• 2 days ago
hot sexy

00:01:43Haram bitti. Babana da doktor getirmek lazım yavrum.
00:01:47Biliyorum çok yük oluyoruz sana ama...
00:01:51Allah razı olsun.
00:02:06Elçiye zeval yok kızım.
00:02:08Raif Bey'in hanımı gönderdi beni.
00:02:10Oğlu Erkan için.
00:02:12Hanım kızınla bir görüşsem diye.
00:02:14Git işine teyze, kırmayayım kalbini.
00:03:38Hacı Hasan Efendi'nin hanımı geldi buraya.
00:03:41Oğlu Reşit için.
00:03:43Öyle şeyler söyledi ki aklım durdu kız.
00:03:46Peri Padişah'ının kızı gibi olursun valla.
00:03:49Ama nerede o kafa sende?
00:04:02Şşş! Gel, gel!
00:04:11Niye uğramadın bana?
00:04:12İş güç abla, vakit mi oluyor?
00:04:14Senin yaşında olacağım.
00:04:16Allah bana senin güzelliğini verecek.
00:04:18Bu çöplükte fabrikalarda çalışacağım ha, budala!
00:04:23Bir yanıma gelsen o holding sahipleri, banka sahipleri...
00:04:27...o para babaları var ya...
00:04:29...kilim diye sererim ayaklarının altına.
00:04:31Kız, işlet kafanı.
00:04:34Bu güzellik gelip geçer.
00:04:36Bok gibi kalırsın bu lağımda.
00:04:39Ne zaman geliyor senin yakışıklı?
00:04:42Evlenecek misiniz?
00:04:45Bir iki ay sevip okşayacak seni...
00:04:47...sonra verirsen...
00:04:49Bir iki ay sevip okşayacak seni...
00:04:51...sonra verecek kucağına çocuğu.
00:04:53Kendi bakacak keyfine.
00:04:55Geçim sıkıntısı şu bu derken...
00:04:57...Aman be, boşuna konuşuyorum ben de.
00:05:00Ne halin varsa gör.
00:05:03Abla, istemez miyim ben?
00:05:05İsteyen adam öyle miskin miskin oturmaz.
00:05:08Al bavulunu, gel evime, boğazda.
00:05:10Bebek de oturuyorum ben.
00:05:12Kendi katım.
00:05:13Elli milyon verdiler, satmadım.
00:05:16Ben de evleneceğim diye burada kalsaydım...
00:05:18...şimdi fabrikalarda sürünüyordum.
00:05:21Aklını başına al.
00:05:23Bekleyeceğim seni.
00:05:24İstediğin zaman gel.
00:05:26Gel bana.
00:05:27İstanbul'un kraliçesi yapacağım seni.
00:06:10Hoş geldin.
00:06:11Hoş bulduk, hoş bulduk.
00:06:13Açılın ulan, açılın.
00:06:15Hoş geldin.
00:06:17Ne o, tutuklu muyuz ha?
00:06:19Gelir gelmez beni görsün dedi patron.
00:06:22E gidelim hadi.
00:06:29İmzala bakalım şunu.
00:06:31Almanya Frankfurt İrtibat Bürosü şefliğine getiriyoruz seni.
00:06:34Hak ettin bunu.
00:06:36İki bin beş yüz mark net alacaksın.
00:06:40Lojman da veriyoruz.
00:06:44Priminde var.
00:06:47Bak ben çocuk değilim.
00:06:49Arada bir kendi hesabına ufak işler de yaparsın.
00:06:53Ses çıkarmam.
00:06:55Büronun evrakı.
00:06:59Hadi imzala şunu, hadi hadi.
00:07:15Arabadan iner inmez yanına çağırttı.
00:07:17Frankfurt İrtibat Bürosü'ne gideceksin dedi.
00:07:20Düşünebiliyor musun?
00:07:22Almanya'da oturacağız eğlenince.
00:07:25İki bin beş yüz mark net maaş.
00:07:30Üstelik ufak tefek iş imkanları.
00:07:32Ayda yarım milyona yakın para geçecek elimize.
00:07:35Şimdilik bu kadar.
00:07:37Ama bir gidelim göreceksin ne işler yapacağım orada.
00:07:40Beş seneye kalmaz kendi işimi kendim kuracağım.
00:07:44İnanamayacağın kadar zengin olacağım.
00:07:47Güçlü olacağım.
00:07:50Bugüne kadar çok sefar edecektim.
00:07:54Aç yattığım geceler oldu.
00:07:56Ama şimdi herkesten hesap soracağım, göreceksin.
00:08:03Sen de tıpkı benim gibi çamurda yetiştin.
00:08:08Bütün o süslü boyalı taş bebekler var ya.
