not really pretty enough
04:12for a man to ask. No, no, Emily, I never meant to imply that. Why, you're even prettier than Judy.
04:18No, I'm not. No way near. Well, it's just that I thought... What did you think?
04:27Well, Emily, it's obvious that Frank really... What's obvious is that you dislike Frank,
04:33and therefore you don't even bother to know him. Frank looks for more than a pretty face.
04:39Has he given you any indication? Well, of course he has.
04:43Really? Well, what did he say? He didn't say anything. Does he have to?
04:49It would help. Uncle Harry, I know by the tone of his voice,
04:56the way he looks at me, everything about him, everything tells me he loves me, and
05:04I love him. Oh, how I love him. You think I'm crazy? Uh, I think I'll ride back to the house
05:13and have some breakfast. Well, this is the last time I'll bare my soul to you. Darling, look,
05:19I wouldn't want you to get hurt. I'm a big girl now. You don't know very much about men.
05:25Maybe, but I know what I like. Well, sounds like company's coming.
05:32Hi. Good morning, sir. Good morning, Emily. Good morning, Frank. Well, look who's here.
05:37Kind of early in the day for you, Julie. I know, but we're out to spread the news.
05:41What news? Oh, Emily, darling, it's only right that you should be the first to know.
05:46After all, you introduced us. Frank and I, we're engaged. And we owe it all to you, Emily. We
05:52owe it all to you. And I want you to be my maid of honor. Now, promise. Oh,
05:57darling, I'm so happy. I'm so happy. Julie and I'll never forget what you've done for us, Emily.
06:02Can you believe this wild man? This fantastic Frank? He asked me just five minutes ago. I mean,
06:08I've been proposed to in my time, but never on horseback. It's another Judy Montgomery. Fabulous
06:16Frank, let's ride back to the house and tell mother. See you.
06:25Emily. They used to say, always a bridesmaid, but this time I'm doing better. Emily, I tried to
06:34tell you. I'm a maid of honor. Maybe I'm getting there. Emily, he's not worth it. He is to me.
06:40Darling, please don't ride this morning. Why not? You're upset. I'm not upset. Oh,
06:46I can tell. All right, I'm upset. Emily, you'll get over it. I'm over it now. Emily,
06:51dear, one day you'll, you'll need it. I'll never get over it. Emily, believe me. Let's go,
06:56Spartacus. Go. Emily, Emily, wait. Emily, Emily. Come on, Spartacus. Emily, Emily. Come on.
07:04Slow down. Faster, Spartacus, faster. Emily, you hurt your heart. Faster, Spartacus.
07:10Please, you'll kill yourself. Go, Spartacus, go. Emily, Emily, look out. Jump, Spartacus, jump.
07:20Emily, stop. Jump, Spartacus, jump.
07:22Oh, no, no, Emily.
07:38Hey, come in. You wanted to see me, sir? Oh, it's you, Frank. Yes, sit down. Thank you.
07:55Wait till I shut off this music. Oh, let it play. It was her favorite rhapsody. So it was.
08:01Well, how are the ladies? Well, Judy and Mrs. Montgomery have gone to bed. It's been a terrible
08:07ordeal. Hmm, but with a coroner. Why was all that necessary? You have to establish the cause of
08:14death. Well, wasn't it obvious? What a thoroughly obnoxious man. Why did he have to ask so many
08:20questions when he knew from the start that his verdict would be accidental death? There isn't
08:25anything that I could do about it, but I disagree with the verdict. Well, what other verdict is
08:32possible? Murder. Murder? What? You mean someone killed her? Yes. Who? You. Me? Yes, you.
08:46But that's impossible. Why is it impossible? Well, because I wasn't even there. You were there.
08:53What are you saying, sir? You don't have to call me sir. Don't pretend with me. I can see through
08:59you. You're a young hustler on the make. You have no right to accuse me of it. You used Emily to
09:05get to Judy. You're going to marry Judy for her money. I don't think I have to sit here and listen
09:10to you. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with marrying for money. Does anyone seriously believe
09:15that poverty improves the quality of love? I married Mrs. Montgomery's sister for her money.
