• 2 days ago
Handy Manny Season 2 Episode 24 Have A Handy New Year


00:00Have a handy new year!
00:07Oh, what time is it?
00:08Si, que hora es?
00:10No se.
00:12I don't know.
00:15Guys, it's only three o'clock. The New Year's Eve celebration doesn't start for another few hours.
00:20I can't wait!
00:22Yeah, it's always so much fun having a party in the park.
00:26Si, with all our amigos.
00:28And our friends. Amigos are friends, Pat.
00:31Oh, right.
00:33Amigos, amigos.
00:35I like the part where we count down to midnight. Ten, nine, eight.
00:41I like blowing the noisemakers.
00:46Come on! You are not afraid of noisemakers, are you?
00:56Save it for the party, would you?
00:59There! Como se ve? How does it look?
01:08What is it?
01:10It's our town's New Year's Eve ball, the one we hang beside the gazebo in the park.
01:15It slowly falls to the ground just as the clock strikes midnight.
01:19Mayor Rosa wanted me to add a fresh coat of paint to it, so it'll be perfect for tonight.
01:24Just one question, Manny. Why drop a ball? Why not a box, or a shoe, or a hammer?
01:32Ooh, wait. I'm a hammer.
01:35Dropping a globo, a ball, at midnight is a tradition that started a long, long time ago to mark the beginning of a new year.
01:44And in order to continue that tradition in Chirac Hills, we need to hang up this ball for Mayor Rosa.
01:51Let's go, tools! Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve!
02:01Hop, hop, jump, leap!
02:03Come on, let's go!
02:05Hop, hop, jump, leap!
02:07Sí, vámonos!
02:09Hop, hop, jump, leap!
02:11Don't go too slow!
02:13Keep up!
02:14Let's get to work!
02:16Mi rápido!
02:26Hola, Mr. Lopart.
02:28Oh, hello, Manny. Hello, tools.
02:31Hi, Mr. Lopart.
02:33Qué gran piñata. Great piñata.
02:37Oh, thanks. I thought it would be a nice way to welcome Mother home from Mexico.
02:43She's getting back from her vacation tonight.
02:45Oh, great. I hope you and Mrs. Lopart are planning on coming to the New Year's Eve celebration.
02:51We sure are. We wouldn't miss it. Mother and I always spend New Year's Eve together. It's a Lopart tradition.
03:00Hang on one second, Manny.
03:07Leonard, I'm so sorry. I have some bad news.
03:12My flight was canceled because of a big rainstorm.
03:16I'm afraid I won't be able to make it home tonight.
03:19Oh, but it's New Year's Eve, Mother. What about the party?
03:24I'm sorry, Leonard. I know we always spend New Year's Eve together.
03:30We'll just have to celebrate when I return home.
03:34Oh. Well, not to worry. These things happen, don't they? Fluffy and I will just have to make do.
03:42That's the spirit, Leonard. Now try to have a nice time without me, and I'll see you as soon as I get home.
03:51Okay, Mother. And have a happy, happy New Year.
03:59Is everything okay, Mrs. Lopart?
04:01It's Mother. Looks like she won't be coming home today after all.
04:05Oh, I'm sorry. You must be disappointed.
04:09Well, these things happen, I guess. But Fluffy will be very upset.
04:17Don't worry, Mr. Lopart. I'm sure you, uh, I mean, Fluffy, will still have a great time tonight.
04:26We'll make sure of it.
04:28Thanks, Manny. But it just won't be the same without Mother.
04:33You know what might help? Helping Mayor Rosa and me prepare for the celebration tonight.
04:38Yeah. It might cheer you up, Mr. Lopart. Oh, and Fluffy, too, of course.
04:45Well, I am pretty good when it comes to building things, and I'd hate to let Mayor Rosa down.
04:53And it would help take Fluffy's mind off Mother. I'm fine with cats, you know.
04:59Muy bien. We're happy to have you and Fluffy on our team, Mr. Lopart.
05:04Now we better hurry and get over to the park to find Mayor Rosa.
05:14Hola, Mayor Rosa.
05:17Hola, Manny. Hola, herramientas. Eh, hello, Mr. Lopart.
05:24Hello, Mayor.
05:25I see you have a New Year's Eve ball.
05:28Si. It's painted and ready for us to hang it up.
05:31Maravilloso. Wonderful. But before you do, could you do something for me, Manny?
05:38Of course, Mayor Rosa. Anything.
05:41Well, I hate to ask, but I was wondering if you and the tours could check on a few of the other preparations.
05:49Of course, Mayor Rosa. Mr. Lopart has offered to help us, too.
05:53Oh, how nice. Gracias, Mr. Lopart.
05:57Oh, it's nothing. We Loparts are always happy to lend a hand in the community.