00:08:11Tırnağın etmezler seni.
00:08:14Para güzelleştiriyor onları.
00:08:16Bakım güzelleştiriyor.
00:08:18Çek üstlerinden boyayı altı cılk yara çıkar.
00:08:21Hepsinden güzelsin sen.
00:08:23Onlar gibi güçlü yapacağım seni.
00:08:25Bugün bana emir verenler yok mu?
00:08:28Köpek gibi titriyecekler önümde.
00:08:34Bana inanıyorsun değil mi?
00:09:14Gel buraya!
00:09:21Gel dedim sana!
00:09:31Evleneceğiz seninle, bunda ne suçluk olur?
00:09:33Evlenmeden olmaz!
00:09:35Bana güvenmiyor musun?
00:09:37Her şeyimsin benim.
00:09:50Neredeydin bütün gece?
00:09:52Haruk'la beraberdim anne.
00:09:54Namus tersi vermeye kalkma, evleniyorum.
00:09:56Allah kahretsin, sonunda bunu mu yapacaktın bize?
00:09:58Neymiş günahın?
00:10:00Üç senedir eve tek başıma bakmak mı?
00:10:02Babamın şarap parasına, senin ilacını robatizmana para yetiştirmem mi?
00:10:09Hacı Hasan'ın geliniyle karısı geldiler dün akşam fabrikada.
00:10:14Mesaiye kaldılar dedim.
00:10:16Canları cehenneme, ben gidiyorum.
00:10:18Nereye gidiyorsun?
00:10:26Nereye gidiyorsun dedim?
00:10:28Faruk'ta kalacağım anne.
00:10:30On beş güne kadar evlenip gideceğiz Almanya'ya.
00:10:32Biz ne olacağız biz?
00:10:34Annen, baban aç mı kalacak?
00:10:36Daha evlenmeden erkeğin evine gidiyorsun.
00:10:38Bu kara lekeyi kim temizleyecek ağzımızdan?
00:10:40Al say!
00:10:46Faruk gönderdi.
00:10:48Senin anan baban benim de anan babamdır dedi.
00:10:53Her ay paralarını kendi elimle göndereceğim dedi.
00:10:57Ne duruyorsun, saysana!
00:11:00Hala namus diye konuşacak mısın?
00:11:04Özür dilerim, rahatsız ettik.
00:11:06Sizi bekliyorlar.
00:11:11KORO KORO
00:11:16İyi gördüm seni.
00:11:18Ben de sizi.
00:11:20Yok canım, ihtiyarlıyoruz.
00:11:23Hmm, dargınım sana.
00:11:25Hiç arayıp sormadın beni.
00:11:27İşim dışarlarda.
00:11:29Aylarca Türkiye'ye uğramadığım oluyor abi.
00:11:33İki senedir takip ediyorum seni.
00:11:39Dışarlarda yaptığın işlerden haberim var.
00:11:45Patronun da çok memnun senden.
00:11:47Öyle olmasa koskoca Almanya irtibat bürosunu verir miydi sana?
00:11:52Bakıyorum da antenleriniz çok kuvvetli.
00:11:55KORO KORO
00:12:07Şerefe, iş birliğimizin şerefine.
00:12:09İş birliğine.
00:12:18Benim hesabıma çalışacaksın, Avrupa'da.
00:12:23Üç dört senede seni sayılı zenginlerin ve güçlülerin arasına sokacak bir iş bu.
00:12:30Niçin beni seçtiniz?
00:12:34Sizi kurtardığım için borçlu değilsiniz bana.
00:12:37Kimseye borçlu kalmam ben.
00:12:39Hayatımı kurtardın diye sana borçlu olduğumu hissetseydim...
00:12:42...Milyonlara boğar öderdim sana borcumu.
00:12:48Seni yeteneklerinden dolayı seçtim.
00:12:53Üç dört senede bir servet kazandıracak iş...
00:12:56...Pek kanuna uygun olmasa gerek.
00:13:02Kanunları insanlar yapar.
00:13:07Sonra da yorumlarlar.
00:13:12Benim yorumuma göre bir kanunsuzluk yok.
00:13:18Başkalarının fikrine gelince...
00:13:20...Hiç mi hiç ilgilendirmez beni.
00:13:25Pasaportun var değil mi?
00:13:29Üç güne kadar gideceğiz.
00:13:32Sana her şeyi orada gösterip anlatacağım.
00:13:35Tek bir şartım olacak.
00:13:37Kimseye bir şey söylemeyeceksin.
00:13:39Bir müddet de Türkiye'ye dönmeyeceksin.
00:13:41Yapamam. Evleniyorum.
00:13:45Ama bilmiyorsunuz...
00:13:47Seviyorsa bekler.
00:13:53Avansım. Yirmi bin dolar.
