• 2 days ago
Tells the story of the male protagonist Lin Xian, who wakes up his girlfriend Qing Wan who was unconscious in a car accident. He uses the neurosurgery engine to enter his girlfriend's dream, but is trapped in the dream by a clever trap set by commercial rivals. The world view of the play is superimposed on a high-concept space-time love. In the Name of Dreaming, the dual main lines of love and suspense run in parallel, leading the audience to immersively experience the boss's super love.
00:30当记忆像碎片一样消失 I will be attracted by you
00:34我依旧会被你吸引 When you disappear like a fragment
00:37在无处落脚的人海里 In the endless sea of people
00:41你的降临是岛屿是陆地 Your landing is the land of the island
00:45谁知道你的位置 却装作不在意 Who knows where you are, but pretends not to care
00:50满身伤痍却只字不提 I miss you all the time, but I can't stop
01:01第四章 恋恋不禁
01:13奇怪 明明是第一次来 为什么感觉那么熟悉 It's strange. It's my first time here. Why does it feel so familiar?
01:30秦总 等等 秦总好 Hello, Mr. Qin.
01:45秦总 什么情况 你给我好好说话 Mr. Qin, what's going on? Can you talk to me nicely?
01:49你什么情况啊 What's going on with you?
01:50我刚收到公司通知的邮件 我刚收到公司通知的邮件 I just received an email from the company.
01:52你的职位是副总经理 Your position is the vice general manager.
01:54什么副总经理 What vice general manager?
02:01你又搞错了 Did I make a mistake?
02:03当然没有了 我都和人事确定过了 Of course not. I've confirmed it with the personnel.
02:06再说了 你办公室都收拾好了 Besides, your office is all packed up.
02:08走 我带你过去 Let's go. I'll take you there.
02:19奇怪 怎么打不开啊 奇怪 怎么打不开啊 It's strange. Why can't I open it?
02:21我去找一下人事 I'll go find the personnel.
02:22没事 等等 这个办公室有人吗 It's okay. Wait a minute. Is there anyone in this office?
02:24我在这儿就行 I'm fine here.
02:26那是林总秘书的办公室 That's Mr. Lin's secretary's office.
02:28早上刚从你这个屋搬出来的 He just moved out of your room this morning.
02:30现在肯定很幸运 He must be very happy now.
02:33不会吧 No way.
02:34我有那么小心眼吗 Am I that petty?
02:38秦总 你好 我是林总的秘书 Hello, Ms. Qin. I'm Mr. Lin's secretary.
02:40欢迎您来到显游 Welcome to Xianyou.
02:42您叫我秦婉就行 You can just call me Qin Wan.
02:48公司得讲规矩还是得叫您秦总 The company has to follow the rules. I still have to call you Ms. Qin.
02:52当然 希望你可以不辜负林总 Of course, I hope you won't let Mr. Lin down.
02:55带领公司走得更远 Take the company further.
02:57您放心 我一定会努力的 Don't worry. I'll do my best.
03:20不知道行政部在忙些什么 I don't know what the administration is doing.
03:22上周就让他们修了这台咖啡机 They fixed this coffee machine last week.
03:25按这个 Press this.
03:28谢谢你 何秘书 Thank you, Ms. He.
03:35这个口感好 This tastes good.
03:51又是洒咖啡 剧本都不敢那么写吧 You spilled coffee again. You don't even dare to write a script.
03:57对不起 对不起 林总 Sorry, Mr. Lin.
03:58你没有被烫到吧 Did you get scalded?
03:59林总 没烫到你吗 Mr. Lin, did you get scalded?
04:03林总下午要和沙特团视频呢 Mr. Lin is going to have a video call with Saturn this afternoon.
04:06衬衫 办公室被用拿去干洗了 The shirt was washed in the office.
04:09没事 It's okay.
04:11衣服我来赔吧 I'll pay for the clothes.
04:12谁要你赔啊 Who wants you to pay?
04:15对不起 Sorry.
04:19你叫人收拾一下 Ask someone to clean up.
04:24你知道你的职务是什么 Do you know what your position is?
04:26这些小事随便找个人干就行了 You can just ask someone to do it.
04:38林总 你赶紧检查一下有没有被烫伤吧 Mr. Lin, please check if you are scalded.
04:42这么关心我吗 Are you so concerned about me?
04:46如果您没什么事的话 If there's nothing else,
04:49那我先出去看看 I'll go out and have a look.
04:55为什么这一刻好像曾经发生过 Why does this moment seem to have happened before?
05:20你就坐这儿 You can sit here.
05:22祈愿之灵的保密级别很高 The secret level of Qi Yuan Zhiling is very high.
05:23你想参与就需要独立办公室 If you want to participate, you need to have your own office.
05:27那您的意思是 So you mean
05:29我可以参与千万之灵了是吗 I can participate in Qi Yuan Zhiling, right?
05:32等你过了试用期 Wait for your probation period.
05:34好 OK.
05:36等了三年 I've been waiting for three years.
05:38今晚 We can finally be together
05:40我们终于可以每天在一起了 tonight.