06:03Well, perhaps you and Manny could go together to check on Mrs. Portillo.
06:08She's in charge of the snacks and the hot chocolate for the Año Nuevo party.
06:12Another party? But we haven't even had our New Year's Eve party yet.
06:17The Año Nuevo party is the New Year's Eve party, Pat. Año Nuevo means New Year in Spanish.
06:26And while you're out, perhaps you could drop in on Carmela to see if she has finished her escultura de hielo, her ice sculpture.
06:34We'd be happy to, Mayor Rosa.
06:37Oh, and I haven't heard from Coach Johnson.
06:40He was supposed to bring a snowmaking machine to the park to make snow for the kids to play in.
06:45We can do that. We love snow.
06:49Oh, gracias. Are you sure that isn't too much?
06:53I'd go myself, but I have to stay and wait for the tables to arrive.
06:58Don't worry, Mayor Rosa. Mr. Lopart and I will take care of everything. Right, Mr. Lopart?
07:04Uh-huh. Yeah, of course.
07:09Gracias, Manny, Mr. Lopart, herramientas. That would be a big help.
07:21Manny, herramientas, Mr. Lopart. What a nice surprise. Are you here for some of my delicious tamales?
07:30Actually, Mrs. Portillo, we're here to check on the Año Nuevo snacks for Mayor Rosa.
07:35Oh, muy bien. Come and see.
07:41I'm frying up the buñuelos right now.
07:44Mmm, buñuelos.
07:47Buñuelos? What are buñuelos?
07:51Buñuelos are sweet tortillas that are fried and sprinkled with cinnamon.
07:58Ooh, they smell good.
08:01Gracias, Dusty. I have some chocolate caliente, some hot chocolate on the stove, too,
08:08and I'm starting to put together the bowls of uvas, grapes.
08:12Grapes? What are they for, Mrs. Portillo?
08:16It's a Spanish tradition. We eat the twelve grapes at midnight,
08:21one for each of the twelve chimes of the clock, or the twelve months of the year, to bring good luck.
08:30Gee, there sure are lots of New Year's Eve traditions.
08:34Yeah, but I guess spending time with Mother isn't going to be one of them this year.
08:42My buñuelos!
08:44Buñuelos! Buñuelos!
08:49Mr. Lopart, would you mind putting this platter on the counter for me while I get the hot chocolate off the stove?
08:56Oh, not at all, Mrs. Portillo.
09:11Mr. Lopart, are you okay?
09:13Oh, I'm fine, but Fluffy and I have ruined your buñuelos.
09:19I'm so sorry, Mrs. Portillo. Guess we weren't paying attention.
09:24That's all right, Mr. Lopart. It was an accident.
09:30What am I going to do about the snacks for the Año Nuevo party?
09:36Can't you make some more buñuelos, Mrs. Portillo?
09:39Si, but it's a lot of work. I hope I have enough time.
09:45I can help. Right, Manny?
09:47Of course we can, Squeeze. And while we're helping with the buñuelos, Mr. Lopart can check on Coach Johnson.
09:53That's a good idea, Manny. We'll get twice as much done if we split up.
09:58We'll catch up with you as soon as we're done here.
10:01Don't you worry about a thing, Manny. Come on, Fluffy. Bye, Mrs. Portillo. Sorry about the snacks.
10:09Is everything okay with Mr. Lopart?
10:12He is just a little upset because Mrs. Lopart cannot make it to the fiesta tonight.
10:18She's still in Mexico. Her flight home was canceled.
10:22Oh, I see. Poor Mr. Lopart. It's hard to be away from loved ones during the holidays.
10:28I know I would be very upset if I were away from my sweet little Carlos.
10:36Say excuse me, Carlos.
10:41Well, is there anything we can do to make Mr. Lopart feel better?
10:45We can make tonight's celebration a lot of fun. That'll cheer him up.
10:49Then we had better get baking. Come on, Manny.
10:53Elementas, let's make some buñuelos.
11:01Tell me where
11:04Where do we spread the dough?
11:06Tell us where, oh where, do these balls go?
11:11Tell me when
11:14When do we roll them flat?
11:17You gotta show us how, you gotta help us out with this and that
11:22I wanna know how
11:25How should they be cooked?
11:27We'll take a look and we'll find it in our recipe book
11:32And then we'll
11:33Mix, mix, mix
11:35Roll, roll, roll
11:37We're gonna make buñuelos
11:40We're gonna have a ball
11:43Mix, mix, mix
11:44Mix, mix, mix
11:45Roll, roll, roll
11:46Making buñuelos
11:48Is our goal
12:00Sí, they're perfect, Mrs. Portillo
12:03Gracias, Manny, gracias, Elementas
12:07It's so nice of you to help
12:14Hello, Coach Johnson
12:16Oh, hey, Mr. Loparte
12:18What are you doing here?
