• last year
An Evil Traps a Family in The Woods And They Can Only Go Outside If Tied to The House With Rope
00:00Deep in the woods, twin brothers Samuel and Nolan live with their mama and their dog Coda.
00:05Mama has taught the kids that the evil has taken over the world and civilization is over,
00:08that's why they're hiding in this house.
00:10There are runes carved on the wood to protect them, and every day they pray together to
00:13keep the evil at bay.
00:15If the evil manages to touch them, it could make them do bad things.
00:18The kids can't see the evil, only mama does, but they believe every word.
00:23One morning, a skeleton in the forest suddenly moves and screams, but this is just a dream
00:26from mama.
00:27The nightmare startles her awake, so she leaves the bed and after saying a quick prayer she
00:31goes outside.
00:33As she touches the grass, she can hear something growling nearby.
00:36Suddenly her dead father appears next to the stairs and tries to touch her, but she concentrates
00:40on ignoring it and goes back inside.
00:42In the morning, she wakes the kids up to start the day.
00:45Samuel does some push-ups to get ready while it's shown that Nolan has a bell tied around
00:48his ankle.
00:49During breakfast, Nolan shares his food with Coda, ignoring his brother's disapproval.
00:54Afterward the family gets ready to go foraging.
00:57Mama ties a long rope around everyone and they bless it with a prayer, that way the
01:00rope will keep them safe from the evil.
01:02They all carry whistles in case they need to call for help, and mama reminds the boys
01:06of the main rules, the rope is their lifeline, and they must never let go.
01:09The rope is tied to the foundation of the house, a job done by the kid's grandfather
01:13to protect his wife.
01:15Coda goes ahead alone, knowing he must look for rabbits.
01:18The family splits to cover more ground.
01:20Mama continues to see the evil pretending to be her dead father, who keeps whispering
01:24let them go, but she ignores it.
01:26When she finds a picture of her parents on the ground, she picks it up and hangs it on
01:29a tree.
01:30Samuel finds a squirrel and brings it down with a slingshot.
01:33He also picks up bugs and eats a whole frog alive.
01:36Nolan climbs a tree to check a bird's nest, but unfortunately all the eggs have already
01:41When he comes down, he sees an egg on the ground and runs to grab it, however his rope
01:44ends and stops him.
01:46Desperate for better food, Nolan starts undoing the rope knot, only to be interrupted by Samuel
01:50who reminds him the egg could be an evil trap.
01:52The brothers start making their way back together while arguing over what happened.
01:56Nolan hears Samuel say she loves me more, but Samuel swears he didn't say anything.
02:01Still angry, Nolan steps on his brother's rope, which causes the knot to come undone.
02:06Samuel trips and falls, rolling down the mound and breaking his ankle.
02:09Nolan blows his whistle while Samuel hears something moving in the bushes, making him
02:14Seeing Samuel can't move, Nolan decides to remove his rope to reach his twin and help
02:17him walk.
02:18At that same time Mama hears the whistle and runs to look for her kids.
02:22The rope doesn't let her go very far, so she removes it too.
02:25Now she can see the evil following her while taking the form of her dead mother.
02:29Before the creature can reach the kids, Mama gets to them first and helps them get to Nolan's
02:33rope, tying it around the tree of them.
02:35The creature appears behind them but can't touch them because of the rope.
02:38Mama is still very nervous, but the kids just stare at her because they can't see the evil.
02:43Once the creature leaves, the family returns home where Coda is already waiting.
02:47Mama is paranoid and with a knife in hand, she makes the twins touch the blessed wood
02:50and repeat the prayer.
02:52The kids do so and nothing happens, which means they haven't been touched by the evil.
02:56Afterward Mama scolds them for what they did with the ropes and takes care of Samuel's
03:00Later while she's sitting outside, she sees her mother again.
03:03During dinner, Mama decides to share a story.
03:06One time the evil came to her pretending to be a little girl that needed help because
03:09her foot was stuck in a hole.
03:11Her screaming lasted many days and Mama did her best to ignore it.
03:14When it finally stopped, Mama checked on the girl and found a dead body instead.
03:18Mama is sure that had also been a trick to make her believe it was real, but she didn't
03:22fall for it.
03:23She tells the kids this so they remember to never let go of the rope even if it looks
03:26like an emergency.
03:27Later that night Mama puts the boys in the cellar.
03:30They do this regularly to clean their souls and learn how to deal with the darkness.
03:34Each boy spends an hour there and then must share what nightmares they had with the family.
03:38Afterward the kids get ready for bed and Nolan makes another creepy drawing for his wall.
03:42He asks Samuel if he saw anything after the rope fell, but neither of them did, which
03:46Nolan finds suspicious.
03:47He also wonders if their mother would kill them if the evil touched them like she did
03:50with their father and her parents.
03:52Samuel doesn't like where Nolan's conclusions are going, claiming that their mother would
03:56never lie to them.