09:22Yes, I married of her money. She married me for my looks, and both of us knew it, and we've had a
09:30perfect marriage. But you're a scoundrel, and you won't even give Judy her money's worth. Now look
09:36here, sir. I said don't call me sir. You can relax with me. Don't be afraid. Even though every word I
09:43say is true, I couldn't prove any of it. None of it's true. You accuse me of killing Emily. That's
09:49a lie. You say I was there. You know I wasn't there. I was with Judy. We were riding back to
09:54the house. You know it for a fact. Have a drink. I don't drink. Don't say it so smugly. You have
10:01other vices that are worse. I say you were with Emily. I was not. No, don't interrupt. Since the
10:08very day you met Emily or arranged to meet her, you've been with her always. I think you're mad.
10:13That's my saving grace. But to say that I was with Emily when you know... You were with her as far as
10:18she was concerned. I don't know what you're talking about. So few. So few girls like Emily in the
10:24world. Oh, what a shame that you had to waste one of them. You knew that she was in love with you.
10:31Well, love, I'd say it was a crush. Girls like Emily don't have crushes. They fall in love
10:39only once, and it's forever. She was in love with you, and you know it. Admit it. What is this,
10:46an inquisition? I don't have to put up with this. Of course you don't, but don't try my patience either.
10:51I'm doing this for your good. For my good? Make it difficult for me, and I'll wash my hands of
10:56the whole business. Why do you say for my good? If she fell in love with you of her own accord,
11:01well, that's a tragedy, but it's her tragedy. But if you made her fall in love with you,
11:08you're guilty of murder. Why? Because you knew it would kill her. The fact that you were only
11:13playing with her would kill her. The fact that you were only using her would kill her. All right,
11:19maybe I did lead her to believe that I was in love with her. And it's murder in the first degree.
11:26Premeditated. I didn't know she'd take it this way. You knew. You knew it would destroy her one
11:32way or another. Okay, Harry, I killed her. That's what you want me to say, isn't it? Yes.
11:37Yes. Well, maybe she'll forgive you. Come on, Harry, that's unworthy of you. Sure, I killed her.
11:44And you know why it doesn't destroy me? Because she was a girl who walked around saying to the
11:49whole world, kill me. Please, somebody kill me. She was so trusting, so naive. Anybody could have
11:55broken her heart. Anybody could have betrayed her. Nobody has a right to be that defenseless.
12:01I was just the guy who happened along. Yes. Well, despite it all, she'll forgive you. Sure, Harry.
12:07Don't humor me. She loves you. And when she loves, she loves forever. A little thing like death isn't
12:15going to stop her. Good morning, Mac. Morning, Mr. Frank. You gonna ride? Who do you want? Spartacus.
12:29You do, huh? Saddle him. Saddle him, the man says. What's the problem? The problem's right there in the corral.
12:39You can look at the problem. You can listen to the problem. You want to ride Spartacus, Mr. Frank,
12:46you go in there, you put the saddle on him. How long has he been acting up? More than a week now,
12:54since we lost Miss Emily. How long can he go on like that? Oh, for another five minutes,
13:00or for the rest of his life. Poor Spartacus. He's kind of in mourning, that's all.
13:08Oh, Miss Judy said she'd wait for you at Parsons Creek. I got Bolivar saddled up.
13:14You know, Frank, ever since I was a little girl,
13:25nice things have always happened to me here at Parsons Creek.
13:31You're not listening, Frank. Judy, darling, I wait recklessly for each word. No, your mind is
13:38somewhere else, and I won't have it. I want all of your attention. Now, what have you been staring
13:44at for the past few minutes? Judy, look straight ahead toward that pump of birches at the edge of
13:50the field. Why? There's a horse standing there. I don't see anything. Big chestnut. If I didn't know
13:58that Spartacus was back in the corral... Have you had breakfast? No, but that doesn't... It's the
14:02most important meal of the day. You're probably seeing things because you faint with hunger.
