• last year
00:02Oh my!
00:03What's the bickering here?
00:04Thank you!
00:05Thank you!
00:06Thank you!
00:07Thank you!
00:08Thank you!
00:09Thank you!
00:10Thank you!
00:11Thank you!
00:12Thank you!
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00:20Thank you!
00:21Thank you!
00:22Thank you!
00:23Thank you!
00:24Thank you!
00:25Thank you!
00:26Thank you!
00:27Thank you!
00:28Thank you!
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00:30Thank you!
00:31Thank you!
00:32Thank you!
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00:37Thank you!
00:38Thank you!
00:39Thank you!
00:40Thank you!
00:41Thank you!
00:42Thank you!
00:43Thank you!
00:44Thank you!
00:45Thank you!
00:46Thank you!
00:47Thank you!
00:48Thank you!
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00:56Thank you!
00:57Thank you!
00:59If you put it that way…
01:00Okay, deal!
01:01Let's do it!
01:02I'm glad we settled this.
01:03Let's start from the bedrooms.
01:06Let's do the pink one first.
01:08Okay, we need to cut these first.
01:10Now it's all ready to assemble.
01:13These are the shelves.
01:15They come in handy when you need to store things so they should be easy to reach.
01:32And the girls' bed.
01:33It looks so cute!
01:34By the way, it's more convenient to use tweezers to stick them on the shelves.
01:35And some cute stickers for the wall!
01:56Well, go ahead and try it out!
02:00Wow! So cozy and warm!
02:02Don't get comfy yet! We've got things to do.
02:05The closet goes here.
02:07And the doors? Uh, huh?
02:10Um, why weren't these attached? How do I do this?
02:13Step aside, Susie! This hammer needs some space to work and fix this!
02:19Ha-ha! The closet is ready!
02:21Oh! How neat! Thank you, Sammy!
02:24Uh-huh! I picked out some outfits for the dolls!
02:27Got ze dress, ze shoes, and ze pearls!
02:30Perfect! Let's hang these dresses right here.
02:34Uh-huh! Everything is stored neatly. We can close the doors now.
02:38Phew! We're done with the pink bedroom. Let's move on to lilac.
02:43Hey! What's going on here?
02:46Whoops! Sorry for the mess, Sue!
02:48Just getting things ready for the next stage, you know?
02:52Okay, we'll clean it up.
02:54Look at what I have to decorate the wall with!
02:57We'll add a plan stand in the corner to make the room look chic.
03:02And here comes the lilac bed!
03:04Oh, this looks really cute!
03:07Oh! This bed is so soft, Sue!
03:10Sammy, no! Aren't you supposed to be helping?
03:15I'll be back, bat! I promise!
03:17Oh, don't be so dramatic! It's not even evening yet!
03:21What a heavy closet! My poor back!
03:25Almost there! A little bit more!
03:27Phew! There!
03:29The only thing that can help me now is to lie on that bed!
03:33My precious!
03:34Get back to work, you sneaky slime!
03:36Okay, okay!
03:38Okay, friends, let's hang the clothes real quick right here.
03:42Uh-huh! All lilac stuff is stored well in the closet.
03:46Great! That means our lilac bedroom is complete, too!
03:49Susie, we gotta connect the two rooms with this!
03:52Uh-huh! Now get the rooms!
03:54Oh no, not like that! Oh, come on!
03:57Ah, that's better!
03:58Put the pink on the left and the lilac on the right.
04:02There you go!
04:03Stay tuned, folks! The bathrooms are coming right up!
04:08I think we'd better start with the shower here.
04:11Yes! I was thinking the same thing!
04:13I'm ready!
04:16Well done, Sammy! You're such a nice plumber!
04:20Ah, now I can do my skincare routine in peace!
04:24Wait, what? But what about our craft? Sammy?
04:31Well, I guess I'll decorate the bathroom by myself, then.
04:34I hope Sam will get to do the next one.
04:38Nothing's better than a quick beauty bath!
04:43Yeah, that beauty nap seemed to make him forget that it's a paper web.