12:19Oh, I've been asked to help with the New Year's Eve preparations
12:24Mayor Rosa wanted me to check on the snowmaking machine you're bringing to the party
12:28Here it is, right here
12:30I was just about to load it into my truck
12:33Say, that's quite the machine
12:37I'm pretty good at operating equipment like this
12:41Very handy, you know
12:43Sure you are
12:44Oh, that reminds me
12:46I better bring the instructions in case I have any problems
12:52Well, if you think you'll need them
12:54Would you mind watching the snowmaker while I run inside?
12:57Not at all, that's why I'm here
13:00I'll lend a hand
13:02Thanks, Mr. Loparte
13:03I'll be right back
13:05Yep, here to lend a hand
13:08Because I'm a handy guy
13:23Yeah, wow
13:25I'm sorry, Coach Johnson
13:27I don't know what happened
13:29I was keeping an eye on it
13:31And then suddenly it started shooting out snow
13:34That's okay, Mr. Loparte
13:36At least we know it works
13:39Coach Johnson, Mr. Loparte
13:41What happened?
13:42Oh, mucha nieve
13:44Si, lots of snow
13:47Was there a snowstorm?
13:50No, just a little problem with the snowmaker
13:53Nothing we can't handle, right, Coach Johnson?
13:56Actually, I'm wondering where I'm going to put all this snow
14:01It's a shame to waste it
14:03But I'll need to move it somewhere
14:05But I'll need to move it somewhere
14:07So I can load the snowmaker into my truck
14:09We can help
14:11We could shovel some of the snow into my truck
14:13To get it out of the way
14:15And then take it to the park
14:17Wow, thanks, Manny
14:20I'll grab a couple of shovels from inside the school
14:22I'll be right back
14:24But, Manny, what about Carmela and her ice sculpture?
14:30Major Rosa wanted us to check on her
14:32And this shoveling could take a long time
14:35Say no more, Manny
14:37I'm on my way to Carmela's
14:39Come on, Fluffy
14:41Uh, are you sure, Mr. Loparte?
14:43Oh, it's the least I can do
14:45Okay, Mr. Loparte
14:47We'll finish as quickly as we can
14:49And meet you at Carmela's studio
14:51See you later, Manny
14:54We better get this snow shoveled
14:56So we can all get over to the park
15:03Hola, Carmela
15:04Is everything okay?
15:06Hola, Manny
15:07Hola, herramientas
15:08I'm afraid I have a problem
15:10Let me guess
15:12Mr. Loparte?
15:13Mmm, sí
15:14He accidentally broke my escultura de hielo
15:17My ice sculpture when he came by
15:19It's supposed to be a bowl with twelve grapes
15:21To celebrate Año Nuevo
15:23Ay, what am I gonna do?
15:24I don't have any more ice to make a new sculpture
15:28Maybe you could turn this one into something else
15:31And find another way to fix it
15:34I have an idea
15:36What if you made more grapes?
15:38Out of snow instead of ice
15:42But where would we get snow?
15:44In the truck
15:46What do you think, Carmela?
15:48We were going to take the snow to the park
15:50But I'm sure Coach Johnson wouldn't mind
15:52If you used it instead
15:54Manny, you always know just how to fix things
15:59Tell me where
16:03Where do we put the snow?
16:05Tell us where, oh where the snow should go
16:10Tell me where
16:13When can we take part?
16:16Come on to us, let's make some art
16:20Tell me why
16:22Por qué?
16:23Why do we roll with snow?
16:26To pack it down, that's what I know
16:29So come on, let's go
16:31We've got to pack, pack, pack
16:34Roll, roll, roll
16:36We're gonna make a sculpture
16:39We're gonna have a ball
16:42Pack, pack, pack
16:43Roll, roll, roll
16:45Making a sculpture is our goal
16:52Well, what do you think, Carmela?
16:54Ah, it's magnífico!
16:56Yeah, it looks great!
16:59Sí, bien hecho!
17:01Gracias, Manny, gracias, herramientas
17:04I couldn't have done it without your help
17:07De nada
17:08You're welcome
17:15Look, everyone's setting up
17:21Hola, Kelly
17:22Manny, I knew you'd be helping out today
17:25Hi, Carmela, hi, tools
17:27Hola, Kelly
17:28Hello, Kelly
17:30That's a nice sculpture, Carmela
17:33Thanks, Manny and the tools helped me with it
17:36What's in the box, Kelly?
17:38Is it stuff for the party?
17:40Yep, I thought it would be fun to bring some balloons and noisemakers
17:44Wait, no noisemakers?
