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The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Eps - Short Movies


00:00:00Miss Moore! Miss Moore, lütfen evine git ve ailenin fiyatını koru!
00:00:10David, beni takip etme.
00:00:13Neden evime gitmiyorum olduğunu biliyorsun.
00:00:16Carson'la birlikte yaşamak için zor bir hayat yaşamak benim için değerli.
00:00:20Bir milyon dolar ödül kontraktini Jacob's Group ile başardım.
00:00:26Jacob's Group?
00:00:27Evet, New York'un en zengin ailesi.
00:00:30Onun için bir fiyatı yapacak.
00:00:32İdentiyeni görmek zorunda değilsin.
00:00:34Miss Moore, en zengin adamın kızı sensin.
00:00:38Karson'a bunu söyleyeyim.
00:00:40Senin için en pahalı evin batı tarafında olduğunu bulmanı istiyorum.
00:00:49Çok tatlı bir yer.
00:00:51İlk tanıştığımız şehir mahallesi.
00:00:533. evlilik kutusu için çok unutulmaz bir yer.
00:00:57Carson, seni seviyorum.
00:01:13Ryan Jacobs.
00:01:1526 yaşında.
00:01:17Wharton Üniversitesi.
00:01:19Ve Jacob's Group'un başkanı.
00:01:21Orada, bu sabah aldığım yeni bir ride.
00:01:27Ve sen...
00:01:33Ben Isabella.
00:01:3525 yaşında.
00:01:37Üniversite ya da doktorluğum yok ama...
00:01:39...ben bir kokoreç.
00:01:41Çok fazla para yapmıyorum.
00:01:46Tamam, neyse.
00:01:53Benimle evlenir misin?
00:01:55Hadi ama.
00:01:57Konuştuk zaten.
00:01:59Karşılıklı evlilik.
00:02:01Bir yıl evlenmek için 20.000 liraya veriyorum.
00:02:04Lütfen zamanımı kaybetme.
00:02:08Efendim, bence başka birisi için yanlışlıkla evlenmelisin.
00:02:17Bunlar senin için.
00:02:24O da kim?
00:02:37Bu ne?
00:02:39Isabella, evleniyoruz.
00:02:41Sana yeter.
00:02:45Burası 1 milyon dolar bir kontrak.
00:02:47Carson, Jacob's Group'un başkanı.
00:02:50Aşkım, bu iş...
00:02:51Aşkım, bu iş...
00:02:53Beni aşkım deme.
00:02:55Kötü hissettiriyorsun.
00:03:00Mr. Kingsley.
00:03:02Kötü bir hata yaptın.
00:03:04Ben Amerika'da en zengin adamın oğluyum.
00:03:07Ne kadar delice.
00:03:09Bir restoranda çalışan köpek gibi.
00:03:12Aşkım, senin şirketine yardım etmeni istedim.
00:03:15Ben yardım ettim, Carson.
00:03:17Kredimi alma.
00:03:19Isabella, bak.
00:03:21Ne kadar delice.
00:03:23En azından evli olamayacağım.
00:03:26Ona karşı sen hiçbir şey değilsin.
00:03:29Birbirimiz olmasaydı,
00:03:31benim adımı bile bilmezdi.
00:03:37kredi bankasında partner olabilirsin mi?
00:03:421 milyon dolar.
00:03:44Kontrakı yaz ve al.
00:03:48Düşün, Isabella.
00:03:49Bütün hayatı için bu kadar yapamazsın.
00:03:52Ağlama, Isabella.
00:03:55Daha iyi hak etmişsin.
00:04:04Umarım bunu özlemezsin.
00:04:06Para için...
00:04:15Hey, evlenmek istiyor musun?
00:04:16Evlenmek istiyor musun?
00:04:19Sadece karar vermek istiyorum, partner.
00:04:21Ve senin eşin...
00:04:23Bence o çok zor.
00:04:25Onu unutma.
00:04:27Para ihtiyacım yok.
00:04:28Açıkçası yapacağım.
00:04:33Önce evlenmelisiniz.
00:04:35Hey, sen!
00:04:37Gel buraya.
00:04:39Bence ben sana yardım edebilirim.
00:04:41Isabella, biliyorum ki evlenme seni zorlaştırıyor.
00:04:44Yardım et.
00:04:45Özür dilerim.
00:04:46New York'ta en zengin adamım.
00:04:53Sen Ryan Jacobs'ın mısın?
00:04:55Evet, ben.
00:04:59Mükemmel bir maç.
00:05:02Ne büyük bir isim.
00:05:03Kendine para veriyorsun.
00:05:05Ama biz hiçbirini görmedikten sonra...
00:05:07...Mr. Jacobs, ne istiyorsan söyle.
00:05:10Bu akşam Ryan'ı kutlama kutusunda göreceğiz.
00:05:13Senin kim olduğunu gösterecek.
00:05:15Sen evlenmeyi sevmiyorsun değil mi?
00:05:17Juan Carson.
00:05:31Görünüşe göre...
00:05:32...çılgınlar artık birbirine güvenmelidir.
00:05:35Karşılıklı kutlama kutusunda...
00:05:37...senin yüzünü görmek için sabırsızlanıyorum.
00:05:38Karşılıklı kutlama kutusunda...
00:05:39...senin yüzünü görmek için sabırsızlanıyorum.
00:05:42Şansınıza göre...
00:05:43...benimle daha fazla iletişim yok.
00:05:45Şimdi, Max.
00:05:503 yıl boyunca...
00:05:52...onu sevdi ve desteklediğimi biliyorum.
00:05:54Ve yine de...
00:05:55...senin kutlama kutusunda...
00:05:56...seni evleniyor.
00:06:00Şimdi bizim kutlama kutusundayız.
00:06:05Karşılıklı kutlama kutusunda...
00:06:07Karşılıklı kutlama kutusunda...
00:06:08...sen benim evlenmeyi izleyebilirsin.
00:06:09Ve gerçek Ryan Jacobs gibi...
00:06:10...dürüst olmak zorunda değilsin.
00:06:12Ben Ryan Jacobs'um.
00:06:15Ama senin için...
00:06:16Farklı bir identite ihtiyacım yok.
00:06:24Karşılıklı kutlama kutusundan...
00:06:25...seni hazırlamaya çağırdığım...
00:06:26...kutuları hatırlıyor musun?
00:06:28O için değil.
00:06:29Onları bu akşam Jacob's Banquet'e...
00:06:32Ryan Jacobs'un annesi için.
00:06:42Merhaba karıcığım.
00:06:44Merhaba Isabella.
00:06:45Biraz trafikte kalıyorum.
00:06:46Birkaç dakika bekleyeceğim.
00:06:48Sorun değil.
00:06:49Beni aramaya gerek yok.
00:06:50Oraya gidebilirim.
00:06:51Ama bir kutu yok.
00:06:53Bir kutu yok.
00:06:54Senin için...
00:06:55...beni takip ettiğini söyleyebilirsin.
00:06:57Ama ailem parçalanıyor.
00:07:01Merhaba eşim.
00:07:03Hala Ryan Jacobs gibi davranıyor mu?
00:07:09Hala Miss Moore gibi davranıyor mu?
00:07:12Pardon, Miss Moore.
00:07:14...iyi mi...
00:07:16...beni Jacob's Banquet'e götürebilir misin?
00:07:19Şehrin en zengin adamlarından birisiniz.
00:07:22Biliyorum ama...
00:07:23...ben hala hiçbir şeyim değilim.
00:07:25Bir çatışma yapabilir miyim?
00:07:30Benimle gel.
00:07:33İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
00:07:34Sağ olun.
00:08:02Belki de ben de o kadar influensif değilim.
00:08:04Ama onun kim olduğunu biliyorsunuz
00:08:06ya da gözüksüz olduğunuzu biliyor musunuz?
00:08:12O bir liste değil.
00:08:14Ona dikkat etmiyoruz.
00:08:16Dikkat edin.
00:08:18O, Moore'nin ailesi.
00:08:20Moore'nin ailesi, ha?
00:08:22Amerika'da en zengin, en ünlü aile mi?
00:08:26Babasının adı Donald Moore mu demek istiyorsun?
00:08:28Bu çılgınca.
00:08:30İnanmıyor musun?
00:08:32Bu benim için Aaron Blake.
00:08:34Güzel bir deney. En azından evde yaptın.
00:08:42Mr. Kingsley, hoşgeldin.
00:08:44Mrs. Moore.
00:08:46Mr. Verwood.
00:08:48Neden içeri girmiyorsunuz?
00:08:50Çünkü konuşmak işe yaramaz.
00:08:52Bu benim davranışım.
00:08:54Götürmeyin, Mr. Kingsley.
00:08:56Kendi kendine dikkat edin.
00:08:58Oh, Wade.
00:09:00Geçen defa seni kurtarmıştın.
00:09:02Sana gelmek istedim.
00:09:04Çok mutluyum ki seni kapıda aramaya gelmedim.
00:09:06Bekleyin, Sarah'a elini kırmayın.
00:09:08Özür dilerim.
00:09:10Mrs. Moore.
00:09:12Biz evlendik.
00:09:14Açın gözlerinizi.
00:09:16Bu küçük şarkıcı.
00:09:18Siz bir şey değilsiniz
00:09:20Mrs. Moore'nin desteklerinden.
00:09:22Hiçbir şey.
00:09:24Her şeyi.
00:09:26Her şeyi.
00:09:28Ona güvenmek,
00:09:30bir sokak köşesine
00:09:34Kendinize şükür olmalısınız.
00:09:36Ve bana
00:09:38senin için
00:09:40özür diler misin?
00:09:42Mr. Kingsley, sakin ol.
00:09:44Siz de buradan çıkın.
00:09:50Özür dilerim.
00:09:54İyi misin?
00:09:56İzabelle, bu çıplaklıkta hala var mı?
00:10:00Gucci'nin satılabileceği bir şey değil.
00:10:02Carson'ın parasını
00:10:04Jigalo'ya mı ödedin?
00:10:06Onun parası 5 milyon'dan fazla.
00:10:08Carson'ın parası hakkında kim umursuyor?
00:10:12başkanını tanıtacak mısın?
00:10:14Yoksa o...
00:10:16Eğer sen Mr. Jacobs olsaydın,
00:10:18ben de JP Morgan olsaydım.