00:13:57Yarın sabaha kadar izinlisin.
00:14:00Saat tam onda bekleyeceğim seni.
00:14:04Üç dört senede sayılı zenginlerden olacaksın.
00:14:07Güçlü olacaksın.
00:14:11Benim gibi güçlü olacaksın.
00:14:13Kimseye bir şey söylemeyeceksin.
00:14:22Senin gibi güçlü olacaksın.
00:14:24Kimseye bir şey söylemeyeceksin.
00:14:33Seni seviyorsa bekler.
00:14:35Seni seviyorsa bekler.
00:14:43Seni seviyorsa bekler.
00:14:45Seni seviyorsa bekler.
00:14:58Beğendin mi?
00:15:04Neyin var senin?
00:15:06Bir şeyim yok.
00:15:08Güzelliğine çarpıldın.
00:15:10Güzelliğine çarpıldın.
00:15:33Benden bir şey saklıyor sesin.
00:15:35Bırak çocukluğu.
00:15:36Kötü bir şey mi oldu?
00:15:39Hayatımda ilk defa bu kadar mutlu oluyorum Faruk.
00:15:42Korkuyorum. Çok korkuyorum.
00:15:53Özür dilerim.
00:15:58Çok işim var.
00:16:00Otur dedim sana.
00:16:08Gelsene kız.
00:16:10Alışverişe çıkıyorum abla.
00:16:12Sonra yaparsın. Hadi gel.
00:17:08Altyazı M.K.
00:17:38Öbür gün sabah erkenden gidiyoruz.
00:17:40Bugün akşama kadar bütün işlemleri tamamlarım.
00:17:53Beğendin mi kotrayı?
00:17:55Rüya gibi.
00:17:57İstediğin an senin de öyle bir kotran olur.
00:17:59Aman abla!
00:18:01Kararlı mısın evlenmeye?
00:18:03Faruk döner dönmez.
00:18:05Nereye gidiyor?
00:18:07Almanya'da bir büronun şefliğini verdiler.
00:18:10Orada oturacağım.
00:18:12Çok para geçecek eline.
00:18:14On beş güne kadar gideriz diyor.
00:18:21Ama işler birden değişti.
00:18:23Hemen orada olmam gerekiyormuş.
00:18:25Ne zaman döneceksin?
00:18:27En kısa zamanda.
00:18:29Belki biraz uzayabilir ama.
00:18:31Çok bekletmezsin ya!
00:18:35Müşterek hayatımız bu bizim.
00:18:38Ne olur beni anlamaya çalış.
00:18:44Çok uzun zaman kalacakmışsın gibi konuşuyorsun.
00:18:47Şey... Kim bilir belki kalabilirim de.
00:18:53Bana on beş günde dönerim demiştin.
00:18:55Ne olur anlamaya çalış.
00:18:57Düşün bir kere.
00:18:59Hiç tanımadığım adamlarla yepyeni bir işe gidiyorum.
00:19:01Bazı güçlükler çıkabilir.
00:19:03İşe hemen alışamam.
00:19:05Zaman isteyen işler bunlar.
00:19:07Ben de seninle gelsem.
00:19:09İmkanı var mı? Çıldırdın mı sen?
00:19:11Oradaki evimizi hazırlardın.
00:19:14Hem orada seni beklemek daha kolay olurdu.
00:19:17Hep orada kalmayabilirim.
00:19:19İşin Almanya'da değil mi?
00:19:21Bak sevgilim! Başka yerlerde de işimiz var.
00:19:23Gidip gelmem gerekebilir.
00:19:25Ne olur!
00:19:27Güven bana!
00:19:30Güvenmesem yanında işim mi?
00:19:52Bak Hülya!
00:19:54Bankada hesap açtım. Bunlar senin.
00:19:56Ben gelinceye kadar idare et.
00:19:58Kabul etmem.
00:20:00Bırak inatçılığı. İşten çıktın.
00:20:02Sonra düğün için masrafların olacak.
00:20:04Gelince beraber yaparız.
00:20:06Dinle beni, al!
00:20:08Hayır, istemiyorum.
00:20:10İcap ederse tekrar işe girelim.
00:20:17Ayrılmadan önce senden bir tek şey isteyeceğim Hülya.
00:20:19Bana inanmanı.
00:20:21Ne olursa olsun bana inanmanı.
00:20:23Ve beni beklemeni.
00:20:26Dünyada sevdiğim tek varlık sensin.
00:20:28Canımı bile veririm senin için.
00:20:32Şimdi soru sorma bana.
00:20:36Bil ki ne yapıyorsam ikimizin iyiliği için.
00:20:39Gelecekteki o görkenli hayatımız için yapıyorum.
