• 2 days ago
female wrestling Flowerbomb Monica Garcia vs Shay Sinister Lynn LFC37 Fight Highlight


00:00All right, the action continues here at L.A.C. 37.
00:16Shea Lynn in the black and red, Monica Garcia all black.
00:22Big size difference there for Garcia, she'll always try to use that power to her advantage
00:26when she can.
00:28Shea Lynn flashing out the kicks to start.
00:32Hopefully she's not winded from that entrance.
00:33Yeah, I'm a bit winded, I'm still a little scared.
00:36Nice knees.
00:39Tie up there, knees exchanged inside.
00:43Lynn's going to really want to stay on the outside, Garcia's so strong, if she gets her
00:47hands on...
00:49Way into the stake there, went to go talk to Coach Leon, turned her back.
00:53More strikes to the head right there, she's getting warned, but she still gets a few
00:57extra ones in there.
00:58Garcia, nice with the big flip, I'm telling you.
01:02Oh, now a little payback.
01:04Wow, slander into the turnbuckle, threw her to the canvas and now working from side control,
01:10the big grounded pound, this is where Monica Garcia really shines.
01:14Yeah, whenever you see a wrestler in their element, it is a bad night for whoever's opposite
01:19of her.
01:20Steps over the mount, but Shea Lynn, yeah, but get up off that, that was tough.
01:25It really was, felt the transition work to her feet, Garcia's still controlling from
01:30the back right now, Shea Lynn trying to crawl up the turnbuckle if she can there.
01:36Garcia wants to pull her off there, Lynn's just not letting go of the turnbuckle, I don't
01:39know if I would either, I don't know if I would either, hold on for dear life, Garcia's
01:43trying to take her for a ride right there.
01:46Wow, big suplex there to the canvas.
01:51Shea Lynn, first to her feet there, Garcia was willing to stay on her back and engage
01:58there and Shea Lynn happy to take top position.
02:03Reversal there from Garcia though, alert and now big shots from the top.
02:08Garcia's just so strong, you're going to have a hard time keeping her on her backside.
02:12Heavy strikes there, Shea Lynn turns to her belly, trying to work back to her feet, you
02:17see Garcia controlling the body from the back.
02:22Kudos to Lynn taking this, I mean there's a 45 pound difference between these two and
02:27you're clearly seeing that Garcia's just able to manhandle, or womanhandle I should say.
02:33Big trip there to the ground, Garcia again using that strength advantage, lands those
02:40big shots, heavy power, Shea Lynn back to her feet trying to get some distance.
02:47Shea Lynn who seems to be okay after taking a lot of damage there.
02:56Battling for position on the feet right now, a couple strikes coming from each way, again
03:02this is just what you do when you face Garcia, you're going to have to try to stick and move.
03:07Flower Bomb picks her in the air, taking her for a ride, oh my goodness, the big slam.
03:15Shea's trying to get away to the judges, oh wow, bell sounds there at the Sapphire
03:21Las Vegas.
03:22We're willing to welcome us into the Sapphire showroom as you take a look there in the corner
03:26of Shea Lynn who went for a ride a few times there in round number two but she moves out
03:31Yeah, calling out Garcia like come on bring this and Garcia is giving it back.
03:36Garcia backs away, look at that, excellent work there from Lynn and now slams her into
03:43the pink corner as well.
03:44How about this corner?
03:45Hey there's two more corners, there's two more corners, come on.
03:46Let's do it again.
03:47Let's take another one.
03:48She's going to take it for another ride.
03:50Three out of four, hey we got another one over here, we got another corner over here.
03:57And you want me to do it again, oh Garcia not going to stand for that though, the three
04:01was enough, nope, Shea Lynn going to take it for a ride again.
04:04Come on Shea.
04:05Put her right in front of the camera, and there's the fourth one, well I mean if you're
04:13going to hit two or three, you know, you might as well hit all four corners, and look
04:16at the leaping slam!
04:19My goodness, Shea Lynn sinister with the slam.
04:23She's got her legs wrapped around the neck, just cutting off the air, gives it up, oh
04:29traps the arm, maybe going for a little crucifix action.
04:32Yep, trying to isolate that left arm, there's the forearm bar, Garcia's got to roll with
04:37this, arm is extended and troubled.
04:41Right arm still behind right now, she seems okay, she's throwing punches, I think she's
04:44pulled it free, yep, worked it free, now Garcia on the back, tense moments there, Shea Lynn
04:50in a lot of trouble there, Shea Lynn with the foot on the neck, just nasty right now.
04:59Garcia rolls out, she's not happy, not happy at all, I don't know if I'd be happy if somebody
05:03had their foot in my neck, not at all.
05:07Oh, oh, little couple words, well that was just a love tap, and a love tap, bang!
05:13This thing is getting ugly quick, big slam to the ground there, Garcia pounding away
05:19here with big shots.
