Murder in a Small Town - Season 01 Episode 04

  • 14 hours ago


00:01Let's go!
00:02This is the real deal.
00:03Go, go!
00:04Rescue High Surf.
00:05Bring it on.
00:06The Floor.
00:08And Universal Basic Guide.
00:09How much did you spend on this?
00:10Yeah, put a price tag on saving lives.
00:13Nailed it.
00:14All available now.
00:44Wake up.
00:52Wake up!
00:55Why are you doing this to me?
01:03Em, I'll put the gun down.
01:05Why aren't I good enough for you?
01:09Okay, Em.
01:12I'll put the gun down.
01:30Not a bad day's work, huh?
01:41Yeah, working with your hands is good for your brain.
01:44Endorphins and all that.
01:45Oh, looking at you is all the endorphins I can handle.
01:57Well, at least it'll look good when Holly gets here tomorrow.
02:02You know what you're going to say to her yet?
02:04About getting kicked out of school for smoking pot?
02:07No, no.
02:08Every single dad of me wants to forget it ever happened.
02:10The cop in me wants daily urine samples.
02:13You know.
02:14I think my job is to make sense of people when it comes to my daughter.
02:17I'm a total rookie.
02:19Maybe now isn't the best time for her and I to meet.
02:23But I want her to get to know you.
02:25What does Holly think?
02:31You haven't told her yet.
02:33Uh, yeah, I never found the right moment.
02:36Okay, well, I am looking forward to meeting her whenever it feels right.
02:42Um, I gotta go.
02:43What? Oh, no.
02:44No, I wanted to thank you with my extraordinary culinary skills.
02:48Thank the planning committee fundraiser for the art center.
02:51Right, right, big thanks.
02:53Yeah, Emma's an old friend.
02:55Domina at the pub?
02:56No, we rode horses together.
02:59She, uh, she went to private school.
03:01I haven't seen her in a few months.
03:03Rain check, then.
03:05Yeah, whenever Holly's settled.
03:10Ladies and gentlemen, the charity auction for the art center will begin after dinner.
03:18Oh, my God, where is that?
03:20Um, Tahiti.
03:22Charlie and I go every year.
03:23Have you been?
03:24I've never left the state.
03:26Sorry that Charlie couldn't make it tonight.
03:28Says he, but he's slammed at work.
03:30Yeah, I know.
03:31I know.
03:32I know.
03:33I know.
03:34I know.
03:35I know.
03:36Sorry that Charlie couldn't make it tonight.
03:38Says he, but he's slammed at work.
03:40How's Charlie doing these days, anyway?
03:44This reminds me of the most fabulous ravioli we had in Tuscany.
03:48You'll never guess the secret ingredient.
03:52Goat cheese.
03:54Oh, goat cheese.
03:56How did you and Cassandra get to know each other?
03:59Oh, um, I hurt my back in yoga class, and Cassandra was there to help me tune my car.
04:04And the lighthouse theater.
04:06Is that that charming little playhouse that's on the water?
04:10I didn't realize it was still open.
04:17So, Cassandra, um, how's it going with the police chief?
04:21Uh, God, we are so busy, we hardly see each other.
04:25You have a new man?
04:26Way to bury the lead.
04:28Wait, I thought you said that you were over there staining his deck today.
04:31Please tell me that's not you from inside.
04:35Don't worry, if he's the one, you will know.
04:39So, tell me about your art center.
04:41Yeah, I just think Gibson's needs a community art hub.
04:44You know, something that everyone can enjoy.
04:46We have such amazing artists here, we should be showcasing that.
04:49Yeah, the town's been trying to fund a project like that for years.
04:51Yeah, Sadie's on community council.
04:52Like blood from a stone.
04:56It's definitely on brand with the charitable work that Charlie and I support.
05:01Does it have a name yet?
05:02No, I've been waiting until it's actually happening.
05:06I'm just terrified of jinxing it, you know?