03:57Meanwhile Mama is outside when she suddenly hears a voice, it's her dead husband.
04:01This is the first time the evil takes this form, and he starts begging to see the kids
04:05again because he's sure his wife has no plan for the future.
04:08She manages to ignore him even when his voice becomes creepier, but on her way back inside,
04:12she does pause when he points out they'll starve.
04:14The next day Mama and Nolan check on the plants in their greenhouse, but most of them
04:18are dead or sick.
04:19They recently had a very harsh winter that killed their plants and scared off the animals,
04:23so food is scarce.
04:25Nolan starts asking Mama questions about the old world, wondering how she can be sure there
04:28aren't any survivors.
04:30Mama offers very vague answers and says this house is their only world now.
04:34As days pass, the family keeps on consuming all their stored food and soon they start
04:37to run out.
04:39It comes to a point where they must cut just one tomato to share.
04:42On nights with a new moon, Mama lets the kids play an old record and they all dance
04:46One evening, Mama is taking a bath when she notices Nolan standing nearby.
04:51He doesn't answer when she speaks, meaning he's sleepwalking.
04:54Mama takes him back to his bed and ties the bell on his ankle again, wondering how it
04:58The next day Mama goes to the forest alone with her crossbow, hoping to find an animal
05:02to hunt.
05:03She hears a bird nearby but when she comes closer, she finds it eating Nolan's rotten
05:08The boy turns around to see her and Mama hides as she reminds herself it isn't real.
05:13When she looks again, the bird is alone.
05:14She gets ready to shoot it, but the Nolan illusion appears again and startles her, causing
05:18her to miss the shot and scare the bird off.
05:20Mama screams in frustration and has no choice but to gather tree bark for the next meal.
05:25During dinner, Mama keeps seeing her husband outside the window, which reminds her of her
05:28lack of plan.
05:29The following day the family works together to gather more bark and hopefully find sap.
05:34Nolan feels something moving behind him, but he doesn't see anything when he turns.
05:38Suddenly something pulls at his rope and Nolan falls as he's dragged through the forest.
05:42Eventually he discovers the rope is attached to a well where a snake-like creature is doing
05:45the pulling.
05:46At that moment he wakes up and discovers he had been dreaming while sleepwalking.
05:50He's found by Mama, who furiously takes him inside and makes him touch the blessed wood
05:53while saying the prayer.
05:55Then she throws him in the cellar and ignores his pleas for a potty break, causing Nolan
05:59to wet his pants.
06:00Mama doesn't let him out until he swears the darkness has gone away.
06:03Once Nolan is back in his room, he tells Samuel that they should leave the house.
06:07He thinks they should be able to outrun the evil by working together, and promises to
06:11come back for Mama after they find something to eat.
06:14Nolan thinks she doesn't know what it's good for them anymore, but Samuel refuses.
06:17In her room, Mama overhears parts of the conversation and has visions of herself going feral.
06:22The next day Mama brings out an old box.
06:25She shows the kids her Polaroid camera and explains how it works while showing them pictures
06:28of the family.
06:29The camera only has one picture left, and she's saving it for a special moment.
06:33Then she makes a big announcement, if they want to survive, they have no choice but to
06:37eat Coda.
06:38He's getting old anyway, and they can't feed a dog if they can't feed themselves.
06:42Nolan immediately protests and cries, arguing with his mother as he points out killing family
06:46is the real evil.
06:47To make it fair, Mama asks Samuel to vote, and he agrees to eat to Coda.
06:51A devastated Nolan runs outside and hugs Coda, intending to protect him.
06:56However Mama takes him from his arms and drags the dog into the greenhouse, where she cries
06:59as she thanks him for everything.
07:01Mama gets the crossbow ready to shoot yet she hesitates.
07:04At that moment Nolan appears behind her saying it's not real and cuts her rope.
07:08Then he locks the greenhouse door so she can see the truth.
07:11Mama immediately freaks out and start breaking the windows at the same time Samuel comes
07:15out and jumps on his brother, starting a fight.
07:17As the boys roll on the grass, the evil appears for Mama using her mother's face.
07:21The creature scolds Mama for all the things she did as child and promises she'll make
07:25her eat her babies.
07:26Not being able to deal with this anymore, Mama grabs a shard of broken glass and self-deletes
07:31in front of her children.
07:32Samuel finally punches Nolan to win the fight and runs into the greenhouse to tie the rope
07:36to his mother.
07:37He starts praying to help her, but nothing happens.
07:40Feeling guilty, Nolan ties his mother's rope around his body and goes back to the house.
07:44He plays the old record to process his grief while Samuel spends the entire night clinging
07:48to his dead mother.
07:49Sometime later Nolan looks for Coda, but the dog is now scared of the family and stays
07:53in the forest.
07:54Samuel is feeling sick because of the hunger and Nolan makes tea for him.
07:57It seems Samuel hasn't left their mother's room since the incident, and he claims he
08:01saw Nolan in the woods laughing at him for not saving Mama.
