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Have you always wanted to hike the backcountry, but didn't know how to start? Or maybe you didn't know what to bring--or found the wilderness downright scary? With this guide you can cast your fears aside and let author Doug Cline prepare you for an enjoyable experience in the wilderness. Educate yourself on which necessities to carry, what to do in an emergency, and how to get the most out of all nature has to offer.

Doug Cline grew up in Eastern Washington, the son of a school teacher. His family spent most of their summers hiking and camping. Cline learned a true love of nature and the skills to enjoy himself. Hiking, camping, fishing, and hunting were fun activities! Living in his rural town, outdoor activities were popular. His enjoyment of the wilderness taught him that it should be available to all, not locked away like some environmentalists would prefer. Nature is calming and there for all.


00:00This is speaking of writers. I'm Steve Richards. The book is
00:04Hiking a beginner's guide the author is Doug Klein if you always wanted to hike the backcountry
00:10But didn't know how to start or maybe you didn't know what to bring or found the wilderness
00:17downright scary with this guide you can cast your fears aside and
00:22Let author Doug Klein prepare you for an enjoyable experience in the wilderness
00:27Educate yourself on which necessities to carry
00:30What to do in an emergency and how to get the most out of all nature has to offer Doug Klein grew up in eastern
00:36Washington the son of a schoolteacher his family spent most of their summers hiking and camping
00:42Fine learned a true love of nature and the skills to enjoy himself
00:47Hiking camping fishing and hunting were fun activities living in his rural town
00:52Outdoor activities were popular his enjoyment of the wilderness taught him that it should be available to all not locked away like some
01:01environmentalists would prefer nature is calming and there for all this book is
01:06Available at Amazon Barnes & Noble and Dorrance calm. I am happy to have Doug Klein join me now
01:13Here on speaking of writers Doug welcome to this program
01:16Thank you. So why this book for you?
01:20I've been hiking and spending time in the wilderness since I was my parents took me at it five years old
01:26It's just there's too many people who don't really realize how nice it is just to sit out
01:33On a hillside overlooking a meadow not looking at
01:38Landscape, but just looking out of what nature has to offer. It's just calming people should get out
01:43Doug let's talk about preparation and good preparation, which will allow more enjoyment. What is important with preparing for a hike?
01:51Well, you want to make sure that all of your equipment is in good order and that you yourself
01:57Are fit for whatever trip that you want to take?
02:02Beginners, of course, there's a lot of short hikes that people can do
02:06For brand new people doing it. I wouldn't expect them to go
02:10But you have to make sure that you have the right equipment you're physically fit and you have to be able to carry that load by yourself
02:19Because of course everything that you need is going to be on your back
02:24And mentally prepared to write oh
02:26Yes, they're all of a sudden there's sometimes there's a rainstorm or you get in the higher elevation sometimes even a small storm
02:33There's a lot of things that you have to be prepared for
02:35All of a sudden there's sometimes there's a rainstorm or if you get in the higher elevation
02:39Sometimes even a snowstorm in the middle of July that you're not expecting but it's all part of the enjoyment actually
02:45And I live in the mountains of North Carolina and before we go out on hikes here to be bear aware
02:52To in certain areas, right?
02:54Yes, you really have to do your research on what is in your area?
02:59I've run into grizzly. I've run into cougar
03:03I've even run into
03:06timber wolves
03:07It all depends on where you're going and how to prepare just in case you run into
03:13basically a predator and
03:16What did you do let's start with the grizzly what did you do when you did encounter this grizzly bear?
