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Discover the power of Islamic motivation and transform your life!

In this inspiring video, we delve into the core principles of Islam that fuel motivation and drive. Learn how the teachings of the Quran, the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the Five Pillars of Islam guide believers toward a life of purpose, discipline, and righteousness.


00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:12Peace be upon you, O Ameen of Allah upon the earth,
00:19and upon His servants.
00:24Peace be upon you, O Ameen of the believers.
00:29I bear witness that you have striven in the cause of Allah,
00:35and you have acted according to His Book,
00:39and you have followed the Sunnah of His Prophet,
00:43peace and blessings be upon him and his family,
00:47until Allah called you to His Presence,
00:51and He chose you for Himself,
00:55and He has determined for your enemies the argument of your deeds,
00:59from the arguments that have reached all creation.
01:05O Allah, make my soul at peace with Your decree,
01:14content with Your decree,
01:19content with remembering You and supplicating to You,
01:25loving the purity of Your eyes,
01:30loving Your earth and Your sky,
01:36patient with the coming of Your punishment,
01:41grateful for the abundance of Your blessings,
01:46grateful for the abundance of Your blessings,
01:51yearning for the joy of meeting You,
01:56yearning for the abundance of Your piety on the Day of Recompense,
02:01yearning for the purity of Your eyes,
02:06yearning for the abundance of Your morals,
02:11yearning for the abundance of Your piety on the Day of Recompense,
02:18O Allah, indeed the hearts of those who are submissive to You are their guardians,
02:24and the ways of those who seek You are their paths,
02:30and the signs of those who intend to do good to You are their signs,
02:36and the hearts of those who are aware of You are their hearts,
02:41and the prayers of those who call to You are their prayers,
02:47and the door of answer is open for them,
02:52and the supplication of those who call to You is their answer,
02:57and the repentance of those who turn to You is their repentance,
03:02and the patience of those who cry out of fear of You is their mercy,
03:07and the salvation of those who seek You is their salvation,
03:13and the help of those who seek You is their help,
03:19and Your worship is a reward for Your worshipers,
03:23and the humiliation of those who seek You is their humiliation,
03:28and the deeds of those who do good to You are their deeds,
03:33and Your provision to the creation is from Your hands,
03:39and Your servants to whom there is a connection,
03:45and the sins of those who seek You are their sins,
03:51and the desires of Your creation are their desires,
03:56and the rewards of those who ask You are their rewards,
04:02and the servants of those who are in need are their servants,
04:07and the servants of those who are in need are their servants,
04:12and the shelters of those who are in need are their shelters,
04:18O Allah, answer my supplication,
04:24and accept my supplication,
04:28and unite between me and my supplicants,
04:33the truth of Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Hasan, and Hussain,
04:45You are the protector of my blessings,
04:49You are the protector of my blessings,
04:52You are the protector of my blessings,
04:55You are the protector of my blessings,
04:58You are the protector of my blessings,
05:01You are the protector of my blessings,
05:04You are the protector of my blessings,
05:07You are the protector of my blessings,
05:10You are the protector of my blessings,
05:13You are the protector of my blessings,
05:16You are the protector of my blessings,
05:19You are the protector of my blessings,
05:22You are the protector of my blessings,
05:25You are the protector of my blessings,
05:28You are the protector of my blessings,
05:31You are the protector of my blessings,
05:34You are the protector of my blessings,
05:37You are the protector of my blessings,
05:40You are the protector of my blessings,
05:43Al Fatiha.