05:08If only she had a rich friend who could help.
05:11What? It's a fundraiser.
05:15So let's raise some funds.
05:20Ladies and gentlemen, it has come to my attention that our new community hub not only needs completion funds,
05:26but it also needs a name.
05:28So get your checkbooks ready because we are auctioning off the naming rights after dinner.
05:41The Wilbur and Ethel Woodcock Center for the Arts.
05:47At least you got the funding.
05:49You, you got me the funding.
05:53You're welcome.
05:54Can we not wait until you need another building to see each other again?
05:57Excuse me, miss, I'm in Portugal. We'll talk next time we're in the same time zone.
06:02Fair, fair.
06:11I wish you and Carl every happiness.
06:14I didn't mean that.
06:17Em, are you okay?
06:19Of course.
06:20I just hope Carl isn't worried.
06:22I just hope Carl isn't a workaholic like Charlie. He never leaves the office.
06:30Can you wait until I get inside?
06:32Of course.
07:03You okay?
07:04It's Charlie, Emma's husband.
07:07Mrs. O'Brien, I need you to leave everything where it was.
07:09I can't have my home like this.
07:11I can't conduct my investigation if you compromise my crime scene.
07:15Sergeant Sokolowski will take you outside where he'll collect your statement, okay?
07:19Follow me, please.
07:23Come on.
07:29Where is he?
07:32Let's go.
07:33Let's go.
07:51That is a lot of blood.
07:54A dangerous amount for whoever lost it.
07:56Spatter on the wall could be signs of a struggle.
07:59Robbery gone wrong?
08:00Or kidnapping?
08:02Or murder?
08:05Let's start waking people up.
08:19Forensics is here.
08:22Blood on both walls. Missed the two paintings. Didn't spare the photo.
08:27What do you see?
08:31O'Brien was at his desk.
08:33Looks like he struggled with his attacker, or attackers.
08:39And then collapsed. Possibly due to blood loss.
08:45What else?
08:49The pertinent negative.
08:51What is it?
08:54Charlie O'Brien.
09:03Not just his body.
09:07This room has no personality.
09:11No personal effects. His office, the one room he can call his own, feels like a showroom.
09:24Safe in the closet is open and empty.
09:30What's wrong with it?
09:32I don't know. He's not smiling.
09:36You put a family picture over your bed. You sent her.
09:40I mean, the decor, the furniture, it's all thought out, but seems out of place, right?
10:00A bullet hole.
10:03I need to speak to Mrs. O'Brien.
10:14Thanks, guys.
10:16Mrs. O'Brien?
10:17The ammunition Cassandra went with her. Landline. Cables are cut. The security cameras are blacked out.
10:23Point of entry?
10:25There's a side door at the back, windows broken. It's hard to access from the shore, but not impossible if you know it's there.
10:30So whoever did this did their homework?
10:32The other thing is, there's no blood anywhere in this house except for that office.
10:36How'd they get him out of here? Keep the floors clean?
10:38Why'd they take him with them in the first place is what I'm wondering.
10:41So he wasn't dragged. He was carried. We're looking for at least two assailants.
10:58I'm sorry you had to be here all night.
11:01I'll need you to come with me now.
11:04Can I?
11:05I'm sorry.
11:07It's gonna be okay.
11:09It's gonna be okay.
11:20Have you found Charlie?
11:22We're doing everything we can, Mrs. O'Brien.
11:25Emma, please.
11:28Cassandra promised that I could trust you.
11:31Emma, could you explain the bullet hole in your bedroom wall?
11:39Charlie had a gun. It accidentally discharged. That was six months ago.
11:48I didn't want the gun in the house, so I gave it to my brother.
11:53You hid the bullet hole behind a picture instead of fixing it?
11:59I left it as a reminder for Charlie.
12:03When we arrived, your safe was open.
12:08A few thousand dollars in cash for emergencies, business documents, passports.
12:16What about jewelry?
