• 2 days ago
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02As long as you continue to stay away from JJ, I don't care what you do.
00:05JJ found your birthday goals from your 40th.
00:07You dream to have another baby?
00:09I already told your ma it was just an idea.
00:13My wine has been stolen.
00:15Neither of us have ever had a connection with anyone else before.
00:18Now Wendy has, it's a massive shift.
00:20Hey Parker, could you send me through the numbers of all her uni mates?
00:24The only reason I spoke to Wendy was because your dad asked to meet me here.
00:28What have you done?
00:34Everybody needs good neighbours
00:38With a little understanding
00:42You can find the perfect blend
00:51Should be there for one another
00:56That's when good neighbours become good friends
01:09She's still not answering.
01:13What were you thinking?
01:15I only had your mother's version of events to go on.
01:19And with things the way they are, I don't know, I needed to know more.
01:24I can't believe you still don't trust her.
01:26She hasn't given me much of a reason to lately, has she?
01:29Are you serious?
01:31You tried to pull the gotcha cop routine on her.
01:34And you're still blaming her for the siege.
01:37It's not mum's fault that you freaked out and it is not mum's fault that you could not do your job.
01:42I'm not the one having the emotional affair.
01:50It's mum.
01:54I've gone to see your grandparents.
01:57I'll call later.
02:06I'll drive up there tomorrow and straighten this out.
02:38Sorry, um, I was just getting a drink.
02:41Are you okay?
02:42Yeah, I'm just thirsty.
02:46Have a good sleep.
02:47You too.
02:53I love you.
03:20Oh, hello.
03:21Someone's going to be sleeping without Teddy tonight.
03:23Yeah, I did see some kids visiting earlier.
03:25I haven't got a lost property, I'm going that way anyway.
03:30Sorry, yeah, I was just wondering if this is maybe a sign from the universe.
03:40Cara's been talking about having another baby.
03:42She says it's just a dream, but I don't know.
03:47Is this something you could see yourself doing?
03:49When we first started talking about it?
03:52I just thought that part of my life was behind me.
03:58And now?
04:02Well, I don't want to fully shut down something that's important to her.
04:08A lot of it does make me feel all blooped up on the inside.
04:13Teddy says you need to have another chat with your wife.
04:25Okay, I thought the counselling would have done them some good.
04:27That's what I thought.
04:29I mean, that's what Dad said at first.
04:31Until he pulled this rogue Quinn stunt.
04:34It's crazy, you know, I never thought in a million years your Dad would call up Quinn for D&M.
04:39It's a great way to destroy any progress they would have made in counselling.
04:44It's a classic one step forward, nine steps back move though, so I shouldn't be surprised.
04:54How do I fix this?
04:56You, you can't fix this, okay?
04:59This is a them problem, they have to fix it.
05:02No, it's a them problem, but they can't do it on their own.
05:05They are adults.
05:07Okay, look, I think it is so sweet that you want to help them, but you really shouldn't have to.
05:16I wish I didn't have to, but I think I can.
05:22Because if I don't then Dad's just going to make things worse and if that keeps happening then my family's going to fall apart.
05:29So at the end of the day, yes, it is a me problem.
05:33So I have to at least try.
06:07Thank you Vera.
06:11Morning Therese.
06:13You're up early.
06:15Hi, yeah, I'm just putting the bins out.
06:20What are you up to?
06:21Oh, don't ask, another one of Carl's brilliant ideas.
06:24Hey, do you want to carpool today?
06:27Um, you know, it really depends on the time, I'm meeting up with a landscaper about the front yard.
06:33Oh, that's exciting, do you know what you want?
06:35Ah, yes and no, I'm open to his suggestions.
06:38Yeah, best way to go.
06:40Alright, I'll give you a yell when I'm leaving.
06:55Hey, Dex has gone to the library early, but if you're ready I can drop you.
06:59Ah, yes please, let me just grab my shoes for a quick.
07:05At what age do you think they get ready before they have to leave?
07:08I'm guessing never.
07:11Well, we've got a second.
07:14I can't stop thinking about your dream of having another baby.
07:17I told you, it's no biggie.
07:21Actually, it is.
07:26How would you feel about doing some tests, check your fertility and egg count?
07:30Would you want to do that?
07:32Um, I guess.
07:37Are we really considering this?
07:40I think so.
07:42Hey, it's a really nice day, I think I'm just going to walk.
07:46Oh, okay, if that's what you want.
07:49Okay, bye.
07:50See you.
07:53Do you think he heard us?