00:20:42Çok yükseleceğim Hülya.
00:20:44İstediğim her şeyi elde edeceğim.
00:20:48İnan bana.
00:20:50Ve dönüşümü bekle.
00:20:52Hiçbir şey sorma.
00:21:25710 sefer sayılı uçakla Paris, Londra ve New York'a gidecek yolcular lütfen 2 numaralı çıkış kapısına. Teşekkür ederim.
00:21:55Ne işin var burada?
00:22:19Hani evleniyordun?
00:22:21Bırakıp kaçtı değil mi?
00:22:23You're a headless girl who doesn't listen to the people.
00:22:27The whole neighborhood is shaking.
00:22:30Haji Hasan's wife sent word.
00:22:33We took back the offer.
00:22:35She said she'd find Hulya at the general's house.
00:22:38Don't worry, he'll come back.
00:22:40He'll come back to hell.
00:22:42He got what he wanted once.
00:22:44There's no girl like you in Europe.
00:22:47And you're out of work.
00:22:51All we have left is this money.
00:22:54What do we eat, what do we drink?
00:22:56I'll get back to work, don't worry.
00:22:59They were waiting for you.
00:23:01You ruined yourself and us.
00:23:20You should go back to Iran.
00:23:33Did you want something?
00:23:37I'm sorry.
00:23:39Yes, go ahead.
00:23:41I'm Taruk's fiancée.
00:23:43Everything was fine when he left.
00:23:45I didn't hear from him.
00:23:47Taruk didn't go to work for us.
00:23:49He quit.
00:23:53He quit his job.
00:23:55He doesn't work for us anymore.
00:24:17Hulya! Hulya!
00:24:40The whole neighborhood is shaking.
00:24:43He's in England.
00:24:45He was arrested in the airport.
00:24:47He says he's a smuggler.
00:24:49Now you'll see.
00:24:51You idiot!
00:24:53You ruined us all.
00:24:55God damn you!
00:25:13You scared us.
00:25:15They said you were sick.
00:25:17I rushed here.
00:25:19I talked to your mother.
00:25:21I'll take you home.
00:25:23You'll feel better.
00:25:25My mother is waiting for you.
00:25:27Of course.
00:25:29I'll be right there.
00:25:31I'm sure this is better for you.
00:25:35You're safe.
00:25:37I'm so happy.
00:25:41You're safe.
00:25:43Now you'll know what life is.
00:25:47Let's go.
00:25:49I won't go.
00:25:51Are you crazy?
00:25:53I'm sorry.
00:25:55I'll help you.
00:25:57I'll do everything myself.
00:26:01He left me to be strong.
00:26:05When he comes back, I'll be stronger than him.
00:26:09What will you do alone?
00:26:11I'll make it.
00:26:13They'll think it's your first week.
00:26:17They'll think you're a heroine.
00:26:21You'll be in the arms of the servants.
00:26:25Let's go.
00:26:27I won't go.
00:26:29I'll kick you out.
00:26:31I'll kick you out like a dog.
00:26:33You idiot!
00:26:39You idiot!
00:26:47Where are you?
00:26:49I'll kill you.
00:26:51You'll drive me crazy.
00:26:53You don't need to.
00:26:55I'm going.
00:26:57Don't call me.
00:26:59I'll send you the money every month.
00:27:01I don't know where you're going.
00:27:03I'll be rich.
00:27:05I'll have cars.
00:27:07Good-bye, mother.
00:27:37Good-bye, mother.
00:28:07Good-bye, mother.
00:28:37I missed Istanbul.
00:28:39It's been four years since you left.
00:28:41Yes, it has.
00:28:43You will stay in my new dormitory.
00:28:45I have prepared a room for you.
00:28:47Thank you. I have some things to do, brother.
00:28:51You are free, my dear.
00:28:53You can stay outside whenever you want.
00:28:55Ah, that English girl has come.
00:28:59She didn't leave me alone.
00:29:01I put her on the balcony.
00:29:03She won't come.
00:29:05She asked me to look for her.
00:29:07Leave me at the girl's hotel, brother.
00:29:09I will come to the old dormitory early tomorrow.
00:29:11This is a sea transportation agreement...
00:29:13...with the Americans...
00:29:15...and a letter of assurance from the bank in New York.
00:29:17What about the company in Rome?
00:29:19They are in a bit of a difficult situation.
00:29:23I guess they are in trouble with the prosecutor's office.
00:29:25Yes. I was afraid.
00:29:27I didn't approach them at all.
00:29:29You did well.
00:29:31He offered an agreement to the Far East group.
00:29:33Here are the conditions.
00:29:35We have to meet.
00:29:37We have time.
00:29:41...our account in Switzerland.
00:29:45I also opened an account in the Netherlands.