00:10:20Gördün mü?
00:10:22Çok yakışıklı.
00:10:24Senin kim olduğunu bilmiyorlar.
00:10:26Bu benim yanım değil. Aaron çıldırdı.
00:10:28How dare you blame Aaron?
00:10:30Aaron is my family's butler.
00:10:32It's my job to blame him if he messes up.
00:10:34Okay, I'm gonna call Aaron.
00:10:38Mr. Kingsley,
00:10:40this could get a little messy.
00:10:42How about you go in first?
00:10:44Please work with me.
00:10:46You are a weakling.
00:10:50Stop! You're two idiots!
00:10:52The fuck? You're trying to get fired?
00:10:54You'll embarrass your boss?
00:11:04Mr. Jacobs, you have my most
00:11:06sincere apologies.
00:11:08It is my fault that I can't keep my staff
00:11:10in check.
00:11:12So you are the real Ryan Jacobs.
00:11:14You didn't lie to me.
00:11:16Mr. Jacobs,
00:11:18we finally meet.
00:11:20Everything I said to you is true.
00:11:22And Aaron, it's not your fault
00:11:24that your staff is being ridiculous.
00:11:28They cannot treat her like that.
00:11:32forgive me for asking this
00:11:34rather stupid question, but
00:11:36who might this young lady be?
00:11:38I don't know.
00:11:40Who might this young lady be?
00:11:42This is my wife.
00:11:44Well, it is a pleasure
00:11:46to meet you here, Mrs. Jacobs.
00:11:50Apologize to Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs.
00:11:52Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, we apologize.
00:11:56Are you still angry?
00:11:58No. Let them go.
00:12:02Ryan, there is a personal matter
00:12:04that you may want to see about.
00:12:06I'm going with Wade
00:12:08and I'll meet you inside, okay?
00:12:10Mr. Jacobs, do you know me?
00:12:12Look at you.
00:12:14Don't sell yourself short.
00:12:20Ryan, the guest you called
00:12:22earlier has arrived.
00:12:24She requested that I meet her at the entrance.
00:12:26Miss Moore is coming.
00:12:36Miss Moore?
00:12:38No wonder the Jacobs are top shot.
00:12:40The best of the Pantheon.
00:12:42This banquet is spectacular.
00:12:46It's alright.
00:12:48Wow. The Jacobs have some
00:12:50serious clout. This is a big shot.
00:12:54Carson, I wish you'd host a bash
00:12:56like this with me as the hostess of the banquet.
00:12:58Can't compete with the Jacobs yet.
00:13:00Hey, don't be hard on yourself.
00:13:02You are cooperating
00:13:04with the Jacobs.
00:13:06If anything, you're the star tonight.
00:13:10Sarah, only you can understand me.
00:13:12How did I get so lucky
00:13:14with you?
00:13:18Look, why is she here?
00:13:20Why has she been thrown out already?
00:13:22Isn't that Wade Burwood?
00:13:24Yeah. And who is that woman?
00:13:26Even Wade seems to be
00:13:28chasing her around.
00:13:30She's nobody. She's just a washed up
00:13:34No wonder. She looks weird.
00:13:36How did she even get in?
00:13:40you have quite the nerve
00:13:42to show up to the Jacobs' banquet.
00:13:44Well, all of this is for me.
00:13:46So why wouldn't I be here?
00:13:48She said the event was for her.
00:13:56What's going on here?
00:13:59Daddy, this woman
00:14:01is stalking my boyfriend.
00:14:03No one offends my baby girl.
00:14:05Don't worry. Your daddy's got it.
00:14:09This is Laurent,
00:14:11the Jacobs' group's security captain.
00:14:13Sarah, you know everybody.
00:14:15Invitation, please.
00:14:17You do realize this is a private event, right?
00:14:19These two snuck in without invites.
00:14:21I don't have one.
00:14:23You are bold. And you don't want to know
00:14:25what will happen to someone like you.
00:14:27Security is terrible.
00:14:29How did this happen? People just walked right in?
00:14:31Get them out of here. It's embarrassing.
00:14:33Ryan Jacobs is my husband.
00:14:37You really are a clown.
00:14:39That man we met yesterday
00:14:41is a fraud. Still haven't noticed it.
00:14:45Isabella, I know the divorce hit you hard,
00:14:47but please cherish yourself
00:14:49a little.
00:14:51It's not that big of a deal.
00:14:53Whatever. You're both out of here
00:14:55right now.
00:14:57Hey, stop! I said stop.
00:15:03Sorry I'm late.
00:15:05I got it from here.
00:15:07The Jacobs' group is looking for a new partnership.
00:15:09I'll speak to you about it later.
00:15:11Of course, Mr. Jacobs.
00:15:15Ms. Moore.
00:15:17I mean, Mrs. Jacobs.
00:15:19I'll catch you later.
00:15:23Nice suit.
00:15:25Have a special guest coming?
00:15:27My grandmother and I have someone
00:15:29important that we invited.
00:15:31Well, you look sharp. Is he important to you?
00:15:37he, but she,
00:15:39and it's just business.
00:15:41Why is he here?
00:15:43Maybe he has sugar mommies.
00:15:45They'll pay anything till they get satisfied.
00:15:51Don't worry about her.
00:15:53She's been like this.
00:15:57But, uh...
00:16:01Your suit's on point.
00:16:03Sarah, that's my husband.
00:16:05What a crazy woman.
00:16:07What a show.
00:16:09No, that doesn't happen every day.
00:16:11Sarah, what are you doing?
00:16:13Are you talking to Mr. Jacobs like that?
00:16:15Dad, what do you mean?
00:16:17Say sorry.
00:16:21No, I...
00:16:23I will never...
00:16:25I hate them.
00:16:27They always embarrass me.
00:16:35I'm so sorry, Mr. Jacobs.
00:16:39I will take whatever punishment I can.
00:16:45Go talk to Aaron.
00:16:47He's Ryan Jacobs?
00:16:49Why is he with Isabella?
00:16:51It can't be real.
00:16:55I am fine with it,
00:16:59as for Isabella,
00:17:01she's my wife and you cannot treat her like that.
00:17:03Is Isabella really your wife?
00:17:05She is.
00:17:09Now, piss off.
00:17:11I'm sorry.
00:17:13She is.
00:17:15Now, piss off.
00:17:25Ladies and gentlemen,
00:17:27there are two announcements to be made.
00:17:29First off,
00:17:31the partnership between the Jacobs Group and the Kinsleys
00:17:33is now over.
00:17:35It was a mistake to begin with.
00:17:37You can now make your final decision
00:17:39and enjoy the rest of the night.
00:17:41Carson, what are we going to do?
00:17:43Mr. Jacobs ended the partnership.
00:17:45And secondly,
00:17:49I'd like to introduce to you all
00:17:51my shining star,
00:17:53my wife, Isabella.
00:17:59Who the heck is she?
00:18:01No money, no power.
00:18:03Why is Mr. Jacobs so into her?
00:18:05What did I miss?
00:18:07No way!
00:18:09Oh, Dad, you should have stopped me.
00:18:17Why? How do you marry a random woman
00:18:19without telling anybody?
00:18:21Who's divorced, by the way?
00:18:23Do you not have any shame? I do.
00:18:25Our family does.
00:18:27Chris, I'm going to need you to show some respect
00:18:29because that is now your sister-in-law.
00:18:33Who cares about the Kinsleys?
00:18:35We do this for the Moors.
00:18:37I'll pick up all the pieces. You?
00:18:39Everybody knows that the Kinsleys could not handle the project.
00:18:41And as for the Moors,
00:18:43I'll handle it when she arrives.
00:18:47Okay, look, need I remind you,
00:18:49you're still engaged to Kara Robbins
00:18:51and the Robbins family will not appreciate this.
00:18:53I never agreed to that.
00:18:55That solves the mystery.
00:18:57Marrying someone somebody doesn't like is tough.
00:18:59No wonder he's in such a hurry.
00:19:01Look, I don't care.
00:19:03This is not your decision.
00:19:07Chris, Chris.
00:19:09You may let the family dictate your life,
00:19:11but as far as I know,
00:19:13I am the head of the Jacobs group
00:19:15and I'll make my own decisions.
00:19:19I'm going to let you talk to Grandma about this.
00:19:27What a shame for the Jacobs.
00:19:29What a shame.
00:19:35you thought you could hire a woman
00:19:37so you wouldn't have to marry my sister?
00:19:41Baron, I don't know what you're talking about.
00:19:43Oh, stop.
00:19:47By the way, let me introduce myself.
00:19:49I am Baron Robin, brother-in-law
00:19:51of Ryan Jacobs here.
00:19:53The Robbins family.
00:19:55Who are they?
00:19:57New York has four families.
00:19:59The Robbins and the Jacobs are among them.
00:20:01Offending them is worse than offending the Jacobs.
00:20:05this might be good news.
00:20:07Kara the Head, she's tough.
00:20:09Maybe we can convince her to help us
00:20:11since Isabella stole her fiancé.
00:20:15Hmm, I see.
00:20:17Mr. Jacobs
00:20:19would never genuinely care for someone like her.
00:20:23She thinks that helping the Jacobs family
00:20:25elevates her status.
00:20:27But Mr. Jacobs uses her as a disguise.
00:20:29Now she's in trouble.
00:20:35I grudgingly accept your apology.
00:20:37Excuse me, do not involve Isabella in this.
00:20:39And as for your sister, Baron,
00:20:41I would never marry her
00:20:43because love can't be forced.
00:20:45Well, it seems to me you don't know
00:20:47how much can be forced.
00:20:49And if I don't want to apologize?
00:20:53First of all, I suggest you stop asking questions.
00:20:55How can you choose this whore over my sister?
00:20:57This is nonsense.
00:20:59Are the Jacobs betraying us now or something?
00:21:01No, they're not.
00:21:03I promise we are loyal business partners.
00:21:05I would not let that happen.
00:21:07Nor would my grandmother.
00:21:09You understand.
00:21:11Hitchhiking on Ryan won't get you elevated.
00:21:13It won't make you better or anything.
00:21:15You understand that, right?
00:21:17And why would I need to be elevated?
00:21:19Isabella, no need to get involved in this.
00:21:25I will never marry your sister.
00:21:27And Chris,
00:21:29if you'd like to do something for the family,
00:21:31I suggest you do it yourself.