14:07What do you mean you don't see anything? And it gives you a bad temper, too. Judy, don't joke with
14:12me. Living breakfast is no joke. We're going to go right back and get you something. That's Spartacus
14:16standing there, and someone is on him. Wait, whoever it was just moved behind the trees. Come on.
14:22Where? Well, right over there. I'll prove it. I didn't see anything. I don't have to prove anything.
14:27Wait here. Good morning, Frank. Where have you been all week? Emily. I've been waiting for you
14:42here every day. You're not angry with me, are you, Frank? Emily. Where would you like to ride this
14:49morning? You know, I never did thank you for that piano rhapsody. It was so thoughtful. Come on,
14:56boy. Let's go, boy. Frank, don't go. Don't go, Frank. Ready to go back for breakfast, Frank?
15:07Yeah. Yeah. Well, was anybody there? Oh, no. There was nobody there. Nobody at all.
15:26It could be a bad dream, and everything will be all right when Frank wakes up.
15:32But how can he wake up when we all know he hasn't been sleeping? We'll return shortly with Act Two.
15:51And now, Act Two of Death Rides the Stallion. Frank has gotten over the shock of seeing and
15:59hearing a dead Emily, but not completely, it seems, as he has breakfast with Judy.
16:07More coffee, Frank, darling? Thank you. You know, you weren't exactly filled with chatter
16:14and high spirits this morning. Sorry, Judy. You hardly said a word all during our ride.
16:19I guess you're right. I should never skip breakfast. Oh, no, that isn't true. You should
16:24always skip breakfast, or you'll wind up fat as a pig. The wit and wisdom of Uncle Harry.
16:31Morning, sir. And how are the true lovers this morning? Oh, I'm fine. Frank is a bit gloomy,
16:37so. I'm not gloomy. Yes, I would say you are. I'm an expert on gloom. I was once engaged to a boy.
16:44Do you remember him, Uncle Harry, the tall blonde? The one whose father owned all that oil? No,
16:50no, he was a redhead. The blonde's name was George, something or other. Anyhow, he was undoubtedly
16:56the gloomiest human being east of the Mississippi. Well, Frank, what's the problem? There isn't any
17:01problem. Frank's been seeing things. Is that a fact? Now, Judy. Now, Frank, don't deny it.
17:07He was actually convinced he saw Spartacus out riding this morning. Spartacus? And somebody was
17:13on him. Whoa, that's remarkable. Not to mention impossible. In the first place, nobody's been able
17:21to ride Spartacus since, since poor Emily. And in the second place, Spartacus hasn't left the
17:28stable in all that time. Who was supposed to have been riding him, Frank? Look, the whole
17:33thing was a kind of a hallucination. Now, please forget it. All right, darling.
17:41Will you be judge at the competitions this year, Uncle Harry? Well, is it still on? After all,
17:45darling, we're in mourning. Oh, would Emily have wanted us to call off the show?
17:49What better way is there to remember her? Poor child. Frank, do you think that we should...
17:56Where's Frank? Oh, well, he was just sitting here. Where'd he go?
18:00All right, come on. Come on, Spartacus. Come on. Calm down, boy. Calm down. Everything's all right.
18:07Everything's going to be all right. I want to talk to you. Oh, good morning. That Spartacus
18:15still can't do a thing with you. You don't have to play that game for me anymore, Mac.
18:20Game, Mr. Frank? I mean the truth or I'm going to tell you the truth.
18:25You don't have to play that game for me anymore, Mac. Game, Mr. Frank? I mean the truth or I'm going to beat it out of you.
18:31You raise your hand to me and I'll be forced to break your jaw. Nothing the matter with Spartacus.
18:36He was out riding this morning. Well, that's news to me. Who's paying you off? Mr. Frank,
18:40the jaw of yours is starting to look like a good target. You saddled Spartacus after I left here.
18:45I saw him. He was near Parsons Creek. Oh, you ain't well. You want to sit down? I'll get you a glass
18:51of water. Now, just get your filthy hands off me. Frank, what's the matter? Nothing, nothing, nothing.
