• 2 days ago
00:00There you are. The patient in room 412 just threw up.
00:06Oh, my shift is over, and I have somewhere to be.
00:09Wasn't that your patient?
00:11Unless you want a bad performance review on your file, you'll go clean it up.
00:19How are you feeling?
00:21Uh, lousy. Am I gonna be okay now?
00:24Yeah, in a few days you'll feel better.
00:26But you just let me know how you're feeling, okay?
00:28Okay, thanks.
00:30Do you dance?
00:32Oh, yeah. My friend's a dancer.
00:35I'm actually gonna see her dance tonight at the Metropolitan Center.
00:37Really? I wanna dance there someday.
00:40Well, then I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.
00:46You're quite late.
00:47I know, sorry.
00:48Your seat's in the balcony. You can take the elevator over there.
00:53Sounds good.
00:54Hey, that's for the reception after the performance.
00:56Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on.
01:08Now that stands shut.
01:09We're gonna be trapped in here forever.
01:11I doubt it. Someone will come looking for us.
01:15It sounds like the performance is still going well.
01:18Well, at least we won't go hungry.
01:22Middle one's worth a hundred points, right?
01:24Yep. Okay, my turn.
01:28Oh! Fifty points!
01:32If you could be anywhere else right now, where would it be?
01:36Does time matter?
01:38No, it's not.
01:41Then I'd be here.
01:43Well, not in here, but watching the performance with my mom.
01:48With my mom.
01:49So, why does time matter?
01:52Well, she passed away a few years ago.
01:54What about you? Where would you be?
01:57In my studio. I just enjoy painting. It's relaxing.
02:03I wasn't expecting that.
02:05I'm glad I came.
02:07You're glad you got stuck in here?
02:09I kinda got stuck in here with you. Yeah.
02:14You know, when we get out of here, I'd like to see you again.
02:21Oh, thank you. Sorry about the inconvenience.
02:24Luke! There you are!
02:29Sorry, I got delayed.
02:31Hi! There you are!
02:33What did you think?
02:34Did you see that one mistake I made in the first act?
02:36No. No, I didn't.
02:37I'm gonna be starving, though. I've got reservations at a great restaurant nearby.
02:40Let's go. I want to introduce you to the other dancers.
02:42Hold on, just one moment.
02:49What's going on?
02:50I have no idea.
02:53Alright, let's get started. I'd like to introduce you to a new doctor on the team.
02:57This is Dr. Luke Taylor. For now, why don't you just each give your name?
03:01April Park.
03:03Whitney Clayson.
03:04Kelly Workman.
03:06Claire Fabin.
03:08Rob Smith.
03:09Lindsay Hanson.
03:11Great. It's nice to meet everybody.
03:13Dr. Taylor. I'm so excited for you to be here with us.
03:17Yeah. I am too. Excuse me.
03:22There's something about a man in a white coat.
03:25Adds something, doesn't it?
03:27Yeah, like a million who are married finally jointly tax-returned.
03:34Hey, Dr. Taylor. We're so lucky to have you here.
03:38I would love to buy you a drink to welcome you.
03:41Thanks, but I'm working late tonight.
03:43Oh, okay. Another time then.
03:51Dr. Taylor?
03:54I wanted to introduce myself.
03:58Yes. We actually met before.
04:00Look, I'm going to stop you right there, okay?
04:03I didn't come here for this.
04:04I came here to work and help you get better.
04:06So let's just bypass the whole him-and-me-to-the-doctor thing, okay?
04:21Thought I smelled something good.
04:23It's ready.
04:24What's wrong?
04:26Liar. You fake when you're upset.
04:29That guy I met the other night?
04:31He works at the hospital.
04:34He blew me off when I tried to talk to him today.
04:38Did he recognize you?
04:39I mean, you were really dressed up that night and the elevator was dark.
04:44I don't know. It didn't seem like it.
04:46Maybe I just made it into more than once.
04:47Are you sure?
04:48Maybe he had a reason for being a brute.
04:51Or he didn't feel the same when he saw who I really am.
04:59You want me to throw that away for you?
05:01No, thanks.
05:07Luke, Taylor.
05:08Hey, nice to meet you.