07:55Ah, I don't even think he noticed us.
08:02Dad, come sit.
08:05Zade, I've got to get on the road, I need to speak to your mum.
08:07I know, that's why I've set up a phone call.
08:10Hey, how are you? You okay?
08:13Yeah, I'm okay.
08:15So, I think it's time to get you both in the car.
08:20I'll see you in a bit.
08:38I think it's time to get you both on the same page.
08:42Mum, I know you're still mad, but Dad's also been feeling lost after yesterday.
08:50I'm so sorry, love.
08:53Calling Quinn was one of the stupidest decisions I've ever made.
08:57I wish that I just spoke to you instead.
08:59Please, just come home.
09:01Dad, just hang on.
09:03I spoke to Mum last night.
09:05Sounds like she just still needs a breather.
09:08I do.
09:10I think we both do.
09:13So, you're not leaving me?
09:14No, I'm not leaving you.
09:17And I'm not giving up on us.
09:19I love you, Andrew.
09:21I love you too.
09:23I'm going to stay with Mum and Dad for a bit longer.
09:25Some time away will do us both good.
09:28So, you're done with your mad dash to Clunes?
09:31Give Mum her space?
09:32Whatever you need, love.
09:35I love you both.
09:38I love you too.
09:46I know that look.
09:48Got a project brewing.
09:49You got me.
09:51Some new landscaping.
09:52Oh yeah?
09:53Thinky a fence or more of a hedge?
09:55No, I'm thinky a fence.
09:57These are the most popular trends.
10:00Low-carbon landscaping and drought-tolerant plants are all in.
10:06I can see that working for you.
10:08If you need more time, I'll email you the options.
10:12How long do you think it'll take you to start after I decide?
10:15Couple of days.
10:18Hey, you okay?
10:21I don't feel great.
10:23Can you email me?
10:24Yeah, yeah, sure.
10:28You good?
10:29Yeah, um, I don't think I can go into work.
10:32I just, I feel nauseous all of a sudden.
10:39I'll be back.
10:56How you doing?
10:57What's been happening?
11:03Hey, um, look, don't take this the wrong way or anything.
11:05I'm really happy to see you.
11:06But what are you doing here?
11:07Are you okay?
11:09Yeah, nothing's wrong.
11:10I, um, just missed you.
11:14I've really missed you too.
11:20I had to get up really early for school sport today.
11:23Yeah, did ya?
11:25How well did we talk?
11:27Let's just say, um, I wasn't feeling up yet.
11:31I was walking on my way to school, thinking about how much I hate it.
11:34And then I saw the Melbourne bus and I got on it.
11:38Sorry, hold on, so your dad doesn't know that-
11:40He has no idea I'm here.
11:42That's awesome.
11:43That's so risky.
11:44I love it.
11:49Um, sorry I only got here right before school, but it's so far away.
11:54Um, maybe we can catch up at lunch or something?
11:57Oh, no, it's tough school.
11:58You came all this way.
11:59I can miss a few classes.
12:01Let's grab some burgers.
12:03Sure, let's grab some burgers.
12:07Thanks, babe.
12:15And they've all known each other since kindergarten, and I'm the weird new girl from the city.
12:21I'm really sorry about that.
12:23That just sucks.
12:25What about Hugo?
12:26Is he still loving it?
12:30He's joined a soccer team and is somehow one of the cool kids.
12:33Oh, well it sounds like you're a little bit jealous that your little brother's more popular than you.
12:42Well, it sounds like your dad's happy too.
12:46That's exactly what he needed. I can see that now.
12:50Does he know how you feel?
12:52I don't know, I'm trying to stay positive about it.
12:55Well, if it makes you feel any better, I've been working on convincing my parents to do a day trip to Colac before the holidays.
13:01Maybe you should just take a leaf out of your book and just go, though.
13:05I'd love that.
13:07I'd feel more like home if you were there.
13:10It just feels right when you're around.
13:13I feel the same way.
13:19Aren't you supposed to be in school?
13:44She's coming!
14:09Hey, Kyra said you weren't feeling great, so I thought I'd come over and see if there's anything I could do.
14:14Yeah, I've just got a migraine.
14:17Oh, have you got any resitriptin?
14:19The migraine medication.
14:21No, I don't get them often.
14:23Oh, well I've got a pack at home, I could go and grab it.
14:25No, I'm fine, I'm fine.
14:27Are you experiencing any auras or is it just nausea?
14:30Yes, I wasn't expecting any guests.
14:32I mean, do you do house calls with everyone on the street who's sick?