18:58It don't matter, Judy. Mac? I think the sun's a little strong this morning, Miss Judy, and
19:05you know these city fellas, they never wear hats. Frank, you don't look well at all. I'm fine. Now,
19:11listen, darling. Listen to me. I'm going to call Dr. Stoneman. I don't need a doctor. Yes, you do.
19:15You do. I don't want to hear another word. You just go to your room and rest.
19:21Come in. Oh, it's you, darling. I don't want to hear another word. Just go to your room and rest.
19:37Well, I can tell who's going to wear the pants in your family, not to mention the shorts and
19:42the slacks. When 26 million dollars tells me to go up to my room, I go. There's a bit of an
19:49exaggeration there. She only has 23. Well, it won't change my style of living. What's this I hear
19:56about you hallucinating? I'll admit you had me going, Uncle Eric. I had you going? Never a minute
20:04back there, I believed. Oh, did I ever believe. What did you believe, Frank? I believed, and listen
20:12to this, I believed that the dead return. I believed that I actually saw Emily sitting on
20:20horseback, sitting on Spartacus. Oh, of course it was your imagination. No, it wasn't. You mean
20:27she was sitting on Spartacus? Let's say somebody was sitting on Spartacus, somebody you hired,
20:34an actress made up to look like Emily. Why would I do a thing like that? Because you know I ate
20:39your guts. Oh, come on, Frank, you don't really. Oh, I do, and once I marry Judy and start assuming
20:46some control around here, you will be thrown out on your ear. Frank, you wouldn't. And you can either
20:51starve to death or you can find somebody else to spun you on. Oh, I see. That's why I'm trying to
20:58drive you crazy. Exactly, but it won't work. Yes, I could have hired someone to impersonate Emily,
21:04but I could never get her on Spartacus. That horse is completely unmanageable. I think
21:09you're bribing that fool down at the stables. Oh, don't let that pose of his throw you. He's
21:13far from a fool. Actually, he's a physicist. You plan to put this girl, this actress, on Spartacus,
21:19and my vivid imagination would then do the rest. He just realized one day that live horses are more
21:24interesting than dead mathematics. Oh, I blew it this morning. No question about that. I panicked.
21:30I lost my cool. First, when I actually thought it was Emily. Second, when I tried to put muscle
21:36on that moron at the stables. Frank, believe me, his IQ is higher than yours. I lost points with
21:42Judy, but it'll never happen again. Sorry to end your fun so soon, Uncle Harry. Come in.
21:50Frank, darling, I came by to check. Has he been resting, Uncle Harry? Oh, yes. Yes,
21:56he's been as good as gold. My darling Judy, won't you believe I'm all right? You didn't look all
22:00right, and you didn't sound all right just a little while ago. I'm fine right now. I'm just
22:05fine. Oh, that's good, darling, because we're having dinner with the Farringtons. Oh, Judy,
22:10he's such a bore. Of course, but he has one of the biggest stock brokerage firms in the country.
22:16We were talking about making you vice president. Judy, I'm not interested. Frank, darling,
22:21you'll have to do something. I don't know anything about it. And there's no reason you can't learn.
22:26Now, Uncle Harry knows all about finance. Let him teach you. Will you, Uncle Harry? Oh, gladly.
22:32I'll pop in again soon, just to check on you.
22:37Does she know your plan to assume control after the wedding? Don't you worry about me.
22:43I know how to handle women. Well, Judy has all the money,
22:48but you know you'd have been much happier with Emily.
22:51I was so proud of you this evening, Frank. You were so attentive and so interested.
23:05You hung on Jim Farrington's every word. I'm going to work for him. No, dear, not for him.
23:12With him. After all, Mother and I are major stockholders in Farrington and Company.
23:17But don't you find stocks and bonds fascinating? Slow down, Judy. Slow down!
23:26Judy, are you all right? Oh, of course I'm all right. Why did you make me skid off the road?
23:30There was somebody up ahead. I didn't see anybody. There was somebody up ahead on horseback.