00:21:33And Baron, while Chris may be afraid of me,
00:21:35I am not.
00:21:37And I'll do anything to protect my wife.
00:21:39So what are you going to do about it, huh?
00:21:41What are you going to do about it, huh?
00:21:43What are you going to do about it?
00:21:45What are you going to do about it?
00:21:49Don't you dare!
00:21:51Don't you dare!
00:21:57Ryan, how could you mistreat my brother
00:21:59for an outsider?
00:22:01It's about time you came, Kara.
00:22:03These imbeciles were trying to get rid of me.
00:22:05Shut your mouth, Baron.
00:22:09How could you speak to your brother-in-law this way?
00:22:11Take him home.
00:22:17I will not marry you.
00:22:21resistance is futile.
00:22:23Besides, I really like you.
00:22:29I'm married.
00:22:31I'm not stupid.
00:22:33Leave Ryan now
00:22:35and you will get 10 million.
00:22:37I promise.
00:22:39In addition, if you admit your mistake
00:22:41and slap your face in front of the crowds,
00:22:43there will be another 10 million.
00:22:45Ms. Robbins,
00:22:4720 million is a drop in the bucket.
00:22:49You're not that rich.
00:22:51And I will not be leaving Ryan.
00:22:53That's bold.
00:22:55What a special girl.
00:22:57Poor, but candid.
00:22:59You're bold, Isabella.
00:23:01I only did this because you're
00:23:03Ryan's wife in name,
00:23:05but now?
00:23:07I will not let you hurt my wife.
00:23:09I will protect her.
00:23:17Ms. Robbins,
00:23:19I am so delighted
00:23:21to make your acquaintance.
00:23:23Madam Jacobs.
00:23:27Ryan decided to marry a divorced woman
00:23:29without telling us.
00:23:33Ms. Robbins, I apologize for Ryan.
00:23:35Grandma, I did not do anything wrong.
00:23:41Ms. Robbins,
00:23:43I think you know that I have invited
00:23:45a very important guest
00:23:47to this charity banquet,
00:23:49so I do hope you'll avoid making any disruptions.
00:23:51Of course.
00:23:53I just wanted to show my respect for you
00:23:55and maintain
00:23:57the connection
00:23:59between us.
00:24:07Bring in the gifts.
00:24:11here is a pair of
00:24:13diamond earrings.
00:24:15Each of the diamonds
00:24:17of the earrings is more than six carats
00:24:19and is in D color.
00:24:21In my mind,
00:24:23these are the only ones worthy of you.
00:24:27Six carats each?
00:24:29This must be a million dollars.
00:24:31I promise, this is
00:24:33maybe the same series as the British Royal Family
00:24:35or something.
00:24:37Thank you, Cara.
00:24:39I really appreciate it.
00:24:45Leonardo da Vinci's
00:24:49I brought it from an Italian
00:24:51collection auction.
00:24:53Da Vinci?
00:24:55It's also a series?
00:24:57Man, it's so fascinating.
00:25:01Cara, you're too modest.
00:25:03You know my grandmother
00:25:05was from Italy and
00:25:07I really appreciate getting
00:25:09one of the master's pieces.
00:25:11I didn't expect you to pay attention
00:25:13to these types of detail.
00:25:15Oh, Grandma,
00:25:17I always hold you in the same regard
00:25:19as my own grandmother.
00:25:21She sure knows
00:25:23how to flatter.
00:25:25What else do you want to say, Isabella?
00:25:27Just ten minutes.
00:25:35what are you planning?
00:25:37If you don't stop this, I can't help you.
00:25:47a penthouse
00:25:49in the Bloomberg Tower.
00:25:51Bloomberg Tower?
00:25:53What's that?
00:25:55If somebody gets me a spot like that,
00:25:57I'm marrying her on the spot.
00:25:59Best in the West.
00:26:01Grandma, I hope all of this find you well.
00:26:03Our family would love to join
00:26:05hands with the Jacobs.
00:26:07I just need Brian to say yes.
00:26:13lately I cannot marry Cara
00:26:15because I'm already married
00:26:17to Isabella.
00:26:19I'm sorry.
00:26:21It just seems as though the Robbins
00:26:23aren't all that committed to cooperating
00:26:25with the Jacobs.
00:26:27It's just quite an underwhelming apartment.
00:26:29A $60 million penthouse
00:26:31is not a broken apartment.
00:26:33Isabella, you can't even afford
00:26:35the bucket of paint on the wall.
00:26:37It must be the highest floor
00:26:39on Bloomberg Tower.
00:26:43Ms. Robbins, are you sure that your luxury apartment
00:26:45is truly the top floor of the apartment building?
00:26:47I've heard that the penthouse
00:26:49takes up the entirety of the 99th
00:26:51and 100th floors.
00:26:53It's worth $100 million
00:26:55and it was recently purchased.
00:26:57Are you sure it's really yours?
00:27:03How does she know the details so well?
00:27:05Ms. Robbins?
00:27:09Yes, it's not the top floors.
00:27:11It was sold when we started
00:27:13looking for it, but that doesn't mean anything.
00:27:17What does it have to do with you?
00:27:19Isabella, please stop this.
00:27:21Please don't keep this going.
00:27:23Trust me. I've got this.
00:27:25Just wait five minutes. You'll see.
00:27:27Oh, dear Ryan.
00:27:29She's no comparison to me.
00:27:31You're right. I would never compare
00:27:33myself to you.
00:27:37You've got to put a stop to this.
00:27:39You're young.
00:27:41You work hard. You deserve
00:27:43better. You misunderstood.
00:27:45You see, I just
00:27:47meant that Kara could never hold a candle
00:27:49to me.
00:27:51What are you talking about?
00:27:53You see, it really is
00:27:55truly quite astonishing.
00:27:57But you see,
00:28:03just really isn't worth all that
00:28:05much to me.
00:28:11Young lady!
00:28:13That is quite enough!
00:28:15How dare you?
00:28:17Ryan, these things are useless.
00:28:19What do you have?
00:28:21Here comes day.
00:28:23Say something.
00:28:25Show some respect.
00:28:27Otherwise, get the hell out of here.
00:28:29Kara, please.
00:28:31This is on me, okay?
00:28:33That happens on me everywhere.
00:28:35Ryan, stop it.
00:28:39Grandma, this is on me.
00:28:41I invited her here, so I'm responsible for her.
00:28:43What a man.
00:28:45Ryan, you don't have that kind of money.
00:28:47Stop it.
00:28:55David Smith?
00:28:57The chairman of the
00:28:59North Group?
00:29:01Does that mean the Moors are also
00:29:03involved in this? The richest
00:29:05in the state?
00:29:13A natural
00:29:15red diamond.
00:29:23Not even an old-day British king
00:29:25owned one of them.
00:29:35The Wrath
00:29:37of the Medusa
00:29:39by Theodor
00:29:47No way.
00:29:49Right out of the Louvre?
00:29:51That's crazy. Just for this?
00:29:57a mansion
00:29:59in Beverly Hills.
00:30:01He can't be serious.
00:30:03The price of that mansion is five times
00:30:05the price of the penthouse from Kara.
00:30:07I cannot even imagine
00:30:09the price.
00:30:11At this point, why didn't they just give her
00:30:13the entire room?
00:30:17What? How can Isabella
00:30:19afford all this?
00:30:23Isabella, have you been lying to me?
00:30:29I never lied. You just never
00:30:31asked. I was about to tell you
00:30:33and I never got the chance.
00:30:35Oh, and by the way, all of these gifts
00:30:37were going to be for you.
00:30:39Did she afford all this?
00:30:41I don't know, but it seems like she's not going to fall.
00:30:43These gifts
00:30:45are from Miss Moore.
00:30:47Thank you, Mr. Smith.
00:30:49We are honored.
00:30:51Mr. Moore intends on holding
00:30:53a date party for Miss Moore.
00:30:55This is the invitation for Ryan Jacobs.
00:30:57What the hell?
00:30:59Dad really knows how to embarrass me.
00:31:01Mr. Smith,
00:31:03are these gifts from you or Isabella?
00:31:07Oh, they're from the...
00:31:11Mr. Smith,
00:31:13are these gifts from you or Isabella?
00:31:17Oh, they're from the...
00:31:23What a day.
00:31:25It's embarrassing.
00:31:27I don't want to admit it.
00:31:29Is she trying to hide herself again?
00:31:31Mr. Smith,
00:31:33can I join the banquet party you've mentioned?
00:31:35How can I join too?
00:31:37Yes, sir.
00:31:39But I don't have your invitation right now.
00:31:41Is there something wrong?
00:31:43Chris, mind your manners.
00:31:49Thank you, Mr. Smith.
00:31:51I'll make sure Ryan gets to the banquet on time.
00:31:57Mr. Smith, I must say
00:31:59these gifts are miraculous.
00:32:03With all my appreciation,
00:32:05I will have to prepare
00:32:07some gifts in return.
00:32:09One who knows the game can play it well.
00:32:11These gifts pale in comparison
00:32:13to the invitation.
00:32:15Invitation to a date?
00:32:17What's so special about it?
00:32:19You know nothing.
00:32:21It's obvious Miss Moore has taken a liking to Ryan.
00:32:23Once he becomes Mr. Moore's son-in-law...
00:32:27Don't mind.
00:32:29I'm just doing my job.
00:32:31And Miss Moore.
00:32:33Thank you so much for your kindness, Mr. Smith.
00:32:35I appreciate it.
00:32:37Now, please, sorry for all the chaos we made.
00:32:39Have a good evening, madam.
00:32:49Looks like we've been duped by someone again.
00:32:51Isabella, it seems the gifts
00:32:53have nothing to do with you.
00:32:55What do you mean?
00:32:57Well, madam, did you not hear David's words?
00:32:59He never acknowledged Isabella
00:33:01and explicitly said that the gifts
00:33:03are from Mr. and Miss Moore.
00:33:07Besides, Isabella's already married.
00:33:09Why would Mr. Moore hold a date
00:33:11for his daughter who's already in a relationship?
00:33:15Miss Robbins, Isabella is nothing
00:33:17but a housewife.
00:33:19She has nothing to do with David.
00:33:21Mr. Smith is a prominent figure.
00:33:23How dare you exploit his status
00:33:25to impersonate Miss Moore?
00:33:27Thanks to Carson, Vigilant Companion,
00:33:29you almost had me fooled.