00:29:47It's a good thing to be careful.
00:29:49You know...
00:29:51...sometimes I like myself a lot.
00:29:53Of course, you will like it.
00:29:55A superior intelligence like you...
00:29:57...rarely comes to the world.
00:29:59Do you know where I used my intelligence the best?
00:30:03By getting you involved in this.
00:30:05You will spoil me.
00:30:07For the honor of the three of us.
00:30:11Who is the third one?
00:30:13Don't hurry.
00:30:17You will see.
00:30:19I am getting married.
00:30:21I am getting married.
00:30:27The sweetest, most beautiful girl in the world.
00:30:29Mr. Faruk.
00:30:31It's a little strange...
00:30:33...for a person to fall in love at this age.
00:30:35But this is love.
00:30:37This is love.
00:30:39This is love.
00:30:41I have never been so happy in my life.
00:30:43Can you believe it?
00:30:45I feel like crying all the time.
00:30:47I wonder...
00:30:53...if she is marrying me for my money.
00:30:57But you will see.
00:30:59She is so sincere.
00:31:01She is so sincere.
00:31:03Come here.
00:31:05She is waiting for us.
00:31:09She is not ready yet.
00:31:11She will be here soon.
00:31:13Leave her alone.
00:31:15You will be the groom.
00:31:17With pleasure.
00:31:19When are you getting married?
00:31:21Everything is ready.
00:31:23I want to prepare a wedding...
00:31:25...that will never be forgotten.
00:31:27We will do it before you leave.
00:31:31She is coming.
00:31:39Here she is.
00:31:57Did you make me look like someone else?
00:32:03I am sorry.
00:32:05Fikret didn't give you anything.
00:32:07What do you think?
00:32:11Don't look at me like that.
00:32:13She is one of the most beautiful girls in Europe.
00:32:15A girl came to the office yesterday.
00:32:17She is from England.
00:32:19She is like a baby.
00:32:23Bring her here.
00:32:25They will be friends.
00:32:29Come on.
00:32:43Let's go.
00:33:13Let's go.
00:33:43Let's go.
00:34:13Let's go.
00:34:33Bad news.
00:35:03Hello. How are you?
00:35:09Why did you do this?
00:35:11They gave me money to report you.
00:35:19I believed you.
00:35:21What a pity.
00:35:41Are you crazy?
00:35:43Is it worth it?
00:35:49How do you think I am doing this?
00:35:51Couldn't you forgive me?
00:35:55I don't want to hear the word forgiveness.
00:35:59Forgiveness is the shelter of helpless dogs.
00:36:05I love you like a little brother, Faruk.
00:36:07My whole job is with you.
00:36:09You saved my life.
00:36:17But if I see you betray me one day,
00:36:19I won't forgive you.
00:36:21I will hit you without blinking.
00:36:27If I make a mistake,
00:36:29don't forgive me.
00:36:31Hit me.
00:36:33Do you understand?
00:36:35Let's go eat.
00:36:37Let's go.
00:37:07Let's go.
00:37:37Let's go.
00:38:07Let's go.
00:38:37Let's go.
00:39:07Let's go.
00:39:37Let's go.
00:39:39Let's go.
00:39:41Let's go.
00:39:43Let's go.
00:39:45Let's go.
00:39:47Let's go.
00:39:49Let's go.
00:39:51Let's go.
00:39:53Let's go.
00:39:55Let's go.
00:39:57Let's go.
00:39:59Let's go.
00:40:01Let's go.
00:40:03Let's go.
00:40:07Let's go.
00:40:09Let's go.
00:40:11Let's go.
00:40:21I'm sorry.
00:40:25What are you doing here?
00:40:29I'm used to waiting alone at this time of night.
00:40:31You must have made good plans while waiting.
00:40:33You must have made good plans while waiting.
00:40:35You are not a little bit successful.
00:40:37I left this Dora without playing with anyone's life.
00:40:39Without promising anyone coffee,
00:40:41without cheating,
00:40:43without leaving your loved one face to face.
00:40:45You are the one who didn't wait for me and ran away to the coffee shop.
00:40:47Don't try to mislead the truth again.
00:40:49It's a bad opportunity.
00:40:51You are kidding.
00:40:53Where are you going?
00:40:55I'm going to show Ceyne a little bit of the Aegean coasts.
00:40:57You can't go anywhere.
00:40:59You have a lot of work to do.
00:41:03I have prepared a delicious travel program.
00:41:05Tomorrow we will go to Cotra.
00:41:07Come on.
00:41:09I don't want nonsense.
00:41:11We are going to see the sea.
00:41:13Then we'll go to the sea.
00:41:15Let's go.
00:41:17I'll come back tomorrow.
00:41:23Can you tell me something else, Julia?