05:50试用期 Probation period
05:53这家伙是在考验我有没有能力加入千万之灵的项目 This guy is testing my ability to join the Qi Yuan Zhiling project.
05:57必须得给他露脸说 I must show him my face.
06:24看起来好香 It smells good.
06:26秦总 昨晚加班辛苦了 Mr. Qin, thank you for working overtime last night.
06:29都没人了还装呢 No one is here. Stop pretending.
06:32曹婉婉 Cao Wenwen
06:34你和我们老板之前都认识吗 Do you know our boss before?
06:36看他很熟悉的样子 He looks familiar.
06:38不认识 I don't know him.
06:40我们俩是上周入演第一次的演员 We met for the first time last week.
06:43这次是第一次的演员 We met for the first time last week.
06:45这次是第一次的演员 We met for the first time last week.
06:47这次是第一次的演员 We met for the first time last week.
06:48看他很熟悉的样子 He looks familiar.
06:50不认识 I don't know him.
06:52我们俩是上周入演第一次的演员 We met for the first time last week.
06:54但是我总觉得吧 But I always feel that
06:56我们俩之间有一种特别熟悉的感觉 we are very familiar with each other.
06:59好像认识了很久 We seem to have known each other for a long time.
07:02你可别瞎说飞飞啊 Don't talk nonsense.
07:04你对我樊哥了 You're talking about Fan.
07:06樊哥 樊哥 你就天天想着樊哥吧你 Fan, Fan, you think about Fan every day.
07:08咱认识多久了就被收买了 How long have we known each other?
07:10我都说了我们俩是吃小时候的好朋友 I told you that we were good friends when we were kids.
07:13樊哥多好啊 Fan is so nice.
07:15海归学霸 又盛情又专业 He is a top student and he is passionate and professional.
07:18快打住吧 你要喜欢你去追啊 Stop it. If you like him, go after him.
07:20算了吧 朋友亲没兴趣 Forget it. I'm not interested in friends.
07:24对了 灯灯 By the way, Dengdeng,
07:26你知道晴婉之灵是谁在裁发吗 do you know who is in charge of Qin Wan Zhiling?
07:30我不知道啊 I don't know.
07:32好像是林总吧 I think it's Mr. Lin.
07:33这么神秘吗 连开发团队都不知道 Is it so mysterious that even the development team doesn't know?
07:37我怀疑啊 是个幽灵项目 I suspect it's a ghost project.
07:39就是对外讲故事用的 It's for storytelling.
07:42你知道的 公司的股票一直 You know, the company's stock has been...
07:47幽灵项目 Ghost project?
07:51你怎么出来了 You are here.
07:53好可爱啊 You are so cute.
07:57好可爱啊 You are so cute.
08:00你哪儿来的 Where are you from?
08:01上班路上就一直跟着我了 You have been following me on the way to work.
08:04这么可爱 当然要先带回公司 晚上再带回家了 You are so cute. Of course I have to take you back to the company first and then take you home at night.
08:07你怎么跑出来了 小菊 Why did you come out, Xiaoju?
08:09这么快名字就想好了 You came up with a name so quickly.
08:11那当然了 Of course.
08:15小菊 小菊 Xiaoju, Xiaoju.
08:16小菊 小菊 Xiaoju, Xiaoju.
08:18小菊 小菊 Xiaoju, Xiaoju.
08:27妈妈妈 Mom, mom.
08:30妈妈妈 Mom, mom.
08:32妈妈妈 Mom, mom.
08:34妈妈妈 Mom, mom.
08:36妈妈妈 Mom, mom.
08:37没事没事 It's okay.
08:39妈妈妈 Mom, mom.
08:45吓死我了 吓死我了 It scared me to death.
08:46这儿虽然有小命可救 But I can't die here.
08:51不至于吧 It's not that bad.
08:52你不知道老板有多宝贝这个奖杯 You don't know how precious this trophy is to the boss.
08:54每天进办公室第一件事就是擦一遍这个 The first thing he does every day when he enters the office is to wipe it.
08:58年度最佳游戏设计师 秦婉 Best Game Designer of the Year, Qin Wan.
09:02自从讲直播我年年都有看啊 I've been watching Zitong's live broadcast every day.
09:09没印象我跟你同名的设计师 I don't remember the designer with the same name as you.
09:12我没有听说过游戏界有跟我同名的大神啊 I've never heard of a game designer with the same name as me.
09:16不会有这么巧吧 It can't be that coincidental, can it?
09:20所以 So
09:21林总究竟为什么让我当现有副总 Why did Mr. Lin make me the current vice president?
09:24真的是巧合吗 Is it really a coincidence?
09:29哎呀 小菊 奖杯 Xiaoju, trophy
09:32奖杯 奖杯奖杯奖杯 Trophy
09:40怎么了林总 What's the matter, Mr. Lin?
09:43这是林总最看重的东西 This is what Mr. Lin cares about most.
09:57满天星都闪烁着光芒 The sky is full of twinkling stars
10:00I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't
10:30sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, I can't sleep