12:18We don't wear jewelry. It's ostentatious.
12:25Who else knows the combination?
12:28Only Charlie and me.
12:30Did Charlie have enemies? Anyone who might want to hurt him?
12:35Everyone loves Charlie.
12:41Was there any sudden change in his routine?
12:45Of course not. Why would you ask that?
12:49It's just sometimes people get involved in situations that they keep to themselves.
12:53Well, not Charlie.
12:56We never hide anything from each other.
12:59No difficulties in your marriage, I should be aware of.
13:03Why are you asking me these questions? I'm starting to feel like a suspect.
13:10My husband is missing.
13:13I need you to find him.
13:16I can't.
13:17My husband is missing.
13:20I need you to find him.
13:40You said Tokyo Mature Brothers.
13:43Can I get you some breakfast?
13:45I'm not hungry.
13:47Maybe she needs something.
13:51Tea and a muffin?
13:57How can I help?
13:59I'd like you to tell me more about Emma and Charlie.
14:02I've known Emma since we were 14. We're not close anymore though.
14:07That's how you said you saw her just a few months ago.
14:10And just bumped into her.
14:13I only invited her to dinner last night because I was hoping for donations for the art center.
14:19Why does that make me feel so guilty all of a sudden?
14:21You shouldn't. That invitation may have saved her life.
14:24Describe it to me.
14:30She came from money.
14:33Her mom expected perfection.
14:36Appearances were everything.
14:38And Charlie?
14:42When Emma set her sights on him, it was game over.
14:45He couldn't get away from her.
14:47Nice guy.
14:49I mean, he's the husband of a friend, not the husband who becomes a friend.
14:55No children.
14:57Emma couldn't. Broke her heart, I think.
15:01Emma avoids unpleasant conversations.
15:11When I asked Emma if she and Charlie had difficulties, she got very defensive.
15:18Insisted that everything was perfect.
15:21Is that how you saw it?
15:25I wasn't surprised when Charlie skipped last night's dinner.
15:31Look, you don't think Emma had something to do with this. She was with me all night.
15:37Until I know what happened to Charlie, I can't rule anything out.
15:46Crazy, right? I mean, who looks under a photo because a frame feels unbalanced?
15:51Probably us for the rest of our careers.
15:53Forensics confirmed it's Charlie O'Brie's blood splattered everywhere.
15:57They figure out how the assailants got the body out of here?
15:59Without making the place look like a Jackson Pollock painting? No.
16:02Body? What do you mean, body?
16:04So we turned around and she was standing there with cleaning supplies in her hands.
16:07That's the second time she's tried to clean up our crime scene.
16:09This is on me. I should have secured the scene better.
16:13Blake Windsor's out front. Emma O'Brie's brother.
16:16He wants to know what kind of sorry excuse for a police force you're running here.
16:20It was my fault. I'll talk to him.
16:22I'll take care of this.
16:25I'm sorry.
16:27I'm sorry.
16:29I'm sorry.
16:31I'm sorry.
16:33He's not mad, you know. He's just dialed in.
16:37He has every right to be mad.
16:39I would be.
16:43How can I help you, Mr. Windsor?
16:46Let's start with how you plan to discipline your officer.
16:51For her callous and frankly disturbing remarks about my sister's husband's disappearance.
16:55You're right. You're right. We should hold people accountable for their actions.
16:59I should charge your sister with trespassing and evidence tampering.
17:04Charlie is dead. Emma is devastated.
17:07And your officers are making jokes about Jackson Pollock.
17:10Who said Charlie's dead?
17:12He's anemic.
17:14That sort of blood loss? I mean, whatever happened to him?
17:20Of course, my sister didn't tell you.
17:25She's not trying to hide information or destroy evidence.
17:28Emma has a very specific attitude towards life.
17:31Everything needs to be perfect.
17:33Thank you, Mother.
17:38Worked for your firm.
17:40Yeah, worked.
17:42Generous. He was employed there.