00:41:25What should I say?
00:41:26There is a well in Mr. Faruk where you can leave your loved ones face to face.
00:41:32She is right.
00:41:33Go and eat your mayonnaise.
00:42:49What happened?
00:43:08I am not a child, Faruk.
00:43:10You can't cheat me.
00:43:11I don't understand.
00:43:12You may not understand.
00:43:14But I am a woman.
00:43:15I understand.
00:43:16You don't love me, Faruk.
00:43:18You fall in love with someone else when you are with me.
00:43:24And I know who he is.
00:43:48I love you, Faruk.
00:44:18I love you, Faruk.
00:44:48I love you, Faruk.
00:45:18I love you, Faruk.
00:45:48I love you, Faruk.
00:46:12I love you, Faruk.
00:46:32I love you, Faruk.
00:46:58I love you, Faruk.
00:47:28I love you, Faruk.
00:47:48I love you, Faruk.
00:47:49I love you, Faruk.
00:47:51I love you, Faruk.
00:47:52I love you, Faruk.
00:47:53I love you, Faruk.
00:47:55I love you.
00:47:56I am going to beat you.
00:47:57I still love you.
00:47:58I know it.
00:47:59Don't talk nonsense?
00:48:00I'm not talking nonsense.
00:48:01Faruk, Faruk, look here, look here, Hülya dived, she didn't come out, you there, I'm here, come on!
00:48:31Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Far
00:49:01Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk
00:49:31Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk
00:50:01Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk
00:50:31Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk, Faruk
00:50:40In Turkish
00:51:01You're welcome, darling.
00:51:05When did he save your life?
00:51:09Four or five years ago.
00:51:11I was working in the fields at that time.
00:51:14Please, brother. It's not worth it.
00:51:17Let it go.
00:51:19I beg you. Let's close this matter.
00:51:22I want to learn, too. It's my right, isn't it?
00:51:31I was returning from Germany by car.
00:51:41I had an accident in a small town.
00:51:44I had no choice but to spend the night there.
00:51:47I found a hotel.
00:51:54Then I wanted to walk around a bit at night and drink something, darling.
00:51:58It was very quiet on the street.
00:52:01Since it was a foreign area, I started looking for a place where I could spend a few nights.
00:52:11A young man was coming from across the street.
00:52:21Suddenly he ran towards me and threw me to the ground.
00:52:28I was on the verge of death.
00:52:31In the end, we became friends.
00:52:33But he always ran away from me.
00:52:40He didn't even accept my little gift once.
00:52:44In the end, I offered him a job.
00:52:47I made him accept it by force.
00:52:51If I'm alive today, I owe my life to him.
00:52:54Who wanted to kill you?
00:52:58My clients.
00:53:00Are you working with the guys who hire murderers?
00:53:07Every job has a danger.
00:53:10Did they try to kill you too?
00:53:15You are Fikret's closest business partner.
00:53:18Maybe one day they'll make you jealous.
00:53:27They can't make me jealous when I'm around.
00:53:37Guys, I suggest you go to bed early tonight.
00:53:42Because we'll go hunting early tomorrow.
00:55:58Let me see.
00:56:17Poisonous snake. Get the box.
00:56:22Don't be afraid. I'll take the poison.
00:56:27Don't be afraid.
00:56:57Don't be afraid.
00:57:57Are you going?
00:58:01I don't want to get in the way of two people who love each other.
00:58:13I've never seen the relationship between you two.
00:58:17I don't know what to do.
00:58:20I don't know what to do.
00:58:23I don't know what to do.
00:58:25I've known your relationship since the first day we met.
00:58:30I don't want to object.
00:58:32I saw you two in love with my own eyes.
00:58:36I was going to marry that girl before I left Istanbul.
00:58:41I trusted you when you invited me to Turkey.
00:58:46Believe me.
00:58:48I didn't know we'd meet here.
00:58:50I loved you, Faruk.
00:58:51I loved you, Faruk.
00:58:53Like crazy.
00:58:55But I can't forgive you anymore.
00:59:10He saw us.
00:59:12He'll come.
00:59:14You don't know how dangerous he is.
00:59:16I know.
00:59:18He won't let us live.
00:59:19I'd give my life for you.
00:59:23Me too.
00:59:43Yes, brother.
00:59:44Yes, brother.
00:59:47Of course.
00:59:49You say it's a great dinner.
00:59:51Where is Hülya?
00:59:53I don't know.
00:59:55She must be by the sea.
00:59:59I'm working.
01:00:01Don't forget, brother.
01:00:03It's a lot of work.
01:00:07I'll go get Hülya.
01:00:09Thank you, brother.
01:00:31I've always wanted to eat with you.
01:00:35What's wrong?
01:00:37Nothing. I'm just tired.