23:36On horseback? At 11 o'clock at night? I could have sworn. Maybe it was the shadows.
23:42Well, you have this thing for people on horseback, Frank.
23:46I'm never going to get out of this ditch. We're less than a mile from home. Let's walk.
23:56Oh! Oh, no!
24:01We'll have to wait till it lets up. Oh, we could wait all night. I tell you,
24:05I can run to the house, pick up another car, and be back in 10 minutes.
24:08Oh, I was waiting for you to suggest the gallant thing, darling.
24:12You mind waiting alone? Why should I mind? These are my woods.
24:16Well, there goes.
24:25Hello, Frank. Emily!
24:28Poor Frank. He's getting soaked. Climb up. Ride with me.
24:33Emily, what do you want? I want you to come with me, Frank.
24:37Where? Well, we can just be together all the time.
24:41Just you and me, Frank. You love me.
24:44This is some kind of trick, but it isn't working. Harry, he hired you.
24:48No, Frank. And Emily, really.
24:51Well, I saw you this morning. You mentioned the piano rhapsody.
24:54Harry knew about it. He coached you. No, Frank.
24:57Only you and I know about the day we met. Only you and I.
25:03Excuse me. I think this is my seat. Oh, is it?
25:09My ticket says R1. So does mine.
25:14Look at the date on your ticket. It's for tomorrow.
25:18Well, look, you take the seat anyhow. Oh, but I couldn't.
25:22I insist. Now sit down and enjoy yourself.
25:25And we met in the lobby at intermission. And you bought me a lemonade.
25:34And when I said my name was Emily Montgomery, you said...
25:38Of the Montgomerys? Well, yes. That's what we're called.
25:42Hey, I had no idea I was buying a lemonade for an heiress.
25:47Oh, I'm not an heiress. My step-sister Judy has the money.
25:56Come with me, Frank. No.
25:59Don't be afraid, Frank. I love you. I wouldn't harm you. Come with me.
26:05I can't go with you, Emily. Why, Frank? Why?
26:09Because you're dead. Oh, no, Frank.
26:13Love never dies. And neither do lovers.
26:17You remember that verse you once recited?
26:20So speak to me of party never, for all who love shall live forever.
26:27Keep away from me. Frank, I forgive you for Judy.
26:30Keep away, I said. You were poor all your life,
26:33and when she smiled at you... Keep away, please.
26:36But I'm the one you love. I'm the one you want.
26:40Come with me, Frank. Keep away from me.
26:42Frank, don't go, Frank. Keep away from me.
26:46Keep away from me. Keep away from me.
26:50And so, we have here a man who is sprinting down a country road at midnight,
27:01in a pouring rain, shouting, keep away from me.
27:06And his urgent plea is directed to a dead young lady.
27:10And yet, twelve hours ago, he was convinced that the dead do not return.
27:16We'll return shortly with Act Three.
27:20A lonely country road in the dead of night.
27:35It can try the souls of the most practical of men.
27:39Pragmatic, sensible Frank is now terrified, delirious Frank.
27:45Keep away from me. Keep away.
27:47Keep away.
27:48What? What? What?
27:49Lie back, Frank. Lie back and be quiet.
27:52What? How? How did I... How did I get here?
27:57What am I... What am I doing in bed?
28:00Judy found you lying on the road, unconscious.
28:02I waited in the car for almost an hour.
28:06I thought you'd taken this as an excuse to run out on me.
28:09Oh, Judy, don't say that.
28:11Darling, now don't excite yourself.
28:12No, I'm fine. I'm okay.
28:14See, the rain had let up, and I started to walk home.
28:17And there was someone lying in the road.
28:19And it was you.
28:21What happened?
28:21I must have tripped over something, or maybe I ran to a low-hanging branch.
28:26I guess I was knocked out.
28:27And you kept moaning, keep away from me.
28:30Why? Who?
28:31I don't know. I just...
28:33I guess I must have been having a nightmare.
28:35Well, listen, first thing in the morning, we'll see Dr. Stoneman.