17:44It's a family investment firm and technically he's family.
17:48Not up to your standards.
17:50It doesn't matter. Emma loved him.
17:52Where were you last night?
17:55During the dumbest game on earth with my wife and our neighbors.
17:59Look, please, just find Charlie alive or dead.
18:03Emma's not built for this uncertainty.
18:06If there's anything that I can do to help, let me know.
18:12The gun Emma gave you. I'll need to see it.
18:16Yeah, yeah, of course. I'll bring it by tomorrow.
18:18It's in your home?
18:22Sergeant Sokolowski will follow you?
18:24He's waiting for me at the reception.
18:26You'll surrender it?
18:32The more we look into Charlie O'Bray's perfect life, the less perfect it seems.
18:36Security system was installed over five years ago.
18:39Company monitors it from a remote location.
18:44Last contractor was a plumber. That was two years ago. No cleaner.
18:47Leaving us with Emma O'Bray.
18:49And there's no way she'd move that body herself.
18:52Where was the brother last night?
18:54Checked with the neighbors. He claims he was with them.
19:00Go. I got this.
19:08Where are you?
19:09I'm on my way, kiddo. What time is it?
19:11You're not late. The ferry got in early.
19:13You still at the terminal?
19:15Cop shop. Nice office.
19:22Hey, Dad.
19:35You accepted a ride from a stranger?
19:37Some nice sailors with a van.
19:39They invited me to a party later.
19:41Not funny.
19:42It's kind of funny.
19:44Seriously, how did he get you?
19:46Her name was Barb McDonald and she has three grandkids and none of them call her enough.
19:51She thinks you're doing a good job but should smile more when you're on TV.
19:58What's in the bag?
20:01It's your birthday present.
20:05Yeah, I was going to wait until your actual birthday but you might want to try it out now.
20:10It's your grandmother's. It was your grandmother's.
20:13I found some black and white film, ordered some processing chemicals.
20:17I can teach you how to develop pictures at home if you'd like.
20:20Yeah, sure.
20:22I was taking photos for the school newspaper before I ...
20:28You know.
20:31You want to talk about it?
20:33I really don't.
20:38I have to start at a new school tomorrow.
20:42Can we just go home?
20:45I gotta work.
20:47But I can find somebody to give you a tour.
20:54The gun.
20:55We're going to need confirmation from the lab but from the smell of it, that thing hadn't been fired in months.
21:00Windsor's alibi checks out. They were playing charades.
21:03What if Blake and Emma did kill Charlie, staged the crime scene to look like a robbery gone wrong and then just left for their events?
21:11Kill them why?
21:13Families. Who knows what they're ... Speaking of, have you talked to Holly yet?
21:18About the pot? I'm working up to it.
21:22She's going through something.
21:24Discipline's easy.
21:27Listening's the hard part.
21:42Beer and pickles. Someone's going for a follow-up beer.
21:46Look behind.
21:48You like their breakfast burritos, right?
21:51Way better parenting.
21:53You're welcome. Ride to school?
21:55Yeah, nothing better than getting dropped off by the chief of police on my first day.
22:02Will you take that?
22:04Two seconds.
22:07How are you?
22:09Better. Look, yesterday you asked me about Emma.
22:13And maybe, I don't know, maybe there's something I should have mentioned.
22:18Remember I said that we had run into each other a while ago and, you know, we decided to catch up over coffee.
22:25But Emma didn't seem herself. She was distracted, upset. She said that, she said that Charlie had done something.
22:33I pushed for more and she seemed like she wanted to tell me and then she just smiled and said she was probably overreacting.
22:42Because Emma doesn't do unpleasant.
22:43Yeah, but for a second there, I swear I could see this flicker of, I don't know, rage.
22:54And then it was gone. And I convinced myself that I had imagined it. But now I'm not so sure.
23:00I don't know. It's probably nothing.
23:03Well, thank you for telling me.