03:23Well, the first thing I did is made sure that I stopped well before getting near him
03:28But but yeah, it's a lot of it at times especially with some something like a bear they tell you
03:33There's a lot of different ways out there do it to me if you're hiking
03:38You make sure that you minimize your movements. I'll keep an eye on the animal. Make sure you know where that animal is and
03:46Because especially for a bear a bear is going to stand up
03:50When you are taller than they are when they're down on all fours, they have poor eyesight
03:55And they're fast
03:57But they're gonna stand up and if with a backpack on if you turn about 45 degrees to the side
04:03You look like you have more behind you and the bear realizes when they're standing up that they have no more behind them
04:09So in a way you make yourself look bigger than that bear is
04:14It it's a good trick
04:17Sometimes it works better than others
04:19A good trick
04:20Sometimes it works better than others
04:22But at least it gives you a chance to have the animal decide to walk away rather than challenge something bigger
04:29It's also important to set realistic goals all the trails here in this area
04:34I'll tell you the distance half mile mile and a half two miles three miles
04:41When you and that's a good start I guess right so you'll know what you're up against in terms of distance
04:48Topographical maps are really good
04:51When planning out your trip so that way, you know the ups and downs of the trail and the distances
04:56So you'll be able to see on the map
04:58um markers for where how far you've gone not all trails have those
05:04When I was growing up in eastern, Washington
05:07Originally, we had some signs up
05:10but the forest service came through
05:13And removed a lot of the signs because they were trying to remove
05:17In a wilderness area. They're trying to remove as much
05:20signs of man as possible
05:23Some ways that's a good idea some ways when you get to a fork in the trail
05:27It's always good to know which way to go
05:31But yeah
05:32Be realistic and know know what your limitations are
05:36And how far you actually intend to go versus how far you'll actually go
05:41Doug let's talk about having an emergency plan. What is your emergency plan? Like when you set out on a hike?
05:49Um, I have a good amount of emergency equipment with me, um, I put together a small
05:56first aid kit that
05:59Working in right now working in the medical field. I can pick up occasionally some
06:03Occasionally some
06:06Outdated equipment like I do carry sutures
06:09In my first aid kit, that's not something that everybody's going to carry
06:13But nowadays they have the civilian version of quick clot
06:17in case you
06:19do something that needs uh
06:21bleeding stopped
06:23Be familiar with your first aid
06:25That's really important. What what are you going to do if you cut yourself and you're bleeding real bad?
06:30What do you do if you fall down and break something?
06:34I also carry an inReach with me nowadays
06:38Any type of satellite connectivity is good
06:43Um use the technology that's available to us
06:46uh, that was pretty nice because if I actually did fall and
06:51Need an emergency. There's a sos button on the side and that sends a gps coordinate directly to
06:58um first responders
07:01Let's talk about the beautiful cascade mountains where uh when you got older your parents started
07:06Taking you hiking around those mountains for those who have never been describe them
07:11Very beautiful
07:14God's country
07:17We have one of the largest wilderness areas
07:21In north eastern, Washington the the Satan wilderness
07:28It's it's really
07:31something to see
07:33A lot of times on the eastern, Washington is more of a high desert
07:37Um, so when you get into the wilderness areas, there's not a lot of ground vegetation
07:43You're just walking among the pine trees
07:46But almost every road will take you up into
07:50the hills
07:52where you can just find a nice spot and it's
07:55Had an art teacher one time trying to describe art to me and I said, you know
07:59my definition of art is sitting on top of a mountain looking out over a
08:04Wilderness meadow and seeing a deer
08:06grazing and watching an eagle fly overhead
08:10um, some things are just beautiful it's
08:15Everybody will get a different feel for it, but everybody should experience it
08:20And doug, what would you like readers to take away from hiking a beginner's guide
08:26I tried to cut up, um contact every point that you may need
08:32But once you've read it
08:35If you carry it as a guide
08:37There's a lot of stuff in there about where to go get your equipment what type of equipment to get
08:43And it doesn't have to be an expensive proposition either
08:48I guess
08:50Message would be prepare
08:52The better prepared you are the more you're going to enjoy
08:56your time
08:57nobody wants to go out and find out that they forgot something or
09:01They weren't prepared and have a miserable time
09:05prepare ahead of time
09:07And just enjoy
09:08Everything that wilderness has to offer
09:12So this is hiking a beginner's guide by the way available at amazonbarnesandnobleendurance.com
09:18Are you planning a sequel the advanced guide maybe
09:22I've thought about that. Um, one of the things I had did
09:27Plan on is my father died a couple years ago and it turned out when we were clearing out his belongings
09:34He kept trip notes of every trip he'd ever done
09:38And I thought about making some sequels based upon some of the trips that he took
09:43Do you keep notes too do you keep trip notes like your dad did
09:48I never thought about it and until
09:51We noticed that that's what he was doing, but i'm going to start doing it from now on
09:57The book is hiking a beginner's guide the author is doug klein it is available at amazon barnes and noble
10:04Endurance.com doug. Thank you so much for joining me
10:08Thank you
10:09And this is speaking of writers