00:33:31Happy to be of service, Miss Robbins.
00:33:33Kara, Ryan and I are married.
00:33:35That's a fact.
00:33:37Well, don't you forget
00:33:39that the Moore's now admiring Ryan.
00:33:41What will they do?
00:33:47What will I do?
00:33:49What will I do?
00:33:51Ryan, just a
00:33:53gently reminder to your wife,
00:33:55Miss Moore.
00:33:57She won't win this one.
00:34:01I'll just sit back and watch the show.
00:34:03Let's go.
00:34:11I'll take you home.
00:34:17if you still consider me your grandmother,
00:34:19you will divorce her
00:34:21and take a chance on the date party.
00:34:25respect me.
00:34:27This is not about Isabella. This is about me.
00:34:29I will decide my own fate.
00:34:31Ryan, you've just offended Kara.
00:34:33Enemies can and will be
00:34:35our downfall. Everybody wants peace.
00:34:37Chris is right.
00:34:39Do your plan.
00:34:49I'm securing a bid for the biggest
00:34:51chain of restaurants in the United States
00:34:53with high hopes of financial
00:34:55support from the North Group.
00:34:57We will no longer be limited to New York.
00:34:59The North Group is affiliated
00:35:01with Miss Moore.
00:35:03She didn't come to the party tonight.
00:35:05Maybe she's not happy about it.
00:35:07I invited
00:35:09Xavier Ludden, one of the top
00:35:11five chefs in the United States.
00:35:13He's very persuasive
00:35:15and David admires him.
00:35:17I'm meeting with him next week.
00:35:19Well, if you can secure David,
00:35:21I'll refrain
00:35:23from intervening in your marriage.
00:35:25You have my word, Grandma.
00:35:27Grandma, why don't you give me the invitation?
00:35:29If he's not into it,
00:35:31I'm into it.
00:35:33Chris, your name is not
00:35:35on the invitation.
00:35:37And I'm quite sure you're not
00:35:39Miss Moore's type.
00:35:41Your grandma knows you better than you do.
00:35:45I'm out of here.
00:35:51If Miss Moore is angry,
00:35:53even Mr. Smith can't...
00:35:55I'm not angry.
00:35:57Grandma, it's possible that
00:35:59Mr. Moore sent the invitation on a web.
00:36:01Maybe he's not even
00:36:03interested in me.
00:36:05I am Miss Moore.
00:36:09Grandma, I will go to the
00:36:11date party.
00:36:13I will explain everything.
00:36:17Ryan, you're representing our family.
00:36:19Make decisions prudently.
00:36:29Ryan, what the hell?
00:36:31Don't talk nonsense
00:36:33in front of my grandmother.
00:36:35Ryan, you're such an idiot.
00:36:43Gather around.
00:36:45Miss Moore will be here in no time.
00:36:47You two, meet Miss Moore at the gate
00:36:49to make sure that she feels at home.
00:36:51You two, make sure that everything
00:36:53around here is immaculate.
00:36:55And you, I want you to
00:36:57make sure with everyone else that the
00:36:59presidential suite is clean.
00:37:01That is the most important
00:37:03thing. Nobody uses that room
00:37:05except Miss Moore. Are there any
00:37:07questions? No.
00:37:09Then what are you waiting for? Piss off!
00:37:11Wait, one more thing.
00:37:13If Miss Moore
00:37:15enjoys her stay
00:37:17at the hotel, we will become
00:37:19the most renowned hotel
00:37:21in the world. Now hurry up!
00:37:23Be gone!
00:37:35She must be Miss Moore.
00:37:41Welcome Miss Moore.
00:37:43It's our honor.
00:37:49Welcome Miss Moore.
00:37:51It's our honor.
00:37:55Did you see that?
00:37:57She's so beautiful.
00:37:59I'm so proud of her.
00:38:01I'm so proud of her.
00:38:03I'm so proud of her.
00:38:05I'm so proud of her.
00:38:07I'm so proud of her.
00:38:09Did you see
00:38:11her Air Meg limited edition
00:38:13crocodile skin Birkin bag?
00:38:15I bet it's worth
00:38:17bargains. And her dress is
00:38:19Prada. I only saw celebrity wear it on TV.
00:38:21Why are you
00:38:23here? Although Carson gave you
00:38:25money, I suggest you be frugal. Mind
00:38:27your business.
00:38:29Miss Moore, welcome to the Four Seasons
00:38:31Hotel. Oh, thank you.
00:38:33There's been a mistake.
00:38:35I am the Miss Moore that you've been waiting
00:38:41You couldn't even afford to
00:38:43look at Miss Moore's bag.
00:38:47It's just an Hermes bag. What's so special
00:38:49about it? I have a closet of limited
00:38:51editions. That one doesn't even look
00:38:53sturdy. Give it a rest, Isabella.
00:38:55Miss Moore, please don't
00:38:57be angry. Security!
00:39:01What in my mouth? That's the
00:39:03SVP card. The hotel only has
00:39:05two SVP cards?
00:39:07Donald Moore and his daughter each have one.
00:39:09Is she Miss Moore?
00:39:13But wait, the key to the
00:39:15presidential suite is gold.
00:39:17Why is hers black?
00:39:19Maybe she's using a fake
00:39:21card to deceive us.
00:39:23This black card works
00:39:25in all Four Seasons hotels.
00:39:27This one is no exception.
00:39:29Wait a second. If I can make them
00:39:31believe I'm Miss Moore, does that mean
00:39:33me and Carson will get a free stay in a
00:39:35luxury suite?
00:39:37I must let Isabella leave.
00:39:39Don't waste my time.
00:39:41Get rid of this crazy woman. Security!
00:39:45Wait. It'll be easy to know who the
00:39:47real Miss Moore is. Whoever
00:39:49unlocks the door to the presidential suite
00:39:53I don't have a card. I need to get rid
00:39:55of her quickly. Don't just stand there.
00:39:57Do something, you two!
00:39:59It only takes a few seconds to swipe a card.
00:40:01I wonder why you're so resistant.
00:40:09Let's see.
00:40:19Still can't find your key card?
00:40:21Do not bother Miss Moore.
00:40:23Exactly. Whoever has the card
00:40:29How big is your bar?
00:40:35Miss Moore.
00:40:37I'm the janitor here.
00:40:39I just finished cleaning this room.
00:40:47I found it.
00:40:53What are you doing? Get out! Get out!
00:40:57Get out!
00:41:03Mom, you said you were cleaning the room.
00:41:05Hurry up. I need the card.
00:41:07I just finished cleaning this room.
00:41:11Well, well, well. Look at that.
00:41:13Turns out she is the real
00:41:15Miss Moore. Poor woman.
00:41:17Do you have anything to say?
00:41:19Miss Moore.
00:41:21Would you mind providing my husband's phone number?
00:41:25let me show you the difference between us.
00:41:27After all, my world
00:41:29is beyond your imagination.
00:41:35Miss Moore,
00:41:37could you please turn on the lights?
00:41:39Hold on. I'm trying to find
00:41:41power. The design is
00:41:43kind of bullshit.
00:41:45Are you sure the lights are turned on by a switch?
00:41:53Hey Siri, lights on.
00:41:55Miss Moore,
00:41:57welcome to Four Seasons Hotel
00:41:59in New York.
00:42:03Miss Moore hasn't paid
00:42:05a hotel visit in quite some time.
00:42:07She would have had the chance
00:42:09to learn about our new system.
00:42:13I always attend the suburban ones.
00:42:15I hate city air.
00:42:17Unless something urgent,
00:42:19I wouldn't be here.
00:42:21I haven't seen Miss Moore in the past two years.
00:42:25Poverty often limits one's perception.
00:42:27Don't blame her.
00:42:31Seems that you would never admit that you were lying
00:42:33unless I proved it.
00:42:39I set the safe password myself.
00:42:41My dad couldn't even open this one.
00:42:43Miss Moore,
00:42:45can you tell me
00:42:47what's inside?
00:42:51I own thousands of safes like this.
00:42:53How can I remember every single one?
00:42:55You're so right, Miss Moore.
00:42:57I only have one debit card,
00:42:59and I still forget my PIN number.
00:43:01You may not remember the password,
00:43:03but you would never forget what was inside.
00:43:07My jewelry collection.
00:43:09Nothing special.
00:43:11It's exactly the opposite.
00:43:13It's very special.
00:43:15It's a plastic ring that Carson bought for me
00:43:17when he was very poor.
00:43:19Back when it all started.
00:43:23Who would put something as useless
00:43:25as a plastic ring in a safe?
00:43:27Do you know what safes are for?
00:43:29They're for
00:43:33Perhaps a plastic ring
00:43:35holds value to her.
00:43:37You only care about money,
00:43:39so I would never know
00:43:41what's inside.
00:43:43You only care about money,
00:43:45so I would never expect you to understand the significance.
00:44:07It is a plastic ring.
00:44:09Is she the real Miss Moore?
00:44:11Oh my God,
00:44:13we've confused someone else for Miss Moore.
00:44:15We've called Miss Moore a poor woman.
00:44:17Oh my God.
00:44:19Sarah, this is over.
00:44:21Let's go home.
00:44:23She's in on it.
00:44:25They set me up.
00:44:31Yes, Isabelle is the one who asked me to put the ring in the safe.
00:44:33I confess.
00:44:35How dare you impersonate Miss Moore
00:44:37to live in the presidential suite?
00:44:39I will call the police.
00:44:45Wait, what is going on here?
00:44:47Who is impersonating Miss Moore?
00:44:49Mr. Furwood,
00:44:51it's this woman.
00:44:53She colluded with Daisy to impersonate Miss Moore.
00:45:01do I hire a bunch of
00:45:03idiots in the first place?
00:45:05You morons, this is the real Miss Moore.
00:45:07Miss Moore,
00:45:09please make yourself at home.
00:45:15I don't know who you are,
00:45:17but you must leave here immediately.
00:45:19Wait, wait.
00:45:21I'm Carson King's partner.
00:45:23I don't care if he's
00:45:25Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg
00:45:27or Bill Gates
00:45:29or Elon.
00:45:31You must get out of here.
00:45:33You are both blacklisted
00:45:35from both towns.
00:45:39And as for the three of you,
00:45:41no one in New York will ever hire you ever again.