23:07How's Holly settling in?
23:09Good. Good, yeah. We're just about to have breakfast.
23:22Ugh, seeing furniture showrooms with more personality.
23:25I doubt Charlie O'Brie even set foot in this office until the day he died. Makes you wonder.
23:31Wonder what?
23:33Where he kept his stuff.
23:35Wait, what, like, like another office?
23:37Charlie O'Brie does have another office at the investment firm.
23:40Yeah, no, he was actually just-
23:41When this box is ready, I'll call Windsor.
23:43Good thinking, Kendrick. Now let's get somewhere.
23:50You really have to take everything?
23:52We appreciate your cooperation.
23:54Yeah, well, I want to find Charlie as much as you do. For Emma's sake.
24:00So, what are we looking for anyways?
24:03We'll know when we find it.
24:09Fingerprint sensor lock.
24:11Send it over to forensics along with the computer.
24:14On it.
24:19What's the first thing you notice when you look around this place?
24:22I don't know. It's kooky.
24:26Yeah? Also feels lived in, right?
24:32There's something missing.
24:36Emma. There are no pictures of Emma.
24:42A blood drive.
24:57I keep meaning to do this, but, uh-
25:00The needle? I know, most people are squeamish.
25:04How much blood are you taking from me?
25:07About a pint.
25:08That sounds like a lot when you put it that way.
25:11Trust me, you won't miss it.
25:15When can I do this again?
25:17In two months.
25:19Yeah, some of our regulars donate six times a year.
25:25Was Charlie O'Brie a regular?
25:28He got an award for organizing a blood drive?
25:32Oh, my God, that poor man from the news. I hope they find him soon.
25:38And done. See? Nothing to it.
26:01Tonya Helgenberger, is she working today?
26:03She phoned in sick, last couple of days.
26:07Do you know her?
26:09Um, she's a friend of a friend.
26:13Tell her I said hi next time you see her.
26:20Say it wasn't an attack. Say it was more like giving blood.
26:34Oh, my God.
26:46Say there was another person with him.
26:49Not an assailant. An accomplice.
26:53Oh, my God.
26:55Charlie O'Brie wasn't a victim.
27:00He faked his own death.
27:02Tonya Helgenberger. Let's find her.
27:07Charlie faking his own death would explain why there's no body.
27:10And the lack of blood anywhere but the office.
27:12The assailant's knowledge of the security system, the combination to the safe, when to stage the attack.
27:17Doesn't explain why, though.
27:19Husband trapped in a loveless marriage. His brother-in-law hates him. He's not a husband, he's a show pony.
27:24Where are we with forensics?
27:26Nothing on his computer or his files. They're still working on the thumb drive.
27:28Keep me posted. If I'm Charlie, I'd stay away from public transit hubs.
27:32Private planes?
27:34Look into private airstrips, passenger manifests, flights out. Wherever he is, he's lying low.
27:39Tonya's roommate hasn't seen her in over two days. She's being all secret squirrel. Usually means the dude's married.
27:58Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. It's not here.
28:02Where is it, then? Hmm? Where?
28:06Yelling at me is not gonna help.
28:10You're right. Let's just both calm down.
28:15Retrace your steps.
28:17Okay. Okay. Um.
28:21I was trying to get out of the office.
28:23The drive was in the back of the drawer. I went to grab it.
28:28And then Blake barged in. He said it was urgent. It's always urgent with that guy.
28:33Babe, focus.
28:38I must have grabbed the wrong drive.
28:43Okay, well then the right drive is still in your desk.
28:47Oh, no, no, no, baby. We can't go back.
28:50What if someone sees me? I'm supposed to be dead.
28:53Babe, we need that drive.
29:12What the hell?
29:15Oh, no.
29:17Oh, no.
29:19Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
29:30You're not supposed to be here.
29:32Emma's been out of her mind. What happened to you?
29:37Okay, I need to call my sister.
29:39No, no, no, you can't. No, Emma can't. No, no, um.
