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In this video, Pujya Niruma explains what humanity teaches us in life and makes us a better human. Let’s understand what humanity means & what are the examples of it!
00:00First of all, we need to understand the definition of manavadharma.
00:12Manavadharma refers to the humanity that one has, out of humanity.
00:23In humanity, the core aspect is that whatever we do, if that is affecting another person,
00:33whoever comes in touch with us, be it at home or outside or at work, wherever, if the other
00:44person is getting affected by us, then we should think, what if we were in his place,
00:49how would we feel?
00:52For instance, we are walking down the street and we find a wallet with 5,000 pounds.
00:59Now upon seeing the 5,000 pounds, one would feel happy, wow, I found so much money.
01:06Some would even start planning, what will I do with it, how will I spend it, I need
01:13to buy this and that, great that I have found the money.
01:16He would feel delighted, oh, today I have won the lottery.
01:23However, the one who follows humanity, the first thought that would arise in him as soon
01:32as he finds the wallet with 5,000 pounds, the first thought that would arise for him
01:37is, what will the person who has lost his wallet be feeling right now?
01:47If I had lost my wallet like this, then what would happen to me?
01:53That is how the person who has lost his wallet must be feeling like right now.
01:58The one who has such a thought is considered to be humane.
02:03He would think about the other person.
02:06With this thought arising, he would not start planning how to spend that money or what to
02:10buy with it.
02:11He would not have such thoughts.
02:13He would only think about, let me find out who the owner is and return his money.
02:18This is the only thought that he would have.
02:21He would investigate or inform the police or he would submit an advertisement in the
02:27newspaper stating that a wallet has been found.
02:30If it is yours, please come and claim it.
02:34So this is what humanity teaches.
02:38Now, on the other hand, if there is no humanity, then a person becomes like a beast, like an
02:49The only thoughts he has are of, how should I spend the money?
02:53What should I do?
02:54Wow, I have won the lottery.
02:56My work is done.
02:57He feels delighted and plans to use it and spends the money.
03:03That cannot be called humanity.
03:06That is animal-like behavior.
03:10The one who thinks about others first, he is called a human.