01:00:41Me too, brother.
01:00:42I'm an old man.
01:00:44I'm getting old.
01:00:46You'll have a husband.
01:00:48And he'll be young and handsome.
01:00:51I swear to God.
01:00:53May I come in?
01:00:55Where to?
01:00:57I have an appointment at the tailor's.
01:01:00When will the bride be ready?
01:01:03I don't know.
01:01:05As soon as possible.
01:01:08Have a nice day.
01:01:13Have a nice day.
01:01:24I've always wanted to ask you something.
01:01:28How did you find Hülya?
01:01:30It's up to you, Kasim.
01:01:31She's the sweetest girl in the world.
01:01:33But she's smart.
01:01:35She knows what she wants.
01:01:37And she gets what she wants.
01:01:40That's what impressed me the most.
01:01:42I've always lived my life with the hope of a woman like her.
01:01:48But women have passed away.
01:01:50What women!
01:01:52I've never seen a woman like her.
01:01:54I've never seen a woman like her.
01:01:56I've never seen a woman like her.
01:01:58I've never seen a woman like her.
01:01:59I've never seen a woman like her.
01:02:01Do you want a blonde one?
01:02:03Or a brown one?
01:02:06Do you want a capricious one?
01:02:08Or a soft-headed one?
01:02:10There are good ones and bad ones.
01:02:13I met Hülya one day.
01:02:15At first, I thought she was a fortune teller.
01:02:19I realized I was wrong.
01:02:21Then she enchanted me with her beauty.
01:02:23Like an aged wine,
01:02:25she worked her way into my heart.
01:02:27One day, I fell madly in love with her.
01:02:30I spent sleepless nights with her.
01:02:33Every night, the next morning,
01:02:35I swore I'd propose to her.
01:02:38The next day, I felt like a high school kid.
01:02:41I was terrified.
01:02:44Can you believe it?
01:02:46I was trembling in front of her.
01:02:48One day, I gathered all my courage.
01:02:51Is there no man in your life?
01:03:07No man in your life?
01:03:09Once upon a time, there was.
01:03:12And now?
01:03:14He left me.
01:03:28I didn't want you to get hurt.
01:03:31I wasn't hurt.
01:03:34I crushed him like a poisonous scorpion.
01:03:38I threw his corpse away.
01:03:41There was no wound in my heart.
01:03:45It was just a dirty, black stain.
01:03:50What if you saw him again?
01:03:52I wouldn't even spit on his face.
01:03:54It wouldn't be worth it.
01:03:55Do you know why I'm asking you this?
01:03:58I do.
01:04:01How much I love you.
01:04:06How much I worship you.
01:04:09I'm glad.
01:04:11There's a lot of age difference between us.
01:04:15But still...
01:04:21If I suggest you marry me,
01:04:22what would you do?
01:04:25No girl in the world
01:04:27can hear the happiness that no woman can hear.
01:04:30I would try to be worthy of that honor.
01:04:33Until I die.
01:04:35Then everything progressed at lightning speed.
01:04:41He was sitting alone.
01:04:43I told him to move to the mansion.
01:04:45I told him to open an apartment for you.
01:04:47He agreed.
01:04:49He insisted that we get married right away.
01:04:50I told him to wear a wedding dress.
01:04:52He insisted.
01:04:56I forced him to accept it.
01:04:59Why are you delaying it?
01:05:01I'm waiting for the wedding day.
01:05:04Is it that important?
01:05:06It's very important to me.
01:05:08I owe my life to a young man
01:05:10whom you will admire when you see him.
01:05:12When will he come?
01:05:14In a few days.
01:05:16He does all my work outside.
01:05:17I wouldn't have loved him so much
01:05:19if he was my little brother.
01:05:21It's true.
01:05:25I want you to tell me the same things one day.
01:05:28I want you to fall in love with someone like me
01:05:31and be happy with someone like me.
01:05:34The money sent from Holland has arrived at the bank.
01:05:37They are waiting for your signature.
01:05:39I'll go right away.
01:06:20Why did you run away?
01:06:22Where are you now?
01:06:24I'm going back to England.
01:06:26I wanted to pay my debt to you before I go.
01:06:30What debt could it be?
01:06:32It's a debt of honor.
01:06:34The girl you're going to marry and Faruk are betraying you.
01:06:41Do you know what you're talking about?
01:06:44I caught them while they were madly in love.
01:06:45They know each other from the past.
01:06:47You know better than me.
01:07:16I tried hard not to cry.
01:07:19What do you mean?
01:07:21She loves you like crazy.
01:07:23She trusts me too.
01:07:25What about us?
01:07:27How do we love each other?
01:07:29You're everything to me in life.
01:07:31You know that.
01:07:34Believe me, I love Fikret very much.