29:42She's, uh, she's in danger. Okay?
29:46Charlie, what are you doing here?
29:55I can't do this anymore, man. I can't feel like a failure all the time. Okay?
30:05So just let me get what I came here for.
30:08Okay? And then you'll never have to see me again. Ever.
30:14I think I better call the police.
30:19Emma. Emma. What did you do?
30:29Okay, okay, okay, okay. We're gonna call 911 and we're gonna leave the phone off the hook and they're gonna come.
30:36We can't leave him alive.
30:43You can do this. Okay? We can't go to jail.
30:49Charlie, please.
30:59I'm sorry, man.
31:01Charlie, I'm sorry.
31:07Go, go.
31:18Forensics cracked the drive. They pulled O'Bray's fingerprints from a glass in the bathroom and spoofed the biometric lock.
31:26Investment accounts.
31:28All fake. O'Bray's been embezzling from the family business.
31:31Two million dollars, that's enough to start a new life. When did all this start?
31:35Oldest account is from six months ago.
31:39I need to speak to Blake Windsor.
31:50What are you thinking?
31:54Charlie came back for the drive. Windsor confronted him.
31:58Go on.
32:00I guess Charlie thought two million dollars might be worth killing for.
32:05I'm sorry for your loss.
32:09But first, Charlie.
32:11No, Blake. You're thinking they're connected somehow, are you?
32:18Mrs. O'Bray. Emma. I think Charlie is still alive.
32:24What? He is? Well, where is he?
32:31That's what I need to find out.
32:33That's what I need to find out.
32:38Charlie may be connected to your brother's death.
32:44You think he killed Blake?
32:46It's possible.
32:49No. No. Charlie could never. He loved Blake like a brother. I know my own husband.
33:02I told Carl about that day that we went for coffee. How Charlie had done something very unpleasant.
33:11What? Yeah.
33:15It was the gun. He didn't mean to.
33:18He threatened you with a gun?
33:20It just went off accidentally. A tempest in a teacup. Charlie loves me. He loves me. Okay? We all, we all made mistakes.
33:27Mistakes, Emma. If he had something to-
33:30Charlie wouldn't kill Blake, okay? He loves me. He loves me because he's a student.
33:43You pull that all in your bedroom? You pulled the trigger.
33:53He had an affair.
33:58Six months ago he thought he needed a divorce.
34:02I wanted him to understand. You don't end a marriage because of one mistake. You stay together for all the things that went right.
34:15Six months ago. That's how long Charlie's been embezzling from the family firm.
34:21Emma, do you have any idea where Charlie might be right now? If you do, how would I?
34:37Turns out I don't even know my own husband.
34:41I am so sorry.
34:43I am so sorry.
34:53I think you both should leave.
35:00I'll have an officer stay behind.
35:02I really wish you wouldn't.
35:08Please go.
35:10Let's go.
35:28Cyn, I need you to get a warrant over the judge roll access of the GPS tracker in Emma O'Bray's car.
35:35How do you do that? Every day?
35:37Hold on just a sec. It's my job.
35:46You gonna be okay?
35:51Be careful.
35:54Cyn, that warrant, you got a pen? Yeah. So it's a black Tesla.
36:00Just got a hit. One of Charlie O'Bray's fake investment account names. Calo Bannon stores a float plane at Riverway. It's a private airstrip out past Doristan.
36:09Yen? Got it. It's Sarge.
36:13Cyd, any trouble getting the warrant?
36:15It depends. I count having to listen to Judge Rowe's hunting story.
36:19Emma's on the move.
36:20Which direction?
36:22She knows exactly where Charlie is.
36:24Send coordinates to my phone.
36:31As soon as we make Alaska, we'll sell the float plane. At least that gives us enough to get to Hawaii.
36:38And then what?
36:39I don't know, babe. Maybe you can figure something out for a change.
36:43We killed a man. Does that not bother you?