05:20That's pure anger right there, oh, is that got the real naked locked in?
05:24Trying to get the left arm under the neck, you see Shea Lynn doing the right thing here,
05:28defending the hands, two on one, slips free there, but still working from her back.
05:35Now she gets to her knees, but Garcia's right there to meet her, wraps her up, looking to
05:42oh, just muscles her to the ground.
05:45That's the problem, you gotta stay out of the hands of Garcia, she's just way too strong
05:52if she gets locked in there, and there's just such a big weight difference.
05:57Shea Lynn works to her knees, now to her feet, but oh, Garcia still had control of the head
06:04and just slammed her to the canvas.
06:11Shea Lynn trying to scramble free, Garcia left arm around the neck and delivering big
06:17right hands, slips over the top though, that gives Shea Lynn an opportunity, see what she
06:24can do, she settles into her opponent's guard, runs out of time before she can really do
06:28anything with it, and once again, Shea Lynn took a lot of damage in there, that power
06:34of Garcia on display, I mean, you see why you come here for entertainment, but now we
06:41turn it back to LSC, 37th third and final round.
06:44Garcia just picking her up, taking her for a ride again, gonna throw in the turnbuckle,
06:48oh, setting her up, oh, she's setting something up, oh, but Garcia might have worked herself
06:54into some problems there, Shea Lynn was able to wrap her legs around the neck and, well,
07:00still a precarious position, oh no, Garcia's now lifted her and she's gonna try to take
07:05her for a ride, oh, can't quite do it, Shea Lynn with the pressure on the neck there,
07:10but she's upside down, at least she tried to pull her over and just couldn't quite do
07:14it, they'll reset here, again, a fight that you gotta think that Garcia's winning in the
07:19eyes of the judges, so let's see what Shea Lynn can do, they're gonna run straight at
07:24each other, oh, the acrobatics, both of them taking damage.
07:31Very Rocky and Apollo right there, yes it was, Garcia now the first one to kind of get
07:36her wits about her, wraps the right arm around the neck, sits back, full guard on the back
07:42looking for the choke, she's got it in, that's tight, she's trying to get the squeeze, Shea
07:48Lynn in a lot of trouble here, I thought I saw a tap, she's gonna go to sleep, boy she
07:52is, you see referee Sarah Wolf looking right into the eyes there because this choke looks
07:58like it's got to be deep, the squeeze looked like it was in, oh, Garcia let it go, Shea
08:03Lynn was able to survive that, wow, good job, I thought I saw a tap, but good on the ref
08:08to let the action go, apparently I didn't see what she's seen, oh, now Garcia just gonna
08:12pound away with strikes instead, couldn't get the job done with the choke I should say,
08:17but now turning to her striking.
08:19Lynn is in full on survival mode, got a wolverine just on you, just tearing you down, kudos
08:27to her for not giving up, a lot of people would have gave up in that submission right
08:31there, that's the power of the flower bomb on display though, she's pounding away to
08:36the body, Shea as you said showing her toughness, but needs to get something going here, sits
08:42out for the arm bar, oh, that left arm is extended, Shea Lynn again showing her toughness,
08:48yeah, that arm's in a lot of trouble, that elbow's in there, Garcia going belly down
08:53on there trying to get some pressure, oh, she got it out, able to extract it, wow, durability
09:00on display for Shea Lynn, she says let's do it again, they're gonna charge at each other
09:04again, oh, this time Garcia spears her, just sits her down on the canvas, yeah, nice little
09:12double leg there, not quite the acrobatic slam he had the first time around, you can
09:17see Garcia again just complete control right now, Shea looking to see if she can manufacture
09:25something late here, can she sit back on this guillotine, she's trying to get her arm under
09:29there, arm is in on that guillotine, she's trying to squeeze to come from behind here,
09:33but don't know if she has the angle on it, no, oh, Garcia's free, loses control of that,
09:40nice last effort that's for sure, it really was, you see both these women exhausted after
09:45a grueling effort that goes the distance. Ladies and gentlemen, this bout has gone all
09:50three three-minute rounds, we turn the decision over to our judges at ringside, Rob Murray
09:59scores this 29-26, Shelby Dahl scores it 29-28, and Chris Bay scores it 29-33.
10:1029-28, a unanimous decision, representing the black team, Monica Flaherty Garcia.
10:30Yeah, Lynn didn't like that, but it was the right call, it was the right call.
10:32I completely agree, Monica Garcia celebrating, oh, look at Lynn, poured some water on her.
10:41That was one hell of a hard-fought victory right there, I have to ask, as a former LFC
10:49champion, after a victory like that, do you have your sights set on reclaiming that title?
10:56Uh, yes, that's what I gotta do, I'm back and I'm here to stay, so who's next?
11:01Alright, short and sweet, once again, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for your winner,
11:06a unanimous decision, Monica Flaherty Garcia.