00:45:43You'll never work in this town ever.
00:45:45Now get out!
00:45:51are you alright?
00:45:53Who are they?
00:45:55How did Isabelle know the pin to the safe in the presidential suite?
00:45:57Is she the real Miss Moore?
00:45:59Is there a plastic ring inside?
00:46:01How do you know?
00:46:03Wayne is Isabelle's uncle.
00:46:05It's him
00:46:07that gave the key to Isabelle.
00:46:09The real Miss Moore doesn't come around.
00:46:13that does make sense.
00:46:15No wonder Wade is so protective over her.
00:46:19once I secure the contract, I'll help you retaliate again.
00:46:27look who it is.
00:46:29How can I help you today?
00:46:31Oh, Isabelle,
00:46:33no way.
00:46:35I was supposed to go to Cecilia's.
00:46:37I hear she has the nicest place on the block,
00:46:39but uh...
00:46:41Are you working for her?
00:46:43No, I'm not.
00:46:45Can you give me a glass of water?
00:46:53No ice?
00:47:01Oh, uh...
00:47:03I have a sudden craving for
00:47:05pot's water.
00:47:09Of course you do.
00:47:15Are you trying to
00:47:17burn me?
00:47:19Isabelle, I'm here to eat.
00:47:21Don't take it personally, okay?
00:47:23You know what? I'm not serving you today.
00:47:27Why are you here?
00:47:31Let me introduce my love, Lydia.
00:47:35Your love?
00:47:37Then what does that make me?
00:47:39When did this happen?
00:47:41So, you're good, but...
00:47:43Lydia should be proud of you.
00:47:45So you betray me?
00:47:49Deja vu.
00:47:51What an asshole.
00:47:53Shut up, Isabelle.
00:47:55If you just came here to show off your new sweetheart,
00:47:57I get the point. We're closed.
00:47:59Oh, you're too kind.
00:48:01But I'm here to inform you that Ryan can't win the bid.
00:48:03So you're screwed.
00:48:07Ryan has Xavier on his side, right?
00:48:11As far as I know, Xavier only supports the Moors.
00:48:13The Moors are supporting Ryan.
00:48:15They don't even want a bid.
00:48:17Xavier and Levin will be backing Ryan.
00:48:19Hard to say.
00:48:21But what if the Moors support me?
00:48:23Then what would Mr. Levin say?
00:48:25And in what world would that happen?
00:48:27God, you're a nag.
00:48:29A nag dumps you anyway.
00:48:31Let me introduce you two.
00:48:33This is Moor, Lydia.
00:48:35I have a sister?
00:48:37What? How did you do it?
00:48:39The Moor family.
00:48:43I am Mr. Moor's only daughter.
00:48:45Dad, what have you done?
00:48:47Lydia helped me with the support from the Moors.
00:48:49You stand no chance.
00:48:51Hard to say.
00:48:53Mr. Levin is one of the top five chefs,
00:48:55but I never know if there might be someone behind the curtain.
00:48:57Fact, but doesn't work for you.
00:48:59Only Cecilia has ever beat Mr. Levin
00:49:01at the Top Chef World competition.
00:49:03But it's not a legend.
00:49:05No one knows where she is.
00:49:07She disappeared three years ago.
00:49:09Okay, you've all made your point. Now, get out.
00:49:11Aren't you afraid?
00:49:13Afraid of what?
00:49:15You know, what if I was Cecilia?
00:49:19Why do you always pretend to be other?
00:49:21It must be because of her low self-esteem.
00:49:23Stop fantasizing about things you can't have.
00:49:25Stay away from her.
00:49:31Let's see what happens.
00:49:33I can't wait to see you cry, loser.
00:49:39But I am going to warn you.
00:49:41Stay away from my wife.
00:49:45I won't even look at her.
00:49:49Are you Ryan Jacobs?
00:49:51Wow, you really are as handsome
00:49:53as they say you are.
00:49:55I am married
00:49:57Miss Whoever.
00:49:59Oh, I don't mind.
00:50:01You did get my invitation to the date party, right?
00:50:03I'm gonna make sure you're there.
00:50:07you prepared that party for me, right?
00:50:09I'm the one that you want,
00:50:13It's hard to say.
00:50:15I am Miss More, after all.
00:50:17I can really have whoever I want.
00:50:19Okay, I don't care who you are.
00:50:21Don't touch my husband.
00:50:23He's obviously gonna break up with you soon, sweaty.
00:50:29Mr. More is asking you to go home now.
00:50:37Mr. More is asking you to go home now.
00:50:39Hi, I'm coming.
00:50:41I can't wait to see you there.
00:50:45Who is she?
00:50:47Who is she?
00:50:49She's your uncle's illegitimate daughter.
00:50:51She just got back from Norway.
00:50:53She'll be at the family dinner tonight.
00:50:55She is not a More.
00:50:57You wanna come with us?
00:50:59Mr. More misses you very much.
00:51:01I can't.
00:51:03I'll come soon.
00:51:05Fine, just let me know whenever.
00:51:07Lydia, time to go.
00:51:13Oh, not you, sir.
00:51:17I'm sorry.
00:51:21Sarah, would you like to give me a second chance?
00:51:23Would you go to dinner with me?
00:51:25Oh, go fuck yourself.
00:51:29Why is Carson here?
00:51:31Did he hurt you?
00:51:33No, no, I'm fine.
00:51:35It was about you.
00:51:37He said that Xavier isn't helping you.
00:51:39It's fine, that doesn't matter.
00:51:41As long as you're safe,
00:51:43I can worry about that later.
00:51:45This is about your business.
00:51:47Silly girl.
00:51:49I make money in more than one way.
00:51:53So, am I really that important to you?
00:51:57After all,
00:51:59you are my wife, aren't you?
00:52:01Well then,
00:52:03you're just gonna have to live.
00:52:05Where's all this confidence coming from?
00:52:07Are you missing More again?
00:52:09No, that's a secret.
00:52:11What are you doing here anyway?
00:52:15I almost forgot.
00:52:17I'm here to take you dress shopping.
00:52:21Let's go.
00:52:27This is the first time I've ever
00:52:29closed these doors this early.
00:52:31Will your boss be angry?
00:52:35I can compensate, just let me know the numbers.
00:52:37I don't need your money.
00:52:39Money isn't everything.
00:52:41You're right, it's not.
00:52:49Shall we?
00:52:51Let's go.
00:52:59Oh wow.
00:53:01Looks like someone actually has taste.
00:53:03Of course I do.
00:53:05I've been thinking about this for a while.
00:53:09Try this.
00:53:11You're so cute.
00:53:31How do I look?
00:53:47I don't know why
00:53:49I can't find the words.
00:53:55Excuse me.
00:53:59We'll take all of them.
00:54:09What's in here?
00:54:11You'll find out later.
00:54:13I heard Miss Moore
00:54:15just flew back to New York.
00:54:17Yeah, and she's stunning.
00:54:19She's not as tough as I imagined.
00:54:21Don't talk about Miss Moore.
00:54:31Lydia, you're looking gorgeous.
00:54:35Ryan, what do you think?
00:54:41I already have a wife
00:54:43and I don't intend to lose her.
00:54:45Not even a kind word?
00:54:47Too bad that was your last chance.
00:54:49I didn't want to destroy your dignity
00:54:51unless I had to, but now
00:54:53you're going down.
00:54:57Miss Moore?
00:55:01That's Xavier Loudon!
00:55:03So what Carson said is true.
00:55:05Sorry, Ryan.
00:55:07They've been helping me a lot.
00:55:09I have to do this.
00:55:11This is just the beginning.
00:55:13She represents the Moore family.
00:55:15No wonder Xavier's on her side.
00:55:17You're gonna regret this,
00:55:19Mr. Jacobs.
00:55:21You can't win this one.
00:55:23The Robin family will aid Miss Moore.
00:55:25The Kingsley family will support
00:55:27Miss Moore.
00:55:29The Johnson family will help Miss Moore.
00:55:31The Hawthorne family will aid Miss Moore.
00:55:33The Grant family is on Miss Moore.
00:55:37Mr. Grant, how could you?
00:55:39I support Ryan Jacobs.
00:55:45Isabelle, please don't get involved in this.
00:55:47Don't worry, I know what I'm doing.
00:55:53You really want to bet me?
00:55:57Why not?
00:55:59Are you sure?
00:56:01How can you even bet me?
00:56:05I am Cecilia.
00:56:07The most famous chef in the States?
00:56:09How could she be Cecilia?
00:56:11No one even knows where she is.
00:56:15And she's been missing for three years now.
00:56:17Even if you are Cecilia,
00:56:19you're so stupid.
00:56:21You're not qualified to sit at the same table
00:56:23as the rest of us.
00:56:25People at the table are betting with chips,
00:56:27not status.
00:56:29Please stop this.
00:56:31Do it for me.
00:56:33Okay, $500.
00:56:35And if I join her instead?
00:56:43why are you two together?
00:56:45You think you're the only one who can find someone rich?
00:56:49Who are you?
00:56:51I'm Chris Jacobs. My offer is 5%
00:56:53of my company shares.
00:56:55Chris, what are you doing?
00:56:59That's a lot of money.
00:57:01Looks like the brothers
00:57:03didn't come to an agreement.
00:57:05Ryan, your decisions are
00:57:07driving this company off the cliff.
00:57:09I'm here to help you.
00:57:11It's funny how you all start fighting
00:57:13before I even make a move.
00:57:15I'm going to put $100 million on the line.
00:57:17What about you?
00:57:19It's your move.
00:57:21My chip represents a 1% share
00:57:23of the North Group.
00:57:27The North Group? You can't do that.
00:57:29Are you crazy?
00:57:31The whole corporation is mine.
00:57:33Why can't I use some of it to help my husband?
00:57:35What are you suggesting?
00:57:37When was the last time you talked to David?
00:57:39Why are you so surprised?
00:57:41There's more.
00:57:43Of course she can.
00:57:45She can literally tell me to fuck off
00:57:47and I'll do it.
00:57:49She's the owner of the Northern Group.
00:57:51That's something new.
00:57:53You're saying there's more than 5% of Jacobs?
00:57:55Those numbers are really high.
00:57:59Calm down, Lydia.
00:58:01You can't lose.
00:58:03You only have $100 million.
00:58:05If you win, you get all the money.