28:38But right now, what you need is some sleep, and we'd better leave you alone.
28:43Are you coming, Uncle Harry?
28:44Yeah, just a minute.
28:45Frank, dear, you look very tired.
28:47You try to get some rest.
28:49Good night, my darling.
28:51Good night.
28:55So, you were running, you tripped, you fell, you were knocked unconscious.
29:00Oh, no.
29:02No, that story won't do.
29:04You don't have a mark on you.
29:05What are you talking about?
29:07She's starting to have second thoughts, Frank.
29:11Bad move.
29:12You should have chosen Emily.
29:15No 23 million there, but she wasn't exactly a welfare case either.
29:18It won't work, Uncle Harry.
29:20You can't hope to psych me out of it.
29:22Nobody can psych me out of it.
29:25Little things, Frank.
29:26Little straws in the wind.
29:29For instance, she just said,
29:31I waited in the car, I thought you'd taken this excuse to run out on me.
29:35What she really meant, Frank,
29:37she might be looking for an excuse to run out on you.
29:40Enjoy yourself, Harry.
29:42I've been with that girl through, oh, it has to be at least a dozen engagements.
29:48Each one is like a fever.
29:50It runs a predictable course.
29:53And you can always tell when she's reached the crisis.
29:57She becomes thoughtful.
30:06Pour you another glass of wine, dear.
30:10Judy, more wine?
30:12Oh, thank you.
30:15What a glorious spot for a picnic.
30:18Frank, did you tell Dr. Stoneman everything?
30:22Of course.
30:23You heard what he said.
30:25I am 100 percent.
30:26Did you say anything about that mysterious rider?
30:31What mysterious rider?
30:32Oh, I know for a fact you've seen it twice.
30:35Once yesterday morning and again on the road last night.
30:38The rider who's supposed to be on Spartacus.
30:41What's there to say about it?
30:42It's impossible.
30:43Who can even get a saddle on Spartacus these days?
30:46Then why do you keep seeing him with someone on his back?
30:50Judy darling, didn't you ever have a momentary flash?
30:57Well, an illusion?
30:59No, not really.
31:02I take after dad, both feet on the ground.
31:06You know, it's a pity you never knew my dad.
31:08There was a man for you.
31:10You're a lot like him, except, well, except when you get these, what do you call them,
31:16No, he wasn't like that at all.
31:20Who's that coming?
31:21I don't see anybody.
31:22Oh, Frank, not again.
31:26Hello, Frank.
31:27What's the matter, darling?
31:28Nothing, nothing is the matter.
31:30I'm fine.
31:31Well, you don't look it.
31:33Come with me, my dearest.
31:34Frank, are you sure you don't have some deep, dark secret?
31:39Come with me.
31:40She won't mind if you come with me.
31:42I always thought I wanted to marry a man of mystery, but...
31:46Judy and I, we grew up together.
31:49We loved each other as sisters do.
31:51Frank, are you sure you haven't been drinking?
31:54She wouldn't have taken you if she knew I loved you.
31:56Judy, let's go back to the house.
31:57But we just got here.
31:59No, but please.
32:00Don't go with her, Frank.
32:01Come with me.
32:02All right, we might as well.
32:05I can tell you're not going to be much fun today.
32:10Good morning, Mr. Frank.
32:14Do you want anything for you?
32:15Mac, Spartacus has been here all morning, hasn't he?
32:18This time you don't have to take my word for it.
32:21The vet's in the stable.
32:22He's been here all morning.
32:25Ask him.
32:26Want me to call him?
32:26No, no, no, never mind.
32:29Oh, you look nervous, Mr. Frank.
32:31You ought to get some rest, Asher.
32:33Sure, the vet's been here all morning, and so is Spartacus.
32:36Why do you keep asking?
32:37How long will it take you to saddle Spartacus?
32:39The way he is now?
32:41I'm going to ride Spartacus.
32:43Mr. Frank, now that is a damn fool thing to do.
32:47If you won't saddle him, I will.
32:50Tell you what, Mr. Frank, this is a bad time.
