The dog was left on the street with its jaw smashed to pieces and no one to help it.
①00:00 犬はアゴを粉々に砕かれたまま助けられることもなく路上に放置されていました
②05:52 虐げられた犬の瞳は既につぶれ体中の毛は抜け落ちガリガリにやせ細り・・・
We've compiled a list of the most popular animal rescue videos.
①00:00 The dog was left on the street with its jaw smashed to pieces and no one was able to help it.
②05:52 The dog's eyes had already been crushed, all the hair had fallen out, and it was extremely emaciated...
An inspiring animal rescue document.
#animal rescue
①00:00 犬はアゴを粉々に砕かれたまま助けられることもなく路上に放置されていました
②05:52 虐げられた犬の瞳は既につぶれ体中の毛は抜け落ちガリガリにやせ細り・・・
We've compiled a list of the most popular animal rescue videos.
①00:00 The dog was left on the street with its jaw smashed to pieces and no one was able to help it.
②05:52 The dog's eyes had already been crushed, all the hair had fallen out, and it was extremely emaciated...
An inspiring animal rescue document.
#animal rescue