00:58:07Now that Mr. Smith has said yes,
00:58:09can we start our bets?
00:58:13Chris, what's your trump card?
00:58:15My trump card is right here.
00:58:17The real Cecilia.
00:58:23Not this again.
00:58:27Get me out of here.
00:58:29This is my book of recipes.
00:58:31Take a look.
00:58:35She stole my notebook.
00:58:41Some very unique recipes in here.
00:58:45Some I couldn't even imitate.
00:58:47Who are you working for?
00:58:49You're going to make me lose my bet.
00:58:51I'm sorry, Ms. Moore.
00:58:53I can't help you win the bid.
00:58:55To recognize the gap,
00:58:57I admit defeat.
00:58:59Xavier admitted defeat?
00:59:01Does that mean Mr. Jacobs won?
00:59:03Hold on.
00:59:05Why doesn't everyone have a look at this?
00:59:17These are some desserts that I made for my husband.
00:59:19But I thought that you might be interested in seeing them.
00:59:25The Unborn Phoenix.
00:59:27From Sublimation.
00:59:29The most expensive restaurant in the world.
00:59:33But they only feature this on the menu
00:59:37Cecilia visits.
00:59:39What's so hard about making cupcakes?
00:59:41You don't know pain.
00:59:43Or maybe someone did it for her.
00:59:45Didn't you say you were Cecilia?
00:59:49No, it wasn't me.
00:59:51How dare you lie to me, bitch.
00:59:53I was just trying to help.
00:59:55You stole my notebook yesterday, didn't you?
00:59:59It was just a coincidence.
01:00:01Wait a minute.
01:00:03It's possible that Cecilia made these cakes
01:00:05and gave them to Isabella.
01:00:09Maybe she's working for Cecilia
01:00:11and Cecilia helped her this time.
01:00:18neden her zaman çok aptal olmalısın?
01:00:22bu pini hatırlıyor musun?
01:00:24Bunun ne kadar özel olduğunu biliyorum.
01:00:26Buralarda birçok tane var.
01:00:28Aman Tanrım,
01:00:30sen misin?
01:00:32Dünyadaki tüm gymlerden
01:00:34daha pahalısın.
01:00:38Xavier, neden
01:00:40bu pin hakkında çok eminsin?
01:00:42Bu Top Chef Dünya Kampanyası'ndan.
01:00:46Karşılıklıydım ama
01:00:48en büyük nefretim
01:00:50onunla tanışmak.
01:00:52Eğer emin olursan, deneyebilirsin.
01:00:57Bu benim şerefim.
01:01:07Ryan, bu senin.
01:01:15İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:01:17Bir sonraki videoda görüşmek üzere.
01:01:45İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:01:47İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:01:49İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:01:51İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:01:53İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:01:55İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:01:57İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:01:59İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:02:01İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:02:03İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:02:05İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:02:07İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:02:09İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:02:11İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
01:02:17Abi, birde beni koruyamazsın.
01:02:21Ben bir kasabada değilim.
01:02:23Lütfen anlatayım.
01:02:25Bu beni rahatsız ediyor.
01:02:27Götürün onları buradan!
01:02:35Bu da ne?
01:02:37Babam bana uzun süredir
01:02:39ne zaman geçmek istediğini söyledi
01:02:41İzabela, beni yıkıttın. Şimdi ödeneceksin.
01:02:47Sesimi anlayamadığımı sanmıyordum.
01:02:52Sera, saçmalama.
01:02:54Lütfen git şu an.
01:02:56Ama hala duygusallaşıyorsun değil mi?
01:02:58Sana zarar vermeyeceğimi sanmıyordun mu?
01:03:00Neden bunu yapıyorsun?
01:03:02Neden nefret ediyorsun?
01:03:04Nefret ediyorsan, nefret edersen, nefret edersen.
01:03:08Neden bunu yapıyorsun?
01:03:10Neden beni çok nefret ediyorsun?
01:03:12Neden? Bu iyi bir soru değil mi?
01:03:15Hayatımı, ailemi, sevgimi, mükemmelliğimi...
01:03:20Çok nefret ediyorsun.
01:03:21Neden beni nefret ediyorsun?
01:03:23Sakin ol!
01:03:24Bunu söylemek için bir şansın yok.
01:03:27Hiç böyle bir şey hissetmedin.
01:03:29Benim gibi bir hayat yaşamadın.
01:03:31Ben kim olduğumu bile bilmiyorsun.
01:03:33Sen yaşadığın, yaşadığın, yaşadığın bir hayat yaşamadığın bir şeyin yok.
01:03:42Benim hakkım ne?
01:03:43Benim gibi bir şey hissetmedin.
01:03:45Benim hakkım yok.
01:03:47Sessiz ol!
01:03:49Ben bir kimselerden geldim.
01:03:52Annem insanların odasını temizliyor,
01:03:54babam bir konserci.
01:03:56Kıyafetim yok!
01:03:58Hayatım kötü!
01:04:00Hayatım kötü!
01:04:02Bu yöntemde...
01:04:06...küçük bir şey değil.
01:04:11Ama sen...
01:04:12...Amerika'nın en ünlü şefi,
01:04:16en zengin ailesinin kızı.
01:04:19Neden Karsten'i seçtin?
01:04:21O bir uçsuz köpek.
01:04:22Neden her şeyi benimden aldın?
01:04:26Sen onunla nefret edersin.
01:04:28Ama neden ona?
01:04:30Neden onu öldürdün?
01:04:31Çünkü ben bu çatıdan çıkmak zorundayım.
01:04:34Eğer Chris...
01:04:35...ya da Karsen...
01:04:36...ya da kimsenin beni evlendiğinde...
01:04:39...yemek yerine koyabilirim.
01:04:41Hayatımı geri getirebilirim.
01:04:43Herkesi mutlu edebilirim.
01:04:46Bir daha seni oyuncuyla görmeyecek miyiz?
01:04:48Sessiz ol!
01:04:50Sen ve Lydia gibi daha iyi bir hayat için her şeyi yapabilirim.
01:04:53Neden bu kadar adil?
01:04:58Seni öldürmek hiç sorun değil.
01:05:00Seni öldürmek...
01:05:05Ayaktaki kitaplara bak.
01:05:07Eğer Ryan seni kurtarmak istiyorsa,
01:05:09tüm paralarını vermeli.
01:05:11Sonra Chris bana evlenmek istiyordu.
01:05:14Bu senin tüm hayatın mı?
01:05:16İnsanlar ve para mı?
01:05:17Allah'ım tabii ki hayır!
01:05:22...çok fazla paraya ihtiyacım var.
01:05:25Ben ömrümdeyim.
01:05:26Ailem de ömrümde.
01:05:29Bunu yapmalıyım.
01:05:31Bu kapıyı bırakırsam,
01:05:32kredilerim de benimle gelecek.
01:05:36fakir dünyada yaşıyorum.
01:05:38Yalan yapmalıyım.
01:05:40Yalan çok zor.
01:05:41Sen anlayamazsın.
01:05:44Sen patiksin.
01:05:45Chris'e güvenmek için çılgınsın.
01:05:47Bırakacaklar seni.
01:05:49Sen patiksin.
01:05:50Ben değilim.
01:05:51Sen gibi aptal ve aptal değilim.
01:05:53Onu koruyacağım.
01:05:54Onu koruyacağım.
01:05:55Sadece o kaldı.
01:05:58Kredilerini koruyacağım.
01:06:04...ayrıca onu öldüreceğim.
01:06:09Tamam, sakin ol.
01:06:10Sakin ol.
01:06:12Bunu cevap ver.
01:06:13Neden Isabella'yı vermiyorsun?
01:06:15İkinizin evlendiğinde ben oradaydım.
01:06:17Sen ve Isabella önce birbirinizi bilmiyordun.
01:06:19Tamam, tamam.
01:06:20Söyleyebiliriz ama lütfen.
01:06:21Söyleyebiliriz ama lütfen.
01:06:22Hayır, hayır, hayır.
01:06:24Neden Lydia Moore'u seçmiyorsun?
01:06:32...belki biz olmalıydık.
01:06:35Belki onu sevdim.
01:06:37Allah'ını seversen.
01:06:38Sevdiğimi mi?
01:06:39Bununla ilgileniyorsun mu?
01:06:42Transfer teklifini yaz.
01:06:43Ben yazmayacağım.
01:06:45Bekleyin, bekleyin.
01:06:48Sen haklısın, sen haklısın.
01:06:49Daha önce birbirimizi bilmiyorduk, tamam mı?
01:06:50Biz bir aileyiz.
01:06:53...Karson'a kızgınım.
01:06:54Ve ona özür dilerim diye bir şey yapmak istedim.
01:06:57...Ryan Kara'yla aynı şeyi yapıyordu.
01:06:59Kara'yla ilgilendiği için.
01:07:00Daha önce bir aileydik.
01:07:02Sessiz olun.
01:07:03Lütfen, lütfen, lütfen.
01:07:04Lütfen, lütfen, lütfen.
01:07:05Lütfen, lütfen, lütfen.
01:07:09Ryan, düşünün.
01:07:10Her şeyi kaybedeceksiniz.
01:07:11Sessiz olun.
01:07:12Tamam, tamam.
01:07:13Ben yazacağım.
01:07:14Sen üçüncü bir seçmen yok.
01:07:15O ya o ya da şerler.
01:07:19Tamam, yazdım.
01:07:24Ellerinizin her birinin yanında.
01:07:30Yardım edin.
01:07:31Yardım edin.
01:07:41Beni kötü yaptın.
01:07:46Kendi kardeşimi nasıl kandırdın?
01:07:51Beni kullandın.
01:07:53Bütün bunu planlıyordun.
01:07:54Düşündüğümden çok daha aptalsın.
01:07:56Sana bunu yapmayı söylemedim.
01:07:58Ve neden ona çok nefret ediyorsun?
01:08:06Nereye gidiyorsunuz?
01:08:08Üzgünüm efendim.
01:08:09Bu benim işim değil.
01:08:12Yürüyebilecek misin?
01:08:14Emin misin?
01:08:17Aaron dışarıda bekliyor.
01:08:20Benimle ilgili bir aile işim var.
01:08:22Seni hastaneye götüreceğim.
01:08:24Sonra seni orada bulacağım, tamam mı?
01:08:26Dışarıda bir şey yapamazsın, değil mi?