36:47I stabbed him by accident. You're the one who killed him.
37:01Come on.
37:11You know, I almost forgot about this place.
37:19Only thing your family left you. And you always hated it here. You said it was low rent.
37:26Why can't you just leave me alone?
37:29I gave you everything.
37:32And how do you repay me?
37:35You fake your own death and you kill my brother.
37:38None of this would have happened if you just let me go.
37:44For better or for worse.
37:47As long as we both show it.
37:55You promised no more guns.
37:57It's Blakes.
38:04Babe? Have you seen my keys?
38:12What the hell is she doing here?
38:14Babe, stay inside.
38:15You promised to get rid of that.
38:18Now listen to me. This is all my fault. You're right. Okay? I don't know what got into me.
38:22Sometimes, you know, I just, I love you so much that, you know, it scares me.
38:26No! Not this time.
38:30Stay back!
38:31Put the gun down.
38:33I've got this.
38:35What, are you out of your mind, man? She wants to kill me.
38:38No, she doesn't. Believe me.
38:40What are you pointing at me for?
38:42He put you through hell.
38:44That's right.
38:46If you kill Charlie, your life is over, Emma.
38:51I don't care.
38:53I think you do care.
38:55I think that's why Charlie's still alive right now.
38:59You think you've hit a point of no return.
39:02I've been there, I know.
39:04Time heals things.
39:06Your brother loved you so much.
39:10All he wanted was for you to be happy.
39:14If you can't do that for yourself, do it for him.
39:21You coward.
39:24I'm done with you.
39:31Oh, Jesus.
39:34Charlie will pay for what he's done.
39:42I'm the one you arrest.
39:44She tried to kill me.
39:46Yeah, I wonder why.
39:50I don't know.
39:59Edwina, you do the interviews.
40:06He sees something in you.
40:08But if you're waiting for praise, you gotta know.
40:11That was it.
40:16Hey, Dad. I got tired of waiting.
40:19I'm sorry, kiddo.
40:21Don't be.
40:28Stay. I just...
40:30I spent all day chasing a man who'd rather fake his own death than confront his issues.
40:35That's one way to handle things.
40:37I'm sorry.
40:39Everyone wants to run away sometimes.
40:44And maybe that's what I did.
40:46But I didn't run away from you.
40:48I love you more than my own life.
40:55Were you ever planning on telling me about your new girlfriend?
41:01Steph told me about her.
41:03She's a good person.
41:06Steph told me about her.
41:10The one you abandoned us for?
41:12What? No. I only met Cassandra when I moved here.
41:15Dad, I was out here during the break.
41:17You never mentioned her once.
41:19We dated, but we weren't a couple.
41:21And now you are?
41:23Seems so.
41:25We're getting somewhere.
41:27Whoa, hey, hey.
41:29Do you even want me here?
41:31More than anything.
41:35I screwed up.
41:37Didn't I?
41:42I'm so sorry, kiddo.
41:48I'm so, so, so sorry.
42:01about the pot.
42:04Let's say we, uh,
42:06we call it even.
42:08Only if you promise to tell your mother that I grounded you.
42:12What a deal.
42:15But if you get caught smoking pot in your new school,
42:19I'm gonna get Isabella to scare you straight.
42:22You'd really do that, wouldn't you?
42:24Oh, in a heartbeat.
42:29grab me a Coke.
42:33And, uh,
42:36someone I want you to meet.
42:59I'm Cassandra.
43:30I'm Cassandra.
43:32I'm Cassandra.
43:34I'm Cassandra.
43:36I'm Cassandra.
43:38I'm Cassandra.
43:40I'm Cassandra.
43:42I'm Cassandra.
43:44I'm Cassandra.
43:46I'm Cassandra.
43:48I'm Cassandra.
43:50I'm Cassandra.
43:52I'm Cassandra.
43:54I'm Cassandra.
43:56I'm Cassandra.
43:58I'm Cassandra.