01:07:37But that terrible age difference...
01:07:40I know.
01:07:42You'll say I should have thought about it when I said yes.
01:07:44I was so lonely in life.
01:07:47I thought I'd never see you again.
01:07:50Nothing mattered without you.
01:07:54But now...
01:07:56I'm burning for you, not for myself.
01:07:58Because you're going to kill me?
01:08:00That's easy.
01:08:02Don't you believe me?
01:08:04Of course I do.
01:08:10I lost you once in my life.
01:08:11I don't want to live the hell I suffered until we reunited again.
01:08:41I'm going on a trip tomorrow.
01:08:43I'll be away for a couple of days.
01:08:45I'll see you then.
01:09:11Aren't you going to bed?
01:09:18Aren't you going to bed?
01:09:41He knows everything.
01:09:43What are you going to do?
01:09:45We'll run away.
01:09:47To the neighborhood?
01:09:51He can't find us even if he dies.
01:09:53We'll go to my old house.
01:09:55Don't be afraid.
01:09:57It's just for one night.
01:09:59We'll leave early tomorrow.
01:10:01Right away?
01:10:03All my money is in the bank.
01:10:05I don't want to lose it.
01:10:07I don't want to lose it.
01:10:09I don't want to lose it.
01:10:11Everything is in the safe in the bank.
01:10:15Forget it.
01:10:17I don't want to lose it.
01:10:19Not only the money.
01:10:21My passwords, my lists, my secret deals.
01:10:23I can't do anything without them.
01:10:25Is it more important than our lives?
01:10:27I'm thinking about myself.
01:10:29I swore to myself once that I'd be very strong.
01:10:32I said I'd give you a life you'd never imagine.
01:10:35I'm strong enough to do it today.
01:10:37We've suffered a lot in life.
01:10:39We grew up in misery.
01:10:41Now that we've reached the top,
01:10:43let's not miss it again.
01:10:45Don't be afraid.
01:10:47He won't find us.
01:10:49Do you think so?
01:11:11Why did you do this?
01:11:21I'm going to marry her.
01:11:23You know how much I love her.
01:11:26What about me?
01:11:28I've spent all my life loving her.
01:11:30What about me?
01:11:32I've spent all my life loving her.
01:11:34What about me?
01:11:36I've spent all my life loving her.
01:11:38What about me?
01:11:39I've spent all my life loving her.
01:11:41Have you ever asked me about my years without her?
01:11:50I owe you a life, Faruk.
01:11:54You killed me while I was alive.
01:11:59Now we're even.
01:12:02Get out of here!
01:12:04Don't ever come to me again.
01:12:06I'll kick you in the first place I see you.
01:12:07Get out!
01:12:09Get out!
01:12:17I won't go anywhere without Gulia.
01:12:21I won't let you go anywhere.
01:12:23I won't!
01:12:25Then shoot me!
01:12:27I'm telling you to go!
01:12:29Get out!
01:12:33I'm begging you!
01:14:08They'll block the airport and all the exits.
01:14:11We'll run away from somewhere they can't think of.
01:14:14We'll go to Marmaris.
01:14:16We'll rent a boat from there.
01:14:19We'll open up to the sea.
01:14:21The rest is easy.
01:14:23They can't do anything outside.
01:14:25We'll go to Marmaris.
01:14:27We'll rent a boat from there.
01:14:29We'll open up to the sea.
01:14:31The rest is easy.
01:14:33They can't do anything outside.
01:14:37I'll take care of everything.
01:14:39We'll lose our tracks easily.
01:14:43Nobody can find us.
01:14:45I have friends everywhere.
01:14:50I'll give you such a beautiful life.
01:14:52We'll spend our whole lives in happiness.
01:14:54Don't be afraid.
01:14:58This is the place they can't think of.
01:15:00They'll pick us up at 7 in the morning.
01:15:02Don't be afraid.
01:15:07Don't be afraid.
01:15:37Don't be afraid.
01:16:07Don't be afraid.
01:16:37Don't be afraid.
01:17:07Don't be afraid.
01:17:37Don't be afraid.
01:18:08Go, go.
01:18:28They surrounded us.
01:18:30I'm not afraid.
01:18:32I don't have a gun.
01:18:33I don't have a choice.
01:18:35As long as you're with me, even death is sweet.
01:18:38I love you so much.
01:18:56I will die loving you.
01:18:58I don't regret it.
01:19:00If I knew I would die a thousand times, I would still come with you.
01:19:04I will open the door. You will enter my arms.
01:19:07We will pass through each other.
01:19:09Let them shoot from behind us.
01:19:12I am very happy, Faruk.
01:19:14This is the best of deaths.
01:19:30I love you.
01:20:00I love you.