01:08:31Dışarıda mı?
01:08:34Bu taraftan.
01:08:35Anladın mı?
01:08:44Bu kadını kaybettik gibi görünüyor.
01:08:52Ne yapıyorsun adamım?
01:09:12Ne yapıyorsun adamım?
01:09:14Ne yapıyorsun?
01:09:15Ne yapıyorsun?
01:09:18Her şeyi alabilirim.
01:09:19Umurumda değil.
01:09:21Ama sen İzabelle'yi korumazsın.
01:09:24Dinle adamım.
01:09:25Bu sadece bir şaka.
01:09:29Bu savaşın
01:09:30ona bir şey olmadığını anladın mı?
01:09:33Yeniden seni koruyacağım.
01:09:37Ona dokunmayacağım.
01:09:38Mutlu musun?
01:09:40Nedeni biliyorum.
01:09:41Nedeni biliyor musun?
01:09:43Çünkü bir şey olsaydı...
01:09:45Bir şey olmadığına emin değilim.
01:09:49Profesyoneller olacaktır.
01:10:05Nereye gidiyorsun adamım?
01:10:10Buradan ölürüm adamım.
01:10:22Motoru almamız gerekeni söylemiştik.
01:10:26Eğlenceli değil miydi?
01:10:30Annenin doğum günü.
01:10:31Annenin doğum günü.
01:10:38Üzgünüm, geçtik.
01:10:39Biraz trafik varmış.
01:10:42Hey Ryan.
01:10:43Oraya otur.
01:10:48Üzgünüm anne.
01:10:49Sadece Uncle Greg'in gelmesini bekliyoruz.
01:10:51En azından o koltuklardan biri olmalı.
01:10:56Herkesin iyi olduğunu anlıyorum.
01:10:57Benim kötülüğümden dolayı.
01:10:59Ryan, Mrs. Moore senin için değil miydi?
01:11:01Neden onu terk ettin?
01:11:03Bu kadın gerçekten...
01:11:05...ailenden daha önemli mi?
01:11:08Mr. Jacobs'un öldüğü zaman...
01:11:10...Ryan, Jacobs grubunun...
01:11:12...bir sorunu olduğu zaman geri döndü.
01:11:13Ailenden sen neredeydin...
01:11:16...Uncle Octavian?
01:11:19Duydum ki bu kadın için tüm paralarını vermiştin.
01:11:22Bu doğru mu?
01:11:30İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler.
01:11:34Ne yazık ki...
01:11:35...Chris'i aldı.
01:11:37...tıpkı sokaktaki bir insan değil.
01:11:39Nasıl kardeşini tutabilirdin?
01:11:42...bir çatıda...
01:11:43...ya da koltukta...
01:11:44...birlikte tutabilirdin?
01:11:46Eğer bir ailesi...
01:11:48...onu terk ettiyse...
01:11:49...aynı şeyi mi yapabilirdin?
01:11:50Ryan, neden...
01:11:51...onu çok seviyorsun?
01:11:54O sadece...
01:11:55...bir normal kız.
01:11:57Ryan, sana hatırlatmak istiyorum...
01:11:58...bu ailede...
01:12:00...ve zor işlerle bağlantılı.
01:12:02İğrençlikle değil.
01:12:05...şimdi Jacob's School'un başkanı.
01:12:13Üzgünüm, anne.
01:12:17Babaanne'in doğum gününü...
01:12:18...unutmuş olmalıydı.
01:12:21Bu benim hediyem.
01:12:22En sevdiğiniz düzeneğinden...
01:12:23...bir parçacık.
01:12:24Buna sabırsızlandım.
01:12:27Selamün aleyküm, babaanne.
01:12:30İyi çocuk.
01:12:32Babaanne ve...
01:12:33...Babaanne'nin babası Octavian...
01:12:35Ben babanın babası Octavian değilim.
01:12:36Bana öyle bir şey söyleme.
01:12:38Üzgünüm, Babaanne'nin babası Octavian.
01:12:41...benim eşim.
01:12:44...senin için olsaydı...
01:12:45...ben asla...
01:12:46...onunla yemeğe gitmezdim.
01:12:47Bu bizim...
01:12:48...ilk görüşmemizden dolayı...
01:12:51...giftler getirmek istedim.
01:12:53Ryan, şu an para kalmıyor.
01:12:54Ne yapabilirsin?
01:12:56Teşekkür ederim.
01:13:27Neden bu kadar tatlı olabilirsin?
01:13:29Çünkü sen benim ailemsin artık.
01:13:35Tamam, bak...
01:13:36...adına ne olduğunu söyleyelim.
01:13:37Ryan'ın paralarını...
01:13:38...bu köpeklere satmak için...
01:13:39...bu köpeklere satmak için...
01:13:40...bu köpeklere satmak için...
01:13:41...bu köpeklere satmak için...
01:13:42...bu köpeklere satmak için...
01:13:43...bu köpeklere satmak için...
01:13:44...bu köpeklere satmak için...
01:13:45...bu köpeklere satmak için...
01:13:46...bu köpeklere satmak için...
01:13:47...bu köpeklere satmak için...
01:13:48...bu köpeklere satmak için...
01:13:49...bu köpeklere satmak için...
01:13:50...bu köpeklere satmak için...
01:13:51...bu köpeklere satmak için...
01:13:54...bu şaşırtıcı değil, değil mi Chris?
01:13:56Çünkü sen...
01:13:57...çok fazla gerçeği çıkartıyorsun.
01:14:00O zaman...
01:14:01...o kim?
01:14:11Biliyorsunuz ki...
01:14:13...ünlü bir...
01:14:14...Middle-Eastern şefi...
01:14:15...çok fazla restoranları...
01:14:20...en iyi yiyen restoranı...
01:14:21...ve ben...
01:14:22...yaklaşık bir yıl...
01:14:23...reservasyonu bekliyordum.
01:14:24Nasıl olabilir?
01:14:28...ya da Isabella...
01:14:30...bu ödülü kazanmak...
01:14:31...ve siz...
01:14:34...anlamadığınızı göreceksiniz.
01:14:35Cecilia benim...
01:14:37Her zaman...
01:14:38...Middle-Eastern şefi...
01:14:39...çok inanılmaz.
01:14:42...teşekkür ederim...
01:14:43...bu değerli bir ödül için.
01:14:44Sağ ol.
01:14:46Herkes sakinleştik.
01:14:48Benim ödülümü görmedin.
01:14:53...benim ödümüm.
01:15:03Bir tane daha...
01:15:04...bir sürü...
01:15:05...şu sarı şişe.
01:15:08Bu tarz müşteri...
01:15:09...çok rar ve...
01:15:10...unik olmalı.
01:15:11Neden iki sürü...
01:15:12...aynı gibi görünüyorlar?
01:15:14...Bey Greg buradaydı.
01:15:15O antikleri...
01:15:16...çok iyi bilir.
01:15:18...kara olmalı.
01:15:21...kara etmeliyiz.
01:15:24...çok gerçek.
01:15:27...yalan söyleyebilirsin?
01:15:30Amazon çöpü.
01:15:31Nasıl buraya...
01:15:32...bu çöpü getirdin?
01:15:34Bu gerçek bir antik.
01:15:36...senin gibi...
01:15:37...fakir antikler vermezdi.
01:15:38Sana güvenemezdim.
01:15:44...çılgınca davranıyorlar bilmiyorum ama...
01:15:45...sana emin olabilirim.
01:15:47...benim değil.
01:15:49Biliyor musun...
01:15:50...bu hediye sizin.
01:15:51Onlarla yapabilirsiniz...
01:15:52...ne istiyorsanız yapın.
01:15:54...onu özür dilemezsiniz.
01:15:56Üzgünüm, geçtim.
01:15:59...hayırlı doğum gününü.
01:16:05Bir şey mi kaybettim?
01:16:12...antik değilsin.
01:16:14Kardeşinin doğum gününü...
01:16:18Unuttun değil mi?
01:16:19Ben gelmedim mi?
01:16:24Bunlar ne lan?
01:16:27Bu çöpü bırak.
01:16:30O zaman Uncle Greg'i Chris'e aldı.
01:16:31Annenin doğum günü hediyesi.
01:16:33Onları nasıl çöp diyebilirsin?
01:16:35Onları satın alabilirsin.
01:16:36Amazon'da 100 dolar için...
01:16:37...10 tane satın alabilirim.
01:16:39Onları alabilirsin...
01:16:40...eğer beğenirsin.
01:16:42...özür dilerim.
01:16:44Bunları özellikle...
01:16:45...annem için buldum.
01:16:46Bir ay arıyordum.
01:16:47Nasıl satın alabilirler?
01:16:51Bir hata yaptım.
01:16:59Hayır, hayır, hayır.
01:17:00Bu çöpler için çok para ödedim.
01:17:02Satın alabilirler.
01:17:03Uncle Greg beni korkuttun.
01:17:05Gerçek birini...
01:17:06...satın aldığımı sanmıştım.
01:17:12Bu gerçek gibi görünüyor.
01:17:15Gerçekten mi Uncle Greg?
01:17:17Bunlara bir bakmam gerekiyor.
01:17:19Bunlara bir bak.
01:17:24Satın almak için...
01:17:25...5-6 tane var.
01:17:26Bu ne kadar ne kadar...
01:17:28Burada sadece bir tane var.
01:17:33Bu konuda...
01:17:34...Uncle Greg'e...
01:17:35...satın almak için...
01:17:36...dikkatli olmalısın.
01:17:38...her yerde...
01:17:39...bir şeyler var.
01:17:48Kim yaptı bunu?
01:17:51Bunun ne kısmı olduğunu biliyor musun?
01:17:53Güzellikli bir...
01:17:54...güneşli bir...
01:17:55...güneşli bir...
01:17:56...ne kadar güzel bir şey.
01:17:57Hadi ama...
01:18:01Yanlışlıkla olamaz mısın?
01:18:03...benim kolektifime bir bak.
01:18:05Bunlar aptal.
01:18:06Artificial Coloring'e...
01:18:07...zamanımı kaybetme.
01:18:11Bütün hayatımda...
01:18:12...antikleri okudum.
01:18:13Yanlış mı söylüyorsun?
01:18:18Kim çöktü?
01:18:25O yaptı.
01:18:30...koleyi çalıştırıyor ve...
