• vor 9 Stunden
Ein Paar, das kurz vor der Scheidung steht, widmet sich einem letzten gemeinsamen Projekt: Sie restaurieren ein historisches Hotel. Ihre zwei Kinder entdecken beim Spielen in der Ruine eine Sammlung von Briefen eines Liebespaares, das sich niemals wirklich begegnet ist. Die Kids schmieden in Letters at Christmas einen Plan: Sie wollen eine Scharade spielen und die große Romanze der Briefschreiber mit den eigenen Eltern reinszenieren.
00:00This place has seen better days.
00:05I'm selling it as is.
00:07Your father and I can split the money and move on.
00:10Look at that, these letters.
00:16These two are falling in love over letters and never even met.
00:19Imagine if dad wrote to mom.
00:22What if we write letters to them?
00:26We can write them letters and let them fall back in love.
00:30My dearest Nadia, this hotel wraps its arms around me like they are yours.
00:35He won't suspect a thing.
00:37Make sure they find them.
00:39Letter that your mom wrote.
00:44We should go get a Christmas tree.
00:47Help me get this tree out before Nadia gets back.
00:49He's willing to put a Christmas tree into a hotel he doesn't even like.
00:52When she comes, she's gonna see it.
00:55This is beautiful.
00:57Your dad wrote me a letter.
00:59My dearest Nadia, I'm not done fighting for us.
01:03I mean, why can't we just talk?
01:05We have to write her back.
01:07I'm good at writing letters.
01:08I didn't realize you used my handwriting.
01:10That's not okay.
01:11You think you're so smart, don't you?
01:13What are you guys up to?
01:16Hey, what's going on?
01:18The new owner takes possession of the property within 48 hours.
01:22It's Christmas.
01:23One last dinner in the hotel for the history books?
01:28We're happy to have you.
01:33We should find him.
01:34How would we even find him?
01:37Do you have a record of guests here from the 50s?
01:43You two hooked my parents' marriage.
01:48This hotel means more than we ever thought.
01:51Merry Christmas.
01:54This family is gonna be just fine.
02:00And what would you like for Christmas, young man?
02:02I've already got what I wanted.