14:36Only my friends.
14:41I'm sorry, I just...
14:45I need to rest.
14:47That's okay.
14:49Well, office still stands. If you need it, just let me know.
14:52Thanks, Remy.
14:53Yeah, okay.
15:05You should be avoiding me. What would my mum say if they knew you were following me?
15:10What would they say if they knew you were wagging school to hang out with your girlfriend?
15:15I don't want you screwing up your education.
15:17Hold on, you don't get to show up in my life 17 years too late and then tell me what to do,
15:21especially after the way you treated me.
15:24I shouldn't have done what I did.
15:26Felix, you shouldn't be here right now.
15:28I'm just here because I care, mate.
15:29Yeah, right.
15:32I made some bad choices.
15:35And the worst one was getting you involved in the Irene job. I abused your trust.
15:39Repay it back by leaving me alone.
15:41No, skipping school, that's what started getting me in trouble.
15:44I just don't want you following in my footsteps.
15:47Well, lucky I never had you to grow up with as a role model, Felix.
15:50If you don't go back to school, I'm going to have to tell Carl and Remy.
15:56No, don't do that. If you do that, then they're going to tell Toadie and then they'll all get in huge trouble.
16:01Okay, just forget you saw us. I promise it won't happen again and you owe me.
16:05You owe me.
16:12Just this once, if I see you wagging again, I'm going to go straight to your parents.
16:21I mean it, JJ.
16:24I don't want you screwing up like I did.
16:31I bet Felix told someone else.
16:33No, he said he wouldn't.
16:36He's lied to you before.
16:38Yeah, I know, but he seems different this time. You know, like he's grown up or something.
16:44Was that your first proper conversation with him?
16:48You can call it that, yeah.
16:50Hey, does it feel weird for you to come back here and not go to Ramsey Street?
16:55Um, yeah.
16:58It does feel weird.
17:00I really want to go see Therese. I miss her so much.
17:05I mean, she's still your step-mom. You should be able to see her if you want.
17:10Yeah, but she'd call Dad or Felix has to lie to him and I don't want to put her in that position.
17:17Yeah, that's true, but you know, she might be really happy to see her.
17:20She could just let you off with a warning like what Felix did with me.
17:31Hey, um.
17:34I should get going soon.
17:36Okay. Would you like me to walk you to the bus?
17:39I might not get on it if you're there.
17:42Maybe I should just come with you.
17:44Wish you could.
17:55We'll find a way to see you soon. I promise.
18:35Absolutely. Goodness gracious.
19:03Therese, I got your text. I wanted to see how you were feeling. I brought you some lunch.
19:09Okay, well, I'm just going to leave it here in case you want it later.
19:13Okay, bye.
19:25I know I told you to back off with the unsolicited PTSD advice, but I tried some of the exercises in the book.
19:31Did they work?
19:33No, but I think it's me. I couldn't really concentrate. Is there some sort of, like, trick that I'm missing?
19:38Well, sometimes when the body goes into panic mode it can be hard to get in the zone.
19:44I can help you out if you want. See if I can spot what you're doing wrong.
19:47I would love that.
19:49Yeah? Do you want to do it here?
19:51Uh, no. Um, finish your coffee. I'll see you at work.
19:53Okay, bye.
19:55Oh, hey.
20:02Tell the boys to meet us somewhere else.
20:04Oh, no. It's not that.
20:09I think I overstepped with Therese. She snapped at me a little bit.
20:11Well, you were already trying to help. You know how people get when they're sick.
20:14Oh, like who?
20:16I'm a great sick person.
20:18Oh, great. I feel sorry for yourself.
20:20Hey, you know how I'm on the BAP committee for the reproductive clinic?
20:27Well, the connections I made are pretty handy and the fertility clinic got us a late appointment tonight.
20:33If you're still interested.
20:36I am if you are.
20:40What if I'm not fertile anymore?
20:43Then we'll reassess our options.
20:57How was work?
20:58Uh, technically not over. I just needed a break from setting up with piano bar.
21:02And here I thought you didn't want to deal with a blocked toilet with a water hole.
21:06Two things can be true.
21:08Oh, is that right?
21:10Yes, that is correct.
21:16Yes, food.
21:50What's going on?
22:00Coming up on Neighbours.
22:02Somewhere inside JJ is still a hurt boy who just wants to get to know Felix.
22:05At some point he's going to want to connect with him and that might be sooner rather than later.
22:11What's going on here?
22:13Is this the first time you've thought about drinking?