32:55Toward evening, he kind of simmers down a bit, and that's the best time to try.
33:01Right now, he'd kill the both of us.
33:03That's five o'clock.
33:05Oh, I'd say five o'clock's just fine.
33:09Come in.
33:15Well, I'm here to attend your education as a budding financier,
33:21as per your fiancé's instructions.
33:24So, let's begin with something right up your alley.
33:27Let me tell you about watered stock.
33:29Oh, shut up.
33:31People have been talking about you.
33:34Mack in the stables, for one.
33:35He tells me that you intend to ride Spartacus.
33:38That's right.
33:40Harry, at first I thought you were out to destroy my mind
33:44with an actress who was impersonating Emily on Spartacus.
33:47But that's impossible.
33:49Might have been fun at that.
33:50Now I know for sure that I am having hallucinations.
33:54I keep seeing Emily.
33:56Oh, that's bad.
33:57But as long as I'm aware of it, I can handle it.
33:59It's my own mind, and I can control it.
34:01Hooray for you.
34:02The key to this thing is Spartacus.
34:03If I can break that horse, I can break this whole psychological hang-up.
34:07Well, that's what you think it is, a psychological hang-up.
34:11Judy's also been talking about you.
34:13She's a little disturbed.
34:15I didn't notice.
34:17Yeah, a key sign.
34:18Tell me, did she talk about her father yet?
34:21You sure?
34:23Well, she happened to mention it briefly.
34:26But his name didn't come up?
34:27Just in passing.
34:28Oh, bad news for you.
34:30Why don't you get out of here?
34:32I don't think she'll ever marry anybody.
34:35None of this is gonna work, Harry.
34:37Her daddy was just too overwhelming a man.
34:41She's attracted to guys who resemble him.
34:44And then when she finds out the resemblance is only superficial,
34:49she's done it no fewer than 12 times.
34:52Oh, my goodness.
34:54You're number 13.
34:56Would you get out of here?
34:58I'm supposed to teach you how to be a stockbroker.
35:00Cut it out.
35:01Well, here you are, you two.
35:06Hard at work, I hope.
35:07How are the lessons coming?
35:08The lessons are coming to an end.
35:11You mean you've learned everything already?
35:13I don't intend to learn anything.
35:14I don't care about finance.
35:16I won't go into an office with that idiot Farrington.
35:18And when we're married, I intend to make the decisions.
35:21Well, of course.
35:23Now, what did you want to see me about?
35:25I just came up to find out if you were all right.
35:27Obviously, I'm fine.
35:29Oh, well, I'll see you at dinner.
35:35That's how you handle women, Uncle Harry.
35:38That's how you regain control of your mind.
35:42And now I'm going for a walk.
35:45Oh, if you happen to see Emily riding Spartacus, say hello for me.
35:56Hello, Frank.
35:59You're either in my mind or you really are out there.
36:03I'm not here, Frank.
36:04Either way, I can live with it.
36:06You won't destroy me.
36:07Oh, my darling.
36:09I'm not here to destroy you.
36:11I'm here to save you.
36:13Emily, I don't love you.
36:14Believe me, I used you.
36:15I used you to meet Judy.
36:17No, Frank, that's not true.
36:19You love me.
36:21Some stranger, something, someone who's alien to your very nature
36:27was attracted to Judy.
36:29Oh, Frank, she won't marry you.
36:33She doesn't love you.
36:34She will marry me.
36:35I've come for you, Frank.
36:37We'll be together, always.
36:39Go away from me.
36:40Speak to me of parting, never.
36:43For those who love shall live forever.
36:47Emily, I don't want you.
36:48Yes, you do.
36:50Oh, how badly you want me.
36:53How you need me.
36:54I can live with this.
36:55I can keep seeing you and talking to you.
36:57It won't destroy me.
36:58I'll just get used to it.
36:59I will get used to it.
37:09Oh, back so soon, Frank?
37:11Have a nice walk?
37:13Thought Judy would be here.
37:14Wanted to find out what the plan was for dinner.
37:16Aren't you the newly appointed planner?