04:48Sammy, I told you we don't have the real web or spiders here!
04:52Oh, I was just teasing you, Sue! Gotta keep you on your toes, you know!
04:57Careful! Are you okay?
05:00I think you should watch where you step.
05:01Oh, I'm fine!
05:04Hey, Dolly! The bath is ready for you! Come check it out!
05:08Yay! Ouch! Hot!
05:10Don't worry, the water will be just the right temperature when we're done here.
05:14Let's see… Are we forgetting anything, Sammy? Hmm?
05:20Oh, that's right! There should be a food bath, too!
05:24Speaking of food baths, I have to test them out! Are they really that good?
05:30Oh, that does feel good!
05:32Woah! What was that? A water dragon? AHHHHH!
05:37Sam, where'd you go again?
05:40Oh, I'll just finish it up here for now.
05:43So the bathrooms are done! Pretty fancy, aren't they?
05:46Don't you agree, Sammy?
05:48They're awesome!
05:49Oh, there you are! Let's move on to the kitchen!
05:55We've arrived in the kitchen!
05:58Sorry, Dolly, but I have to move you for more space here.
06:02Feeling the sea vibe, you know?
06:05Thanks for helping with the decor! You have a great taste!
06:08And this rug serves the theme perfectly!
06:12Look! The table's ready for lunch any second now!
06:16Delightful food's coming straight from Sam's kitchen!
06:20Oh, I wish I could eat all of these!
06:24Well, maybe a bite?
06:26The feast is reserved for the dolls.
06:30I guess you're right. I need to distract my mind from the food.
06:33Oh! Something fun and entertaining, maybe?
06:38Fun and entertaining, you say? How about a magic show?
06:41Magic's brewing in the kitchen!
06:43Hold your breath! One, two, three! Yahoo!
06:47Whoa! That's fantastic, Sammy!
06:50But let's move to the pink kitchen, shall we?
06:53The important thing is a comfortable seat when enjoying the meal!
06:58And a warm rug for your feet!
07:00I think a nice, spacious table is important, too.
07:03Yeah, absolutely!
07:05All right! That'll be six duck coins!
07:08Uh, I'll be taking it for three duck coins, thank you!
07:13No way! Security! We have a thief here!
07:15I'm just a little short on duck coins! Aaaaah!
07:18Here, that should cover it.
07:20Thanks, Sue!
07:22No problem, Sammy. Promise to make sure to bring more coins next time.
07:26Hold on a sec. I think we've completely forgotten about the food!
07:32Say no more! Sam's Kitchen ready to serve the best meals!
07:36Here I present strawberry smoothie, cupcakes, salad a la slime, and today's special menu!
07:43Mmm! The dolls will surely love this food!
07:49So, who's ready to decorate the living room?
07:52We'll need some posters, decor, and a TV for sure.
07:56And a nice, comfy sofa for a movie night!
08:00I don't think I've seen this movie.
08:02Oh, perfect time to catch up now!
08:06Not so fast! We need the dressing table!
08:09And I'm gonna take care of the coffee table.
08:12Aw, there's so many cute little things here!
08:17Susie! I got them all right here!
08:20Eyeshadow palette, perfume, lipstick! I set them up right in this corner!
08:25Wow, Sue! Can you do my makeup?
08:27Sure thing! Stay still…
08:30Uh-huh! Great! We're done here! Yahoo!
08:34Now it's time for the pink living room!
08:37Oh! My favorite show is on! Yes! Woohoo!
08:41Sam! No TV before we're done!
08:44Just the trailer, please!
08:46The mirror goes here…
08:48Well, I gotta check if it works.
08:50Whoa! Smudgy mirror you got there!
08:52No living room is complete without a soft rug and a comfortable armchair.
08:58And a table for all the yummy goodies, of course!
09:03Oh, those goodies look so tempting!
09:05Hey! You said it yourself that the food is for the dolls!
09:09I really want to make sure all the dolls' needs are provided here.
09:13Like those beauty products! Here we go…
09:20Hey, Sue! I wonder what that perfume smells like!