05:10Most docs like to throw in their title when they introduce themselves.
05:14It seems a little...
05:17So how long have you worked here for?
05:19Oh, about five years. Things always need cleaning.
05:22Kind of like fixing people.
05:23Like you're thinking.
05:25Nice to meet you, Jonathan.
05:27All right. See you around, Doc.
05:30You should totally apply for that job.
05:32I don't think they'll see me as head nurse material.
05:35You're organized, you're efficient, you care about patients.
05:38What more do they need?
05:40I don't have any connections to HR.
05:42You don't need connections if you're the right one for the job.
05:45Let me see that application again.
05:50I'll turn this into HR on my way up.
05:53Hey, you won't do it otherwise.
05:58Dr. Taylor?
06:03I'm sorry for snapping at you yesterday.
06:06There were just a lot of new faces and really, really awkward flirting and come ons.
06:11Took my frustration out on you and you didn't deserve it.
06:15It's okay.
06:16It's just, you know, when I'm working, you need to focus on work.
06:20I've worked hard to be a nurse. Focus is all I have.
06:23That didn't come out right, did it?
06:27Yeah, apologies are not my strength.
06:30Because you don't mess up often or you just don't apologize?
06:33Probably the second.
06:35You can skip the apology.
06:42What is it?
06:43Did you hear about Claire?
06:44No, tell me.
06:45I just found out. She applied for the job.
06:49It doesn't matter. They won't pick her.
06:51How do you know that?
06:52I'll make sure of it.
06:55Claire, did you hand out those warming blankets to room 414 and 417?
07:00Yes, all tucked in.
07:01And the new IV bag for Mrs. Godfrey?
07:03It's done.
07:05Mr. Samuelson wants a bath. Go see to it.
07:12I swear, it's how you all pay for yourselves.
07:15By giving me no information so that I have to keep coming back.
07:25No, not another one.
07:27Both Dr. Fredericks and Dr. Taylor agree that we need updated blood work.
07:31Two docs agree, so now I should be a human f***ing gudget.
07:34Mr. Samuelson, if you just sit still with me real quick.
07:38More tests mean more costs.
07:41And all you do is tell me what I don't have.
07:43Last time, some little girl missed my vein three times.
07:47That's three times.
07:49She has a terrible bedside manner.
07:51And it stings. Like a lot.
07:54Claire, no. Stop it. No.
08:00Hey, Lena.
08:02We're understaffed for the night shift, and you drink the short straw.
08:05That happens a lot.
08:07Clock's ticking.
08:08I'll be right out.
08:10I'm not game for moldy dicks.
08:13Mrs. Godfrey.
08:14I am game for this.
08:15Mrs. Godfrey.
08:17Doc, I'm sorry.
08:20I was just so enthralled with my book.
08:23I just...
08:30Mrs. Godfrey, I wanted to talk about your condition.
08:33The tumor's growing.
08:35Now there are treatment centers that specialize in...
08:37Yeah, but my odds aren't great.
08:41Well, I've had a good life.
08:45I've got great company.
08:48Have you gotten to know Claire?
08:50She's quite a catch.
08:52Uh, yes.
08:53I'm going to go fill up your water.
08:55You see that?
08:56She's so attentive and thoughtful.
08:59When you find someone special, you don't let them go.
09:03It's about time to head home, isn't it?
09:06I kind of like it.
09:08It's about time to head home, isn't it?
09:10I kind of like working when it's quiet.
09:13Your day-to-day?
09:16That didn't sound too convincing.
09:18It's fine, I just, uh...
09:20I've been mulling over something one of my patients said to me.
09:23Uh, what did he say?
09:25When you find someone special, don't let them go.
09:29Seems like good common sense to me.
09:32I don't know.
09:33I'm sorry to bug you.
09:36Don't let them go.
09:40Oh, it just, uh, seems simple enough.
09:42I mean, it just means you do whatever you can
09:45to keep whoever it is we're talking about in your life.
09:49What if I don't know how?
09:51Find a place to start.
09:57Yes, ma'am.
09:59Hi, uh, I'm, uh...
10:01I was here the other night for the Swarm Lake performance,
10:04and I was looking for someone I met.