37:18No, not when it comes to dinner.
37:20That's a woman's prerogative.
37:21Well, Judy isn't here.
37:23Where'd she go?
37:24She left for the airport.
37:27I wouldn't know.
37:28Did something come up suddenly?
37:31Oh, she left you this note.
37:38Frank, darling.
37:40How lucky we are to find out sooner rather than late.
37:45Obviously, it isn't going to work.
37:48The one thing I must have in my life is someone solid, dependable.
37:53Someone who has a clearly defined goal and purpose.
37:57You're wonderful, Frank, but so moody, so unpredictable.
38:02How ironic.
38:04You would have been just right for Emily.
38:06I realize that now.
38:08Had she lived, I'm sure you would have found each other.
38:12I hope we can meet again as friends.
38:19Well, Frank, I'm sorry.
38:22Let me pour you a drink.
38:23I'll ride that damn horse.
38:24I'll kill him.
38:31Yes, Mr. Frank.
38:32Have you saddled Spartacus?
38:33No, sir.
38:33Saddle him.
38:34I have strict orders from Miss Judy that no one should ride Spartacus at this time.
38:39Anyhow, sir, he's impossible.
38:41No, no, no.
38:42He's standing there very quiet.
38:43That's just for the moment.
38:47Oh, Frank, darling.
38:48There's Miss Emily.
38:49She's getting ready to ride him.
38:51Miss Emily?
38:51There she is, right beside him.
38:54You see Miss Emily?
38:56Of course.
38:58Come with me, Frank, darling.
39:00We'll be together now.
39:02Yes, Emily.
39:03I was so foolish.
39:04Mr. Frank, please tell me, who are you talking to?
39:09Miss Emily?
39:10Come, Frank.
39:11Yes, Emily.
39:13You're all I have.
39:14Climb up behind me.
39:16We'll ride Spartacus together.
39:18Mr. Frank, Mr. Frank, where do you think you're going?
39:22You can't go in that corral at her.
39:24It'll kill you.
39:25Look at him.
39:26So still, so gentle.
39:28I can't let you go in there.
39:29It's all right.
39:30Emily and I will ride him together.
39:32Come, Frank, Emily.
39:34Quick, go on, Mr. Frank.
39:34No, Mr. Frank, quick, quick, quick.
39:37Come on, give me a hand.
39:38I can't hold him.
39:39I'm waiting, Frank.
39:40Let me go.
39:41I'm coming, Emily.
39:43Mr. Frank, get out of that corral.
39:47Climb on, Frank.
39:48Climb on.
39:49Get away from that horse.
39:52Get away.
39:53Don't be afraid of him, Frank.
39:55Climb on.
39:56Don't touch him, Mr. Frank.
39:58Back away, back away.
40:00Here, let me help you.
40:03Take my hand, Frank.
40:05Take my hand.
40:06Yes, Emily, yes.
40:07Don't touch that horse.
40:09Don't be afraid, Frank.
40:10Emily, give me your hand.
40:12Emily, where are you?
40:13Emily, Emily, help me.
40:17Mr. Frank, no.
40:27Bert, get a rope.
40:32Jerry, call an ambulance.
40:40As you can already guess, the ambulance was too late.
40:44But as the poem says, those who love shall live forever.
40:50If Frank truly loved Emily at the end, then both of them will be together somewhere forever.
40:58I'll be back shortly.
41:00Do you believe the story of Spartacus?
41:04Well, maybe you should, because whenever we vouch for something, we say it's from the
41:10horse's mouth.
41:12That's because everyone knows that horses never lie.
41:16Our cast included Mason Adams, Marion Seldon, and the late, late, late, Mr. Seldon.
41:22That's because everyone knows that horses never lie.
41:26Our cast included Mason Adams, Marion Seldon, Paul McGrath, Barbara Worthington, and Harry
41:34The entire production was under the direction of Hyman Brown.
41:39This is E.G. Marshall inviting you to return to our mystery theater for another adventure
41:44in the macabre.
41:46Until next time, pleasant dreams.