09:23Spray it on me! Yeah, yeah, all sites!
09:26I smell like flowers now!
09:30All the rooms are all well-decorated now.
09:35Hey! Did you forget we still have to decorate the facade?
09:39Oh, you're right! We want our doll's house to look extra special.
09:43And we have to make sure to keep the balance in both colors.
09:47Now that the dollhouse is completely done, we can get the dolls to enjoy their new home!
09:53Oh, shh! They're still sleeping in their beds!
10:03What? Where am I? What is happening?
10:05Rise and shine!
10:09I'm so sleepy!
10:11I'm so sleepy!
10:13I'm so sleepy!
10:16What a lovely morning!
10:18Good morning!
10:20I need a little spa before my bath.
10:22All right, let's get the dolls ready for their baths.
10:24Aha! So that's where all the beauty products go!
10:26No wonder they keep asking for a refill!
10:28Are you ready for the bath now?
10:32Let's remove the towel and into the warm water you go!
10:34Oh! Let's go!
10:36Let's remove the towel and into the warm water you go!
10:38Oh! Let's go!
10:40Let's remove the towel and into the warm water you go!
10:42Oh! Let's go!
10:44Oh! La la la la!
10:46The water's so warm! Love it!
10:48Now let's get you dry and all dressed up!
10:50Now let's get you dry and all dressed up!
10:52Do you like this outfit?
10:54Oh, this is so comfy!
10:56I like the color, too!
10:58Let's match it with these boots.
11:00And here's the second one.
11:04Oh, you look so cute!
11:06Now it's your turn, cute little lilac!
11:08Now it's your turn, cute little lilac!
11:12The warm water is waiting for you.
11:14Uh-huh. Here you go.
11:16Uh-huh. Here you go.
11:18Whoa! So warm and relaxing!
11:20Whoa! So warm and relaxing!
11:22Time to get dressed now!
11:24Here's your outfit.
11:26Oh, you look so good in it! Wow!
11:28What about the shoes?
11:30Coming right up! A pair of pretty shoes is here.
11:32Coming right up! A pair of pretty shoes is here.
11:34There you go.
11:36There you go.
11:38Oh, I love it!
11:40All this prep has made me hungry.
11:42What's for breakfast?
11:44Why don't we see to that right now?
11:46Girls, enjoy!
11:48I'd like some rolls, please.
11:50I'd like some rolls, please.
11:52Everything's so yummy here!
11:54Everything's so yummy here!
11:56Okay, it's your turn now.
11:58Okay, it's your turn now.
12:00Yum! Delish!
12:02Yum! Delish!
12:04Do you mind if I finish the leftovers?
12:06Do you mind if I finish the leftovers?
12:08Okay, let's get you girls ready to go out!
12:10Okay, let's get you girls ready to go out!
12:12We want you to look fabulous!
12:14So don't worry, I'll help you.
12:16A rosy glow on your cheeks will make you look fresh and lively.
12:18A rosy glow on your cheeks will make you look fresh and lively.
12:20Now some lipstick…
12:22Now some lipstick…
12:24Make me look beautiful, please!
12:26Yeah, me too!
12:28You look so natural! You're both beautiful!
12:30You look so natural! You're both beautiful!
12:32And the final touch…
12:34And the final touch…
12:36The lilac room is so beautiful! I get it now!
12:38The lilac room is so beautiful! I get it now!
12:40Are you kidding me? Pink looks way cooler!
12:42So what do you say? Which room?
12:44Which room? Oh yeah!
12:46Uh, what just happened?
12:48Uh, what just happened?
12:50I don't get girls! They were like cats and dogs earlier!
12:52I don't get girls! They were like cats and dogs earlier!
12:54That means we did a great job, Sammy! Way to go!
12:56That means we did a great job, Sammy! Way to go!
12:58Um, yeah, well, thanks for watching, friends!
13:00Um, yeah, well, thanks for watching, friends!
13:02See you in the next videos!
13:04Turn on the notifications so you won't miss our new craft episodes!
13:06And subscribe, of course!