01:18:31...sen değilsin.
01:18:32Eğer sen...
01:18:33...karşılığında olsaydın...
01:18:34...Jacob'ın grubu...
01:18:35...çok hızlıca...
01:18:38Unce Greg...
01:18:40Anneanne'nin doğum günü.
01:18:41Sadece oturup...
01:18:42...yemek yiyebilir miyiz?
01:18:44Yemek için...
01:18:45...hiçbir şey olmadığını...
01:18:48...sakinleşmeyi bırak.
01:18:51...bir ailesi.
01:18:57Gerçek bir antik...
01:18:58...ya da...
01:18:59...fakir arasında...
01:19:00...bir farkı bile bilmiyor.
01:19:02...bu yüzden değil.
01:19:07Bu benim için.
01:19:11Bu senin için.
01:19:14İyi tadın var.
01:19:16Adın ne genç hanım?
01:19:24...yine bir koltuk lütfen.
01:19:38...hani sen...
01:19:39...Amerika'nın en iyi şefisin...
01:19:41...sana göre...
01:19:42...Mrs. Moore'un...
01:19:43...bir şey olduğunu duydun.
01:19:46...bunun arasında...
01:19:47...tek başına...
01:19:49...çok zor olacak.
01:19:50Evet Ryan...
01:19:52...Mrs. Moore'u...
01:19:54...New York'ta...
01:19:55...yakın olacaksınız.
01:19:59...Mrs. Moore'u...
01:20:00...evlendikten sonra...
01:20:01...ne istiyorsa yapabilir.
01:20:02Herkes bilir.
01:20:03Mr. Moore'un...
01:20:04...kafasını hayal edemeyiz.
01:20:05Onlar gerçek nobeller.
01:20:07Benim için ne?
01:20:09Ben bir nobel mi geçirdim?
01:20:10Ben bir nobel mi geçirdim?
01:20:15Gerçekten mi?
01:20:17Senden daha zengin görüyorum ben bile.
01:20:19Sen hayal eden nobeller...
01:20:20...sadece hayal içinde...
01:20:25Sen komiksin.
01:20:26Sen de...
01:20:28...bir çay ver.
01:20:29Mrs. Elizabeth...
01:20:30...Alexander II.
01:20:32Gördüğünü göster.
01:20:33Ciddi olma Chris.
01:20:35Bu restoran...
01:20:36...VIP'li yalnız.
01:20:38Bir kağıt...
01:20:39...bir para...
01:20:40...bir bilgi alamazsın.
01:20:41Neden bir kağıt...
01:20:42...bu kadar küçük bir restoranda...
01:20:45Endişelenme Isabella.
01:20:46Bilgiyi alacağım.
01:20:47Hayır, hayır, hayır.
01:20:49Hayır, endişelenme.
01:20:53...senin için yapamayacağımı korkuyorum.
01:20:55...bizim özel bilgi kağıtlarımızla...
01:21:00Ve eğer...
01:21:01...kağıt yoksa?
01:21:04...şefine sorabilirsin.
01:21:05Bir arkadaşı olabilirsin.
01:21:07...çok etkileyici değil.
01:21:12North Group'tasın, değil mi?
01:21:14Logosunu gördüm.
01:21:15Eğer o ligde olursan...
01:21:16...bu kağıt çalışabilir.
01:21:21Bu ne?
01:21:22Bunu hiç duymadım.
01:21:24Bir saniye izle.
01:21:27...söyledim ki çalışmazsa...
01:21:28...kağıt kıracaksın.
01:21:30Dikkat edin lütfen.
01:21:32...SVIP'li bir gösterimiz...
01:21:33...restoranda geldi.
01:21:34SVIP'li bir gösterimizden hoşgeldiniz.
01:21:36Ladies and gentlemen...
01:21:37...your meal is free.
01:21:39Why don't you have her pay the bill?
01:21:41Let me explain.
01:21:42Our restaurant is...
01:21:43...four members only comma...
01:21:45...but this lady's card...
01:21:46...is a card issued...
01:21:47...by the North Group...
01:21:48...which means...
01:21:49...she's our special guest...
01:21:50...and always will be.
01:21:52Thank you...
01:21:53...but we have someone here...
01:21:54...at the table...
01:21:55...who is not a special guest...
01:21:56...and insists on...
01:21:57...paying their own bill.
01:22:00He'll be covering his own bill.
01:22:01Fine. It's just a meal.
01:22:03My card.
01:22:09Sir, your card won't work.
01:22:11It seems it's been frozen.
01:22:32Chris Jacobs...
01:22:33...you're under arrest...
01:22:34...for attempted kidnapping...
01:22:35...and murder.
01:22:36You have the right to remain silent...
01:22:37...and refuse to answer questions.
01:22:40If you give up your right...
01:22:41...to remain silent...
01:22:42...anything you say...
01:22:43...can and will be used against you...
01:22:44...in a court of law.
01:22:50Grandma, this...
01:22:51...this isn't right.
01:22:53It's you.
01:22:54It was you, wasn't it?
01:22:55It was you, honey.
01:22:56Son of a bitch.
01:22:58...I believe it was you that said...
01:22:59...it's not about kinship...
01:23:01...it's about hard work.
01:23:03You set a trap for Chris, didn't you?
01:23:07Somebody had to save the Jacobs group.
01:23:09You're my good grandson.
01:23:28Şimdi ki...
01:23:29...benim ailemde sorunlarını çözdüm...
01:23:32...onlar seni acıtmayacaklar.
01:23:35Birkaç günde gitmek istiyorum...
01:23:37...tamam mı?
01:23:38Ama bankodan önce geri dönebilirsin.
01:23:41...şimdi ki David bana...
01:23:42...Cecelia'yı tanıyor...
01:23:43...onlar bizim tarafımızda...
01:23:44...onlar bizim yanımızda.
01:23:45Evet ama...
01:23:46...bazı şeyleri daha unutuyorlar ve...
01:23:49...onun ne yapabileceğini endişelendim.
01:23:51Bana güvenince...
01:23:52...onunla endişelenmek zorunda değilsin.
01:23:54Bana güvenince...
01:23:55...onunla endişelenmek zorunda değilsin.
01:23:58Sana güveniyorum...
01:24:00...ama sadece...
01:24:01...onu tanıdıktan sonra...
01:24:02...sakin olacağım.
01:24:03Aslında onu tanıdıktan sonra.
01:24:07Belki bana bankodan görünce...
01:24:09...beni daha çok özlediğine inanamazsın.
01:24:21Mr. Kingsley...
01:24:23...New York'a gittin.
01:24:32...Mr. Kingsley.
01:24:34Gülme bana lütfen...
01:24:36...Mrs. Moore'yi evlenmek için...
01:24:37...görevi alacağım.
01:24:53Mrs. Smith...
01:24:54...Mrs. Moore...
01:24:55...çok güzelsin.
01:24:58...çok zor bir zaman mı geçirdin?
01:25:01...Mr. Jacobs ve Mr. Smith'in...
01:25:03...görüntüsünden beri...
01:25:04...benimle karşılaşıyorlar.
01:25:07Zavallı Carson.
01:25:16Ryan Jacobs...
01:25:24...seni tanıdım.
01:25:25Burada ne yapıyorsun?
01:25:26Ne demek istiyorsun?
01:25:27Bu kısım benim için.
01:25:31...beni hala soruyor musun?
01:25:35...Ryan'a biraz saygı göster.
01:25:39...onunla savaşmalısın...
01:25:41...ama benimle karşılaşma.
01:25:45...benimle karşılaşma.
01:25:48...benimle karşılaşma.
01:25:50...benimle karşılaşma.
01:26:00...Mr. Michael Moss...
01:26:09Mr. Moss and my cousin we're classmates...
01:26:12...he is gonna recognize my face.
01:26:15The Mosses from New York...
01:26:16...seem like a thought path now.
01:26:18Orta Doğu'nun ikinci en zeki ailesindedir.
01:26:23Sen ve o değil mi kocalar?
01:26:25Evet, biz de öyleyiz.
01:26:28Isabella, neden beni saklıyorsun?
01:26:31Hadi ama, kocamın adını bilmiyorum.
01:26:37Mr. Jefferson McLean geldi.
01:26:43Başka bir milyoner.
01:26:45Bu fırsatı almalıyım.
01:26:47Bu iş bitti.
01:26:49Mike, gözüküyor musun?
01:26:51Kesinlikle Isabella değil.
01:26:53Bu nasıl olabilir?
01:26:55Sadece arkasından görebilirim.
01:26:59Sen Isabella değilsin.
01:27:01Sen kimsin?
01:27:02Ve neden Isabella gibi davranıyorsun?
01:27:05Yeniden delirdin mi?
01:27:08Asla Donald Moore'un kızı olmamıştım.
01:27:14Sen, Uncle Tom'un iğrenç kızısın.
01:27:17Biriyi davranmak için ne kadar dikkatli olamazsın?
01:27:21Herkesi deliriyor gibi görünüyor.
01:27:23O zaman Isabella nerede?
01:27:36Sana tepki vermek için geldim.
01:27:42Neden o burada?
01:27:49Gençken babamın evini geri getirmek için sana teşekkür ederim.
01:27:57Müzeyde ev sahibi var.
01:27:59Bir inşaat şirketi.
01:28:00Ve bütün deniz.
01:28:02Çok iyi bir aile olacağız.
01:28:03Bana güven.
01:28:06Bunu hatırlıyor musun?
01:28:07Gençken bana vermiştin.
01:28:09Bu bir parçacık.
01:28:11Bu bizim sevgimizin parçacıkları.
01:28:13Mr. Dwayne ve Miss. Moore'un birkaç parçacıkları var.
01:28:19Beni evlenir misin?
01:28:27Ama nasıl sevgimi tespit edebilirim?
01:28:44Ama evlendim.
01:28:48Her şeyi özür dilerim.
01:28:49Biz evlenelim.
01:28:50Beni sevdiğini gördün mü?
01:28:57Hiçbir şeyden üzgünüm.
01:29:12Isabella Moore.
01:29:1425 yaşındayım.
01:29:16Çocuk değilim.
01:29:18Ve yemeğe çalışıyorum.
01:29:21Ryan Jacobs.
01:29:23Benimle hayatını geçirebilir misin?
01:29:30Evet, geçebilirim.