08:04Nolan tells him it must have been a dream, but he still agrees to touch the wood and
08:07say the prayer to calm Samuel down.
08:10Determined to save his brother, Nolan grabs the rope and starts exploring the woods.
08:14Since he has all the rope for himself, it's long enough for him to leave the forest and
08:17found an actual road.
08:19He's amazed to see such hard ground and starts yelling for help, but nobody answers.
08:23Later when Nolan returns home, he's shocked to be approached by a man called Cole.
08:27He explains he had been hiking in the area when he heard Nolan's call for help and that
08:30he has food in his bag.
08:32When he's about to offer a ride on his truck, Samuel comes out and thinks Cole is the evil,
08:36so he threatens him with a crossbow.
08:38Cole swears he doesn't mean any harm and walks away, but Samuel shoots him anyway.
08:42A bleeding Cole runs into the forest and Nolan follows him, ignoring Samuel when he says
08:46it's a trick.
08:47Following the bloodstains, he finds Cole with his phone calling 911.
08:51Nolan tries to grab the bag and Cole stops him, however at that moment he finally dies.
08:56Nolan takes the bag home and finds tons of food cans, so he eats until he's full.
09:01He tries sharing with Samuel, but he still thinks this is a trap from the evil and turns
09:04the food down.
09:06In the middle of the night, the hunger is too much to handle anymore and Samuel gives
09:09up, so he eats some of Cole's food.
09:11He looks at the other objects from the bag and in a wallet, he finds a picture of Cole
09:15with his daughter.
09:16There's also a flashlight, which he takes outside to play with the light.
09:19Suddenly he hears a noise and goes to the greenhouse to investigate, noticing something
09:23moving inside.
09:24He's shocked to see his mother standing up and he rushes to open the door, but now she's
09:28gone and he can smell the rotten body.
09:30Then Samuel hears a voice and finds the girl from the picture behind him.
09:33She asks about her father and Samuel pretends he knows nothing, but the girl recognizes
09:37her dad's flashlight.
09:39Samuel begins apologizing for his mistake and the girls becomes afraid of him, so she
09:43runs into the forest.
09:44He immediately goes after her, but since she's running in circles, soon his rope gets tangled
09:48among the trees and he can't advance anymore.
09:51Using the girl as proof his brother was right, Samuel decides to take off the rope.
09:55Then Samuel keeps on searching but freezes when he sees that the girl is climbing a tree
09:58with extra arms, meaning she's the evil after all.
10:01By moving through the treetops, the girl appears behind Samuel with a twisted body and a long
10:05tongue that touches his hand.
10:07The tongue breaks and climbs under Samuel's sleeve, making its way to his face to enter
10:11his body through his mouth.
10:12In the house Nolan wakes up and notices his brother is missing.
10:16He goes outside and starts pulling at Samuel's rope, but he finds the end empty.
10:20Suddenly he hears Samuel calling for him and Nolan runs to investigate, only for Samuel
10:24to appear behind him and cut his rope.
10:26At that moment Cole's truck turns on its lights and Nolan sees the evil with Samuel's face,
10:30so he immediately runs back to the house.
10:32Hearing noises upstairs, Nolan goes to Mama's bedroom and finds Samuel sitting on her bed.
10:37A strange black substance appears on the roof above Samuel, who doesn't react to his brother's
10:42Nolan grabs his hand and touches the wood while he starts to pray.
10:45This causes Samuel to start roaring and take out a knife, which he uses to attack his twin.
10:50Nolan quickly dodges the attacks and runs out of the room, closing the door behind him.
10:55Samuel moves the bed to jam the door and puts on the old record so he can listen to music
10:58while using the flames from the fireplace to start a fire in the room.
11:02Then Samuel goes outside to watch the house slowly burn down.
11:05As the smoke starts taking over, Nolan wets a rag to cover his face and escapes through
11:09a window.
11:10He slips and almost falls off the roof, so instead he decides to go back in through a
11:14different window.
11:15Behind a curtain, he's shocked to find Mama calling for him, but he refuses to believe
11:19she's real.
11:20Outside, Samuel uses the camera to take a picture of himself with the burning house.
11:24Nolan runs away from Mama and opens the cellar.
11:27When she comes close to the edge, he pushes her in and closes the door.
11:30Then he hugs the creature and remembers all the times his mother protect them to fill
11:34the cellar with love as she used to say.
11:36The fake Mama body begins coming apart and reveals the creature's real snake-like anatomy.
11:40It keeps struggling against in Nolan's hold, but he never gives up and eventually his love
11:44causes the creature to blow up.
11:46Sometime later, firemen and paramedics arrive to rescue the kids in a helicopter.
11:50As it flies away, Koda runs after it on the ground.
11:54Nolan notices they're going to an actual town and tells Samuel that they're free now, but
11:57Samuel only replies she loves me more.
12:00Back in the house, the last picture shows a hand on Samuel's shoulder.
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