17:47Don't worry, Rusty, I brought the quietest ones I could find
17:51Thanks, Kelly
17:52I thought you'd be here earlier, Manny, to hang the ball
17:56The ball, I almost forgot
17:58We got caught up helping some of our amigos
18:01We better set up this escultura, the sculpture, so we'll have time to hang the New Year's Eve ball
18:08Ooh, how about over there?
18:15Carmela, what a delightful sculpture
18:18It's the best one I've seen yet
18:20So original
18:22Gracias, Mayor Rosa
18:24Manny and the tools helped me with it
18:27And I guess Mr. Lopart helped too, in his own way
18:33And speaking of Mr. Lopart, he's over by the gazebo hanging up the New Year's Eve ball
18:39Oh no!
18:41Oh, come on, tools
18:44And him to him be from
18:47That I never brought to him
18:50Should only know even
18:53An old lang sign
18:57Mr. Lopart, wait!
18:59We'll give you a hand
19:01Don't worry, Manny, I've got everything under control
19:04I'll have this ball hung up in a jiffy
19:07Just need to...
19:16Oh no, the ball!
19:18Ay, caramba
19:21Oh dear
19:23Are you okay, Mr. Lopart?
19:25Yeah, I'm fine, Manny
19:27But that ball has seen better days
19:31Is everyone okay?
19:33Si, everyone's fine, Mayor Rosa
19:35Except for the ball, it's broken
19:38Oh dear, that was the only ball the town has
19:42But the celebration won't be the same if we don't have something to drop at midnight
19:48Is everyone okay?
19:50We're fine, Kelly, but, um...
19:53You wouldn't happen to have a New Year's Eve ball, would you?
19:57A New Year's Eve ball?
19:59No, I'm sorry, I don't
20:01That's one thing I don't sell in my store
20:04Gracias, Kelly
20:06Oh, this is all my fault
20:09Don't worry, Mr. Lopart, I'm sure we'll think of something
20:13Maybe we can find something else to drop other than the ball
20:17Oh, I know, a box, or a shoe, or a hammer
20:21Oh no, wait, I'm a hammer
20:23How about a pinata, like the one hanging in front of my store?
20:29Mr. Lopart, that's a great idea
20:32See, after it falls, the kids will have a wonderful time gathering up all the candy
20:38That'll be fun
20:42Well, Mr. Lopart, it looks like you just saved New Year's Eve
20:50I like it, Mr. Lopart
20:52What do you say, Tools, are we ready to do this?
20:55Ready, Manny
20:56Then let's go!
20:59Let's get going and fix it right
21:02Twist and turn
21:04Make it tight
21:05Trabajamos juntos
21:08We work together now
21:10Cut it, measure, run
21:12Tap it, flap
21:13Bend and twist
21:14Just like that
21:16Each of us has a special job
21:18We work together
21:20Todos juntos
21:21We can fix it right
21:28Gracias, Manny
21:30Gracias, herramientas
21:32De nada
21:33You're welcome
21:35And thank you, Mr. Lopart
21:38Oh, it was nothing
21:41I just wish Mother could see it
21:46There you are
21:48Oh, I thought you couldn't make it
21:50I just couldn't stay away from my favorite son on New Year's Eve
21:54So, as soon as the storm cleared, I hopped on the very first plane home
22:00Oh, Mother, thank you
22:03Now everything will be just perfect
22:06I couldn't agree more
22:08Is that a...
22:11Yeah, yeah it is
22:12It's our newest New Year's Eve tradition
22:20May I have everyone's attention?
22:23It's almost time
22:25But I'd just like to say a special thank you
22:28To Manny, Mr. Lopart
22:30And everyone who worked hard to make this a special night
22:36And now, the countdown
22:56¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
22:59Happy New Year, Mother
23:01Happy New Year!
23:07Rumos? Flakes?
23:10Hey, the piñata didn't break
23:13Don't worry, I got it
23:17I'm a hammer
23:22I'm so pleased
23:24The piñata is a success
23:29See, this is the best New Year's Eve ever
23:32Mother and Fluffy and I think so too, don't we, Mother?
23:38I wouldn't have missed it for the world
23:41We're all lucky to have such great friends, right?
24:11We'll drink a cup of kindness yet for auld lang syne
24:16We'll drink a cup of kindness yet for auld lang syne
24:21We'll drink a cup of kindness yet for auld lang syne
24:26We'll drink a cup of kindness yet for auld lang syne
24:31We'll drink a cup of kindness yet for auld lang syne
24:36Los tiempos y amigos que pudimos disfrutar
24:45For auld lang syne, my dear
24:50For auld lang syne
24:55Don't let it all slip out of your pocket
25:11Happy New Year!
25:26Happy New Year!
